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The Brussels Post, 1919-6-5, Page 5
see BUSMEN MN, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS 1IMIIFn LNWOIIISAMS tlAF3. ANr R.^-,oN, Vt.. 11, 1.0INAA Y SURGEON, t(urro :ur le ,M. 11. Moore. /Alla" nt Andor• on neon. 1,0 vary moble, Brussels. Telephone OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate at the Ontario Voterhlary ('ouogo. DAY Hied night enl]e. Olnoe opposite N'leur hull, Ethel. T. T, M' RAE M. B., M. O. P., d S, O. M. n, 1t., Vlllegn of 13reesels, Phvnleinu, Surgeon, Acouunhnur (three Lit riendonoe, opposite Molvllln Ohuroh, Willham street. DR, d. H. WHITE, 8, A. L'i1YSICIA V AND SUROIDON, (trod unto Toronto University of Mediolne. Mp 0110( natention given to diseases of children and Surgery. Onroe: lir, aryann Old Stand Phalle „46 Brussels .AMTS TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. \Vll] nal] rnr lie goo(] prices an any other Auc• impel. or charge nothing. BId1diRA VP/ P.0, PROURFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Fie. Office on the Square, 2nd door train $smllton Street, (GOODRICH. ONT. Private funds to loon at lowest rotes, W. Poonaernr', K. O. J. L. Krr nonAN 11. J. D. Corium Counter Check 13.• 'rite Pose' ]H prepared to sup- ply the various styles of Onnnler Cheek Books on oItol't ruttier., Samples way he HPOA and prices :u., erlained by calling lit stir office. Yuu rte] buy its cheap Il•orn us as from any company, Let us have your older. THE POST, • BRUSSELS •t• ranbrook* + + + !l a•+ 011 hand !Inn/Liddy ,1. tl 'F Cream of the West Flour g Farmers' Cl b ,Ir 4.Shorts Oil Cake Meal M A Choice Lot of Groceries + Formaldehyde Wire fencing I + Grass Seed and Root Seed .+e + 4 + .p. 4. The U. P. 0. has purchased a + + Heat on the Stock Exchange, + ,h+, West Timm Lo, with a capable '+i•• .1. staff in chtu'go. Orrin brook Club +• + sidles every Salurdrry. + + For further particulars apply + ,1. to + +o Ed. Fulton, + ''1', See,- Prean, thalami/1k Far, Club ++. + Phone 285 + +• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ anidVeinstein .4 IE.- Is prepared- to pay the e + highest price for ♦ l• +Scrap An, g © Rubbers, o Rags, &c. g A + e e m .0 0 .p Highest price paid. See • 4. ice before you sell, ••P Highest CashPrice •for s • I Eine Poultry and Hides It s . s u• p VVril.P or Phone 62x s SAM WEINSTEIN H. L. Stewart a g' MILL STREET BRUSSELS +colds WOOL ♦ s i •• Se Cr. White Leglioen Baby Chicks Mr. Farmer•, did you ever figure utjust how Imu:11 your Chis. coet you each year recon the pesky old lien tweaking the egg,: or lees -lug lhene°t3 ,Wo' 001'l' h,tIolonig hum hrdf 01' chi,: rnch {vert., um',' or(Iern 11) top thowou dn. i)uu't leave ofd' orderhlg yore% 1111111 it iH tun late, Order them 11019. WALTER ROSE Thane 3 on :38x Box 34, BRUSSELS istxi:et Le11)5 Wingham Delegates !'root \V 1inherit to the Branch sleeting of Loudon Confer- ence 1V, 11l, 5, at Stratford were Mrs. J, A. Morton and plies May Lloyd, Among the 00eceeeflli grad nates et Toronto University wire Aliso 0. 1. Pl. Kennelly, daughter, of 1)r. J, 1', 1Cennedy of lawn, Oungratulatio«s. Geo, W. Cline, who hail a slight stroke some days ago, came from Leamington to the W • n ham Hospi- tal i- lal last week, Mr, Oltne's numerous friends me sorry to heat'of his 111110003 antia ieh speed! • w speedy le eo very. Atwood Editor and Mrs, Swing and ace Raymond spent a few days at Handl. ton and Jarvl0. Mrs, Crooks was called to Sarnia to see het' son who was dangerously ill with pneumonia. Gunner Harold P,u'khouse Inas re- turned e- 'urn I tO Atwood from oven oas after being in France for over 2 years, Mare. (Rev.) Sutcliffe, Miss Parker, and Miss Minnie Boyd ntten(d03 the W. M. 5, Convention al rat ford. Stanley ford disposed of his prop- erty, Atwood, to William Sweeten who sold his properly