HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-12, Page 4urs he e s PIM x Potatoes Wafted 1'I'1(1I;:,Iln1', 1(1Nl'• 12 11)1.) F1011EXTREME hot weather 1111 ,1111 batter ,11 th. 11111 PI CVO 114'' b"t l.110a!et conch th t ctl if '8,411 I0ul il •41 1,'14:1 i t LLL4:' -.,, gu ue au deed the .t•ulilty 11+ un the 4(44 war le a good Many Asses tId;titY they will he ':tale reading after the S voluminous reports published in the Spada OT 011 Kinds, x150 Salt daily and weekly press. } 1111:4 1:1..1 27 HON, A, T. Clemente, minister of Agri- t culture in the Common.. has resigned ) VV. J. McCracken over the government proposed 'Tariff bill, Does the tariff represent fair play at any time? Is it um a legal route to tae:al•. ,Ire :+ fete ltap ztlaldm men tvho permit a man 1,r company to rob anoth- p have alg14 1111' 1 d- n serous .,ud min) e1, far Ihr sake of hi, earn rapid care;: •b_t�1i11 ialltl $1!81!1 r off n- +v- h,hu lu'rtmr-we,,lmg rnen4 r . ed Oar DIE .QUEBEC 1 ,1• . I. t.. ,( i ,1 1 ,. , 1 �, 1 v r m1 , t 111,1) a 1,h - 111 11 t 1,•r ll 111 ,• • thou way t,I11 •ale ronin fl 1 4,b, sold •11.. 1.' , 1 1l 41 r 1l 1. 1 ,{ foo I tio,11, 1 ' e, 111111-1111.1 a d ,s, it 1 1111 al ,I 1 t 1 11 I h '1 I '- ti 1f41 ,8111 , ! 1 .1, .G ,...1I l:.,r1,[nl r•. h,: , it,at .at 1 , Il i l l i 1 I 1 i re it , u 11 14I;t,•.i t r.. 1 ,1. •`.,.hl ml ai 1 .telt,' n 1,1 I .1.41 ,,,w 4.114 n,: l 1 I ,c:t-and rt y, ,,,',t.,( t l a , 4111 -1 .11114,a 'oeso1l1 1 11 1,,), 1 'rho.,, r 6 1,11, Mobile" eulunu1 111 l lm L,.Itlun 1 r, t. Press wits Lrll Noll Where lu 111,41 floe hest Lor- Ada11ntTThe London. le'14+0Pr,tt,Nnd the 4'x111 N, P., (indorirh, \V. 11. hnism, 11. 1'. P. for North Haleta I'r1'.id, 111 1un1 Secretlry, James 1'plebe .un and Sheldon Bricker. It was 111•cidrl1 to •1"141 the \Vt18tern fletal•1.1 Av'nrbn11111, :11111 the au11t1,11 1111 into 1: blit ft 1 1,5 41.1 l.,tarcd at %al until:. 1I. 1,. Camelot! nearly cv'-ty Ic.w evert:uses belu1 mat- vs. M. P. P., IVu,it•nch , 1f„Igat, 1).tl- rrd h ton, :Willett], land alis. W. 11 Fergie. V au uarir. tsprcialiV when literate mon. lirluraye, wr•1•v .xei,„1„1 as 1101., 'Peeve -Lurie wia,1t: by airship may suit . I gait's luat1l•ud Ib., IhnnJouol 1,ihrrltl people who aur "high Ilio•rs” but the w rt r un om ,:ave ie . a .!:nue as w1' l a:, a 1)1441(1 vin':Iti'a1 111 both 1114• ('„or'culi"n, Im In• 10•Itl al. (111441414 111 charge of :11.110 per Minute will neves moral and civil law. It :.. not much \ug❑.I, ,old 1. K.,unrdy, \V1,Igh:uu sorely have to be considerably reduced )ml, \. 11riG•uzil• Ashtii'Itl, tine lterve before many folk will spend hours in the wondor that little boys soon naquire the \Vui. J Istui, 141 ria, wet e chosen us skyward trips. There are cheaper 1 art," almost before they have any idea altel'Ilatl•s, of the wrong beteg done. Wonder it Wheels for the teeming year 1118 : -- methods of going 'up in the air” but fathers who swear ever think of the ex- President, W. H. Robin Coon, (iodet- ample they are setting before their soos 1 If they do and refuse to quit for the sake of their boys there sheu11 be some method of putting i step to the spread of the obnoxious hetet . We want the buys mid girls t0 glow' up clean -mouthed and free from habit8 that would be a detriment all their dais. perhaps not so graceful. A new kind of monkey has been dis- covered in the French Congo that talks and acts much like the average man. That's nothing very strange as we have men ansa women in thio country who talk and act like Jackie Some people are often trying to "make a mon- key" out of all and sundry wh•., come within their reach. It must give a mon- key quite a wrench to he compared to some grades of the human family. We suppose in that event it would he a monkey -wrench. We limp. the Midas 1ou,::4 prognosti- cated for (under ch will