The Brussels Post, 1919-7-3, Page 1J 1. w,tr Pe; r'I ;iurnn in .4 ((miter
� �,,�il�l�WtlttkullLluUlUllutllla1ll�11tWl1ilIll]Iitf! ,: , sees � 'Ct°
I r.
We have large resources and
the vast experience of 87 years
to draw upon to serve you; but
we have something even more
important—we have the earnest
desire to do so.
We cash your produce and personal cheques,
collect your drafts—all by mail if required—and
gladly give you impartial advice on any financial
or business matter,
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000
Reserve Pend- 12,000,000
Resources • • 150,000,000
Brussels branch ,•w,.
New Advertisements
Itodnks-P. R. Snillh,
Shoe Pun tel-Tn 1t Posm,
Boys wanted -W. T. Duly.
Pigs for Rale -T. D. Miller,
Teacher wanted -13. Pnyn.
Bracelet found -Tun PORT.
Tenders wanted -M. Mnrdie,
Teanher wanted -Waller Yeill,
isIri.ct 4..cWs
SAN 0010J11011. --Knox church held its
d1arnond jubilee beginning with a con-
gregational meeting on Saturday,
June 21st and endinga with big
plc -nit on Tuesday afternoon.
On Sunday, Rev. le, J. Malcolm, who
occupied the pulpit foe 18 years and
who was the means of uniting the old
•\Veatminster -and Zion churches,
officiated and on Monday delight-
ed the audience with an interest-
ing resume of the history of the
church union movement in the
town. Strange to say, for many
years the one obstacle to union was
the presence of a little harmonium
which was used for Sunday school
ain1 Sabbath evening services. All
obstacles were at. haat surmounted and
today Knox is a line congregation of
250 families. subscribing about 82,500
outside of local needs to OhrieLian
benevolences. Dr. Peelle, Wingham,
who officiated at the evening service,
urged the young people to realize the
responsibility the past success had laid
upon them, Rev. W. A. Bradley ask-
ed for an offering of $1,000. Monday
afternoon Miss Ratte gave len address
to the ladies on "City Rescue Work."
In the evening a sumptuous sapper
was served on the church lawn, when
about 500 people partook of the
dainties. A program of music and
speeches followed in which Dr. Hen-
derson, Clerk of the Saskatchewan
Presbytery, took part, also Rev. Dr.
McKenzie, Moderator, Rev. F. J. Mal-
colm and Rev. C. IL Durrant.
Miss Fern Eckmier is home from
Toronto, where she has been engaged
as teacher, for her vacation.
Miss Bessie Moses and her friend,
Miss Mary Karnaghan, of Baden,
spent the week end at Kincardine.
Trustees of S. 8. No. 4, Grey town-
ship are asking for a teaches' for the
corning year as Miss Jean Olueton has
resigned after 4 successful years. See
advt. In this issue.
A. dandy Gray Dort touring car has
been purchased by Mts. Alex. Forrest
from 8. Carter, agent Biussels. Her
soldier son, Robert, who arrived home
a few weeks ago, will run it. n
CARD OF TRArms.-We wish to ex-
pcess our thanks for kindly words and
deeds beetowed upon us duringthe ill-
ness and decease of our dear dughter,
Rosina Wilma,. They were appreciat-
ed beyond words. Yours gratefully,
W. H. AND MRs. WRteay.
IT is as necessary to select a safe
place for your savings as it is
to save, yet few give this matter
much thought, and many lose their
savings because of ignorance Or
carelessness in this respect.
For over fifty years The Canadian
Bank of Commerce has been serv-
ing the people of Canada in in-
creasingly large measure, until at
the present time it has over 470
branches providing complete bank-
ing facilities in all parts of the
CAPITAL PAID UP . $15,000;000
RESERVE FUND . . $15,000,000
Walton Branch ' C. F.Misner,Acting g Manager
U1.1011,i1'rrtc 1 sin,, C1'r ere mere, to
't»1 LJle doOdIO ef Regina. Wilma,
the 8 year old daughter of W. 11. trod
Mra \ i , t of
)his locality, She
died at 5 o'clock1 iudny nlcn•uiug from
diabetes, following influenza She
had been in falling health Icir the
past 0 o1. 4lnonths and despiLe all that
could be done premed away, The
funeral took place Sunday after 110)111
bo Wroxeter cemetery, Rev. Mr. Mal-
colm conducting an appropriate Ser-
vice, Deep sympathy is expressed
fur the bereaved in the lues or their
youngesb daughter', She WO.4 a bright,
happy child who will be touch missed.
