HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-22, Page 84•1•.44,4,4.l+++4'1'4'+4+4*++44440.l•4-L'?9.49.444•+++0+404*40+444+ ..I •I 4• 4 • • tt ra The Brighten Up Store For the Old Boys' Re -union all ; aper Wil do it in the House !Nall Paper i:; the key note of home inreishitig 1t asst:;ls more than any one thing in making the home attractive. Bur Spring Stock Still •dru,ys great variety and you will find plenty of choice if purebas- ing here Suitable patterns for Living Rooms, Parlors, Halls, Dining Rooms, Kitchens, Bath Rooms, &c. Mall Paper Remnants Suitable for Pantries, Clothes Civ'- ets, very small rooms, Glc. We have I a number of bundles which are for sale at much less than the regular prices. Fe R a Bring in Your Films from the Holiday and have them Developed and Printed here, We will try to get the best from every picture taken and assist you to still bet- ter future results. Eastman Flims !telex Paper and Supplies 2a Brownie Camera - $3,15 Vest Pocket Kodak, B,B. Lens SAO Real Photo. Views of Brussels 5c each 6 for 25c. The _ Store sT !7N • • • • • + • Druggist and Stationer '.'' •t.e+G•F9+9+•+++9+4+•+4+4+4+4 +.6+49+41.+4+6+•+-0+4Pt?'A+4+•+0 QAta, D TeeFPm'r, 3'' 1PI War BRUSSELS ((opal Sonya GOING NORTH Express-... 7;52 a m t Mail 11:43 a ni Express......... 8:68 s m I Express 9:17 pm Caxw giiax del -PIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express. . ...... 0:47 a m Express 11:41 pm Express p m I Express 9:04 pm W OX TER Going East - 7.11 a. m. and 9:81 p. m. Going West - 12:96 and 9:55 p. m, Anthems going East oonneot with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound., Elora and T G . it stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. ` atal :betas items Wrier about reviving quoiting ? THE lawu mower Is once more en duty. CANOEING season has opened on the .dainen d. A comfortable office has been fitted up at the Ewan garage. HURON Co, Couueil will meet at Gode- rich, Tuesday, June 3rd, et 3 p. m. See advt. SATURDAY of this week will be Victoria Day -the never -to -he -forgotten Queen's Birthday. WINNIPEG has gone back to home- made breed, but there is no report as to whether it is like what mother used to tuake. THE business places showed respect far Councillor Harry James by the drawn hiinds doting the hour of the funeral servile Tuesday afternoon. A speedy pacing stallion, Minor Eel, son of the web !mown Eel, has been purchased by Ernest Plum, of Brussels, from a New EIambury owner, The horse is a grey. COUNCIL has ordered a 5,000 gallon tank of road oil which will be Appliedon fall length of Turnberry street. It is an asphalt -oil combination that is highly re- commended for preservation of highway and dust preventative. SOME 149011D IMPROVEMENTS-- Tmvn flag. Streets tidied up. 'Town Hall painted. Sunday laws obeyed. Hydro light and power. Prompt reply to your telephone ring. 11.LUa'1'RATED LEc'ivae,--Phe .Willing Workers Af Melville church have en- gaged Rev, Mr. Pierce to give ac il- lustrated Lecture, giving a description during the war and since, on the even• ing of Friday, May 23rd, iu Lecture room of Melville church, Brussels. INj0R ED LEG, -While playing Foot !(all ou Victoria Park one evening last week Alex. Stewart, of Brussels Butter Factory,had the misfortune s u to receive a kick on itis left leg. It was feared the bone was cracked and the tendons are very sore, laying Mr. Stewart off in the meantime. THR POSTOI+FICE WILT. CLOSE ALSO. -- During the continuance of tate Thursday afternoon weekly holiday, May, June, July and August, Brussels Postoffiee wilt close at 12 30 o'l 101 k. This is an instruction from the Postoffioe Inspect- or following q a request in petition form fewf4 cogs ego, Outer O ter door of the officeill be left open so r w p that mall from lock boxes may be secured during the afternoon but wicket will close promptly at hour stated and remain so until fol. bowing Morning et 8 o'eloak, HELP beautify Brussels this Spring, Plant flowers, keep the grass trimmed and weeds ant down. The News and Record. the two Smith's Falls papers have amalgamated. The two could not live in the days of costly newspaper construction. FRIDAo, May So, a ball will be given in the Town Hall, Brussels, under t'.e direction of the field est, at Home Club. Blackstone orchestra, Goderich, will provide the music. 