The Brussels Post, 1919-7-3, Page 5CET_ THE BEST. IT PAYS AIAAITA t�Nor SUTHERLAND � soNs �: ITEp h fJ, � ii0{�� (Q ,tiirirJtnl"t'�rod�iLIM' ). Nd9:i4M, Ct.euiii+3da 6'-3ut'q� P. rA.,t AliMPRSON. I'T 1•:- 'Yee,ale te ra'(JF?GEon. . t`a - eel ,u 1( tt .1.,ur„ 011ie. tit Ander- N,+1 1 ,9.14IV,+ry •3((3(e,13russel.. Telephone No .1, DR WARISLAW Meier graduate or the Ontario Veterinary Co1h3,: r Cay and night calls, (313100 opposite Plaut .N ,13,113(1101. T. T. NI' RAE M. 8., M. O. P„ d S, O. 131 n. I1., Vtlle,o• of 1411.;+nb+, PI,•.wino, ('iIrg•an, A,•a+n1A"mr ()111ce at r uaidence, crack ito Melville Church, CR. J. H. WHITE, B. A. PIY$ICIAN AND 81„Tlt(i110N, Ora. tante Toronto University of Medicine, Spontul u(.ontlon given to (Demme] of children and Surgery. Olfioo r Dr, eryans Old Stand Phone .331.6 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR tinned Auctioneer for Wan Co, will s.tl roe ea good prires RA any other Aug ,ionoor or enema nothing. I3ENURAVE P.0, ri000fooT, KILLORAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 8.0. Omoe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, (1OUEltlt•H, ONT. Private :ands to Conn at lowest rates, W, P'."uuronT. K. O. S. L, K1LLOEAN LI. .1. D. 00oxt3 Counter Check ocks Tile Poe. ie preplu'e(1 to sup- ply the various styles of Cott tee (.:heck Hooks on short notice, Samples may be seen and prices atscerlitined by calling at one office. Ynu ran buy its cheap fin,n Ue as from an y emptily. Let no have your order. THE POST, BRUSSELS +.1.44-4•434343+4-1.43+434343-134.i.+. .3'i '4' E 3'l 1 .t +.,... ci.^ 4. 4 .. ;. � AGENCY + +4. __._._ '+4 'LIOliver tor BRPTSSRL'i 41• line taken over flu' Deering Ag- e. ,'Il, rimy and haudlee n full line of 4 q. Farm implements including the + + noted I. N, C. Cream Separators �i. ', 4` The only (:Patti,, Separatist' with 'f! ,1, two wide open cream nutlet,- 4' 4. no 1.3('33(31 srm(w 111 the phi 11 ill' + the creaut. See it when in town 4. 4. The I. N, C. 8-16 and 10.26 Treaters t. • '1. are among 1 be best. 4. • The peering Manure Spreader • With the (vide ere end and very .. ,H light in di aft. 4. Iii h a liver 4. 3• 4 a.a'•1++.1.44.+++'3''r4'a'-r4•'r444.....a,,,,, s Sero einstein Is prepared to pay 4 highest price for 0. Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. A • the O. 2 ••• •• 0 a •• • O • • • • Highest Cash Price for • •• e 4. e • • • • • a 4. Y • Write or Phone 62,x • SAM WEINSTEiN Y MILL STREET BRUSSELS Y • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••* WOOL L Highest price paid. See me before you sell, live Poultry and Hides Yonge 8i oharlae fits., Toronto Is noted throughout Can- ada for high grade bull nf'1' eel tiOat11111 't w: a:,i demand for nu, Idreduatea. C� (133111ail'3'u, Wrltulut Clan W, d, ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL aeges eveleeeeette eree eieatree±?Favawieee An4r oral elvs Items S(E months of 39131 gone. 131 ENANlr AIN Maya been plant I(1 in the Lowe (lower beds by the Horticultural Society, replaeiug the tulips. '1'hl.1(1'IIONa Company is having n large amount of work done on the line in their desire to give best serv'ce pos• sible. A 25 foot cemeut smoke stack is being built at the Logan chopping mill. as the life of the metal ones is often very short when soft coal is burned. BEUrsal.s Voters' List has been issued for rete There are 299 names on Part I and 5o on Part II, totalliug 349 xe9 ere competent to serve as jurors. NEW subscribers are being added to TRE Pos'r list. We give the news. If you get it send s copy to the absent member of the family. Go cents secures it to January 1s1, 1920, This is a bar- gain, 25 ears of basswood heading bolts were brought to Brussels this lemon fol the Alnenl Heading factory. This with the local purchases gives them the big- gest and best stock they ever bed Mill runs day and uigbt in sawing and turn- ing heading, THE names of J. L Lamou', Brussels, and J. L Cavanagh, Oweu Sound, formerly of town. appear in the end year's list of Medical students at Toron- to each having a couple of suuplement- nis They will buckle into the 3rd year next Fall. There is a large class includ- ing ladies 1(s well as gents. We cop• gratulate the boys. WEDNESDAY afternoon of last week Wyman, son of Fletcher and