HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-26, Page 14440., T' JL., 47 NO, 52 ie1.5,13 Pee' Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, UNE 26 1111 L 11 nnlnulumnnnnnilrinulmnlinnlnnnnlnhIll1n L Jpir 87 Years of Growth Ever since 1832 this Bank has been serving the Canadian public. Its steady growth in assets and de- posits is as much a tribute to public confidence in its integrity as to its g y 1 own efForts. Your savings account would be' gladly re- ceived—and the regular interest and ultimate benefits will be decidedly welcome to you as time goes on. —THE B. nk. of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $ 6,100.000 rir'erve puna) • 1..000000 tte,,,l,'1'rt • • 11U 000.1100 4111111 II 18 P. 11. GIL,ROY Manager Bio=>=113, Branek RI i 1� i r I , I �i�I ��1 11 eze New Advertisements $ trtwee—Nortnan',amen 8. Poultry wanted—W. C4. Neal. Poultry wanted—R, Thomson. Poultry wanted—Halt's, Ethel. Pip for solo—l.nke 0. $peirnn. Naw Garaan—Burris & Littlo. Auction $ala—Pater Roadnutu, S0(awhorrtes—Lnn(in Sugar Co. a'r isttiut .ews Bluevate Chas, 0811118s has put chased a Ford car. Jos. and Mrs. 1tobb spent Sunday at Sweated. Wm. and M(0. Gaieties visited friends at Brussels. Geo. Townsend and children visited with relatives here. A. B. Jackson and slaughter visited relitt.ives at 'J'888Water. Alex, 11aa14wen made a business trip to Tut onto this week. Alts Brooks 's t present visiting 3 ( at ! L v ti g relallyes at Streefot11 and Loudon. Airs, Paul Pugh, Wingha(n, spent a few clays this week with the Misses Paul. Airs. 0. 1-1. G,uniss, Miss Margaret (tad (ilou are visiting with Toronto rei0ndo. The But ter Factory is doing a rush- ing b08iuees and shipping over 100 boxes of butter a week. Mts. Sanderson, Toronto, arrived on Monday to spend a couple months at her Summer home here. Jas. Masters has r hrille(1 to work sifter, being on the sick list for Lhe pasts weeks. Glad to see him back. L. W. and Mrs. Rattan called on old friends at Brussels on Monday, $ Mr. Eldon was relieving the agent at Mussels a couple of days this week. Pte, Earl Aitchison arrived home from overseas Monday night and Woke tine. Harvey Haney is in Toronto this week writing on his nivil Service examination. Mr, Reid and Mr, and Mrs. Mills and family, of Hullett, visited Mrs. Snell last week. The Methodist Sunday School will hold their annual picnic on Gan. Mc- Donald's flats, Saturday, June 28th. Wm and Mrs. Bray and Wm. and Mts. Robb, Dungannon, motored over and spent the day with R. and Mrs. Musgrove. We are sorry to report Mrs. Joe Walker, of B-line, very ill for some weeks but hope she may soon be re- stored to good health. Wroxeter e• news 5 else. Wroxeter r t W page Mrs. R. Kitchen has returned fermi en extended visit in Detroit. Clifford White, Guelph, 18 spending 1)e vacation et his horse here. `L weeks c Grace Stocks, Toronto, is holiday- ing with het' parents, R. and Mrs. Stooks, Chas. Wendt, who recently eeturn- ed from overseas, spent Friday with his brother, J. R, Wendt. Rev. W. Hartley, Shetburuo and Juo. Hartley, Vankloek Hill, are visit- ing relatives in this vicinity. Miss Oorat Shea tlY, te for mer teacher in the public school school here, is re- newing ecg11aiutances in the village, • Wb allWinter! All the delicious flavor will be preserved if you follow the directions in our Lantie Library and use only Lantic Sugar iu original packages., fit 2 and 5 1b.cartons 10, 20 and loolb. bags Atlantic Sugar Reanorleu, Limited Montreal, Que. St, John; N. B. t_ m SECURITY A Savings Bank Account not only provides an assurance for the present, but guarantees you security Y in the future, To save is to