24 Young P154, 5 weeks old, for sale. Phone 2512. HAROLD SEEM. ONE Sow and n young Piga for sale, Phone 104. W. H. MCCumen mos, 0th Line, Morris. FOR Male or to rent one arra of land, 1? miles North of Brussels. There are several fruit trees on the lot. For further particulars apply to MRS. D. L,vtNus'r0N, Brussels. 55 Young Pigs and 4 head ofFood grass cat- tle for sale. A.Lex. HA+Wr. 210, oxeter. 41.9 Phone 654 YORxen100 Now for sale, due to farrow last of May. Canes. Roo1aso14, Blyth phone MN, Foe S311L-2 young heifers due to calve I ,inne 1st. Phone 8515 HARVEY DOBSON, Ethel. WANTED. -Dead Horses and Cattle promptly reproved within a radius of 20 miles. No annual removed without the hide. Will pay from $8 to $6101' eniniels brought to factory. Phone at our expense. Phone (day) 12; (even- ing) 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Wingham. HA24HYNO eggs for sale, Barron's laying strain White Legherns, 8 rents an egg. Single settings $1.00. Roar. TOOBena, Brussels. Phone 00, 'JIA000 C. BRYAN? announces she has re- umed work in her office. Ogles open every day. Hours 10 to 12 a. in., 1 to 8 p. in. also Saturday evenings, DR. PA12111 , Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of eaoh week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residences, Consultation et Queens Hotel. A sunt of money was lost by Mrs. R. Henderson, town, last Saturday evening but it fell into the hands of Thos. Mil- ler, 6th lino, Morris, and was restored to the well pleased owcer via THE Pose, ENGAGEMENT. -George and Mrs. Ed- wards, Brussels, announce the eugage ment of their youngest daughter, Am- anda May (Minnie) to A 13. 'Voodly, re. Gently home from the war, Wedding will take place next month. 5IGN9 LF THE i',Clll OLD SUMMER erste - Flies. Awnings Rhubarb pie. Athletic sport e. Lawn mower.I, Bare headed girls. Barefooted yt,uugatere. SUCCESSFUL I:NTER'rA1NMENT,-'l'uuae- day evening of last week the Little Stars Mission Rand of Melville church and members of the innior League of the Methodist church held a joint enter- ! tainmeut in the school room of the form- er. Mrs I Parker presided efficiently and the pi ogranl was as follows :-Open- ing Hpmu; prayer; chairman's re- marks ;climes, "Bring them in" ; Real, lati0n, Wineifred McMillan ; Panto. mice, "Jesus Lover of My Soul" ; instru- mental, Frank Oliver ; talk, Mrs, (Rev ) . Pierce ; solo, Lawson Clouse ; recita- tion, Barrington Gilroy ; motion song, 01ass of girls- recitation, Maeda Somer• ville ; whet happened when they were sick ; recitation, Margaret Strachan ; reading, Florence Stewart ; chorus, May May May ; recitation, Elden one Viola Wilson : pentomine, "Nearer my God to 'Thee" ; instrumental, Wilma Galbraith ; redilation, Mildred Sperling ; sola, Clem MeDonalii ,recitatio D M r'( do verpiano ail ft )T EO, i Y ; I Kathleen McLaren ; chorus , older girls ; reports, Edna McCRIl, also of door. keeper ; candy ; National Anthem ; HeIediotion, Flnanciel proceeds were 025.00. SATURDAY of this week will be a Pnhl'c Holiday, A due display nt new buggies at the Ewan Factory. See his advt, Any betty vita 1V5, short ill !,oft w0(el' should Le well supphrd by tins time Sri oteas' Welvon)e and 01d B..ys' R- ❑n on SOnday, Moutlayand, Tuesday, July 27, 29 and 29 Drs'rRlc'r I O. 0 F. Lolge met iu Brussels N'sdneedny afternoon of this week. A' -port el the proceedings will at-p•�'+i' ,n to 21 1 H1` t' 1p' tib p1 W .,g told SJlrtetion p• eetive.eed 