The Brussels Post, 1919-7-3, Page 3rill - f GARDEN OF EDEN TODAY THE FIRST IRRIGATED AREA IN THE WORLD, Britl;h Government is E1tahilshine a Wonderful Irrigation Plant Similar to the Egyptian Enterprise, "And the Lund God Ti; I 1 gent, n to the r•tt•tw u•d of lecke. And r;,s went out el Eden to w, t •t tt, t urd •n; and It wile leo-ted jute Pair lifeelee• - Genesis, Ear \Vi11Luu \vill u l who, in be, half of the )trite h 1 ei•, u;uu ut, had had charm. of the wcl it,tul lrri',Ccn works in 1"gypt, 1-c. 4'e signe,l nos long ago to the duty of planning 0 similar large-. caie - iterprlso for the reetora- tion of Iu ,lent Babylonia to its for. 1)14x' at llculf:net productiveness, Talus It happened that ho located, to the renaonallo saliefael!un of arch- eologi.,te,the veritable site or the Gar - don of Eden, )'m' reagens wholly pl'acUcal, be tlouglil that the best way to begin. Starting from the spot where Jewish tradition ]slaved the Gatos of paradise -the word paradiee cleaning "gar- den" ---1)n followed the traces of the four rare+ants mentioned 1)1 Genesis, wbl.h as herein named, were the Pilon, the llilhon, the Iliddeltel and the Euphrates, The Euphrates (known by that name to -clay) flowed through the great city of Babylon. Tho Callon is now called the 11012In. The Iliddeltel is the Mod- ern Sakhlawia, which (lows into the , Tigris at Bagdad. The Plson has gone dry, but Is represented by many -arm- ed channels "encompassing the whole laud of Iievilah" (see Geneels), which lay between Egypt and Assyria. Restores Former Paradise, The Euphrates enters its della a. fom miles bolo! Hit, there leaving tho desert and debouching into a vast al- luvial plain. In this departure it has a conslderable fall, Pith a number of cataract., and along a narrow valley giant water -wheels lift water to irri- gate the land on both sides of the stream. The entrunee to this valley (accord- ing to Jewish tradition) W115 the gate of the Paradise in which Adam and Eve dwelt, and from which they were expelled for disubeying a diving com- mand. There the traveler first meets thu date palm, which is a "tree of life" (see (ketosis) to the whole Arab world. Along the valley garden succeeds garden. It is to -day a veritable para- dise, orchards and date groves check- ered with fields of cotton. The ell - mate is evorlaatlllsq slimmer, so that three or Cour crept; a year may be grown. Anciently the cataracts were 1110011 higher, clad water -wheels were un- necessary, the water being led off by (111(1108, The Garden of Eden, indeed, gains interest from the fact that it seems to have been the first irrigated area in the world. rr BRITISH AND U.S. WAY. Eating Habits of Races Compared by a Boston Newspaper. One of the Most famous of London eating -places is the "Cheshire Cheese." It is es quaint as its mamo. There, as in the day when London was a town, the guests sit down together at long tables, says the Boston Globe. The meal is a ceremony; the food is served with ritualistic attention to detail, and it is oaten devoutly. The men who lunch there appreciate the flavor of good food, and of a fine old tradition. Yet however seriously they may take the roast and the pudding, they are serious in nothing else. Office, courtroom and clinic are forgotten, During the midday hour the old le11- zabettan humor and wisdom eche ;tom the ceiling beams of that oak - paneled room, The most famous of Boston eating places is the quick hunch. Any noon- time you will see newspapermen, bankers, professors and lawyers seat- ed on little stools at long counter's or in one-armed chairs, They do not look as though they were particularly enjoying themselves. Each, detached and lonely, gobbles his food in silent haste. One is preoccupied with his troubles, another is visibly uncomfortable on his backless stool; and yet another is splashing his soup In a frenzy of im. Patience to get back to the office, where he earns the food which Ile le now eating with so little appreciation. The food is often of famous excel- lence, quite as good, fn the way, as the food at the "Cheshire Cheese," But we Yankees who eat it Dome not so much to oat as to get through eat. ing. Wu are so beey earning food and leisltre tent we can spare no time for enjoying hon7, V'g ,poftr ely. know What it is to live In the Metent 1110' ment We aro always getting ready for the next, . 4 , "Ghat was titd t*5auit of le flood?