succeed— THE CANADIAN BANK COMMERCE OVIMERCEt 0A Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager lessestesmeestateteedaewerseeresie All/M11118811111,8111111111111811118411.1.1111818111.11911.8111 s Metter - diet, Iadir(.1•t the t\ i1) I lei ,I 3.h dial, ehnnit will hold a 00,saar Mon - (lei', 11 Moment, lc Julie .i 1 l e t l l( p l 11 J Y. , Work will be 'roe LV k 11 1 served at 0) m, E on exh)1))tiou from 0 to '7,30 o cloak when the sale will begin the articles consist ;of aprons, hantikerehiefe, 0I111drens' clothing, cterebet, embroi- dery, fancy goods, etc. No admission. Tea 25o. Cramb or ok We'll be in to see Newton trod Brus- sels play Foot Ball next Monday even- ing. Oranbrook Farmers' Club picnic on Dominion Day, A gond tittle is ex- peetad. tercel, \V. and 11rs..leee1)1re, aecnm- paoied by the later'8 mother, were visiting al Detroit last, week, Laking i'1 the Greyhound excursion. They had a good time, Monday of this week Mims Madeline, daughter of George and Moa, Baker, of this locality, left for London where she has gone into training as a nurse i1) St. Joseph's hospital, She should do well and no doubt will. She's the second daughter of the home to take up the profession, \v1) wish Miss Madeline success, CRANRROOK CEMETERY,—All Own- ers in connection with Oranhrook cemetery are asked, and urged,..to as• mist in a bee Saturday afternoon of this week, 2801 inat,, in in11n'nving the premises, which are 11089 badly re- quiring attention. Many bands will make light work so lets niers be a good rally to improve "God's acre," Don't, fail to get theta on Saturday and help in a good 813(158, Jamestown A number from this community at- tended the anniversary services of the Presbyterian church, Brussels, Sun- day and Monday. Miss Viola McLeod is home from the Stratford Normal School having completed her course and is now awaiting the results, She has been engaged to teach the Turnbull school, 15th con. Gley, for the next term and should do well. Thursday of last week \Vm. Robin- son, let line Morris, bad the misfor. Lune to have 2 horses killed in a pas- ture field by lightning, The insurance company allowed him $300 for the loss but he may find he is out 01 pocket when he comes to replace them. Walton Poultry wanted Tuesday of each week, Phone W. G. Neal as to prices, 10. Miss Pearl Carew, Toronto, who is visiting at the lelan8e, spent Wednes- day and Thursday with friends at Sea. forth and Stratford. New program have been issued for the monthly meetings of the Women's Institute, setting out a number of very interesting events. Last Sunday evening at large number from this locality attended Lha Anniversary services in Melville nhnreh, Brussels. Rev, Mr. Lundy, of Duf'f's church here, assisted. At a meeting in the A. 0, U. W. on the use and Hall a demonstration I3 l care of aluminum ware was given un- der the (tnspices of the Women's In- stitute, This :Mould help the side of the ''ldade in Canada" stand of that 88111'8. A. number of delegates from Walton \Vomen's Institute will go to Moles- worth on Friday afternoon of this week to the annual District Institute meeting. Walton has a share of the oiiioers and will supply their quota of the program. Sunday morning, July 0th, at 11 o'clock, the Orangeman of this locality will attend set vice in Duff's church, when Rev. 11r, Lundy will preach 1118 annual sermon, The members will 118881111(1(0 at the Hall at 10 80 and m81.01) to 1.he. 01111110)), 001.- 1 118i111.1) 311 extended to vieit0rs. Next Sabbath will he Rev. 111. 