111111.se a or, Mop .lay for the Ind a Fainter sufferers and mei welt good sucees., THERE were two funerals at Brussels cemetery last Saturday afternoon at the same time, v,z Miss Mary Latcl'ew, of Elora, and Mrs. Wm Pollard, Ethel COMES 111011 -14v 'he slam mi ug of the I front door of J T, Ross' grocery the 1 large glass in he door came to grief on Tuesday. It coo' $B 0o to replace it, The pane was 82x36. FteT League Foot Ball match in Brute els this year will be Friday even- ing et re '0 week, Solh inst., when i4lill. bank will b+ here. Arrange to see it, hl 1l hank has a lively hunch of ball toss- trs. liaus4sa, Font 11411 team will play their rst League game for this season at Ethel next Monday eveuing. Season has been backward for practice. Ethel has a strong team And a well fought out snatch is looked for. AUctioN SALE -Au Auction Sale of Hnueehoid effects will be held iu the store next door to 5 C. Wilson's grocery store, Friday of this week, acrd inst., at 2 p m 'Perms cash. See bilis for particulars. Rny McKay, Prop , F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. SOME THINGS NEARLY FORGOTTEN. - Bucksaw music. Horseback riding. Mother's hair cuts. ' Duck on the rock." How to walk on stilts. Family photograph groups. "Please" and 1"rhank you." john H. Galbraith, of town, has pur- chased the fast pacing mare, Lucille Simmons, from Kenneth McLean and will enter her in some of the local speed- ing events, where she will no doubt give a good account of herself. A Tittle speed is not regarded as a detriment to an equine by John Henry, Howls veva Sas,?--Several people are responding to our notification re- garding subscriptions to THE Pos'r. All over 5 years in arrears may have t0 do business through the Division Court if they decline to accept the easier way of remitting to THE PosT. We will not be to blame if this plan has to be followed. BOWLING. -Brussels sphere trundlers have organized for 1919, electing the following officers :-President, S 'P. Plum ; Vice -President, Dr. White ; Sec .-Trees , A Strachan ; Managing Committee, D. C. Ross, R. F. Down- ing, A R Currie and G. H. Samir ; Chaplain, Rev, H Smith. Membership fee has been put at $3 00. An interest- ing season's play is counted on. SUBSCRIBERS sometimes change places of residence without notifying us of the fact, and after a few weeks write sharp- ly because they do not receive their papers regularly. THE POST is mailed to all suirictibers without fail regularly every 'Thursday. II subscribers will notify us promptly of changes of ad- dress, much incouvenience to us and to the postofficeauthorities will be avoided. MEDICAL. SURVEY STARTS -The prom iced Province -wide medical survey of the children in Ontario schools is being commenced, all necessary arrangements having being completed. Hon. Dr. H. J. Cody, Minister of Education, stated that the doctors and nurses to carry on the work have been appointed, and are now ready to take up their work. It is expected that the task will re- quire from one to two years to complete. The dental inspection, which will be carried on practically at the same time, will he started shortly, the appointment of a competent dentist to take charge of the work being now under consideration. Among those appointed to the staff to make the medical survey are Dr, Mary McKenzie Stnith, of Gravenhurst ; Dr. E. 1 Stirrs, of Campbellville; Miss Ethel Campbell, of Ottawa, and Isiiss E. 1. Jamieson, of Toronto. The inspec- tion will be to a large extent a rural and small town survey. Most of the cities and many of the larger towns have had medical and dental inspection in varying thoroughness, advantage having been takes of permissive regulations passed three or four years ago HARRY iAMRB DIED LAST SATURDAY. -- After a brave battle for life, against heavy odds, Harry lames, the web known proprietor of the American Hotel, Brussels, passed away