The Brussels Post, 1919-7-3, Page 8e eteet e41f•a' ++Hee .4+$ te+-ee eeee et+e,«.e+ttt°Mite to set-ie'e Le'e
( inie
clbur 's
Woo v
Facial Soap
Bath Soap
150 cake
Rexall Rose
Soap -2 large
cakes 250
Elder Flower
Soap- Large
cake 15c
Cocoa Soap
i5c cakes
Straw Hat
Cleans Pana-
ma Hats
250 bote.
0 Ladies' Home Tim Vest Pocket
Saturday E v
+ ening Past
re Pictorial
• Review,
Red Book,
A&e." &0,
+ Ralph Con-
nor's New
q Book -
• "The SkY Pilot or
® No Price 1150 d.'
A+.'F•4•+O.•44.4.0'PO•P++,++000040' •+•+•+•••44'i0+etteeeft0'I.O44
On Your
When interest Water
Grips Y; u Glass
The eoC pkg•
Need Your is suffie'ent
f"r putting
down about g
d. z Eggs.
Rexall Nice
Lithe 'foils,'
Water 751
°rebel d
White 500
Cream of Al.
monds 25c
Cteex Cuticle
Remover 350
Face Cream
Jonteel Tal-
25 Bays Wanted
D„ yutl ride e, Bicycle 7 If you do
we went you. Big opportunity lot'
bright, atnbitipus boys, Write
\V. J. DALY,
152 fiinleoe St., Toronto, OHL
• Uuailxtoe Daly was gale( in town A
good Innily took in the spuds in Wing•
hale null others enjoyed one of various
• pia-uhes in the vicinity
* Leer Friday night bordered very
.. close to the frost line. Many a plant and
O garden bed wore an overcoat for that
4' occasion but no damage was doue.
•t• i IA ,OJM1.CR'l"[x of Lawn Bowlers, cou-
O silting of D, C. Ross, R F. Downing,
+ A. R, Currie and A, Strachan, took in a
one day Tournament at Mitchel on
Dominion Day and had a good time,
There were 22 rinks in tbe play,
n. local equines keep alive the
• interest iu :speeding events ou Brttea01S
;e tulle race track. The development of
the motor car has somewhat reduced the
• sporty days of years ago with a good
.. TUESDAY or this week W. 1" Cardiff
• received quite a shake-up while assisting
fu putting an upper floor in the barn, at
the farm in Grey township, wizen he fell
to the root house He landed on a stick
that caused damage to his side. We
hope he will soon be as hearty as ever.
when your Kodak ke
r c
GreenVacation pleasures are all the year
the Record.
Autographic Kodak
is very compact, yet it takes very
sharply cut pictures.
The price is So 00
Everything in Kodakery
Don't let the
Pota'o Rugs
get a head-
way. U.e
Paris Green
Sprayed 01)
thoroughly it
will rid your
plants of the
pest and per-
mit better
of Potatoes.
1 lb. and ee lb.
pkgs., and also in
smaller quantities
at our store and we do prompt Ue-
of the 16e and25o
veloping and Printing. Panels.
The l'''',53-444ta amore
Druggist and Stationer
Taal al ear litems
DAYS begin to shorten.
SEND THE POST the news.
CHERRIES are on the market.
Commie meeting next Monday even-
EE Local aud district news on pages
4 and 5,
Pooroeerce closes every Thursday
LARGE number of excellent gardens in
town this season.
BLACKBIRDS are robbing the gardens
of the green peas.
GIRL Guides' Base Ball g is looking
for Clubs to conquer.
6o cents secures THE POST to January
Ist, rg2o. Get the news,
THE rabbit industry appears to find
favor with Brussels youngsters.
FRIDAY will be the "Glorious 4th"
when our Arnerican cousins will jubilate.
WHAT is your Lodge going to do to
boost the coming Re -union, July 27, 28
and 29 ?
LAST Saturday's mail was an hour or
so late owing to a railway accident near
HIGH SCHOOL Entrance Examination
is on this week with A. A. Naylor, Sea -
forth, in charge,
A number of Brusselites will attend
the Summer School at Godericb. Read
the program on page 5.