13 motley's closing set vi, a on \Valium circuit before his 1 removal to his new charge (3.0 Rooney, He and Mee. Bentley will eau•r33 with thorn the gond wishes of (a wide eh (.1e of friends to their' rete home. 11r. Bentley's sue- 0essoe will 0' !'Lev, lir. Button, --ti 1 n ANNUAL, 1 oxlNrzl --Balm 1)v Fier. norm 01 this week the mental ?lank 111' Walton eleven- Methodist churches will be held in Leenling'5 grnv3•, 0orn- ',mimilg at o'clock 'There will be a great program of fun consisting of (1.hlalisspurts, Font 13,111, Volley 131.11), tCc, Lunch will be served (11111 there will also be as tet't eshule0-t booth. This is t3. popular (Weill" 1hnt a1braels a big crowd Mr 1 he (11181 noon's fun. Bilis give further parti(ulars. Keep tab nn the dale. • Dr. Field, Inspector of Schools, Gado, 00, and 1)r. Sinclair, oft the Dept. of liiducation,'i'orolto were vied - ore in the village. Dr. Sinclair is ex- plaining School Oonsnlidation in the communities that have ibis matter under consideration, The gentlemen each spoke for a fete minittes at the meeting of the Women's 1netituts that afternoon in the A, 0, U. W. Hall. It is hoped that in afew tveelts' time Dr. Sinclair' may be able to route back to Walton and at a meeting of all the Sections explain the smatter still further. This is a live question and it behooves all who have the best inbevests of the youth of our land at heart to learn as nItieh as possible about it. In this matter it pays to be alive as the first 10 Onnsolidations (18 (c receive an additional grant; from the Government of $2,000 each, The Women's Rally held in Duff's church was a grant success, Over 100 women of the congregation were pees - ens. 11) was a mnt1er of regret that the much loved Prosidolt of the W', M. S., Miss Mary Smillie, tumid not', be present on account of lllnees blot the Ise Vita Ptes, Mrs, Wm. Neal, pre- sided etifloiently, Mrs, (Rev:), Mann, Brussels, ]resented the elahns of the Forward Movemont in a very telling addresa and MIS, (Rev,) Telford, i3lyth, gave (t line report -i r the meet tog of the (General Council 1)I the \V, Al. 8. Master Reggie 13111,13 Wag pre - settled r Mission Band Junior with a 1 I moo Ju n Mernbership 013111 lcate and pin earn- ed by himself, The Senint' Dept, -of the Mission 13(tr11 fumed the chow for the afternoon and the Junior Dept. helped with the serving of the tea 111 the basement, The Juniors had fitted up the basement with small tables and baguets of flowers and there the ladies gathered after the meeting and enjoy- ed a social hour. Molesworth Women's Ditttid..IrleLitllte and the Board of A.grieullure for 00) I1nrun will heat Isere leri(lay al'Lertln ») of this tweet(, Man oto 't'(IANKS,—We de0ire 10 thank the Mends and neigh0108 who so kindly gave us thele help and sym- pathy in our time of need (luring the illness of Alex. McCracken, We ap- prechteed it verymuch1311(1 wish to say so. Yours gratefully, ALEX. AbII) MRS MCCRACKEN. Belgrave SURPLUS ABOUT $00.00,—The Re- union Committee met Thursday even- ing of last week at Richard Procter's and settled up the business a1tair0 of the recent reunion. About $0000 of balance 8888 on hand when all tie. nounis had been paid. This wets de- posited in the bank, as a reserve fund to (ti(1 needy soldiers, Same rnlllatit• tee holds office and live will constitute a (plenum who will have aul10 1)13' to make payments if thought advisable, Votes of thanks were passed to Mt. and Mrs. Procter fol' (tee et their gp.e o helped grounds std home, t all wh 1 in. the arrangements of program, grounds and refreshment booth. Morris Council meeting last Monday, 141iss Mary Kernaghan, Baden, is a welcome visitor with relatives and friends in this locality, Mee. George Marlin and children, of Georgetown, are holidaying with the 1Jich(% families