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The Brussels Post, 1919-6-19, Page 4
I)4 ;llellCi tidy° 11116111dl� IRnuueil I'tuq'rrTa ( IAIM 11T'1' Prot' •1 IV t',untuil tots I•eilur't- 8,1 Ir l' l' ,• "xnmmall (lulu'( Ihnr,e told fume( it cleat, aur) in good condition. Registry 1811ioe wits exatltrled and they [,tutu that the jatlll01' 1181') tint. givi int 1110 (tore that it vertu' l "i. Jail was I. .18.111 ('lean and in good is ooriI Inn, There are no prisoners. t'hil,lren's Shelter was exttulited and found in good condition and under the hest of uutnagetuee1. 81 ('11 trivet' 111.1• in the institution, Tltey r8r'•uuu80kl- „Il ihat 1 11 1' healing system be renew 'd before ('0111 wending sets Fn 'I' .11. Davis, Chairman. Huta AND R1 1((*E CoM1n'r'rr•,l.. Road and Budge. Commit(, 1' r('pol1- ed as follows Re 00.1 ion 0f I)alton and Cul I that County build 3 bridges on the Courtly road North of Muted. We recntn- mend the Road and Bridge G intuit tee investigate with the Engineer and build rhe same if found ne('7Ssar y, Re account of Air. Else, we 1800111 - mend thatno art ion he taken until further investigated, We recommend that the County accnnrlt.18 reclmmeu(led by the Co. f.ngiueer be passed. John Laporte, Chairman. Exhat "rlvE (7o1IJ1I'r9'EE Executive Committee reported as follows :-,. He grant to Y. Al. 0, A., W8 would nd visa withold ing the balance of giant until her ler information regards work - the ntl..a111'7.1t1011 19 1 eceive(1. Ile grant to establish hospitals in tila n t 'n ) ts he l 11 1advise n 11 1 e Il action y,c until more infnttuatinn is available, its ( 'omit y is still under heavy financial ..18181111ia0'o8 sterutint of the wag•. R. u,•'aiun of Ford Hud 'l')'ewltrtha 18.(1 !1 8.1c8.111 al' u0r10,y (Gust 80 1 h "a :r ,.ni., . 181(18.1 t„ earl( 0f \Ving- h')lu 1.1111 lin. h•t•icp ha9pil 114 hr gl'ant- e,r t'liot,81 ho':pitall. \\'e reeouuuend I r,e• ...atm- he granter! to the hospital ns it 11119 t'esltllle,l operations. Re request of A. Cameron for pay - in;; of tuedieal aerrleen owing to his anti,ecs rao8ed by escaping gas at e u'rt house, and being unable to get particulars regarding the trouble, would advise [natter he left over to i)eeetnher session. Ro88rt W. Living- ston, Chairman. Eln','.\Th1N ri151311TTli1( Education Committee reported as follows :— Re petition from village of Exeter (inking than Continuation school be made a High school, we recommend petition be granted. We recommend payment of the following accounts for support of Hur'nt County pupils :—Harriston High srbunl $348, Tillsonburg High • elmol ''„(28 17. 1Ve rercomend following trustees fur Exeter High School --Rev. A. Trumpet, Edward Dignan and F. W. (;ladinan. Re petinion from residents of Hal- lett and 'Pnrket'9mith towrlchips tisk tug that a board of arbitration consist• nig ofInape.•tar Field, County 01eik Holman and Treasurer Lane be ap- pointed. Re the matter of forming 8new In- spectorate as asked for by the depart- ment of Education, by their repre- sentative, lair. Chisholm, consisting of portions of Huron, Middlesex and Land:ton Counties, recommend that a (8 alt en g 1 i l l ' 1'0' ( nl,lsting of Warden and B. W. F.13eavt+rs meet with 1epre- sentatives of Mixer 2 GEM I(1iPS and given power to act. B. W. F. Beav- ers, Chaff man. HorhE 8)11 REPCGE Howe of Refuge Cotnmittee report- ed having inspected House and out buildings and found everything hi 1st class condition, and very highly re- commended the work of the keeper, matron and assistant matron. Recommend that Chaplain's salary be $125 owing to increased duties. We recommend more land he pur- chased, if possible, as we consider it would he profitable to the House of Refuge, Re motion of Clark and Douglas as to insurance re barn, 1e- ('ommand that this he done and that Clerk and Tleasfrer attend to it at once. J. 181, Hove/dock, Chair man. nistittlated reeeipls'and the expendi- tures for 8118 year 1019 : AdmTustration of Jtlslice,,. $7,000 00 3,1)00,10 Division Court Jury Pand.,, 201100 Schools 25,000 00 School management .... .... 