Mrs. Sperl- ing, Brussels, and Miss Jessie Goodwin, Palmersien, were united in marriage at the bride's parental home, Palmerston Mr. and Mrs Sparling attended the in- teresting ceremony. May the bride and groom enjoy many bnppy years. L. O. L. SERMON,—The members of Brussels, Orange Lodge No. 774, will at- tend service in the Methodist church next Sabbath, July eth, at tT R. m., when the annual sermon will be preached by pastor. Visiting brethren invited. Members will assemble at the Lodge room at 30.30 to march to the church, I People We Talk About 1 tt #t Furnish THe, POST a list of your visi- tors. 1.0111 Clerk Wyman Sparliug was here for the week end. Man Mann, Toronto, is et welcome visite'. with his permits at Melville In10Fe, Alex Spading, Clinton, was a caller at the home of his mother, Church street, last week, Cecil (McKinnon is holidaying at Petrolie, Sarnia, Toronto, Collingwood asci other points Miss Florence Rodeheimer, of Swift Current, was a visitor with Mrs. Ben. Walker last week. Louis and Fred. Lukes, Toronto, were here last week in the interests of the flax business, Mrs R. Leatherclale has been visiting her daughter, Mrs R. A. Pryne, TOMO- to, tlertug the past week. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of George Keys, Toronto, but hope he will soon be fully restored. Roy McKay, Archie Currie and Jim Lowry motored from Toronto and spent 'he week end with relatives and friends in town. Mrs A. Hunter and daughter, Mrs. (Dr ) J. M. Moore, were visiting at the h ,me of Hilton and Mrs, hunter, Wiugilatn, Mrs F. H, Gilroy and Barrington are holidaying at Mount Forest. Mrs Hays, Luckeo8, is visiting Mrs. S. T. Plum. Druggist Will. Henderson, who re- cently arrived home from overseas, hae accepted a position in a drug store at Bridgeburg and goes to it this week. He has a warm spot in his heart for the Niagara peninsula. Announcements may be issued later, Tun Pose understands that Harvey Milligan will resume his former post as teller in the Bank of Nova Scolia, Brus- sels in the course of a few weeks, He enlisted from here when he went over- seas to serve the Empire and will be welcome back to town. W. and Mrs. Sellers and children, Myra, Wynoua end Owain, of Toronto. were visitors at the home of E. C. and Mrs. Mulford, Mrs, Sellers' pareutc, They motored up and called at Blyth before returning, We hope to have them back for the Re -union, Glenn Armstrong was in town last Friday, motoring from Toronto with Alex, Anderson who heti been to Oshawa for new cars. Gleun took in the Brussels -Listowel Foot Ball game, He was.a former expert on hhe local team and belongs to a Queen's city club now, Miss Luella Leaver, who has here living with her grandmother, Mrs, Ince Maiming, for a while, going to school, was taken ill with appendicitis and was operated on last week. Her mother came from Fleshertou to assist he wait- ing on her, Luella is making favorable progress we are pleased to state, Roy Stewart was here for a short visit from the University and left last week for the West Where he will spend the next few months doing educational work for the government among the foreigners, It will be an enjoyable manner of spending his so called vacs- tion, -Rev, 1V. A. awl 911. ele.the.3., who 11,1v,. 1,31 .11 I,uunlr(I at I p 3 1ity fol the past a yrels III mu u1t o mil W.11 1 nn (11119330 stnl tni nl the wu(i. 111 e0.11neVII011 Wil 11 the Method et church, neve been moo, d 1 feemble rirruu, miles from Civet: ..,unci by the ,•'3301 Hamilton Conference Mr-. 1Narthn^•r, war formerly Mee:, t mule herr, B u' 3'l S'e vrb then ,IA111.1 oil sowers in their new He'd ut leber. Arrangement ; have been made wheIe- by union services will be held by the Ptesbylortau and Methodist cuugrega tions of B1u050113 during the vacation of the pastors. Rev. Mr, Mann will preach to the uulted eougregations during July in Mr. Stafford's absence, and the order will be reversed ill August. Services wilt be held in Melville church each Sabbath at 13 5, in. and in the Melhodist (buret) at 7 o'clock. Union weekly prayer meetings will also be 11,e order during the same perllul and 11 union choir at Sunday services. The Sn30e committee that managed the services last Winter will be in charge, viz, Jas Fox, A. Strachan and