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The Brussels Post, 1919-5-15, Page 5
IZt1fr,9l=lit% CAM, , , 5. C. White JN O, sur FtEPi,.A.ND & SONS t r/,.t�r�,lY7�a�/ ,ULIMITEO ,4rl �h�Lv[�/G9r�nV e' Greig4SPO ONTARIO Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURcEO(v. 811:100.02 to M. H. Moore, ()Bloc st Antler. N011 !Iran, Lavery stab's, Brussels. Telephone No :0. _.�. �. -�..4- DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night palls. Utlloe opposite Flour 01i11, LOthol. T. T. M' RAE M. E•, M. G. P.,6 S. O. M, O. H., Village or Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Aeeouolwnr OfSee et residence, opposite Melville Church, William street. GR. ✓. H. WHITE, B. A. i'flYr. C I IAN AND NUIiC}IOON, Grad est, Toronto University of Medicine, Special attention given to diseases of children and surgery. Waco; Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Will ,.1l for as good grief's es tiny outer Ano. tion( a- or charge nothing. BEh0RAVE P. 0. POOUQFOOT, KILLORAN & CO.OKE &c. • Sarril tars Solicitors, Notarlos Public, Office .nt the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton street, GODL•R1OH, ONT. Private Rinds to loan at lowest rates. W. )Psi immure, K. 0. ., L, KILLo1AN H. .1. D. cooks AlleCor.F Ick Ir f le,,; er is At Lowest Prices i; ft. Binder, shelf *wrier and trnck.....$211 00 S-01. Binder, " ..,.. 220 00 (tern Snider .. . 210 110 +•1t. Mower _...... _. 70 n0 Eft . ;Hower ..... .. • 02 50 1t1.ft, steel Knife, S91,olh 61 00 H5 n - Trd31rr 78 00 Combined .,ids link. and 'redder 11100 4,l,rI)0 i 1111mtr('til yee(ler 10300 11 Disc Fertilizer Drill 141 00 !d6. Ntr'l Honer 05 50 Nentrl1 5>0 m ul Moreno') per sertfnn0 00 t`litnns Wngon (Sears, 31f; arms, 2lx 4 In, tiro ... ............. s0 00 Enrines, Cream Separators, Plows and other Implements rerresponningly cheap and liberal discount for cash. Order early. HgVll) MILNE, - Ethel '0' + .,4 Ora, brook Farmers° Club Iles on Muni a quaiuil,y Cream of the west Flour Shorts Oil Cake ideal A Choice Lot of Groceries Formaldehyde wire Fencing Grass Seed and Root Seed g' 4, + + + .4. + •F The U. F. O. hue pm'ehased a 4, seat on the StockI$x'•hnuge, + West 7'ornn'tn, with a ('1pable d' staff in therm-. rm-. (hmlbroolt Clnb ships oV1•t•y Sat uuay, + For Iut•lhet. poeti1') I .11s apply 3' to Ed. Fulton, 4' + Sen. -Trona, Cron brook Par, Club Phone 285 +++41•+'i•+++++++•A++++++++++++ Sam ei1stege 2 Is prepared to pay the y m highest price for a 0 Scrap iron, , o Rubbers, $ m Rags, ,c. • o A • Q A �i Jf� U " i 0' I 4 0 • • 4 A Highest price paid, See i me before you sell, • a • • Highest Cash Price for e • • • ILine Poultry and Hides • a \Vii is or Phone 62x y 0 • 4, 4 d 0 SAM WEINSTEIN John Irl liver MILL STREET BRUSSELS • Leghorn aby Chicks 11r. l")0('nR'I, did you ever Heidi- DOI ,ju'L haw !noel' your Chix nest y011 28211 y 1'1(10 the pesky old hon lit vetting the eggs or leaving the ural ? 1Vr are latching hun- dred. of (lox ,'nr11 u•l, Pk. II ive orders iu lar Iliewataols, Don't leave oil' ordering yours until itis ton Tate, Olde!' thew now. WALTER ROSE I'hoie 3 on 38x Box 34, BRUSSELS goad. cws Ment Tag Post gives the news. Loudon Methodist Coufereuce will epee in-Goclerich on Thursday Jnue 5011. Motorists are now required by law to refrain from num lug their cars with the eat-outs01 )en, THE Imperial Oil Co, have purchased Et lot from Mrs, T. McGregor, on George street, upon which they will place a large coal oil supply tank, Rev, Mr, Rutherford was presented with a well filled purse and a compli- mentary address in giving up his charge at Pine River, He has gone to New York city. CORNET Band1:3re being re-olglnized at Palmerston, Listowel, Goderich and other points, What's the matter with Brussels? Why Dot look up