3,000.00 Stationery, etc...,,,...... 1,200 00 Charity. 000 00 Children's Shelter 1,200,011 'Miscellaneous, 500 00 ()anada Temperance Act3,000,00 County Property ,,.,, .... 2,000,00 Annse of Refuge,,,., 7,000.00 )toads arid bridges ....,,,. .,, 8,080.45 Sinking Fund ...... 87,000,00 Coupon n on p Interest 18,800,00 (hosts, Fairs, etc., 2,000,110 Salvation Ai my • 22,000.00 Navy League ... 18,000.00 Red Cross, 8,000,00 Municipal Government. 9,000,00 $172,130,45 Balance Jan. 1, 1910' $87,120.11 Ile eeipts Registry office 1.,000.00 Receipts Licenses. 500 00 Receipts Interest,,.,...... 500.00 39,420.00 $131,754.00 County rate 3 1.10 mills. llro yon send it, your list of absent I' r Wends t o Jas. Fox so that invitations eau he (nailed them for the Oici Boys' Re -Union P Do it now. SUMMER 11001(3 AT LIBRAav —0010" nlencing on lune 1st the usual Sommer s('hedule (14(118 into effect at Brussels Public Library and will (matinee in vogue to September 1st, Library will be open 'Tuesday, Wednesday and Sat- llrtley afternoons and Wednesday and Saturday evenings. If thls notification ie paid al tendon to it may save uuueces-1. m ,ate „may:,, ;,auk( • '.: � �... .,�.3lfAw, , •»�„'�*w„{��y:�iheH-. t(r8 (18111818)4411 es': re (•8 no t, ,11 SOME FEATURES OF THE BUDGET SPEECH 1.101mtp117 1' � l�IiraJtl ) Ih Ontario Housing oommItter has prepared a set 01 standards which must be followed in the pre- paration of plans and specifications. • '!'here should be at least 12 feet between hulls15 or groups of )houses. , 1) • - O ..Net uahou:d debt, $1,114,0u(1,uU0, ,1111101:(18 debt end tit fiscal %eat, $I,• '1 14,0110,mm, or 3120 per head til population, involving an annual interest burden of „ t i 5,0011.1010 exclusive of pensions, which will cost about 3.0,- 000,000, annually. Cost of war to March 31 last, 31,327 273,848, tit which $27 5,9.43,47 7 has heel) paid out of (avenue. Demobilization this year will cost $3l 10,(100,000. Total expenditure this year, $020,- o l! 0 ,000. 'l':)tal revenue will not exceed $280,- 000,000. Taxation Changes, Incomes trom $1,000 to 36,000 of persons without dependents taxed 4 percent. incomes from 32,000 to 36,000 of married persons taxed 4 per cent, Incomes exceeding $6,000 rz percent. Surtax will commence from $5,000 instead of from $6,000 increasing by graduation until incomes exceeding $1,00,000 will pay materially increas- ed taxes. Tariff Proposals, Tariff proposals are; To repeal the British tariff rate of 5 per cent. imposed under the customs tariff war revenue act of 1915 and to remove the intermediate and general ratea (t per �cut#r from foodstuffs linen, cotton, and wuu14 clothing, th- boots and shoes, fur caps and cloth- ing, l u ing, hats, gloves, collars, cuffs, hides leather, harness agricultural imple- ments, petroleum, mining machinery, bituminous Coal. There will be reductions in the duty 'l)1 coffee and test. , 1111re will be reductions in the duty on coffee and tea. Wheat, wheat flour and potatoes, from countries which du not impose a duty on such articles are to have free Importation into Canada, There will be alterations from a val- orem to specific duties on soda ash, and on copper, lead, zinc and speller. Reduction on agricultural imple- ments will in some cases mean a duty ot 15`.'rr instead of 27 ra % under the old tariff and on other classes 1715 %. There is also reductions on cement. i These r') d ctions will cause a loss Fn revenueof $17,000,000 and, with an expected decrease in customs on im- ports of probably $25,000,000 to off- set this deficit a heavy increase was t passages are trout tour to twelve Leet %Ode the only windows opening thereon should be of halls, paulti8, or