HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-12, Page 5't"+^ ni Ali S •°'.-ARE& 010, SUTHERLAND & SONS 7����/,�yt 7��y+/ hprLIMI1•ER (iia1ei,t' V'7"�ddYd� Oseeeite .1453 ANDERSON. 1.= ft. nt,v +, rte ti i.l f2 t?.G >SaN: cur t•, 3(. ti..n•,w'a. (rlilcu at Ants sr tt Isru4. to very Htnhleu liraris. 'telephone No. 41, DR. WArt,yl.,s1W React graduate or the (unarm Veterinary College. Day and night oello. Uliioe copulate L'lour N1111,104.4. r. T,M'F:'AE B,. M, O. P.. & S. O. sl. 1'l, 11., Village of Brussels. II .tela, inrre,n Arrtntrltlm' eqn .ts. 1 -41.1x:114:0,001111.:4114 M'.lvtiln 111441101 \Vtgw••+ 41' :.•t. DR. J. H. WHITE, B. A. I'IIYSICIAN AND KUI((1I50N, (110 lusts Tarunia Untvornity ul' Msdielne, Special attention iiivo+, to thoean, o or children mut surgery. Office: Or, aryana Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Swill sell for ns good Pricer ns any other Atm. Honour or charge nothtaa, BET,:sRAVE P.O. PBOOOFOOT, NILtONdN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Udine on the Square, 2n1door trent Hamilton ,tr•rt•t, 110111r.ltlt'H, ONT. Private nmA. 10 lean tut lowest 21,11,0. W. Pu.,unronm, K. C. J, L, KILLnitAN 11 J. D. Coolie Counter Check ooks 1st, 1'l! Tn1 Yu r is prepared to sup- ply the various styles of Com: ter Check Books on shirt notice, Samples may be seen and prices aseert(titied by calling at out. office. You eau buy as cheap from ns as from luny company. l,e1 its have you, order, THE POST, BRUSSELS a.,1'., . + e7E r � N �• ,g 2 { s x1 '✓ v, + i:.+4. iW �I AGENCY —.—^F John Oliver + 13itUSSEI.S + + has taken °ere the Deering Ag- + + 1ney and handles n full line of + I•'artn Implements including the $ t tinted + I. N. C, Cream Separators + aa�,. The. -only Cream Srparntnr with + +y two wide open (Teem outlets- •+6• .1• no ctMtn gens in the path of + + the even 1. Sett it when in town. + The I. N. C. 8.1O and 10-20 Tractors + are alining the hest, + The Deering Manure Spreader + C \Vith the tvid0sot end and very T light. in draft, Jo r°A Oliver yam einstein 1 Is prepared to pay the a highest price for • • ih Scrap Iron, Z 4 Rubbers, m a • Rags, &ca s • WOOL 0 •• highest price paid. See • me before you sell, e • • o I-tighest Cash Price for s Live Poultry and Hides • • • • e q• • + • • 0a Vie•♦•••••••••••••••••••♦♦i • Write or Phone 62x I NAM WEINSTEIN • MILL STREET BRUSSELS 441404 t+i x ¢ +$r"[ .}..r+ 454,0,11d, 444itlt A + 7 .1, ° Flour 5' h• f• + + + •1• + •h Ser. -feeds, Clembrtulc Far. Club + Phone 285 .t, + reedit A car of Flour and Feed, the property of Cranbrook and Ethel Farmers' Clubs, is expected to arrive this week at Ethyl ,` ,LIIVnt, '1• + d• d• •A' Ed. Futon, + oral . '.t etuo Pffo Anniversary Of Jutland Sunday, June 1, was the anniver- sary of the battle of Jutland, fought on ,lune 1, 1916. Age Raised. The criminal code has been ,upended to read that no girl under 10 and no buy under 12 shall engage in any street occupation in Canada. until the passing of the recent amend- ment the boy's age was 50 years. There are evidently some very undersized i0 - )ear -old buys in Clinton. Public School Promotions The Uniform Promotion examina- tions for the public schools of Huron will be held June 25th and 26th, 1919. Papers are being prepared for I1, I11. and IV classes. 