not necessitate out mach effort :ma v a ntodi0 Ulu mt 111 - the County towel enlarging their bead- crease !u cost 'u the Ct nl0anies In. gear nor property owners to grow 5)41:44 I14 03181 nig to the trade the cheap - "batty" over balloon prices asked, for er rates have been cut tri, time -table real estate. It would not he unlike the tomtoolery that bas adorned some other municipalities we could mention, who sawed off their own head in their avar- ice to secure the ducats. Our best wishes go to Goderieli for the Coniums ; first vice, John Gintegre , White. church ; secnl,d vire, Joseph Dalton ; I}eeye of Ashfield third vice, Miss P, Powell, \Viugllant ; Secretary, .lames 1(1cl11)4chip, BI 11 1 1'1.115l11Se, A B Car r, Blyth ; Auditor, Wm lsbistei, Reeve of Wirg11801. The municipal chaiemenate l—H"w- iek, John I•lelmell,rt;. Gert i" ; 'furl - bet ry, Robert. S, Muir, Hlcn:uuuoh ; Grey, Autos smith, Lietnwel ; al01 is, John 11cArta', lirn.sels ; Ash field, Ix the had the say we would run more l(t.1I,1ha1, StOwurl, Lurkno,e Culbnrlle, Ynw,g, 0,11).114111 t exculseai. on tele reilma'.ls, with a con- 111,sh, Jain, R. Slt•Nubb, P)lutltnnl„m ; si,l,,rable lax.:y i 1 1111' one of the ticket 1$asr Watt 111,, .11, J1,1 ,, Sh1el1, \Viog- thepresent Woo By p 1pulateziug ham ; Biussels, Peter Scott ; 131y111, over e Samus1 PoplOatuue ; Gmt1erich, C. A, public travel and giving something of a N \\” At C ,: - al ill ; Ing 18111, im et' 1tl9elis ; h.,rgai11 day upi,u tunny the passenger \4,'rox0ter, .1111101 Thltlglns. n'alilc .,1,11,1) by detailed or tteb't d with- 'l'feltsu eel's moat 1 showed a 1111a111('P uu hand 1,1' 1123 87 «i'let. 1 xpensee far the year have be1.11 paid. '111144 1111 11141 les are taking an interest in Nubile affairs way shown in the attendance of a gond number from diffetma palls of the tiding. sometimes arrar.g(d most detrimental and objectionable to tete public and the special lu'liday excursion trips cancelled entirely. A $olemun is one of the ad- ditions public 11 411 tits should make to their ativiwury static as we see it !nation of their most idealistic dreams I through our editorial telescope. Wend. and hope a city status will be theirs in- er if the government lute, enc off the passes of the M. P.'s and the NI. 1' P 's when government ownership arrives •Ir will everybody ride free ? By unfailing signs the political Int- onieter indicates the near approach of a "blow-up" in the 1--1)1011 G,vernnitnt With alt the pledges and promises made in the beginning it has proven vety 11111411 of a targe in the face pf the ampl- est opportunity of mak' 1', e ad. Atuug were the retiring of (,'1111181 i4•11is'ers, the "scrapping" of 01hr15: ndtte gener- al pullic epimer 1,1 b..1 1-, .11 1ho ,, 11 p 11' licai parties we think the tuu.eusus of opinion is "1! is time for a change." Advantage has been taken cf War comcli• tions but many of the reading, thinking men of 1nY.11 stripes of p ditics can see the atcesity e f a new rleet ion that the eleetevale may express an epi 114 at the ballot box and push the hest interests of Canada as ag itti t a favored few, side to years. As time speeds hy the public inust be more and more convinced that the In- dependent Telephone Company is the are deserving of support. Like most other corporations the Bell Co. is reaching out for the Almighty dollar and the patrons are being assessed high- er than ever for wbat le a most useful utility, if you don't have to pay too high a price. Since the Government is go• ing in for ewnerehip of railroads, &c. why not add the telephone, telegraph and express business to the lot and make a job of it ? Tee Pose is pleased with the unanimi- ty among various Conferences, Synods, Assemblies and other church courts on Inc question of the Prohibition of the liquor traffic. In only one instance have we