FRIDAY evening of last week Brussels
Foot Ball team motored to Milverton
for the return game. Our boys won by i
2 to o without much trouble,
MONDAY' afternoon Miss Kathleen
Wilton and the pupils of her depart-
meat in Brussels Public School enjoyed
a pie -lie on the bank of the:Maitland. j
MRs. L. CHURCHt7.t disposed of her
Chevrolet touring car to A. E, Paradean,
Toronto, who has been in town in charge ,
of the telephone improvements of addl- t
tional cable, &e.
EARL CUNNINGNAOI brought baelc with
him from his visit to the Marmora mines
samples of gold quartz and other ores '
that are attracting public attention to
that part of Ontario,
STORE YOUR CAR. -During the clays
of the Reunion Brussels Skating Riuk
will be arranged for the storing of Aato-
mobiles and will be a safe and conveni-
ent place for the same. F. Burchill is
the owner of the rink.
Foe fear the townsfolk had not heard
that the Peace treaty had been signed
the Town bell woke up the echoes (aud
a number of people who were snoring as
well) about miduight hour Saturday
night, It was all right but a merrier
tune might have been played.
Some people got fooled Monday
morning by overlooking the change of
time on the G. T. R,, spoken of by the
THE POST last week. Both early trait
and the so called noon mail train are
now running earlier as web as night
train, Time card appears elsewhere in
this issue.
2 TO o. -'Phis eiss the score of the
Brussels -Newton Foot Ball game, play
ed on Victoria Park, here, Mondayeven-
ing, The visitors were plainly over
matched, Brussels goal keeper being on•
ly asked to stop one or two halls. 'To-
ward the close of the time Rosa Steph-
enson, one of Newton forwards, was
kicked in the face by his 0ompanioe on
the wing, had his nose and face damaged
Lind Was taken to doctor's office for
treatment, By mutual consent the game
did not continue and was 'called by the
referee: Will, Harris and Gordon Rin-
toul took the pieces of Dr. White and F.
Dodson on our line-up. Referee was
Mr, Auaterburg, Stratford.
MANY from this locality visited Wing -
ham on 'Tuesday.
SATURDAY of next week will be the
eventful "12th."
BRUSSELS C. 0, F. Court Princess
Alexandra, was represented at the High
Court, at London, by Jno, Shurrie, one
of its most faithful members.
OUR Foot Ball team will go to Ethel
Thursday evening of this week to play
the protested game. No doubt a large
pontingeut will accompany them and as
the teams are well inrobed a good
game may he expected.
aatnrmaeWkaeGden Pry Owneyha
same by paying Inc this notice.
Dimes Shoe ant in wrong baggy. Owner
may have 1t by paying for this notice at Toe
Semon Sow and 6 young Pigs for sale. Lots
55 and 50, Con. 1, Morris. J, D. Itrrvr,sa,
Wroxeter Phone Blnevale P.O.
8 Young Pigs for sale. Loan•C. SPEIRAN,
Con. 15, Grey. Phone 4712.
Livia POULTRY wanted on Monday and Tues-
day of each week, Phone No, 65 fnr prices, &a.
R. THOMSON, Brussels,
STRAYED an Lot ID, Con. 7, Greytownship, n
red heifer, with white stripe, riing 2 years.
Owner may have the sameby proving proper-
tyandpaying expenses, ifnc1SAN LAMONT,
Ethel, Ont. Phone 8414.
Naw 2 -horse corn cultivator for sale at
wholesale price. Hee 6. (IAwTMa, Brussels,
WANTED -Olen and teams to haul gravel on
the Gond Roads system, Apply t0 J. HERAY
HOOVER, Con. 12, Grey Twp, Phone 2514.
Ta5A80011 Range with a warming shelf, for
sale at reasonable trice. En Cora.I6,
Phone 857 Henfryn.
OEOAR Fence Posta and Anchor Poste for
sale, Apply N'' Let ID, Con, 8, Morris,
Phone 4610 Gtto. E. BEAumete.
GET your lawn mower put in good working
order by Geo. Edwards,
CEMENT Dram Tile for sale, Phone 4722.