the former matt e C tm ors and let us sea where evea re at ? Harry D. Moore Listowel, who was overseas and won 1 Lieutenacy, has re- sumed his position as school leacher in Toronto. His post was held for him while away and his salary maintained. Toronto deserves credit for the way it looked after the boys. Harry is an old Brusselite, being the eldest sou of M. H. and Mrs. Moore, WILL you help - Talk up the lows 1 Beautify Brussels 1 Organize a town Band ? Observe the motor speed limit Keep pupils regularly at School ? Congregational singisg at church ? Obey Board of Health instructions ? INCREASED PRODUCTION. -In response to the Government's call for increased productiou the Paisley Advocate vouch- es for the following .-A brood sow be- longing to John R. Irwin is apparently making au effort to keep down the pork market and reduce the p, c. 1, or !!lake her owner wealthy, she gave birth to 21 porkers, and all were alive and hearty. Unfortunately for some of the new ar- ovals, there are only 14 places at the old lady's dining room table, and us not one of 0110se extension affairs either, so the family could not all be accommo- dated tor the taking of regular nourish- ment, A neighbor is raising 4 of these youngsters by hand, and 3 had to be butchered. 'This seems to be an iu- stance in which Dame Nature made a miscalculation, LATER DATE FOR DEPT. ExAMINA- TtoNs,-Beca0se of the exchange mode by Deparuneut of Education iu time 01 midsummer examinations to lie held Ibis year, Hon. Dr, Cody has issued a staterneut as to dates of examivatious which were put off for about a weeks in each case this year because of the una- voidable iuterrap'ions in school work last year, chiefly from the iulluenza epidemic and there will be a correspoudiug delay in announcing results as compared with previous years. 'rhe dates of the ex- sn)10tltiona as annollnce(1 are r -J1111101' High School Entrance, July 2 ; junior Public School graduatiou, Juue 30; Lower School, July 2 ; Middle School, July 11 ; Pass matriculation, July 2 ; Upper school and Honor matriculation, June 3o. ALONG THE RIGHT LINS.-At the Chatham Chamber of Commerce Campaign Workers' diener on April 3016, s0111e. 35 youths from the Collegiate In• stitute paid a flying visit. The spokes- tnau for the deputation was Ted Mo- Oall, son of A. I. McCall, druggist, (formerly of Brussels,) who declared that the boys were very deeply iuterested in the future of their city. They pledged themselves never to bring disgrace to the city by an act of cowardice or dls- houesty, to fight for for the ideals and the sao'ed things of life, to observe the city laws and endeavor to have others to observe then! tostrive to quicken the public pulse io civic duty, and to en- deavor to hand over civic affairs to their successors iu even better condition than they receive them from their elders. Chairman George Wands assured the boys that the deputation was welcome, that their suggestions would be consid- +++'t'+++•t +++++++•tr+++++++++ E[131 + '0 + , AGENCY John . liver I3RUSSELS -4 ht' 4 'p 4 + e� + has taken OM` the Deering Ag- eney and handles a full line of +, Farm Implements including the : noted I. H. Ca Cream Separators at The only Oream Separator' with •i• two wide open cream outlets- + no cream screw in the path of 3 the 00000(1, See it when in town, + The I, S, 0, 8-16 and 10.20 Tractors 40. are among the best, The Deering Manure Spreader \Vitll the wide spread and very *. light in draft. ••••••4*a•a*O•o*545!5/sash.'1+++++++'N+++++'F+++'h++t'+++++$ A [IF[TI11L OF 3UFF[RIll Prevented by "Fruit -a -Fives" The wonderful Fruit Mediein 501 Alacceswxove 81'., IIv1.L, Que. "In my opinion, no other mediciuc Is so good as 'Fruit-a-tives' 1'11• Indigestion and Constipation, For years, I suffered with these dreaded diseases, trying all kinds of treatments until I was told I sots incurable. one day a friend told No to try 'Fruit•a-Lives'. To my surprise, f P found this medicine gave immediate relief, and in a short time I was all right again". DONAT LALONDE 50e. a lax 0 �r rye 0 . 