stairs, Duplex houses or cottage Bats should nut be mune than twu storeys it, height and not more 1114111 three roosts in depth, except in the case 01 the end (house of a duplex group, which i may be four roosts in depth. The front wall of the house should be 20 feet from tile pavement or road and there should be 50 feet clear at the rear. No building should Occupy more than 50% of the lot. Proper service lathes are desirable in the case of group houses. Access 10 the rear should be provided. Space for garden is desirable. Local conditions will determine whether , there should be individual or Commun- ity allotments and playgrounds. Outbuildings are not desirable. (Jose board fences are not accept- able. ()pen fences or hedges are re- commerlded, 1 There should be a minimum of four rooms, excluding bathroom and kitch- et. The minimum size in rooms and narrowest dimension should be; Sq. Ft. Feet Living room 144 11 Dining room 120 1U Kitchen 80 8 Kitchenette 50 6 Bedroom Nu, 1 120 9 Bedroom No. 2 100 8 Bedroom No. 3 75 7 B• athru, m 35 5 Clothes closets should u bep ro via - C d for every bedroom; to be not less than 33 incites deep and fitted with a rod for coat -hangers. • Ceilings should have a minimum height of 8 feet i Doors to be not less than 20, 6 in, wide. Bedrooms to be laid alt' so that location of beds may not interfere with doors or windows. Stairs to be not less that 2 ft. 9 in. wide, with two windows in a right angle turn. •r•F.,.••F-:-i-+ 3.+i••'r.f,•;.✓r,t,+d,., r, •A,F•.F•C,.t ++ • Giris Aoomen+ t Stop - look - listen t 4' t proposed on the income tax. 'I' Steady work as Machine $ kOperators. Good pay. t 4' pply or write at once. + ,$ HOUSING ACT PROVISIONS Money to be Loaned at 5% for Period I of 20 Years — Standards of Building Construction Which Must be Ad- ; hered to by All Who Take Advantage of the Loan. With a view to meeting the acut housing shortage, and also to eueou sage new building in the face of in creased labor and material costs, an to hereby provide employment dur ing the period of transition from wa production to a normal peace produc tion, the Federal Government extend ed financial assistance to the indiv}d ual through the operations of the municipalities, Every municipality wa enabled to participate through the for motion of a housing commission, which deals directly with the applicant fo financial assistance, able to take up hi or her Own intimate problems with bodv of citizens possessed of full know ledge of the local situation. In general the cost of any home erected oil land purchased by the commission or owned by a company must not exceed $3500, or, with land $3000, but with the approval of the director in particular cases, the cost of the house may be set at not more than ,$3000, or with land included, •Itot more than $3600. A private per- son owning land may erect a home thereon without limitation as to the value of the land. lie may erect a honkie on tike commission's land on payment of 10% of the cost of the house, or it Ile pays in cash, the value of the land. Loluls may also be made to a farmer fur the erection of a home for a mar- ried ear ried sol; or married farts help, The loan must be made through a com- mission for the municipality in which the land is located. The agreement of purchase follow- ing any loan includes the payment of an amount each month sufficient to pay the purchase price and interest thereon at the rate of 5% per annum at the end of 20 years from the date of sale. The property must be kept in repair and taxes, local improvemetht rates and insurance paid. Al) )louses sold by a commission or company shall be sold at actual cost as determined by the director. Failure to pay for three mouths may result in re -possession, As collateral security a municipality. must issue and deposit with the prov- incial treasurer debentures ',to the) full