HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-6-5, Page 8(s5 e'4+141* A -t .1ry'y++ +4Gpt•r 44 +446+0144444 -F41 •+.0 d•ii^••f.4,Here-Fa 4 9w+ 4. 3 01 kY a w. R !N ■ A'1 a r is 1111 rings Many New Requirements with Salts 1 Makes an excel- lent, healthful 1.g Drink ',nal is 419 very conligg for • the bin••,1. • 1.;c & eel:. Tins Citrate of Magnesia Tartaric ilcid Citric Acid 1.n 171, ffferucscent I)hvuphate of Sok A. HIGH (11.11)1' Til et TALCUM Supplies --`- _ Nexall Nice tcti Pov Destroys theod- nr of perspire - 2S..' pkgs. ilonteei c crab nation Create. (me Weir the true d 'rut „d,.' e;Crehard White Violets, 2 52 Tins. 7,kt s f tT 'riot, 51)t ` Buts. . '1'vo other 1 1'aL urns are Jonteel 35c Violet Dolce Pa r.d is 60c Shampoo Crystals 35c i:or insects Q1) puss Bushes, Currant Bushes) &c, HELLEBORE, PARIS GREEN, StLPHO TOBACCO SOAP, HESS' INSTANT LOUSE KILLER Paimo Straw Hat Cleaner Will clean vour Panama Hat gtlick- tv and without much trouble. 25e bottles, Corn Solver, Rrl.evr•1 111 p22 and r ,niv..: 1111. Corn :'m Kodak Supplies Eastman Films Velox Paper "How to Make Good Pictures" A Book for the Amateur Photogra- pher, 251., No. I Kodak Junior .1..,141- up, is Autographic and takes "tares ;40x3':,. Prier 013.2.. Films developed and Printed, SMITH is 'ts/xcaSs Store Druggist and Stationer • ,I• 0 e + • e t- fi • • • + • + + • • • • • 0 c444.+44.+444e44.4 04.+O4'•+••1.444 d•44.0+44.434+404.44304?•♦+43043•h4 E 'ALIN&D 7 r ed,'' '° ria 4rar BRUSSELS f30TNG Serpi' GOING NORTE Express :53 a m j Mail 11:48 a m Express 3:53 p m Express 9;17 pre WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express......,., 0.47 a mExpress 11:41 pm Express -._7 p m I Expresa 9;04 pm WROXETER Going Hast - 7:11 a. m. and 8:31 p. m, Going West - 12:80 and 9:62p, m, t1l trains going East connect with 0. P, R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. OE az Betas Items JUNE. LONG live the King. 75 CENTS s for THE POST 00 1 ane• try I020, ZURICH defeated Brussels at Base 13a11 in Clinton by a scare 8 to 2. SPLENDID variety of new insects this. season and most Of the old sort as well. BRUSSELS and locality were well repre- sented at the Blyth Celebration on Tues- day of this week. TUESDAY was King George's Birthday and a Bank Holiday. Many patrons :'orget and made their usual call. SousnonY could have a big haying time with the grass growing on the sides of many streets if they bad an option, LAST Friday a number of Liberals were at Wingham attending North Huron Annual meeting for Dominion purposes, THREE or four weddings are on the 'Trogram. THE Pose can supply you with the invitations, announcements And cards if you say the word. WON EST PRlzE.--Elton Haig won est Prize offered by Wellington-Harriston Produce Co. for the best tame and de- .ign for tate bueiuess, "Klovet' Krems" was his choice and the prize was itlo,00, 42004 for Elton. S1721MER SCHOOL. -Central Business College of Stratford has a large registra- non of returned soldiers and the College ailI be kept opened during the Summer months, Returned men or others wish - mg a coarse may enter the College at any titne. ON THE SICK LEST. -THE POST regrets to hear that Miss Thtirsa Gerry, Nurse, of Fort William, fotmorly of Brussels, has been on the sick list. It seems she became infected with blond poison virus while attending to her duties and has suffered not a little since. She is a patient of the Fort William hospital. Her tunny old friends here wish her a .speedy and complete recovery. Barmen Sills. -Swimming 111 once more on the program. Attention is call- ed the last that bathing