HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-19, Page 1O,t
FOL. 47 NO. 51
$1.5o Pet .4nnurn in Advance.
MEMO 11101 111 11111 lIl
If On
It d li had yy®p
`iii V..d,(.
Time and again you have heard
say, "If 1 onlyhad a little
capital back of me 1 know I could
make moneywith wl h t hat proposi-
Resolve, today, that you will not face
Fortune emptyhanded. Sow the seeds
of your success by starting a savings ac,
count with this Bank now.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital # 6,500,000
Reserve Fund - 12,000,000
Resources - - 150,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertis
leer sole -42. Carter.
Range for sale—Ed. Cauls,
examinattans—F. R Smith,
sten wanted—J. H. Hoover,
Weekly store news—Jae. Fox.
Auction Sala—Robt. .5, Bowman.
Board al Agriolulture—P. A. McArthur.
ilii Cate
lt. iSi r.i.Ct ft.C.tn
Belgravo Farmers' Olub will hold
their annual picnic in harry MoClena-
ghat's hush Friday afternoon of this
week, A. fine time is expected.
Snlur(lay, 20th inst. Is date set for
annual picnic No. 4 Grey and the
Boundary school, to be held in the
Middleton (Bennett) grove. Don't
miss this popular event.
P1u'ri'Y W1;imrNu.—FVed!Imlay
evening Baptist church was the scene
of a pretty wedding when Miss Mary
Belle Eaket, Boissevnin, Manitoba, be-
came the bride of Russel J, Robinson,
of Ohemalnus, Rev. E. ML Cook
oITiniat.od in the presence of a large
congregation, Friends had decorated
the chinch with evergreens, dogwood,
white lilac and pot foals, Bridal
pu1Ly alu,d under an avail of ever-
ree,1, bride looking handsome in a
Liberty blue satin costume, hand
embroidered in blue and gold, white
risme (lu chane wait, p Mite Georgette
hitt, white French kid boots and
gloves and etarried a le (suet of Ophelia
1'0100 and lilies ef the volley. The
bridesuntid, Miss Oowlu•rd, Winnipeg,
looked very pretty in 0 costume of
sage green silk, black net poke hat
with pink bow and carried a hoquet
ol'sweet peas. Mtr. Pot tor, Vancou-
ver, gave the bride away, and I Jar-
retsupportecl the groom. While the
register was being signed Miss M,
Sterling, Vancouver, sang "All Joy
13e Thine," Mrs. it, Jarrett preekled
at the organ and to the strains of the
wedding march Lhe Medal party left
the church. 60 attended the reception
given by the groolu'n parents at tin ll
110104 which was I.aaLefully decorated
with white llowets, A Magnificent
wedding cake testified to the artistic
skill of Airs, Bondi, end a delicious
supper was served. The happy pair
Were the recipients of many beautiful
and useful presents, amongst them
Whig some sltbstantiatl cheques,
Groom's presents to bride Were a
sapphire and pea'! [mooch and a
Ia chi
a n i ag of tortoiseshell and pan
velvet, 1.0 brider:Maid, cameo and
pearl hat pin, and to 4[,'a, Jarl'0Lt and
Milos Sterling peat] lane pine. During
an interval Niles Steeling sang "God's
in Hie Heaven," which wee very
much appreciated. Young couple left
et 9 30 p, m„ amidst showers of con-
fetti, cheers and the music of tin cane,
which some mischievous males had
tied beneath the cal'. They are spend-
ing their honeymoon at the Wigwam
Inn, Howe Sound, and expect to re-
turn about June 24th to reside in
Ohemainns. The bride is a neics of
Mrs. Alex. Forrest, Mrs. Lorenzo
Frain and Mrs. Alex. R. McDonald.
The ladies of the Wroxeter Metho-
dist church will hold a Bazaar, elan -
day, June 80th, in the church at (3
p. m. Keep this date cleat'.
Appearances point to a fine harvest
of hay and grain.
THE POST gives the news anti 75
cents gets it to end of 1919.
A new shingle roof has 110011 put on
Jim. Garniss' barn, 3rd lice.
A new shingle roll has been put an
Frannie Dunoan'a residenne, 401 line.
