HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-12, Page 1• 1' of-, 47 NO, 50 17.50 Per Annum in Advance 1111111!11111111 Illllilil111IIii1111i11111I111I111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111 UIIi1111I1111I1111fIII0f11111H11111111011111l111ff 1 L. E E Courte„1us Painstaking Service 0 Prom the moment you have opened your account with us we look upon you as a friend of the Bank, to be served in every way possible, at every turn. It is this spirit of "friendly J servicer"r that has been largely res- ponsible for this Bank's solid, steady 87 years of progress. We will appreciate your account. —THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund- 12,000,000 Resources - - 150,000,000 22 Sia i(, H. GILROY Manager Brussels Branch 11011111111111 Nee. Aav'ur'tividriierote svetell Ian) rr1l: Pos'v'. Per role—W. B. Brondtout. :Leather bogg loot—THU POST, Our Gr000rie,—R. O. Bothwell. Obey the Impulse—A. 11 Hersey. Cedar posts—George E Renrlmon. Notice to Creditors—dessle Brown, Tenders Tented—Township of Morris. Repair service—Plain Blacksmith Shop. Carnage pointing—Plum Blecksinith Shop. 3t zstrl.Ct Rebs Bluevale The Pteabyteriau church, Bluevale, will hold a Garden Party on their church lawn next Tuesday evening, June 170h. Tea will be served from 0 until $ o'clock, after which a musical enteretainment will be given. A Band will be in attendance to supply pati of the prograln. Everybody come. \Voartcv s INSTi'r(J'rJ'.,— June meet- ing of the \Von 18110 Institute will be held on the 2312t1 ins(„ ab_2 o'clock, in the Methodist church. Mrs. O. K. Bluett will speak, taking for her sub- ject ,The Ootn(tlnn1ty Ideal,” Mrs. Bluett ie a graduate of the Ottawa Normal School, LI addition In her being a practical honsekeeper she has always taken an active interest i1( all things relating to the welfare of wom- en and children, As President and Secretary of many organizations she has gained experience which should be of a great help to her in Institute work, In the Fall of 1017 Mrs, Bluets took nhruge of the Parkhill °aiming Oeutr0, the first community canning centre established by the Ontario Gov- ernment, and in 1018 organized and took charge of a similar work in Map- leton, Ont. All the ladies of Bluevale and vicinity are invited to this treat. Lunch will be served by Mesdames Tate, Smith, McOall and Jewitt, Spec- ial music. Molesworth The Annual District mee ting of the East Huron Women's Institute will be held here in the,Town Hall on Friday, 27111 inst., at 2 p. 1'u. Breech and District reports will be given. OM11c- era elected, addresses and musical program. Mrs. 0, K, Bluets, London, will be pteseit and speak. She is a DAIRYMEN There are many ways in which this Bank can assist you in addition to granting loans when required and providing a safe place for your savings. Call upon us at the first opportunity and let us explain what a complete banking Service means to you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 55A Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager filieterrelartetetiereeltalleenterterstrarelareta re rGroceries 1•'12.+ays Fresh E not only give Low Prices on g' Groceries but High Quality. ,. tt Q All Groceries are not the same grade. Because we sell Wholesome, Pure Foods for Less Price we sell lots of' them and always have them Fresh The water in a running stream is fresher than that in a stagnant pond, The Groceries in our store are Fresher be- cause we sell Good Goods at the Low Price and keep them Moving. Give us a Trial, R. C. R ATHW LL Moncrieff IIIAUSSF.L.S, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, 7UNR 1) 1919 1V. 11. 