noted where a clergyman of any re- pute has favored the adoption of the Thi, la'Id a deserving of the best Iegi• beer and wine proposal. We would not 51a1100 p1ss14.le, ahuce parts' 11(1 -Janice we care desire him for pastor nor woukd or favor:relsm and tae pl,t ing 111 power to assume the responsibility his unwise of mea o) 11.0 id.a, pl'locip'.rs 111144 are remarks might lead to in blasting the right seri metharly that will .how 1113.. lives of young people who might believe swerving fidelity to Righteousness. his statement and eommence to drink, 'Me wise course is to not touch. taste nor handle the flowing bowl and there- by saved toe dreadful fate of perchance filling a drunkard's grave. THE Dominion Parliament is atter the Bolshevists of Canada by passing an Act t permit the deporting of revolu- O' I t I 1' North Huron Liberals The feeder:0 Liberal Assuriatioih o) North lint on held its annual meeting 111 the town Hall, Wing/Him biay 30th, with \V, 11. Robertson, elede- riOh, President, presiding. 0 1' Owing t0 Ole lye (veal lel' shim tioniste, anarchists, agitators and rioters, the Spring the faille.'• wet e dela) via who undertake to overthrow hy in their work, and 4114118(4,44', trete force or violence the Govern- taking advantage of exrellent south• tnents of Great Britain or Canada. We e1,, Ase result the tUlnnthulre 1,C are glad to see both sides of the House the meeting wee not as lot ge as usual but all minecipalitien 8xrept ('olbnh 115 supported the measure uuanimousby. and \Vr•nx,•tet lyric w511 1 'l 8145111od. While the provisions 14re somewhat Proceedings were uprned with 1111 sweeping it will give authority to shut address by \S'. U. Charlton, Aylmer, elecrt•ttu'y' 1 reaeuret' of the 'Western Ontario Liberal Association. 1111•, Charlton explained the events leading up to ti e forming of lhis Association, )rJ ntPhurnu - which wan 0110 of he flvo 111 11te vines of Oulnrie. HH explained the aims (61111 olj5ets of the Association and spoke of the value of organiize- 6101) ill the whining of [1(1111irnl con - teats, and re(inest ed the local Assoeitt- tion to, join the \Veetern Ord 111 AS. sociation, 11, was th., desire of Liber- als fn tide section of the Province not to be dominated by Trireme() or any other'rentro, said i\'lr. Charlton, lie found fault in many ways with the buena Government, Ile !believed the principles or Li beraliein wn111d have solved the labor trouble and the ten• rest among the fanners. 1-18 found fault with the government for not earlier taking 111180)1 in the strike IIt Winnipeg. 0111in4 the war the Government. had been so slow that the Allies heel ptirlrhneed bei stet in the United Stales 1'at111'1• than in Canada, and this unposed a hardship ori Cana- dian farmers. 1\1r. Charlton hit. hard at the. money intro vete and 11erltu•ed that it, had been 1+,1111 1111 the floor of tale'flbnse of Onrntnoris twat the higr interests remit—oiled the Government, and he thought all present. would eort- 0111' 111 that St/118111841 t, The Medi (•88 11C 11111'7 eye, was listened ]1,l with numb Follo%ving this tuns la general eneston 11ta ol'gatli)atintl, theme speak- ing fnchrdin;g M. G. Oetme8un, ex•M, olf,in doable quick order, the insurrec- tionist element who have the cheek to u with a higb hand turn think they ca g out governments, order public utilities to cease and interfere generally with the personal liberties and rights of law abide lug citizens. These fellows, most of them inexperienced, except in gall, will be taught that Canada is not the home of the red flag uor a breeding place for sedition or anarchy. The laboring class- es have rights, of course, but the Bolshe- vik methods will never attain them, as their unwarranted bulldosing sets many A mar in antagonism against plans and purposes he would support in gener- al by a more pacific