PRESENTATION. ---'Aa srbonl was
about to be dismissed on Friday a fete
friends of the teaches', Miss Jean Clut-
ton, met with the pupils to bid fare-
well to her, )following address was
read by Walter Hamilton and pres-
entation made by Melville 3 aokl'n
I)t�;AR TEACHER. -WC wish 10 show
at this tirne our deep appreciation to
you Inc the good work and energy you
have spent with us in the past 4 years,
as our teacher, We know you are
about to leave as, perhaps going to
take up your work with new pupils in
another school and we feel very sorry
because of the present separation as
teacher and pupils, hit knowing that
if we d0 (1 0(1'S blessed will, we shall
meet again. \Ve feel coolideo5 in
knowing that you go from us qualified
enough to take up your work else-
where, also with the best wishes from
our School Section. \Ve ask you 0,
accept these half dozen knives and
forks, also a salad dish, as a small re-
memberance of the time you spent
with us. Signed in behalf of your
pupils mid acquaintances of S. 8. No.
4 Grey. Miss Clutton, in a very few
words, expressed het sincere apprecia-
tion oi'the kindness.
L. W. Rattan has putchawd a Find
Nurse Ruby Doff is home for a fete
weeks' vacation.
Miss Lila Gray is visiting friends at
Toronto this weelc.
Mrs. Gen. Mowbray and children
visited Oranbrook friends last week.
\V, J. and Mrs. Muejers spent Sun-
day with A, and Mrs. Procter, Ord
Mrs. John Anchor, Fordwich, is at
present visiting with her parents, -W.
J. and Mrs. McGee,
The following teachers have ars ived
at their homes here foe the Summer
holidays :-Misses Luella and Hendee
Shaw, FIo, Aitchison, Laura Holmes
and Maul, Stewart,
The Methodists will hold their an-
nual Garden Party on the church
lawn Tuesday, July 8th. Tea set veil
from 0 to 8 p. m. The \'Vingham band
will be in attendance anal a good prn-
graletis being prepared.
Live Poultry wanted Monday or eneh creek
Phone Ea11'a More.
STYLISH B17oais9 Pon eALI.—Parties want•
lug to buy anent, subatnntial buggy, stent, tab•
bar or cushion tire ono Rave money by rail-
ing on Davin .0,5)1.85, lethal,
G. A. McLelland is home fro,' Tor-
onto for the holiday.
Miss Rhea McLelland is writing itt
her exnm3, this week \lie wish her
Jas. and Mrs. Davidson and family,
Stratford, are visitors at G. W. Pule
Dan. Falconer, of the Bank of Ham-
ilton, spent Sunday at his home neat'
Whighs m.
Dr, and Mrs. Shine and family,
West Monkton, spent Sunday atW.
H. Love's.
Miss Hilda Oober and Lw in Inothee,
of Toronto, are visiting Limit grand.
parents, R. and Mrs, Laing,
J, K. Ball and family made a motor
trip to Pott Elgin t0 spend the holi-
day and visit relatives In 11be loealhy,
Miss Ella Ifanenhl and Miss Aleey
McLelland are home len holidays
We understand) they ate both open
for engagements.
Alter spending the \Vin ter in Strat-
ford Wm. and Mrs. Clack have re-
turned to Ethel and will occupy \Vit.
Eck 101 ee's hi use on the river bank.
