HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-26, Page 5PO3ite45 fl GARB*,
ltvc r= r' tUra'ddia
Dtalcorisaab OUrObi
J 4: tiiiGt=tr:3twTiv
,or ,•o g11. 5i +"ro. Otlln" at Antler.
A:, 1 lien, lay, S +tnhlil ls0Gseolo Telephone
1.:o. 4
DR, WAROLAW --._-.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night, ;nils. 011iee opposite
L'lou, M dl, Mho!.
ee, O, P-, &S, O.
M. 0. 11., Village or Brnssnls,
1'hv:dcinn, Surgeon, Aecouchnm'
(1111re Al. r"sidrglre, oypo itu Melville Morph,
W I panel
PR. J. H. WHITE, B. A.
ltredonia Toronto University of Mudiri na.
ls'peetnl attention Oven to diseases of ',Ililerim
and surgery.
Office; Dr. Bryane Old Stand
Phone ,45 Brussels
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Will *,•ll tor as good priro. as boy other Ann•
tionoor or a au•ge nothing,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
e,llae un the Square, 'find door from Hamilton
(:ODkRI('H, ONT.
Private rands to last at lowest rates.
W, Puuunemer, K, D. ,T, L. Klt.onAN
H, .1, f). comes
B.., .;
I'll r: Pus' is prepared to sup-
ply the various styles of
Connive Check Books on
short notice,
Samples may he seen anti
pl•ieee Mu'el'llll1led by ettlli11g
at our ;Mlle.,. Yon can buy
11.1 cheap from US as (1.0111
any entnpltlly.
Let its have your order.
4s +
John Obi er I
HRU 1SI;LS 4•4.
46• `E
has taken ovl:r the Deering Ag- +
44' envy mud Iortulles a full line of 4•
1. Parol 0n1)l1 n(1,Its including the ;:
4• noted 4•
I. H. C. Crean] Separators4.
+ .(1..
The only Creast Sopa)aloe with 4'
+ two Wide open in cam oul.lets -- +
+ no meant arrow in the path of •E
fthe cretin. Ser it when in town. +
The I. H. C. 8-16 end 10-20 Tractors +
fiarty among the best. +
:a The Deering Manure Spreader 44•.
with the wide'sptend and very &
,b light in draft.
TI: John '•paver*
r '• .."it'.r4,,,v4ri,,wt vµaint/zA r ,
)/ ;,) ELLI.,1(J! A 11 --, :t
p Yonte & Charles eta„ Toronto ,!{
i IS Holed throughout 'Can-
a aria lute high grade Illthi• (y
twss 1 illi('-ltil,lt )
• Ol00 ail year_ isn(:.
vr, .5• '
write for 4atn,.?tttte
;i- W. J. EI-L/OTT, PRINOIPnl, }re 't
AV,StAS,0AVi:Vrixtvri: mV WitIA 4.4V 9
t etas Pals
hoc pays for Tor [rose to January
wtiOOPIN0 crnl;h is 01) all. 16l7dies'
LICIT!. 1)'Nr•11, C.I,tlIou, was oprlated
ou (or appendicitis dui ing past we k.
CANADA's debt is tenout $25o for every
man. wonise and child in the Dominion.
A'rcu tar eouuteifeit halt dollar
pieces. 'Phe imitation is a clever one.
'rhe Milling around the edge of the coin
is not as perfect as the genuine.
'I't1ANl54--'I',tr: POST returns thanks
for responses for past due subscriptions
'['here's a large number yet who have
not remitted, whom we hope wi.I get
busy before the end of the month
Rev. 11. F. Armstrong, Wingham,
was elected Chairman of this District at
o Scrap iron,
m Rags, &c.
Is prepared to pay the s
highest price for e
Highest price paid. See
me'before you sell. i
Highest Cash Price for "I
Live Poultry and Hides•
Write or Phone. 02x
1111,1, STR181v'P 13RUSS.IMS
4 •
P••00044,40.••••••e•••••••••• bylaw has yet to receive the Approval
of the hepartlrlent of Highways. This
year the r eg' ia" ve grant is 40 per
I.' i1. 1.'n .,,n.1111 lion did only `0 t :r
tent On maiutenace.