amount of the loan made. A housing commission or company Wray expropriate or purchase neces- sary land for the purpose, the board Of arbitration or sole arbitrator to be appointed by the lieutenant -governor - in -council. Tule price paid shall be the fair market value, No loan shall be made to any per - Son not a British subject. No house erected under the terms of the act may be converted into a Store or for other purposes except with the approve( of the local corn- ission. r- d _ a Excelsior Knitting Mills J. T. WOOD 1t � BRUSSELS - ONTARIO rl'tt•t'•iaF••F••A•t•tt•i•d•'i't•P4•t •h'i••F'P't-ttr ir,lnt+ (1d' 1)058.' 1114 1 of t elLb except whet the land +1V ;lt14l)C1: b''• 111 VINO/. lits has a decided slope. Cellars to have a clear height of Oft. bin. floors to be of concrete, , graded to drain to be connected to 1 vel) roam hl have al lea.) one window openihr. directly' to the outer air including 18,0111,8m18,0111,8mand (tithe). Truss veulililliun L, he plovi(Irded, as direct as possible, hath tub to be a one-piece fixture, a shower not being sufficient. WashWashtub. to be in kitchen or cellar. lilectrlc lighting Is preferred, The materials for construction in- clude brick, hollow tile, stone or con- crete, wooden frame with exterior, walls of stucco, shingels or clap- board acceptable for detached or semi-detached houses, and wooden frame with exterior walls of stucco accept:d'le for group houses. Division walls to be of brick, hollow tile or concrete, In cities, all local improvements required, including sewers, roads, sidewalks, water mains and lighting services should be constructed as early as practicable. Trees should be planted between the roadway and sidewalk. All houses to be properly drained and with sewage disposal, with a supply of pure water. Provision should he made for the reservation of open places for play grounds, etc. These standards represent mill- MUMmill- MUMrequirements for safety, health, S. C. White Leghorn Chicks Mr. 1',l)inet, did you ever fig II" tat ju41 hr.1v unu!Il your 0111x vest earth v' earth year 0(81)1 the pesky' O) ht'u brenlcing the eggs ol• leaving the nest ; \Ve are hatvli)ng hun- dreds of ( hix 8ucb week. 111(84' orders it, for thousands. Don't leave leave rel' ordering yours (until it is on late. 0),ier 1110)11 8(118.18. WALTER ROSE Phone 3l),1 88x Box 3), f3RTISSP.LS Potatoes Wanted Dnrne eFlovr Bran and Shorts T() HAND Sands all Kinds, 1151 Salt Phone 43or27 W. J. McCracken s. Every Woman—Child—and Man— Should Cultivate the Savings Plan B" "STANDARD RELIANCE" Debentures issued in sums of $100.00 and up — interest 10 paid on the dot --twice a 52 /(a year. STANDARD .4 bandy and ase - /,0 400ktet "PROFITS FROM SAVINGS" 0,418181, sires some ve0' sauna ,,nal)• tial advice will be sect le you free 52) request. Write for it le -day. RELIANCE li l3TSSGK CDR RIAT ]JIB} HEAD OFFICE 10-12 KING ST,EAST TORONTO BRANCH AYR BROCKVILLE CHATHAM Off/CES ELMIRA NEW HAMBURG W00DSTOCK Lemystommeospereammassoxessestetessessoesetueostse 1 H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels isewanwoofaestaw.wesieth®®e©enso,d oemsee®m',3eea eoeaaseeseiDr0® 1 Bull for Service Phone 83 t' 81 C. Z GOOD $L0011 Positive—Coriviocing Proof Marty so-called remedies for anae- mia are only so in name. Their mak- urs are afraid to prove their claims by telling what their medicines contain. The only way to be honest with the people is to let them know what they are paying for. Here is the Vinol formula. When the doctor knows what a medicine contains, it ceases to be a "patent" medicine., P Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron and 8' Manganese Poptonates, Iron and Alamenial(meniuCitrate, Lime and Soda Olyecro•. phosphates, Cascarrn. ' Any doctor will tell you that the in-' gradients of Vinol, as named above, will enrich the blood and banish mac- ' mia and create strength. When the blood is pure and rich and red, the body is strong and robust. You can prove this at our expense because your money will be returned if Vinol does not improve your health. h, R. SMITH comfort and convenidnce In indus- trial houses. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Irl the matter of the estate of Thomas Brown, late of the Township of Grey in the county of Huron, farmer, deceased, Notice is hereby given parnu5nt to "The Re - (eked Statutes of Ontario;' that all creditors and °there halving claims against the estate of the said Thanes Brown, who died on of abs tt the all da ar 01,1 A n i I I• Y Ola I,, Nay, ed 11 hr A, , 1 .- tore the 18th dao of l iv Q i H. A,D,Iela roend,y pt, 1 misted o, deliver to Jessie Brown, the &cease11r a ttix of the 3' 1) , of the std (lerenn(al, ,1 Brussels PO,0 R. No Odestheir iptions,i the fu Sn (steles a,.',, f h and descriptions, esta( lin Cull hertan- lars of (11')11' rlflims, the statement 08 their ao- nna11t4 and the nature of the ;emulates Ile any) held by them. And further take cute., that after such 18,11 mentioned date stud Adn,HN$tralrix will pro- ee,•d to ,lietrhbute Lite assetsof the decease,( among ;he parties entitled thereto having re- itwvi "n l,v to Maims of wlhielt she 1181111 then have nation, and maid Atbntoistrntrix will not be liable for the said esteem or any part there• of to any person or persons of W11080 elsilll notice shall not have been received by her at the time of snob distribution. Darted at Brussels, this 10th clay of June, A. D. 1010. BAST® BROWN, Administratrix, Painting Iron Bridges Tenders will be received fro. the Painting or the iron lei igen on the 2'd and 8,11 Linos in theTownship f ur Is. o Morris. The 1e est or e tender not e0essw•i!y accepted Tenders opened nt TOWIIRIlip Roll, Monday, June 23rd, at 3 p in. For further peob(00lara apply to W. ELSTON. or A. fe°EWEN, Reeve, Township Cleric, Winghanr P. 0. 131nevnle P. 0. NOTICE Reteysyers in the Township of hlc1illnp may pay their Rinburtl Drain Asseeeulents at the Dominion Bank, Seaforth until 2801, 1015, Parties paying please taste .h,11) their Rinburn Drain By-law with them. 13y order of MelLillo1' Council. May 8198, 11110, M. ML1R1)I8, (!torte. Tenders Wanted Tenders for constructing the Prycn Drain In the Township of ),I,.Rlllep and the Dlekson Drain in the l'ovvn(hrpo of Meliillnu and Hub lett will be received by the nned until Saturday, the 21st day of ,June, 14110, or at the meeting of Connell at the Commercial Hotel Senfol•th, on ,tune 23rd. A cheque for 5% of contract price to accompany each tender. The lowest or a117 tender not necessarily aenenh'd, Plana, &s.. can be seen at the C'lerk's oillee, Lot24, Lon, 7, nloltillop Township 31. MUR0IE, Clerk McKillop, June Ora, 1010. Seaforth P. 0, Properties for Sale 150 om'e Farm, known no (he Strottou prop- erty, 5t11 lino Morrie township, for sale. Poo. session next Poll. Well Mooted neer Brussels. The 25 nares il( o0nneetron with the Revere Boma, Brussels, ionise offered for Sale, It is eligibly situated, Rouse and 381 sore lot, Elisabeth street, Brussels for sale. Apply to W. P. STRETTON, Blatasels, House and lot for Sale in Ethel Comfortable frame )house mid one ace of Mini in the Village of Ethel Is offered for sale Number of fruit trees. (food woodshed 1111,1 other ennvenlences. For further pnrtioulw•s ripply to JOHN OSI3ORNE, Ethel P. 0. For Sale tense and lots, containing aN aures, in the Village of Cronbrook, the property of the late Airs, Agnes Wow e, is offered for sale. ][(anus house, Imes, trait trees, 40. Possession could ply given at once. Icor further particulars ape Olxeuutoris a tato of the late ales A g es Bh own, Oranbrook. Phone .4 x Carriage ,..aintAin and Tire ,Ap lying 1oo+nfrrcr,tRWENM ILTIMP Our Rubber Tire Applying: and Carriage Painting, are equal to the demand for au up-to-date