suits are a necessary equipment within the corpora• tion limits and trouble is ahead of those who sport in Nature's garb. Other people have some rights in boating, fish• ing, &e., without being driven away by the Adamac costumes -minus the fig leaves. The authorities have been asked to visit the mill dam and receive the names of offenders. Some of the pro- fane and obscene language used could bo "out out without any detriment. Offenders will be tau ht a lesson if they Y are not wise enough to use gentlemanly language, This hint is given by way of warning of what will happen if choicer words do not form the Style Of Conversa- tion, INTEREs'r in the bowling green is on the increase. 'l'he lawn is in fairly pool conditinn but will stand plenty of water and rolling to keep it fit, THE POST returns thanks for responses for past due subscriptions, 'There's a large number yet who have not remitt'd whom we hope will stet 1 nay before rune t5 J I1ENHOVER, of Hensall, has come to town to take charge of x crop and bu-iness for the new Company He will likely move his wife aid family to Brussels in the near future. 6 -Year-old Durham Cow for sole. Pitmen S'EwART, Phon a Sl , Brussels. Fon SALR -Brussels Laundry is offered for ether c h sale. For fu part* Mare apply at the haundry, REFRTGERATOR for sale, household size Price 912.50. Apply 418T. JORN'a RECTORY, 5 York Hogs, 4 months old, for sale Lot 18, Con, 13, Grey. R. B. NTEPR EssoN, Phone 4328. CEMENT Drain Tile for sale, Phone 4728. LARGE white sow strayed from Lot 10, Owl, 12, Grey. Any information as to her where• abanta will thankfullyrernived. Phone 998 92R AIAf,x (' RD ` A Tb F. ('811,D'.. Locket and Clime lost last Friday in Brussels. Will tinder kindly leave it at Tin PORT. IAem.-In Brussels, a pair of ladies [trey silk gloves, Forder please leave at PU R POR'r. 8.1'. RnonE Island Eggs for hatching, $1.00 for 15. J. T. DUNCAN, Brussels. Phone 7x ANY person requiring organ meaning er re- pairing should call Phone 87, Brussels, WANTED. -Dead Horses end Cattleromptly removed within n radius of 20 :Mien No animal removed without the hide. Will pay from $3 to $5 for animals brought to factory, Phone 0100r expense. Phone rainy: 12; (even- ing) 178, The Farmers`.' Ferttinioer Co., Ltd., RATcn1NG eggs for sale, Barron's layhlg Arpin White Leghorns, 6 conts an egg, Bingle settings $1.00. Roam. TNOMRON, Brussels. Phone 85. MAtms (1. BRYANO announces Phe 11a4 re. Named work (n her offire. canoe open every day, Hours 10 in 12 0. m., 1 to 6 p. m oleo Saturday evenings, DR. PARxnn, Osteopathia Phydoian. visite Brnsoeia Monday atIernoon cP rrrnh week, Chronic and nervous dleeasaa .010ess ully treated. Visits residences, consultation at Qneen's Rotel. Baysssl,a Foot Ball team will meet Ethel on V otoria Park, Brussles, Friday evening, 13th Inst. Tt will be a great game and a hip crnwfl is sure 'o be on hand. Fr'day ',Yen ng of next week. BRDasELS W.,N EASILY -'there was a large at'endance at the Milibank•Brus- sels Foot Ball League match on Victoria Park here on Friday eteuing. While the play was fairly well contested game was too one•sided to evoke he usual keen interest. Rrus,r'e scored 3 goals and then rattler slacked off while their opponents could not tet neer enough the goal to give "Tim" Anderson any- thing to (lo Ile only got one or two kicks throughout the match, Referee Forbes, Wiuglla(n, gave good satisfac• 11011 01111 pi esel•Ved en even belance, The line -tip was as follaws 8081638(.0 MILT.nA N it An.1erson .,....... ,. (Joel) Rutherford Jackson 77Finmcs -•• ••^• ••Mulaahy White s } Tnm,er Walker ...........:. Corey Heover t1. Berks Vitt kir aeon c '' Tamer Blhek Gu'ber Bell Smith Nash Fnr rd wa Henri Fox ,.... -. Imre Riley �... MOI.eA11xh Millbank is an old foot ha 1 spot and al e a sturdy company. 