HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-26, Page 4tbt tr stns Tint t 1'l1tTRODA\r. IUNla _r, tam Tag hog is still Kiug. 11u51Jan,N lawn i4 demi' Waal ' tu, in ca, l',• X41111141___._ T� $3„ ci . ,u„i u, .4 ,,4,444i sioppea 14.41 h iii,❑ `OiUIntin Sig4 .. 2411'; woald tridi.n..• that the Chink hos not ilea weaned yet from his pipe. ti (wase Provincial Nomivaliou Day ! 1 showed that political favors lie in the pathway of the Liberal party There are as acclamations, UNCLE SAM has cut the bead off the much discussed Daylight Saviug meas. t,re. 'There• is considerable r•f a fold shoot the Whale 1^15.41^.184 WHEN exeu;stun rates are estal,l shed on the air route over the Adair is it will be great to slip over to “hold Ilinglaud” h.a s half day occasionally. ehoice Groceries )jS Omerne Flour Bran and Sorts 1' ARxtaes eluhs are nominating candi- dates for both Federal. and Provincial contests in a number of constituencies and it looks as if politics will be eonsid- erably mixed when it etomes to Election days. Ir is slid Lor.1 Northcl,Oe the owner of numerous London newspapers, has a notion to establish a daily air service Lamar. r (.;et th t. 1 ur n,me 01044 .le with New \i orlt so as to place his j cur- p:ar nn the epr v (01 p eed �'•, r,5.' nals on the American market eachhe et 1a.st h rs n, ya u w,l rut morning }lave tt that 1r c 1 /milk ire : ( u' 4Ilo-srs in the re fel erdunl ha'h t. ilenhrg old Qv KR 17,000 applications are already bet zea final dea•h b etc Way are trust tile,} by so'diers as npplicanis for land { of thejail. to p'1' •1r c4' the war lime .111 eteettt under Ilse Stl1tlirrti Sri ! 01,1 1, 1 444);00 .lila 40.11;' 11 .w n: it etett0 03.;10 Thr l\ , 'll( PI,,',urr turn y. a 1.1tr1; -rt.,+ t1. II. tem mc,n :' 1, !ht. ;1(,-„ t•. l,r Il,e a4.st tit 1'••,1= 4•' t'r :.rn I,.4 41 t. ,,,i tier,; for ehr 1, agnate tr .,nor (:,.u, 4)t the '4,61, m t iii, , ,.1 411414 :' .4 1 lice r1' lather and m.,thr•• ,114a�,1(t 1,11,V Wel 1.44) 1441 4 th- SOM44 e'ever scientist avers that the camp. gm In gr.,11ine 11';(4;.0 great heat this season is due to a rent ' in the sun of 1,000 miles Why cannot some of those fellows who know so - '1'14 1131\1., Seeds of ill hl(idd, al5fi Salt }'hone -113 w 27 W. J. McCracken 4Ol•attt 1, Lilt ItIt (t .;hi(, of .101119 4*11 n4' 1114uled h1tih ''11t�., a lolly (1.01 1 l ennw Ion l'''' lu lh0'Tnnsl . f 11e.tr•I1,' Pitlt v,ou, 11 t', (3tauu , xprr :.ed hiw gladness u4 U1'1040s 111110It' tint. 11 Itis 1 ♦,tet. Ileal , Ihws altaetal. 11'11( not 1.11014' lu _ 44 u,• «ills lhenl the plre4 1111. of the t e la"lmle. �rlgCp� y y �j ( ON `7 EN!5ON reniperunce Workers Alert in Huron County. — Meeting Held Here on Tuesday, One of the largest and most rep- resentative Temperance Conventions _ held in Huron County for many a day assembled in Willis church, Clinton, IN the rouch+gan-On 'u ,• Raso Hall Tuesday, 1 7th inst. Rev. Mr, Hogg, schedule London r •,:, 'st ;1 games • pastor of the church, conducted the 55.1 was 3 N,, „ n aer1' ' ur'nu•aging devotional exercises, after which Dr. la :utelt n tee...1 t " •1 v, ,0101 h;r: h'•, u 1 A..1. Irwin, President, Wingham, took 14,(4,41, Phe: h':,ear r, • .•r I ; o: t.,,5. s I the chair and addressed words of We! - 041 ow,. /'blah 1u' ,, : • :. r• i , n+.1' come, 1\1Inute of pant meeting was read by Rev, A, M, Boyle, Secretary, lock. stuck and barrel we ., nett --4114' and this was followed by a practical ad- dress by A. T. Cooper, the well known '1 1414 is quite a•, mn'e y 'rn,t 'eligi• Field Secretary, whose report showed that he had not allowed the grass to grow under his feet. Treasurer A, M. Robertson, Treas- urer. reported a small balance on hand. Reports were discussed and adopted. -Nomninating Committee consisting of W. 11, Kerr, H. E. Huston, J. Cowan and Mrs, Beavers was appointed. Rev, A. S. Grant, D. 0., Toronto, gave a capital and practical address on the work of organization for the coin- ing referendum and by his cheering words proved himself to be the right man in the right place in leading the Prohibition forces in Ontario, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, another member of the organization staff, dealt with other phases of the coming campaign and both addresses were informational, A hearty discussion followed which was taken part in by many of the dele- gates. It was decided to make the present Temperance Go. organization with additions the rallying force in dir- ecting the corning battle. 