Thill'aday even:ne of this went it
red hot game of Font 131111 w011 be
played here. between Brussels and
teams and a big crowd is ex-
peeted to witness the match. See it,
Thursday evening the disputed
game between 13t'tlssels and Ethel will
be played here, It will be the fastest
game of the season as we want 1st
puree 111 this district so anile 005 and
snpport the boys of the bine and
Ethelitesame giro] to wel mime How-
ard, son of Wm. and Mrs, Strachan
home from overeeas. He WAS both
wounded and gassed while fighting'
but has regained his old thine vigor
Fairly well, After a holiday.fnt' 0 few
weeks here he purposes going West
where he has interests and from
where he enlisted at the call of the
Large o'owd attended the Metho-
dist ohttrch last Sunday evening to
hear the farewell by Rev. J. W. John.
son, Mr, and Mrs. Johnson leave
with the best wishes of the entire
community and will be welcomed
bank at any future Lime, Theft' new
charge is Holnesville instead of
Talbotville as the former pressed their
Friday last, the closing day of
school, the pupils assembled in Miss
Bailltntyne's room and presented Mrs.
Bolton, who has been Principal for
the poet few months, with a silver
meat fork and remembered Mise Bal -
Ian Lytle with a fancy ivo'y clock.
The recipients replied in short approp•
riate sentences, Lunch was saved
before dispersion, Mrs, Bolton has
returned to her home at VJiarboo and
Miss BallanLyne has gone to Brussels.
Both have resigned their pnsiL1ons.
The ladies did faithful work in the
school and have the good wishes of
the community,
(.i,V/.-ifkTth. IJJ(Jh:.y1).1r. s
Nets' iidrtv,tl ld i1 hemp, Innll, antic
'omitting nt (1. M. Miteneil', eml mer,
I:+wfwnrd, pO8Hthiy nH far as .Jrel, el e•
Itrv. J, '1, Legear and family, of
ilanx0eld, 00 0, have ul lived to spend
a month at their Summer tome at the
beach at Kincardine. The reverend
gentleruan was se 101 !nem' pastor of uhf•
Methodist chinch bete.
Next Sabbath Rev, Feed, S. O Kell,
13. A., the new Methodist pastor, will
0np115)' )rulpits of Lhe rnrui1,
p110r0 Hying his uinnguual,rruloov, Wit
1101 hitt) and his family a medial %vel-
emne t0 Ethel and hope a pastorate
marked by great pinspetity may ha
IOTtrET, ScrtOOT, RErOIsT,-F'nllowiug
le this report of Ethel seined r-,Iuuinr
Lo Sr. [V. -Ralph Rowland, \Volker
Elinin Engler, Edythe Dane,
Audrey Weenier, Burton McDonald.
Jr. to Sr, iII,-Jeune Metier. Pearl
James, Ralph McDonald, Eddie (hill,
Eatll Bowes. Sr, 111. to Jt.
John Halls, Evelyn Ellicott,
1\I. BOULTON, Principal,
Repott for Junior room. From Sr.
II to Jr. III -Honors -Hanley Eck-
mier, Marjory Thompson, Sylvia
Thompson. Pass -Ian McDonald.
Oloyne Michel, Violet heath, Howard
McKee, Fred. 111tueay, Ev,'Iena Nott,
Erten Jr. II to Se. II -Passe -0 wen
James, Doris McDonald, Beryl 0111,
Glen Ecinnier, Rnxy Rowland. Fu,m
Jr. to Se. I -Gold win Thompson, Jack
Sanders, Cameron Kress, Harry Mit-
chell, Dorothy McDonald, Elmer
Ellicott. Front Sr, to Jr. I -Wesley
McNeil, Erie Long, Blanche Rnwhrul,
Layton Mute. Jr. Pie -Doris Gill,
Linda Mitchell, Lorne VOdden, Clete
euee Ellicott
L, BALLAN'rYNE, Teacher.
Quite a number have started hay-
lies Lillian lileArter is holidaying
in Ornmarty.
• THE POST gives the news and 00
cents gets it to Jan. 1st, 11(20,
bliss l.velyf Mclntnsh,'ruroltn, was
the guest of Miss Margntet Printrs'
Russell and Mrs. Scott and baby,
Marion, were visitors at the home of
John McAteer.
Ivan and Miss Lillian McArter and
Miss Mary -McKellar spent the week
end in Orotnarty.
John and \'Iisses Bessie and Velma
Jordan motored to Londeabero in
Wtn. Kellington's ear and twade a
visit with 001 friends.