Edward Irving has sold his property
tc, H. 00111011 and has bought a house
and lot in Blnevale.
Moreisites will be on hand Friday
evening to witness the L' istowel•Brue
sets League Foot Ball gaine.
Township Council will meet next
Monday, Tendere for bridge painting
will be awarded. See advt. In this is-
A number 11'001 the township were
at FVingham attending North Huron
Liberal annual meeting for Lh0 Pro.
vincial Association.
Wednesday of this week Richard
Gordon Higgins and alias Florence
Ailene, (laughter of George W. and
Mrs. Fleeter, 51113 line were united in
Last week Thos. Pierce, East gravel
road, sold 4 Scotch Shorthorn females
to A. G. Farrow, of Oakville, at a
good figure. MIr, Pierce handles a lot
of goal stock and has a strong prefer-
ence for the Shartho'n.
Owing to ill health Robt, J. Bow-
man Imes di«posed of his fine 100 acre
Pterin, NA Lot 20, Orin. 8, to filmiest
Campbell, who has lived in Michigan
for a nuanbee of years,, Price was
$8,100 welch includes the crop, Mir.
Bow111011 has announced a cleating
Auction Sale of Farm Stock, imple-
ments, Sen., for Monday, Juno 8001,
with F, S. Scott, Auctioneer, We
tenet Mr, Bowman will find the rest a
save method of complete restoration
N 1 health. Mrs. Oampbell is
a the daughter of
b late Hugh aild Mrs,,
Lamont, of 1311166416, and NIr, 00019 -
bell's father was a former well kllnlvn
resident, hence the new ru•rivals
should soon feel quite at 110010, P05 -
8655i011 will be given on July 1st.
d Invest. ent
HE money you save earns interest
when deposited in our Savings
Department, and both principal and
interest are safe and can be obtain-
ed whenever required. Open an
account to -day,
Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager
411]11111 :anew rued n delegate et the
Melh,rlial 1'onferene,, at (lndenieh,
ltebt, Furred. arrived home Wed-
nesday of tide weak looking flue. FVe
lveleome hien back.
PINuAuJ M(w'r,—Alex, alcl ,111'6. Me.
Neil, Morrie lo%nehip, announce the
engagement of their eldest daughter,
Mary Gladstone (Gladys) to Arthur J,
Hull, (trey township, Marriage to
take place in June.
Garfield and Mrs. Dnubar, of Ethel
locality, are making a visit at the
lattor'e parental house, 1311 line, with
Jae, and Mrs, Speir and family, We
hope Mr, Dunbuies health will soon
be as hearty as of yore. Later -We
regret to say Mr. Dunbardied Wed.
Monday evening a company repre-
senting the Methodist church, Bel -
grave, visited the home of Gen, W.
and MI's. PL'ooter, 5th line, and gave
their daughter, Miss Florence Aliene,
a bride to be, a miscellaneous shower.
The gifts were well e805en and were
much appreciated by the recipient
wise expressed her thanks for the
favor shown, Confectionery was
served and the company separated ex-
pressing good wishes for the princi-
o'clock, Wednesday, June 11th, the
wedding tonic place of Vera L. young-
est daughter of W. 11. and Mrs,
Oloakey, Toronto, formerly of this
locality, to John W, Robbins, Tor-
onto, formerly of Owen Sound, The
service was taken by Rev. 1111', Pattet-
son, Simpson Avenue church, ,old 1110
Wedding March was played by Mies
Aileen Thompson. Bride wore a
charming gown of white crepe de
chene with embroidery and seed pearls,
carried a boquet of white roee5 and
orchids, and wore the groon'a gift—a
diamond necklace. The bride was al-
tendecllby ,Miss Mabel Thompson, who
wove flesh crepe de chene meteor and
georgette crepe and ctu'ried sweat heart
roses and orchids, luclweed Robbins,
Owen Sound, was best num. After
the ceremony a reception was held by
the pride's mother, who wore a gem]
of black statin end gold lace, Mrs W.