Steve e 1111.1(e"elite: h+1'1 roe the
Jo., H flrrh e, f1reeipGU,, •)nn* tt
few Jaye ' I.,' :ittee.
Atateil 451:lt tnrl In ieIoIv ,, i)•:::{.
Rg"tin after CI
1011 and Mrs. 11ttpfel. are helirlay-
1lig wit -11 1-i'Iat(Ye'a at l',nsPR.
All's. lien Lnt'Itie ltnel lil'.t1' daughter
are guesIe of relatives in Loudon
lylIse F. Bouthron, Bengali, it 11)0
guest of her ai'etet. Mrs. 0. 1). tliutp-
0.01110(1 Molmison (1.11d bride, Lon.
(1011, spent. a 5veele with the farmer's
pea elite, Ino. and Mrs, Morrison.
Mts. (Rev.) Stride, who tereotly
underwent, a serious operation at
1(1(01 011 t, Ilan volumed hutor, and is
progressing favorably,
Juts, .Anger and (Jordon Simmons
art 10011 (1.001 0001 sots, lint h wire
ml -mhos; or the ((ilsl. Bat , and saw
active service. III t+'rttn('e,
• Morris Council
000111)11 most do Township hall Mon-
day, May 10th.
Members present., Aliuntos of loot
meeting read and approved.
At Court of Revision on the Asses.
melt Roll the itaseasment on Lot Sy 10
Oon. 8 was towel ed to 04400.
Following ratepayers each had a clog
the recent Methodist Conference shock off the roll -Newton McCauley,
Rev, W E, Stafford, Brussels, is Sec-
retary of Evangelism and Social Service
For the same District.
Rev. E. G. Powell, former Field
Secretary with the Huron County Tem
penance Alliance, end well known in
Brussels where he was pastor for 4
years, was elected Chairrnan of the
Exeter district at the London Metho-
dist Conference. He is stationed at
Rev. I. W, Baird, pastor of James
street Methodist church, F,xeter, was
preseutad with a purse of ;1USo by Ills
e'ongregallon in appreciation of Ills ser-
vices Haring the 3 years or his pasttrnle,
Mr. Baird Is leaving the London Con•
fereuea for Hamilton, an exchange hay -
been made with RevM, 1• Wilson,
00ER 10,000 chicks have been hatch-
ed by the plant at Walter Rose's Poul-
try Farm, Brussels, this season. The
iucubntors are still running, The early
part of itbe season, owing to the cold,
wet weather, was hard on the young
stock. A visit to the Poultry Farm is
an occasion of uo smell interest and
gives an idea of how to handle the
wealth -producers.
GRIM -Guelph Presbyterial W. M. S.
honored Mrs David McCrae, of Guelph,
mother of the late Col. John McCrae,
the noted Caua'lien soldier poet and
writer of "In Flanders' Fields." At the
5'h annual meeting of the Society, the
members expressed their appreciation
of Mrs. McCrae's long anti valued ser-
vice to the organization by electing her
Honorary President. Mrs. Mcerne is
well known throughout the entire
Society, which reaches f1.
111 Quebec ec to
Sinre the formation
1 ePacific Coast,
of the W. F M. 0 43 years ago she has
given to it unreservedly of herself eucl
her talents. Apart from all definite
work accomplished in those years -Anil
it has been much -there hes come to all
people and things which she has couched
not only a strong spiritual influence but
something of elusive charm as well.
AND REUNION. -Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday, July 27, 28 and 29 are to be
Red Letter days in Brussels Plan to
get your relatives and Iritucls here for
that occasion.
OVER 700 invitations have been mail-
ed so far to old Boys and Girls asking
then( to visit Brussels on lu'y 27, 28 and
29 Have you hencled in your list yet or
don't you care whether an invitation
goes or not ?