manner of obtaining them. We would be very sorry to see bloodsbed over entanglements wrought by those who flagrantly set themselves up to sow dissention and strife but they must be taught, very plainly and with physical force if other measures ate not heeded, that mob rule and lawlessness is not a part of Canadian citizenship and if they wish to cater to that style of life they will soon get a boost out of this fair land to pastures Where they can fight It out with their own kited, Canada is the land of fair play. NOTICE Ratepayers inthe Township of McKillop may pay their Kinburn Drain Assessments et the Dominion Bank, Seaforth, until Jone 20th, 1018. Parties paying please take their Kiabnrn Drain By-law with them. By order of McR111up Council. May 81+t,1019. M. MURDIS, Clerk. Ford Car for Sale On account of going West will sell a Ford Touring Car, 1010 Model, fitted with Helm. Shock Absorbers, and in good condition. will sell resaoneble and on easy terms to right man. Apply to W. A. f,AIIIONT, Ethel, 45.2 Phone 9418. Tenders Wanted Tenders for constructing the Pry.e Drain i11 the Township of Mc101ilop and the Dickson Drain in the Townships of MOKlllup srd Htd• lett will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, the 21st day of June, 1919, or at the meeting of Connoil at the Commercial Hotel Seaforth on June 29rd, A cheque for 8%o{' contract price to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Plans, &o., can be seen at the Clerk's office, Lot 24, Con. 7, McKfllo�p Township M. 11117RD0F„ Clerk McKillop June Ord, 1919. Seaforth 11. 0, Properties for Sale 159 acro Farm, known 8a the Stratton prop- erty, 6111 line Morris township, for sale. Pose session next Fall. well looated near Brussels. The 20 sores in connection with the Revere House, Brussels, is also offered for Sale. It is eligibly situated, House and 11, acre lot, Elizabeth street, Brussels for sale. Apply to W. F. STRETTON, 13rus0015, House and Lot for Sale in Ethel Comfortable frame house and one nate of land in the Village of E114e1 is offered for sale Number of frnit trees. Good woodshed and other conveniences. Nor further particulars apply to .10BN 08120RNE, Ethel P, O. For Sale Housennd lots, containing mg sorsa, in the Village of Cralbrook, the property of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown, is offered for sale. Frame house, barn, fruit trees &o. Possession could be given at come. For further particulars ap- ply to Mae. Tm05, COM anon or Wm. CA htnItON, Sxeoutors astute of the late Mrs. Agnea Brown, Cranbrook. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on S1 f th ro'•bred Lott Cor. 2, Morels township, 0 0 =5041 Horn Bull, Gainford a1, Salem, No, ==8:418-, erne Gainford Mar u1s (108800) ' S by q eRoyal Sailor 1 0 Ped Dam Mildred VII byo 1 11 y ( ) 81000 may scan on payable atapplication. Tema - 810 00 for Ghoro e reds poyable at 1500 of ser- vice with privilege to return. Grade Bowe not allowed, TAO$, PIERCE, Proprietor. Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM 1180781 1160863 Enrolment leo, 1847, Form I. J. J. NIcOAVIN, Proprietor will stand for the Improvement of stook during the seasml of 1910 at John 1. MOGevin'e stables, Ltalbury, Lot 22, 0On, 18, MoKIllop, Terms : .112 to insure, payable February tat, 1028. CRAIGIE DOUBLE (184591 1 Enrolment No, 8060 Norm 1 ROSY. NIOHOL, Proprietor W111 stand for the lnprevemmlt of stock au, hug the 0550014 of 1019, at his own stable, Lot 18, Con, 8,Morels. Terms,1,10 to insure, payable Pah. it, 1500. Title collet sire is Shethln Stamp, Imp„ f 1810008) la8registereeddame,, Daley, imp,151081 seerasa The 1.'i'e rat p 1'), hat: bees le pawn 111 the i'lurino, of Quebec tinkle May 24th, 18117, when the lion. 1t, G. Mar- ehuui !weenie Prime Menister, follow - Mg the Ilan. 11, J. Flynn, Conser. 