ANY person requiring organ cleaning or re-
pairing should call Phone 87, Brusssts,
WANTED. -band Aornen and ('attic promptly
removed wiled a raditr+ of 20 miles Nn
animal removed without the hide. Wilt pay
from 18 to 15 for animals brought to factory.
Phone et env.ex once. Phone Idly, 12; (even -
.8. Tha I�armere' 8'm tiilsnr Co ,Ltd„
DA. PArtxnr(, Osteopathic Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each weer(.
Chronic and nervous diaconal successfully
treated, Visits residence. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel.
Don't grouch, boost instead,
Don't throw bananna peelings on the
Don't let little children run the streets
with so many automobiles iii motion
Don't fa 1 to see that your name is pt.t
on the Enumerator's list for 11 e
Referendum. e
G. T. R Tugs TA1iLE-Followhlg is
the new schedule for train set vice on
this \V. G & Recommencing last Mon-
day morning. Going Etst, morning train
7.06, 47 minutes ear'ier than old time;
afternoon express 3 53 Gong West,
mai. train 11.32, or lb minutessoouet ib .n
last schedule, and evening Utah] g o7, 10
minutes earlier. Don't forget those
figures rep went an hour earlier than
they appear on account of Brussels go-
ing by old time anti the G. 'T R by the
lemur week Daviel anti Mrs, Ewa!),
who bave been respected residents. of
Brussels for the past G years, coming
hien from Scotland, will remove to Lone
deshoro, where Mr Ewau has purchesecj
the blacksmith business of W. G. Arm
strong This is an old established trade
and will suit Mr Ewalt well. While re
grettiug their removal from town We
can heartily recommend Mr. and Mrs.
Ewan to the people of Londesbnro and
totality, We wish them the hest pns-
aihle suceeSs, Mr Ewan sticks close to
his work anti Is a good tradesman who
will give satisfaction,
THE oil was applied to 'l'urnberry
street during the past week and fine
sand afterward added and the work
should save the roadway and keep down
the dust. It is fairly sticky stuff at the
start as some of our people discovered
by too close contact,
Mrs. H. C. Cloyd, (formerly Miss
Minnie Stewart, Brussels) and children
are visitors at Alex. Stewart's, Queen
street. Mr. Cloyd le in the oil drilling
business and their home is in Wyoming
State, U. S. It is 8 years since Mrs.
Cloyd was here.
THE names of youths who are very
ready to use profane language on Vic-
toria Park are being taken and unless
the wicked habit is stopped they will be
asked to appear before the Reeve in give
a reason why such talk is indulged in.
A good spanking would do the junior
transgressor good probably. Wonder if
thearent know ?
p s
MONDAY'S'rorouto Daily Globe con-
tained the following Society note of in-
terest to a number of Brusselites :-" J.
S and Mrs. McCannell, Lamport
avenue, Toronto, announce the eugage-
meat of their daughter, Mabel Gertrude,
to William James McKenna, sou of
J P. and Mrs McKenna, Spruce
Hill road, Toronto. The marriage will
take place quietly in July" Mr, Me -
Cannell is a former Brusselite.
The marriage took place at Winnipeg
on lune 25th, of Allan McDonald, Strat-
ford, and Miss Loreeu Herron, of the
'Peg. Brusselites will be interested iu
this society tote from the fact that the
bride's mother was a former resident of
Brussels when she was Mrs. Alex Web-
ster. Her husband was manager of the
Livingston flax business and died here.
Oue of the daughters, Mini Nellie Web-
ster, married R T. Orr, Stratford, We
wish Mr. and Mts. McDonald, who will
make their home in Stratford, a happy,
prosperous and loug wedded 11fe.
BIG Time -'Phe annual Garden Party
under the auspices of St. John's church,
Brussels, was held on the spacious
grounds of D. and Mrs. Walker, corner
of William and Albert streets, last Fri-
day evening and despite the very cool
temperature, attracted a big gathering.
Rev, H. Smith, rector, was chairman
and, after selections from Lnckuow
Cornet Band, called upon Rev. A C.