($NVELOPES for advertising the Re-
union 1 ve been printed anti are being
Sold to the business people at TO cents a
package. It is a good way to advertise
the celebration.
Now would be a good time to paint
up, get Bower heels growing and have
the "whiskers" on Your lawn trimmed
preparatory to the Old Boys' Celebra-
tion. Get busy,
SCAT It streets require tidying up badly
before lily 27, 28 Rud 2q Peke some
Pride in having them in ship-shape.
Went Under Operation
Lieut. Ear) O'Neil who Just recently
returned from overseas, went under an
operation for appendicitis in the Clin-
ton Hospital on Monday. Earl is do-
ing as well as can be expected these
hot days,
Entrance Exams
The dates for the entrance examina•
tions, which have been finally decided
upon, 'are later than last year's dates.
They are to be held on the three days
of July 2, 3 and 4, whereas last year
they were over by June 19th.
Boosting Telephone Rates
There is a general all-round
change in telephone tariffs. The
most cases the rates are iLigher. For-
merly cheap rates were given after
six o'clock, but now they do not begin
till 8:30. A second reduction of
rates is given after 1.30 each night.
Good Roads Grants To
J, Nichol, J. Sptaux, J. Mutts,
and J Miller.
0, SI obits received $210 for his
claim for damages and Moil .lnhn-
stet 850 -
Alex, Receiver's assessment on Sellers
Dlnin was red tired $2.1.00.
13y -Laws on Sellers 1)rain and on
the Mills 1)rain were read and finally
Court of Revision on Assessment
Roll 5vas sed jour nett till the next meet-
Following am'oiuI1 ttcr/ paidI .O.
Stnbhs diliinges, $210 ; l l r l lel. Joh,
Mon $6); A Mrh'wan By 1 nes and
Olerk's Pres Sellers Drain, $11.50 ; By
Laws told Clout', fees Mills chain 800 ;
\V nL
e1•t $s ,7.50
..turd 'L ally
J. I fust
Craig filling washout, $1.00 ; J, Yeo
filling washout, $1.00; G. Alopallull
road work, 07 50.
Council adjntu led until June 29rd.
A, AIACEwt,N, Clerk.
Urban Municipalities
Bylaw No, 11 passed by the county
council last week is the bylaw pro-
viding for the rebate of 90 per cent. of
the amount levied in towns and vile
(ages for the Good Roads systen. It
provides for the following grants: To
Clinton, ,$615.96; to Goderich, $1,280.
34; to Seaforth, $6.75; to Bayfield,
,#127,26; to Myth, $243.72; to Brus-
sels, ,#228.90; to Exeter, $484,38; to
1lensall $225.36; to Wroxeter, $135.
18. These grants are to be expended
solely upon tete highways set forth in
the bylaw, as being the connecting
links of the County Good Roads system
through the urban municipalities. The
Gigantic Graft in Provincial Highway
and Housing Scheme Charged Be-
- fore North Huron Liberal Associa-
tion at Wingham by W. H. Fraser,
M. P. -Sheldon Brucker Is President.
Wingham, June. 16.-W. H. Fraser,
M. P P., for North Huron, disclosed the
methods of "big interests" in connec-
onnecttion with the provincial highway now
under construction and predicted more
graft for government financial manipu-
lators in the proposed $25,000,000
mote the housing loan to promote g
when he addressed the North Huron
Liberal Association here this afternoon.
That the women's vote will kill
liquor in Huron when the prohibition
referendum takes place probably this
autumn, but that the .liquor interests
were preparing for the greatest politi-
cal fight in history which they will win
generally, was the speaker's belief.
