HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-22, Page 4o tie tirussels 1'1117leSDAY, MAY 22 lino tl eeet eye,. reed ,hc•.r Editorial eentle weeks ibere are some 1(,.•'i "hangs in this cehuun, evert if .t •,;., o say sn, and ,.f ten they ere edei ter von. Volt bitter form e•,, 1 tr,ttgrnt.: Columa N. 1 011 wheat the Editor has nn ' 1,1 Il oma vouutries it is beeomiug quite ted to ndopt a monkey into the ?atniit•. In this country frequently menileee ,•t the gamily try to make a -monkey" of "Dad" or "Main" by get- ting ,t into their heads that they know more. them •i1.• "old folk" and turu deaf etite • , advice and wise counsel when entered. Wee: marke• appears to be looking geed et e uttterities say "the moot pactit•,• elei et in decade." .10 to 55 e,-ut, of more per pound would almost make sheep •:,wners of a few years ago imagine they had awakened from a most pleasing nightmare. We are not able to place in their proper rotation the livestock on the farm today. Will premier place be given to the cote, steer, sheep, hog or hen' We once owned a beck of sheep ourselves but sold the wool :el Ise a pound and uo kick either. f:;vr.t•: s aouee of the 31. P's and M. P. P's g•-' a surveyor to locate them oo the Prohihit:m question so that electors will be ahei .o kooa definitely whether they are supporting the Boy or the Bottle there are a goodly number of gentlemen warrnie ; p•lrtiamentary seats who will n. eve! , to my more. Thin le too big 3133 • .• nr,l..riant any iesne to quibble ..Ii:=r.ipt to tape both wave. t•me •a•.,,I-tehake he1•reli free from tee t alcohol tor ever and cleat :tics who are defenders of sobriety and will speak and vote for the complete overthrow of this pronounced enetny to this Dominion. Temperance people have beeu fooled too long. Now for business, Do you want to have a tip-top time at the coming Soldiers' Welcome Home and Old Buys' Reunion in Brussels o0 duly 27, :.8 and aq? Of course you do, well then pitch in now and help get everything ready for the good time that's rotning. Put ginger into your as - Astor.... ltd one of the best gatherings 14r11,:eh;,113locality ever held will re - stilt. 'lilt:' is a Community Welcome and -,•ty o -•liter and family connected to hint is invited to throw themselves heartily and in a m ,st off•handed man- ner inn, the plan. Suggestions will be welcomed hr the officers as to novelties, hints ae r, methods and plans from any- body. Are ou ready? Well, "Yo Heave. '1'ns longer we live the more couvinc- ed we become that the programs mark- ed out by the Domibion Parliament, and carried out as far as possible, are mark. ed and :tile marred by so large a meas- ure or party and personal selfishness as to he 'nen with the naked eye. Men with fog horn utterances during cam- paigns if elected cease blowing their horn and appear to be satisfied to live in the fon as long as his party says so. No matter what the general interests of the Dominion may he much of our legisla- tion is .onotructed on the checker board or er::n•,• 1. nchtvork pattern and men vie with eee en other in pulling off 8 x 10 stouts, ; er•.•iy sectional in their charact- er, in,f wren detrimental to the body politic, tine thing looks certain that the old time writ and Tory castiron line- ups wi'1 be. largely represented by x fn the due, to emote and the wise elector will at cut a good share of his old partyism end vote for men of reconized ability, integrity and worth who will stated by the Dominion and its best in- terests u= guaranteed by their past his- tory. Some of the manipulators of party polities today are men whom de- cent people would like to handle with tongs and disinfectants, if they could not p'1." 