Wishart, of Calgary, woo gave a brief
address, This was followed by a
lengthy, varied and humorous program
by Messrs. Brazil & While, the well
known entertainers of Toronto, inter
spersed by the Band. Lunch followed.
The business expected to be done by the
refreshment booth to ice cream, &c ,
was largely Interfered with on account
of the cold weather. Financial pro-
ceeds totalled S24i 47, whlcb wou'd
have been largely increased twirler enure
favorable conditions Mr. and M's
Walker were thanked for the use of
their lawn which made a splendid
gathering spot.
WESTERN FAIR -The Johnny 1 Jo 'es
Midway Exposition, one of the largest
cleanest and best attractions on the
road, have beeu secured for the Exhibi•
tion this year This show travels in
their own special train of Hitter
cars, carry their own bands and have
thirty shows and rides of the veru best
that CAA be produced,. Tr•nincd ele-
phon's a'most human in their acts
Horse pet o,mingal kinds of feats o't
beck Before he Grand el :mil. '1'weed
Dogs and Monketse nuncios Auirals in
a pantomime eat that will be something
new and differettl The Al tee d n
Troupe of Acrooals the best of their
kind. The Eruestooes Troupe, the Du-
cat Bros., the Melburu Troupe and
others will all appear twice daily. Fire-
works every night, Plenty of music all
the time. All inform ition about the ex.
hibition on application to the Secre-
tary, A M. Hunt, London, Out.
Sunday afternoon Brussels cemetery
was visited by rinners and members of
Western Star Lodge, I 0 0. F„ to
hold tbe annual decoration of graves of
their brethreu, whloh never appears to
lose its interest, The various graves of
deceased members. Which were designat-
ed by red flags ou blue sticks, with the
triple linics in white on the former, were
visited, the name, date of death and
age were announced, a scarlet geranium
in a flower pot deposited' after which au
appropriate verse was quoted by Bro.
Alfred Dennison, 2g graves were visit.
ed in all, The names of Bros. Frank.
Gerry and ROSS McKinnon, beloved
brothers of Wee'ern Star, who sleep iu
Flanders, were not forgotten. The
brethren joined in a circle, beard the
charge from the acting N. G and Chap
lain and joined in singing 2 verses of
"Nearer my God to Thee." Those who
took charge of the vtvice were ;-A
McGuire, A'f, Dennison, R Leather -
dale and W. H. Kerr. Trip to and
from cemetery was made in cars kindly
loaned by members, Quite a number
ofvisitors were at the cemetery for the
ceremony. Decoration service should
never be allowed to wane as it represents
so many delightful features taught by
the Order.
I People We Teak ltbaut
Jame'. 0 Int,, 'Mindere t,. helm.,, On :1
V l' 1t to lire,',,,''
8 blies Bot v t li y tint n, hontt' It um 'Put
Onto for her vnt,,hkm.
Ol,e iuo. Caul B is home twin It visa
with Clinton teke tees.
F 1d (two., vent Ilse week red et
hie p,teutel mime at Nit defect
Ai elite leiehie, Tur'mtu, ie vo,lliuy
relative:: in It n."et,: awl Mori IN
B S Scutt is presiding at Depart-
mentel eximiu:itlous at Wicgham.
G C. tied Mrs Manners were vtsltlug
to Hamilton for a few days this week
Lance Corp, Biebighausen, Cheeley,
was a week end visitor at W. 1. Kyle's.
Miss Nina Rogers and el art Ktlgnar,
of Mt. Freest, were w'ellome visitors in
town last week.
Mrs. Ward, Stra'ford, was a visitor at
the homes of _isms and Mrs. Cardiff and
e t i
I ,Pand Mrs U 6wn ug
James and Mrs. Pox spent tate week-
end in Galt Th.y motored with T, 0,
and Mrs, Hemphill, Wroxeter,
W. H. and Mrs Meticltnger, Hanover,
ware visitors at the parental home of the
latter, with le F and Mrs Gerry.