Delegates elected at the meeeting to
represent North Huron at the provincial
convention in Toronto are: Sheldon
Bricker, Fordwich; Mrs. S. A. Popple -
stone, Blyth; Mrs. W. I -L Ferguson,
Belgrave, and H. B, Elliott, Wingham,
with alternate delegates in W, J. Hen-
derson, Morris; Archie Anderson, East
Wawanosh; Miss M, McClelland, Blyth;
Miss P. Powell, Wingham,
Officers Elected
Officers elected for the ensuing year
are: President, Sheldon Bricker; first
vice-president, Mrs. W. H. Ferguson;
second vice-president, Luxton Hill,
Blyth; third vice-president, Morgan
Dalton, Goderich.
H. B, Elliott becomes secretary -
treasurer upon the retirement from the
treasurership of Mrs. J. L, Edds.
Presidents and vice-presidents elected
for the nine municipalities in the rid-
ing -follow: Ashfield, Joseph Dalton and
Mrs. Neil McKenzie; West Wawanosh,
W. A. Wilson and Miss R, McAllister,
East Wawanosh, Wni. Robinson and
.. ,, ,. .., ,...., ...w s
gg-- g w debt to the 13Cvernnent 1 ,K1 t. (,
4 r A lin d that SJ a Eatcr.ti.
1.fIt P." x !"°:
E FR 0 M F R U IT thero,l)y rinr,llK
the small
Matters Of Tariff
Extraordinary Success which
ttFrfilt-a-thea" .Ptah Achieved
Ooe reason why '`Fruit-a-trv:.s'
Is so extraordinarily successful 1L..
giving rrlie'l'to thou sudt'riieg with
Cols/ipaliaa, Torpid Liver, bullies -
lion, Chronic Headaches, .Ncarralgia,
Kidney and Bladder Troubles,
Rheumatism, Pain ill /he .Valk,
Eczema and other Skin Affections,
is, because It is the only medicine in
the world made from fruit juices.
It is composed of the medicinal
prineiplos found in apples, oraltge5,
figs and prunes, together with the
nem tonics and aulisoptics of
proven repute.
500. a box, O for $2.50, trial size 250.
At all dealers or sent postpaid
by Fruit-a•tives Limited, Ottawa.
Mrs. James Menzies; Howick, William
Itastie, Jun., and Mrs. Ernie Harris;
Turnberry, Peter McDougall and Mrs.
Robert; Blackmore, John McArter and
Mrs, C. G. Campbell; Blyth, Charles
McClelland Mrs. S. A. Popplestone;
Wroxeter, Galvin Davidson and Miss
E. Hazelwood; Wingham, Abner Cos -
ens and Miss f . Powell,
Mrs. Fraser alleged that the mana-
ger of the concerns forming the Can-
ada Cement 'Company squeezed out
smaller competing firms and boosted
the price fur products for the con-
struction of the Hamilton-Torono sec-
lon of the provincial highway, so that
the cost of constructing the road, es-
timated a $1,000,000, now shows a
S. darter
Agent, Brussels
Our reputation for fair dealing
and reliable goods, coupled with
the De Laval record of service
and\durability, has made the
De Laval Cream Separator the
leader in this community.
COST -That's what you
put info a cream separator.
VALUE -That's what you
take out of your cream
Value in a cream separator de-
pends upon the amount and the
quality of service you get out of it.
Because it lasts fifteen to
twenty years the De Laval is
the most economical cream
separator to buy. If ydu con-
sider its cleaneronce skimming,
running, greater capacity and less
cost for repairs, the price of the
"cheapest" machine on the
market is exorbitant in com-
With present high butter -fat
prices and the scarcity of labor
this is truer than ever.
We'll sell you a De Laval on
such easy terms that it will pay
for itself out of its own savings.
We want to see you the next
time you're in town.
Our roceries
Are Always _ resh
WE not only give Low Prices on
Groceries but High Quality.
All Groceries are not the same grade.
Because we sell Wholesome, Pure Foods for
Less Price we sell lots of them and always
have them Fresh. The water in a running
stream is fresher than that in a stagnant p1011.
The Groceries in our store are Fresher be-
cause we. sell Good Goods at the Low Price
and keep them IVioving.
