The Brussels Post, 1919-5-29, Page 5s
ttt.tall'lass Ottr9111
hunrn ,nor to I. 11. Monrn. 01Ibee nt Ander.
Moll (i MY. l,l nilly o-,tn1'lo, lirunsuts, T010p1o11e
Honor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary
('allege.. Day and night calls, (ltflae opposite
Motu 14111, I9thel,
M. 13., M. U, 1'., .0 S. O.
M, D, H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, :surgeon, Arconeheur
ollicu at residence, opposite Melville Churolt,
Willanln ,treat.
DR. J, H. WHITE, B. A.
(Ornlhtat.+Toronto University of 11Iediaine.
Spnoint attention given to diseases of ohildren
and rti,'gery.
Office: Dr. Bryan. Old Stand
Phone 15 Brussels
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
\VillBall for as 50401 prince as any other Auo.
ttoneer ler charge nothing,
B13I,1..UItA VIC P.O.
tarristora, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Milos on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private Rinds to loan let lowest rates,
W. Yl. nitm•n'P, If. (1. 3, I,, 14)mnottAN
H. 3. D. Oo000
At lowest Prices
aft. Binder, shenf em'rter and trunk 3219 00
74 t. Binder, .,,228 00
('orn Binder 210 00
ift. Mower 70 60
033. Mower 82 60
10.ft. Steal ]take, 22 teeth 51. 00
tiny Tedder 78 00
Combined 1:Ide Rakn and Tedder 111 00
Imriieit Manure Spreader 108 00
11 Disc Fertilizer Drill 148 W
14.03. Steel Roller 65 60
Sontrlt Diamond Harrows per vection0 W
Climax Wagon Bears, 8l4 arms, 23 x 3
tn. tire BO 00
Engines, Cronin Separators, Plows nod other
Implements correspondingly cheap anda
liberal dtseount for Cash. Order early.
•t" +
+ 'r
.I- +
+ 3•
.j. lies no hand n gnalllif,y ++
+ ler +
r Cream of the Fest flour I
'Shorts Oil Cake Meal I
A, Choice lot • of Groceries .
': Formaldeh de "dire Fencin 4.
Y g+
Grass Seen anti Root Seed
The U. F. 0. tats perchased a +
seta 1411 till' 11oci: 1 itol11141gEe, 4
West Turinito, with a eapallle ,i,
staff in vino ile, (ir eibrnik Club +
chips every Smiled ty, +
Poi 111rt1111. part limiters apply :
to 4.
Ed. Fulton, •
Sec.=lyras. (7rnnbrinh Fla, Club 3
Phone 235 . +
eh stein
AIs prepared to pay
highest price for
Scrap bort,
0 Rubbers, ••
a Rags, t&c. •e
4 2
o •
Highest price paid, See
me before you sell,
• Highest Cash Price for •
• •
line Poultry and Hides •
• Write or Phone 02x•
4 •
444 oove+i•404.0.04•oo•eoe00+
S. O. White Leghorn
Taby� Chicks
Mr. Farmer, did you ever figure
out jest how touch your Chin cost
yon each year from the pesky old
igen breaking the eggs or leaving
!he neer ; We nee hatelliog 1111(
deeds of tilde sash week. Have
lenitive in for 1houvt,de, Don't
leave off ordering yol110 until it in
too late, Order' thein now.
Phone 3 on 38x 13ux 34, BRUSSELS
ata1 1 eluo e1;Tl l
Next Leap Year 1920
The last time there was a lapse of
eight years without a leap year was
from 1896 to 1904. The leap year
will be 1920. The leap year rule is as
follows: It is every fourth year, which
leaps over a day more than a common
year, a day being added to February,
except years divisible by 400 are leap
No Excursion to 0. A. C.
There will be no excursions this year
to the O. A, C. except a few by motor.
Dr. Creelman, however, looks forward
to the resumption of the yearly far-
mers' outings to the college, which
were once very successful.. As soon
as special rates can be secured from
the railways, he says, the Summer ex-
onwill s a again,
No Parcels For Winnipeg
No second, third, or fourth class
(nail, that Is newspapers and parcels,
for Winnipeg or points west of that
city will be accepted by any post
ollices until the cessation of the great
strike in Winnipeg. Instructions to
this effect were received at the local
post offee from the ostmaster-general.