W. 5, Scott has a bruised leg ASA re
suit of a squeeze from the oar he was
s'arting in their garage Tuesday morn-
Mrs, Goodwin and Miss Dorothy
Kyle, her grand daughter, spent the
week end with relatives in Guelph and
M. Black was chosen delegate to the
Grand Ledge of the Masonic Order as
the representative from St John's Lodge,
Miss Addie Sperling is here from Tor-
onto for a short vacation at the parental
borne. She is a daughter of Mrs Geo,
pa g.
Miss Hattie Downing is spending a
few ,seeks of her vacation at Muskoka
before coming to Brussels to visit at her
olcl home.
Mrs James Cardiff and Mies Addie
intend taking a holiday trip to the West
to visit relatives and old friends They
leave next Tuesday
For a few weeks Miss Eva IVIcCraken,
town, aud M s• Carrie, of Toronto, will
enjgy an outing at the Saguenay river,
Quebec Province
Pte, Harold Currie Arrived here last
week from S beria whither he had gone
with a Canadian coutingeant, We wel-
comen -n
come him bock to home and friends
Miss Pearl Seeker. Who is teaching at
Mimico. is here for the Summer vaca-
tion. She is a sister to Alf , Will. and
Cleve. Backer and Mrs. Jno. Duncan, of
Miss Isabel Strachan and F. H. Gil-
roy were among the vocalists at Union
garden parry Wednesday evening of last
week. Miss Minerva Jones was their
Mrs James Ferguson has hardly been
as well as usual during the past week.
She is in her 84•11 year but has been fair.
ly hearty during the passing years. We
hope for improvetnent.
W. J. and Mrs. Hunter, Oshawa, are
visitors at the home of J. and Mrs, Bal-
lantyne, The ladies are sisters. The
trip WAS made by motor. The visitors
were former Brusselites.
Mrs, Sperling and daughter, of Niag-
ara Falls are holidaying at Mrs. 'l'bos
Curry's, the former's mother, Miss
Bea'rice Curry, who has been teaching
at Sheffield, is also home.
Mrs.ackson, mfrs, McCrostie, -Jack-
son ,McCrostie and Alex. and Mrs Rea -
vie and daughter, Marie, al'i of Ripley,
were -visitors with J. and ml's Fox and
R and Mrs. Thomson.
Miss Juueve Taylor. who has been
teaching at Stouffville, arrived home
last Saturday, She will leave shortly
for Rosetowu, Sask , where she has tak-
en as chool We wish her success
Miss Lizzie Askin wss holidaying in
Guelph and Palmerston for a few weeks.
While in the former place she went to
hear the Rev. Mr, Hinde preach Mrs
le bide was fortnerly Miss, Mae Deadman
of Brussels
P. D and Mrs. MoK anon, of Win-
nipeg ann•tunce the marriage, of their
daughter Annice Oliver, to Bruce Alex-
anderJohnston, on Friday, June 13t11.
Old friend; here wish the happy young
couple success
Milton anti Mrs McArter and child.
ren, of Creemore, were renewing old
friendships in Brussels this week, They
came by motor. The former is a son of
Jas and Mrs, McArter, Thomas street,
and a former resident,
Lloyd Jackson is home for a holiday.
He has been on the teaching staff of
Clinton street school, Toronto where lie
has been re-engaged. He may take a
course at the School of Practical Science
later in- Chemical Engineering,
Miss Pearl. Dark, youngest daughter
of R. and Mrs. Dark, Queen street, arriv-
ed home from a stay of a couple of years
in Saskatchewan, She time home just
now on account of the recent accident to
her mother who was injured by a fall
but is improving fairly well now.
Dr Rnbt. Kueehtel, Winnipeg, made
a flying visit to Brussels Monday of this
weep And had a shake hands with num-
erous old friends. He holds bis own in
good shape The Dr. wan at Wing -
ham visiting his sister, Mrs, (Rev ) 0,
P eerie,
I, and Mrs. Kingswood, London, were
here for the weep end visiting Mrs. A,
J. Lowry. The ladies are sisters end
Mrs Kingswood was a resident of the
community wizen Miss Rachel Sharp.