'leachers will notify the Inspector at an early date of the number of papers required for each class. Every Day Counts. Parents should be cautions about giving their children permission to stay out of school. Every day out is a day lost to school work—they cannot stake it up, They will soon be behind and want to stop school— find fault with the teacher—say she is partial, etc., when all the time the parent is to blame. The Coming Entrance Examinations The dates for the entrance exam. [nations,which have been finallyde- cided upon, are later than last year's. They are to be held on the three days of July2,3 and 4, whereas last year y they were over by June 19. Window Envelopes Effective June 1, 1919, window envelopes with or without transpar- ent panel, to be mailable, must be so prepared that the window or trans- parent panel in the front through which the address on the enclosure is disclosed shall be parallel with the length of the envelope, and shall be as transparent as possible. 771e window shall not occupy any space within 144 inches from the top nor within y of an inch from the bottom or ends of the envelopes. Such envelopes shall bear the card of the sender, which shall be placed in the upper left corner of tite ad- dress side. No printing around the window is permissible nor any part of the envelope where it will inter- fere with a distinct postmark, rating endorsements, forwarding address, etc, The stationary used in window envelopes or at least the portion upon which the exposed address ap- pears must be white. The use of dark -colored stationary in window envelopes is not permissible. Noth- ing but the name and address of the addressee should appear on that part of the enclosure visible through the window. 4+•+•+a+•+•+•+•+•+••P• 1.• t••+ RiijhtWaon1 g + FOR SALE ALSO House and Lot* e IN BLUEVALE s Light Wagon is at ® Henfryn Store. ,p + For particulars + apply to • H. L Stewart + 3Henfryn Store • --OR-- 3 Thos. Stewart, .iiluevale + 0 + + ++ tom,.: '",,..--.�.,•....""'" •�.. ..-... a, Wit Hared 11010r1t? Wi 'u. L 'Che see.l'arinuel 'mutt g u' toll Co. L.O,I.. of South tau. ‘.49.! be '1•11,1 in Clinton on Saturday afI, i.t •cin bn•r 1th, at 2 p. m, to make arrangements for the 12th of July which will be held at Exeter this year. FIJLL TEXT OF PEACE TERM FOR AUSTRIA. Jt- tiennaiit, trance, June 2.-1lte following is a suunnary of file Auo,• trltuw treaty: Treaty provides: Austria must accept the covenent of the league of nations and the labor charter. She must renounce all her extra European rights. She Must dentobiliize all her naval and aerial forces, Austria nntst recognize the complete independence of Hungary. Anstilan nationals guilty of violat- ing international laws 01 war to hN tried by the Allies. Austria must accept economic con- dition and freedom of transit similar to those in German treaty Sections dealing with war prisoners and graves are identical with German treaty. Guarantees of execution of treaty corresponds to these in German pact. Boundaries of Bohemia and Moravia to form boundary between Austrian and Czecho Slovak which minor rectif- ications, Allies later to fix Southern bound- ary, referring to Jugo-Slavia. Western and northwestern frontiers (facing Bavaria and Switzerland) un- changed. Austrian must recognize independ- ence of Czechs. Slovakia and Juga Slavia, Austria is recognized as an inde- pendent republic under the name "Re- public of Austria." Austria must recognize frorntiers of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary Poland, Ru- mania, Czecho-Slovakia and Jugo-Slovia at present or ultimately determined. Both new Slav nations and Rum- ania must assure freedom of transit and equitable treatment for foreign commence, Austria must recognize full inde- pendence of all territories formerly a part of Russia. Brest-Litovosk treaty is annulled all. All treaties with Russian elements concluded since the revolution annul - ed. Entire Austro-Hungarian navy to be surrendered to the Allies. Twenty one specified Austrian crui- sers to be disarmed and treated as merchantmen. All warships