H. Robbins, mother of thegroorn ware
a gown of black peau de sou. Mr.
and Mt•s. Robbins left by the 0 p. m.
train for London, Owen Sound and
intermediate points and on their re-
turn to Toronto will reside at 78
Sparkhill Avenue. Out of town guests
were Mrs. W. H. Robbins, Miss Tena
Robbins, Owen Sound ; Mies Ella
Oloaltey, Winggham and R. and Mrs.
Nichol, 131 ussels. Grooms gift to the
best man was a pearl tie pun, to the
bridesmaid, it pearl sunburst, and Lite
pianist, silver vanity case. Old
ftiende in Brussels and community
wish Mr. and Mrs.n i
R bb ns a happy,
useful and prosperous life,
Andrew and Mrs. Lamont visited
with relatives at Lnncton last week.
Will, and Mrs, Cardiff, 7113 Con ,
were visiting relatives and friends in
Perth Oo. during the past week.
Oliver and Mrs. Hemingway and
children motet ed to Wiogh,nn and
Teesweater and vieite11 relatives and
Lest Sunday morning Rev. Mr.
Fair, Toronto, preached a fine sermon
at Roe's church, He is the pastor's
Thos„ Glen, Harold and Miss Jean
Armstrong, all of Toronto, were here
over the week end to attend the wed-
ding of their brother, "Jitn," to Miss
Ada Fulton.
Miss 011a Armstrong was here from
Acton to attend the Armstrong—
Fulton wedding last Saturday and
glean useful pointers that may be of
value later.
Thursday afternoon of this week
Miss Marion I., daughter of Oliphant
and Mrs. Smith, 5th Con., will wed
George D, FVightman, FVtawanosh, at
the house of the bride's parents.
Mrs. J, Henry Hoover and Miiss.
Vera left last Saturday on a holiday
tvip to California where they will
visit for a fele months, Mies Hoover
may remain longer, unless a Huron
Oo, magnet may influence her,
A reunion school pie-nic of S. S.
Nos, 3 Grey and 0 Morris will take
plane Friday afternoon of next week,
hl Nelson Cardiff's bush, 7111 Cn.
Spot Ls, goon, boot Ix and 0 eat time
generally, Everybody will be wel-
MLt'.r1IMONIAL,—Tuesday, Julie 1011,
an interesting event took place at
t,hc Methodist, Parsonage, Ethel, when
Rev, RF ', Johnson, hu, n nby nasi tad Rev.
NIr, Fair, Tommie, tied the matt 1.-
11100101 knot beuveel valt May,
daughter of Geo, 11 and Mrs. Spell un,
12th Con. of Grey, and Stanley E.
Meehan of the same locality, Bride
looked charming in her travelling
dress of Mouse ordered sills crepe
Faille, heavily beaded in VicLniy red,
with flat to match, The young couple
left 011 the afternoon train for 1111 ex-
tended trip 1.0 Guelph, Toronto and
Orillia, Their many friends 111 Gtey
and locality join in wishing them
much happiness and a long and use-
ful wedded life,
MATRIMONIAL —A pretty widtl i 11 g
was solemnized at the home 3,l Janos
H. and Mrs, Fulton, 101 h con., Satur,
day of last Week, ab high noon, when
their daughter, Miss Ada Irene, Wee
united in marriage to Jae. 9. 41,r111-
strong, son of Wm, and Mrs. Arm
strong, Oth eon. Grey, 0rrt-'ulorty
was performed by Rev, 1V, li, Star.
ford, B, A. As the strains of
Lohengvin March reeve bring played
by Luella, sister of the bride, the
bride, leaning on the neat of het'
father, toot( her place tinder an tach
of evergreens and orange blossoms,
She looked charming in a gown of
ivory orepe-de.ohene and georgette
and wore a veil caught up with orange
blossoms, 13Lide cat'0ted a bogoot of
sweetheart 0050n al'd sweet peas, ain(1
wore the groom's gift, a gold pendant
set with diamonds aid pearle. Dur•
ing the signing of the register Mitac
ONTARIO. IlIl1t;,`r1) 1 }'. 'f U:Vh' 1.9 19Icj W. H, KERR, F7 tri',faa
Gertrude Marl; cumin 1t 1.1,0
bride, Nang, "111, 1 1'0011,160 111,4. iu
goal v0111e. The happy couple lett un
the afternoon train for Trevino,
Niagara Falls and other 9111)11 and on
return will reside on gro0m'6 ane
We are sorry to hear that Dr,
Whitfield, of Fort Scott, Kansas, has
been dangerously ill. His brothel',
William, of Gerrie, went to see hint,
in response to a telegram. Many old
friends in this community wish the
Dr. a speedy return to 1118 accustomed
11E1401 Ooming to our big pienir.