lest Sat- urday afternoon in Wingham Hospital, aged 55 years, 5 months and 5 days. Ai intimated in last week's issue of 'Pile Poor he bad been taken to Wingham Wednesday morning but his ailment forbade help being afforded and he said goodbye as 91,0ve Stated Mrs. James was with him when he died, The cas- ket was brought to Brussels Monday afternoon, service being conducted in St, john's church, Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, with which deceased was connected, by Rev, Henry Smith, rector, Pallbearers were S. Wiltou, D. 0 Ross, N F. Gerry, Jas, Ballantyne, J Fer- guson and Walter Lowry. Mr, Jamas was horn to England, coming to Oanada with his parents when a boy end spend- ing a good portion of his life in Brus- sels,hisparentsliving and dying here He kept hotel at Blyth for years and afterwards the Revere House, Brussels, before the purchased the American Hotel, here, which he looked after iu an up to date manner and to the satlsfac. tion of the public. In athletic sports he took en active interest, As a lacrosse player he excelled in his earlier years and he also was a lover of Base Bali, Curling and Bowling. For years he was engineer of the Pi re Brigade and last Tanuery was elected 10 0 seat at the Municipal Council Board as Councillor but ill heal h prevented him from pert- Mipating as actively as he hoped. De- ceased fonnrl a splendid helpmate in his wife, who was Miss Alice Breton, of Brampton. They bad no faintly. 0,404001 death was a trouble inhis throe' From which he had sefierecl 0 n for some a ti a although he p:c it Y kept on his feet until the last. He has one brother who lives at Kitchener. Mr James' demise has caused a vacancy at the Counuil Board. For a good men( yeare he served le the vestry of tit, Inline church where both he and Mrs, James tack a lively interest. The vim - triunity 4(111111 bice with Mra Jatnes In her 1)'.reitytnheet. The hotel will he mune. d At, 11 Church Chimes Epworth League is considering the sending of une,;or two delegates' 1 the Summer Seteed, which will 70uvene at L Ph'auar Fast 7.!..411O.,411 Ray. blr ` II ff.)rd melt h h theme:, the 23rd Psalm in the marnieg atal Western Windows at � I night service 1'«csdav of this week Maitland Presby- terial held its annual CunvenLiou at Ripley. Maitland Presby te y also suet. the same dlats Rev, MI dl,na was at Ripley on Tuesday tt, Maulaud Presbytery, • He iem:t'ue(1 over Wednesday and took the preparatory service at Ktulough, Mts (Rev ) Manta, ilrs. Jas. Fox and Mrs. R, l.'tt .msou atteurled the Presby- terial at Ripley on Tuesday. Bad weather 101 bade the going of others. Who were l0 Motoi', The story of Korea was well told by Rev 61r. McDunaid in Melville church last Sei.tliy morning. He has been missionary there for 7 years end the work being clone is most euheartening, Duu't tot get Rev. Mr. Pierce's illas- Ireted Leet0re in Melville church Fri- day evening of this tveelt, His subject im ' genera Alleoby's 21ct07100s eam- paigtl against the Turks and Germane," will prt.ve iuterestiug, Special music. The "Good Cheer" Sunday School class arranged most interesting program in the Methodist church school room, Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. Rands, the faithful teacher presided Program consisted of the following :-Ladies quartette, Misses Lizzie, Bryans, Lizzie Downing, Vera Hoover and I, Bailey ; vacation trip to California, J. T, Wood ; piano solo, Mise Mae Wilkinson ; read- ing, Miss Alger; solo, F, H. Gilroy ; missionary play, "Your King and Country used you" by members of the class and others. Everybody did well• Proceeds for ivlissions over $1S.00, Class deserves ered,t. oolLo. P -Monde NI ELVILL P. YODNta h y a musical anti literary program was pre- sented in connection ' with Melville church Guild which was well rendered and most pleasing to the audience. The theme was Shakespeare and those taking part