including submarines under construction shall be broken up and may only be used for industrial purposes, All naval guns and materials must be surrendered. Future use of submarines prohibit- ed. Military clauses are reserved. Austria wireless stationVienna Austrianat not to he used for military or politic- al messages to Austria's late allies, without allies consent for three months Austria must have no military or naval air forces. She must demobolize existing air forces within two months and sur- render aviation material. Austrian nationals cannot serve in military, naval or aerial forces of for- eign powers. She may send no military, naval or aerial mission to any foreign country. Allies reserve right of restitution for Russia front Austria. Austria trust consent to abrogation of treaties of 1829 establishing Bel- gian neutrality. Austria must agree to new Belgian boundaries as fixed by the Allies. Sim- ilar provisions with respect to neu- trality and boundtiries of Luxenbourg. Austria must accept allied arrange- ments with Germany regarding Schel- eswig Holstein, Bountiaries of Austria, Czech -Slov- akia and Jugo Slavia to be finally fixed by mixed commission. Austrian nationals of all races lan- guages e5 and religious rg6 nus equal before 1511'. Clauses affecting Egypt, Morocco, Siam and China Identical with German treaty. 'Czecho-Slovakia and Jugo- Stevie a- gree to protect racial religions and linguistic minorities in their crates. East Wawanosh Council Connell met May 26th as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, with all the members present. tcolloviug appeals were dealt with ;- James Laidlaw complained of being assessed ton high on a lot in White- churoh. Assessment on this lot was lowered $100, - Arch, Radioed, Con, 5. and Wen. Pear, Cion. 4, also stated that they deemed themselves Over ass - meted. '''hese assessments were reduc- ed $150 and $200 respectively, Wm, J. Currie, Wm. Nixon and Hobert 14. Thompson each had a dog struck orf hili r r r while Robert Mow wb ay was ordered to 0 d t be assessed for a dog. There being no further business in this connection it was moved by Mr, Buchanan, eecold- ed by Mr, Irwin, that the Court of Re- vision be now closed and that the As- sessment Roll as now revised with these thanes be the AsseesmenI, Roll for present year-Oarried, Council resumed and ordinary busi- ness proceeded with, Minutes of previouslneethlg were read and up - preyed, A representative of the Sawyer - Massey Cao. waited on the Council in reference to selling the township road machinery. It was finally derided that the township nshiwould purchase two road graders the sante being delivered at once, D. Dunbar made applications to have the North branch of the Halla- hau Wain cleaned out this„Summer, 1':'x-.. ...._... •$: r- -.. ._ 7f.7'.17 1NTE3T1NAL PARALYSIS "Frj t t-tivv r, �lifr Jy . tienevea line tarn 3[uuhle 569 l'0;5;tl.11 "Iu my upioiva, no other weelietue Is so eurative for Constipation and Indigestion as'1''ruit-a-fives', I was a sufferer from these com- plaints for five years, and my sedentary oceupu tion, l Inelo,11t ougl It about a kind of Mfr.di,,af Peznayrir with vasty !f,•odnrhes, belching gas, drowsiness after entire, and rein be the heck. T was inehree,l to tr'y''Fru 8t 1 tiers' and now for six months 1 bane been entirely well". A. 151)$EX11111(1. See. a box, (1 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Councillors Bnelianan and St minium Were instructed to at tend to this mat- ter. Reeve presented the plans prepared forlTaylor's bridge, Cons, 6 landl7 for the Onuncil's approval, On motion of Irwin and Currie the same were ac- cepted and the Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the above mentioned bridge, tenders to he open- ed next Council day, June 16th. Three accounts one for $30 for hall rent ; Asseesm's salary $70 ; also 830 to that official for equalizing union school sections were orderer' paid after which the Council adjourned to meet again Monday .Lane 16t11 A Po1TLeItFIL+Ln, Clerk, Women's Institutes Summer Series of Meetings Following is the list of meetings in this County for the Summer sessions of the Women's Institute Dungannon Goderich Clinton ...............