U. 0, Roos. for Melville church and F. H. Gilroy, H. L. Jackson and W. H, Kerr repreeentiug the Methodist eongregatiou.Further intimation will be given of the services before they commence, Ethel The Financial Report I'ot I.thel Methodist Church (limit for past Conference year shows a total of $5,193,00 contributions ae follows :- Trustee Boards, $2,189, Missions, $754, whish included $108 15 from W, el, S. ; Ladiee' Aid, $231 00 ; Onnnexion- al Funds, $101,35 ; Salary, $1201 ; Oo. Temperance, $50 ; 14ducational Fund, $98 81 ; Gen. 8. S. Fund, $25 ; Geo. Young Peoples' Fund $2 ; Susteuta- tiou Fund $5.70 ; Ep. Leagnes, $2 ; other purposes $50 ; Sunday Schools :2424. Belgrave GOOD Rgeowos.-That the women of Belgrave have been quietly yet effectively working during the enlia'e period of the tear, the accompanying report will show, and 011.00511 the generosity of 111e Councils and indivi- dual donations this work was made possible, Total amounts. --Shirts 288 : pyjamas 88 shits ; socks, 24(11. p1'. ; bandages 704.; pillows 87 ; handker- chiefs 372 ; caps 10 ; mitts 43 ; sheets 27 ; towels 95 ; razors 1 ; writing pads 123 ; enveiopes123 ; soup 97 calces ; pencils 87 ; housewives 33 ; dried ap- ples 300 lbs. ; hospital gauze 100 yds. ; scarfs 0 ; bed seeks 20 ; pillow cases 10 pr, ; 0 cases of clothing au(1 materi- al was sent to the Belgian Relief valued at $200.00. The Society main• tattled 2 wan prisoners for 3 years. In 1915 8100.00 was sent to Shorurlilt to maintain a cot. '1'o tai amount of tuouey $5,877 90. MOTORISTS ARE LIABLE UNDER HEADLIGHT RULE No Proclamation Has Been Issued To Make Law Operative Says Writer Who Criticizes Proposed Limitations Of Headlight Glares. Pending legislation in Ontario on the restriction of the "baneful glare" on head lights is referred to by Mr. H. Warren Lloyd, in the last issue of the Toronto Motor Magazine. He says in part: "One of these days the anti -glare legislation is going to descend upon us like a bolt from the blue, or (to express it harmoniously) like an un- dimmed headlight coming around a curve at you on a pitch-black night. That is, it will unless—Hanging over the heads of Ontario motorists (to confine our attention to these for the moment) is the following subsection of section 9 of the Motor Vehicles Act: "it shall be unlawful to carry on a motor vehicle any lighting device of over four candle power, equipped with a reflector, un- less the same shall be so designed deflected or arranged that no por- tion of the beam of reflected light when measuered seventy-five feet or more ahead of the lamy shall rise above forty-two inches from the level surface on which the vehicle stands." Sounds sitnplel but as it stands it could be made to obtain a convic- tion if the authorities so desired„ on almost any existing light that is bright enough for night driving in the country. The only saving feature on the subsection at present is the asterisk which draws your atttention A CRIPPLE FOR TUREF YFRS i'hl;.lee; a Bed With fine,. ;:.,.car, tJntil Ile Touk MR. ALEXANDER MUNRO R.R. No. 1, Lorne, Ont, "Por over three years, 1 was confined to bed with Rho/met/few, During that time, I had treatment from a number of doctors, and tried nearly everything I saw advertised to euro Rheumatism, without receiving any benefit, Finally, I decided to try'Fruit-a- tives". Before I had used half a box, I noticed an improvement ; the pain was not so severe, and the swelling started to go down, 1 conlinoed inking lids fruit me- dicine, improving all the time, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place". ALEXANDER MUNRO. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. to a note at the bottom of the page explaning that the regulation is to be brought into force only by pro- clamation. So far, fortunately, there has been no proclamation. "The present tentative adoption of the statue has drawn attention to the matter however and a large pro- portion of car owners seeking to avoid the use of offensive lights, have procured lenses and other de- vices which moderate the glare; so that the difficulty is largely curing itself, and the writer is of the opin- ion that no date should' be fixed for bringing the statute into effect. Be- fore this done the law might be amended