3 31 the other side, Weather vane 3.3•clans are no good, except as they - personally y profited. trtt> •n til r•: never was a time in the 1 111 ,nr of tier .arid when there was so much 3:13'1 .1s 10,3 now, While there may be r,:1,m for complaint much of It is the ourc,n1, of sympathy, genuine or sul,nrfiiriel , iLli the agitators and tike a erns, turd child when asked what its real -leeirc is has difficulty in arriving at a eremite:het The war may be respon- sible to, 111nc11 r f the turpitude and what is 008-'13 1111 r now is a wise head, a big heart and 3'i Deng arm that will be able to rock the tvorld•cradle so wisely and well that the tumult will he allayed and the In11Aby tiuntned will brlug quiet and restfuiness. The hest things for this life are not attained by yelling demands frottt the housetop i by a mob demolish• itlg windows or pelting somebody with stones end refusing to obey law and order. This is the aoth century, the day of Education, of perliatnents, con- ferencev and congresses, the church and l the school and yet reading the deity tle• gel^`;'.: Centre Huron 'rho minuet n1001ing of the Centre Ileum Libe1'al Asso(iation will be h,•I.1 tU Catalll(14 111111, sea. fort h, "n Tuesday, May 271 It, 111111. at 8 o''l) 1k p in, Al thie.tuec ting besides 3113' usual busiurss of the annual uleetit g, delegates will 130 selected l'ol• the Ontario Provincial 1.113008,1 l',nit a 1(t t 'n 10 be 11011 nt Toronto tw 1a333e 2501 and 211t11, 1t1111. 1;33)4 atteltihul I. of 1•110 Liberals of the l'Wog i4 deviled. 1i. 213'Bn1R, President, 1_e . L, KILLORAN, Secretary, North Huron 'Phe Animal Meeting 03 the Lib- erals of North Hnr•on, as e0ustilltt- ed for Federal pnrpo.es, will he hold in thi'Town Hall. \Vingheun, on Friday, Siay Mtn, at 1 p, 01. (Standard 1111)01, 101,91 a 1111311111- ent Liberal V,'0(l i n with llatlley Dewart, K. O., M. P. 1'., will ad- dress the electors 1(1 both sexes, press (cline dvys of riots. strikes, defi- ance, police, soldiery, is , 0110 would think we bad backslidden 400 years. Civilization is apparently not very far re- moved from barbarism yet. Evidently a Moses is badly needed in our parlia- mentary halls, as captains of industry end in the exercise of good judgment in piloting the great human family from Egypt to the Promised Land Talk alone will never accomplish it but allied with calm discussion, a spirit of fair play all round and wise leadership permanent and satisfactory results might accrue. ONE of the institutions that will be evergreen as long as the great war is remembered will be the splendid un- selfish wort of the Red Cross Society. While tn,ur.autls of litho: of Ihank,. have 1+011 publrthrd mud, we suppose, millivat: of words ..1, .kin rspies:non of gratitude, an adequate summing up of the practical help afforded iu giving comfort to the sick, ceriug for wounded and the dyiug, to say nothing of the the hundreds of thousands of brave lads whose arta was sttengthed and heart cheered by the ready help so often at hand by this wonderlul organization eau never be given, Dear old Florence Nightingale and her never-to-be•forgut. ten service in the Crimea, over 6o years ago, was but the rising of the sun corn pared with the noontide effulgence of the past 41 years. While great praise is due the grand service of those who stood in the front places es for as the officiary is concerned, the real work was done by the battalions of women and men -largely the former --who in city, tow/, village, hamlet and country side did "their bit" with a vigor, con stoney and good fellowship that caused all former efforts of philanthropy, pat• riotism and generosi'y ti, pale into in- significance. Many a humble Red Cross Society deserves a laurel wreath or the bestowment of beautiful b.quets of choice roses for the way they planned and labored to make sure the boys "over there" would have every comfort and attention that was possible. We say 3 cheers and a "tiger" for young and old, rich and poor, black, red and white people who never said die as long as necessity for help existed, "God bless the Red Cross nurse" 3055 an ejacula- tion on the lips of every sick laddie as the ministering angel, almost tirelessly, did her noble duty. Many a man is alive who would to day be sleeping under the poppies had it not been for the unequalled services of doctors and nurses, aided by their he'pers and the sanitary conditions maintained. The heart of the world undoubtedly throbb- ed in unison with the great humanitari- an spirit that, like a tidal wave, swept over the continents. We are glad Cana- da -and Huron County -bad so large a share in th3, labor of love. Toe spirit of it should not he allowed to clie out Huron County Hospitals Letter published below, written by Dr, J. P, Reunedy, \Vingham appear- ed in London Free Press May Sib, and was in reply to an editorial which ap- peared in that paper tt few days earl- ier, dealing with the subject of hospi- tals in Hut on enmity Ln1Tut 111 FREE Pa). os :-I enticed an edit011al 1(e your paper of May 5, regarding hospitals in Huron County. 