•............. Londesboro' Blyth -I. 0. O, P. Hall........... Belgrave-O. 0, F. Hall \V ittgbam-council Chamber Bluevale Brussels-Oaenegie Hall Walton ., ,..,. ,.,. Ethel -Township Hall. ..... Molesworth-I•fall Auburn .:.................. 11 41 11 11 it 44 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 28 27 28 Morris SCHOOL REPORT.-Followingis re- port of S. S. No. 6 Morrie for mnth of May. Entrance clime, Examined in all subjects, Cecil Bone 77, III. Exatn. in Arith. Comp. Lit. Writ„ Swell., P I Geo.*Frank Sellers 83 *Sam Harr 47. Sr, II -Exam. in same subjeete. •George Pierce 70 ; Jack Shaw 70 ; Harry Kerr 58. Jr. II-I:xnm. salve subjects: -*Wi'l'e Bowman 76 ; John- ny Baer 40. I Exam, same enhjeets,- Ruby 130110 67, Primer. Examined in Lang, Arith, Writing, Spell -Sada Pierce 78 C. Yti1LL. Teacher. S. arter Agent, Brussels Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. You can't afford to do this NO farmer is rich enough to feed high-priced butter to his hogs or his calves in par- tially skimmed milk. It's a waste of money and food that your pocketbook, your neighbors, your country, all condemn. But it's a waste that is going on today wherever an inferior or half -worn-out cream sepa- rator is being used, or the wasteful "gravity" method. Why not put a stop to this needless waste with a De Laval Cream Separator? There is no other separator that can compare with the De Laval in dean skimming, capacity, ease of operation, freedom from repairs, and dura- bility. It's the world's greatest cream Sayer. Conte in some day and talk it over SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A OE LAVAL tr31hatc,: °a 111.I 1''1 ,,rd• 1111111 ,:.li,,l ,L•"t .0 \ ni)+,1 I, •ill:III 151,i'1t hr Ir lair biliary It bleu 11oy hulls ph, ll graph. 10 steel..., Ivlwre the lire hi al keel, tsar panus 1=11140(1, wild the. twill I les 11, the I stilling wet Ihuu ue I 1,1 fl .I Ata t 1•.1,,, . 1, :1t112' 1 sl 1•t'- n u^t 11,11' 1 i n i r.. neilthhe 1 ,1 •I dlr. .74r ii. 11 •Ina 11' - 1, 1101" +, r. 01 1, 1':14 W11,11 11.0 11.' ..1411e41 Atwood Muotlay of Met week the make of cheese at the Minn. factory totalled 53, Mrs, Ili 111114se1', Hal 11/151 011.11. n few days with IS. (l. toil 111211, (.iogh- lin. John 13..11 tefl.fol (luelph to lake a 11 nunilh, 021111 :o iu t. n paiullnl,• to llu' IIII5Olire of Ito, 11:o41 or Hee. .1 11'teutelifte. ill,:. HairhlF❑ ,'r_,tdVcted the 1'i Ir'e, 111 'limed .11,1 11 /q..g.4I '01 Sunday, 1\ll 1 ,Lrtlln Ilan, who 11,,r., Lr, ping 1111150 1111' Stanley A'ord, is };nisi,; Io Hotel to live with Iterdaughler. Hine ing 1111' stay in A1wood she mode many smut friends who are 44/1'1.y 11 Nee her leave, Listowel M. Dowd has Hlli','ea,dol IV p'tssotl I,IH Pharmacy examinations at Toronto, and is now a fully rynalifled Phut. B. The of iters and members of Listo- wel Lodge No. 160, I. 0, 0. F„ will hold their decoration service on Sun- day afternoon, June 20, H. E. Cavell met with a painful acci- dent, While doing hiellwork at lthe Listowel foundry a heavy bar fell 00 his foot and badly bruised it, Ni, bones were broken, Adolph Bros., Gowanstown, i❑ the maple syrup contest at Montreal won let prize