and other old friends. Wm. Wilkinson and Chas, Davis, 410 line, have purchased Gray Dort touring cars from S. Carter, agent, Brussels. Petitions are being signed asking the Government for a shortening of the sentence of Jas, McCracken, who is at Kingston, Dou't forget Robt. Bowman's Clear- ing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, im- plements, Sec. next Monday afternoon, List may be read in this issue. Miss Madeline, daughter of Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Shaw, Olintou, was a visitor with her cousin, Miss Isabel Shaw, 3rd line, during tine past week, Mrs, W. H. Ferguson, 5th line, is at Toronto this week attending the big Provincial Convention. She 18 one of the Vice Presidents of North Huron Association. Next Monday afternoon a pie -nim will be held in the Somerville grove, 5th line, under the auspices of S. S. No. 8 and the Sunday School, A big time is counted on. Mrs. B. T. Bell and J. F McOcae Toronto, Mrs. J. H. Kerney, Guelph, and Mrs. Steele and son, Prescott, were here attending the funeral of 1)c the late Gan Bald Dnnbar, L, Higgins, 3rd line, has moved to \'Vingham where he puepnses making his home, having bought pt'opert•y. His sou Richard G. and bride will be the ellcce98o18 on the farm, Welcome visitors at the home of W. H. and firs. Maunders are Robert and Mrs. McMahon, Miss Henrietta and john, of Shoshone, Idaho, old friends of the host and hostess NOTrri.o.—Any ratepayer having sheep killed by dogs is requested to notify the Councillor in his Division immediately with a view to having clainns settled satisfactorily. \VAL ELSTON, A. MAoEWEN, Reeve, Clerk. A garden pat ty will be held et Ebenezer appointment, (110891818 c!r- euit, next Monday evening, 8001 inst. Good program, including \Vingham Brass Band, Admission 50 and 25 cents. Dont (Hiss it as a good time is assured. 1Ii's. George Caldblck, of Halley - bury, who was visiting her innther', Mrs. Joseph 8101111, 0th line, left for her home Monday (afternoon. Mee. Smith, who is in bel' 87111 year, was badly shaken u15 a few weeks ago by a faa11. Oil friends wish 1101 a speedy recovery. It is neatly 60 peat's since Mrs, Smith name to Morris. PICNIC•—If you want a good time come to the unix) Pic-nic of S. S. No. (3, Morrie and No. 8, ,,Grey in Nelson Cardiff's grove Friday afternoon, June 2701, Booth on the ground and inn01) served. An exciting game of Baseball between Morris and Grey, also Foot- ball and other sports, Everybody Welcome' FARar SoLD.—Lamb week Peter Rsadman sold his farm, 701 Corot, to George Harman, a returned Soldier who was overseas for 8} years, for the sum of $4,000. POtchaser is now in possession. An Auction Sale of Farm stook, implements, told house- hold effects will be held Wednesday of next week, July 2nd, at 1 p. with F, 8. ,Scott as Auctioneer, Me. teed MlasesReadman have lived on this farm for the past 1.7 years and will 01018 likely remove to one of the near- by villages. The former's health is not vary rugged. y List of sale may be read in this week's issue, HYi1IEN1 u..—A pretty 8813d(11(1g wag solemnized at the home of George W. and Mrs, Procter, 5th Oon„ Wednee- day, Jtmo 18th, at 11 a. m., when their daughter, Miss 'Moreno's Aliette, was united in marriage to Richard Gordon Biggins, son of Elijah and Mrs, 'H'tgi, gins, 8rd Con., Morris. Ceremony was performed by Rey, 5, Davison, and Lohengrin's Marsh was played by Miss Margaret Procter, cousin of the bride. Bride Wore a oheruting dregs of It) 19 V(". H KEF?t? PYoJYieiot el et i l f t t 1 1. � ..