'I'Ihe session abounded in good things and despite the warm weather great enthusiasm was manifested. At 6 p.m. an excellent Banquet was served in the school room of the church by the Girls' Club and the bill of fare and prompt service was thoroughly ap- preciated by the large number partici- pating. After dinner program of impromptu speeches was in order, under the skill- ful direction of Rev. Dr, Rutledge, of Goderich, and wit, wisdom and opti- mism was evidenced. Those who spoke were Rev. Mr, Moulton, Postmastet Scott, Clinton; Mrs, Beavers, Co, Presi- dent of the W,C.T.U., Exeter; Reeve Cutt, Blyth; W. H, Kerr, Brussels; and J. A. Irwin, Clinton. W. Ii. Willis, of Wingham, sang a choice solo, "01 I love 11hn so," Evening session opened at 8 o'clock, Rev, Mr, Jones leading the devotions and Rev, W. E, Stafford offering prayer After Rev. Mr. Moyer, Seaforth, had given a most appropriate solo, report ons bodies in tit- t? , '' 1 4 ,4'14 in 0 - position to the. '.\':1 a• l-1) ll, ie • prize fight on July 4, al p„1,•ry , . \94th 411 much nee,' of nt„u+r 14)1 hr: , volevt and missinuary ca124 why should thousauds of it be sp1at ”, • w4) fellows pummelling each other ? No one i. btu rfi'ted by such 'xh,h tons either menta!'y, 01' rally or phvaca"y for Auld Long Syne much about it spend a few days do patch- ; ing up a few hundred miles of the hole and thereby reduce the temperature ? Doter lose sight of the Soldiers' err oird•Ir td' COIu• Family Ra -union at George Brown's. come and beheld 1 13e'gi,,t,1ng t"'"'' nr las in the 081111'4' and OSd Buys Re canton to ten of an ilnnu:L1 1;1't re•aninn and I he at Brussels Sunday. Monday and 'Pnes- anntnd 411(144 held th •hem • nl' Geu. day. July 27. 2$ and 29 It is a Com- and 310 s. Brutvu, '21141 (',n., 1•f (ir,1, has growl] and \\identd (111111 e,rh mttuity gathering and everybody is ask- g s t tat 1 1 k t o splendid sutce5s • • 41''4' 1t e nlht,u r. t z b 1 1 1 O Pride. d 13th rt to hep make 1 - 12.108 411(1 ole friends, n • wt ay Invite your friends. Every soldier will he ' last, the gathering ttntnheretl over 1(1(1 welcome, 1 and included relatives front Perth and }Imam Counties, I'r010 the nlighb"r- bond .•f hailt, H Oni icon ar.(1. 14 '•e„11' nal of the principals 4n the win - While 111:01Vnt her, in the fat West nipeg H,'shevik campaign rather put a ruin ekeabrro, tomtit, to,ul. lid were crimp in the'r plans. A notable feature not forgot ten in 1J.,-0141;.. of most of the agitators where (1'5.'1;1, '1'u 141 1.r 1111ui:i” with Ilio family 1, 40.44 at 4,�. ,tl' ,i,4• litw,s, I'.tl to, w,tr s, antes have taken place is the spelling of (,,, n, pi,.•II ,ani uuu,y kiudrd d Imeni • the surnames Sooner these fellows are ies, it dM aell known that they em- of the Nominating Committee was pre - given their deportation papers the bet- brace not only a large proportion of sented. Officers are as follows; ter. Canada is a country of magnifi- the solid pantile, lens ,t good died of Hon. President, H. E. Huston, Exeter 1u10ut ns «011, told tic 11'1(41 President, Dr- A. J. Irwin, Wingham cent distances hut she can well afford to w"8„19";;,",11 111.1110 tin• 1'4''4 d.1n 144 ntutl5' m Vice Pres„ A. J, Megaw, Goderich; have many leagues intervene between happy renewal :,f old friendship. and J. T. Wood, Brussels; J, A, Irwin, Clin- her and this insurrectionist element. It acquaintances. but a time when malty ton, Mrs. Beavers, Exeter Mrs. Mc - was very kind of tate Bo'.s. in Chicago to Fjeusires1(1 l 441 Irdmle•er lay', inrlsan • (iuhre, Brussels; and Mrs, A. T, cooper, send a lar a m0nev contributton to their 1 I R Secretary, Rev. A. M. Boyle, Belgrave