HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-22, Page 6OW TEE DIARNE•
General Maurice holds that tho
enemy's decision to give up the nutrele
towards Paris and to movo agalust the
111 s llartk of the French Fifth Army wee
$spy 1'. reached about the last any of august,
and not, as has been generally stated,
on 4th September. Jefl're had intend.
GENERAL MAJRICE'S ViEWS ON tel to take the oilnneive with elan-
FINST "40 DAYS." °tra'y's Sh,ih Army of the Somme, but
the latter had to fall halt, and the
French Genet•allssinlo ordered the for•
m. ti ,n of the Ninth \,cry, tinder Focal. AprIl Output on Clyde Totalled 24 Ves-
His_ory Will Decide, Ne Says, That Meantime, the Getman plans also un -
the Greet! tg of Marne by British cl-rw int (*bailee. Tha enemy wee nal. sels—War Caused Heavy Loss
der tie dtlm,i..o that the drain French to German Shipping.
Army Turned the Scale. ,urcea were :dill lo French Lorraine
Major General Sir Fe.1erd:lt li:tur• before N t1 _v. whereas tee bulk nr 1.h0 toad amount of 'mediate '11111•
ice 1'or 7; .1s Iiirr.'or of Military them haul ore..la:ale }leen Aware; roma' Ping 'miler eonotrnet1,0 in l:apish, Al.
teeeretioee et tee llrttie't War 0111.1e, in to the allle;i leis. 4'111 theeefore he Ned. associated and n•attt tl c tunt•tea
'•7,'., lea:, I- •eve„ maintained 1r111t1•44 attack; hero ,a :t the end ,f Meath was 7,790,211e tons,
lc' r t; 1`. - 1. :tccnrdtug to Lloyd's r.•e;1::t(r. 1)1 this
kine;'. 7\"hen It became clear that
11 h 1111 - :4.1 e0'11 ,11111 ,. ,11,, ..0 s:; ex.- 2.254.e41 t.,•l1 wee,. ur'e'r
� von Klock1)10'1.411 net be ab10 to rut v:ue,lm,t,
4411 ... of tee , +4 I1ro p' ti,„ eonenu'tion in 1'te 1'41;("d liilie:lin
w 1 oa the \\ 1;t rn front t,, the [l,•;s 11 tut I l :9t Fifth .\rtuy on tit? •
of the First, t Tattle of the. Marne, The Alamo, the Onvelopmout pion w a an. vial 5.741.121 to 2)1100:111.
i arenty iscerde 1 ..1 favor o. a break- 14114 teemre 111411,')1: in 411 l'u;tr•1
e mct4 of ht ,t.lte 1tfe� that too at• through in the French eont'e, tete et, K!n.:01 41 Melee -led c,i,'I stool 4team^r4
tempts to1 put himself 10 the discover :w of tads ou X'ul'•1 -. ''' Intasde(w 1 0 r,f '' ""!71St'} tens and forty-nine steel
the Gerrit.^r1 and at01gwhat date -the eueh•rte•ment of the .\111.,,} sibling shills of 39,;111 tons, The to- _ -• - •-
they were planning 1111. doing during 1 tad amount of tutu: 72). under construe. w
the retreat from. Bions. "The infer- `\rmie8. But von hlu,lc fennel him: '1f HEALTH OF PLANTS.
rnatie'n obtained in this way," he says, face,! by an increasing menace 1, his tine at the end of :,1111011 exceeded by
flank and roar, and head t:, [dray; as. 275.01n pons that In hand tit. the end of
"threw what 11as been to '1111 an entire- A :Aattar That Is Receiving Much At.
sistance front the, nei:hllo'rdng .141 the D 0/110 er (111 4ers, or 375,1,111 tentlan at the Present Time.