1)r. While played a good game as back for Brussels along g with oldliable •, the 1.a Menne Jacksen, 1. J All our boys slid w, 11, some Of them were specially nimble. Next game here will he Friday evening, 13111 Inst„ when Billet will he the opposing getup, 4 Potatoes Wanted s Scprescntativc Wanted NOTICE Omemee flour Bran and Shirts '1'l) BAND Seeds of all Kinds, also Salt Phone 4a of 27 We J. McCracken • Doe'T forget the third an non) Gat al, 11 14,4117 on 1) Welltet'a lawu Fnday even - 1114 27111 1188. • Tex hest money maker on the farm is the hen. She turns grass into grt'eu• hacks, ktain into go.d, and !rum t1x sand and gravel she coins silver. PRINCIPAL 5 mrd his )3 Cn'1`t r<r Ii tluifes in centre mien w 10 13,ussets school lost Slouchy teelhtg much int- 1,ove,l io 11e.1'1, Ly the r1., ell. 1' y'u *901)(•1 be hnihhr, wealthy and Wise, ( , 10 Led early, eat sluwlr 111,1 a )Ver- tisr At the meeting of Huron Sy rod in London last week, .t WAS decided to end the finaocia' rear of the Anglican Churches in the diocese the last of De- cember instead of Easter, a: heretofore EXPRINS CtLT.Re•1If1N - '1'O improve working 0011dttlrna of rnrpvnre$ 111e• Express Comp:.nv have adop'cd au 8 hour (1,y, which Dame int.) effect June int. C'dlection and delivery of goods will now he done between the horn's of 1) a, in, and 5 p m, Don't forget. ON THE PROGRAM. - Ft trimming. Sheep shearing. The lawn mower Amateur fiol,er ftek. Grumbles about heat, Patriotic Celei,rnlious. Mosquitoes and June bugs:. WHAT WOULD WE DJ ?-If the *90111:112 who stays at home and gets the meals, mends the socks, washes the clothes, the dishes and floors, gets the young• stern off to school on time, fills the cel- lar with preserves and does a hundred other jobs in a fourteen•bour work day -if she should decide to strike - Good night ! Rev. W, Spencer, pastor of the Bap- tist church St. Marys, tenderei hisresig- nation, having accepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Glamis, Oat. (near Walkerton) at a sal- ary of ai,000 and free manse. Rev, Mr. Spencer went to St. Marys 2t years ago from Aurora. Sunday Schools and Y, P. S. (` E. Gbofereuces in connection with Mait- land Presbytery will be held in Presby- terian church, Lucknow, 'rhirsdey, June nth and at Beltnore, Friday, 13th, at 2 30 and 8 3n p. m. The Forward Movement will be the key -note. A number of addresses will be given by ministers and laymen. Representatives are asked from each School and Society 0 1 My -From its market report of April re, 1884-35 years ago -the Mon- treal Gazette quctrs the following para- graph 1 -"Maple sugar is moving in a quiet way at 6 and 7 cents a pound, and new syrup at 5ec to hoc a tin and 5 to 6c in wood, Potatoes rule dull at5 1c to 55c a bag in car lots, and 6o to 65 in small quantities, The egg market is unchanged at Io4 to 220 a dozen," lust think of it ! Lase weeks Lucknow Sentinel speaks of a former Brusselite as followe :- John Ni ins hasresigned the position of waterworks engineer and general town - man, -He has accepted the positiou of electrician at Teeswater and will take charge of the lighting plant there about June 15th, Mr. Nivins bas been a faith. ful servant to Lucknow since onmiug here, and it will not be an easy task to get as good a man to take bis place. PRETTY WEDDING -At noon, 00 Molt - day, lime 2nd, Freda, youngest daugh- ter of