4ati4r Mi Mil 411121111 was slledeedea in (h e u'r o,ir1 ship by the floe t'a, ea l .;11 1ltlubel .1, tetra , the ereeeet Pre , 444) 1 set tomer feerstt, ,is cried office 441 ivarth 23, 1'905, The Liberals have consequently Geld office tea a period of 22 years„ and this term will undoubtedly be extended by the electors of tete provinue after the polls have been closed on June 23 next, when the provincial general election which is now taking place is brought to a close, , The Gouin Government has a splendid record for a progressive ad- ministration of affairs, It has spent approximately $20,000,000 on good r'. Ids. all .imounl sufficiently large to make the Hearst Government of (letlrei tale nr1(Ic8, A good deal of manes, has also been expended on educalien, and it is proposed to estab- lisll More technical schools to assist in the training and equipment of workmen. Yet, despite large expendi- tures, the finances of the province are in a sound condition. Now that the war is over, the government is desirous of pushing a huge reconstruc- tion program. As the Premier says in his manifesto h More must be done for colonization and agriculture. Education must be stimulated; more roads must be im- proved; water powers must be de- veloped; manufactories established; production must be increased, and the cost of living must be lessened for the people. We load a war mandate. We want a peace mandate. Before beginning the great undertaking of recon- struction, which will take time and money to carry out, we want a suf- ficient mandate to go ahead and carry on. We do not want to begin the work and be fold by reactionaries and pessimists, or by our opponents, that we have no mandate; to watt for a new mandate, Why should we net now, when on the threshold of a new period, be allowed to forge ahead, uninterrupted, with the know- ledge that we have the confidence of P, GET THE BEST. ,LLIOTT .1 zed, ftYong* & Oharles Sta., Toronto 6\ Is noted throughout Can- ada for high grade busi- !,ness education, i1,! Great demand for our Graduates. Open all goer. e for Catalogue, Enter now. .4 W rit ;t� W, J, ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL iesee ea'eeselvePesie Ys'A.,Era'4ita'eeteayetesi IT PAYS i 4 • • 'MOIL CAUS[ oath• t.aste a.nd ta CHRONICCOUlS Em'you more mow - A Constitutional Remedy That We Guarantee Lagrange, N. C.—"For years I suffered with a chronic cough, so I could not sleep nights and continued to lose flesh. My druggist asked me to try Vinol. It cured my cough, I can sleep nights and have gained twelve pounds. Vinol is the best tonic and tissue builder I have ever taken."—W. D. Ren, Lagrange, N. C. We guarantee Vinol for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Not a patent medicine. Formula on every bottle. Your money back if it fails. 1a, at, S\71'l'll the electorate? While there has been some desultory talk about impending elections for week's past, the bringing on of the contest at this time has caught the Opposition in a state of unprepared- ness. The Opposition leader, Mr. Sauve, promises a vigorous fight, it is very apparent, however, that he is going up against a pretty stiff pro- position, as is shown by the standing of parties in the late Legislature, which was as follows Liberals 74 tlonservatives 6 Vacantsa 1 h,l • . Tweet:ee N e•� Total 91 It can do the province no harm if the Gouin Government is shorn of some of its excess of strength, and this may reasonably be expected to happen. .1-44++++++++++++++++++++++4 d• 4, GrIsWOMen '11 4l' • Stop - Look - Listen r •r t -r :4. + Steady work as Machine 4' Operators. Good pay. Apply or write at once. ▪ Excelsior Knitting Mills J. T. WOOD • • BRUSSELS - ONTARIO 4, as 4.