g toil stun v, brethren in Winnipeg to help on the During the afternoon the men, old anarchist propaganda. and young, engaged i1 spats, and the lint weather VMS au1(1i. rated by the - allemande. '.4 lee meant supplied hp `1111, old women, with apologies to the the host and hnatess. After tt splendid fair sex, who sleep in the Dominion supper on the lawn, the gnosis pard. Senate say they have "killed Prohibition ciliated in au imp]ompn program, al- most 11nign1 114 its ch,u'actet' and mayAscertain. Canada" they, ' tan 1 aL- al - measure in -nhai tit fni (44(4;1) =ill's , sooner than they imagine, that they have 11•i's'r, 8;011 C:,tiu4;bell 4s a n,itttrally the liveliest corpse on their bands they gifted singer 4141[1 plat funnel, and ever had. If the people of Canada don't when J. \V. Sangster took the chide 4t yeas to 01411 114(411 one aft 0r lnutliel•, far arrange for the funeral of the irrespon- stings, addressee, recI11(Llmus, etc„ of sibles at Ottawa they deserved to be yybieli the p414ni11er 141111 u0 previous tricked by those old coons. The Corn• notification, Yet in every case the mons has now a golden opportunity to response was ('00111t and the perform. show their moral backbone at this most are such as to call enthusiast do ap. phase. As an upeuing selection the important time in the history of the whole eolopl,ny of the Hrown', p1,11! Dominion. Will they measure tip ? teisons unci many other 141(1 fl•iends with many (cher old friends yvere 1.al- Irt7T- an agitation is being stirred up, 4d to sting th01ane bate 41401:014, g "All Tngeth4r" 1111(1 m1d yule, s hleuded "by lovers of humanity," to change the with young in spiendeel melody, while old fashioned hemp necktie for the more 114;1 anti lief a 141111(144 04111 ('444 wont (o modern electric shock in filling out the eyes moist at (11,41 evol 141(11,4(1 or voices penalty due murderers. They say the (11101' heard tit ring du un1sun, last now 7LbP(II t. Fortner le not humane. Neither is the To old timer's it was a trent, unetx- devil-spirit that was in the heart of the 14eted and 11484iv111 wi111 abouts of fellow who slew his fellow, perhsps ttelight when Alex. Palt„)Scnr, George without the slightest provocation. It is 131)5.111 aril J111111 yl o�t' P1sln(1(8101 o4 g P Lletnwel, rendered "Ciel ;die (3(410(1" beautiful to cultivate forgiveness and in real old time atyip, told were follnw- euiebcy but much of the soft solder be. 111 by Jim, Seott's old sang "We'll All stowed on the vicious and law defiers is Wear Oloak1." When Piper Ca uickshaul(8 struck up time wasted. 'Pbeir contrition coulee 11 fine old Jtua,bite amu little bliss New. after they are in the toils. lauds, Galt blithely stepped the grace- ful mazes of Scotch leele, Robert G0DxR1CR'a day dream about the im•art'.Chntnpso11, T,Istowhuel, I•t, Hlach, \Vroxet(r, tl '!'a M4De,nald, metse steel plant that was to locate hfoleewrmih stepped to time with the there and make it a city, has resulted in grace and vita and vigor of highland and the Company will geek lad(11441 1411. tilt`, toad blies, Hizt(1c, he for the sudden change of base is given voice, added intensity to the Pun attd a nightmare tv4111 1148 111(sistible humormns sltelclt' another location possibly Sarnia. Cause 41 and bits. Hlack, with 11(4' swar't as the exorbitant and nonsensical mirth, Nils. Lnella Scott added an rices asked for lands. Some of the it Scotch song or two hl splendid P st. le utul Ihn (1',4 itr which Wrn. people who cut the throat o the scheme 13;0)1'(4, binn(rie1T, r4spn11d(d to a tae} will feel like hiring a good muscular fel• fon' one of his famous old tittle 141(4(11• low, with No. to hoots to kick them all tions called firth rounds of cheers. f h h y y 1 titnnngt thnrspeliteri (Vere Unnuld aver the "commons" they wanted to , , I attersnn, \\ uh T ,4tttl stn 91111 Ilev(x the Graz make theft fortune on. AllV ley I attarann, ;nen wall kliotvu in people are not dead yet. THE Pos'r public life. wonders what Huron'County taxpayers Alt twilight fell over, the throng, received