1y new 14411' upon the campaign, and tons men, than that building twelve
made clear what ha;t Previously been of you Eu1 14 1(,' left. So a gap ,
wag reit in the centre of ilia( artily be- months ago. Although- only five vas• Prutectott for the health of }lints
dark." The Gomm. plan proceeded tween La Fere Champ:hnufac+ and the cels over 10,01)0 tons were launched ,n is the object of an organized move -
the theory, derived from the elder the t'nite:l Iii. 1111:' rite whole of last 'tent in which many Cover! meet and
toryke, that the surest road to vie- uharshes of St. Gond, where! Foch
launched his famous counter -stroke. year, there were on March 21 last font ,other' scientists are now actively en-
tory was that which lett ruuud 41)11 Britain's Glorious Part. veseele between lope) and 12,000 ton, gaged,
enemy's cling. The man responsible' ••Much has been written about the • under 1') 1 11uction ct„ht betweelt 12,- It is n matter of the most vital 1141
for perfecting Sch11 it and carrying it out miracle of the Marne," General Many. leo anti 41 11 lU. 41x 1)4'41(011 15,009 411ld i pnrtanee, as may be judged from 1110
was con tc;er - eoi -Moltke
the the
's ;o; 700. and four h1tween Ltt,(410 :tntl fact that (laseas05 of one hind Or an -
ice says and I y u lel to no one in my
the ycun er lIoltke as ti(m Kaiser's admiration for i'oth s genertllship and • 10 j71ii7 i other enormously reduce our annual
chief military adPis01. 4114 1 11,)1 judgment which. after days of Din fine the last quer+er work an 100 , production of foodstuffs. A IOIY of
The Enemy's Problems. i aim ..,t :.It,,leied le strain, he (Replayed, , steamers of 423,570 tents 11.1.; stated, hese maladies ars bacterial in c
1'1::>re was t two.frna problem to in s0Iziu4 .7t epee upon the. tv k s}::,t ;and 2)e
t 1114 t r(. inunche:l. Of the tn:wage cttugefl by microscopic fungi that feed
in, the 011, uty's line and 1711:nn:; :at it. 155 o the oro 12)
b faced. R had t 1 held t upon and doer 5 growing!1••
tt a tete i1)` right thne z but
1'tQrfit '1
4i J MItr (?E(Pl6lNC1
(1 Tl$c
(r'i t51`'1i.
seventy 1... St1: rn.'l•s of 211. 900 t',' but near1 • 4111 of them are.
e ace . 0441:1 1+t, n )e t" m hnildin • abroad, 75 per cent• or 4
check. tr}tile I'::mtce ;ras it -1114 nuizlt- 8 t','9 subject ds very
wheal ''ci111nged tyhat 1 cold cdhe0'ci. e =tons, were Lnihii t, in the tallied . Keo t 114115 on J
ly bc:,t41 to aro len Fc,r this put'- tit,• . In the 13riti:h dominions, 1111•
Pelee Moro, ;Fan two-led:e ; of tete have le en a limited .:n c": inr,, rel,, nt0w, Formerly it 1',is nn )need that
plc t.+ y1 •rerY. (. •1te1np,,rar) op .ton •
enr:ny'savailable force:, 111)1'1) wore 1'11(111 5 in .Tap•tn 11.0415 Los; ht
hes aloe'- dy 1ion•0 jt , r" 1)(t:h t.) 1'41, 2)'y
to be 1'6' (1 -.t.•[1 in tl41 \\'est. r"m 1•11 l•:n1 1s2^,1)1 4mis: If 4511,t;.011111)..1„1.
14 ,1411).1.
prising 65 drvishms in :ill: Tim Gar '' l`e"s"'t t.ld 1" f t idle ties ,,,,d , of 1L. all be :..:1 v:itll
'411,1,r nt `:,- ton. ;r:. Xor 1);s t'..., 0 ...1 1... era _ :.N•
.tan armies we: nt od in two bo,,. those of Jane 3o, 1:,1.1, the last guar-
grollpy; the rst.. (.r;,:: 1 n, along the ._I at L,._u:•.• t.) 'true fir:' ''hit' -'r
e 1111 1 1, :erg 1111 '1 1 it sbn
I ten e • -1',••• wee t, bel the • me', iiia eplesdor of .1•umury's to i-t.woe 1 rl}
B t. prime', , "'"e0"","1' ndu, -e has tat-• a 1.1110
peel means o, , bt:�inin; the quick 2)e iu 11:02) of run F 1).r 'a dt 1 r•r.; N , ,It
forts, or Oullieuis reslaure. w'eh hi
in -'111 •nin1nn't "1:1.1,1. White the
(r u, 1110 :d was t, moot 2)1111 .:gores fur t4,? United Kinglet'. are
contributed sn outer: to 41)41 final vie- „1 ooh , r ):• tan [boss h,dora
a 1 .: tee 1 d i 1•: O11 (1 invasion
tory. I7,,, nowhere yert, so ear :s I :ulh tons hi... r tl G
of I.,,1r:) 141 111' 1 1.111 the 11,2)111 Freullt the var, the tonnage Luilling 1•broud
aware, ha,-; j,r•titc been dune to the
h in til: 4, Th:? Allies'411 nano
*a: inereneed by 10,,110 4111!11 4,11.0,009
part pt .y d by the Ilritish in their
Her_ :-, a c+._ ware not inferior, 111111
• chiding (.1"1441, 3n1"" t„11s w''"" a "blight" that Killed a trop was a
1, • • „On. Tn•dat it is
aupcov.:l.m 111 it.
recor.msrd as an 01.1.1,:11110 of 11111;;114
1111.4e91.0, and tho "germ" is easily idctr-
"lit:sts" and "smuts" are typical
plant diseases. They are the result
of wholesale attack by ceratin it!n'is
of fungi. There 13 not a plant that
grows that rias not its fungus c91c1111448.
