HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-22, Page 5t le4S,`"�-.:;i:;'41)'.", .,-:;": F s;wk' ^:.."«-.r~ JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED TCD ,a nrA9M S C1)°G?ttillod�rP Oiteromie Business Cards AlVie)Ei eSAN, yr. 1 L-efivARY SURGEON, to , +eor t, 31. 00. ete,ra. Olitea 0(t Aurlar• 0001 t5 eM. Lavery etald0. Breeeete, tvelephene No, 20. DR. WARDL.W Honor gredunte 01 the Ontario Veterinary t'ollog,'. Un�yy and night calls. Office opposite Flout' .4.11, Ethel. T. T. M' RAE M. F1., M. 0. P., .9 S, 0. 131. 0. 11., Vi liege of Brussels, 111, lehan, ,u'Rowl, Aenounitnur (Milne at. requits+, opposite Melville Chnruh, Weimer street. DR. J, 1-1, WHITE, B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Gredunte Toronto University or Medicine. I4peeiel attention given to diseases of children end Surgery. Office : Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone:4O Brussels JAME$ TAYLOR ['soused Auctioneer for Huron Co, Will sell for es nowt prices Its any other Auu' bones) u1' (Marge notating. PPI,GRAVE P. 0, rKDDIPDDT, KiUIDKAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, • &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, C000ERlca. ONT, Private (I111.1 -1t0 loan at lowest rates. W. Pauonr• oo'r, X. 0. 3, L, Ret aon.N Fl, J. D. Dooms reg Cormick Implements At Lowest Prices 11 ft. hinder, shelf currier and truck .....$213 00 l.It. Render, " ,. ...... 228 00 'urn lender 210 00 : 00 ,31.oyer_....................................... 1'0 60 Gert. Brewer .. se 00 slo.l Rake, 9': teeth 7 00 .'ant l'ine9 Sid.. R100 43101 Tedder 111 00 r.nrze.t '+anmre nv.vealor 108 00 11 Do, Peri ilir., r Drill 143 00 ...ft. Nteeh Reiter 66 60 scnteh Diamond Harrows per section0 00 Climax wagon Gears, 3'1 arms, 21 x it in. Fire 80 00 Fhlgines, Creme Separators, Plows and other Implements 'or. '-pmtdingly cheap and n liberal discount For cash. Order early. OHMS MILNE, - Ethel •F ran brook Farmers' Club 1hts un bawd a yuat0ity Cream of the West floor Shorts Gil Cake Meal A Choice Lot of Groceries Formaldehyde iAlire fencing Grass Seed and Root Seed The U. F. 0. has purchased a seat on the Stock Exchange, West Termite, with a capable slate In charge. Crantwook Club o• ships every v y yitlnrdny, For further ptu't icnlnrs apply Cn +, + Ed. Fulton, + + ,p Sen. -Prean, (J,':tnbrook Far, Club Phone 285 tinst in a 0 0 a 9 a Is prepared to pay highest price for C� Wilde Lam; tiOria aby Chicks • Mr, harmer, (lid you ever figure out ,just lloty much your, Oltix 01093 you tach year from the pesky old lieu breaking the eggs or leaving Ilre nest ? We are hatching taut. iced, 0(l' ('hix each tvcc'k, lin3m nyder, ire for Ihon.siwds, Don't II'tiV0 ell' ordering pairs until 11 Is ton late, Order theta now. WALTER ROSE Phone 3 on 38x Box 31, BRUSSELS Blyth G. 1l. litter, '1'o1.011to, 8001 1f Itarr, J1iollelt, hue etWted in the Pro- duce business in connection with his grocery and coufecliouery business on ,lanes Ave. M(4110clis18 will olNNe•ve speoial "Home Corning" services Sunday, June 1st, They have been fortunate in securing Rev. R. A, Miller, of Mt, Bt•ydgee, its special preacher of the day. Beginning with last Sunday, the Sabbath School- of 80. Andr'ew's 0100011 meets at 4 45 a. 111, instead of in the afternoon es has been the case during 1.13. Winter Monate, The ele1t01011 of officers of the Wo- man's Institute resulted as follows :— President, Mr's, R. Riehmortd • 1st Vico President, Aire. S. A. Pople- erone ; 2nd Vice President, N11-9. It. \Vi htinan Sed Iieas Ales Har- vey Gilley Asan lanl Serrelaly, Mrs, 13 Herrington Organist, Mrs. 1. li. 13rown Repheatntatives to the Dist - Oct Convention in 0oderich, Mee. 3, Carter, Mrs. John Mills, Mts. P. Gard- iner. Clinton Col. McOrimuruu, London, was in tow u, i(1sllr'ethhg