-§-1 l yi him Lilt' n. Forte .t tin ) g `" a r'1 n6 �liub lomnic •1' e .n d- EWCaraor.4. ,,. m m J. I Opened in Brussels 1 p J' T118 undet'signt 1 Lim,• ,Ill ..1041 H ✓3• into a cl pa.rtnet hip ,, ,)) l t8,•,I u. ' the building 1,.,.,11119 t tl.,lyd by 13. (tarter, and hat',- hu' d 11 t, fup rot 11111111101)) geu.t;;r, d, r li',uet'i.alyt„cuend 1, 111 'ft, r 'IL 'Pieter 1111(81ngtltakenlaspecial di 4. ,.nurse its dealing with Rubber, ,rr k Sec. + .t, Supplies; of Gasoline and Oils h d' always on hand, 4 4I We are agents fel' til,• well °pl, + known Overland Cat. + v"j If you have trouble with your + Oar 01 require anything in our 4. line give 114 a call. We gnat 1411. ' .p tee satisfaction at reasonable rater]. } 4 k i1 •g. Harris & �l _ole 13IttfeletElee ti: '1.+ ++rt.4+.p,i..1.,{,.l•.+,l'++.1..1.,t'1l"t1,r..l..r ullitev01ie, trint,u",.1 1V11 11 ,A1 111 101 hon and elute iettere.1 wi111 -1111 she 91u'rieda borne) 11f whirr le lee and s)veel: peas and were the g1 ((11)'8 gift, a gall wristlet watch. Groom's gilt to Lha pianist wee a gold brooch, s'3. with pearls, llappy couple left 1111 11,e aflefnoon 1)1ain for Landon, •.mid showers of confetti and rice, the Wide travelling travelling navy blue suit with pearl) colored crepe le ehen8 waist and blue pastel shade hat 1)o match, (h1 their return they will reside nn the groom', faun), 3(11 Con., where they will begin married life under 1111815X10)114 cilcu1n- stances and with the best, wieltes of many friends. Grey Mrs, H. J, Brownlee, Hespeler, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Tusk, Miss Jean ineNail' is home for a heti- day visit for a few weeks and is vett' welcome, Mrs. Jno. McKinnon took in the excursion to Detroit last week on the steamer Greyhound, The people of Union are sorry to part with their beloved paster, Rev, J. W. Johl(eOn. Next Sunday will be hie closing service, The many friends of Aire. 3. K. Bake.!' are pleased to see her (3.he01 once snore after' being confined to the house owing to illness. Oinolair and Mrs. Phippen and family and Tindall and Mrs. Ri111)113 and sun Stewart, of \Vingham, Were visitors at Robert Oat 1'3. The ba8n 011 Lloyd LPorler's farm, ceaues u. has been raised and It 10th Ou , stabling will be put in, A pau'I:y was held the evening of the bee when 70 or 80 were present and enjoyed a good 110113. bliss Henrietta, Denman, who has been Leaching in the 1illateon school, Kincardine, for the pat 2 em8, herr tendered her resignation, Hiss Den- man was invited to stay for the 8111 year but has decided to discontinue. Friday afternoon of this week a union plc -oil will be held in Nelson Card lire bosh by School 80).ti)os No. 3 Gley and No, 0 Morrie. 13a11 games, sports, avec. Booth on the grounds. A general Invitation is extended to 889(331)0(13, N. 11, Rlchardsnn, Man01, 81)810„ 18 renewing old ft•ieneships in this com- munity. He was a delegate to the Presbyterian Assembly at 1-llunilteu and Look the opportunity of calling o1 former friend.. f1) is 15 years siu1e the Rlchardeon fetidly removed feom this locality, Mrs. Richardson ie iug with relatives and Mende at De- troit and other points. Mr, Richard - snit is being treated kindly by the passing yews. Cteem OAr•r.,—'1'hnrsd0y of lest, week David Clark, an old tund well known resident of 1111' 14111 (1111., had a close eall'fol' his life. Lightning eteme10 the chimney on the !rouse 11.1111 came (101911 11181118, the ronlu being ohergedgwitll electricity and stnoke. 