for the dollars spent on the Co, pat'tilrgs he rtn I•n he thought of, and botan �ndy 1P4 the fintLt tnnching Council delegation to Ottawa seklog for scefirneo vvasy moultedwhen the whole harbor improvements to boost the same company formed a ring, with licked steel plant ? Public bodies often spend hands's ng 0110(it 1(1(154g '"Auld roughal,di w other people's money mora freely than verse followed 8h1r11s, hands wean they would "shell out",their own for the game purpose, + + Stop - a+• Steady work as Machine T. 4. Operators. Good pay. + Apply or write at once, + GirlsND Women C�tPJ look - Listen Excelsior Knitting Mills I. J. T. WOOD +ra BRUSSELS ONTARIO .l' !1t • 1 a e',L'tu rr • ,i ill, 4114.101100,i qt/TIC '••.. t'. ;'l' rich 11 ,A ( ton. 441.1 r, :el thy, Be -Arleta Wine. • ggg��'^^^ p / - (1 y, 1,ter. In Sehese 4 and C. Ided 111 vii Exeter. tt I o 01105.0 will be added LA many well known temperance workers ill the County. Resolution Committee priced hearty thanks le, pair r1:u, officers. to the h,t,rh 04101.11' and hills' Club; urged heal 11 Co••Ctret1,111011 01 every church, ,t 11 0.ritaniaitions and personal help i;•—kiagtgCtrditle sweep next Fali; anti , 4,..d tiw i': •ipie tr, joist in full atu"d 1.1111 1 h 4len t,;,1 Committee ('1;1115,, Splendid addresses, worth going milts to hear, were then given by Rev. , Dr. Grant, Rev, Mr. Sinclair and Rev. • 11r Mover, Seldom are better heard. Mrs. (Rev.) Dingman, Wingham, ren- dered the solo '•She • elan of Galilee" with pleasing effect. Convention closed with hearty sing- ing and the Benediction by Rev. Mr. LITTLE NOTELETS. W, I1. Willis, Wingham, presided at the ipe organ with :t master hand. The assemblage of automobiles prov- ed the "buzz wogan" has crowded the saddle and buggy nearly off the road. Nearly every municipality in the County was represented, some driving :30 or 40 miles to be present. Rev. Dr. Grant has the Pep, and un- derstands its distribution. The women are going to be touch in evidence both in the campaign and at the ballot box. Huron should out -do all past records in the cooling battle for a bone dry 'County. Perspiration as well as inspiration was on the program. Now for ;t long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together. "Clinton is an A 1 Convention cen- tre" was the consensus of opinion by the delegates. All lovers of sobriety and good citizenship should from this day roll up their sleeves and froward the com- ing victory. isereaseeeemeeeeeeemoseasoOaf 1 • • • • 1 Phone 83 FAILED TO REPORT, PAY FINE OF $250 Bayfield Man Convicted by Magistrate Andrews, Robert W. Spackman, of Bayfield, a member of group three, appeared be- fore Magistrate Andrews at Bayfield, on a charge of absenting himself and was tined 5250, This man was exempted until May first 1918, but being between the ages of 22 and 23, his exemption automatically ceasedMay15th on 1918, He failed to report when or- dered,to do so and prosecution follow- ed. The prisoner was represented by counsel, and the fine vas paid. GODERICH YOUTH SHOOTS GUARD OF REFORMATORY Had Escaped And Robbed House Of Gun and Hundred Dollars Toronto, June i5.—Silas Gallinger, a youth committed to the Victoria In- dustrial School from Goderich, shot a guard, perhaps fatally, on Saturday night, when the guard attempted to ar- rest hint, along with an associate, after they had escaped from the school, Early in the afternoon the boys made their escape, and in the home of a farmer, near by, while the fancily was away, and the farmer in the fields, the S. C. White Leghorn r r r i chicks Mr, fernier, 044 you ever figure cut j 1sthow much your Ohix cost ycu each year from the pesky old hen breaking the eggs (.1' leaving the nest 3 \Ve are hatching hun- dreds of (.11 ix each week. Hove milers In for thousands. Don't leave off ordering yours until it is too late. Order them now, WALTER ROSE Phone 8 on 38x Box ad, BRUSSELS 0060 05•10o00eeoe•00500006110•0 Phone 41x Carriage Painting and Tire Applying Our Rubber Tire Applying and Carriage Painting are equal to