Within file 1:114 TOW years e vast deal
of effort has bc.ra (ln;,tel to finding
means for checking the depredations
of Lite: a lam=eros' ol•ic pc,;:. It has
been to emito extent 0140110444141(1: but
14.11141 14..“:1111.3 to lie 114114,1541 IA tt r 1411tet- FOUR HERO SONS.
initiation 111111 (,o a, spottIO .,taulkardi-
zation cf the b .2) 110lhol Two V.C.'s, a D.S.O. and an M.C. Is
for example. tete tnisel,ier or
oat eater 14114 b1 11111111 array with to
Record of One Family.
i a great (Stent 11y trc tin;; tete seed
• with f044411 :it.e (111 111y to fungus
:1•, . :1 1''ore ph::.tdnc. The cost is
.t 1411:.!,`. trial.• --I^ 14 than 1,70 cents all
141:(1 potatoes may be 1 -toted in the
ante wa5' with formalin(, or with op-;
per sulphate, for the 'faun: tins of
:cab," and 401110 other eommeul des -
;res of the tuber.
It has been t . lt¢incd that the bar-
berry 11 a favored "host" for the fun- i
has that consul the 01)011111ta1)le "blaclt
:114101 rust" of wheat. Obviously, thee1
it is of il.tpnrt ere for the wheat '
, grower that be should eradicate the '
barberry wherever lie finds it grew,'
Dusting with 44n510111es (instead of
spraying) has recently been found to:,
offer u superior protection for apple,
peach and cherry trees against, cer-
tain diseases.
The argument is that fungus dis-,
eases of plants are to a great extent
preventable, if proper ilea's are
Jur.',14 , 1 ,c ,,1.y31)nut 4ilia
. . 1 ant c oI•vl:t"e,l 11.,:: 11is-
ava11 111 ` , e, i, 415 t 1 en nffa1111 1 tory will decide that it y:a he eros.
a„ss to i:..:.•, e "helm r anti, r' ui tlr : t,:'1''' in Au' 11n'v •n
•He was forced to t f .,1 the 1 : " K Lai
of the ;•+ . 1 :h ,❑ which
by 0 a ( I11:7 h s c, eeutta 11111,1 the .rale` i 1 nt van hla t.
tion 17, the n . . to 170ing his 0077.-t ,s n, t pu:,:bile t., m.i:e
toil Ir,e'1 e i n. 1 t1), \1 s,•
Contrast With June, 10i4.
The increase i 1e,.11y greater then
shown in tle,7e ligute3, since the fir-
ei4n 115111me for June, 1;14, in •luded
44.7,e0e torts huil111144 in Germany and
any (1 111.. A;131 041, while pt : e ,t rett11ms do net
uclu m tit_ 1 + .,tt it
b, t . „s , .t. a. ..0„est ...ad ilio i,, 1 .,_ i1) ewc,e enemy (oantrt_s.
full "i1) tela:: h the 01114 1,• was t'� , t, ' . of the 1,11. h t ,r2)' ,• The €rent develo nuent, due to the
Le u. f. t .rl 1.511• tri -:1,14 .
1) 1 • t _:r,•1' L-'.;11191 was t,:tt l''' air. do 1'1.ited States shinbuildin , is
1-., ,,...- i i.1 til,:11.t fo•, t:;1.. -.•d 1 11 cl t':.. 1 t , teed cite indicate -1 by the f•:rt tract the t1t1ence
1, '•7 :.:z --;••••P the 4 .11., 2)1,1111 of 1m e,. t 1 „ n their 1 1 .'.t, ,cud 11111191 4, .1.,;,.,t•tinn st the p„ (t -:::do
:: •avt'',I 11.1.. :. ”;.hie't' t• 1:? ;•,413
t1) ..- i • ..1I.1',..11...0 o. the 11'44 ' t t 1 'r. r1)^r(r than t t-nty•rdt:.rt t..aa= the
Veil \:•.c, .:,1 G.:, French i'iitll.. t'_;r:, rc r." .,.`;,
amount Flt':" Clore in June, ilii•!.