11,', Olatic was sitting )1n (v chair at, the time and the "hot stuff" not fent of a jack-knife its his pocket and trout them went through the sent of the elude. There ryas a reddish litre al0ug the top of his foot wheat( the current had no doubt made its way. He is able to be abort, but does not want a re-Oc0ureelee of the ex- perien0e. MATRIMONIAL —Thursday afternoon of last week, at the hone of the bride's parents, the matrimonial bots was tied by !Rev, M1, Mann, Brussels, h, - 1%78811 Geo. D. Wight man, Beet W awanosil, and M is8/11111011 1011h13l1,', daughter of Oliphant and Mrs. 8011th, 6th Con. As wedding 0141111 88118 played 11y Miss Elizabeth Smith, sister to the bride, the principals took their places under a band of briar buds and ferns' ,portiere. The twin sisters (Marjory and elargar''t) were flower' gh'ls, dressed in bloc and white, Beth wore a becoming ins' fume of silk crepe lie ehinc 131111 untried a boquet of white carnations and maiden halt fern, After hearty eon gratulatius the company sat down to well spread tables which were deooaat- ecl with orange blossoms and rosebuds, The health of the bride was propnse(1 by the officiating nlhli8ter, Wedding gifts here numerous and well chosen. Groom presented gold lyrist hatch to bride, crescent brooch to pianist and gold lockets to ring bearers. Mr, and Mrs, Wlgbtrnan left In the evening,for n R. L. McDonald's Grove Lot 18, Con, 10, Grey D3_'. inion Day A114111 00111, Ivo ('lulu 11, V. 11t. Attlee, A(4'''') 1 ('). 111.p1as„ul.1111)1' flim hit s, /'tial')). 111111 Ill harm. Rets" I'1 11u11i 1"nal 131(11 un41ehe). R:u'l'8 fel W11i(711 111101 al priz'•8 Will ba 111ret'ad. Bnnlh )1n Cllr ground, Everybody 8 811111ne. Cigna a.ud bring your basket. their home io Wewanosh, the bride lea8eliing in a suit of sand shade with inti to ruateh, Hearty congratula- tions are extended to the happy pair by a large circle of relatives and t'riends for a long, prosperous and use- ful life. ADL metes AND PRESENTATION. -- Tuesday evening, 10th inst., i,ance (lore. Elgin Il. Porter, who teeentl}• .111111•tl 11,1188- 1, 11111 , 881, eau, wast in, :0a1ed wi1l1 Cllr t. lir.t8ing 8ddreee, a •- enutpauied by a gold .Main and Menet .1. A. Porter, 01' Atte,,, ,t, , 11n'in of tn- robbel• tiny I rad the ,dill esti alai 1111 +� •: nese I e, '111 ; rt 1 111'11 al n'thrr,tu 111 .I h Y, -Ul:Alt 1�Lu1N.--\V1), your relatives and friends, have gathered h8re to- night to extend 10 you a hearty wel- come alter your lengthened absence overseas. \Ve deeply appreciate what you and thousands of othare have done for us, who were unable to go 1t, tlo "our bit." You had to sacrifice all the 001(11orts of home and pecuniary advancement. for the hardships and dangers of trench life, We do not forget thee wen. voluntary sacrifice of the interest. of self in answeeing the call of your King and Country to me. serve Right, Justice and Honesty in the world has coact red an impel ash - able honor upon yourself, As a slight token of our appreciation of your pat- riotic and unselfish tact in risking your life for home and principle and of aux esteem for you we ask you to accept tits chain and locket, with the hope that a long, happy and prosper- ous life clay be yours. J. A. PORTER AND 00USINI6. The recipient made a brief bur ap- propriate reply, He was wounded in the head and leg and was in the hos- pital for 0 weeks as to result of hie duty doing for the Empire. Annals8 AND PI1r:sr3TA'rr0N,._-011 the evening of thine 12111 a goodly number of friends arid neighbors as. 8emble(1 at the home of W. A. and Mrs. Lamont, 5th Con, and presented them with a fine Mortis chair. They were to leave the following Saturday, Wet possibly o he S for a tripL the y p going thrugh to the Coast, in the iginpe than Mr. Lau)nut',( health may improve with a rest and change of air and scene, Following 114 the ad- dress :—DEAR FRIL'NDS.