Owing to the congested conditions at
the railway stations 1n the western
cities, this order was necessary,
Detroit Excursion
The White Star Line will run their
mutual excursion from Goderich to
Detroit and return on Thursday, June
19th This outing is looked forward
to each year by many in this neighbor-
hood and this year promises to be
more popular than ever. A Moon-
light excursion will also be held on
Lake Huron on the evening of June
16th, See full particulars in their an-
nouncement on another page.
Has Severe Loss
Word has reached Mitchell that Mr.
Fred Davis, M, P. P., who has a large
stock ranch near Calgary, had met
with a very big loss of stock, owing to
a severe snow storm which visited that
part of the country a short time ago,
His loss in stock alone is placed at
$25,000, It is claimed that it was the
biggest snow storm that ever visited
the part of the West and raged for
seven days. The snow was piled in
drifts fully 10 feet deep. A number
of fat 'cattle and other cattle and
sheep were buried and died through
want of feed and cold. .After the
storm was over dead cattle, sheep and
horses could be counted by the score.
At the time Mr. Davis wrote to his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Davis, of
this town, the hides of 139' cattle had
been taken off.
Minor. Locals
Saskatchewan is having a "Go To
Sunday -School Day" on Sunday, May
25th., by proclamation of his honour,
the Lieuenant Governor of the prov-
ince. If the far reaching importance
of Sunday School work were fully
appreciated every province would
give official recognition to its effort,
While in the service of the Evan-
gelism and Social Service department
of the Methodist church as field sec-
retary, Rev. W. E. Millson, of Listowel
Will slake his (tome in London
Rev. W. E. Millson, of Listowel, is
president of the London Conference
Summer School, which oonvenes this
year at Alma college, St. Thomas, The
dates are July 7th, to 14t11. A splen-
did inissionary program has been pre-
; .dvrr4eeedS r'L 45,a'AWdrs '!
/ ELLIOTT ,ice
iiYonge & Chariots Sts., Toronto
Is noted throughout Can-
�I ada for high grade busi-
l"ter`'' Mess education, O. Pi Groat domand for our Graduatos. tri
Open all von:. linter now. 0
Write see catalogue.
Potatoes Wanted
memee Flour
Oran and Shorts
Seeds of all Kinds, also Salt
Phone 43 01..27
W. J. McCracken
NN,Wibrdi t,,,tlta uN
I A law race by pa sed bo the
' Ontario Lea,isla, con pal, the re -
n , 11
Lfunval #ell G d, h let i f n. and
that dl ut0tur ctclisls must muffle
their inaehlnes :to Ih:t( the people
will no longer be tormented by the '
unearthly noises that have made life
miserable for many. Ail motorist,,
(are warned accordingly to rake the
necessary steps to comply with the
law, failitig which or the discovery
that cut-outs are being used .On autos
or cycles, those who do sq Can expect
to make their bow before the magis-
llistnrical Committee Appointed --Rev.
R. J. Ross Given Leave of Absence,
The Presbytery of Huron held its
regular quarterly sleeting on Tuesday,
May 13th, at Clinton, with the follow-
ing ministers and elders present:
Ministers—Mr. Telford, moderator,
Drs. Fletcher and Aitken and Messrs.
Meleermid, Ross, Macfarlane, 0cln-
tush, Ahery, Carriere, Johnston and
Hamilton; elders—Messrs, Lindsay of
Clinton, Jarrett of Kipper, Gardiner
of Blyth, Fingland, of Auburn, Mitchell
of Goderich, Dodds, of McKillop. Mr.
Richardson, formerly of Kippen, was a
visitor at Presbytery. Session records
were examined Mr. McIntosh , of
Brucetield was appointed to convey the
greetings of Presbytery to the Presby-
terial of the W. Al, S. at its next meet-
ing. The moderator and clerk were
appointed to convey by letter the sym-
pathy of Presbytery to Mr, Carswell,
T May _ conference was ml the sub-
a s n
"The Church and Reconstruction,"
and the discussion of the question was
begun by.Mr. McLean, of Egmundville,
every member participating.