1 for , _.v0 trial size _u0'. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. erect, and their words of encouragement would he a stimulus to the workers to succeed in making Chatham an ideal city, At noon the total membership was recorded as zee, Every youth in Canada might take a hint from the action of Chatham youths. Trowbridge Brune and AL's. Stull b are rejoicing over the arrival of a sou, PlYd. Letlun'x,. eelinusly iu,jnred seine lithe ago by a full from riding hero/hark, iv improving. "Mother's Day" was observed at the tooting service in the Methodist church on Sunday, In the evening Mrs. Sterling took the s0rviee. After an nba2ne.o "f 12 }'ears Wil- liam F. Oliver, Winnipeg, on old 'roost/Midge hey, visited with friends here last week. 112 Wits loon+ from the West to attend the funeral of hie mother,. 1Uthe animal meeting of Latlies' Aid Society at the parsonage ollIcers elected were Es follows :-President, Mee, Rae ; Vice -President, Mts. Tab- or ; Secretary, Miss Collins ; 'Tteasut'- et, Mts. :\( 1102tring, At Qua! terly Booed meeting a unan- imous invitation was extended to Rev, Wiu, Sterling to remain for another year. A vote of appreciation was also extended to Mrs. Sterling for her ex- cellent services. Among tither things she has assumed the duties of church organist and cheerfully took cbargo of peactices in her hone fur different concerts, Atwood Aiiss Mary Laidlaw, 8t1> Con, Lltna, c' > ' trod l Welt! an ( el ion for 1 len i i' at a d c I 1I tl , 'the female ranine persuasion in !alma this your lute to tun chances as thele are just 13, Rev. I1,•n Davies, new pastor of Baptist (Minch, will commence on Sunday, ?day 251h. Uenege Hume, 810) Can, 1(Iinn, sold ills fine 1(10 55(.(02 W01 11 loll the contents to Donald Matheson, Toronto, who gels possession at ante. Mina Council IneoIs in Ageieultural hall, Atwood, Saturday, May 31st, at 10 o'clock ns Omni of Revision on A4sesurtl01(1 roll and general township 1>121n0Ns. (3raham 13011, 12th Con., had mis- fortune to have his left nem broken, Hs was seeding and w11Cn he unhitch- ed to came from the field he tnade an effort to get on one of I he horse( when the accident happened. A sad death ammo ed in1P11na tr>wn ship on Sunday evening, May 11 .111, when Allier t E. Hammond, after, 200 - al ' weeks of severe illness, passed away du his 371 h year. Deceased was taken ill with intlu0nz l during the Winter of which he never got over' rightly, but was able In be up and around until a fete \reeler ago when he. - was taken down with fatal 1(sults. 1 -Te was ane of Min'a's proeper000 Numeric, well and favorably known and in the community tvhere he lived was looked upon as a friend to all. Mt• 1J01O(inonll wits it fail 111111 meutben of Baptist cher ell, 1!,+ leaves to /1/011111 his 11120, a Willow, and dangh- tee Eunice and 0 sisters, Goderich - Opening date of the Chautauqua in Gddeeieh will be July 1816. C. 0. Lee has decided to open the Sunset. lintel for the 5088011 on Alam day, June 2,0,1, In Hine far the eine, of (hose attend r 1 181111112M.It tht g �lethndnsl Cnnllnne, who may wish to day tint11(l Cnnf reeeeweekaLthe bol ( l to > ition for ! use , A p pts t t the t of the Wheel Rigs Went 0r part til' it 5015 pn esenlecl by ll, G. (Cisneros to the Otnnul,'rho proposition Was made on behalf of local parties who propose to begin in the manufacture of go - earls n(3 it small scale, employing 10 men to stela with, mostly tetnrned soldiers, 0. P. R. ami G, T. 11, annontlne a new tine table that carate into effect May ,4th. There aro 00 changes af- fecting Goderich as far as G. '.l', lt, is Cn11Ce1'Iled but. on the 0, 1'. 