Joseph and Mrs. Jordan, Carling-
ford, George Jorcla11, Bra'ke's Falls
and Wtn, Davidson, motored to Duke
and Mrs. Jordan's 5th line, Inc a short
Last week Mee, (Dr.) W. L. Mu-
Outcheon, of Wilkes-Barre, Penn, ar-
rived for a vacation at Lhe parental
home, 5th line, Dr, MoOntebenn
hopes to get here for the Old Buys'
Re -union do Brussels.
A welcome visitor to this locality is
Will. Hanna, of Keys, Man„ a former
resident who went West 22 years ago
where he has prospered and looks as
if Western life agreed well wit i him.
His brother. David sold his farm and is
living 0n Calgarry now. 101r. Htt1)1115
will spend a few weeks here cnmbin
ing business and pleasure.
Dr. Alex. McLean, second son of
Henry McLean, of North Dakota,
formerly of Brussels, was a welcome
visitor at the horse of his uncle, stn.
Work, He has recently graduated in
Medicine at Chicago and is now tak-
ing a course in New Yodc hospitals,
Dr. McLean will make his mark in the
world we expect and he has the gond
wishes of relatives and old friends to
that end.
Somme REpoo'r. -Following iv the
report. of S.S, No. 10 t Si', IVA---Melee
Johnston, (II1; Jessie dosser, (i '5150
l;oknlier. Sr. IV B. --Harry Relit)
Grace Rernaghan, Jr. iV--Bit ueldn
McDonald, (H.) ; Campbell Robertson.
Sr. ]LI -Mary Breckenridge, Obu'ence
Johnston, Ernest Karg's. he III -
Gertrude Wheeler, Ethel Johnston,
Lizzie Robertson, Irene \Vheelee, Wil-
lie Peacock, Jean Messer, (absent )
Sr. II -Fletcher Fell, Clifford Ker-
11aghan, John McDongttll. Jr, TT -
George Peacoclt, Gael Johnston, Vel -
Ina Meunier, Pearl Johnsion, I -
Gertrude 'Purvey. Primer -Doreen
Eckuler, John Kernaghan,
VIOLA M, ET.LtoTT, Teaober,
Owing to the rain Wednesday even-
ing of last week the Garden Party at
'Union appointment was transferred
to the church, Rev. Mr. Johnson oc-
caupied the chair and an interesting
program was presented. Mr. Piercy,
Niagara Falls, was the entertainer,
rendering in good form an interesting,
amusing and instructive recital nn
"Keeping up with Lizzie," Musical
numbers were well a'endered by Miss
Strachan and F. II. Gilroy ; Mrs,
Michel and a total orchestra, Rev.
Me, O'Kell.'the new pastor,;lwas ;also
present ani) gave a short addeess,
Proceeds were well np toward 870.00
which will be applied to Sunday
School purposes. IIugh Richmond is
the worthy Superintendent,
SCIioot,RI"epo1'r.-The .following is
the result of the Promotion examina-
tions held) et 5, 5, No. 4 Morris on
Tune 24Llt and 25t11, 00°%, Paas, 75%
honors. Jr. IV. to Sr. WV, -Harold
Smith 771 Iiavvy Wit 1Le 72; Garvin
Smith 70. Sr. III, to Jr, IV,-Vernat
McCutclleot 88 ; ,Jack Snlitlt 80 ; Edna
Dunn '10; Ella Thuell78; Charles
Smith 71. Sr, II. to Jr, TTI. -Laura
McOutoheon 85 ; Verna White 80 ;
Margaret Thuell 73 ; .Edith Parish 54,
Jr, TI to Sr. IT, -Dorothy Lunn 82 ;
John McArter 81. I to Jr, 0I. -John
Lunn . Sr, Pt, XL -Ross Oardiff,
Jas, Smith, George (irnith, ,Tames
Parish. Jr, Pt. II. -Mary McArter,
Pt. T. -Jack Kelly, Thomas Miller,
Velma Jo'dan, Anemia Beirnes,
Primer, -Lloyd Pipe, Joseph Smith,
Leota Oardiff.