the Cadets tin con- neetinn with the Collegiate, Airs, Wallis, Ales. Beaton, Mrs. Mc- \latll and Miss Porter attended the District W. M. S, Convention at Nile, Eunrner8on Libby left for London where he has joined up as ''Bugler" with "Princess Pats" Jiagb. for one year. Rev, 8, MoKegney and J. Ransfmd attended the Synod of Huron in Lon- don. This is the 34th consecutive year for Mr. Ransford. He is a live wire. Dry Good stores, clothing stores, boors and shoe stores, drug stores and hardwtue stores will close Wednes• day afternoons doting Jane, July and August. Jackson Mfg. Co., which hasbranch- esat Zurich and Goderich, are enter- ing into arrangements with Hensall to establish a branch there, Clothing is their line, On motion of Councillors McE00am and Carter Lhe town will order a car each of egg, stove and nut coal, from C. A, Wiliam & 00,'l'or'nnt0, at the prises quoted viz :—IRo,50, $0,78 end $31,87 f. o. b. at Clinton. The following nffieel's Por Lite Board of Trade were elected :—Hon, -Presi- dent, D. Cantelon ; President, H. \\)iMac ; Vice•President, 0. F, Libby; 14er,•Tfettsut•1'r, A, T. Cooper ; Com- mittee, J. A. Ford, N. W. Trewartha, P. 1'.a n JttOk.nDr. Slaty D, L, Mar- rlesam H. Sharp, S r RnzeII I. W, 'Treleaven, 1•L \V. Pollock, W. Jackson, Geo, McLennan, R. E. Man- ning. Listowel The tulips in the bed In (runt of the poslollice are in full bloom, and loot) very pretty. Matey of our citizens are complain- ing about their neighbors' chickens destl'oying their gardens and shrub- bery. 1t is estimated that; fully 400 were present at the Masonic "At Home" at the a.nlovies, including many from out of town. Kenneth Ohannney received a nasty wound on the head while playing foot- ball, being aceiclenally kicked after he had fallen, A stitch was requited in closing the wound. Dr, M. H. Moore had the misfortune to lose ane of his valuable lively horses. The animal in some unknown manus• broke his leg and had to be shot, ; , .6...o.a.,:z bQylrea Aral' v,,,z, "{ GET THE HEST, IT PAYS ` �LL1tD"1"1' ' Q "alb e ter 'longe & Charles Sts., Toronto the Is noted throughout Can- .' 80.1 ada for high grade busi- +t $0 ness education. 6 • a .4 Great demand for our Graduates, ' Open all vale•, Enter now. i' 1Vrlts Por Oetstogue. t,, W. ✓. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. 4' ' :14 t%gcaVeia'V 4 Y ^ evaalece'O,coMeccR eta •a a Scrap iron, Rubbers, Rags, c. WOOL Highest price paid. See me before you sell, a a 0 0 A 0 0 W v 1 e 0 6 1 Highest Cash Price for °ceo et • f• ive Poultry and Hides n v Will or Phone 62x a l 0 4 d i MILL S'T1.tEI+7T BRUSSELS e b o • 01.00@40694••000010•0NAN'► SAM Wf INSTEIN Potatoes Wanted Omemee Four Oran and Shorts t0 HAND Seeds of all Mods, oleo Salt phone 43o'27 W, J. McCracken h.t J efkiofl 1 Its •.d '.A ilhafne, T 1. I1, ;Clamp of 1111) ,o, twill cul,.lrnrl eon- tlrluatiouiserviceiit Uhriet ol,nrclt ore Thlnrelay, May 22, al''i 101 n•It. Some of the young folio, in 1,131)01 luestarling in talk r ,'ally to help 1.1101113H res la htnaivete growing the various Rowse mels around town, Pfelfee Al tiling eompW1y are doing away with their Steam phut and have given au order to the Public. Utilities Cuultnieshnn fur (10 additiooltl till burst' -answer, having previllie installed a 100 hur8e-pnwei uolnr, While in the service+ of the Evite. gelieul rwd Soelal Service l01 010(111 0(r the Methodist1l,ureh its Field Hee- rotary, Rev. W. hi. (Willson, Listowel, will nutke his home at London, Wh1le In that, city over the weekend, he matte arrangements for the pin, chase of it reeldence, John Lindsay, \Vallace, was injured about the head and shoulder when a horse which he lied been (hiving along the 3rd 11111', near his hnule Look fright, and he was thrown frutrt his rig, b'rrc some time ho tuns