1 ani very glad indeed that the county is at least taking up this matter. The County of Huron is one of the wealth- iest counties in the province, and is well able to erect snc1 assist in the maintenance of hospitals. So far, however, it has done ver), little along this line (LH compared with surt0tmd- ing counties. The conuties of Bence, Perth, Wellington, Elgin and Lamb. ton have given thousands of dollars to support their hnapitala, As regards towns, the happen to have 8 or 4 all about the same size and population, There is no ono large centre in the county. Goderi0h has the largest population, but is shut off on one side by the lake. There ale already hoard. tale at 3 of these towns in operation. To build to big hospital in any one of the towns would be a piece 03 monu- mental folly, as it would not receive any patient 0r anysnpp0rt from the doctors of ally rather trlwns already having hospitals. It could be Clothing hart a fecilure, a source 0f expense to. the enmity and it white elephant for the next 50 yearn or longer. 7 TIRED WOMAN TOOK VINO[ Now She is Strtr'i7rg and Hearty Philadelphia, Pa, -"I was over- worked, run down, nervous, could not eat or sleep. 1 felt like crying all the time. 1 tried different remedies with- out benefit. The doctor said it was a wonder I was alive, and when Vinol was given me I began to improve. I have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect, and have gained in weight. I can not praise Vivol enough." -Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, zoos Nevada St., Philadelphia, Pa. We guarantee Vinol to make over- worked, weak women strong or re- turn your money. Formula on every bottle, This is your protection. P, R. SMITH You say '•the, best hospitals to -day are located in the larger cities." I beg to take issue with yon here, The Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minn, is the largest snegical centre In the world, and Rochester is only a small town. The late Dr, R, Al. Bruce Smith, inspector of hospitals for On- tario, in hie tepoet fen 1010, speaks as follows : "Many of the town hospitals are better a nipped than larger city institutions for surgical and medical work, and the recognition of this fact accounts fon the large increase in the number of admissions to the smaller hnspitale," I and not afraid to state and to prove that. in 011r local hospital Here, we do as good and sometimes better work than is done in some of the larger city inetitutiens. Since our hospital was opened T(1 or 11 years ago, we hate had tinder Ireatluent !really 31)100 patients, not enunting Iheeases "f wiunr aperatiuua which went inane the day of the "Pe) al ion. I eat) mune sntue or these patients who would surely have died if a hospital had not been close at hand. At ;a meeting of Hamm bfediral Association, held in Goderich, the matter was discussed and the ennsens- us of opinion was that if the County Council decided to give the proposed grant towards hospitals, the better thing to do w0nlcl be to divide it among them pro rata according to the value of their buildings anti equip- ments, It was also thought advisable by members of the association, that each of the hospitals equip a wing or •t••P••t•i••F+F•F3••t•B•d•d•- •t••N4••1- i••S o0.}4••}.,a.c,p 4- .••1• 1 Girls o omen -610102V0391135%220! + - •1' StoplookListen T. + Steady work as Machine 4' Operators. Good pay. Apply or write at once. + k Excelsior Knitting Mills • J. T. WOOD k + • BRUSSELS ONTARIO ,+ + ++++++44÷1,44.+++++++++++++ Court •A3•d••b++4 f• I,44.