A new standing committee was
appointed, to be called the historical
committee, with Mr. Mitchell, of Gode-
rich as convener, and the following
members: Dr, Aitken, Messrs. Mac-
farlane and Hamilton. Mr. Ross was
given leave of absence for the sum-
mer for work in Ole West, to which
already Mr. Fraser, of Bayfield, has
gone, and Mr. Telford was. appointed
to act as interim moderator of Auburn
and Smith's Hill. A strong resolution
against race track gambling was passed
unanimously and a copy ordered to be
sent to Ottawa.
The Sumner School in Goderich,
July 5th to 12th 1919, was heartily
commended to the members by Mr.
McDerniid. Mr. A. T. Cooper pre-
sented to the Presbytery the county
work in temperance, of which he is
secretary and commended the work to
the interest of members.
The names of about twenty ministers
were read for whom application is
beingmade to Assembly for the s, a ably leave
to receive them as ministers of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada,
The next meeting is to be held at
Blyth about the middle of September.
System Shows Much Linking Up
Among the Various Municipalit-
ies.—Lead to Toronto —Nuc-
leus of Trunk Lines are Being
Planned to Tap Lake Huron .
(Toronto Star Weekly)
NE of the best illustrations to
be found in the Province of the
exact meaning of the County -Pro-
vincial roadway system is in the west-
ern counties, Huron, Bruce, Grey,
Perth, and Wellington, which are
shown on the accompanying trap. Just
glance along the roadways, and notice
liow, in so many cases, the trunk roads
lend from county to county without a
break, and it will be easy to appreciate
liow much an improved roadway system
scientifically planned, is going to
mean to through traffic. At the
same time, 0 will be seen that though
these counties are planning a fine link-
ing up of roadways between counties,
to provide improved trunk lines 14001
one side of the Province to the other,
there are a number under the County -
Provincial scheme,
A casual glance at the map will show
that on the north the Toronto Orange-
ville Toad leading through Dufferin,
links up with Grey County at inistioge
and runs on to Fleslterton, Prone
Fleshertou there are three distinct
branches, One leads north to Meaford,
skirting the shore of Georgian Bay, the
second runs directly north-west to
Owen Sound, while a third runs al-
most directly west through Durham,
Hanover and Welkerton to Kincardine.
Farther south there is the trunk road
leading into 'the north-west Of Old
Ontario. This is the Hamilton -Guelph
route and from Guelph there are routes
provided through Wellington County
to all the Important centres in the
uortli-Western section,
Starting with Wellington County,
the Main roads which have been
placed under the iCounty-Provincial
system are: The route front Hamilton
to Guelph; Guelph to Rockwood,
Guelph to Brisbane; Guelph to Gou-
lock to link up with Hespeler fn
Waterloo; Guelph to Elora, with a
branch at Marden leading to Fergus;
Fergus to Craigsholme; Fergus through
Spires to Belwood; Fergus through
Arthur to Mount Forest; Fergus to
Elora; Elora to Parker; Arthur through
Gordonville and Damascus to Egerton;
and from Arthur south through Parker
to a point wear the Waterloo border.
Other scattered stretches here and
there have also been taken in.
Forth Cries -Crossed.
Of the five counties mentioned,
Perth has made the least advances,
there being practically only two road-
ways accepted in the County-Provlucial
highway polity. Roughly, these cut
tiie county in half In either direction,
With Mitchell as the centre. The
routes are: Mitchell, northeast through
A Perfect Trr atilient For This
Distressing Complaint
"I had an attack of Weeping
Enema.; so bad that my clothes
would be wet through at times,
For four months, Isuffered terribly.
I could get no relief until 1 tried
'Fruit -a -tines and 'Boothe Salva
The first treatment gave me relief,
Altogether, I have used than
boxes of 'Soothe Salva' and two of
'la'r'uit-a-tines', and am entirely well"
Both these sterling remedies are
sold by dealers at 500. a lox, 0 for
1)2.50, or sent on receipt of price by
F ruit-a-tines Limited, Ottawa,
"Fruit -a -fives" is also put up in a
trial size which sells for 25c.
Monkton. Atwood and Listowel to the
Grey border; Mitchell west through
Dublin to link up with the Seaforth-
Goderich road; Mitchell west to Sea-
bringville, with a gap to Stratford, then
from Stratford east through Shakes-
peare to link up with the New Ham-
burg roads to Kitchener, Waterloo,
Preston and Galt.
Huron Leads the Way.