TSATtiet MCNAT%, Teaeller,
4,4..1 .:.:•+•:-:-... , .:::: , , ..I .'.
+ .1:1% 1I.4
arageF ÷ ewT.
• Opened in 8ruvselS
'i: - b
+ 1 t 'I t.
+ a
+ up for a model 11 garage.
+ e
et- 0
✓r o e
+ „
✓ •
'ser s
+• 1 F F 1 1 4
+ •
+ s
+ ( q ' 1 I s
+ 4
+ P
4. 4.Harris little •4 H. L. Stewart
+ IilW'4MELS .•
+ - o
I'ho undersigned lint, e•litetrd
into it•tm)Iship and lensed
1.1m 1111 ding reemoly s'o'ar.."1
by et, (tarter, sunt h.,5',•. 1111,',1 it
•r the
l l Y suffer with
• >6(
• intense heat of the
O wood fire when you call
o hake, wash and cook with
• •
C1 4
Goal Oil
\i . are ready to attend to all
termini, n speei ll1. y being nt tie
f 1 n'es, having taken a special
course in deeding with Rubber,
Supplies plies of (Inulin. mei (Ms
always on band.
\V1. ire agents 'tor the wall
known Overland Cat.
If yott have trouble with gem
Car nt're hire any tn ne in out
BOP give its ,a mull \Ve gmuate
toe salwtartion nt l'edtvnuttbla
Int es,
'til' w
Perfection Sim e (3 y
burners) a
.21.50 •
Complete with Oven I
$28.00 •
Teacher wanted 0n S. S. No. 0 Mer-
ritt. See advt, in this issue, el lee
Temic Yuill, who has been the me,
ces-fol teacher, biles resigned.
'Union Picnic of S. S No 3 and Snn-
sltiue Sunday School was held 0n
Sonlrn•rville', glove, Monday, .Tune
30t1. Day was fine anti everybody
tail a gond time. Bell playing, font
fares and picture lig wale the (111-
PIoyu1ent fro the young fry. S••rne
got mud -splashed but stud washes otf,
I n a tug of war for the then, Captains
J anise Clark and Best Carter, palled
four times and resulted in a tie, 1V1.
will all be ready for another when the
like 0001115 in the same place.
SODOO'I. REtOOT for the prornnlinn
exams of S. S. No 8 Morris. Name. in
miler of merit. Sr. III. to Jr. TV. -
Kenneth McVettie, Adella Turves,
(wallet Sellers, Fraser Mustard) Jim
'Purvey, Bertha Smelt, Charles War-
wick (re;ommended,) Jr. III to St,
IIL-Violet blathers. Sr, II to Jr.
III. -Lillie, Gaieties (honors,) Pearl
blathers, Margaret McVettie, Hazel
Hamilton, Gordnn Hamilton, Lloyd
'Purvey (eecmnrnetded ) Jr. II. t0
St'. IL -Bert Garniss, finery Gatviss.
Ist to Jr. 1 [.-Howard \Vnedrow,
Melville Mathers, Margaret Mnstat•cl,
Irene Allen. Abner to fit class.--
Dorotsy McVettie, Beet. Mathere,
Clifford Woodrow, Dorothy Gaieties,
Edith Warwick.
M. MORGAN, Teacher,
Tom Armstrong, 13. A., and Miss
Jean Armstrong, both of whom are
teaching in Toronto, are home for
their vacation.
Have you invited your friends In
the Community Welcome and Re-
union al Brussels on Sunday, Mntdday
and Tuesday, July 27, 28 and 21) ?
Mrs. Jas,IMcFadzenn, who is still at
the home of Andress Hislop, her
father, continues to make improve-
ment but at a slow piece. We trust it
may continue.
We are glut to report that David
Clara, 1.110 con., who was (]note
severely shocked by lightning, is mak•
Mg improvement and we hope will
:non be as hearty Its ever.
I'h0 week Will. Beaver, 0th Con„
left for London where he has accepted
a poei(inn with the Massey-1hu'ris
than as District reptee11tative in set:
',big up machines, Sue He will fill the
The Misses Readcuttn and briLher,
who recently sold their farm, 71,0 line,
have purchased a property of 8 acres
adjoining Seaforth and will remove to
it in the near future, We wish then)
evel'y success in their new borne.