—\V1) a num- her of your friends and neighbors, have assembled this evening t,1 enjoy a social hour with you before your departmre to the Western country, as we felt we could not let you go away without expressing our 810008e re- grets that on account of Mr, Lamont's health you found it necessary to make this change. As neighbors you have been thoughtful and obliging ; been a splendid esperinlly yc ❑ havep hast and hosi.ess and as citizens the We to accept this chair best. h9tiskyou p as a visible token of our:appreciation Ill' your good .l1) tlitie5 while among us, We wish you complete restoraUiml of health, a peospernuS Iouruey, and a hearty welcome back if you see fit to return Lo Its again. Signed on be- half of this neighborhood. NORMAN LAMONT, Dt?NCAN McKINNON, Ethel, June 1211), 1910. 'Co add to the );Measure of the evening a number of friends, who intended to %(all on 1111 and Mrs. Lamont before they left., came that same evening from \Vingham mud Teeewater, 4 car loads. This tva8;a very happy 00-in- eiden( as it augmented the already large eenwd and they had the pleasure of meeting a large 1111mber of their 1•elati 988 and friends, Evening was spent. in a social way, younger mem- bers enjoying a short dance, while the older folk discussed old times and Ole question of the day, Lunch WAS sere• ed and the company wended their way homeward after bidding their host and hostess adieu and wishing them good h0eCOSS 111 their venture, Maitland Albeet Tindall, 14111 Con„ has pur- chased it fine m(111)1' (:al'. Frederick Philtre, 11tH 00)„ is pre- paring for the erection of a (1110 strata shed, \Vm. 11111 Mrs. McCallum have mov- ed into their residence at Newry re- cently, ecently, Henry Phalle, Rime, is building a fine 00t18n1 foundation under the Maitland cheese faeLory, Joseph and 14Irs, Bewley, Blyth, rllotored to Stanley Hammond's, Mait- land, last Sunday afternoon. Pelee Hood, 10th Con., had the mis- fortune to be thrown from a buggy, which resulted in a broken arm, Edgar and Mrs. Lines, Carthage, motored to Maitland one day last week paying a flying visit to friends there. Mr, and Mrs. McCall and 1klrs. Me- 0all7 sr,,. Ct'anbrnok, motored to Stanley Hammond's last Sunday afternoon, u ,lt(li star. Alma, of Atwood, alb %inning their' many friends 11'1 the Malawi viellllty', 1)t present. t n . 7'he l:vangehnttc>;ervices being held at Monk too are being very well at- lauded and no doubt mush spiritual good to the emnmullity will be the re- mutt. Rev. ;\311 .1.11111(31)111(3 certainly au 111,1)' gespl'1 ;tree and Professor' P'ra8c 18 (1 1:81 .9 l,rn{iei„111, and aurae,: Hee Intn,t,'littl. ' Melville Church Anniversary Bost Yat in History et Cone re- gattion. Rev, A. 0. Wishart, e. A., Calgary, wond- ers most acceptable service. --Fin- ancial results highly satisfactory, Last S111311ay and sll,nday were the days chosen for the celebration of the 6th anniversary of Melville church and ae the day was flee end the event one of interest, added to which was the fart that It.ev. A. G. Wishart, B. A., Calgary, a well known and popu- lar former pastor, was to preach, Itttlacted a vast assemblage from long 'es . n the automobile. distant , !hanks t ant Seating capacity in the Targe church was It a 1518111inr0 and ell. the evening service nonny were anl1le to (gain ad- mit tamer, 'tIle peel,.,, t' v 4 I Mit 1,n, ii• A., G011unded the inter ni,:r ir,troauctoly set v,cea tinct Yet .8i, W1.,1141 prea ch. t epietedid eeeeteit t).tn, (11,3 '1..11111,1iguutn'.u.' rah(, h ,'ebouatlal,d ,) 1110 o1 %13.14 a the clusr Ill!