in Newry to Mr. Mo0alluau. Wm. and Ales, Annett, Percy and Mrs. Arnett and Clarence and NTIe. Nether eotlattended the marriage of Ivey Wanton) to Mies Kate Braley at Pullet tom • Gorrie Robert Ham iso) is carrying Iris arms in a el Ing, as a resell: of a kick from a Oar lie Willa cranking. Earl Eagleson, Rock haven, Sask., in visiting his father, \V, H. Eagleson, who is seriously ill, Mrs. Fred, Taylor was at London attending the Women's Auxiliary Dioscean meeting as a delegate repre- senting the congregation of St. Stephen's Church. Airs. T. 0, Johnston, District Or- ganizer of the W. M. S. Mrs. (Rev.) G. J. Kerr and 101x+. Harvey Sparling, were delegates at Stratford to the Branch Meeting of the London Con- ference Worneu's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. Base -Ball club was organized in town with following officers :---Pres, 1V. 1L', Blawley : Sec.-Treas., 1:. Rad - find • Manager R, P. Nash ; Manag- ing 'Conllnittee, IL Braduor•k, (3. Underwood and 0. Galloway. Fordwich The Airs, Barber property has been pnrohsed by John Lambkin. Miss Annie Wilson has gone to 'l'un- Otntn where she intends to reside. lit yon Gohn was knocked down and run over byhorse a of a and rig of the street, but escaped without injury. Pte. (100 don Jefferson, formerly leacher of S. S. No. 6, has returned from overseas. and was visiting with his brother, Geo go, and other friends in this vicinity, J. K. and Mrs. Collins and iittle daughter, Winnipeg, Mau„ arrived here on a visit to the latter'+ p1000nte, A. O. and Mrs, Sothe•n, A Fries, who has been spending the past two months at his home here ee- cupe'ating front a serious illness, re- snmed his wo'k with the Bell Tele - plume Oo, inl1ght•Captttin Alex. Hutchinson, 500 of A. 0, and Mrs. 13uteri risen, has arrived borne here looking hale and heat Ly after 3 years' overseas service, He has teenvered fairly well from the serious accident he met with in Eng- land some time ago when his aim - plane crashed to the ground. 40+♦+♦•14+0+♦+♦+♦44+♦+♦ t•♦ i•♦+ HENFRYN • • + • + ♦ + Roofing• •+ STORE Pariod • NPersons intending to s i build or repair buildings gwould do well to get !•1• s prices and see the goods T s before buying. s Satisfaction Guaranteed. N Open to take • f Roofing Contracts. e 0 s'� Henfryn Store i + W♦1♦♦•♦♦4♦♦♦1♦ee$ei(/+►♦ie♦e 4444+.+•••••••••••••••+••• Maitland presbyterial iinIds Convention at Ripley Fine Time lln.joyad. urinal meeting . t the Ma 11;•0,,1 jeseebyterisl wle, l ll:i irl 1301.101cb to -1, Ripley. 'l „wr„ia3' Me f0( h, 0,0,11 .0, Tile ol lnrlerue,cy .4 1vr•a1110,, hG,t 001019 fin tie 011131q; and poor Linn) Cunli)eli„nl I'nt' Ilio(.,' 1'0..,u die Mouth, Meeting wail ane of Lhe bussed in the h(elDry of the Presbyterial. The meeting opened al 10 a, tn. %vitt] 11 r,, 11011, Moleswort10, In the chair. All with bowed heads joined in silent prayer, after which the Muth I'ealm wee min;;. A1(as 1Vaghoru, Walton, read. the setipl1110 lesson fturn 15111 chapter of John. Fruit. beating was ft 'nark of 3lseipleship. Mrs. P('c'rle, NVieghluu, Ind in prayer. Pi (=shield's address Was l'ttll of iuspiral ion. She said. "Last year we met under Ihn shadow of Lhe great War cloud, 011)00 we meet under the un(rlouded sky, nu real peace can be Established till Christ Is enthroned in the hearts of risen and . women, It Ie 43 years since one rnis- sioutary society was organized and lvhile some have done much, 011)018 are still lukewarm, We mast get a vision o1' thernngl1tnde of the wee lc land go forward, trusting in 1sous." Phe keen interest uaanifested by the boys and girls of the Dlisslon halide ie very gratifying. The (lone Mission Helpers Confer enae, led by Airs. Mc- Evoy f London, and Me e n" Ev y o 1 1 0 1, s, 1. ehu]d, t Teeswater, showed how this branch of work was linking up the women of the chnrch who are unable to attend the meetings, with the missionary cause. At the same !tont' that Home Help - ere' Conference was held Mission Band Co«forenre was held in Knox church and was very largely attended by the boys and girls of the bands, as well KS a number of adult workers. The conference was led by Mrs. Lun- dy, Walton. 