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "Mud" replied the bright youngster. Old pieces of velveteen make splendid polishing cloths -for furni- ture, silver or plated articled. Chinese keep eggs fresh for ,ship- ping long distances by coating them with a paste made of sea salt, vows, - table aches and water, The WooM p Fasbioni �l mccau 8050 -Isn't this just one of the simplest and most effective child'a models you -have seen.? And the fullness may be smocked instead of. tacked, by using McCall Transfer Pattern 1110, blue or yellow, price 10 cents. The drees is cut from McCall Pattern 8050-5 sizes -0 months to 0 years, price 15 cents. The bit of embroidery is taken from McCall' Transfer Pattern 884, blue or yellow, price' 15 cent".. 8649 -This house dress may be de- veloped from plain and figured per- cale; the pockets are roomy enough for one's bunch of keys. Medium size requires 41,$ yards of 3G -inch material and 1 yard of contrasting. material. McCall Pattern 8649-8 sizes -34 to 44 inch bust measure, price 25c. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Compliment to Canadians. A Belgian Salvation army worker whose latter appeared in the New York Herald Magazine for May •1171, in describing the withdrawal of the German army from Belgium, refers to the Canadians as well-equipped, well mounted soldiers, who were kind, qulet and gentlemanly men;" -,- A Motto. Over the choir loft of an out church in Nova Scotia hangs a yellowed mot- to which reacts: "Sea that what thou singest with thy lips thou dost believe in thine heart, and that what thou believest in thine heart thou dost show forth in thy works" -Tenth Decree of the Fourth Council of Carthage, A.D. 398. The Higher Learning. The schoolmaster was calling on an indignant mother. "For my part," babbled the good woman, "I can't deceive what on earth eddifloation is comfit' to! When I was young, 1f a gal only understood the elimens of distraction, provision, re- plenishing, an' the common dominator, an' knew all about the rivers an' their obituaries, the currents, an' the dormi- tories, the provinces an' umpires, they had eddication enough!" ROSY CHEEKS �1 3D GOOD HEALTH Conte Thl•tyilgh Keeping the Blood in a Rich, Refs and P'ttre Condition. \\'be n a ries or a \.,1,1;r] finds herr re !td' feline;, ellen her cho, 1:.t rad 11)11 crew vele, -and sh+: r,.., abort of t,;'• tth c ,. , 1;. cul 1)'r ]111 ut 1 alpit.dr' r -It. t 111,, algIi( st exe ti -;n, or 11101er the lea:1 excltra:'•nt, it 1111'(10•: tied she is cugering free) an,.eolta 111111, watery blood. liearl hc'h., and leek - :why frequently aceounemy this ce,ndi- tion, iced nc•rvutr'rlets Is o11'.11 p;1500t. The reluedy for this condition is to build up the blued, and for this pur- pose there is no medicine that cue equal I)i'. Williams Pink fills. They build up 01111 renew the blood, bring brightness to the eyes, eulur to the cheeks, and a general feeling of re- newed health and energy. The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good. pluiu food. The gIN or woman who gives this treatment a fair triol 10111 soon find herself enjoying perfect stealth, 1Irs Hiram Shook, R.R. No. 1, Lyndhurst, eay8:-"1 cannot ,peal( too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for I believed they saved my daugh- ter's life, She was in a terribly run down condition, pale, wan, incl des- pondent, and people who saw her con- sidered her in a decline. The doctor who treated her did not help her any, and then I decided to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This decision proved a wise one, for before six boxes were used she wya3 m11011 better. I got Fix More boxes, and before they were gone she was in the beet of health. When she began the use of the pills she weighed only 90 pounds, and under their use her weight increased to 127 pounds, I strongly urge all mothers of weak girls to give them Dr, liam's Pink Pills, You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills iron) any dealer in medlcino, or by mail post paid at 50e. a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. FINE OLD PLATEIN BRITAIN. Antiquaries Dig Up Fourth Century Collection at Wh(ttingheme. A enroll which Society of Antiquar- ies of Scotland have been conducting for some time on Traprain Ale, an iso- lated hill, which forms a part of Arthur J. Balfour's Whittinghalne es- tate, resulted in one of the most re markable archaeological discoveries ever made in Britain. The excavators carte 11po11 a pit two feet