Thursday evening of last week the
officers and teachers c1, Melville Sab-
bath School made a surprise visit 011
James Armstrong and bride, 0th Con.,
when Miss Glace Slsweet presented a
Ij dozen eifver knives and forks and a
silver meat fork after T. 0. McCall
had read the following address :-
DIes1Tt FRu,:NOS--We, yarn' friend.,
and fellow•u'orltel's have gathered this
evening to congeal Mitt yin and wish
you all the joy and happiness of a
long and prosperous wedded life.
May your, blessings be many and
your burdens be few and light. Yon,
Mt'. Al nista ing, have been a 1110st
earnest, and i'ai10lu1 winker in the
advancement of Ola ist's rause in this
comummity anti especially lit the Sab-
bath School where, Inc the pest fete
years, you have been nowt iegnlat,
punctual and diligent in the ser virrs
which you have so well tondo, ed
We are glad thatyou have 011,0511 lie
your' partner in life one who hes been
an earnest and faithful worker 111 lam'
own church, may you both roulimue
in the good work to which yin have
already given yonselves, \\'e ask
you, Mr. and hies. Alltie15' 85, to ne
dept these present:Its it align token
of nue appreciation and one pnnyee is
that God may long 610/11.e your• lives 10
be useful members n1 the chervil aid
the onmtnttnity. Signed on behalf of
the 8, S.
Mr, Armstrong made a very snit •
able reply, not occupying an horn'.
Rev, Me. Mann gave a shall Itcldtese
and an enjoyable social hour was
spent cloying which lunch was served,
The company sang ".Binet be the tie
that hinds" befotesepm'aLing wishing
Mr, and Mrs, Armstropg many joys,
4,000484bn 1.4
Lest Friday 11:514,lib 31sCal1 who lyes
howl visiting here I'or the past f, w
weeks Si flee his vont n from oversea',
left for Calgary where ht, will stmight -
et111;) some business interests there
and will then return to srnept, a pnsi-
tioti in heat) oslre of the Ottia Elevat-
or Co„ Hamilton. He was tt Set geant
in the int Division, Frnnee. bii•. Mc-
Call was over' 3 years in service but
was fortunate hr ea,r
apnlg unharmed.
He syssaMOO th in Genitally tvilh the
army of occupatioln.
During the past week Thos, and
Mts. Kiekenanell, of Shepherd, Isa-
belle Co, Mich„ were visitors with
relatives sod Carmel friends, They
had come to the funeral of \Vua, Dow,
a well It /10W11 resident of Hihhel't ltho
died very suddenly. It is 30 years
since the Kirkconnell's went to Michi-
gan. Mies. Kitkcoouell 0 a daughter
of Samuel Love, formerly of Jlnrris
tuwnehip, The viaitorw have i1lLereHt-
ing stories to tell of the progress of
their community. Mr. Kirkeonnell is
a shrewd man who has prospered
under the stars and stripes. They
were weleo n1. visitors. Jnn. Kirk-
comlell is a brother.
Public school closed Inc the Sum-
mer vacation last Friday.
A sister of Mrs, Wm. Petrie, for-
merly of this locality, dropped dead at
her home in Trowbridge vicinity last
Rev. 3. F. and Mr's. Knight, of Mil-
verton, well known herr, were at.
tending a big Oonventiun at Colum-
bus, Ohio.
Mies Jessie Menzies. arrived haute
last Friday from the Queen city where
she has been te001110g the young ides
how to shout,.
Messrs. Lightfoot, Peguegnat anti
Reynolds and lady friends, Stratford,
were visitors at the home of ells,
Julia Menzies.
1V, J. and Mrs. Hunter, Oshawa,
and Alvin Hurter motored to Oran -
brook last week and will spend a holi-
day with relatives and friends,
Next Sunday evening, at 7.30
o'clock, public: service will be held in
Knox church Isere when Mrs. \V. H.
Ferguson, Bolgeave, will give an ad-
dress on Forward Movement.