W. F. Vanstone, Wingham, for- tnerly of town, was married to J. Som- merville Dobie, of Wingham, son of Mrs. Dobie, of Chesley, The wedding took place at the bride's home which was appropriately decorated, Bride was given in marriage by her father, her on- ly attendants being her little ne)ce and nephew, Mary Elizabeth and Vanstone Forster, of Kentucky. Miss Isabel Strachan, of Brussels, who played the wedding music, sang "0 ! Promise Me" during the signing of the register. Rev, Mr, Snell performed the ceremony. After a dainty buffet wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Doble motored to Oweu Sound. taking the boat there en route to Winnipeg. The many friends of the bride in Brussels and locality wish her and her husband many happy years, Mr. and Mrs Dobie will continue to reg side in Wingham. DIED AT A ROYAL OLD AGE -Last Saturday Elizabeth McCowan, relict of the late Peter McDonald, died at the home of Ilex son, Malcolm, Brussels South, at the advanced age of nearly 94 years. She had been quite poorly for past 2 year's and her departure was tot unexpected, Deceased was born at Oben, Argyleshire, Scotland and she was married to her late husband in 1848, ooming to Canada shortly after, 'They came to Tuekersmitb township where they resided for 7 years and then moved to a bush farm Cu 7th line Morris (now owned by Dugald McDonald) where they toiled and made a home, they be- ing among the pioneers of the township. Mr, McDonald died 15 years ago end since then the subject of this notice lived on the farm for 7 years, with her now deceased daughter, Mrs, M. Hut. Cilinson, Grey township, 3 or 4 years and with Malcolm for 4 years 'I'he 3 sous are Malcolm, Dugald and Peter (of Kitchener ) Mrs. D. Waysmlth, in the West, is the surviving daughter, Two half brothers of Mrs, McDonald still live in Oban, The funeral took place Mom - day afternoon, fte noon Rev. Mr. Mann conduct- ing the service, Mrs. McDonald was industrious, kindly, generous mid al- ways glad to do a good turn. She was a devoted Christina and like a ripe sheaf of Corn was ready for the eternal garner, (hie of the most prugreas)ve Gana: dial) Life fn'+nranee ('ntnpanies with 11,o'i $1130,0l)0,(l1l0 1118111410'3 in 1,1res, wants a i'e(1('Haellttll l I1ruv';,'larend virutity .A guru'an teed continuing renewal inter eet lgeucy eu111i lti 1. P111,40112 1 11'.' Ltsurau, m expel lenge 11(11 essential. Oou(hien tial. DR A\v1,Ili, 131, 48 2 BRUSSELS. '1'Ook A s'l'Rt1KLr -Last Seturdnt' ev»n• lag Sirs. Wiltsie, moues of Mrs, A'', Deu11lsnu, tubo street, while enjoyir g appa,en; lour) health suffered a ptuRly''e stroke, aft-e'r.g her sir ht side .111,1 1"78 not s1"11011 sane Her con liken s most prevailnus Mrs, Wlll Die is 63 years of age and has a v ide ell tle of friends who hope for improvement. DR (=RANT W111, 51'1A1( -Dr. A. S Gram. 'ro'ontu has •b'rn mode the Marshal Poch of Ontario in battle 0.- tWeen 111 'Te " r e and L nor 1 In )t a )C R 1 q forces in the rl'nung re frhendum veto All the Tent pr'anc' oaten'z40one 11050 united Ishred our central committee bended by I) Hie L, :1 prot)1)u Fnt Presbrie rine in,nb.tel, and a vet V cap,ll,le Orer, n'zsr, and he w,11 have t4 ,irge of the t•smps'gn, At 'he Hurn Cunnty 'Tempe, ince Convention to lee hell in the P'eshy torten chit, ch, ('lin• ton, on 'rueed A gfr..rn .0 1 ..2 1 evenln1, June 17 h, Dr Grant will speak n• both sessions In addition to other local speak- ers. #II People We Talk u Aoe+t $ 1. H. Kerney, Guelph, was in town 11110 week, H. Kirby, London, is spending a few days i n town. A. G. McDermott was a visitor in town this