Give us a Trial,
R. Ca RATHWELL, Moncrieff
flig manufacturers are masters of
the tariff situation at present and the
,1 taker said that null:, here i'.
el eat unlooked-for change the tai nu•I
t,d 'meal( -town man will continue 1,,
(e il3e(l.: tot a t,.itt, tith1 L, ,.Once
the f ie.0 .,tie 1.,t the'"c•mtt„Ilrt, " i (1,
t,triuers' nloveulent iteilatm3 lea' low
erect tariffs in only laughed at in I'o-
Although the Ontan'e Temperance
Act works web in Huron and similar
counties, it has disagreeable features in
the cities mainly with request Lo the
prohibitive cost of liquor to the work- I
ing man. Mr, Fraser explained that 1
l+ig men who ifringe the provision
of the act are seldom punished, '.51111,
the poor 11111 has to pas' „no ,n fine'..
1 he Governor-General rd 1',11;11,
openly shipped carloads of boot' in f.,
his own haute, he alleged, Aird
nnilested. This sort of tiring woo what
was going to boost the cause e f the
liquor party. In making an appeal for
the careful choice of a real leader for
the Liberal party at the provincial con-
vention, the speaker declared that dole
gates had the opporunity of curtailing
some of the enormous profits being
heaped upon them by the big interests
who own this present government body
and soul.
Democratic Liberalism
Sheldon Bricker, president of the
association, pointed to the democratic
nature of Liberalism in Canada, by
which every follower of Liberal prin-
ciples has a direct voice in the choice
of his leader. In the provincial party
only closer organization throughout the
riding is necessary for a general finan-
cial contribution to the association was
sentiment of reports from munici-
The association will inaugurate a
plan for more frequent and closer c, -
operation between the chairmen of
municipalities within the riding and
party followers, with a view toward in-
creased membership and increased
funds for the coming campaign..
s The
meeting voted 4110 to he paid to each
delegates attending the Toronto con-
vention to aid in defraying expenses of
the journey.
axe t wtet"
apt , , «:t.• ."
Fuji weight of tca 1i
every package
S good to .
Sold only in sealed packages
Harry Smith Federal Head
11arry Smith ,"1 tlav Township was
cit „en head 'd the Federal Liberal As-
'•ciation, (ether officers are: First
eh:v.president, JaineO. Watson, of Sea.
rlh; second vice-president. Donald
Items, of tleusall; third vice-president,
*0,. Beatrice Urquhart, of Hensall;
•crct.irv, F. G. Seldon, of Exeter;
treasurer. Dr. Alex. Moir, of Hensall
The sub -division chairtnen are those
South Huron Liberals at Hensall De-
mand Just Franchise, Better Treat-
ment For Veterans, Tariff Reduc-
tions and British Preference.
Hensall, June 16.- The franchise
act, delays in holding by-elections,
lack of tariff reform, treatment given
returned soldiers, press censorship and
government extravagance came in for
severe criticism at the live enthusiastic
Liberal gathering held in the town hall
here this afternoon.
Liberals from every
L' Pals f o
South h Huron
section of the provincial and dominion
ridings were on hand in numbers to
give voice to the new and vigorous
Liberalism that is rapidly sweepng
from Atlantic to Pacific,
The meeting held today was repre-
sentative of the Liberal Association as
constituted for both provincial and
dominion matters, and the ring of the
speeches by W. G. Charlton of Aylmer,
secretry-treasurer of the Western
Ontario Liberal Association, and of
William Proudfoot, M. P. P„ of Goder-
rich, was indicative of the new vigor
and life which the meeting displayed
Officers for dominion and provincial
associations were elected for the year,
and also sub -division chairmen and
delegates to go to the Ottawa and
Toronto Liberal Conventions.
Stiff Resolutions
Resolutions were passed unanimously
1. "A just franchise.
2. "Compulsory bye -elections to be
held automatically within 60 days after
the vacancy occurs.