job, combining Quality, Appearance and Lasting Service to the oder. We carry in stock, apply prou.ptly and Guarantee our work, all Standard sizes of the better gra,tle of Car. riage Rubber Tires. In considering the nul'cbcse of a 01 w J Piggy buy one .,you will bo proud of in after years, (%hien regnir'es •eat'efttl selection. i)tll' Buggies we 100y Warrant, are ire reasonably priced and have giveii the service repre- sented as is proven by satisfied users. Terms to suit any put chaser. In all lines of Wheel and Carriage Wood -work Popli.ir- ing you get prompts8 (vice and satisfaction al a t]:od• •erate price at I8 e, 88 e a 1 The• ,Plum Blacksmith Shop selortera►owpoossesesorseeisedoom re(erlareselesoetreasoosses 4* ® Tho undersigned will keep for movies, on B Lot 80,.Oon. 2, Morris township, tllethere-bred 1P, Short Horn 131111y, Gnhaford of Solent, Na. a Da0n1Mliia ed VII 117Gainford ilor(118059))). Ped- R 1ttt(rea May be seen on application. Terms - 44310 00 for thoro'-,rods payable at time of ser - g, vita with privilege to return, Grade 00015 not allowed, es r T1408, PIE8081, Proprietor. Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM (18078) )100801 Enrolment No, 1807, Perm 0, ® J. J. McOAVIN, ✓ Proprietor Will stand fur the improvement of stoah N during the season of 1010 at John 4, McGnvin's e stables, Lr adblu'y, Lot 22, Con, Ill, MoI(llta)), Terms : 012 to insure payable lo e ')brutey Ise re 1020. 0 e 0 e e et b CRAIGIE DOU BLEs )104541 l)nrolnle t, Nn 5058 100.10 1 CODY, NICHOL, Proprietor Will stand for the Improvement of 0toak anis Ing tl,e Petition of 1818, et Ills own arable, Lot 2e, oon. 8, Morris, Terms, 310 to insure, payable Pah. 10t, 1020 This Delle sire (a 8110111 Slump, Inlp , (08081 (15,0181, find his (tarn Orelaie Daisy, imp., I208181 (01298) ; 8,•egleterod drone, 48,10 Cit r rl •_ • `svvly{ • a _x lr ., key ,Hl'•l 1tte 1.12 re ag 8. .�lLl4_�t FORD Touring Cars and Roadsters can now be supplied with newFord electric starting and lighting systems as OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. This electric equipment is a Ford product built by the Ford Company in their own factory, and consisting of Generator, Starting Motor and Storage Battery, It is as reliable and efficient as the Ford Motor, into which it is built, The Ford Standard Magneto also supplies ignition independent of the batteries. Ford Runabout, 46 6o. Tour iug go On open models rbc BleetricStartinH and Lighting 1 u „ est is 4100 extra. Poo Coup, $074. Sod..., $..75; (Closed model p kaaie Starting sd luck Lighting Equ p 1 u These prices are f, o. b. Ford, Ont., and do not include \\ ,t'1., s, i\ 116 Electric. Starting and Lighting I S. CARTER, Dealer, Br:;sseis i iMIMIR iR i AIMIMiRMiPIl i i 4 IRA ,,.J ��1 Ir"� i\ R 018) Brussels Soldiers' Welcome and Old Boys' Re -union The Cowtntniltee 1s most anxious to got the names and addresses of all members of your family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and their sons and daughters who have left Brussels or vicinity, in order that they ,join in the Re -union to be held it, our lawn on July '27, 28 and 29. Please send before June 1st. Would you kindly fill in the names and addl.(SSes of yon family or friends who are absent and mail sit me at once to LtM1ES Fut, NAME ADD. ME TRA ' I NvA itA i�iPA WA fi 1ii�Iji8i�iiiii� Convener Invitation Committee, 018 IC Pt♦t♦•1•s 64tt♦t♦4'0.1 O+G'8Q)t0'FOt0•i•0•t•0.7'84',•F'e•b0•}•0t0•C•Atb•i•Ot0.5 k' The Seaforth Creamery .s. eiream Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and d pay you tele highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at I3ank of Nova Scotia, For further particulars see our Agent, M R. '1', C, McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery CIL C SEAFORTH, ONT. 0 + e 0 88 .4(►+4*w',S+.0.a4.'rs',•.e,'Ms1*.f:Nws ÷♦4404.444't"0a'e4:s**'tw*I4.44. e ,s1►t