11„ the morning Dahl o0L will leave at 7 o'clock in place of 0.20 as heretofore and afternoon train 11(11 at. 1 10 in place of 1.30. Morning train remit Goderich is doe to 151210E in Toronto 11 afternoon •tli at 10,35, and of . 1 iia i at 0.30 bull trains I.1111a 111111(0 ilg better time. The morning train trill leave Toronto at 7,15 in place of 8,10 and is due in (1Godo•ioh al. 1220, hal l'811 hone earlier than before. Evening train will leavePoeonto at 5.111 and arrive its at present, namely, 0,65, One of Girderioh'8 pt(mdnen0 figures for /DERV years has been removed by the hand of dcai.h in the prising on Saturday, 2716 ult., about noon, of .1. 0. Marlin. Deceased was for 20 years proprietor of the Colborne 11o/se and, as the genial host, be - (lame widely known, IF'or some years hr ,.el'votl mil Ilie Commit of the town, 112' leas nee of the oldest (001uhet'N 1,0 Elia on Loilg,. 1\n, 02, 1, 0, 0. F.. aim 102 as t, r Illbl1 (1 1I Put,l„ t( ,1 had bel i o i 1 I 1 1 r n Ib u01'tn(u I h religion t Il g1 it 111 was cmnue•rlyd sill' flit. Methodist ehurch and in polities he 1 was aReformer, 110 retired flour the loo101 24 years ago. Air, Aht•t111 Iwo; born in Denudate. and (lane to (4 tale. I il•I'r a!, 8 )'1411115 111811 ,lf Omni ;'t1 Fordwich Oliffwd lnhm in has poi rimmed \V111. 1Vaull"s 1110 /tore farm uu the 4411 2011. Ile 1v 11(11 property here has been ptuehn:,ed by Andrew 13urnelt, of Altlylll', who 1111102 possession at e>nee. win, Douglas is able to be around agatb, after 1112 ('(eelit illerso to his foot. Misse2 .Jennie hooter ami 'Margaret AloLanghlin have returned 51urn De- troit where they spent the past couple of months. Little Maxine McVicar ireemnpanied thew hack. (, 1''ordwinh beat Dowei...ton at the first, tout ball game of the eeaeunhere, by 3 to 1. Ford wich line-up 10112 as fol. 'otos ;-Rev. Laing, G, H. Jefferson, 11)!le RenuY , Wes Downey, Vernon Deni ly, ,711ck i3t1'ber, H. Alexander, It. P. Nash, Pd, Matthews, Jack Ed- gltr and Petr! Patterson, Seaforth N. Glii f & Sons are making alt ex• tensive addition to their planing mill. Presbyterian Sunday Snbool contri- buted over 860 to India Famine Fund. Douglae Beattie left For Mindernoye, Manitoulin, where he takes charge of a butter factory, Mrs. E. Case was successful a in draw- ing g donated the ear -rings onaby t Miss ekes for L the Soldiers'H 1 to ns ' I. p Seaforth I. 0. 0, F. Lodge and the Brncefield ',bilge held a joint meeting when 13 candidates were initiated, Nursing Sister Nettie ,McLeod, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. A. McLennan, Commercial Hotel, has re- turned to her home in Woodstock. Anniversary services in the Presby- terian church were conducted last Sunday morning and evening by Rev. i. 3, Patterson, B. D., Sarnia, a force- i'ul and interesting preacher. Following students from Seaforth have successfully passed their examin- ations in the Behan] of Science, Toron- 10 ;-Pass-S. W. Archibald, H. H, Kerr ; Honors -J, C. Bell and H. It, McLean. Gerrie J, Hneston has purchased an auto truck. - Miss Bertha Pyke has taken a posi- tion in Stephens & Ashton's store, Herbert. Irwin left for Toronto, where he is attending Technical school. 2Irs, W. D. Williams, who has been spending the Winter with her sot in Detroit, arrived home. Hits. Stillwell left for Etgland, Her husband, Pte, Goo. Stillwell, is very 111 in England suffering from gas poisoning. Thos. Bennett, 12th Con. of Howick, lost et a valuable horse. 