1t"1i.R! , t'ro1fnetor- graduate of Oruame N4,4 mal School awl an exp• if in Unrnllln)ty ('awning husineoo, A large attendance ie ex- pected. Mrs. S. S. Cole, Ethel, ie President and Mrs. Inn. Robb, Bmis- lle n , 1, 9 tec'e tory. Wroxeter Nouse. Reeve a L 1 e ve D uglas attended County Council et Godetich last week, —Miss J. Ritchie has returued from an extended visit with friends at Tot - onto and Galt.—Geo, Barnard, Aut. heratbur a former, 128,11(1611 of the village, called 011 old )Mende last week. —Mrs, .Hyoeout and little daughter have returned to their home f1 Dunn- ville after holidaying ae the borne of A. A. Laumlby,-0. W. Sage, Port Heron, and Robt, Sage, Washington, visited their ptu'ents here last week,— Pere, 3, K. Rae 15 the guest of rehteiV8s in l'ovonto.—Rev, F. Stride, pastor of Methodist church here, was 0118 of the ten men who were received in ib the Pull Fellowship of the efhlimey before the Resembled Metho(tnt Conference. in Goderinh, Snnday, June 8(11, Rev. J, J+1, Holmes, London, peached the ordination sermon on "The Value of Personal Testimony and Experience." —Miss Margaret Gibson accompanied her sister, Miss Mary, on her return to lobelmory on Tuesday,—Thos. San- derson, Kinistino, Seek„ is renewing acquaintances in the village.—Mee, G, S. Leckie is visiting her sister, Mrs. Le. Cardiff, B,ussels,—Mrs. A. W. Robin- son and children, Battlef0rd, Sask., etre gueets of relatives here, — Mies 111ze1 VanVelsoi' bas resumed her work in 11ata'istoh alter a two weeks' illness.—.P1e. T11110, 'Thompson arrived Inline unexpectedly from overseas on Priddy. He enlisted with the 161st Batt. and was badly wounded Met Pall, baying been in various hospitals since, He has not recoveted the use of one ruin but we trust a (narked im- provement will soon lake place.—\ars. (1tev,1 W. E. Donnelly and two child- ren, Alvinstnn, spent last week with the farmer's envie, W. le. VanFelsor, Maitland Maitland Oheese Factory shipped the last half of May make last Wed- nesday'at a good price. This factory is doing a good business this season and handling the milk of a consider- ably enlarged tert'itory. Fred, Denoted(, of Ellice, has been busy lately operating his portable saw mill for B. ll', Home, Lot 14, Onn. 13, Elma, and which has been a conven- ience for parties needlne sawing done near home. Understand 11e will move next to the 6th cots. of Elmo.. The recent refreshing showers came at a veru opportune time to prevent the baking up of the soil that was worked and seeded when in a web con- dition, The lovely rains have given vegetation 0 great stimulus and made the country a scene of rapid growth and beautiful natltrai grandeur. It was rather unfortunate for the people and Evangelistic campaigners that the tent did not arrive as was ex- pected, It is supposed the railway company have taken icon to Moncton, New Brunswick, in mistake but if soon located will probably be sent here by express and be ready for use by the end of the week. In the meantime the services will be conducted in the Methodist church, Quite a number of the subscribers of the Bell Telephone service ate rather badly dissatisfied with the recent changes and prices in Lhe system, not having the privilege of using any more than one Ventral without extra charge. Would it not be advisable for the parties most interested to apply to the Company to have the system so changed that the ,people of Monkton anti South of Erma could have Atwood as their Central 1 . Belgrave Rev, Mr. Davison has p(lrahased a new Ford car from el, Oat tel', agent, Britese's. It will be very bandy for Ids long