tlnc0nsed- ou8 and has since been confined to bed. Fordwich Wm. \Vade had the misfortune to lose his line Jersey cow. Wes. Downey left here for the West after spending the past month with his patents and other relatives and Mends here. R. G. Gibsnrl, blacksmith, son of Ben. and All Gibscur, 20d Con„ has given up hie blacksmith business in Listowel and d8 moving with his wife and danghler to Mitchell cohere he has secured a 8141eudid position. J. W. Bas0wit.herick received a sad message stating that hie brothel', \Villitun, had died the previous Thurs- day evening. Demised, well remem- bered here boon and had )1'r a n, resider o t P Bender, Sask., for a number of years. Trowbridge Miss Lottie Oode has returned home aftee spending two menthe with her sister,) AL's, Dr. Stewart, Wingham. There was a reception Alonday even- ing of last week at the home of Janice Hiuniltou, for Arthur Robertson, re- turned soldier, who was presented with a gold watch, (Alain and locket. Wednesday evening under the aus- pices of the PaLritlie Society, there was a large gathering in the basement of the church in hnaor. of 1000 ration- ed teen, Pte. William Coates, sou of John and Airs. Coates, who arrived home Saturday, and Signaller George Wallace, brother of Mrs (Rev.) Stell- ing, who returned Tuesday noon, There was an enjoyable social time and impromptu program over which James McOrae presided. Other re- turned men present; were Clarence Adams and Molly Hamilton. The bays were called on to tell something of their experiences but all excused themselves. Molesworth SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is re- pot t e-pots of 8. S. No. 4, Grey and Wallace, for March and April:—Jr, IV.— Gertrude Sangster 77 ; Jessie Sangst- er 75. Jr. IV.•—Mtu'garet McDonald 70 ; Will Mitchell 65. Sr. III—Fraser McDonald 73 ; Eva Ctuumifng 70 ; Nellie: Campbell 02 ; Annie Cumming 00; Jessie Mel l,loa1142; Benet ice Mc- Donald 40 ; John Felker 35 ; Aland Douglas (not ranked,) Jr. III,—Ben- net Mitchell 50 ; Gordon 0010.011011 45 ; St.. Claire Campbell 40 ; Guy McDon• ald 38. Si. Il•-Rubeena Magoff n 73 ; John 13nnvr72 1 3 t A at inn s Saal ' B tet 04• Muth Felker 53. Jr. II— Rueben Bertlett 54 ; GLt' cle McIntosh1 51 ; West 3y Douglas d5 ; Eva Saugstet'. Sr. I—Muriel Elliott 58 ; Margaret Sangster 51 ; Margaret Mitchell 48 ; Jean Oampbell 40 ; Robert Simmons 51 ; Bob McNerney, Archie McDonald, Tom McNeilley, Jessie Edgar. Prim- e' A—Gordo, Berlett, Geo. Brown, Katie Belle e e Stewart, Josie Gumming, Pewee 13—Archie Onmming, Ralph Wilt. No. on Roll -39. Average at- tendance 34, $uODA 13. DIaAN, Teacher. Gorrie Mts. W. A. Irwin is recovering nice- ly frnm her severe illness. Thos. Bennett left for Filtn0re, Sask., where he purchased a section of 101.1(1. Mrs. H. P. 1Volxleock left for Bran- don, Mau., where Mr. Woodcock has secured a good siltint ion. One of \V, .Rainey'.s childeetl, while driving cows out of the school yard, at Ot:ange Hill, was attacked by a cow arid caught by his clothes on elle in- ilm'ittted animal's lotus and carried for some distance. FnrL•Unately the child esnaped with It few bruises. 41. v G, J, .1(eve received word that lois soil Pte. D. G. Kerr, had met with an nlcident,, which we are glad to kerne was lint, very serious. The steering gear of the ear he was driv- ing bl.1km and the car was overturned into the ditch. Oahe' i100..'11111w18 re. ("aped without injury, but Pte. I(err sustained several btoken ribs and a severe shaking up. Word received slated that Ile 30113 eecoveeing nicely Irl, the base hospital neat. .6c','o'e, 1+'ranee, Atwood Ohats. NlcMane is having his house bricked, N. L. Batches Winghann, is the new teller ab the Bank of Hamilton. W. Fair toil)o to Milverton.. Mrs, 0. 