r — —tr the 4net of dl.., . 1:44. tee newt t
It wee with title general idea that, nage under survey in Lloyds register
the 1 iii .1 h . ed to :,ions. tan. 111 awed to i 01 , i inn:, 4111111 14
Certain Shades Have a Peonnene-d In -
0 -;iselered a very large. figure; but
u 11:.13 i et e:, :..i -.: that 7iu11 military fluence on Hunan Bein
gs•et of t , a i 1':•igian resit. the present total is not less than 'l-
lan a at 1, . Iy ax c -40.1. ::- Ethnologists s11 3 . that of 1111 bright 307.624 tons, an increase of 150 per
So 41,1 1'1511 h01,1:,, 11 e1!-1 up for colors red is the favorite among prl• cent
a fortrl"lit, in 1 •"rt :t 1' rayed hila ordure peoples. It e•xeitev to vlelence The Clyde 01110111111115 output for
(lily forty-ei$bt 14,1','.. .11101 of sea - in hags and uuif,':144, Red Is the April is the 111ghe11 rec•urded in any
Klocks corks had t. b 1..:,1•1)111 from '1171:ie'1i1 of dot,)in:,tiou i11 pnlit(014 end month except April. }.013. when the
Eastern Gclmanc, 151,1 it is }1n411- b 11141,11, The cardinal and the floc-Aquitttnta andCal0arian were launch.
able in any case thee his main bo,1.e5, ter of diri:.:ty 11 tae, their real robes , ed, 1.::st month's output amounts to
which :were to envelop the Allied left, On the outer hand, red has replaced 1hir;-y-four vossel41, w•itl) an aggregate
could have been ready to 111110011 :toms) green 1n 011e respect as a restful color, • tonnage of 85,774. Prospects indicate
the frontier bef,ae the 12th at the At great state functions out of doors the Clyde will soon reach a higher
earliest. They got going two duis in India, such as a durbar, red nmb4e1- standard than in pre-war days.
later, but these two 118)'4 were 111y:::u- 1:':: are preferred to green as an et' Vice Admiral Hallyeg, writing in the
able to Joffre, who otherwise origin ieei1ve ellaeharl0. Vo8etscho Zeitung, estimates the Cor -
not have been in a position to hold the Blue hay a minor influence. Cur1- man mercantile marine before the war
German onrush in check. , nusly enou5.11, it appears only to af• at a gross tonnage of five and a half
Lost Opportunities.I
f feet t1);• cot in the 84,018 way that red millions. 114 fofourand a half years of
affects other animals. Humanity has war about three-quarters of a 01i111011
Neither the British nor the French i a respect for blue, which is the cloak tons were added, a little more than the
had intended fighting in the mining of heaven. In legends and fairy talus - output in a single normal year. Dur-
regions of dons and Charleroi, defen- I it is the good little boy, destined to ing the war 1,000,000 tons were cap-
sively or otherwise, but they were achieve sncce08 in life and marry a tured by the enemy, of which 385,000
forestalled by tho enemy. By the princess, wile is described as clothed , tons were taken on the high seas. Two• •iron,"
morning of the 23rd, when the battle in blue, while a red blouse serves for and a half million tons took refuge in I And sure enough, !t did. Tho man
of Mons opened, the French had al. . the bad boy, i neutral harbors, but as neutrals came .
ready been driven across the Sambre, I Violet 1.4 held to be a depressing into the war the greater part of this hadn't worn It two months when it be -
Fume Tire•fi'aving Fl:lte, Tions. i
\\'e 4:111 nut 111011 Ixa 1,e ro caless'
w'i`ll our tires t w:, ort ( were. 0
1 .
1451:4144414, 111)t long 144.) .) I [ iln.
tat h built eoi•t.ln 411 turd 1 0111,.
tsn . i .:;'ed with s+oao set 'cilm5a. I
1'::19 in 11 hilt :n I (trove at l loaf!,
r^xe:l over tl'I5 for five miles o1 so„
with nnllnr4 oily no (taninae, I11t,
ten miles farther on, a tire blew out;
deet mee.l enethcr '.ill four.