week, Mrs 10 M 'Taylor, Toronto, is a guest of Mrs 1ohu Long, Flora start. Mrs, Clouse and sou, Lawson, spent the week end with Wingham friends Reeve Plum is attending Moron County Council at Goderich this week. Mrs. S. C. Wilson visited with rela- tives and friends in Toronto last week. Mrs ins, Querin was at Kitchener at- tending the funeral ot her cousin, Mr, Hahn. Rev. George Jewitt, Wyoming, was a caller on his mother and sister this week. Jack" Walker, Seatortb, was shaking hands with old friends in Brussels on Monday, Will. Hsvcroft, Hamilton, was renew- ing old acquaiutances in town during the past week W Clouse was home for the recent holiday from Arthur to visit wife, son and friends. Wyman Sperling was home for a day last week. He was running on the L, H, & R. mail service, Miss Hazel Burgess, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Jas. and Mrs. Burgess, Brussels. "jack" Henderson arrived home last Thursday evening from overseas looking "as fit as a fiddle," He Dame home single. Miss Isabel Strachan attended the wedding of Miss Freda Vanstone to John S. Dobie, at Wingham, last Mon- day. Mrs. Reg. Watson, Chatham, was a visitor at the home of Jno. and Mrs, Watson, corner Alexander and Thomas streets, Srllssels. Mrs. j Kellington and Miss Knox, from the West, ere visiting at the home of '1'. and Mrs. Kellington and other friends in this locality. Mrs R, Dark went to Palmerston Mondayto visit her cousin from Harri - s ton, who is a patient in the hospital, re- covering from an operation. Margaret, the 8 months old daughter of Ben, and Mrs Walker, has been quite poorly but is showing improvement now, we are pleased to state. G. A. Deadman is now at Merlin with his bees. He says the honey gatherers are becoming impatient for the clover, which will be late this season. Mrs. Louisa Skelton atttended the W. M, S. Convention at Stratford as the representative ot Brussels. Methodist Society, A good time was enjoyed, Rev, H, W. Avison, M. A., B. D., of Welland, formerly of this looality, has been engaged to supply First Church, London, during the month of August, his usual holiday time, Mrs. Thos, Hayeroft, who has been living at Port Arthur for the past few years, is renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality, She was a form- er resident for years. Ross Fraser, of Brussels, is sailing on the steamer Omaha from Montreal. He is wheelman and will see many a mile of water during the season. The boat is able to navigate ill the canals. Rev. Jas, E, and Mrs. Hunter and children, of Charing Cross, were wel- come visitors with the Misses Hunter, nn. street, The Fortner i loin] s r oat s a brother of the hostess. We are pleased to report considerable progress in the contrition of Mrs. J. F. Clair, of Latonia, Kentucky, daughter of D, B. and Mrs, McDonald, of Brus- sels, and hope he will soon be convales- cent. Miss May Reading, Windsor, was a guest with Mrs, G, C. Manners and other friends during the past week while enjoy)ug au holiday outing, She holds a good position in the Hudson big store, Detroit, Rey Walter 1; Donnelly, B. A , wife and ehilelreu, of Alvinstou, nailed on Brusseis follt last Tuesday, while en route to Wroxeter. 