11. Forrest and children al' - rived from Lo'obnrn, Sash., and is with her father, J. 1V. Gtlki1sou, at Listowel. who is very low at present, Elwood Lang arrived in Atwood front overseas and will spend a week with his aunt, Mee, Jet'. Dewar, 12th OSI,, and other relatives before leav- ing for his home in 01tntoits, Alta, He enlisted with 80191 Battalion at Calgary and spent 8 years in Femme with the loth Battalion. The Soldiers' Aid elected the follow. ng officers :—(1hal'ihtan, 0, W. Stock- fotd ; vice -Chalmette Wallace Me - Bain ; Sooretlu'y-J'reasuree, A, 8, Robitson Finance Committee, A. M, Swanton Percy GIsensides, 10. A, Thompson ; Employment Committee, W. R Erskine, tVm. Robb, E, IL Swing; Reception Committee, Rev. W. H. McDonald, Geo, E, 00x, and ,Alex, Morrison, A,sr urer,Lnww++oa.ak.rAm,s.�a" e.+,6.„' wa.ni�.iM:awiirw,v.,a.,.-,.. a ht a p 1'n, and Limt the; ciisrlt Probst+• the eeeesaly Ji+laws. Moved l.'. (1,+ 1t and Aline that we arrant ad•' I It- lie r lelal nn 111r MI(t1 1; Ire I .1 Lad, 1, Li InII, 1,-.! I,Irn IIs,,, d,ndny (111(011 11110.%. Int. 1010 A '.peclal rp,'t•liti;. of ('.'not:Jl nun held 'lay 10111, 8 p. m. 110 ('lei It's .Ills.' to n;u•II teotlelx and tttt'W d 1•u11Otu't, I'111osviug ar1'unnts WET). paid - .1. T. Leun.x, 10140(90 l0 ,ulve11 $13910; \VIII. 101011 I, sol k 1.2) road, *0 >;1 Al",X91333rd, i+alk n0, 1 tat 311 oil \t. M ging, 01.01: e1.1 1'.,.,.1,air4' 801 can AV":nF:hnhl I1• 'i' 0 ,0 Dvulii,l101',,11(11, SM., i1. Mored by VV. A. Attie s irud J. .1, Moffett that 11. et Colleeil nieetiug h,' held in 131u.'v.tl0, Friday, Mee :1(1. IMO at 1 p uh ,richt. a (^ tut 4.1 lir vision of the ;1 et • •,. imn.l 10+11 cuts 1•, 114. 1', Powl?t.t. (.'b't k. ERNDg THOEJOHT NE VOUD DIE "FRUIT -A -MRS" Conquered Dyspepsia and Restored Hie Health, MR. ROBERT NEWTON, Little Bras d'Or, C, B. "I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching gas, constant headaches, and did not sleep well at night. nest so much weight — going from 185 pounds to 146 pounds—that I became alarmed and sato several doctors who, however, did me no good. Finally, a friend told me to try `Fruit -a -rives'. In a weele Mere was improvement. Theti eons patios was corrected ;and 8003 I was free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous", ROBERT NEWTON. 500, a box, fi .fur $2.50, trial size 25e, At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa. On April 20 Mrs. Margaret I•L, be- loved wife of Jas. T. McKenzie, 10th Con., Elmo., following a stroke of paralysis a flew days before, passed peacefully away. She was the seeoud daughter of the late Jno. Struthers and was born in June, 1654, near Poole, Motvington township, nearly 65 years ago. In 1876 she was married to Jas. T, McI(enzie and to them a family of 4 sons and a daughter was born. Surviving are Charles and John, 16th Con., Elam ; Alexander and Elizabeth, now Mrs, Buchan, of Stratford ; James Tyrer having died in childhood. Seaforth .Rev. T. H, Brown attended Huron Synod in London, Capt, McCrimrunn, London, inspect- ed the cadets of the Collegiate. Street Letter Boxes have been re- painted and new time cards installed. Petitions for oiling streets were not sufficiently signed for the Council to take action. Miss Grace Weir, win had taken a full course in ae 'aHospital, NwS.orc graduated last week. Jack Pringle, who has returned from overseas, tvae the guest of his grand- mother, Mrs. J. 13. Broadfoot. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, called by Mayor Harburn, for the purpose of organizing a band, A. A. Naylor, W. Edmonds and 1V. J. Williams were in Gode•ich at- tending t - t n l g the District meeting g of Odd - fellows, as representatives from Fideli- ty Lodge, Seaforth, R. S. M. Arthur P. Reid who re- turned from France recently, is visit- ing at his home before going to Toron- to where he has a good poeition awaiting him with the Bank of Coop coerce, Turnberry Council Minutes of Tuenbeery Council held in Bluevale, Monday, Moly 5113. All members present, Reeve presiding. Minutes of last meebing meetingread and adopted on motion of Porter and Mot. fate, Report; on the McMichael Drain was read and considered. Mov- ed by Porter and Moffatt that report be provisionally adopted, that a Court of Revision be held Friday, May 30th MEM1).a 4+0+4+, F4'F0+N+0+0+0+0+V+4t+4+0+0+0+0+0+0+4+>+0+0+0+0.0 Bears are fictive on the peninsula, ac• cording to reports from the West shore, Several sheep have been lust near I'rke Bay and boars are ).aid to be the maraud. err. According to the latest bulletin issued from the Provincial Secretary's office, Palmerston is now the largest town 111 Wellington county aura is credited with a population of 1,8. . The many friends of Mrs. E. H, Beau, wife of the pastor of the Evangelical church, Milvertou, will be pleased to learn that according to latest reports her condition is gradually improving, She had gone to Toronto to take part in the Evangelical meetings conducted by Rev. H. L, Stephens and when ore her way to the statiou at Torouto she was suddenly stricken down on the street, She was hurried to St. Michael's Hospital. Her right side was paralyzed and she lay un- conscious for the greater part of several days. Her husband, who was attending the annual Cooference session at Tav- istock was notified and immediately leit for Toronto. He returned to Milverton on Saturday evening as Mrs, Bean's condition had somewhat improved, but left Miss I(sthr n y with her mother. Her son, Pte. Emerson Bean, who has S. Carter Agent, Brussels Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De I ,wan record of service and durability, has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. pi -IE treameryman knows 1 which separator skims clean- est, colts the least to keep in good working order, and lasts the longest. He has to know. The wrong separator might easily mean a loss to him of several thousand dollars a year, They can't fool the crearneryllman That's why 98% of all the separators used in the world's creameries and milk plants are De Lavals. And it's just as important to you as it is to the creameryman that you make no mistake in your choke of a cream separator, Why not be guided by the creameryman's experience? Come in some day and talk it over SOONER OR LATER YOU WiLL BUY A f• s 0 + 0 The Seaforth Creamery• • ream. Wantecl ,............ +• Send your Creamto the Creamery thoroughly •" established and that gives you Prompt Service and •I•°Satisfactory Results. 0 + 0 + Q + e + We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. Ir We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- pies and pay you the highest market prices every two 0 weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C. T. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 44011+6+0+ acv+M90+9+e+0+044 +6A++.+4,+.+6+6+644,444-0 0 122 Its AS JM q uality given it that rich flavor D IrEkis good tci., Sold only in sealed packages I curl oyeramet for !not e,l:an ; Veal, was intercepted un his 030 t1) l,011dnn and )let rained :d Toned., lied: og It's mother h,1' ;r tcolons condition which was a -'vert shuck to hint. Mn., Bean is .0ll anabie to .peak, but appear.; c(nseiou4 of li' 0 surrounding... Foo 41141.1. is looming up on Victoria Park. A Winn peg subscriber remitting tor '1'1ie Po'T says; —Always glad to re. sews tale old home paper. Au Owen +44 ++++++++++4 ++++++++++++ + uEERINcH I. AGENCY + + + • + 4. 1. 1. + + 4.