Saturday, June 21st, Ina the far (11
recently occupied by Gael'. .Dunh10' 6
Races and sports for young and old,
big and little and all who love a good
Lime, A 1 booth on the grounds to
supply sweets and refreshments, also
a first-class lunch. The Morris arid
Grey contesting Base Ball boys will
playa lively game which will be fol-
lowed by an interesting Foot Ball
match. Oone along with your friends
and your baskets and help make the
picnic one to be remembered.
0030150 SuOotse Eon SALe.—Pal•tles wan t
Mg to buy a neat, substantial buggy, steel, rub-
ber or cushion tire can save money by call-
ing on DAVID 8000101, Ethel.
Wm. and Mrs. Slemmon visited
friends at Embro and St. Mary's last
We are glad to see Miss F. Walls
among us again. She is a visitor at
the Stemmer) home.
Newton Font Ball team will he here
for Thursday evening of this week so
bo nn hand to 000 001' boys 6001'0.
The visitors are hustlsl'8.
Ethel vas well represented 11t the
Football snatch on Friday at Bl ueeele,
Although we sisfferecl a slight defeat
our confidence is strong as ever.
An exciting game of Football ie ns-
elu•ed of Thursday of this week here.
Newton vs, Ethel. Orme tint and
cheer for the boys with the blue and
There was a levee thin nut 1'11101
here to BL'nssels Friday evening to
witness the Ethel—Brussels Fant Ball
match. Both teams played great hall,
Brussels winning by 1.0.
Mrs. Mann, Brussels, gave asplendid
address here last Sunday evening in
the Presbyterian church, on the For-
ward Movement which was 1011011
appreciated by a large crowd,
A very clean game of Fontball was
played Monday evening in Ethel,
contestants being Millbank vs. Ethel,
The game was fast with the locals a
shade the better, Score Millbank 0
Ethel 2.
We aropleased to see the tensa
face of Pte. E. M. Wheeler among us
again. He enlisted 3i years ago with
R, 0. D's. and since then has been
through many severe battles. rt, one
engagement he had 4 horses shot from
under 111m,
Very sorry to state that Garfield Dun-
bar passed away at the residence of
James and Mrs, Speir, Morris, (Mee,
Dunbar's parental home) Wednesday,
aged 34 years. Fnueral will be held
Friday afternoon at 2.80 n'clncic, Ser-
vice at 2, Interment in Brnssels
Last week W. A. and MIrs, Lamont
started of a holiday outing which
will take in the Great West and 0aif-
fornia, They have taken a ticket
covering 9 months, We hope they
will have an enjoyable time with a
complete restoration of health to Mir,
On Thursday June 20th, at 3 p, m„
Mrs. Bluett, London, will address the
Woman's Institute in the basement
of the Methodist church, subject will
be "Ottizenship for women." `there
will also be some music, We would
invite a large attendance of all the
ladies of the oomtnunity to hear Mrs.
OFF FOR HOLIDAY,—Jon. and Mee,
King, Mrs.W, Eckmier and W. J. and
Mrs, Sharpe tock train at Ethel nn
Wednesday for a trip to the West,
They were fortunate in securing 00-
oommndation in the same compart-
ment en route. A few menthe will 115
spent in renewing old friendships and
calling on relatives and associates of
olden days, We expect they will have
a fleet -class time
A pleasing feature of the Listowel
Knox chim'ch choir picnic to T+',thel,
was the presentation to Mies Violet
Anderson 1bride-to-be,
Jul e
handsome as cake basket, expresive of
the good wishes of the choir and their
appreciation of her faithfulness as a
member. As a thundeestarul made
the river -side uninviting, the party
hastily repaired tn the spacious veran-
dah of A. L. and Mos. McDonald, who
showed great hospitality, They were
voted can expression of thanks by T.