Mr, Kingswood is a frequent visitor in
Brussels as he is a successful commercial
traveller and Huron county is part of
the territory he covers,
Our school teachers are off for their
ho'idays B. S and Mrs. Scott will
visit at Collingwood and London and
other points, Mr, Scott will do duty in
reading examination papers at Toronto,
as will Miss Morris, who went to her
home at Petrolie, on Fr clay fora holiday,
Misses Geddes. Wil'an and Buchannat
will spend their holidays at home, with
occeeional rambles, by way of variety.
James Broadfoot, Halifax, N. S. was
here during the pest week renewing old
friendships and visiting the parental
home He came to Toronto as train
Secretary of the Y M. C A accompany
ing loo returning soldiers from overseas,
Mr. Broadfoot enlisted in No g Station-
ary hospital slab aud went across the
Atlantic in the Spring of 1917. His 3 sons
enlisted also, two doing duty overseas
and the secmd boy flying at Halifax
hospital from meningitis, et is 3o years
since Mr. Broadfoot lived bare but he
found many old friends during hie brief
way„'z%+...rcatonew.+N[c:.ra;a waysmc•>!un• _-r. •r.•amw'ww.,.xw r..urssx+wxs,:w ..., .. wu.wlww«a+pa rer..,:,...u.+,wwv,,.ww,w•..a,..n,,,n,.«,n,:.ae4r.A.Weirni ,.
coori ttes eeeeSiE3t&+rv+:$D"+:=iodl'aQ'a'e'",emae tc;;eJceong z%'F s. . < . `9 ' •3
Johnson's Prepared Wax
7' k.IIRO UGH good
a tidies and bad times for
the past 45 years ibis
13 it lshassteadilyglvenitsbest
cfttats to the devclopluent and
u pbuilding of t heagrlcultural,
manufacturing and commer-
cial business of this Country,
0 urefficientserviceis avail able
for the benefit of all customers.
Mrs. 0 Habkirk and daughter were
visiting with Wingham relatives this
Thurday of this week J. J. Gilpin went
to Chicago and from there goes in Mil-
waukee to spend a few weeks at the
home of bis son. The latter expects to
be here for the Old Boy: Re-unicu,
Church ()filmes
Annual Sunday School Pie-nic is one
of the coming events.
Tbe Methodist parsons who are mov-
ing' this year are on the flit this wl ek,
preaching their inaugurcl sermons next
Sunday on their new charges.
Rev. W. E Stafford and family will
leave next week for a vacation of several
weeks, They expect to go to New York
to visit Mrs, Stafford's parental home,
See the Sunday School Lesson nr tes
on page 2 of this issue. How would it
be if you attended school next Sabbath
just to show your interest in one of the
best institutions iu the world,
Rev Chas. Durrant, of Teeswater,
was elected Grand Chaplain of the I, 0.
0. F. for Ontario. He was introduced
in Grand Lodge as the man who :had
doubled the membership of his lodge
and was the first to raise the objective
for the Centennial Endowment Fund,
He is removing this week to Harrow in
Essex Co,
At the meeting held in St. John's
Church Wednesday evening of last week
Rev. H, Smith, rector, presided. Re-
ports were given concerning Co. Tem-
perance Convention and other items of
interest by Mrs, A. McGuire, Allan
Lamont, Revds, Messrs, Mann, Pierce
aud Stafford and W, H. Kerr. The
heavy rain reduced the number in at-
Rev. Mr. McLean's ministrations in
Melville church last Sunday were well
received. Morning subject was "The
theme the Apostles constantly preached
-Jesus Christ," Acts 5:42 At the even-
ing service, God's interrogation, "Adam
where art thou 7" WAS the topic, Gen. 3:
g His field of labor is at Ripley, He
has the unique duty each Sabbath morn-
ing of preaching in Gaelic,
Last Sabbath evening the pastor
preached a Patriotic sermon from the
very suitable text Psalm 103, verse 22,
viz„ "Bless the Lord 01 my soul."
'Phe choir was assisted by Messrs,
Lightfoot, Peguegnat and Reynolds, of
Stratford. Former sang the fine solo,
"Let us have Peace" and the latter gave
"God send you back to tne" in good
voice and the trio rendered "Wandering
Sheep," unaccompanied, in delightful
harmony. They will be welcome back.