3, "Such a drastic reduction of the
customs tariff as will make free all
requirements of agriculture, produc-
roducttion , and the industrial life of Canada,
and all the necessities of life for the
great consuming population of this
countryThis will include acceptance
of full reciprocal trade relations with
the United States and all countries
giving us like treatment. We also
favor a decided increase in the trade
preference with the motherland.
4. "A full and just reconsideration
of the treatment and pensions of our
returned soldiers with a view to do-
ing them full justice.
5. "A free press and a free as-
O. "Doing away with the publica-
tion of the official records and bureau
of information.
John Essery, President
John Essery, of Usborte Township
was elected president of the Provincial
Association. Other officers are: First
vice-president, Mrs. F. W. Gladman, of
Exeter; second vice-president, Robert
McKay, of Tuckersmith; secretary, T.
G. Shillinglaw, of Seaforth; treasurer,
J. Preeter, of Zurich.
Chairmen of sub -divisions are; G.
Wise„ Godericlt Township; J. A. Mc-
e-Ewen ,Stanley "Township; J. Thompson,
Bnytield Township; Charles Fritz, Hay
Township; 30111 Morgan, Usborne
Township; G. Collins andR. Penhale,
Stephen Township; William Hay,
Tuckersutith Township; 'Charles Har-
vey, Exeter and Dr, Alex. Moir, Hen -
Delegates to the provincial convene
tion at Toronto are; J, Preeter, 3, Es -
stay, J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, Mrs,
J,Essery and Mrs. T. 3, Berry, of Hen-
sall, Alternates are; Alex Mustard, of
Brucefteld, John Morgan and Mrs, O.
Fritz, of Zurlah,
named b5 the pr„vinei31 as',claturr
with the hob„00(115 added (re^'rge Mc.
e 1. oh George 3, Watt, Hut-
lett-leewttsllip; ,111111 ,Howell, McKil-
lop 1 wn.hlp; 1. B. Ilinch(ey, Seaforth.
George Stephenson. Setuorth; and J.
Hawkins, ,,t lixeter,
Delegates 0. the Ottawa convention
are Mrs_ Harry Smith, of Exeter;
kobert Pickard, llan•1 Smith and
Thomas McMillan, of Mullett Township,
In June
Cost $iJk;
War Savings Stamps
can be bought wher-
ever this sign is
It is patriotic to buy War Savings
Stamps because Canada must haves
money for reconstruction.
buy But it is also profitable ,o Wax'
Savings Stamps because you are irk.
Vesting in Government Bonds yielding
over 4I/2%.
You don't need to be a capitalist. You
can start with 25 cents. Buy a Thrift
Stamp for a quarter. When you have
sixteen of them, exchange them for a.
War Savings Stamp, and you will have
laid the foundation of a solid invest-
ment with your odd savings.
You can add to this investment as often
as you save $4.00, and in 1924 the
Government will pay $5.00 for every
War Savings Stamp you buy now for
$4.00 odd.
This is the biggest opportunity ever af-
forded to wage earners to become in-
Make Your Savings Serve You and
Serve Your Country -Invest Them in
War Savings Stamps.
ValegageiSON afilenr=-:seven ,7p
Ship y4 Ur Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Crean( twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yr,u
will not want t,) disc?' ntinue.
rnssels Creamery Stawart srus
,,,.,,.a, a *,, ..,,,r,,„,M OM
•,.,.._.•e.0••,4.4. 4t9•p••••••4'44.4•••••• t'
• Makes the difference between the low-priced worker and rho high•
• salaried Pxpt rt, WP Dan amm Ut otC the tlad P(r ynt t from the one •
• class to the other, ••
Students admitted any time. Catalogue free. •
s •
9 •
o e
The School that places its graduates in good positions.
e ,•4.0,444.**+4.*•4.s**••4os•4.R4.14 •*•O@.Mm••••4.•Ail '
Stratford, Ont.
Wingham, Ont.