L. Hamilton and A, E. Malcolm.
There passed to her reward 3,e June
3rd Martha Smith, who was bow in
County of Tyrone, Ireland, on April
2nd 1848 and went to West Wawa-
noswith her parents, ,lames and
Mftegaret Smith, in the year 1840. In
18(18 she was married 10 Thomas Ken-
nedy, Huron township, with whore
she lived happily until 8 years ago,
When God gave him a summons to
conte higher. Tliey had a family of 9
children of whom 7 survive. They
ere as follows—Mrs. W. P. McDonald
and Mos, 11. Walker, both of Pickford,
Mich. ' Mrs. T. Roach' of Kl11lose ;
Mrs. S. Nicholson, of Moosejaw,
Sask. ; John end William, of Ldm'on
township ; and Rev. Elmer, of Ethel.
Deceased was for many years a mem-
ber of Huron Atwell, Ripley, and Was
highly esteemed in the community.
She bore her Affliction with Oht'istian
fortitude. The funeral, which Was
held on Thursday afternoon was con.
ducted by her minister, Rev. D. A,
McLean, assisted by :Rev. F, A, Mc-
Lennan and Rev, Geo, Gilmore,
Reception eco Returned d
Splendid "I'i1111' :tt R. 13r'lrtt•r's,•---I'resentatiou
Inti INA (:rials, (k;c.
Belgrave and 118.3111 V 113,s ervupi, ti
as pr,uoifnenl 9l,''" ie l'au4olte (1111
Red (Trow work +1,1110g Lh• year•- „1
ale 91r t••
t .. ,
1rel ll /toil los:, e,
1 ; 111/`I,tlt'
not, gni. wr•a.lVinwell !het t 1. (1,,'
pnryygtef"i:.npl,,i .,.t 3,l•, ..,, ,•h. {I
erg (11111 ether rend', s,:. ,1, 1.11'110441
with lin+ 619011,9 of ill., .111111
folk sot ahnut w•1' t ,p 13 ,•teou
receptions, t•er, if1-ie i ,4'• ,all 1''f
W1111111 1111.0e 11,01. ,30(1,1 cut with
gl'nilille elleee, 0.
An eurrg.+'ic C,r,on,i,!et. 111,li.1..1
weeks ago 111 1,,11 1 i'; 1te•lie11m 11.1
the 11,1,1,' of itiell ,t1 3,J 1t, -.e 1'rorlet,
111 Mites ka`.l 3,f' is I tt . earl 'I'ilu,,.
day afael n„n of 1 .,,11- - _ 1
th,' Elate of (11.• , ('v 1. +. l,.•, the
throngs 3,r pruph' au red 01, the glare
of meeting they 1,11',•1 av„rything
OAL. 000M BE,
ready for the carrying out of the
program. A large banner met you at
tate gate with "Welcome” and other
banners bete "God save Our King,”
"God save out splendid men," ami
"Belgrave semi -Centennial Old Bnys'
Re -union, 31111e 12111, 19111," while
flags and bunting
i1, r
vldmnce in
profusion. Automobilee, eneriag,•s
and buggies were thele by the hun-
dreds and the great crowd, wined' 'r
they ;,weltered in the June sun or en-
joyed the ample shade of maple or
apple trees, made themselves very
unroll at home and it was a Re union
indeed as old friends assembled from
all points of the compass. Every-
thing wee so well at'ranged the pro-
ceedings went through without a
1111011 and Oomtnittee. consisting of R.
Procter., President ; 13. Bradburn,
Secretary and J 11o. Stewart, Treasur-
er, well supported by MIisses Mabel
!sears. and Greta Armstrong and FVw.
Brydge, Gilbert Nethery, F. J.
Martin, J, T. Kelly, A. T. Cole, H.
Johnson and G. W. Nicholson, is to be
heartily congratulated 00 the results,
of the day. It will pass flown 11110
history as a red letter day in connec-
tion with the memories of the titanic
str•nggle and the glorious victory of
Right and light. •
After appropriate words of welcome
clad been spoken by Mo. Procter, the
well known host, he called on Col.