delves Sundays during Lhe gt,od roach( period: The name of Pts. James Couitoe was inadvetteltly 01(1)2 1(411 in the report of the tMenint'ial Set vice held in Knox 012urch of the 1.0 11•911 lulls who gave up Iheh' lives for the lin 1101i of dtight, - Jn the absonee of Boy. Mr. Boyle at the Assembly Jas, el robin took charge of the 08881000 111 Knox church on Sunday morning. ell 0. (Rev,) Lundy, Walton, presented the claims nl'the Forward Movement at the service, Hui '1'ai\tE —One of the largest and 'lest planned galheeinge that has (ver been held in this vicinity, 0eaem- bl'd Met let idtty even1ng at the home of Garner 01111 M08, Nicholson, in the foam of a reception given by them in honor of Feed. Swindelhnrat, Law - 1 trace AlvneLrong, Gordon Ferguson, Harry Dye and George Reid, all re- eeutly returned veterans, Weather was the very bost. A mplhstt010 crowd gathered to do honor to Lhe oc- casion and at 7,30 a procession, plate tied under the direction of Mr, Nichol- son, mobolized at Bethel corner, and, led by Lucktlow Brass Banca, with a returned lteto in the lead bearing a large Union Jack, a great number of autos and carriages, to martial music, wended theie 'way to the grounds, which Were well decorated. Rev, Mr. Lnndy, Walton, took the chair and a well arranged program ryas roldered. Artists were Miss .Caman, Blyth ; Miss Aitcheeon, Bluevale ; Miss Strachan and F. H. Gilroy, Brussels, soloists ; I+','1', Bol) and Joe Miller an flute and harmonica, gave several numbers, and Will, Spear did likewise on the violin, Rev. Mr, Smith, Brussels, and Rev, Mr. Hawkins, Blyth, gave good ad. drosses. At the Conclusion of latter's ltumovlus remarks, on behalf of the returned men, he spoke words of apprec1ati0u and gratitude of ear', and Mrs. Niclholson's generous and whole- hearted patriotic spirit, who have nobsYstrod behind the soldier boys ei lice the beginning of the 'tear. Mr. MoMeerin, Luekuow, gave it whistling (*leggier,' which was a. gond i(((tatinh of the call and echo of birds. Three cheat's and a tiger' wore prnp"ee:l by the chairman and taken cup heartily by the audience on behalf of the host and hostess, Mr. Nicholson, with a bevy of waiters, 881.90d t' eft'eeiiiu0i,Le, which the ladlee had so abundantly provided. Band was generous in their contribution of music throughout the evening. A large number of returned veteraus werep resent from all arts of the district, 223 automobiles were counted and a r e •- e greater r n a a number f ,at riagee. IL was a great. night's per- formance. A booth was cauctucte1 011 the ground by W. J. Geddes and Hue t'y HIopper, which did a it, ride); Inter- nals, The affair tlu'nughout 1814,0 011'11 managed, Several articles found on the grounds may be had by applying to Mr, Nicholson, Walton Wednesday afternoon of tide week the W. M. 14, of °tiffs ,lull'('), held a Conference which was largely attends Last• Sunday morning Mr's, (Rev.) Lundy gave an address at Belgrave Presbyterian church on the Forward Movement. This week Rev, Mr. Lundy will speak at Conferences in Lucknyw and Belmore, as arranged by Maitland Presbytery, A number from this locality attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Wiltsie last Tuesday. Rev. 81r, Lundy eon - ducted the service, burial being trade at Clinton, Last week Mee. George Walker, her daughter, Mrs. Hasson, and baby daughter, all of Branlfnfd, 090(0 here visiting relatives and old friends. They 08e1e very welcome, Walton Red Cross Union held their annual meeting in the A. 0. I7, \V, Hall Wednesday afternoon or last week. ft was decided not to disband, benne all officers were re-elected for allotter. tel'm. By the action o1' the Onnference Rev. H. J. Bentley will be moved front Walton circuit and stationed at Rom- ney, Kent Go, His successor will be Rev, J. W. Button, who will be here for 1st Sunday of July, The Women's Institute Society, of Walton, will hold an Aluminon Dem- onstration and Luncheon, on Tuesday, June 17112, at 3 p, m„ in the A. 0, U. W. 1'Iall. Members and friends cor- dially invited, each lady to receive an aluminum pan. Admission 15c. UNIQUE.