were :-Sketch of Shakespeare's life, Miss Gertrude Deadman ; duet. by Edna McCall and Elva Oliver ; charac- ter a,.tl play McBeth, Miss Tette A'c- Lauchlin ; piano solo, Miss Ruth Sin- clair ; Merchant of Venice, Oswald Hemingway and Miss Hazel Stew"rt ; duet, Archie Ballent;he and Miss Nellie Fox ; Character sketch of Helena, Mrs Walter Scott ; piano duet, Misses Gerry and Fox ; Julius Caesar, Alien Lamont ; Notional Anthem. T. C. McCall occu. pied the chair, Stratford Beacon speaks as folloe s "At the afternoon session of the Pres- byterial of the Women's Missionary Society of the Strat'ord Presbytery, held in St, Andrew's church, consider- able business was Iransac ed' including the election of officers for the ensuing year, and two splendid addresses, one by Mrs. J. M. L. Smith, Provincial Press Secretary, on the forward nsove- meut, sod the o! her, by Mrs (Rev ) Pierce, now visiting at Brussels. Ont., on the atrocities in Armenia, were de- livered 10 excellent style, Mrs. Pierce has only recently returned from the scene of those horrors and had au in- spiring message concerning the good work being carried on in that part of the world. Iu the course of her re- istask ItsPierce said.It, marks N my this afternoon to bring you a brief mes- sage of suffering Artneuia Coming down to the begmuing of the war we might trace • the political schemes of Germany, in Turkey, finally resulting in the Spring of 1915, of sending out from Constantinople the order of de- portations, as applied by the Turk in their treatment to lira Armenian people during the war.' For the men, in most cines it meant slaughter and hor- rible cruelly, The women too were sub- ject to greatest cruelty, which resulted In the dea 4 of thousands of girls end young women, For the others it meant being driven along the road, for miles, never arriving anywhere under the learning sun, day after day, and often the cold nights of the mountains, with only a few rags tor clothes, little or no food or water, and added to all this oil kinds of disease was spread about, Per., sons were frequently robbed and abused in almost uncouceivable ways. I could go 6n describing id -detail, these days and nights of anguish, having myself seen about 2,1100 people being driven along the load and having again and again heard the stories 0f these poor refuges." Smaller Coppers. Smaller one cent Canadian coins are Coming to take the place of the heavy copper cents now in circulation. In the Federal Parliament the Minister of Finance gave notice of a resolution pro- viding for weight, fineness, etc,, of a. bronze cent. This is necessary in order to make provision for the coinage of a smaller cent piece. Victory Bond Holders Warned to Beware of Unscrupulous Persons The minister of finance has requested all the banks to advise their managers throughout Canada to caution, on his behalf, the holders of Victory Loan bonds against the depredations of un- scrupulous promoters and other per- sons, who may attempt to take ad- vantage of the inexperience in financial matters of many of the holders of the bonds by inducing them to sell the bonds below their proper value in order to place the money in some question- able undertaking under promise of a phenomenal return to the investors, The managers are authorized to say that the minister's object is to protect honest holders from the deceits of un- principled promoters and salesmen of bogus securities. The minister of fin- ance desires that the batik manager should not wait for the arrival of a pro- moter in his vicinity before cautioning h holders, and he asks that actio be the old 1n ain the matter. 