Coombe, Clinton, c0nir•landing officer
of the gallant 101st, tri take tate eltait',
which office he tilled in 0 very accept-
able manner. He congratulated the
assemblage on the success of the The.
union and thought Lio soldier boys
well worthy of the best that was go-
ing, both p1000nt and Altura, A
selection from Wingham Cornet Band
followed and short addresses were
eontlibuted by Reeds, Messrs. Haw-
kins and IDavisnn.
12 pupils of S. S. No. 5, Morris,
trained by Miss Rintdul, teacher,
capitally presented a fancy drill in
which the red, white and blue were in
evidence, concluding with a patriotic
eolg. Girls oolsti.tuting drill were 1—
Maggie and Lulu Proctor, Violet;
Anderson, Maggie Wightman, Annie
and Angola Kelly, Josephine Johnson,
Mildred Russell, 141. McNeil, Mary
Cole anti Getty Armstrong, Mies
Mead Bell was the pianist,
a 1, ear 90681113 at the palls. Ad•
I�yQ :lAEN91006 36 1(0(101 •__
of Addresses
of the elder feature( of the
eft Mimeo was 113+ pres011ta1i"n of
address,•( and gold mmdrule, to the re.
1 1c 1 n Soldiers 1 I I fl e community.
l tu
1t .v3,•, iu "harm,' 3,1 Hems, Johnson.
•'.h" 11.!udled the 101, 1,' ting ev,'nt in
ttti A 1111.'011,'(', VV/111e;itl II/MINIS are
Is -Mg present e.1 only 16 of the boys
were ahi,' t3, be pr1-sea1,(seine of them
being el 111 ev,•reeay.1 'They formed 11p
en the large 91331 as follows :—
harry 1)ye, (1, (1,11 ., lis Brandon,
N. (beide., G. Ferguson, G. hhnebut-
tern. 11. 1'omplcros, 1+ Swildlehur1L,
S. Said J. 'I'•tsk' 1, FV , Hoot 1. A. Horn,
Alf, 1'1 ice .1, (iib)0318and .1. Altder-
sun, After M1r fohneen had reed the
011d11,8s he asked 15 3,t 11(10(10, dressed
Ili white, who Were on the p1016311111,
to preseo1 a printed ropy of the ad -
dress to each soldier and after this
the medals were pinned on the lapels
of the coats by the deft hands of the
sante girls. It was a pretty scene and
evoked) hearty applause as the gills
sang" Herne Again." The girls were :
—Mary A
t nth y,
r Annie a and
Geddes, Mru'gruet and Esther Brydge,
Louise McKenzie, Myrtle Johnson,
Maud Bell, Violet Anderson, Vera
Armstrong, Luella and Alethia Hop.
per, Verde, Procter, Angela Kelly and
Maly Wightman,
A union chnir was called upon and
sang in good voice "We thank Thee
all, our God." Lieut. O'Neil, who knew
the boys overseas, and who was pres-
ent, received an ovation and was
heartily cheered when the company
was r'eruinded by Major J. W. Shaw,
also of Clinton, (who made a very
felicitous. reply in behalf of the boys
who received the medals) that Lieut,
O'Neil had won the Military Medal
and was the only nfTfcer of the 161st
who did duty in Belgium and France
who was not killed or wounded.
Sage advice ryas given to both the
people and the soldiers by Major
Shaw, who stated that braver and
better trained men, well desetvingr of
the praise they received on both sides
of the Atlantic, never served King
and Onuntry than the stalwarts of the
161st Hluml Battalion. The only
regret was that they were not per -
/flitted to do battle as a unit. He
thanked the people for the honor they
had shown the boys and believed the
recipients would reciprocate in true
manly style.
The address road by MIr. Johnson
was es follows
It Is with hearts overflowing with toy and
thanksgiving to our Father in Heaven that we
welcome yon home, O 1 it is glorious to see
you back ngain and to know that you, wbo
were prepared to give up home, friends and
life itself in derenee of our Empire, have been
permitted to 1101p win the great victory and
get back Eu ns rte well 810 you are.