the (remand for an up-to'tlate job, combining Quality, Appearance and Lasting Service to the user. We carry in stock, apply promptly and Guarantee our work, all Standard sizes of the better grade of Car - i rings Rubber Tires. c In considering the purchase of a new Buggy buy one e you will be proud of in after years, which requires • careful selection Our 13uggios we fully Warrant, are s' reasonably priced and have given the service repre- s sented as is proven by Satisfied users. e Terms to suit any purchaser. • In all lines of Wheel and Carriage Wood -work Repair• ing you get prompter) ;viee and satisfaction of a lead' • erate price Ir.t • eThe Plum Blacksmith Shop _ s gripped tighter, and then It WAN, With � * enthusiasm running high, that ailesenessemaesesse••ettf®•sde®240eesso•49••l sese•.esee••••• • • s • s • i • • • • •• w 0 0 •• s 0 • 0 • • STRON6 Pnaitive--Convincing Proof We publish tae formula of Vinci to prove convincingly that it has the power to create strength. 4•l� Cod Liver end Beef Peptoeeo, Iron •`7 end MonganeeePeptogat4s,Iron epi Ammonium Citrate, Lime aad Bode Glycerophosphates, Caeearia. Any woman who buys a bottle of Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous condition and fends after giving it a fair trial it did not help her, will have her money returned. You see, there is no guess work about Vinol. Its formula proves there is nothing like it for all weak, run-down, overworked, nervous men and women and for feeble old people and delicate children. Try it once and be convinced. es. It. Sal i'TII boys obtained' 5100, a rifle and some clothes. They were leaving the house when Peltinger, the guard arrived. Pettin- ger expected no trouble, He was fired upon, the bullet entering his lung. To - it is stated that his condition critical, with a slight sign of The boys have been night remains improvement. recaptured. HURON COUNTY RED CROSS The Executive of the Huron Red Cross and War Contingent Association stet in Clinton on June 731, The report of work done during the 2 years and i month of organized County work showed that 102.517 articles had been shipped to Hyman Hall for R. C. & W. C. A. work:, and 51,710 articles were shipped to the sante place for Refuge Relief. Although the need of supplies is not urgent at present it was decided that the organization would not be disband- ed until further notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of Thomas Brown, late of the Township of Grey In the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re• vi=ed Statutes of Ontario; that all creditors and others having 011112,18 against the estate of the said Thomas Brown, 10110 died 014 or abottt the 26th day of May, A. D., 1010, are required an or before the 28th day of ,lune, A. D ,14110, to send by po t to epatd or deliver to Jessie Brown, the Administrattrix of the estate of the `11x1 deceased, at Brussels P 0 , I3 R. No 0, their Ohristim, and Surnames addresses and inscription., rho full partieli- lava of their claims, the statement of their ne- 0mutts and the nature of the maturities ,11 any) held by them. And further mina notice that after such lest mentioned date said Adnllnistratrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having re' card only to elatnls of which she shall then have notice, and said Admhdatratrfx irEl not be liable f01' the said assets of 8114 part there- of to any person or person., of whose claim notice shell not have hewn rrcetvrd by her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels, this 10411 day of Jena, A, D, 1010. JE4PIE BROWN, Atlminletratrix, Properties for Sale 160 sore Ireir111, known as the Stratton prop- erty, 5111 line Morris township, for .sale. Poi• oessimt next P'nll. Well located near Bruseels, The 25 acres in connection with the Revere Nouse, Brussels, is olao offered for Sale, It Is eligibly situated, B Housessels for.and acre lot, ElizabethAppltsstreet, W. P. STRETTON, Brussels. Nouse and Lot for Sale in Ethel Oo ifortabie frame house and one acre of land In the Village of Ethel is