with their entry, scoring 99 points. J, Ankenman, Gnwanstown, tvolt Sill price in the syrup contest and 2nd prize in the sugar contest. Mayor Watson and Dr, J. J. Foster of the Hospital Board were in Strat- ford as a deputatlnn to the Count Ccnineil making a request for 1'L gram of $2,0011 toward building fuml nt Listowel Hospital. A painful and nufo•tunata- tu•c•idenl. befel Master James Large, son of Mrs. S >. n b. Lal who, with her ftnnil Is visiting with her parents A. 1'\I, and Mrs. Smith. The young lad, who is only 5 years of age, with some other children, was playing on the public school grounds, A team of horses be- longing to Mr. Shearer, broke loose from the church sheds, and running up Raglan street dashed across the school lawn, The children when they saw the frantic horses coming scatter- ed for safety but Master James did not get away and was struck by the horses and badly injured. Besides severe bruises anti a had shaking Op be had hie collar -bone dislocated and broken, He was given prompt surgi- cal aid, but the injury is Ivery painful, and touch sympathy is felt for the lad, Grey Report for S. S. No, 6, Grey, for May is as follows ;-Sr,-S. Raynard, Sr.Il Hoy77 ; I Repined 75. ,. r I L, y \ ' 71,Jr.III. -Mae 72 ; V. I�t.ltel Cook 85 ; Clara Tackhu 1i9. Sr. II, -- R, Elliott 89 , J. Turnbull 84 : C. Antes 81 ; C. Raytterd 48. Jr. II, -E. Stevenson 85 ; 0. Elliott SO ; V. Jack - 75 ; M. Rowland 72. Jr, L -Alex, Pearson 8•1 ; Mildred Hoy 80 ; Charlie Keifer 75 ; Margaret ,Cook 73. P1'. Excellent -Roy Pearson, Hazel Ray- nard, Vincent Rowland, John Lain• out. L. M. STARLING, Teacher. Smoot. REPORT -The report of S. S. No, 5 Grey for the month of May is as follows :-IV,-Isabel Bremner, Eiail Mills. III Sr. -Clarence Brem- ner, Joe Armsti ung, Reta. Mills, Nel- lie Campbell. 'HI Jr. -Alex. Alexand- er, Edna allF,velei�ggh, Margaret Arto- elrong, yl tie Ward. IT St,--Olar- mice Clarke, Melvyn 14amilton, Jessie Campbell, Mal'gai'et McNeil, Willie Lucas, Ethel Ward, Norman Beirties, II Jr. -Stanley Alexander, Thomas Lucas, Dorothy Pt entire. Ist-Hughes Arm -Awing, Lena \Vard, Printer B. - Itoss MrNeil, Leola Mills, Annie ICvelragh. Primer A.• -Grace Mitchell, Clarence ilannah, Bella .Luras. Bltlturvas, Teacher. Goderich Hotel Sunset opened last week. Mrs, Robert Elliott, Goderich Town- ship, celebrated her 100th birthday. Miss Helen Strang, recently return- ed from overseas, lett for New York to resume practice as professional nnrs0. At the regular meeting of the Public School Board, starting 111 the Fall, an increase of 10 per cent. in all teach- 0rs' salaries was decided on, with a minimum initial salary of $550. Goderich is to have a visit shortly from Mrs, r\•tenzies, missionary to Ohina, who will give an address on June 19th in the lecture room of Knox churoh, She is bringing with her a Chinese girl. The degree of Doctor of Divinity luta been conferred by Wesley College, Winnipeg, upon Rev. L{tnnilLoo Wigle, Principal of Mount Allison Ladies' College at Sackville, N. 13. Dr, Wigle is well known in Goderich, being a brother-itt-law of Mrs, Site i t lab Britton nt road. d c The chatter of the Lake Hume Steel Corporation, Limited, was granted and the nllinial signature of 3 -Ton. Markin Burrell nail xed to it, The head office has been named as Go(le- rfcih, and the capital stork is $15,000, 000, one half preferred and one half common, The company have excep- tionally wide powers, covering the manufacture of every conceivable ar- ticle of steel or iron. Bert Outt, sou of It. Ii, and Mrs, Outt of town, who bas been Presby- tetian church organist', at .Fergus, has accepted a similar position in eon. neaten With central Presbyterian church, Galt, with a salary of $1,000 and a month's holidays, This is quite a promotion, and Bert's Goderich friends are much pleased with this recognition of his ability. Ilia en- gagement at Galt acmmenoes July let, 8 8 03 15 rs e 13 15 q R 9 e Use only three Ievtsifew - L., p-:rsa14'1K for five coups Sold only in sealed packages soasessileassesfieiNtipoessowsosoassessassr$etwous., ,tt .Iat:st I'110110 $,; Lth:.:at7 , Carriage Pari tir.7 and Tire Apply • Our RuLber Tire Applying and C trriage Paint' a.. equal to the demand for an up-t'.