It ata+ with pride uud teal's we saw you go;
with pride nn : anxious hearts we watched
your career through the eventful days of the
awful War, until, et last, after months and
years of indomitable pluck, after au exhibition
of chivalry, courage,endurance and skill emus]
to anything the y 1 word 1106 ever sen
g v s thea,trier.
1111400, devastating 3,q Hnn was overthrown and
pence restored. After nil you hive done and
porno roc no 11 Is with plensure, beyond ex-
pression, that we 110 pleasure
you. ]Ione. The
only shadow on our leasure t0•dny is the
thought of your brave comrades and their
sorrowing friends who will never again meet
011 this earth.
Plena,, oco'(1t Ode medal in nppreeintion of
services rendered to your Country. May we
all ever have truly M151110%1 remembrance
of God's great deliverance here and his pro-
tection end 00.1.0 of our Empire. May we ever
hear In mind th,, sentiment 80 beantifnlly ex.
pleased 111 those words of Kipling :
"The tumult and the shouting dies ;
The Captains nod the Kings deport ;
Stili stanels Thine ancient sacriflec
An humble and a contrite heart ;
Lord Clod of Hosts, be with ns vet,
Lest we Forget 1 Lamb we INorget 1"
1tg101106 in behalf of Rol0rave old Commun.
R, PltoomlB, President,
B. BRAMICTIM, Secretary,
1{611(13 Joie eoN,
Belgrave, Attie lata 1010,
There was a Lingo of sorrow and
regret at this stage of the proceedings
when Bev, 41v..13awkins read at ad-
dress to the parents of the brave
fellows who fell doing duty for the
Empire, and handed over to: their
friends to store with other treasures
a gold medal aid a copy of the address
lied with white ribbon. The heroes
who sleep in Flaucl.or's field are 4.—las.
MicCallulkl, Richard Fay, Jas. Coulter,
De. T. R. Guilfoyle, Chester MILOan,
Gordon Moore, Ivan Wightmau,
Austin Oampbell, Win, Forbes and A.
McGuire, whose memory will never
die. "The Radiant Moran has passed
away" was a most befitting hymn
sling by' the choir, Mies lingerie
1)$510 3' 815(01*,
The gr
eat -
war, a , vele n tested P x
1 n r0 , Au
n at
ft g
4011, ISM until Novemberince snore 1018,fres is over ,at
(0x0 110.7 0 e world is )111 mars free from the
eryamy of 1710 aHun and a that the
for price paid
In all history been 16x1 the price paid for
Liberty has boll very high. God gave his
oriir sonfree that all who 17 ofbelieve51 In Him might
be free Prom the tyranny .11 stn.
And you, our friends, have been called into
that vast brotherhood or .aorifico and service..
You paid the price Many of our brava young
heroes are returning but we do not forget
those who will not return. To them wax
granted even the batter part.
This medal will ever be 0 token of the dove,
Mont between ue. The world be better for the
nnealdsh encrifinr, of those who sleep 1n Flan&
er's fields. They Imre not died 111 vain.
'Signed 11, behalf of Belgrave and oommunity •
R, Paoo'ran, President,
B. Hn5n0IIitn, Sooretary,
Rav, W. B. HAwtcrNS.
Belgrave, June 1511, 10111.
W. 11, Fraser, M. P. P, for North
Hut"n, offered a few congratulatory
words on the great success attending
the ucalsion sod trade way for a fine
Ribbon Drill by 18 sc1101500 of Bel -
grave so6,t.1, Miss Iesard, teacher, be-
ing the director, personnel being;—
Malg,aret, Esther, awls, and Dorothy
Brydge, I,. Taylor. Jennie Wigbtman,
Dorothy Boyle, Annie Geddes, Ellen
Stnnoh'.use, Aletha Hc•l,per. Vivian
Munro, L. McKenzie, Vera Arm-
strong, Sarah Cole, C. Scandrett, Iola
M,'Grtir'e, Agnes Col bet and Gladys
Jordan. Both (11111s were epleudidly
9111 ,o, MA1, fleeted et edit on bout
pupils cto,l 1'•aohers,
After a.electinn from the Band the
plate .1'm ineweedings terminated
feeling that the program
1'n a -ell 0 u'ried out.