in certain particulars, so as to establish a standard of glare applic- able to all types of head -lamps and de- vices, and one which is readily ar- plied," FORWARD MOVEMENT SUMMER SCHOOL Program of School to Be Held at Knox Church, Godarich, July 5-12 SATURDAY, JULY 5TH Saturday afternoon will be spent in getting settled in the various homes where the delegates are to be entertain- ed. In the evening a Social Hour will be spent in the lecture room of the church to get acquainted. SUNDAY, JULY 6TH Sunday will be a day of quiet rest and worship. Divine service will be conducted in Knox church at 11 a. by Rev. J. M. Nichol, B. A., Listowel, and at 7 p, m. by Rev. Alex- McMillan, D. D, Toronto, convener of the Hymnal committee. MONDAY, JULY 7th Forenoon:—Motor ride to points of interest and reception of staff. Afternoon:—Program of studies, 2.00 to 5,45. Evening: -8,00; Worship, song and address, DAILY PROGRAMME Rev. W. R. McIntosh General Chairman And Supervisor Our Groceries Are Aiways Fresh E not only give Low Prices on VV Groceries but High Quality. All Groceries are not the sante grade. Because we scall Wholesome, Pure Foods for Less Price we sell lots of them and always have them Fresh. The water in a running stream is fresher than that in a stagnant pont. The Groceries in our store are Fresher be- cause we sell Good Goods at the Low Price: and keep them Moving. Give us a Trial, R. C. RATHWELL, Moncrieff l,rilitt -$.30 Wur$4.4p Jtud.es in Lite from the New Te Le- , r r yt, 113 it ,� Po. 11, A M31,.3 ;dd, B. A., 01 Korea. 10.ou Wumetl'. Work, Ittple,.vl lathe o1 W. 11 ,( (•,- Y-1 -a , Ide. 3,3 .i 1G I i.., .1 A , oLtd,. (I A Mi 11,11.,3 a 11 3.- lot,, 'lIernooh�NcSt 5 3, 3.11,. r, 1.1. trvised flames, Swimming alt Evening 8:00 to 8.30—each evan- int W"r.hip Song will be led by Vey. Alesx. .MIMilianl, U. D.. assisted by Mr. 1'. T keener, Mus. 11. Miss MCKenri.' and the lull choir 1,1 Knox Church, ;0: 15331) evening from Momta t , I ri+tat In 111vrvr, 1113,^ t„il most pt +'- (3180111.• ,I ;uidt..sscs w(11 110 inirodut gh,11.ta1_-1t1•v, 1 M. N1r1o1, 1. A., 1 t'.( nrrl, • 1133' 1'"maid 11oce1nenl.'' Tuesday—Mev. A. 1:. Armstrong. M. A., 'Toronto, "A Vi•.it to the ()p(0111M rle ut.' Wecintdtev. .v 1 ,. . G. A. W Al. A., Brantford, "Trustees of the Nan Thursday.—Fay. W. 1. Knox, M. A. London, "The 1,3:Uiou's hhallenge l , 1lte Home-” friday—ls'ev. U. C. McGregor, B- A London, "'11133 Investment "t Life." GENERAL INFORMATION The cnnlmittee's object this year is to feature the "Forward Movement" of our church, The committee has arranged for bil- lets in the homes so as to reduce the expense of the delegates to a minimum. The suns of eight dollars ($8.00) will be paid to the hostess for the week A registration fee of one dollar ($1.o0) is required from each delegate to cover the expenses of the school. The fee should accompany the applica- tion for registration. The fee will be refunded to any who find it impossible to attend if notice is sent by July. 2nd. early a5 possible to Mr, J. F. 'Thomson, Appplicatlon should be made as Secretary. WIRELESS PHOTO AND RADIO PHONE COMING MARCONI BELIEVES COMMUNI- CATiON WITH DISTANT WORLDS IS ASSURED. it is simply ridiculous to adopt the attitude that a limit of knowfedge has been reached. We are only just be- ginning to find out a few of the Mnt- pier secrets which Nature has so Jeal- ously guarded throughout the ages. We can fly now — practically — for any distance, We can send messages through the air without the aid of wires and are able to talk in the same way to people who are thousands ,,f miles away, No connecting lines are necessary. The developments which have been CS 11e made in tv[rele.. telegraphy by i t g p n last few years destroy One's belief in the boundary of romatic—and I can quite understand that the uninitiated must - regard the developments which are taking place in wireless communi- cation as something bordering upon the supernatural. There is no reason lolly, when in- stallations become general, a private message should not be sent exclusive- ly to one individual—even in the heart of a huge city like London, All that is required is the adoption of a 331111- lI1l 3333 330 33inlouNi. ple and distinctive method of Mulling each instrument — in