'l'11e rev. gentle. Men is attending the Methodist Con. ferenee at Goderich. duo, A. Kyle, G. T. R, agent, Brus- sets, was threatened with appendicitis and it was feared an operation would be necessary but he has pulled through without it, Mr. Ranuey relieved at the depot during Mr, Kyle's fayup, W. 11, Pinchin and Geo C. Crux, of Vancouver, 3. C.,were visitors ` t townn Wednesdayand hursdaY of last week and were guests at the home of J.'1'. and Mrs. Wood,Albert street, The e ter to Arbrother -ht W s 1 1.s a s law and former residents of Ontario, AVINGS, Thrift, Independence -all these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the same ohjec- tive-PROSP1RITY, The Standard Bank of Canada can help you to attain it. 282 THE STANDARD DANK OF' CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER Miss Marjory Ross was at Toronto lest week attending the Girl Guide Circle as a delegate from Brussels. Mrs. Geo. McCarthy Moore, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs Al Doll. Miss Maude Bryans is at 'Toronto this week attending a Convention of the Op tornetrical Association and will leave for Chicago on Saturd'y to take a special course. She is determined to reach the top in her professiou. Miss Money returned to Stratford last Saturday after supplying the Continua - Lieu department of Principal Scott for 2 weeks, This was her first visit to Brus- sels but may not be the last, She did acceptable work in the school. Misses Edith and Gertrude Deadinan are taking in a Conference at Lake Geneva, Cruchiching, under the aus• pines of the Y. W. C. A, from June ioth to IOU]. Miss Gertrude on her return will go to Merlin for her vacation where her fattier has his large apiary. Rev, E W. Jewitt, was calling at the home of his grandmother (Mrs. William Jewitt) on Monday. He had been preaching on Sunday at Listowel and took advantage of the situation to call here. Mr. Jewitt, who was overseas, is now attending the Summer session at Victoria University, Toronto, making up for time spent doing duty for the Empire. BORN JAORe0N,-At WiWn Hill, Sask,, on May 14th, 19(9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jaekaon, a daughter -Helen Mar-aeet Anne. MARRIED DOEIR-VANeTONE,-At the home of the bride's father, by Rev Mr, Snell, nn June 2nd, 1910, Air. J. 8, Dobie to Miss Freda, young- est daughter of Mt'. W.F. Vanstone, all of Wingham, Woonr,EY-EDWARD0.-At the home of the bride'sarents, by Rev. W. E. Stafford, B. A., on June 4th, 1019, Mr, .A.13. Woodley to Miss Amanda May G youngest daughter Mr, and Mrs. eerga Edwards, all of Brussels. DIED BAKER, -At his residence, Sault Ste, Marie, on May 81st, 1019, Orlando A. Baker, beloved husband of Mamie Lindsay Baker, and only son of Rey, George and Mary .7, Baker, Toronto. 1140D0NAL1).-Iii Brussels South, on t S May Ole y 1919, Elizabeth McDonald, ormen y relict rP the lite Peter nher94tha formerly of Motrin town- ship, in her 94th year. NOTICE Rateyayers in the Township of MoPillop may pay their Einburn Drain Asaeesmente et the Dominion Bank, Sexforth, until June 20th, 1010. Parties paying please take their Sunburn Drain By-law with them. By order of D1oEillop Council, May Olet,1910, M. MTTRDIE, Clerk. Ford Car for Sale On mount of going West will sell a Ford Touring Oar, 1019 Model, fitted with Hatter Shook Absorbers, and in good condition. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms to right man. Apia to W. A. LAMONT, Ethel, 4092 Phone 8418, Tenders Wanted Tenders for constructing the Pryoe Drain in the Township of moKillop and the Dickson Drain in the Townships of Marinol) and Hut. lett will be reoelved by the undersigned until Saturday, the 21st day of .Tune, 4919, or at the meeth)g 0( 00=1011 at the Oommercial Hotel Suafortlt on June 28rd, A cheque Inc 5th of oontreot'prioe to accompany saeh tender. The lowest oe any tender not necessarily accepted, Plans, &e., eon be seen at the Olerk'a office, Lot 24, Oon.M7, MTCIIIDIE, Township, June Ord, 1019. Soaforth