deep null two feet wide filled to the brim with fragments of metal ves- sels. An exanlieati0n has shown that these relics, although in a broken con- dition, form a rich collection of fourth century siiverplate. Two tiny coins give the date, One was struck by Valens, who was Emperor of the East from 364 to 373, and the other by one of his successors, probably Grattan or Iioon0riva. The vessels found have decorations of striking beauty. On the surface of one embossed cup is a representation of the Fall of Man, and figures of Adam and Eve being shown standing by a fruit -laden tree with a Inge ser pent twined around the trunk. The same cup bears a representation of the Magi, and on another is depicted the miraculous draught of fishes. More than one example of the Chi Rho monogram are among the inscrip- tions. The Indian Calendar. Among the Indians time is calcu- lated by moons instead of months. January is• called "the hard moon"; February, "the raccoon moon"; March, "the sore eye moon"; April, "the moon in w11ic11 geese lay eggs"; May, "the planting moon"; June, "the moon when strawberries are red"; July, "the 1116011 when choke cherries are ripe"; August, "the harvest 1110011"; September, "the moon when rice is laid up to dry"; October, "the rice -drying moon"; November, "the deer -killing moon"; and December, "the deer moon," . A delicate graham bread is very n' le a for invalids. re parts of ammonia and spir- its of turpentine will remove stale paint on n fabric. One man can grow a large flock of sheep, and grow enough food for winter them in good condition. G ',lldren Can „rink as many cupfuls of as they like. here's no harm in. Po to — no dr u s to hurt them and no after -regrets. "There's a .4Qeason . "What About the Hosses?" 1)14'1 1ue 11 the et ceche:len of 1411 4441 ,' t \'•Ill e t And the, ' <wi , np e L 41 )ulet'In the earl 1;11:17111! easy, \`ri !,ad 1, :i 1111 lu:al•t:1 1,14 ne•nl:+rien, d as ',01+1,,,1'4 will ('1 11.' , .111 d, •'plebite; daisies" .n1 ; 1,.eeele well li rieei 1I!. I,llt ,lir 1\, ('vn 140 w•,.• silent .. err I:u.-d up his 1,,•11 '1;1I i. rrlri-tit ••11(((4 1 h, 11.11. 14111. 0;.,1 1.' 1 11',rl ,le - •F+-+ and ,4111: the les eel In les :'elle 1111 of the dead? 414: t',ey uuulir,IIo'l 111 tial 1111; •�,.+ 11:. ,: 1(0-'I,' ward heen sal!? te Is 0.o;env DintI le 140011 of their 11th -1,"11 e n - 1LIve they .toy wooden crosses 10 the wile:es where they bled?" Our theught4 flew bark like lightning, and 4 01 410(1 the brimming cup We s(tw the beasts of burden bringing lteeniniitlan The mile,s line of transport winding 1(11 amass the hill, Aed the starving and the dying on the fields 'e'' -- <f Aubl..ulle The misery, the fortitude of those that hail been gassed, And eye, of silent sorrow, pleading pa- tience as they passed. Aye. "Whet about the hems?" On the blazoned scroll of lame -- The pulling, hauling horses, And the broken, blind, and Lame. Giving every ounce of power, to the gawping, flying hoar - le here 's the martyr in the forces Played a better, braver game? RECORD CF FRENCH FAMILY. Thirteen Sons killed In War and Others Suffered Injuries. Thirteen sons killed on the field of battle, three discharged with grave injuries, one wounded four different times, the, father and one daughter summarily shot by the Germans for going to Lille to celebrate the centen- nial anniversary of a relative, and an- other daughter killed by a German shell at Dunkirk, is the record of the family of 11I. Vanhee, a French farmer. of Reminghe, near Ypres. M. Vanhee had thirty-six childlren, twenty-two sons and fourteen daugh- ters, all of whom were living when the war broke out. One of his sons was valet to Pope Pius X.; he re- turned to France to fight and was wounded in each of four different en- gagetnents. One of the sons lust both lefts, another returned from the front blind and deaf, and another underwent the trepanning operation. KEEP CHILDREN HEALTHY To keep children healthy the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. Nine -tenths of the ailments which afflict little ones are caused by rclerangements of the bowels and etornac•h, No other medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets in guarding either the baby or growing child Pram the ills that follow a disordered condition of the bowels or stomach. They aro a mild but thorough laxative and never fall to give results. Concerning them Mrs. W. B. Coolledge, Sarnia, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for over three years and have found them the best medicine I have ever used for my children. I never have any trouble giving tlleni to my little ones and they have saved ole ninny a doctor's bill. My advice to all mothers of little ones is to keep a box of the Tablets 1n the house. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Joy in the Morning. O'er Flanders fields the sunset glow Smiles on the graves of talose below Who fought their gallant light To save for children yet unborn Sweet liberty; and those who mourn Through many a sleepless night, Cemeoled should be with this sweet thought, That Victory, thought dearly bought Against foul German might, Goch gave to us as recompense For calling our dear loved ones hence, And he knows what is right. So let us pray through dreary days, in his mysterious ways, 11at God y Will grant us second sight To look beyond the clouded sky And see our meeting, by and by, With those we mourn to -night. +---_ M1nard's Liniment need by Physicians. The Fatal Day. A merchant in a certain town has about decided to go out of business since he wrote an "ad" for the local paper in which he expounded upon tate vast crowds of customers that visited his stole, The printer shade the mistake, but as the merchant react hie own proof, 11e has no alibi. Any- how, here is his statement as it appear- ed to the townspeople: "if yon could have seen the crows that flocked t0 our store yesterday you would realize that the picking is good on our bargain counters," How on earth can he ever expect to square himself with the ladies who visited his counters upon that fatal day? To clean gold chains soak in soap -suds in which a little prepared chalk has been added. Chili has some of the richest iron ore in the world and the Government is planning: to incr0890 it.s production with the 1' ' f European experts, GIRLS' WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make e baanty lotion for a few cents to rcmeve tan, freckles, sallowness. Your emcee hes the healon:; and 1111)' 411.10 !lore or t -diet counter will 1011,ply yell with three melees of prebuilt v,hitt, for t sew eents.tqn _n the juice' of two fro: !, 1,.110 o into u 6"ttlee, then p11t in the of, hard ;.nice and 1,11, Ice eel). '('hie meee e quarter pint •,f the ',''ry beat l,u,+,n "lctu 5.10enerr 4,244 cunlplcxinn 1e0111iurr 101,;Vl11. Ibis fragrant 001(110' lotion daily into the• f:; e, (14Pit, :u'W,4 and hand, and jtl"t , how freer, 14.8. taus, rodn';'u and rOnglulcs d ' •,i p'ao' and how su.u'..th, soft and 1)e t 2.131' the sit bl bee omcro. Yea! It Is 10:: 0:111111000, and thu beautiful results 1Il''"l will :urprise You. 1ny i es— VD. Bits About Bees, colla The price of honey las made many of us thunk more ;f 1,1.01' And, aft hardly a11)111ieg Is apse interesting „D than the.•. "busy 1,,..'' here; is a little BITS Or rant FEtOM HERE &TIRE ,4? Excosrive, Dorothy: .Auntie, ('111 stnftyit r; now about ut t1)' ! ':1 t r,uttt' ,� ,01111 10411411,!0." Aol,t 1!ir:,nia' "That's right, my c+luL'1. 4leeye go ill fur whatever is eeee rote le, in." POTnnTIt1r WAi'TED Ur 11AT IIA\1. 'fol./ P'OH HALPI IN Y Y Live e 1'oultt v l'ane's Hens. Pigeont+. Eggs. ete.7 Write I. W.inrauolt & Hon. 10.10 Ill Jean 1laptiute A4lhrltot. SIent,' real. (jun. 30010E EVILDER91 W1(1,1'0 ("'1(1 211.111 101211 1101)12 OP Y 11ous,, Plane and tnf ormntlon 1011. (115 how t. save front Two to Pour Bun. dred Dollars 11111:s on Your 110w LI ❑,r.. Ad" rdreeo 11.111,1a.y e."nrp01», 63 Jackson \1' Hammon, ,lot. POF 6111177. "o', 0 P.A.I4:I t, W 'MK Y. IN 10IUYCId . f (' u"1c ;',,1 n,N+1 nr n"r t""fty 1'VoJte 1^,x 9 ww ll..m I ,lidislnng t';., Limited, 73 A"'•bd'b, St. W., '1'01+111111, e u4' y r 15, LI.L I✓ttl'I1•1'1H, NI:W141'Al'E(2 and job prin(lIig plant in F.:astern met - Yee '.."y title tooth has en.larlo. insurance rnrr1,2 31,1100. \Clil r lo on nnrted on b1&4'e" •Fiat's Ro fon 51,200 nn oulck sole. }box 63. wCilsr.n Publishing Co., 0.td.. Taron(e. • for t find ,1114'11 liak'•s e'f gold on FIOVIT PA.rt1 5. natruue:ale. 21111 You have seru,'k ley l:,aek r buttuu, 1 5111 .0, fItt ids't , 1 0, f111111 I- rn 1 trill: ..111,, r t (hilt h1111 :111:1:t t: 14, right t':,,•.; robe 10.. sit, bin; '4't 11,1,9s n , ,,,, Diagnosis. w:.rh(, a 10: or t 11 n tc.,rk 1t for Lir; 10111, u t ,:')' I ,111.11.: our 1e40r, Tom111) roU's he can't go to lea. wane, 1 ,rp (u t n ;. , ..10 sat or - 11:1 1,1.t,10. IOAVIO Ma - unto in, 11111. 