—Last Monday John Oliver, the son and heir of Wilbur and Mrs. Turnbull, 15th Don. Grey township, wag baptized and the occasion was all the more noteworthy by the presence of the four grandparents, (Oliver and Mrs. Turnbull and J. J. and Mrs, Mc - Glavin) and the eight great grandpar- ents of the young laddie, (Andrew and Mrs, Turnbull, Wm. and Mrs. 3xeGav- in, Jas. and Mrs. Ireland and Jno. and Mrs. Berry,l a record that is vet y sel- dom equalled. To mark the event Mr. and Mrs. Berry presented MasterJohn Oliver with a Junior Membership in the Mission Band of Duff's abureh, Walton. Rev. Mr, Lundy performed the baptiernal service. - A very happy time was enjoyed and the day will not soon be forgotten. The young gentle- man over whom all Lhe "doings" cen- tered was duly praised and compli- mented and will grow to manhood, we trust, to prove a blessing to his home and the community. We extend con- gratulations, Ethel STYLree Bnoorae FOR sAort,—Parties want- ing to buy n neat subetontinl buggy, steel, rub- ber or cushion tire can 0080 money by call Mg on DAP= 181-nsn, Ethel. E. and Mrs. Oongrant and family, Lneknow, visited Ethel friends nn Sunday. She and Mrs. Halle, Dr, Ferguson and Mrs. J. Nicholson motored to Mitchell on Sunday. Daviel Milne has been under the doctor's care for a few days. At time of writing condition is improved. B. and Mrs, Brown, Guelph, and Pte. A, Brown, lately returned from overseas, visited their uncle, J. Brown, Ethel. Mr, and Mrs. Shannon and Mr. Wil- kin and Miss Stevenson, Harristot, spent Bentley in Ethel, guests of A. L. and ars, McDonald, Chris. and Mrs, Eckmier, Jno, and Mrs, King and Harris and Mrs. Ilok- tnier motored to Haysville on Sunday, to visit the fortner's daughter, The roads have received the grading and teams are drawing crushed rook from the stone crusher on the George Bateman farm, Lance Corp. Palfrey arrived home last, Saturday night, He went over- seas with 101st He looks hale and hearty but like the other• boys is glad to be hone again, 'Che protest entered against Brus- sels Foot Ball match, we understand has been decided in favor of Ethel, We expeot to see it over again on the same ground with even men next time. • Rev, A. J. Mann will speak in the Presbyterian church, Sunday evening next June 15th, at 7.30 on the For- ward Movement explaining the W. 111E S. Charts. Large attendance 1001800 for and special collection for the Women's Missionary Society, The new Methodist preacher for Ethel oireuit will be Rev, P. S. O'Kell, now at Auburn, Rev, Mr, Johnson will go to Talbotvdlle, in St, Thomas District, Rev, Mr. Williams whose name was clown 00 labdrat'C for Ethel, will have Grand Bend as hie next Charge, FOOT BAt,L,—The inetah between Etheland Milverton Monday evening (Welled 2.0•in favor of the home team, Milverton team are good clean play- ere, Our team is just commencing to show the benefit of training, They are (mon lust diamonds ing the rou h and require a little polish, The seae lis t , t m that locks horns with therm after this swill have something to handle, Y *implement + .l1' Repair Service + 4; (11(12 ,lock of I- anon:, ,rover. ((5 1' n•• Ilferlo5 NI, I'„ani, k and Eros.) ez snarl Me.; hitt Z.1 Er4 o e1' We . 