P. 0, Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM (18978) 1108801 Enrolment Po, 3827, Form 1, J. J. MOGAVIN, Proprietor W111 stand for the improvement of stook during the season of 1919 at John .7, MoGavhr's stables, Lendbary, tat 22, don. 18, McKillop. Terme : 912 to insure, payable February let, 1920, CRAIGTE DOUBLE 1184581: Enrolment No, 6059 Form 1 RQNT., NIOHQ4t Proprietor 1 stand for the improvement of stook d ir• Will t p 1 B season of 1019,1)t hie own table Loth 6,Oae.asw s 2 , (len. o Morrie. Tere, $10 to insure, stable, Fob, a 1020. This colt s sire is Shethhr Stomp, Imp,. (96D8I (8102$1')"0 reglete1OOd calls., Daisy, imp,a9'108301 (a432110Q4119( 0hYd0104,0002: ,s*.tt;w'atcQ0LigieC 1.444inaelt 2.402'c4a+t f2l2r. *Pala !1 it (4 �e C,( 0 '3 1.l t1 (T (-4 rt 5a y a 00 19 19 63 q( t• • 5) • • a 0 Ot 0, t; 0 02 a m • • • 0 • 0 a4 O 19 ;3 1.a ea (3 • 9 9 m 2 09 R 53 • 0 m • • 6t B • • s • tolelC` 0°Store I' 11.1, Sesar�uriwaae�_•a':Fa'st7.•F.Yia.1fY"`t^;r�i.t'F,': S'I'ORi; Weekly Store News Rural Mail Tooth pastes Orders We wish to again remind nur cnatntner et that We are always pleas- ed to give their flail Orders rev very best attention, Our'Phone No. is 81 (live ug a ring when we glut be ul' set vice to you. Spr yide A Airy Garden Spray -it amul it). alien fisecticide, Fungicide and Plant Tonin for the Gar flee and Orchard. It is a coati loan,., of Arsenate of Lead and 13mdeaux Mixture in dry powdered from. 1) lbs. to 10 gal. of water. No trouble mixing, 40c per ib. • Hammocks Have you Been 001' 0111.1)111)4 slnclt of 111uotn0004. They Purge in price Prem PI1NSI Alt COLO AT 'S ()ARSON'S l(IT1'HY11OL 31INTY'S \V00l)13URV'S • l'MPMODENT M 1 NNEEN'S HU'l'AX ZODENTO Always in Stock Frielliebore her ('utraut and ).tune lin -hes, Insect Powder Moth Bails Sulpha Tobacco viiyiap For Aphis and Red Spider on Rus„ Bushes, 15e and Me packagee Auto Road Maps Arita $3.50 to $10.00 Purchased dircet from the 080111ry and true know that you will agree with us that they are priced right, Something every Alun Driver will 111111 Inns! run. vellien t. 25' ,'ash Eye Glasses Alen 11 great minaret 10 Ante Drivers, Gond var- iety in style and colors, 25o and 505 JAMES F . DRUGGIST and STATIONER ti ti (.) t.0 3 rt (3 111 ,3 1111 '3 ,1 ,a 3 1 -2 • <4 'S t4 €3 0 00 13 '3 For Sale As nave sold maohlnery out of my Fanning Mill Factory I have two Gilson Gneoline En - pt, both almost newt h AlsonGasoliother eme Cement 1llixer, with Wheelbarrows, Plank, eta. Will sell the factory building which is 42E00 feet. Con be sold in two parts. Have also n quantity of Dressed Lumber and some good Oedar Poste. Pure Bred White Leghorn Eggs. Stock Prom O A. 0., at 5o each, Phone 854 41-tf S, B. COLE, Ethel. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat 42 50 Spring Wheat 2 03 Oats 06 Pees 1 65 Butter 45 Nes 46 Hogs 30 25 Wool . ' 70 Potatoes per bag 93 Wool (unleashed) 1645 02 10 2 05 117 1 05 90 .16 151 20 26 106 15 110 50 . ♦♦444484540••40•.•••••••••••••••••+•44.4•♦4.+'94'••+644 cp t4 • a A • 4 4 b♦ 4. 4 • 0 O 0 O 6 • ♦ 0 • • 4 ♦ ♦ 4 • e 4 4 4 4. 4. 4 4 0 61. p The Celebrated "Fleet Foot" Brands. ♦ •• All at prices to please. • • ♦ Trunks Suit Cases Claalb3ags • An Leather or Fibro Ndaterial •6 ' Richards&eo. omfort Sho For War1, b •�" �t.. I'1..eather IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU IN OUR -.g.40-.d®..44..die.11..dt..EndL..�.4114.4...c7,.c&a•4,..&.t®. 0 1 White Canvas Pumps p 1 Oxfords F4. Strap Slippers and High Laced Styles We have the Sport and Recreation Shoes 4••4•w+.+66866 • b •6868 ••.•••••4••••••••••••41•••4 PJ • (3 G 0 •A 4