( Ill all. 1l t Service 111181 will 001 0)11)1) be forgot- ten. I1) the afternoon, at the open eeseinn of the Sunday Se/mot, Mr. Wishart gave a short interesting ad- dress. At the evening service Rends. Messrs. Lundy, Walton, and Kennedy, Ethel, took part in the service, Rev. Mr. Wishart took for his theme "Jesus and the woman of Samaria," from wllieh he elaborated a most practical ,1i,ront•se, the application of which could not fail to appeal Lo Lhe great. 11011gregation• 11al133 lc8so0s were pointed out. that emil1 be easily exemplified in Christian life and the preacher urged that, like the Master, people would go about doing Gond. Although the evening was very warm the preacher put his old time evangel- istic vim into his address and it should bear fruit. Pxcellent Music was sup- plied during the day by the choir, in anthem, solo and quartette, Miss Minerva Jones presiding most accept- ably at fire pipe organ. The hearty emir egatiotal singing was a 1ea1 up- lift as the gospel Was poured forth in song. Offering for the day reached well up to $t300 whioh was most, credit- able, when the big 'lift" of last Win - ter is taken into the vomit, Monday evening the anniversary 'lea Meeting t place )lace whet, elabor- ate preparations were made and just as sueceesfully carried out in catering to the hundreds who attended. A tip-top bl of fare was iti older and was well accred by it retinue of active and courteous young people. Be- tween the supper and the h=our for the platform meeting (het 13 WAY a happy commingling of the people and old associations between pastors and people re -kindled after a very hearty fashion, At 8 o'clock the pastor took the 011air and introduced a long, varied and well ordered progren' of an un- usually high type. Profitable addres- ses were given by Revds. Messrs. W. 1:, Stafford, H. Smith, A. C. Wishart and 1S. A. Lundy which abounded in optimism, com tliment and practical suggestion. If the congregation live up to all they were urged to do they will have a busy time in the coming year, An elaborate pl1g@tin was giv- en by the choir consisting of anthems, solos, duetts and quartettes, All and sundry were thanked by the pastor. Total financial proceeds of the aunt- versary were $927.00, a record amount. $1,000 was set as high water mark and it. was well nigh attained. Pastor and people are well deserving of cem- ptimetlt and congratulation. The spacious edifice was erected in 1804, the cornet Stone being layed ort May 24, 1014 by Rev. Dr, J. A. Mac- Donald, 7brouto, Building and horse shed cost 522,000 and to the credit of the congregation be it said that the present incumbrance is only about $3,600 with good prospects of its com- plete obliteration in the near future. Building is very complete in all it's appointments and is a church home well worthy of the pride and hearty support of all coloerued', Rev. Mr. Mann, the well known }pastor, was inducted on March 18th, 1913, and along with his partner i)) life and a well organized cougeegatior the work goes forward with a large treasure of prosperity, The present membership is 450. The corning of Rev. and Mrs. Wishart to the 18111)1' v81 sail, VFW a cause of great re,jOitin to the community and was no ems feature in the splendid success of the anelvet'aary of 1919. Rev. and Mrs. Wishart expect to leave town on Saturday to return to Calgary. Church Ohimes Rev. 13, A.McLe u, Ripley, will preach in Melville church next Sabbath, Rev. Mr, Mann will be conducting an- niversary services at Ripley that day, Next Sabbath will be observed in both congregation and Sabbath School of the Methodist church RS a Patriotic Day, relating to Dominion of Canada anui- ve1eal•y. Wednesday evening of this Week union prayer meeting in school room of St, lobo's church when reports from the Co. Temperance Convention of last Week will be given,