1' now t e • !. .11,) I t . \. . ;i• wise the 1212,111)14:1) re erupt ;;et - j. vire Its Lite 1'rplltrn,(; "1 burl,- 4 en parts. Older needed Be. 1; ,t- pails early 10111 help 1( +a keep + + oto• stock complete. + We have agein received a + + huge delivery of 1011'('.olinielt sr (13(1 - ft. `lupe, ier Manilla Twine. We I4111 1 E. 1 4 1 5 l„1 4- rhe advantage now 01 1'i pie + 4 able advance in prise later ,j, + en, and gum antee you Twine ,l: $ second t1 none fur quality. + Delivery any (1018. } I The Plum .!• Blacksmith Shop + ++ Phone 83 Phane.1Ix + Rev, A. J. Mann, Brussels, pleachc'd very acceptably in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. The friendship between David and Jonathan, was hie subject. We are very emery to :hear of the eternise of the mother 1(l' Rev. Ili'. Kennedy, at her home near Ripley and sympathy le tendered to 111111 in the great loss. Arnold Panabaker, Winnipeg, Aaron and Levi Panabaker, Hespeler, and Mrs, J. N. °ober visited their their sister, Mrs. 8• °hamber% and other friends over Sunday. Wong:'s INSTITOTI,—At the an- nual meeting of Ethel Woman's Insti- tute, held May 22nc1, following otllcers were elected for coming year !—Pr8si- dent, Bliss G. Purvis ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. Slemuton ; Secy-Treas., errs, G. Kreuter ; Directors, Mrs, A. 21e - Kee, Mrs. J. K. Brown and ]Hiss L. Hall ; District Director, Mrs. L Eng- ler ; Organist, Mrs, (Dr.) Ferguson, Committee is preparing good program for the corning year and are hoping for a good membership and a very successful year. Gray Township Oonncil will be held on Monday, 23rd inst. Miss Lillian Richmond spent the week -end at her home, 12th eon. S. S. No. 6 intend holding a picnic on June 2101 in the grove on farm of Gaff, Dunbar, 8th Con, Silver Corners cheese factory ship- ped the last of their May cheese on Thursday of last week at 31e cents. A big crowd of Foot Ball spots will go to Brussels Friday night to take in the Ethel—Brussels 1'12 ort Ball game. Miss Alice Richmond, of Receiving Hoepital, Detroit, is spending 2 weeks' 0a1ati011 at her home at Silver Oor- nel•s, There was no service in Roe's or Union churches Inst Sunday as the pastor was attending Conference at Goderieh. This week an operation was per- formed cm Whitfield Roe for a throat trouble and we expect he will soon be heartier than ever. Thos, and Mrs. Armstrong, of North Bay, are visitors at the home of James and ales. Armstrong, 0th Con, The gentlemen are brothers. Lance Oorp. Elgin H. Porter is back from the busy scenes of the past war, He looks well in the face of all the changing scenes incident to such a struggle and is very welcome to his old home. We are sorry to hear that Mrs, T. Williamson doee not gain strength as fast as her many friends would wish. She has not been oft the farm since she returned from :Poronto, Apr)) 1st Mrs. T. Williamson was one of the successful prize winners , in the Con- test opened at Harrieton by the Wel- lington Produce Oompany. Hee choice for their ice cream was "Har riston's Matchless,” O,uti of THANrlS.