411. -
Poultry wanted Tuesday of emelt week.
Phone W. (9. Neel Rs t0 prices, co.
Mrs, J. W. btoerisn11, Toronto, is
renewing old friendships in Walton
and vicinity.
Tenders are being asked by Mcleil-
lop township Council for the construe -
Lion of the Dohnage Drain. Read
their advt. in this paper,
Next Sunday the new parson, Mr,
Button, will conduct, service on Wal-
ton circuit, We extend a welcome to
the new intnalrs of the parsonage.
About. 850.00 have been subscribed
in Special Prizes for the School Fair,
A school parade is to be one of the
features this year, Points 10 be con -
shim ed, not number in the school. but
marching, neatness of appearance,
effectiveness of decoration, ole. Wo-
men's Institute is offering $10 in pt izes
for this feature.
the picnic held hast. Saturday after -
nom) Rev. and Mrs, Bentley were pre-
sented with a. tine silver tett service nn
the eve of their departure from Wal•
ton, accompanied by the following ad-
dress :---Rev. and Mrs, Bentley, DEAR
FRIENDS, -We, the Ladies' Aid of
Walton congregation, while regret-
ting your departnee from one midst,
desire to give your some tangible re-
ongtlitine of one Ftiendlship and Love.
We therefore ask you to accept this
Silver :Pea Service as a parting gifb
and we trusL as you use it yeti may be
reminded of you' stay amongst us,
Congratulations ale extended to the
Methodist churches on Romney cir-
cuit over your appointment there and
our wish and prayer is that you may
greatly enjoy your wont and be richly
blessed by the Master of the vias•
yard as you sow the Good Seed. We
trust you will find many war in, true
frlends, just as good as you leave here.
Yours very truly,
Muss. Iitretil h'fTm0N, President,
Rises. N. C1Aitrnlitr„ Secretary,
Walton, June 80th, 1010,
A fitting reply was made by Rev. Mr.
Bentley who asa mei the Mud friends
n. C C 1 Citi FSS>t i
that be mitt chill 11,',,*hi s ,5.',dd 1,, ir1
forge( the emelt eine emitted 5,ineeeee
en. epic
of he W 1'nt people and they a 1
t at t til d
I 1 1
that tae ehureh and <. Inunn,1t
l t 1 1 t (y
would have (Iowa „f '-«1' 1,•5 ng 1551'
the go01111558 of (3,81. Before Rove
IYIt. Bentley left \\'anon he Hold rue
driving outfit to his Hucceseur nod 111-
veeted 10 m Fold rat with which he
and Airs. Briudry t, n veiled) to Romhney
this trot -It.
W ro x e'te r
A 1Loden Party will be 1,, 01 ,w the
Park. by the 5Tniled \Vern„,' Work-
et•a, \Vedme,day„11,1y 11111. Tea 1,01'17 -
ed 010 10 8 p. 01.
ds'v-edIt010(Ito8p.01. teem fent gime
between lend wielt and \Vtox„ter, rut
1130 tieluek. Witlghan, 1141011 will be
01 attemdemee. Mr. 01,(negie, (;,ale -
i 1,, will re,ntribule ,ins and 1i'id-
Inge. Tickets 50 and 2'5 reals. 1�,'t•e1 y
hndy w111 be tweleotue,
Clarence Admire let, Met were for
3lrs. Israel, of Walkervilte, is vi'+dt•
Ing wilds het wdstet•, lir-. (', thus
Mw,. Daisy \ ii,r, uud „f hul'l tb,,
da pending her hoed:tee with her
and Mts, Johosl o and bid.
and Alt's. Coates motored 10 Stratford
and Avoutun,
Latvreure bfsCallum, w150 was re-
nenlly visiting with frieni:s et Trow-
bridge, left for ('aalgaty, Alberta.
Miss Lydia Monte 11.1,1 for Stratford,
whine she purposes taking a nurse's
ruining colt 'e at the general hospi-
Lawimiee 101 ('rat', not bong home
frorn evirsras, left recently for Ford
city, taking a peeitu,n in the Ford
fas'l'n .