•aate job, dos' jug Quality, Appearance and Last], r • ,,•. apex', We carry in clock, apply prun.l':Iv tL'.'i .:. Otir work, all Stlturiaril -'?os of tl itil- riage Itubbtr Tires. In considering the nor : ,.t tl' a ucw Bit'''er ouy one Von will he pro ti.i , t m to • • \ 1'i+ r ' , 0l. h requires careful select,ut.. :''r But 15F .e 1,a''; Warrant, are reahUnably j,l'1C..-1 1105 t ;,,\'011 the service repro. sealed Hs ;- , f.:t. L, :.atssfietl . ors, Terme to :;nit r„ r 1 'IL:1108el'. fu ail lila':(: „t 1`• .a .•1 anti UJarri\%nod•wnr4 Ytl itt5 you gt t jd'u,.ti 1 vice and ag�e satlslaetion at fl orate laic, lll'11'» at + • • i3 • a e' ce ith Shop 5-^. t.nco seesesezo r but he will be home during n ,.. , , • and was granted his superannu- ofJuly taking his holiday • I at the aunminl Conference a- r, Hem at present station `1 Trowbridge Rev. \t, Sterling wire etevd h¢ Conference at Goderich_ Mee, A. C. Tiffin, \v .. ing a few days tet :Ate p,,, ; J. MoOr(1• 1,',Awed n call ,: l,is home in I. ,••. , ,ton, • .,11111 of his father's . • ' • Aline. Miss Margin et. 111' ut 1 u, Miss Le- nore I{ewitt and Mise Teva Thompson attended the W. M. N. Conv ':,tion held a In Sbatt ford, Code viei J. R.uddblrs.G lei o d t u - u t ing tout visiting ['Heeds at \Vinghatn, Clinton and Goderich. They also at- tended tlintel e•uce: Our school grounds have had many admirers of late. The sowers have been ' beautiful. Much credit is due to , ,1, enterprising. Leaches', Miss Golden, Miss Minnie Johnson and her ueices, Myrtle Marshall and Mono Tabor have arrived home, after spending a week with the fotnler's parents near Gode- rich. Rev. Samuel Salton, a former 'Prow bridge pastor, and one of the oldeet and best known clergymen cf ,e London Methodist Conference, is 1e- ream '1'thin, being minister of Ih leo 1 01011. Mr. Salton has 1:` •11 ,'1te,t.istry for 48 nears. He lou - • r , wing to 1 :a'don and will • n h'y be ldentihed with the First e,,etiedist church. O. White Le' _ en aby �d4icks Mr, Fartner, did you ever figure nut just haw much your ; hix cost .'0 each year from the pesky old lien breaking the eggs ct leaving the nest 1 We are hate]: 15 bntt- drt'ds of ('hix each week Have orders in for thousands. Don't leave oft ordering yours until it is too late. (leder them now. WALTER ROSE Phone 3 of 38x Box 81, BRUSSELS a l MitelttliittgerkafteilitWalOtivaidi Ship your Ore' Direct t Brussels Prompt Service 5':: tsfactory Returns We furnish you with C"uls and Pay all Ex- press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bunk. Give the Brussels Fact',ry one trial and y(a.i will not want t0 discontinue. russets Creamery Stewart Brush P r• 4.••0004,41.40••P••0ds0.0••0P•06000040.4:0000•••A♦•F Aa►0 0004 v e 0 • • • • • s • / �- • -" • •• • • • • • • s The School that places its graduates in good positions. • • ••N•••♦e•4••♦••♦•• 010444 4.1444,e4♦44.444+4P444•S**SI111 SPECIAL TRAINING Makes the difference between the low-priced worker and the high - salaried expert, We can smooth out the road for you from the one class to the other. Students admitted any time. Catalogue free. Stratford,Ont.and Win iam, Ont. O a 1'n