—We wish to ex• press our thanks to the many hind Mends who Ivere so generous with kindly sympathy and ready help (lur- ing the illness and demise of the late Tams. Brown. It, did much to cheer us in our sorrow and was greatly ap- preciated. Ynt180 truly, MRS, JEesnE BROWN AND IMPORTER. Word was received from Pte, Ohas. Brittany, who went overseas with the 181st Bette Chet 110 is still in 0esing- ton hospital, Keut Co., where he is. convalescing from the effects of Hon gas for the past 2 months, He will not likely be home for a couple of months yet. His brother, Pte, Jack, (vent 0901' with rho 231)1 Batt, from Regina, We wish both boys success, J, W, Hill, of Oxbow, Ses18„ father of Mrs. W. Plutneteel of Clinton and 000 of the late Jno. Hill, 10th Con„ has been at the Mayo hospital, Rochester, where he lure been under• going a thorough examination. IC WAS feared that an operation might be necessary but after examination iL• Wee decided that such was not the case and Mr, Hill has retuned home and will continue treatment given him at the hospital. High blood pre0- enre was the principal trouble. Mrs, Hillo tied u• acs m a1 h•husband to p C R cheerer, Old Errs, ,, o f the family here hope Mr. 1'1)11'e trouble will yield to the treatment, 1 "ti.: n 'ianhath hrho0) will hold th,?'r 1)n... eV :,P:t:/!i ?.tC'!inll Party, .dee deny, lion ere's. on '(htnreh greende. An eld ante snpper will be served 14ee 01)14. :04.0.- 'Tire fine Ito) ((('re tart:, mt' the late tht,ter Sintroop„ lot h hem., has been purchased by Jno. E. Gaynor, 1,000 living in Brussels, who 1 eeently disposed of hie farm iu Grey tee nship to Wm. Baker. The price 1 id v h Mr. Gaynor is said to be 1 rirrl He will K t poseeesion uex1 F. ell re get wr't 1 done lea will beep 111 bell 11 the Interim with making wp, a' enteuts as O0e8,610t( will per- mit. Ito- farm I: a good one. is a fine , omunuodv ,(1(d elle (iitytati do well on It, Moncrief ' l+uues and Mrs, elan n, who went We.( 2 years ago for Ito extended visit, have tri ivod hnlne fold we ore. 01111 to (0011201111 them bark. They , lereeed their •+lay, met loony ilii pe„pie and had a gond time 11111 are glad to get hark to the old scellew, (.'rnpn ((11(11?e to bo god. Mr, Mann save, it they get rain in the West.. Jamestown Last week .Magnus Tulloch and bride, of Dean Lake, Algoma, were visiting relatives and friends in this community and receiving rongratula- 1)1 n7 . P. J. A. Kelly arrived back from net -ref -as last Seim da' looking tine, Ile had been away for past three vette lighting for Ueumereuey, IVs welcome 11111. Erin Peacock, who spent 15 months overseas, 0000 a 9)0)104 with rehtt)0'8s and Mends in this locality. He belonged to the Mounted Pollee at Regina. Mr. Peacock true a holiday roe 80 clays. Many interesting inci- dents are told by lulu. We are sorry to hear of the )11 (health of Wilma, second tlanghtee of W. 11. and ells. Wright of th1” locali- ty. She Nita been poorly for the past $ weeks her ailment being an after- math of influenza. It is hoped the 114need for her restoration will prove eftiracious and that she will soon be as hearty as ever. Mr, Wright and family had a rather haul time with the flu epidemic. WU. /M:40 —A very pretty wedding took place on \Ve1nesday, May 28111 at 4 o'clock at the manse. Blind River, when Mat y It. second eldest daughter of W. J. and Mrs. Beharriell, was united )t1 untiring() to 11ngue'J. Tel - loch. Oen-teeny was perf0tined by Rev. Melton, of Blind River. The bride wore a eta, satin 01111 georgette dress with bridal wreath aril veil and orange 1110080111s (1(111 curried a baguet of ()vehicle and sweet heart roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss le,liza- beth A„ weaving a ratite satin and georgette crepe drew and ((01211 d a bngnel, of sunset roses and lily -of -tile valley. The groom was attended by his brother, William Ie. Gr'oom's gift to the bride was a bracelet set wick pearls ; to the bridesmaid a necklace of pearls and periciot and the groomsman received a watch fob, After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's per- ents, Dean Lake, the guests number- ing about 130. After the reception the happy rumple Left foe a trip to Tor- onto, Hamilton, Brussels and other feints mid showers of confetti and test wishes of their many friends. 