.111 '1((911' lunch was served and a
Se ,' Ball Mad, ramp next between
Brussels and Belgrave, with Umpire
'1" Ifri-, Blyth, dispensing even handed
jeeticc t, 1tie opposing (earns. The
mer won by 17 t0 7 in 7 10 Mugu,
Line alp was t—
Baneaar.s Blum it.vs
+3,e, !and b . .... r'uolte0, c ..............
13461,1• __.. .
v Enz. 1-t 1,
McCallum, ..1'...P
Rarchi:1, 3rdh.Geddes, ..
A Fox, McCallum, 3rdb
rain to, .r ... ., Mrh'ay, 2b .,
5,•,t t. of ..,.
Dunbar. or
Buchanan, rf .. .�.,.„ Jordan, 1st b
Cruickshank, p ...,. Tater, 1f
A somewhat one sided Foot Ball
:•untest between Wingham Hough
Oup team and a, Junior 11 from Brus-
sel6 eti:eluded the well filled after-
noon. FVingham won by 3 to 1,
Teat,: were :--
WIaOHAAt Ben aers
wtllinm*on Cloa1 Hart
atelia I Brtaks
Bosun II ._ ....... ..... Her nae
McLertn Naegele
,Tohnaton. Barka 11 Bullard
Fryfogle (- .............seeker
Wallace ............... Oliver
Perdue ...,.
Armstrong Forwards Bell
Harrison ....... Warwick
Moore fI} .IiJ
.! 1 0
Oo k
"Aootty" Forbes was the referee
The last name to each address was
the writer of the same.
The 32 foot "Welcome" was no
broader than that accorded the
Meeting of Committee will be held
at Richard Procter's Thursday even-
ing to wind up the business and dis-
pose of the cash surplus.
people appreciate very highly
and eels. Procter's generosity and
hospitality in opening their fine home
and spacious grounds for the occasion,
A real life like touch was given to
the Re -union by the presence of Col.
Ooombe, Major Shaw and Lieut,
O'Neil, officers of the 1G1st. There
were many hearty handshakes given
them by the returned soldiers during
the afternoon.
The medals were very neat and
valuable and will be highly prized by
the recipients, On one side are the
letters C. E. F., 1914—I018, with name
of receiver. On the reverse "For'
Service." Miss Canada placing a gar-
land on a soldier's bead.
Refreshment booth did a roaring
business. 50 gallons of ice cream and
45 cases of pop, in addition to:fruit.
confectionery, &c•, were disposed of,
totalling $325,70. Committee in
charge was Jas. J. Kelly, Jas. Taylor,
Will, Procter, D. Ferguson, Chas,
Cole and ,inn, McGill. It was a busy
OnstnsT.—Oar of cement exported at Isle•
Naught Station this week and another at
Ethel station the beginning of next week.
Special rates Off eat'. Apply t0
Jso. MCNABB, Ornnbroek.
Jim. hMa
Nab[ is
attending dm }
g the O. l .
F, High Court at London this week.
Brussels vs, Listowel Football game
at Brussels Friday evening of this
This week Mrs, W. P. Bray left on
a holiday trip to the West where she
will visit relatives and friends, We
wish her a good time. She has been
there before,
The next meeting of the Ladiee'
Aid of the Methodist church will be
held Thursday of next week, at 2.30
9, m., at the home of Mrs, Hugh Ful -
The League Foot Ball game at
Brussels, between Listowel and Brus-
sels Friday evening of this week will
be the magnet to attract a number
from Walton and locality,
The Lord's Supper will be held (D.
V.) next Sabbath in Duff's ehurob,
Walton. Preparatory ser010e Fri-
day at 2,30 p, tn., with reception of
new members and a baptismal ser-
Wednesday of this week Annie
Edna, daughter of Joseph and Mrs.
Love, was united in the holy bonds of
wedlock with Harry ,Ivalon Hender-
son; We wish them many prosper -
01.18 years.
The Regular Monthly meeting of the
Women's institute will be held in the
A, 0. U, W. Hall, Wednesday, June
25th, at 8 p, lm. when Mrs, 0. R.
Bluest Loudon will address the meet.
Ing. Frear her,