+4••f•+•t•d•'8'i•+d••t•d•d- Court of Revision Township of Morris The Court of Rev1001) on the Assessment Roll of the Township of Morris w111 be held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Monday, May 20 BI nest at 10. o'clock a.m. All persons interested will please take notice and overn themselves accordingly, A. MAGE WEN, Cleric. Blnavale, May 1230, 1010. FOR SALE A pure bred Scotch Short Born Bull, 10 months old, got by a J. A. Watt bred bull, and out of Lovely Maid by the Car int bred bull, Royal Blossom -15942-, grana taut Dairy. maid -079113-, by Broedhooks Prince Inlp. (38048). The dam of this calf tuns bred by me, and is of the Scotch Marr Rachel family. I bred them for years and they were the beet milkers, alvo Show and beef nettle I Ind. Be is tit for service now. Pride and terms easy. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. Properties for Sale 150 acre B'arn1, known 411 the Strotton prop, arty, 5th line Morris township, for sale, P011.80038031 next Fall, Well located near Brussels. The 25 acres in connection with the Revere House( Brussels, Isola(' offered for Sale, It is eligibly situated, ldotise and 34 acre lot, Itllaebltlt street, Brussels forsale. Apply to W. 10. STRIITTON, Brussel). House and Lot for Sale in Ethel Comfortable frame !louse and one acre of land in the Village of Ethel is offered for sale. Number of fruit trees. Good woodshed and other conveniences. Icor further particulars apply to JOHN OS11ORN% 13th01 P. 0, For Sale Bonne and lots, containing 6% acres, in the Village of Cranhrook, the property of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown, is offered for sale, Frame house, barn, fruit trees @a, Possession could be given at once. Per further ppartieulare op• ply to Nae. THAs. CAMHaoN or Wtl, CADtanON, Itxsoutors estate of the late Mrs. Agnes Brown, Cranhrook. Bull for Service The undersigned will beep for service, on 8l Lot B0, Con. 2, Mthere-bred Morrie township, the the' -bred Short Horn 13utL Gainford of Salem, No, DamlMildredVIIbyRoyal,idl ilor(118512). Ped' (gree may be seen on app)icatlon. Terms - t10.00 for thoro'-brads payable at time of sor- vioe with privilege to return, Grade cows not ntlowed, TF10i3, PIERCE, Proprietor. w '"t' T? 55 el- (:olnalulice to ;Syr 1'1 idiom 1?331() There's !lomat to Come 11 "Rainy 1)1(3'" LiUY STANDARD RELiANCE 1) llehentures'issued to suets of 41U0.00 and up Interest al 0/ paid t0l:e a year. 02 0 Nu wor131--no trouble -Flo expense - and absolute safely. 5'TA DA CI 7 !MUNCIE' ROAM MK COMPJ HEAD OFFICElo-129lNGST.EAsTTORONTO BRANCH1 AYR BROCKVILLE CHATHAM OPFIC[$ IELMIRA NEW HAMBURG WOODSTOCK H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels ward especially Fitted up for the re- 1iU'ned soldiers, As you stay "Raton is a great county," and I sincerely hope that they will give the hospitals a substantial grant and in such a way as will best set v0 the interests of her citizens at large and with due consid- eration Lc the best interests of the county in the future. Ynuf6 sincerely, J. P, Kg' Eur. Wiugham, Ont., May 0. We may say that we are heartily in sympathy with the sentiments ex- pressed in this letter and hope the movement to improve hospital condi- tions will meet with the united sup- port of the County Council. We might point out that tit the present time many counties in the Province have fwa or tlnee hospitals, The Comity of Simone fur ,•vatopla Inas fur years nutintaire(1 four hospitals viz :-Oollingwood, Barrie, Midland and Ot illi+. H. Bellamy. Former proprie'o' „t the Dungannon Netts has moved to Toto( n whe le he has a position as assistant do- eetor on the government purchasing board iu connection with the soldier re- establishment. Listowel town council has purchased, at a cost of $200 a steel flag pole, winch within a very few days will be erected in front of the library building, and from which will be flown the flag donated by Daughters of the Empire. West Ward, St Mails prides itself on the discovery of a white robin, the only white robin ever seen in that district. It was first discovered by W. H. Tovell on his grounds, and ho uas adopted it as a member of the Tovell family. uting Shoes Yes, we Have therm ! The very best, too. Made by the Miner Rubber Co. Mttke your feet comfortable with a pair of these light, easy shoes anti you will forget those troublesome corals. Look over this list :— Men's Black Bats. at .. $1 60 Women's Blue Black Bats. at 1 50 Women's White Bals. at ,,. .., 1 60 Women's Hylace, with Rubber Heels, at 2 25 Boys' all Tan "Tufa--Shu" at ... ,., 1 75 Boys' all Tan Blas. at -.. .. 