6 e went to H It the stable in the morning and found it dead. Mrs, Sas, I. Doig, Empress, Alta,, who has been visiting her sister, Niro. Fred. Hynd mail and other friends here, returned to her Western home accompanied by Alrs, Fitch, Behoove. A splendid time was spent in the township Hall, Tuesday evening, April 20111, when the people of Gerrie assembled to extend a welcome to the boys who returned ?rem overseas, Rev. G, P, Powell fulfilled his duties of chairman in his usual style, and a gond program of vocal and instru- mental and vocal 1110218 was rendered by local talent assisted by Mr. Mc. Gregor., Goclerich, who delighted the audience with his Scotch songs and stories. There were also addresses by the local clergy. - 'CR Y.S.,2 Y8cO?'�tc-ri atV_.AvoYdriVAris.:y A GET THE BEST. IT PAYS ELLIOTT ,2 � GG1li� Yong( & Charles Ste., Toronto 0 • Is noted throughout Can- ada for high grade busi- !" ness education, Y Creat demand for our Oraduatoe. Open all 0001'. (latnlogne. Enter now. Write for ,� W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL -"igii x10 u AWVf A'Pr?.7KMOkimx`Sr1 S ra Agent, ,l1h UI Brussels ,4l' Our reputation for fair dealing end reliable goods, coupled wit(, the De 1.1541 tt ao(J of nd Jo I,:hty. h..a mad. the )>0 L•e.,,l t-( .,.,.,,,rest-.,. ill.: I --ter in this so' on, (,vs•I' '-' That's wlnit yot- put into a cream separator. VAI.l1I, - nut's %via .t you lake out of your (ream separator. Valuein a cream separator de- pends upon the (mount and the quality of service v4u get nut •.f il. Becauro it lasts fifteen In twenty Year: the Laval 1 s the most economical cream separator to buy. If you con- sider its cleaner skimming, easier running, $ rea 0'e capacity ancl lessss cost for repairs, the price of the "cheapest" machine on the market is exorbitant in com- parison. With present high butter -fat prices and the scarcity of labor this is truer than ever. We'll sell you a De Laval on such easy terms that it wi11 pay for itself out of its own savings. We want t.a see you the next time you're in town. SOONER OR LATER Y0t1 WILL aur A , Blyth Robt. 13. McGowan has been ap- pointed Village (leek in place of A, Elder, who resigned, at a salary of $75.00 per month, Friends will regret to learn that 11•Irs. Jno, Henderson, of Hawick, sister of the Misses Forsyth, town, has been seriously ill. The following childron received the Robert Ratites Diploma, in the Methodist Sunday School for having : been in attendance at e10ses3ton of -Flor- ence school during the year ; -T 1- ( 1 ence Slater, Yvonne Ilaggl1!, 1111't y McCormick and Willie Pollard. The latter received a diploma with a red seal attached inasmuch as this is his second year to obtain this piize, The adjnut'ned Vestry meeting of Trinity Church was held. Following officers were eleeted : Churrh War - done, G, 11. McTaggart and R, H. Robinson ; Lay Representative, M. F. Metcalf ; Alternate Representative, George Potter. ; Vestry Clerk, Frank Metcalf ; Sides,nen, 1)r, J, Blackall ; J. 13, Tieruay, Geo. Potter, Chas, Potter, Terrance Tierney, Potatoes Wanted Omemee Flour Bran and Shorts TO HAND Seeds of ell Kinds, 1110 Salt Phone •1:3 0'u 27 W. J. McCracken 21,111.31.1, •+•+•+. 1.4'0•4+0+0+0+0+4.+1:'+44' 4•t•0•t•e+0+4+4d-4+4r'l'0+0+0+4•)•4.4 The Seaforth Creamery • ream ranammommo • Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly • • established and that gives you Prompt Service and • • Satisfactory Results. •£ • We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples aid pay you the highest tmarket prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, For fut'therarticulars see our Agent, MR, T. C. • ]YVIGCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to i • a. Want'c1 11=EMeneentssienterartrasciaaamaisa • }m '1• e E s The Seaforth Creamery SEAT'ORTH, OIVT, +a+.44+.+•+0.4 '!, '1'4N N'N011 .