011 their return they will reside at Mac - tier, Morris Miss Bessie Jordan, 5th line, was visiting Miss Gladys Jordan,IBelgrave. Mrs. \V, Flurih and daughter, Dorothy, Stratford, are visitors with inn. and Mrs. Shurrie, 4th line, Peter Rutledge has not been enjoy- ing his,noual good health of late, We hope to hear of his early recovery. Foot Ball Friday evening at Brus- sels, in which Ethel and Brussels will be the competing teams. A big crowd will go from Morris. Pte. Harold L. McCall gladdened the hearts of relatives and old friends by his return recently from overseas. He enlisted in 111e West, After a visit here he will take a trip to the West to see the folk. Don't rotate. the Soldiers' Re -union at, ))chard Pt crater's 4th line, Thurs- day afternoon of this week. A big time is promised. Good program, \Ve nee emery to 1epoet that Robert Bowman, Sud line, is not enjoying good healtt and has been laid aside fo' the past few weeks. Hope he will soon regain his usual vigor. James Anderson, 551,11 line, was at South Wnodslee, Essex County, et- ioncting the funeral of his eldest sis- ter, Mrs, Alex. Taylor. She is aerate - ed by tier husband Dud 3 daughters. The father of deceased and &It's, Deems, a sister, of \Vinghaun also at tended the last sad rites as did Fred. Anderson, a brother, of Canning. Mrs. R. W. Gibson is here from Kendall, Sas18„ owing to.the illness of her mailer, Mrs, Hugh Hanna, Oth line, '.l'he latter is 77 years of age and has been 111 bed for the past 2 months. Mrs, Hanna has been a resident of Motris for over 00 years, Itis 17 years eh= Mrs, Gibson went West and this is her 4th time to come East. She says gond traps are in prospect if they get rain, In the locality where Mre. Gibson lives the people are nearly all non-English speaking. Dr, and Mrs. D, T. Smith, Omer, who 11098 been visiting the former's sister's, Mrs, John Oraig and Mrs, Alex. Smith, Morrie, and other' friends for the past two weeks, left Saturday morning for Atlantic city and New' York. The Dr, will attend the Clinic 111 Atlantic city, which started June 9(10 and will also take a post graduate course in New York, returning to lois n Ipractice t ' (0 Om 1 in A t 1st, Dr. Smith is an old }Myth boyi at- tended Blyth Public Sehoul for a (ample of years and is a son of Alex, Smith, term i, ef,1212 etit li*te Morris but now of fIensall. By remeee eieeseeee' 2s will be seen that Sergt. Mair'. Hared Kerney, of this towiehip has etineei the Dene- diettne army itt F.urinud and is expect - ell to arrive 11(tnle ideally I1r'.OL tpalnrd by bride, who was Mies Evelyn Bar- bara Eliridge, of Woking, England. Congratulations are extended, Lance Corp. Elgin Porter, of Brussels. Ont. lily !nee '^e5 "1 nUmellhan. 1, 12 .l12ea,-Evoa1 The _I 112 Ug awl I J -fog of the been en, fiat ey Ht ntet teem i:1 i11 pingl4_:. 11111 I11 the al,,' -re, ed the pe _tor k'. Rad• datz itch! •I vire 1n elte ith'thedi:,t church last Sunday afternoon. A picnic will be held by Oranht•ook .Farmer's' Club on Dr (1111(un Day itt R. L. McDonald's 121(1611, 'emitter pat•tie«hu'H next weak. We web -ones brick 1,, theeoWmnaity Perry elitel(811 and 121' urolhnr froul Ha-lkatchewatt and hop,. I ln•y (,ave• tte- ei11811 1,, heootne pernu,ucut le•';idente. London Methodist Conference Following is the final draft of ap- pointments for OVitIghau Disttiet for the venting term, in connection with the London Coact core of the Metho- dist chinch 1V111gllew--P:. F. Artnsttarn g Kiocludiue..