1 50 Misses' and Youths' Tan "Tuff -Shu" at 1 50 Child's Tan "Tuff -Shu" at ... ... 1 35 -=Y�C�3tlt Shoes are Good 0a Rif ■ Y ■ 'W YC E`L, Moncr1eflf 111111/11 31313 !Nip 6WYl' li�lttlfit'113111 llliliiIi irll l'illl) lthi4ilef 3:1 0,11,1110 .4, vi, h I, ,ii13111'.li,., 4,311 Ih .: ' les! Buggies ! T1 -IE Season is now on for buying your Buggies and D. Ewan is all ready to talk with any intending purchasers as he has a number of first-class, up-to-date Buggies, both steel and rubber tires. We use Goodyear and Dunlop Rubber—the best that can be got. Call and examine our stock. Everybody is made welcome. Big reduction on Buggy prices this year, Call early and pick your choice at D.[wrnfsShotemsns- F3r ussels OIVVllw!1115133 01NNI1J1313 \I'.i1;il 94 11 I ,I t!;;i) 111 tlu133l1 `!. n JI lr llrItll111191iOI1ll;3l11139Fiq 11 1111111 1 09.9,99000••oo •....4 -•9040,•••••••••••....4-•9040,•••••••o SPCIAL TRAINING O 0 • Makes the difference between the low-priced worker and the high- • Gsalaried expert. We can smooth out the road for you from the one q • rheas to the other, • o Students admitted any • time, Catalogue free! • •• • • a ��� 1 J •• • • • 1• —M ddhiedJ 0 4 0 t • ••••••••••••••••N•••••••••4•••4••••••••444••4••••4•• Stratford, Ont. The School that places and Wingharn, Orate its graduates in good positions, • 0 • 3' • 0 G a • • e a • • 0 • • • • • • • • fou Can hi' With 25 Ce In May Cost 34.04 I0 June 1V-S,S. Cost 34,05 War Savings Starr. pa ace be bought whs.:, ever this sign is eisplayed. & h , 'k1s And you can inve';t it in sectirit'oa at safe and prulii:Me e1b :slay held italists. Twenty-five cents saved be made to 030,10 41/13'. ..:creat. ka: very simple pirsct, Thrift Statnys ro-t each. :lateen ;'f Flt. . cr .ea ._.._,- ed for a War Savings Naarep 41/21,, inter,wsl-bearing which the Governlnent wrtll pay $5.00 in 1924. In other words, if you lend the Govern. meat the $4.00 odd 3 :u 1 t •' this easy rnciu'o, t'_. �. ,•crale.ne._t pay it back to you WITH AN AG:-'; TIONAL DOLLAR live years fr37r11 0r,v- And you l ecL lr . nn investor in tb,.7 cst of all .3ecu.'':°es—a 0..13vt..0 t 13o_1:1. to .tl i'cti011. Mahe 1'CVIT N Serge a-1 10 1 Ifs iA iMlRAi 1M1 WM44 Brussels Soldiers' Welcome and ys9 Re ® union fr4 samaans TRA The Commmittee is Most anxious to get the Hautes and addresses of all members of your family, friend, neighbors, acquaintances and their sobs and daughters who have left Brussels or vicinity, in order that they join in the Re -anion to be held in our Town on July ter, 28 and 29. Please scud before June 1st. Would you kindly 1111 in the names and addresses of you family or friends who are absent and wail same at once to 7 ➢111+1 `3 FOX. Convener Invilatiun CoulIllittee, NAME AI)I11iE,SS IRA Wm Wm logl IRA IRA IWL`7 1R4 IRA 111miiimi •••••••44••••••••••90.0.0. 0••09004444.4.43'••••••0.440 Men's Pocket Watnes \'le ate )freeing Special Prices no our pres- ent stock or Wallha01, 1legltut, 11unipden and Elgin Watches. 'These vote bought sump time ago, Tu the lot ate sante suitable, roe preseuls• lion to returned soldiers, All going at special 11.edured Pi ices while present alnrlt lash, 13i1( nee(11f ( a Watch call it n and ace wbnL we hope to oiler. Monogram Engraved Free. A FIJLt, STOOK 0(1 Kodake and Brownie Cameras, films And Supplies We give special instructions with each Kodak 0r 13rnwnie sold. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens 0 4 0 4 • e 0 • • u 0' (' 'r • • • 4 m • • • b m • \Ve always have in sleek a gond assort- • o 0 a • 0. u • m • • • oO • anent of Self -filling, Safety and Regality types. Prices $250 up, Others from $1 up, Watertaan'e itllt in hotlle and 13(1111. Engagement For Cleaning Rings Wedding Rings Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream. This the 131,8T, Pt ion 25n, ,, leg N • fid0 s Jeweler, Wroxeter ••••••••••••••••••400•••4• 64094*490.4•41.90•••••••••••••• tl