Huron has shown plenty of progress-
iveness. With Clinton as the hub,
there are four main roadways which
have been taken into the scheme and
which, with their branches, tap all
parts of the county. Directly south
of Clinton there is the Exeter road to
the Middlesex border, the aim being to
connect with London and St, Thomas.
From this Clinton -Exeter road there
are five distinct cross lines. At the
south there is the Centralia, Devon
road to Grand Bend; the Elmville road
to Kirkton, the Brewster -Farquhar road
and other smaller ones. Froin Clin-
ton north there is the Goderich line,
which to the east connects with
Stratford, and may in time link up
with Toronto. From Clinton north-
east there is the Blyth, Belgrave road
to Winghann. From Goderich north
there is the lake shore road connect-
ing with Bruce County, leading even -
hilly as far as Southampton along
Lake Huron. From Seaforth there
is the Winthrop, Walton, Brussels
road leading to Wroxeter, with a di-
rect turn to the east through Gorrie
to Harriston. There is as well the
Lucknow-Goderich line, and the
Lucknow townline route to Amberley,
in addition to a number of shorter
roads which have not yet been pro-
perly linked up.
Bruce Makes Good Start
Bruce County has gone in for the
County -Provincial roads in an exten-
sive manner. At the south, there are
four distinct links with other counties,
three into Huron, and one into the
corner of Huron and Wellington,
while two other systems reach the
border, but have not yet been Con-
tinued by the adjoining counties. The
links with Huron are at Amberly.
Lochalsh and Lucknow, while the
other is the Southampton, Paisley,
Mildmay road which breaks into Well-
ington at Clifford and gets a little
past Harriston on the way to Elora.
This latter is probably Bruce's main
County -Provincial road, as it angles
through the centre of the county and
provides connections and outlets for
the whole county for the lower east-
ern section of Old Ontario. The sec-
ond Main road is that which skirts
Lake Huron from Amberly through
Kincardine, Tiverton, Underwood,
North Bruce and Port Elgin to South-
ampton, crossing from the latter point
to Allenford, and running from there
north to Wiarton, and from Wiarton
almost to the head of the penilisuln,
passing through Colpoys Bay, Adams-
ville, Hope Bay and Barrow Bay on
the road to Lion's Head. There are
four distinct crossroads. Starting at
the north, there is the Tara, Inver -
may, Burgoyne -Port Elgin road; there
is the Eden Grove, Glammis, Tiver-
ton route; the Walkerton, Grennock,
Kinloss, Kincardine line, known as the
old Durham road; and there is the
M#Idniay, Ambleside, Teeswater, Lang -
arae r
A rtllt, 13 ru4':G!'5
Our reputation for fair dealing
and reliable goods. coupied with
the Dc Laval rceord of ocrvice
and durability, hes made the
Do Lave) Cream %cparater the
leeJei In thi+, +.vrn,nunity.
VMANY of your neighbors
V 1 are using De I avals,
Have you ever asked any of
them how they like their ma-
chines ?
Why not make a few in.
You'll find that the De Laval
is giving them more crearn and
better cream; that it is easiest
to turn, to clean and to care for;
very seldom gets out of order
and never seems to wear out.
Your neighbors will back up
what we have been telling you
about the De Laval.
So will any of the other
2,325,000 De Laval users.
Talk it 0001 with your neighbor
We will sell you a De Laval on
easy terms. Come in, examine
the machine and talk it over.
side route, The map shows as well
a number of other more distached road-
Attention is called to Grey County,
in view of the number of roads whose
mere beginnings have been taken un-
der the County -Provincial system.
In some places they look like stair -
steps or the rungs of a ladder but
they show the nucleus of a fine sys-
tem. In the class of better -defined
roads Grey may be said to have four
distinct routes planned for improve -
4+0+•+•+•+•+•+•+0+4+•t• t•+
® 4+•
i o
Par s d
• +
4 •
Persons intending to +
build or repair buildings +
• would do well to get +
• •prices and see the goods +°I'
•t before buying, e
• +
4' Satisfaction Guaranteed. •
• Open to take •
.1. Roofing Contracts. •
or +
H. L Stewart
Henfryn Store
4+•+4+♦ 1-0+4+4+0+41+'t•6,4,0440+•+ •d'•+•+4+•+•+•'Ne+•+•+•+•+•+�
The Seaforth Cre mery
0 Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly $
,• established and that gives you Prompt Service and ;
Satisfactory Results.,
0 We solicit your patronage knowing that we can A.
give you thorough satisfaction. 2
W e will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test 'o$"
• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sem-
Tpies and pay you the highest market prices every two
I weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, i
i For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C. •
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
: The Seaforth Creamery Co.