9 of 19 bands in the Presbytery Were represented South Kinloss, Kinloss, Dungannon, Wing - ham, Brussels, `Peeswater, Lucknow, Moncrieff, Walton and Ripley band in full force. Delegates registered and were given a badge of gold rib- bon with blue iuseription, trod with - telt hooka or instrument joined heartily to inging the \I lesion Baud hymn, "(esus shall reign 1 e o' N4 the Sun." Subjects discussed. were Mission Band rally, junior member- ship, Mission Band manner, articles for the bale, Mission Band report how 10 make it out and when, ideals for bands, Those laking part were Mrs. McCallum, Lucknow ; Mrs. Robert Thomson, Brussels ; Mrs. Oraig, Dun- gannon ; Miss Halliday, Wingham ; Mts. Arkell, 'Teeswater: Mrs. Gil- more, Ripley ; Mrs, Fulton, Mon- crieff ; Mrs. Reavie and Margaret Marlin, Ripley ; Edna Waghoru, Walton. It was decided to ask approval of Presbytery executive 000 two itupor- tent decisions arrived at, namely, to arrange sectional Mission Band Rail - lies throughout the Presbytery, not later than September, also to have a banner to be held each yeas by band standing highest in the following points, lot, membership of the band, compared with number of boys and girls of the coag, egatiun, 2nd. aver- age attendance compared with mem- bership ; 3rd, contribution per mem- ber, The one minute repots ('eon each auxilliary rens productive of exchange of many praetieal ideas by 8110000H- fol worker, which can be made good nee of (luring coming year. Tho report of Strangers' Sem'eIary was read by Alt's, Ireland, Teeswater ; supply secretary, Mrs. Young, Wing - ham ; Messenger secretary, Miss Mm'dle, Luokuow ; Literature seers. fiery, Miss Murchison, Lucknow ; wets all listened to with interest, and showed each department of (he work was well looked after and the repents bore evidence of expansion, Mrs. Mc - Cosh closed with prayer. At the noon hour Nominating omn- mittee, consisting of Mrs. Perrin, Mrs, Ferguson and Mrs, Arkell, met in Huron Church for nomination of officers for ensuing year. Ixeeut1ve met at same hour when some new ideas of work were advanced, one for a conference to be held in the Pall to which every band will be asked to send a member. Afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock, Church which is spacious was well filled Mrs, Bell, Pine River, gave the Scripture reading ; Mrs. Overend, Kincardine, led in prayer. Words of welcome from Mesdames elihunre, McLean rand Steele were responded to by Mrs. Mann, Brussels, Mas, Coombe, 1Cincard 'i01e, read minutes of last. annual meeting, Mrs, Lundy, Walton, gave Alission 13ru1(d ,report, and by'.hart gave a enmpme- hensive striven/ of the standing of each band in membership, giving -5 and attendance, and urged on all present to Lake note of the standing of their band. In closing she urged that aim for coming year be a band in every congregation, and contributions that world metol some system and earile5tnee5, Mre, Ireland's report on the Dome helper showed a great field yet to be wolfed in this branch, though a great increase from the previous year, yet the fields ere white to Ole harvest, Mrs, Geddes, Treasurer, reported $5,355 sent to Provincial Treasure', an increase of 5700 over previous year. Mission Bands contributed $712 of that amount. Mrs. McQuaerie, elou- celeff, led in dedicatory prayer, Mrs. Malley, of Landon, ay - pointed by the Provincial Foewar(1 Movement to present its claims, was present and gave a very clever and concise presentation, setting forth very clearly that