+ S,m3,1.0, 1'u 0011n4110g, writes • --With you stunned $'11" ••,8 with 00(11 splendid paper which ta,ug., 11e the ho , e news so regularly. THt: 90'ptrtment 0(1 Militia & De- fence b•ts accepted the tender of J. Walker & Sou, Funeral Directors for the inter meet of remains 01 deceased sol - titers who d10 at Wingliam, Ontario. This inclades all members of the C. E. F on the strength at the time of their decease and also all those who die after discharge, whose burial expenses are still chargeable against the public. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Standing ie � fid Crop Competition +q� East Huron Agricultural Society of. + fare 07000 divided as follower -$220, $16, 302, 010, 98, 30 and 04 tar the best field of '1' White Oats. �• 1'h (edam D.petu,snt of Agreed. +. turs will f.0 r t h the Judges 't Nature .1 t ,ol'rt1401 Plead ono, •t' ea for competition must consist of not +- ream than tiro acres ami lett more than 4• twenty. •F• Competitors - Computation will be + limited to member:. of East Huron Ag. 4, rierltnral Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but ono +, entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual can melee entry for (hie 4' competition by becoming a member of the Sneiety and paying an BD trance fee 7, yy of 31A0, and an additional $1:00 for Field Crop Competition. The prize winners meat exhibit at 4. East Huron T'a11 Fair one sheaf of grain + from therice winning field, said .q sheaf . to be not lless than 8 inches in diameter •i• at the binder, The name and variety .1. must be attache 1 to rho sheaf and also quantity of grain for sale, if any. Prises of 14, 35 and $2 will be given se first, second and third prizes for such exhibit of sleeves. {yp� All competitors moat. be within 16 •s' miles of Brussels. Applications must '1_', be in by the 24th day of May. Th Entry forms and further partinnlare may be had by applying to M. BLACK, Secretary - Brussels. 4. John Oliver NRi riwF;t'3 4 has. taken 1001' the 1leeririg Ag - 4. • envy and handles a fill line of 4' Warm Implements including the T. noted + + fiI' T. f. H. C. Cream , Separators + + 'Elle only Cream Separator with + + +two wide open creamoutlets— + + + no cream screw in tete path of q •l1' + the cream. See 1t when dun WOw11. + + I. • The 1, H. C, 8-16 end 10-20 Tractors 4. ' r are among the best. + The Deering Manure Spreader + + f, With the wide ,.plead and very + + light, in draft. + + I John Oliver 4+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++A i t•i••M•d--A•1••h•1••FH••I••F't^B•d•4-e••I'4.4'•F'0••F'B-t• a (vat99Y9996SB16f990099909439Be10 AS999999999s9D9G®Qt9n99m®M® h Phone 4.1x Phone 83 5 da 9 el 80 • e 9 e 9 9 et el el9 0 0 d 80 fta 40 to a Repair Servic' WITH 11101' present stock of Machinery Repairs, Plow Shares, etc., we aim t0 give the best satisfaction possible 1n are e every- thing icoveringour lineRepairs, wlc all ofwhich .act duplicates and give the of p e service of the original parts. Help us keep our line complete by nldering as early as possible. Wheel and Woodwork Repairing We give prompt attention to all Wheel and Wood -work Re- pairing, Re -Acting of Rubber Tires and Channels, and carry in stock and apply all Standard sizes of hest grades of Carriage Rub- ber Tires. U Use the best and get extra value from your tires. We ran satisfy you in the lime of work. Our Carriage Painting \Vial 6t1,111.1 the closest inspection ; one Vatnishe8 any reasonable test, and all applied by a carriage painter who thoroughly under- stnnds the ellieie,lr in this line of work. We give our work proton! til tent ion, With medial seevice, moderately priced. The '0 e A b • is 9 9 9 9 9 9 40 0 9 is n 1 1'8 Plum Blacksmith Shop e t60®A99otice•eddelde0totesibs®09®®®®90M9i99999999999n99199s0 Cream Wanted 3959111314091139116 Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Return; We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want tp. discontinue. Brussels Creamery Stewart Bras'