+.4.0+•+$°8' •44:1.0+f:'G•4+1+•+* 14. d'e'lhM1'?t'ed..4.04ltdt ^dei4,+b't'fl'b+d+
Fresh, rich, full -flavored. tea
--tile same every time
Sold only in sealed paclealgefa
',mit. Ther,' is the main nod lead
✓ ken) DIl204)1, through 1leshertun,
tarkdele, (:hatsworth, etc.. to r)wen
end, and thence along the Sound to
I' eninie and west to Wiarton. The sec-
, led 'sell -defined r,,u(e runs north from
the Wellington border at Mount Forest
terough Durham and Williamsford to
t; wen Sound. and 1$ known as the
cid Gerefraxa read. The third is an
tegling cross -road, starting at Thorn -
burn on Nottawasag1 Bay, running
uth through Heathcote and Kimber -
let, u, Flesherton, south-west to Price -
011e. and then due west though Dur-
Il:u to Hanover, where the link is
provided with Bruce County, to Walk-
erton. 'rhe fourth main line is the
n e, Sound oMeaford,
1 i.rss road to
sed along the shore through Thorn-
bury and Craigleigh on the way to
Bell Telephone . Company to increase
Exchange Rates 10 p. c.
'rhe Railway 'Commission has grant-
ed the Esti Telephone Company auth-
ority' to increase its rates to p.c. The
crnnpany asked for a 20 p. c, increase,
but the request was cut in two.
What this means in Clinton is as
follows e—
Old Price New Price
Wall Phone 920 322.50
Desk Phone 32.2 324.50
Permission has been granted to in-
crease long distance rates.
We congratulate Woodrow Wilson
on the fact that he is no longer popu-
lar 111 Germany.
Apparently it took the peace ternns
to make Germany realize that she
didn't win the war.
Brother William Jennings Bryon
ought to be out in the garage tuning
sv�•14knrv14 Presidential boom.
S#lm b,uched a 1n t„ 1 un Monday for
the first time in 28 years,
The saddest words of tongue or pen
arc sinipls these: it's raining again.
Any prrsun Who employs a girl or
bos between 8 and 14 years of age,
unless the child is exempted by law
is liable to a tine of 6200. The On-
tario Legislature may appoint a Pro-
vincial School Attendance Officer to
see that the regulations in regard to
children's regular attendance at the
school is carried out.
_ _ . _ _ .__ _
J. hr Oliver
has taken over the Deering Ag-
ency and handles a full line of
Flo'In Implemeute including the
I. II, C. Cream Separators
The only Oream Separator with
two wide open cream outlets—
no cream screw in the path of +
the cream. See it when in town.
The I, H.C. 8-16 and 10-20 Tractors
are among the best. 3+
The Deering Manure Spreader •
With the wide spread and very
light in draft.
John Oliver
eeeeeeoeeeee ansaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetzaeeet0®a4•ee®st4eaeseee 5,
ePhone 410 Phone 83
00 se
e itso
Rep air Service :
t3 rA
Illi one present stock of Machinery Repairs, Plow Shares,
etc., we aim to give the best satisfaction possible in every-
• tiling revering our line of Repairs, all of which are exact
00 duplicates and give the service of the original parts. Help us keep
• our line complete by ordering as early as possible.
• Wheel and Woodwork Repairing
a We give prompt attention to all Wheel and Wood -work Re-
a pairing, Re-Bttiug of Rubber Tires and (lliannele, and carry in
estock and apply all Standard sizes of best gristles of Carriage /hal-
e ber'PlI'es. Use the best and get extra value from piny Wee. We
b can saiiery you in the line of work.
Our Carriage Painting
Will stand the closest inspection ; our Varnishes any reasonable
lest, and all applied by a carriage painter who thoroughly under-
stands the efficiency in this line of work. We give your work
prompt attention, with careful service, moderately priced.
Plum Blacksmith Shop
stype eeaeeemeeeaseeo®ase+oaeemaeeeeeeeceee®eeoeoweetealte
ream W nted
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
rilent of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels Creamery Stewart Brost