•444 +e fruuh A1'•tcalf. The !Marler r'1 in. I n 1,, 11,,o, 1 _0- : , . l nu - , t l II /P.11 l 11.0I 1 it 14.1 40,1 .1t1 I. I,i , 'iu+ 1 I1 toil, ,.ff t, !fon, Ptt t j Oen', Airs. S. i1 fully Yua,deut, :irs. 1n Alain, 1st 1'l(e 1 ren, lies. 1. It r ; •l Tiro 1'1,•4, Alts, 1.4. , lie' . 1-1>',' , All'. ,I 1'olelnugll •'ot. i,•,' , ,1, 0, Intim I,n, 'freer-. . Olving. Mrs. 00"'" \Virlatlnan : Supt.'.1 , 1 It.0 11, _ 1'. A KI11f(' 1 a 1 It lar1 11 e e t Brown 1 1n Ills. l », ,t I t R tater Mrs. 1V ll t !1 1 l t1 ,111 II r ;apt, rule It and !).nut ht pot la., 111, a, L11 iu ., , 111>s, Gran- by ; Uehe.gate to lilaunh Convention 10 he bold in 1s1 talfurd no May 27, 28 nod 111 -Mrs, S H. (iidlry ; DelegRtu te tied 4>., 'MI l 0001 at. Nilo all May 11 112; {i:,,, , •L'(.'r>rloul. -',,'•4.1+rW4v 4.40046,IrII•04444rN440,''Ds0+'D'44'4M414.144.40-4©+4'S4* a SPECIAL. TRA.INiNC n d - OA, Ile dill'•1,•1,. hell( en the love priiOII Worker :old the high.. O •ill ,ll ,! , xl.. 114 \1't• cull *Itluul ll „lit llli' mall tor you (('0(11 1.11,' 10110' peln•san111'',(111'. 0 4 0 9 e 50 Student's sldmitted any tiale. Catalogue free. cf(9//141(.11/(-1) Stratford nand Ont. Win h Stratford, an7 � f Ont. The School that places its graduates in good positions. Oee+,...peeeeea•as4P00Ab400os 4•.•..4.....••••6' ,00%2000aZOO&str4>5:020P0245504.55,6011146676660665'0611608*11/000'S0 J Phone 83 3 u (S r2 u r cs w to 4. r 4. a s 0 0 14 19 Our Carriage Painting d 63 ea U 0 Ea a a 0) rh ✓ e� 0 as A O Phone 4 1 x ...pair i 1y - rvice 1'1'H our present stock of NI millinery Repair's, Plow Shares, etc., we aim to give the best setisfaetiun possible in every- thing (Lovering mfr line of Repairs, all of whirl are exact d,tplieates and give the service o!' the original parts. Help us keep et r'ui lice enmplete by wilding as early as possible. Wheel and Woodwork Repairing 0\" 1100,• prompt attention to all Wheel and Nord -work Re- pAirmc. He the, of Rubber '1'0 oc, and tlhann'n,, aunt carry iu (..k And !i fipl - all 'Standard 14d40s OE Lw 1 1;'2(01124) „f 1'811 Mg,. R.uh- b, 'Tita's. 0,80 the best and get extra value Fconi year tires. We • ran s:1lisl'y yon in the line of work. 0'i (a C) Will 811,101 the closest inspection ; our Varnishes any reasonable b test, and all !applied by a carriage painter who thoroughly under- a 9 stands the elflciency in this line of work. We give your work A prompt D otlentinn, with careful service,moderately priced. • Th • �� e Plum Blacksmith Shop ei o ✓ �o G 900043E004142:(f+Ce(f9E)OC4040tenttet©+la(.egster®@ oscsasoecerD06sige®YgiNNr E ,t „ anted Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges, Issue Cheques fur the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue, Brussels Creamery StPewroart Bros.ps. 1 55 ...e<.,44.4004444. • a '1 14 0 .1 o 24 a 0 0 e. Cs 0 0 d • d • 4 • + 4. Men's Pocket- Watches g 7 .' Il We are offering 111 Special I I IC2N 11 all l' pres- ent t 1 Waltham, nRe ins Hampden and Ont stork of, !algin Watches, These werebought some time ago. In the lot are some tantalite for -presenta- 1 >renamed sold let's. All oil( at special presenta- tion 1 Itednned PI ices while present stook leets. pIf in need of a Watch call in and 820 what we have to offer, • Monogram Engraved Free. A F1'1LL STOOK Oh' Kodaks and Brownie Cameras, Films And Supplies \Ve give special instructions with each Kodak or Brownie sold, O •• ••4. • • 4 • •4 4 4, b 4 • Waterman's ideal Fountain Pens a• O We always have in stock a good assort- ment of Self -filling, Safety and Regular types, Prices 82.50 tip. Others from O1 up. Walerntan'e Ink In bottle and bulk, Engagement Rings Wedding Rings For (_•leaning Silverware try our Ideal Sillier Cream. It is the BEST. Price 252, • • e • 5> • (• 4. 0 • 0• 4 4 4 •4. T.•..A.40.l•eataa4.4i'.•••••• •4$444p•4+•••••••••.4m•+4m1'i> .l7 J. R. WENDT, J eweler, Wroxeter