—++++++47 ++++++++++++++++++ �•1•IBI•I•I•t�1.1NileI•lU11IU)UlU1•I•I•hht•1�111h1•I�1.1.1I1•I.1I1.1•I•r�l••I�•I is ■ 4 °a Safety First" QH0'11i 'b0 the imist0of every investor 1" — not a anthers ever been lost In STANDARD RELIANCE te1 e( Mort Corporation C10/ j0 Debentures 2 O /al800Alj ed((01,d ,a1, "PROFITS PROM VINGS" wieta14 gives Joni very wand finan- cial advice wilt be den! i0 Tan ,/4.w on wawa. Writs/or c1.48'. STANDARD RE IJANCE, PAJ IRiTOARE CORPURAMI NJ HEAD OFFICE 10•Iz KING 5'8.0568 TORONTO BRy5CN1 AYR BROCI(VILLC CHATHAM Off/CE! `ELMIRA NEW HAMBURG W000STOCIt H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels 44.4404,, 54.•x• k9.1,6. 40+4.4'P4•••r••r•i•••1.9•1-•4.04.•4•s+♦•1-104•4• The Seaforth Creamery ;} a. ream Wanted fcc® mosommosomm==isions •• 0 •• Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C, McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. ' I -I SEAF oRr , ONT, 14 111 Jttne Cost 04.05 War Savings Stamps eon be bought what- ever thea elan ie displays4. How much of your wages do you fritter away each week on trifles ? It you reckon it up you will probably find that at least five per cent. disappears thus "like snow wreaths in thaw." If your weekly wage is $15.00 you snood easily 75 rents of that on "mere nnl'hlnlcs- 1rfnre 1,n.1 know it, But Ste( 14014 vola said to your employer; "Each week I want you to keep 75 cents out of my pay envelope and invest it for me in War Savings Stamps. As you buy each War Savings Stamp put it in my pay envelope, and go on doing that for a year." You will never miss that 75 cents. But at the end of the year you will have over $36.00 invested in "Savings Starnpb. By then they will be worth considerably more than $36.00, and by 1924 they will be worth $45.00. War Savings Stamps are guaranteed by the Dominion Government. They have the whole resources of Canada as their security, the same as Victory Loans. And they bear an unusually high rate of interest. You can cash them at any time, however, if you need to. Make Your Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country—Invest Thenl in War Savings Stamps, IRA -Alm Ma w, -Igt IMIMI itA Ito Soldiers' Welcome and IM WA Old Boys' Re - ani Cassels 101 1414 14e. sS 14 14 serazamessale The Commmitte° is most anxious to get the names and addresses of all Members of your fancily, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and their soils and daughters who have left Brussels or vicinity, in order that they join in the Re -union to be held in our Town o11 July 27, 28 and 29. Please send before .11n10 let. .World you l(indly 1111 in the names and addresses 01' you family or friends w110 are absent and mail same at once to JAMES FOX, Convener Invitation Committee:. 1M IRA NAME Al1111+1 t$S 1za iM1 iRA1R1 iMi 1M1 1Mi 1MI iMI iM •ose♦ee0•o♦o0♦♦®641•♦9410®♦e oem,•1ecQO0o0oe®9a•oo444•opt4'e Yo • o• a Men's rocket Fitc les . ....... ,,,,O • #S i 2 • • • •• O 0 • • •• • We are offering Spmeal Pi 1eca 011 one pres- ent stork of \Vallhatn, Regina, Hampden and Elgin \Vet.clles, '!'hese weer. bought some lithe ago, Ili the lot are some suitable for pr0500111- Liolh to returned soldiers. All going g at special Reduced Prices while n'• lasts. II' in t e stock tenni t( .lc need of a Watch call in and see wheat we hay(' Lo offer. Monogram Engraved Free. 40•1,4'1,41'4.,+4.4.444+01.4'+0 4 +0.14+•+•+40.1.114+44•44+•+••••••••♦••••••A•••i•••••••••o �ieiN►��A•ii0•♦N� iN•i♦ A FULL b'l'OOK OF Kodaks and Brownie Cameras, Films And Supplies We give special instructions with each Kodak or Brownie sold, Waterman's Ideal Fountain \Ve always have in stook a gond assort- ment of Self -filling, ;Safety anti Regular types, Pei Cee X126(1 up, Others from til up, Waterlttan's Ink in bottle and bulk, • • 6 a 0 .2 •4. a • d • O fl 2 Pens • ••0 0 s 0 Engagement Rings Wedding Rings For Cleaning Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream. It is the BEST, Price 26e. J. R.W NDT, Jeweler, r weler Wroxeter 1