At the patriotic service held Sabbath
afternoon in the Methodist Sunday
School a very interesting and well ren-
dered program was given, It consisted
of hymns, prayer, responsive scripture
lesson, readings by Merner Wood, Mae
Skelton, A. E, Betsey, Mrs, Parker,
Vivian Harris and Margaret Maunders ;
choruses by members of Mrs. Parker's
class and Misses Hunter's classes ; solo
by Miss Belle Robb and short addresses
on "Canada," and "Comradship in the
Home" by Fred, Wood and Bert Lott
Everybody did their part well,
Mrs. E. Soantlebury, Stratford, and
little son and daughter', who were
visiting with Geo. and Mrs, Hanley,
patents of the former, have returned
to their home.
S. McCurdy is much unproved. He
toolc a oar ride Sunday. Everyone
were pleased to hear this.
Sunday the Bishop of Huron held
Confirmation service in Trinity
church at 280. Re preached in Lite
morning in St. Paul's, Wingl)am, it
being their Jubilee of 50 years, Rev,
A. L. G. Char k, Goderich, was also pres-
ent at Belgrave and took the Bishop
back with him for Confirmation in
that town in the evening. His Lord-
s lip took for his text pant of verse 17
of 2nd Peter, "Love the Brotherhood."
Re said the brotherhood ie the Chinch
of God and gave 4 reasons why we
should love the church t -let Because
Christ loved it and gave hie life for it ;
2nd, Because the church has kept the
Bible intact and has kept alive the
Ohtfet life in the Wield. Before
Christ's time self was the centre and
force the reeving power, The late
war is a sample of that type of life
still emitting when Germany wanted
to dominate the world by might.
But the type of life Christ brought is
altogether different, God being the
centre and Love the great moving
power ; 3rd, Because the church is re-
aponeible for all the real progress the
world has ever made ; and lastly, be•
-id 04 74 74
Eya r e
-'F0 h it:
Weekly Store News
The now Soap
Dye. We have it
•in all the popular
• shades, Will not
• stein the hands
• nor injure the fin -
• eat fabrics.
sNo boiling
• required.
When you re-
quire it you
certainly want
ttte best, Ours
is the ce lebeat-
and their its no
better and the
mice retrains
You will the same -
like it. 81.25 per pt.
fly swats
11 you want to
make a limpet-
imperclean-up of the
flies in a root,'
will do it, Can
use them free. The quality of
ly wfbhou5 welch is ensue -
of passed. Allsol-
breaking the ulelyPure.
window - 10u, Get the hest,
Gr en
We are this year
selling the well
Tonic and Builder
a Both are needed to keep the
O system fit these hot days and
O we know of nothing better than
Penslar (Tasteless)
Cod Liver Extract
Malt Extract and 1? •)Io -
phosphites. Very palatable.
Put up in two sizes -
500 and $1,00
Renew Your linoleum
Is your Linoleum dull and
dead looking? Bring ib back
to life and it will reflect a
bright, clean, well.cared•for
home. All you need is
out. .
Brhl son the
mid a cloth. g
pattern of the Linoleum.
Preserves it and protects it
from wear.
Keep Cool
Health Salts
Citrate Magnesia
Liver Saline
o t
f Soda
Lime Juice
or a
Where to Spend
the Summer
When planning this 4ulnmet•'e Vaca-
tion perhaps these suggestions may be
useful :
Egotists should go to Me.
Catholics should go to mass,
Readere should go to Conn.
H a old go to Pa.
alloys h r l
Debtors should go it',
Arithmeticians 0.
PlyCeald hgatoIll.
oungieel d go go i Tenn.
YMiner man should go toe, Mies.
Minora should go to ore,
Warmers should go l tg Mo.
Laundresses should go to Wneh.