wireless work, this tuning will take tite place of the number and the exchange will be in the existing telephone system. But whatever developments may take place, the radiated message, wilietl is sent out broadcast in all directions, will stili have its uses. There is, and always will be, the case in the event of a disaster at Sea. The ship which is nearest to the scene of the catastrophe can hasten to the help of those in peril, and so lives will be saved which would other- wise be lost. Many a time has this happened already — as in the case of the Titanic disaster — and aircraft will employ the radiated message in like emergencies on land and, Sett, The next great development will be the wireless telephone. Already this is an accomplished fact — far beyond the experimental stage ---' and: during the next few years there 1vi11 be some wonderful improvements made. It will be quite possibleo speak by „Wireless from one end of the earth to !the other; and even interplanetary communication is a possibility. Will it be possible, when these i1n- provelnents have been made to see tlhe person with whom a communica- tion 15 being held, although thousands of miles lie between the Speakers?, .--_...'1_.','0 ',..:..aa-•� aaas:,'';--.0Pt':rvrcraa13038wr .'fl::".1.,,1..,. i'*W , Y .. quality ._ kreao i that rile,, flavor TE cissod tea sold „,.idlyin sealed packages u1 There is no reason to the contrary, If l voice e;131 he transmitted, if sig- !MIS i -Ids can be regulated, it should be ;uitr 91,,aihle to send an impression ,t a Lace and figure. I regard the in- tention of An instrument which will enable even those who are thousands , l miles apart to ,e3' rash outer ae 'ilenliteally feasible. From time 1,, time ,uir operators In various parts of the world have reported the receipt of strange and in - comprehensive signals. It is, of course, rash to jump at the conclusion that they are messages from Mars, or else- where. It may or it may not be so. \lost probably they are merely the records of some atmospheric pheno- menon about which nothing 1s known, lf. however, a+,lnmunic:ptiott Gould be established with the planets (and t believe it will he) all the difficulties would not be surmounted. it would then be necessary to establish an in- lerpan3lary language --assuming, of course, that the planets are inhabited, and that the lite on then( is on a sintfiar or better plane of scientific develop- tnent._-Cugliene, Marconi. in "Great Lakes Bulletin." Next Year Leap Year The last time there was a lapse of eight years without a leap .year was lrem 18931 to 1004. The next leap year will he 1x)20. The leap year rule is as totems, It is every fourth years, which leaps over a day more than a common year. a day being Choice Groceries S � Dnimee olour Bran and Shorts To HAND Seeds of all Kinds, also Salt ['him. 43 01 27 W. J. McCracken added to February, except years div- isible by 100, of which years divis- ible by 400 are leap years. Scratchless Garden Hens Good news for those who want to keep hens and garden, We hear that a new brand of chickens is being de- veloped by crossing the Bantam and Shanghai, the idea being to produce a bird with one long leg and one short one, so that when the chicken stands on the short leg it can't get action with the long one. When it stands on the long one the short one will not reach the ground. Early fruits hroughout the Year! Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries with all their flavor, perfectly preserved ill wholesome Ludic Sugar. Buy your preserving sugar in the original Lantie packages 4e Cream Wanted elliESSEMPLSEMIRISEEM 1.144804290182123 SENZ dE* 9 Ship y::ur Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. muse's Creamery Stewart Bras, Malgosenumwrmaxwamartsamenrinameenissearren ammearteavonsmeramat moo .12 V.�„�:. • • SPECIAL TRAINING e 31akcw the (lif'ereneo Ielnveen the low-pt'ieed worker and the high- + salaried expert.. We can smooth 001 the road foe you front the one • Mass In the ol.her, •0 Students admitted any time. Catalogue free, • f .�.) 0 Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ont, The School that places its graduates in good positions. •+t•e••'ts•••ee4oesessete+4•A140♦ie•••••••••••••••••e4414A4 a • • • a. a • w • • 43 4. 4 • • •I