1 once taken fholder Any of ici ry Loan bonds desiring to dis- pose of them should do so through ally responsible broker, which will insure their obtaining the full Market. Mite, HRIFT Stamps. We strongly re- commend the purchase of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates. In this way you not only are aiding your country's finances, but are forming the Savingsbabit. The Stamps may be purchased at any branch of- 996 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - NIANAG,rn 6009/9 MA802 In Saskatoon City Hospital, on May 8th. 1919, to 2011. and Mrs, Wafter A. Meson, of Raddisoo, Sask., a son, MARRIED PEA aao-M01101e-At the parentage of the First Methodist Church, Londa), Ont„ by Rev, Dr, Pourer, on May 15511, 1010, plias Alice L. Morris, of Petrolea Ont., to Mr. Ernest H. Pearce, of Wsllacelown, Ont, . DIED JAuxs,-At Wingham Hospital, on May 17t11, 1019, Harry ,Tames, proprietor of the Amer. WW1 Hotel, Brussels, aged 65 years, 5 months and 6 days. LAIDLAW,-III Elms Township, on May 15th, 1919, Mary E, daughter of Andrew and Mrs. Laidlaw, aged 28 years, PO0LAen.-In Ethel, on May 155th, 1910 Mary Moody, widow of the hate Wm. Pollard, i1 her 01st year. SIMuoON.-111 McEntee Township, on May 10th, 1919, Annie Molfadzean, widow of the late Alex. Simpson, agedB2 years, 2 menthe and 9 days. Meeting of Huron Co. Council The Oounoil of the Oorporetlon of the Coun- ty of Heron will sleet in the Council Cham- ber, Goderich, on Tuesday, Tune the Ord, at o'oloak in the afternoon. All accounts must be in the halide of the Clerk on or before the Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMMAN Co Clerk. Goderich, May 17th, 1019. Court of Revision ,ViIiago ofnrnrunscte The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Village of Brussels will be held 111 the Connell Chamber, Brussels, on Monday, June 2nd, 1910 at 8 o'clock p.m. All persons Interested will please take notice and govern themselves aeoordingly. F. S. 800TT, Clerk. Brussels, may 14th, 1919. Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM 118978) (16A86I Enrolment No, 1887, Form I, J. J. MCGAVIN, Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of stock during the season of 1919 at John J. MoGavin 8 etablee, Leadbury. Lot 22, Con. 18, McEntee. Terms ; $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1920. SCOTCH BOBBIE GEO. W. Gummi, Proprietor Enrolment No. 8808 - Form I, MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Lot 82, Con, 0, Turnberry, and go Southeast, vin 0, Line, to Hugh Hutchinson'e 2nd Oon. How- iok, for noon ; then East 134 utiles then North 23 miles to the 6th Oon. Howlett, then East lY miles, then North via Fordwich to David Po. cook's, 8th Oon. for night. TUESDAY -Will proceed West smile, then North via Orange ELM 256 tulles, then West an 12E1, Con. 8% miltes to 1016(1, Clegg's for noon ; thence West 2% miles to the gravel road, then South to his own stable for night. WEDNESDAY --Will proceed South via Brae - eels gravel to Dougald Straohan'e, Lot 1, Con, 4, Grey, for noon; thence South to Gordon Mo - Donald's stable, Brussels, for 1 Hour, then South to John G. Speirs, Lot 80, Oon, 6, Morris, for night. THURSDAY -Will proceed East 134 miles on the 12(11 Con. of Grey, then South 134 miles rind East 236 miles, then North to Jacob LonBB'5, Oranbrook, for noon ; thence North via side - road to Garfield Dunbar'a, Lot 16, Oon. 8, for night. FRIDAY -.Will proceed North 114 mites and East 2d miles, then North 134 miles and Weet 236 miles to Job King's, Lot 10, Con, 5, Grey, for noon ; then North 134 miles to the Howlett and Greyboundary, then West and North to hie own etnble for night. SATURDAY -Will propend East 2% miles on Oon, 8 Howbeit, to Corrie eideroad, then North 1p4 miles and East to Robert Graham's, 9111 Oon. for noon; thence West and South by way of Wroxeter to his own stable Whore he will remain until the following Monday, SHETIIIN STAMP A. P. EMBURY & 80N, • Proprietors Enrolment No. 1280 Form 2 MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, T,ot 21, 8rd bine, Morris, and go East to Oliphant 8mit11'e for noon ; then Sonth miles, thenWest vin gravel road