Family Recipes
Carefully co m -
pounded. \V e
find our custom-
ers in this depart-
ment steadily in-
creasing. Phere.'s
a, reason. \Ve
will be pleased to
dispense your
m eroscoacceels••eo•oesonscsooe•••eet tbessestEnoeieswooset,
cause the future of the world is wrap -
ped up in the $dility of the church. Fall Wheat 52 06
It was a splendid talk, Love to God Spring Wheat 2 005
aud our fellowmen being the import- Pan tai
ant point as it makes us better risen
and women, better neighbors and bet- Butter /u
ter Christians.
SoE gegs 2(1
on 25
Wool 70
Wroxeter Council Potatoes per bag 15
Hay 18 00
Wool (unwashed/ 45
Regular meeting of Council was
held in Council Chamber at 8 30 an
June 28rd.
Members present, D. 0. Pope, Geo,
S, Leckie, Fred. Davey and Jno.
Adams with Reeve Douglas in chair,
Minutes of last meeting read and on
motion of D. 0. Pope and Geo, 8,
Leckie were adopted.
Following accounts were rendered ,
Donation to Hydra Aaaociation
of Port Elgin $ 10 00
Jno, Gibson, hauling coal and
water to grader 1 00
County Treas.;0oates,: map of
municipality ... 5 00
Ed, Lowry, hauling coal 50
Geo. J. Town, banquet to sal- •
diers .. , . 20 00
A, H. Moffitt, running electric
light. 38 75
R. Black, water power for light 80 75
D. O. Pope, grading roads, and
water .,... 22 00
Thos. Brown, running grader
and oil... 0 40
Harry Waller, painting
smoke stack and paint, 2 03
$149 03
Moved by Geo. S. Lackie, seconded
by D. 0. Pope that above accounts be
paid and orders drawn on Treasurer
for same. Carried.
Council adjourned to meet July 15th.
D. M. McTAvtsrt, 010111.
55 10
2 55
1 115
22 ,a8
1 t:8
20 6D
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for S, S. No. 4, Grey town-
ship, Protestant and Normallte, duties to com-
meaae after ltoldays, Applieationa, stating
tnlnry expported and qualillentione, reaaived np
to July 15. 13 PAYN,
Phare 1414 Bluevalo P. 0.,R. R. No, 2.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 8, Morris town•
ship, dnties to aontluenee after vacation, Ap-
plications, stating salary expected, will be re•
salved by the nnderaigned, up to Saturday,
July 12th, WALTER YUILL, Sae. Trees.,
Phone 5810 Brussels R. It, 6.
Tenders Wanted
Tanders for cottetro.oting the Dolmage
Drain, in the Townshipof OlcKlllop, will be
received h the undersgned until Monday, the
21st day of July, 1010. A ahequo fort% of non.
treat Arias MOO ensmnpmty-each tender. The
lowest or any tender nob necessarily emoted,
Plana. profiles, estimates, &o , of drain, may
be seen et the Merck's otane, Let 24, ('on. 7, Mn-
Enlop, Tenders to be opened July�22ad, at 2
p. m., at Seaforth, M. MURDIE, ClBenforli 1k, O.
July 2751,, 1910.
For Sale
As I have Bold machinery nub of my Fanning
1,1111 Factory 5 have two Gilson Gasoline En-
gines for sale -one 12-h. p. and the other tee h,
p. both almost new, Alen Gasoline Cement
Mixer, with Wheelbarrows, Plank, etc.
Will sell the factory building which is 12x011
DIED Have Can be sold in two parts,
Have also a quantity of Dressed Lumber and
Wwroee, In Morris township, on .fitly 27114 some good Cedar Posts
1010 Regina Wilma, youngest daughter ort Pure Bred white Leghorn Eggs. Stook from
W. H. and Mrs, Wright, aged 7 years, 0 0, A. 0 , at 60 each, Pho, 01E4
months and 6 days. 41-51 R. S. 00L58, EEhel.
THE Season is well undes way, bu} you
Yet have tine -if you place your order
immediately -to have your Engraving
done before the Old Boys' Re -union, many of
whom will visit our Cemetery, All Lettering
entrusted to me will be neatly done and in the
best style,
Why not improve your lot with a set of
posts or have a Marker placed at the foot of
each grave with the name of the- departed en-
graved thereon,
Brussels Granite and MarbleoleWarks
E. HERSEY, Proprittiebr.