offered for sale Number of fruit trees, Good woodshed and other conveniences. For further particulars apply to JOHN OSBORNE. Ethel P. 0. For Sale Bonen and lots, containing 0X acres, in the Village of Orenbrook, the property or the Into Mrs. A yep Brown, is offered for sale. Frame house, barn, fruit tree0, 80. Possession could be given at once. Dor further particulars ap- ply t0 Mao. Tune. 05111111008 0r Wh1. OA 01111105. Executors estate of the late Mrs, Agnes BroWn, Oranbroolo Bull for Service The Undersigned will keep for aervlee, on S% Lot 80, Con, 2, Morr10 township, the thoro'•bre Ebert Horn Bull, Gainford of Salenl, No, =00418 Sired by Gainford Marquis (1008001 Dam Aliidred VII by Royal Sailor (180591. Ped- igree may he seen on application. Terms - 5(0 00 for thorn'-bl'ede payable at time of 001' vice with privilege to return, Grade cows not allowed, THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor, Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM 118078) 4108001 lanrolment 110,1007, Perm I, J. J. MCOAVIN, Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of stook during the season of 1010 at John J. Mo(ayht's Stables, Ltadbury, Lot 22, Don, 10, MoRillop, Terme : $12 to insure, payable February 101, Into, CRAIGIE DOUBLE 1184001. Form 1 Dlnfohnent No. 1010 hoer. NICHOL, Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of stook dur- i Ing the Menson et 1010, his own stable (Ion, 0, Morels. Terms, M, $10 to insure,-jtayablLot 20,i .00, 1st, 1020 Mils colt's sire 1s 6hethin stamp, Imp., 150081 (150581,014454(0registered°rel tteDaisy,110 p.dn(241015) (812881 ; i leetrieStariingweal Lighting otat Ira', -1 l,rrlel' ULU rnlf•.nr1 ItgI ,ttu( .y'.tr 11. 1114115 iliac :.;lal;lc c put.cl aaas aY Fc)... -3 Cars .1 Ford p:0_tuc't, built t,.._ tr= nlowr-- ---a positive starter as reliable as the motor itself: -a powerful lighting system, uniform raider all engine speeds. On the open models—Touring Cars andRunabouts--it is OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. On closed cars --Sedans and Coupes ----it is STANDARD EQUIPMENT. On all models the Ford Standard Magneto also provides ignition independent of the batteries. See the Ford car with this new equipment. Card Runabout $660; Touring $dvo On open models the Electric Scarring and Lighting Equipment u $too extra. Coupe $97]5; Sedan $1175 (closed model price) in. dude Electric Staeting and Lighting L•qutpmr• These pmtsr nee R include d$. War n-1 00,. and ax 415 4, fr •• � 1111' So CARTER, Dealer, Brussels 1 0450000040400000f0804•e 00ees8,'4444G4545•4450454'+1'45' 0 a e • 45 • G • • • 0 45 • • • • • • 1 6 45 O O • • 45 0 + Mei9s Packet Watches \V a :u a offering Special Pt ices on 1110 pres- ent stork of \\'.111111111, Region, 4farnpdea 1(1,14 10Igin \\'a((hes, '1912s4 were' bought. 201110 lint'• ago. iu IIs a nal ate smite suitable for presenta- tion lure: netted sonnet s. All going nt special Itedu„id Prices 01,41( pre.w'nl stuck Itiete. II' in need an \\'alrh ('1111 4u nod set what we have to ulcer, Monogram Engraved Free. (11" A FULLSTOOK Bodaks and Brownie Cameras, Films And Supplies \\'( g(414 apeoiul insirnrliem. (:41(1 tooth Kuelltk ul' Brownie sold. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens We always have in slnai: a gond assort - mint!, of Self -filling, Safety 11,11d )ti'gu1a2 types. Prices *'2 50 up. Others ('4010e ail up. \Vaterman's Ink in bottle and hulls. For Y J. 1 ••••••••45450•000••0•e0•e••' •4545.0••04,45454545.+,.+••045•0.• Engagement Rings Wedding Rings Cleaning Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream, It is the BEST, Price wilc, R. !NEN DT, Jeweler, Wroxeter J 0 a 4 m O 45 O 45 e • 45 e 0 45 a O • O 4 • P s s O 1-45+4.40+45+45+0+45+0004' 04•0•+•+0'1'0'1.0•1-45-1-0'.0+0+0.1.0+0+ Q 0 t' • The Seaforth Cre mery ream 45 .1. Send your Cream to the Creamerythoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars st:e our Agent, MR, T. C. McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. .4.•+4'0.01.45+41+•+•+•+•+•+•••••• .14.4.414••••••••••••••••••••+•