toBrussels, 'then to Robt, Nichnfo for night. TUESDAY -1151 to gravel road, then South to gtlt Line, Morris, to Goo. Kelly's for noon 1 then South to honndary, Weet 1i/ m11os, and Mouth to Harloolr line, then West to Bert. Al. lan's for night. WEDNESDAY -North to boundary, East 1 tulle, then North to Wm, Ta torte for noon ; then North to 6th Tame, Morrie, then West to Wm, l41,5's for 1101(t, THURSDAY - North to 6th Line, Morris, malt's for noon' then then West to John Wt ht f hatg 205 ins Morris to l rave to T. rn( in Tao Na v t(, JCrn e itis' Yor ni ht, t)i10ltEasttoAgarB7' J,'fornoon;than North to let lane, Morris, to Jas. Peneoek's for giu ult. MATURDAY-Will proceed home whore he Will 95m010 until the foilewtna Moult 5y, •••ea••saagesefeese•sasaaaaastoaeaiaaesFj9BP sesesesaalRdeeee • • a Fox's 211 a 0 a • • • • m b • y Ceraniuios for Bedding a0 e I desire to announce that we are g receiving 0 supply of the popular re Red Geraniums for Bedclingaeaoon • as the weather will pet'rnit and will • be pleased if Haase wishing 10 get co some Plante will kindly leave their a oedee soon as possible. • Price $2 01) per dozen n . Red Cedar Flakes Clinical • With Moth Camphor Thermometers d THE J jos a3w S'I'Ois Weekly Store News M ac Kay's Pearl Barley Flour A 13AItLEY FOt)t) FOB BA BUSS RS AND INVALIDS You will Bed it entirely reliable. sille per package. tl 9 9 • • 99 09 a N a O • • • 0 w • 9n 12 • 99 • • • • • • B • s • 0 • O • • • a 99 i9 a • a • Fot' staring htn's, Clothing, lird• ding, C'urp,.ta, 1Vonlets, &c, large pkge. 1Vo again have ti stoop of (aininul'l'heimorneters. ly 1111014(111 (('I'11, $1.510 cath The Garden Court Line Ono of the most exquisite lines of Toilet Aitiolea placed on the meek et for some time. The packages arra very handsomely gotten up and the quality 0,unlot be surpassed. See our Display Window this Week Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Carefully Compounded Guessing In a anion town whore n stranger was noticed by everyone, John Robin - mon, aged 0, stood on the corner w0(011. ing the new -caner approach. The stranger stopped in front Of the boy and said 'John, rim you toll me where to find the post office r" John looked up in anazemeut and asked "How did you know my name 9" The stranger replied, "I just gttemse(1 It" John calmly said "Wen just guess the way to the post ulilce." See OU 1 - New Stock of Mouth Organs JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER 09 t9 t9 CS C) 59 s Ch ra to (e 4, 99 99 s d 4, ca (7 rA u ra s ms,a'rE6,Taaanaoact9••E00010•e• eas••••eaesoaeas9asec•e9•590 For Sale As Ihave sold machinery out of my Fanning Mill Factory 1 have two Gilson Gasoline En- gines for sale -one 12-11, p. and the other 11,1.i 11. pp both almost new. Also Gasoline Cement Mixer, with Wheelbarrows, Plank, etc. Will sell 111e Notary building which is 42x00 feet, Can be sold in two parts. Have also a quantity of Dressed Lumber and some good Cedar Poste Pure fired White Leghorn Eggs. Stock from 0. A. 0, at 5o each. Phor a 864 41.11 8. S. OGLE, Ethel. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat, 12 05 52 10 Spring Wheat 2 06 2 e5 Onto . 85 a7 Pens 1 05 1 65 Barley ' 90 90 Butter 45 45 Eggs 48 43 Hogs 2126 2125 Wo05 ad Potatoes per b»g. 15 W 15 C9 Wool (unwashed) 00 00 •0.00.000•000000000•.•4••• 0.4464,440•80.44.4040400041 Fi Announcerne nf - ^J F ea 6 4 4, b 4 WISH TO SAY TIiAT Saturday, May 31st Will be the Closing Day of their Cut-price Sale of Shoes Their object in Reducing the Stock to suit intending purchasers of the busi- ness has been accomplished, and the Wholesale Prices of all Shoes having advanced so much lately that we feel it would be an injustice to the wouldbe pur- chasers of the business to continue the Sale any longer. K "Two Comfortable Dwellings for Sale. ichards &C'o. • 0 a e e • 4 4 A e P 4' 6 V 0 4 4 a • • e•4.44A•♦4•••••••4.•4•,4•4••4$44••44+44,•4••••••44•••9i ';i31