there yet, remains much land to be possessed, Mn, Mc- Donald, of Korea, who has spent 7 years on the mission field in that country, spoke for a short time of lite vastness of the field with a very limit- ed number of workers. No medical help available for the field. Koreans wefe very earnest in their el tidy of the Bible and native Workers in Korea were seoond to none in the world, Mission Band of Knox Church gave a very interesting exercise in story and song, DANGER LURK8 IN EVERY ONE Of EJS We Are As Fuji of Deadly Polsorea As A Germ Laboratory. AUTO- INTOXICATION 011 SELF- POISONING " FRUIT.A•TIVES" Absolutely Pre• vents This Dangerous Condition. The chief cause of poor health le our neglect of the bowels. Waste matter, instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, is allowedto remain there, generating poisons whieh are absorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who is habitually constipated, Is poisoning himself. known u - S W e now that d to intoxication, due to non -action of the bowels, is directly responsible for serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles; that it upsets the Stomach, causes Indigestion, Lose of Appetite and Sleeplessness; ; that chronic Rheum- atism, 1 atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, aro relieved as soon as the bowels become regular; and that Pimples, hashes, Eczema and other Skin Affections disappear when "Fruit-a-tives" are taken to correot Constipation, "Fruit -a -Lives" will protect ,you against Auto -intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine acts directly on all the eliminating organs. 50c. a box, 6 for $.50, trial sire 25o. At all dealers or sent on receipt of nrieeby Fruit-a•tivesLimited,Ottawa. An invitation from Kincardine'was extended to the Presbyterial rornoxt year, which will be decided at Con- ference on- feence later on. Mrs. Ancell, Teeswater, presided over the meeting during the election of officers, and read the report of the nominating committee. Officers for en- suing year are, Hon, Pres., Mrs. Per- ris ; Pres., Mrs, 13e11, Molesworth ;Rec. Sec,, Mrs. Coombe, Kincardine ; (101'. Sec., Mrs. Fox, Brussels ; let Vice, Mrs. Mann, Brussels ; 2nd • Vice, Mrs. !Hardie, Ashfield ; 3rd Vice MLs. Reid, Lucknow ; 4th Vice, Mrs, McKenzie, Kinloss ; Mission Band Sec'y. Mrs. Lundy, Walton ; Sec. of supplies, Mrs, Young, Wingham ; Mes, ,Sec., Mise Hurdle, Lucknow ; Strangers Sec., Mrs. Liuklater, Tseswater; Home Helpers Sec., Mrs. Ireland, Teeswat- er ; Press Sec., Ales. Ferguson, Bel - grave ; Treas., Mrs. Geddes, Wing - ham ; Nom. Com., Mrs. Hardy, Ash- field, Mrs, Perrin, Armow, Mrs• Arkell, Teeswater. After officers had been elected Mrs, McCallum, Lucknow, led in prayer with special remembrance for the official staff. Resolutions of gratitude were read by Mrs, AlcKen- zie, Kinloss, to all who had assisted at the meeting and especially for the Ripley people ; also resolutions of sympathy were passed on behalf of recently bereaved b members. Mta e h , S. Carter T r Agent, Brussels Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. NO matter what anyone may tell you, there is only one speed at which you can turn a separator crank and get all the cream and cream of uniform thickness. That's the speed plainly in- dicated on the crank of every separator, of whatever make. Full speed is the only' as- surance of full capacity and full efficiency. Every De Laval now has a Bell Speed -Indicator. The bell warns you if the handle is going round too slowly. You can't be mistaken about it. '' The Bell Speed - Indicator adds nothing to the price but much to the value of the De Laval Separator. BELL SPEED -INDICATOR Tile "Warning signal" that inmr.s operation et the proper steed. Cern. in, examine the machine and see how the Boll Speed - Indicator works. SOONER 'OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A manewrimutrowesseimeinommemal SIR WIL RI Lawn Adieu' (irt'U heart, the gulden gate, Sw:ulg to And we are shut outside., 'retched 001 eager hand; tr.) bid lou tat', Ont 1 4roopliir t lar at 11,11 pr,ph' beoh,h, heart. I he :siher vui,30 is Went now '1'he bates of Silence. closed Around the one, who ever stood For love and counnun brotherhood Among the race of Wren. You stand beside the gates of Time With beckoning hands '1'11 hid leen walk in lienors Way The path you trod in Life's glad doe Wen tles and andlsmayed. Sleep on, (treat Warrior now, And take thy well earned rest, Far all your Waterloo's well won Thy !weary (rands last task is done Your Country's farewell given. Oh drifting years that come and go Now Shadow and now shine, Amidst all time, you stand supreme A Courtly and an uncrowned King The peerless and the hest. Elizabeth H. Taylor G(Irnore Ripley,1Hy, VP'y sweetly and beautifully gave the Musing words a seasonable thought, emphasizing that 1(1 our auxiliaries we 01)1)51 go, hntne to our awn gardens and tend thein. The poetical quotations loud the edfeet of toning down as a beautiful twilight has after a (lard day's labor, Mrs. Craig, of Dungannon, closed with prayer, At evening meeting church was tilled to overflowing and was preside(! over by Rev, Me, McLean, who con- ducted the devotional services assist - o(1 by Rev Mr, Gilmore, lite, Fox read the coresponding secretary's re- port, which was a summing up of the branches of the work which allowed marked progress in Many of the de- partments. Report was comprehen- sive and interesting. Rev. Mo, Over - end, Kiltrlardine, brought greetings from the I roeb te' l ill lll•iel'. Y Y The work done h the women trans- forming the young emigrant into a good Canadian citizen, as well as Ohristanizing him, also the ministry of healing carried on as well as the enthusiastic way into which they had taken hold of the N'nrwat'd Movement is stirring up the men to see what great problems is before them, Rev. Mr. McDonald then told of the Korean church which wee the most youthful yet, be described the Koreans in their rush for Obristainity, as being on the run to Christ, many of them covering hundreds of miles in order to study the Bible which is very matked among Knrean Christians. Their financial gifts to their work is very much larg- er per member than that of one Cana- dian Christains. The speaker urged the necessity of taking a lesson from Great Britian when she urged every man, woman and child for the winn- ing of the war. The winning of the world for Korea, Christ is far greater emergency. Very fine musical numbers were given by a mixed choir, without any instrument, of both Knox rand Huron churches, which added very much to the meeting. One of the most largely attended meetings, which has ever been held in the Presbyterial. was then brought to a close. NOTES Public School in Ripley was dis- missed in order to give the boys and girls an opportunity to attend the Mission Band, Prospects are gond for organizing new Bands in the Presbyterial. In the Forward Movement cam- paign the Macedonian cry rings loud and clear in every clime where the church is at work, "Curve over and help us." A.marked feature of the meetings was the singing led by a precentor with a Luning fork and it was en- joyed by the large crowd that as- sembled. We are now living in an age when the public Press has a wonderful power in moulding public sentitnent Hence all seeretarles should embrace every op ortuuity of reporting those items of interest regarding the work, Women's Institutes Summer Series of Meetings Following is the list of meetings in this County for the Schemer ee8H1008 of the Women's Institute :- Kin tail -McDonald's Hall....., . June 11 St. Helens -Public Hall........ " 12 St. Augustine -Mrs, McAllister's " 18 Dungannon " 14 Goderieh " 16 Clinton, 11 Londeshoroi .. ... . ... .......... . " 18 Blyth -L 0. 0. F. Hall..,,., ' 19 Belgrave---O. 0. F. Hall " 20 Wing(lam-Council Chamber.," 21 Bluevale e 23 Brussels -Carnegie Hall,.. ' 24 Walton ,. .... ' 25 Ethel -Township Hall ' 26 Molesworth -Hall ,..... .. ... " 27 Auburn " '28 Maitland Presbytery Presbytery of Maitland met Tuesday May20th in Knox ()hutch Ripley, Rev. N. McKenzie, Kinloss, was elected Moderator for ensuing 6 months. Presbytery expressed its appreciation of the honor's that bad come to 2 of its Members since its last meeting, Rev. D. Perris, Wingham, having re- ceived the honorary de nee of D. D. from Itnox College, Toronto, and Rev, J. S. Hardie, AshiieId, having been elected Moderator of Hamilton and London Synod, Rev. Mr, McDonald returned mis- sionary from Korea, spoke of the corn - Now sold in a new coaxed board package -- a. great improvement cpit4 tF+e old lead package Sold only in sealed packages di Lion of rlissinisry- work in Kerte+, and the 1)res,•n1 (',lineal sit nation in the (i"i mil ki„gl "rtl. A mother of Rev. ;111'. Malcolm, t'e 110• p03'ilig of the travelling expenses of 0r•n1Lers of Presbytery was refer'- I ed. to the .'otnrnittee on finance at the oeet meeting of the Pfesbylery. Re. port it' foreign 61rlln`,I/fs VetV elltr- ulitted by ltev, Mr. Sell and i1" re• i comu)rudtttiml adopted. Report 101 statistics {vas submitted by the Clerk for the previous year. It showed an increase in the eldership, in the number of families, but a de- er ease in (he 0Inee1rs and O'achors and in the ohilelven attending the Sunday School., In financial aopeet of the Penner. there was an iner'eaee 111 the 0atttries paid 10 mi Metre s, au him rause in the mnniee given to the Midget and to benevolences in the last year, Conferences on Sunday School wot'k will he held at various centres of the Presbytery d)1) ing the month of June, ltev. Mr. alcKenzie. Moderator of the Presbytery. was ltppninled 10 con- vey the goeetingo of Presbytery to (•nngregatiou of Knox Church, Tees- water, an he Diamond jubilee, whiclt is to be celebrated on the seennd last Sabbath of June. + Ga3.,'A+N bls D + h + + + + Stop - Look - Listen f + t. + Steady work as Machine + $ Operators. Good pay. + gApply or write at once. + Excelsior Knitting Mills I. + J. T. WOOD + BRUSSELS W. ONTARIO -+p + !it ++++++'b•asst+++++d++++t-d-i-F++++F+ Wh The Sun Shines You will Need aiStraw Hat Buy it from us. We have a nice assortment in several styles of Men's, Boys' Scout., Ladies' Garden, Children's Dress and Play Hats at very moderate prices. Other lines you will be interested in are 1 - 'Women's Fine Voile Waists, special at Women's Dark Dress Aprons, at Women's Muslin Waists at ... Boys' Tweed Knickers, plain and stripes, 9 to 16 years, priced for quick selling Boys' Soft Outing Shirts at Men's Caps, different styles, from 75 Ladies' Auto Caps at Dye with "Rit." We have it. ...$1 63 1 25 1 25 sizes at... 1 25 110 o to 1 75 1 25 R. C. RATHWELL, Moncrieff Our Motto : "A Square Deal to Everyone." ream a anted Ship your Cream Direct to te Brussels Ore .,!Lary Prompt Service Satisfactory Return We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. Ortissels Creamery Stewart Brow 0e+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦0♦♦my'♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦o♦e+wa♦♦a♦eaea• 4';'004411 y(i* i 0 P s m 0 s A •• • m • • • + ii 1. �li ie -S: ♦ ♦ •a oThe School that places its graduates in good positions. 0 0 !PSA♦.♦♦♦ 4f1 04.40♦♦ ♦4•1►44:4004,+f+4' 4.10♦e♦'♦♦..11 ♦♦el N SPECIAL TRAINING, Makes the difference between Ole low-priced worker and the high - salaried expert, We can smooth out the road foe you from the one class to the other. Students admitted any time. Catalogue free. Stratford, Ont. and WIngham, Ont.