-...f. N. Cl'a'y Lllekllow—J. le, Irwin Brussels --\V, N. Stafford Tecswatel'—W..1. Robinson Ethel—i1''. S. O'Kell Foicitvielt--Fred, E. Ulysdale Gerrie—Geo. J. Kerr Wroxeter --F. Stride Bluevale—F. Burgess Ashfield—Jt, 0. Onupland Saletn--Jae. L, Foster Bethel—One wanted. Ripley—I. W. Kilpatrick Bervie—George Kersey Tiverton—O. S. 1-lawk, Whitechurch—D. McTavish Belgrave—S. Davison OTHER C'HANOE$ J. \'V, Johnson—Talbotville 11..1. Garbutt—Glencoe (4.W. Dewey—Empress ave. London E. W. Edwards—Seafoutll J. H. 0s(erhout—Dresden 3. E. Hunter—Lambeth \V, C4, McAllister—Ridgetnwn H. J. Bentley—Romney 1. W. Button—Walton H. D. Moyer—North st, Goderielt J. 1`. Reycraft—Victoria et„ Gode- rich John Kennedy—Holmeeville A, E, Millson—Auburn D. W. Williams—Grand Bend 0, W. Wells--•Oredilnn and Ansa Craig. Church Chimes The sermons of Rev. Mr, Smith last Sunday were on Whitsunday in St. John's church. Annual meeting of Walkerton Associa- tion of the Baptist church was held in Wingham last week. Rev, Mr. Mann preached at Ethel Sunday afternoon o1( account of the demise of Rev. Mr. Kennedy's mother, Rev. D. Wren, el, A., formerly of Brussels, has been invited le Mt, Forest for a th,(d year. Salary now stands at 1,400, Presbytery of Stratford, will, through a group of leading speakers, conduct a Forward Movement campaign from Ione 15th to June 22nd. Thursday and Friday of this week Rev. A. J. Mann will be at Luckoow au,l Bellnore addressiug Suuday School and Young Peoples' Conferences o11 the Forward Movement, The Presbyterian Assembly (net in Hamilton during the past week. Rev. Lieut. Col. John Pringle was chosen Moderator by acclamation. Next As- sembly will co11vene at Ottawa. At the London Conference last week Rev. W. H, Graham, B. A„ Stratford, was elected President for the ensuing year. Rev. George Jewitt, formerly of this locality, came second and will prob- ably be Rev. Mr, Graham's 000000801' next Conference, Melville church anniversary sermons will be preached at is a, m. and 7 p. m„ on Sabbath, June 22011, by Rev, A. C. Wishart, B. A., Calgary, a former well known pastor, Moudsy evening a Tea meeting will be giveu, supper being served from 5 3o to 8. p. !n. Program of addresses by Revds. Wishart, Smith, Stafford and Lundy, Choice music by the church choir. Tickets 5o and 25 cents. Special offering for Building Fund on Sabbath, Huron Rural Deanery was held in St. Paul'sohurch Clinton Tuesday last, Holy Communion was celebrated of q,15 a, ni. and 3 sessions of interest followed. Luncheon and tea were served by the Ladies' Guild, The speakers included: —Mr. Warnock, Galt ; Very Rev. Dean Tucker, Loudon ; Rev. W. J. Doherty, Wingham, and Rev. Mr, Lowe, Leman. Amoug delegates from St. John's • church, Brussels, were Rev. I3, and Mrs, Sut)10, Mrs. Juo, Cardiff and Mrs. H. James. Last Sabbath morning in absonee of the pastor at Conference, the service in the Methodist church was in charge of F, H, Gilroy, J. T. Wood and W. H. Kerr. In the evening the W. M. S. were in command, Mrs. Skelton, Prost. dent. presiding and WAS assisted by Mrs, Matinel'e. A meet interesting and be- fitting address was given by Mrs. (Rev.) Pierce 00 some of their experiences )n Arinenia while serving as Missionaries, Mrs. Pierce is s good speaker and pre• sents the Truth effectively. Choir gave a special program of music including au anthem, a trio, entitled "The teetered lilies," by Misses Mae Wood, Vera Hove' and Ell o t a Rands 1 ,a tic a durst by Misses Muriel Hoover and Dorothea Stafford. The offering was $r3,00 which went to the W. M, S. treasury.