10 llowS about. 1111x1- ,Intl her, school. Ile takes 1111 hitere: t h any In a 0100 there are three kinds of thing about the Lowe." "line" bees --drones, wurkere, and the queen \Vailhi bee. Drones, alas! aro the mule" bees. "What :! m ll ; 111 They are stingless; -thanks for that! - and unlike other bees, have no pol' len baskets -the fringe of stiff leg bristles un which pullets is conveyed Private Pigley's people were gong to the hive. 1 to hiu1, but after receiving a pock.•t The queen bee is the only fully -de- service beolc, a p:a•krt 111(111, j) prwi,''t veloped rental, bee 01 the lsive. Only alhtun. a pocket French dictionary and she, with her series of productive or- a pocket edition of the poets he gens, can perpetuate the bee race. thought it timo to say sunlething. Se Ifi11 all the queens, and there will be he sent his mother a postcard. It nu bees and nu Honey. read: The queen bee will lay from two to "please send no more pocket edl- ltANCl tt, T1: alts. I uAtP3. l: Te , i.� internal exl, 111,1 wlth- three thousand eggs daily' in the sea- tions until I get some pocket addi- out 1,4'111 by ourand homternae treatme11nt. wM1'rlto Editions and Additions. 11: ,.+1, 11,,. t ..:, v,/11Tare 41'• • 1(11, for 1111•. rt•. 0 .,t,.'... - 1011Pit It ,14,1:1.:0-- 10 111 litteee, 1 full (en -le brit .,. 1,011. Pur- r. P44411, 000).!<1)./,',, t -"d 11.1111. 1 I 1 10,42';1 -t she -d. 1 rL, .: t( ur 1l, ,u....+u, alatit f tf L v 0'11 1 11.1, d'I..IN'fb:DD, A o0 gI: tr , • 1 - t . am+! ;d; ne t 04(4,11 Sri, rt;.-thrno 1 urV , 3,',.,')., 1 ! . ;HT f,one v ON 11B;10 F 11-.tY .usl tr 11 11' rl r l'd (0 1'1 r(t i e run .a: r, r• zi•10'.,• 111•11111 .,.t. 1,111IT. 3ar$OELLAISBOUO, son. She is the another of all the trans. other inmates in the hive, and can lay eggs to produce either drones or workers --as the fancy takes her, The queen bee heads the bees when ley issue ul swarm. \'tis tales place Luxuries of Modern Education. Johnny handed the following note from his mother to the teacher one tI morning: when the queen cell is capped; but Dere Teacher. You keep tellin' my sltould the weather be unsuitable the dopy to 'nettle with his diafratn. May - bees tear down the queen cells, and be rich children has got diafr:u,hs, but wait, how emelt when there father only There's more in bees than their 1 makes one dollar and fifty cents a day and has got five children to keep? I`irst, it's one thing, then it's another, and now it's diaframe. That s tae worst yet. I was cured of BroncllitIs and Asth- ma by ?IINARD'S LINI1MIENT. MRS. A, LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Mahone Bay. JOFIN MADEIt. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACIIT, Bridgewater. Why Blacksmith Shops Are Dark. Yon may have wondered sometimes why the village smithy is such a dark building, its allowance of window light being fearfully small. The reason for this is not economy of glass, but for the special purpose of the smith's work. Too much light upon the pieces of white-hot iron or 'steel is not desirable for two reasons; one is that the "heat" cannot be seen Properly in a strong light. The other is that in the course of "tempering" tools, such as picks, c111se1s, drills, etc., the smith ams to judge by the colors, as the tool cools down from the white heat, exactly when to dip them in the water -bath, and these colors can only be seen ac- curately in a shaded place. Steel passes thrungh a beautiful range of colors, from the most daz- zling, seething yellows to dark yellow, reddish brown. purple, and finally to dark blue, all these temperatures hav- ing their particular uses when a tool is "quenched." MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Rfoney Order. They are payable everywhere. Disappearing Lake. hl Georgia, near Vladosta, there is a lake which disappears every three or four years and then comes back again, no matter what the weather is 111(0, The lake Is three miles long and twee -quarters of a anile wide, with an average depth of 12 feet of water. There are natural 9ubterlRihlealh pas- sages beneath 11, through w•hicli the water passes off. It takes two or three weeks to dis- appear, when a mammoth basin is left in its place, which furnishes a beautiful sandy beach, After a month or so the water begins -•to return, and then in a couple orweeks it is the same magnificent stretch of water as it was before. R e o e o e o-o--o-.e-o With the Fingers! 