Ain twenty tulle! The 6114. 1114441';
a ' -1 worked rkc•1 in like 1) n ren 11t. •
nal13, arti my cc1in47 11, ' p00,.1 71
ly 14 ,u2), :Now, wlh.n I hit eta 11 11
red. I slew a:,110 and pull over o1
31).1 (1.11't no.11'c19 At the first ('10100')
I teen ea' 11.0 ,.:1111 byway, even'
til:.:ell it a11:Is many miles to my,
trip --and I advise you to do the
When ever you take a casing off,
especially an old one, examine its
intericr snrfa"c carefully for cracked
places in the fabric. If one is found,
slip a blowout patch under it when
you put the tire on.
Nen-skid tiros, with their heavier
trend, should be used on the rear
wheels of all cars; the strain s far
greater back there. When the cas-
ings wear thin, they can be shifted
to the front wheels or carried as ex-
tras, while new non -skids are put on-
the rear wheels,
A little cut in a tire doesn't alarm
118, and we let it go; but shorn sand
and 1:une chip,; enlarge it, bit 'by bit,
ental—Lan;!! If we had filled the
cut, usi11 one of the amn11 Vttlrani«
1112; outfits that are on the m:,r?cet,'
we w01!1 have adder. many hundred,
miles to the life of that tire.
Many inner tubes are rained by
the' sudden application of the brekea
after a puncture or blow-out. When
this is done a heavy strain ds thrown
on the tire when 1t is in no 1401111itin,l
to resist it, and the result is an in-
ner tulle tern l:syentl repair. It is
111w•ay' better to shut off the power
and stop the car slowly.
1'11 !(ep the \-':-•1•::_: t,1 (leer.
To !:•:n the r;ld hall cf a ear
free l l 'il r1l t;'nr. tie IS over 4,1 tii
ll 01. , `)il 11 , I. 1' one O. tree of
,der, leo one e.; of g1yeeeine and
one drain rf malt.
Aeroplane With learnchute Attached
Dropped Foe Over tho Dett!o Linea
Just at Duck.
Two problems that fare:! ('(0 Ally'.
Helpful !lints, early In the teat' were how to lel 11
• Do nit 12)4 yc'tr t:.441'4 u,nld,41le to, 111:1,1,..1,1: 011111111er of irait':i., „pi,-., 1,1'1
run when one Or 1-1.,,113 Of1.11,3Ct:1471- 11:1w to 1111111 1110'1 1)1 0,1..,,11.;1'1'14!1:':,).
dens 2)140 1111q _10'.' 101.(11', Thin I bn fleititlt ateullpir':1 t) Rohn ti,,)
111:11:.41 11: cvgi'.e 1.:::k, 1 b1 lllth tit•st problem by lulling te, their .mtive,
you may not ; e' it, 11 ."colo; out the volunteer spies a 'ember c 44'.')',-i-
1 , r i 11.71 1.1'1:1110•: tiro 11111- 11ionnl,l. lief that pian had it • deew.
v.1)^,1 the bear e',: Will have to the becks.
taken 111,-4111 ('010 t1!ve ,1111), which:, The prof14;n}final 44.1)3' 114 11:'111'.11y a
overs motorist , ui aft a:, 101111; 1111111 or a W0111:1.11 1011110111 11 (41111 .
yr011 01411x110(1, a 4104401• liege? 4, :.'d
)1,;, `1100, w1,y 10 locate a cot :111'; 1,)141111 to (11),1011 1tny ewe; n ',ea,
cylin.lar is to open the ecn.,11 :un' r,ft0n uuprinoiplutl. In man1 1 ) 1:41"9
reller vah•e4, cn0 by nue, looking for ha t; arks fur t110 cnnufiy II, .L iu:
Elaine 4t each one. If no flame 113 seen 1(14110414 for his services, and It ..,..:r•
open tl'a throttle- nlinhtly. This .glve1 tllnea happens that a spy iu the ,::a•
the right amotine4 of gas to each cyl ploy of one country is actually, stn
finder, so that the flame will be'
enemy 2)p)'•
strong enough to =hoot out, The 1114(1sh solved tiro problem 411
The hest method on a Ford car 12)• lan(1hII; the 8J1188 iu eeem,, i<rt5lury
to speed up the engine slightly ami. more cosily. They 42)'111111 tai twat
to hold down three vibrators at n' over to the Royal Flying Colpo. Capt.
This leaves one v 0411(111 and x—
the corresponding cylinder firing. I
1 115 selected as the fieri any -
2; dropping pilot, His order v,• 2tir.
the engine stops that cylinder is not j Wendell D. -Howie, who was an 411. e+r•
firinc,pilot in the Royal Flying Corns, were,