Mr, t'aud Maw. Monism'. (iristo1i
and Mt's. Josiah Thompson, for uteri y
of Atwood, were guests at the borne
of J. R. Code,
Thele was a huge go) lss.ri 85 at the
home of Robe. Bowes in humor of our
teacher, Miss E. Gordon, who is leiter.
Ing us. The fore part of the evening
was spent in not -dolt• games, heartily
enjoyed by all, after whirl) the crowd
gathered in the house and a splendid
pi°graam was given, consisting of
epeeehee, recitations and music. The
music consisted of vocal solos, piano
duetts, choruses by tate children and
selections by the (motivate., The prim -
tepee feature of the evening was an
add tess and presentation to Miss Gor-
don of a club bag, umbrella and mani-
cure set.
Trowbridge cnutmnnily was shock-
ed by the sudden death Wednesday
of Mrs. Sidney Bisset t, formerly Lily
Fru eman, daughter of the late Jabez
and Mrs,. Foreman, in her 38th year.
Mating her htiebn,d's ahsen+e en road)
work, Mts. Bissell ova, Stricken with
heat prostration i bile washing the
milk cans at the barn, and when Mr.
Bissett returned home for dinner 11e
found her unconscious lying on the
kitchen floor, A. doctor' and nurse
were promptly secured but she was
trot again normally nnnscious and
passed away at an etuly hour Wed-
nesday, leaving a !Ingle, and 2 small
children, aged 8 and 5. John Fore.
man, `2nd con., Elan, is an only broth-
er and sisters are Mrs. \\'m. Perrie,
Brussels ; Mae. Gen. Johnston, Elute ;
Mrs. Willis Johnston, Etna, mid Mrs.
Wesley Faulkner, Marybm'ough.
Rev, \Vm, Sterling, Methodist minis-
ter at. Trowbridge, had charge of the
fnnetal, which was held to Biwa
Centre cemetery.
RYtaENEAL.-Ou Wednesday, 25th
ult. Rev. Mr. Sterling, Trowbridge,
tied the matrimonial knot at, the
home of Walter Ward, 411t curt. n1'
Elnan, between Miss &tarot Millet,
niece of the host, and Nelson Kitchen,
of the same tuwnehip. Ceremony vette
performed at high noon on the lawn
under an merit of evergreens and
roses, Bridle was given away by 11e1'
father, Aaron, Miller, Bright, and
looked sweet in a dress of dotted
voile. Miss Marjory Miller played
the wedding march, Viola Nelson,
Palmerston, cousin to bride, was ring -
bearer and Muriel Ward, cousin of
gron, flower girl. After hearty con-
gratulations the wedding party, num-
bering about 90, sat down to 8 splen-
didly prepared dinner. The wedding
gifts were numerous, valuable and
well chosen, The happy couple will
reside on the groom's focal Con. 12,
Elms. Bride's going away dress was
blue silk. They have the good wishes
of a wide circle of relativee and
friends for a long, happy and prosper-
ous sail on the uhatrimonial sea.
PRESENTATION, -On the day school
closed Winthrop pupils presented
their highly esteemed teacher of the
past 2 years, Mies Laura Antent, Brue-
sels, with a kindly worded address,
read by Hiram Shannon, accompanied
by a gold bedroom clock and jewel
case, presented by Neil Montgomery,
Miss Amant replied most appropriate-
ly. She has resigned her charge and
will spend the next 0 months at home.
lin the roof of his brother's house
township, near Seaforth,
on Monday afternoon, Frank Hogg
fainted and rolled orf the roof, falling
to the ground 20 feet below and being
instantly )tilled. tie was 50 years of
age and one of the most respected and
successful farmers in the township.
He raised both cattle and heavy
horses, some of the best horses ship-
ped from 11115 centre being raised by
him, Deceased was a Presbyterian
and 0 member of the Board of Mans,
gees of First Church, Seaforth. He
leaves 2 sisters, Jennie, at hone, and
Mrs, Thomas Dickson, McKillop, and
5 brothers, Peat, John L, Hogg, Sae-
katonn University; Dr, JamesHogg,
Preston, Ont„ and Robert, George
and \'Viliiam, of McItillop township,