1 Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be liftedrightout with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimer] that at small cost one tan get a quarter of an ounce of free - zone at any drug store, 1011(011 is sufil• ,tent to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is all ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it Is applied and dons not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue This announcement will interest many woolen hero, for it is said that the ln'esent high•hool footwear is pule ting corns on practically every woman's feet, THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE AMIN N ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If You Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them -They Are Not Aspirin At All. Q DEIN' faR L.f to\\ c Your driigc; t gladly will give you the genuine "Payer Tablets of Aspirin" because genuine Aspirin mow is made by Canadians and owned by a Cana- 31.1.1e There is not a eetlt's worth of Ger- i man interest in .Aspirin, all rights be- ing 50rellaee2 from the U.S. Govern- . merit. During the war, acid imitations were sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various other containers. But now you can get genuine Aspirin, plainly stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross" -Aspirin proved safe by millions for Headache, Toothache. Eara,'he. Itheu- 1 nlatient, Lumbago, Colds, Neuritis, and 1 Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets, also larger "Bayer " packages, Aspirin is the trade mark, registered in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetir-ueidest.or of Salicylicacid. Cay for Pi pies 1, "You don't need mercury,potash or any other strong mineral to cure pimples caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots— druggist calls it "Alolher Seigel's Curative Syrup—and your skin will clear upas fresh as a baby's. It will sweeten your stomach and regulate your bowels." Get the LAenuine. 50c.and $1,00Bottles. t drug stores. us before too lata l Ur. Hellman Medica Co., Limited. Cellingweod. Ont When a raincoat is too badly worn to be used, but partially good, the back can be cut into an apron to wear under another apron when washing. =maws Liniment Luaaberllian•s Prtend. Put three tablespoonfuls turpen- tine in three quarts of water and spondee the carpets after sweeping, to prevent moths. THE POLICE FORCE OF TE BODY DAY and night—without ceasing—a struggle is going on in your body be- tween the germs of disease and the white blood cor- puscles—the police force of the human body. If this police force weakens, disease germs gain a foot- hold—sickness follows. Constipation is the most common and dangerous way of corrupting the human police force. rood waste remains too long in the in- testines—decays—poisons the blood —and opens the way ?or attack by the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia and a mul- titude of other ills. The culpable habit of using salts, pills, mineral waters, castor oil, etc., to force the bowels to move, makes this condition even worse, as constipation returns almost im- mediately. Nujol is entirely different Pram drugs as it does not force or irritato the bowels. Nujol prevents stagnation by soft- ening the food waste and encour- agiii the intestinal muscles to ace naturally, thus removing the cause, of constipation and :.112 -poisoning. Itis absolutely harmless ''rid pleasant Nujol helps Nature establish easy, bowelevacuation, 1 thorou h t reg- ularg intervals—the healthiest habit In the world. Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and keep your polices force on the job. Warning: botttle, besniage(115 1 Nujol Trade Mark. All druggists. In- sist on Nujol. You may ten- from substitutes. Wash Out Your Pores With Cuticura Soap And have a clear, sweet, healtlty skin with little trouble and trilling expense. Con- trast this simple wholesome treatment with tiresome massaging and other fads. Oa retiring smear the face with Cuticura Ointment on the mei of the Meter. wash off in 1)044 1111/1111.53 with Cuticura Soap and hot water. using plenty of soap btst 10p• plied with the hands which it suttees wonderfully, and continuo bz;tlling it few moments. Rinse with tepid water. dry gently led dust on a few grahm of 1.111,11,, nt, Powder a delicate i•1. mtier; h , Soap, Ointment and1111'nn1 where, Tags. ,r er-esaessw a RC1. U.S, PAT. OFF. For Corzsti�ation "Pegtrlar as Clocknlork" 1