HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-15, Page 1r)i,.. 47 iV (.1.1 ....:16
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ilii'Jliiftiilllil UldilMMULl ll�llQi1UBJfiMthBI1
Keep Your
Viat: ell Bonds
It is unwise to keep your
Victory Bonds around the house
when you can get a Safety Deposit
Box in this Bank at very small cost
where your securities (bonds, insurance
policies, etc.) will always be safe—always
easily accessible.
We gladly give full information about
our Safety Deposit Boxes (different sizes);
call in and see them.
ank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital 8 6,000,0003
Reserve Fund 12,000,000
Resources • 190,(00,006
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Buggies --D. t:wnn. —
Treys lo.t -Tits Pos'r.
For sale --Ales, Rustle.
Car No. touud-Tn a PORT.
Fouad—Ilnnlc of Nova Scotia,
Auction Salo -W. G. Dunbar,
OBlca will close-Mi+s Bryans.
Outing Shoes -R. t). Bothwell.
The Fulfillment -A. B. Beraay.
lion/y4 goods -Richards & Co.
Sow for sale-Cln'fa. Rogerson.
Heifers for Rale -Hervey Dobson.
Spring cleaning -Board of Health.
Court of !Revision -,Morris Township,
Annual Meowing -Centre Huron Liberals.
Soldiers' Welcome and Old Boys' Reunion,
is.tric.t : etas
Rev, Mr, Burgess and Edward John-
ston were at \Viugham this week at-
tending the Methodist District Meet-
Next Monday evening Rev. O. R.
Dunt ant, Teeswatel, will give his in-
terest ing illustrated Lecture on "Sails.
Skates and Sleds," relating to the Is-
land of Newfoundland, in the Meth 0 -
dist chnrch here. It is a very inter-
nteresting story told by oue who has lived
Rev. Mr. Bentley atter' ded District
meeting at Blyth this week.
Tltis week John Bolger was • at Lon-
don attending the Anglican Synod
as the lay delegate from St, George's
Anunal Bazaar of the Ladies Aid of
the Methodist church will be held in
the A. 0. U. W, Hall Wednesday
May 28. Watch for the bills.
Sabbath evening next in Duff's
church Rev. Mr. McDonald, a mission-
ary from Korea, will give an address
on his work and the people of that
SCHo0L FAIR, -A meeting was held
in 'Walton School on May 8th, to
elect officers for the School Fair. Fol-
lowing are those who were elected :-
President, Harvey Johnston ; Secre-
tary, Grace Silortreed ; Treasurer, W.
G. Neal ; Directors, Vera Oozier,
Ratio Williamson, Jennie Ritchie,
Muriel Farquharson, Gertrude 'Pham.
er, Katie Laidlaw, Norma Hoover,
anking Service
FOUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Walton &ranch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager
Yes, wo,bavo than 1 The very bust, too. Made by the
Minor Bubbele Co. Make your feet comfortable with a pair of
these light, easy yhoes and you will ,forgot those ttoublosome
corns. Look over this list :-
Men's Black Bads, at .., ... $1 60
Women's Blue Black Bals, at ,.. 1 50
Women's White Bals. at .. 1 60
Women's 1-lylace, with Rubber Heels, at 2 25
Boys' all Tan "Tuff-Sixu" at 1 75
Boys' all Tan Bias. at ' ... ... 1 50
Misses' and Youths' Tan "Tuff -Shu" at 1 50
Child's Tan "Tuff•Shu" at .., 1 35
eur Shoes are food
R. C. RATHWELL, MorioriefF
Tenn le &I"Uallrue. Arra')geruonte
were made that each sebot'1 would
look after its nwu special prizes.
The Summer heeling of the
5V morns lied hole II itl he iu'td in the
A. 0. U. W. Hall here nu Wednesday
June 26th, Mit. O Il;, Bluett, London,
will be in attendance,
Last Sunday morning Rev, Mt,
Malin, 131 aesels, preached here,
The Mel nodi -;t parson and delegate
attended Dlelrict Meeting at Wing
hunt this weelc.
Next. Tuesday afternoon the annual
meeting of Beim aye Women's Insti-
tute will be held ttt Otto Bone of Mrs.
\V..1. Procter, at 2 o'clock, All inter -
uteri are invited.
Don't forget the Musical and Liter-
ary Contest iu the 0. 0, F. Hall, Fri-
day evening of next week. There
will he More flan than you can shake
a stick at. Got your seat,
We welcome the Halls family to
Mr, and Mee. 'Weber, of Wallace,
were visiting in Ethel this week.
The program rendered by Mr,
Piercy and othere was touch enjoyed.
Abram and Miss Bishop are spend-
ing a few mouths with relatives at
Mrs. Jno. McDonald was a visitor
during the week with Mrs. (Rov,)
Henderson, of Ripley.
A Junior Foot Ball team has been
organized anti prosecute look good for
is victotious campaign.
On -June 26th the Summer session
of the Women's Institute will be held
here. Mrs. Bluett, Loudon will be the
outside speaker,
This week Rev. J. W, Johnson and
J, I.C. Baker attended the Wingham
District meeting in the Methodist
church, Wtngham, representing Ethel
We are sorry to state that Richard
Mills, who was assisting his son-in-
law, in Howick, with seeding, was
taken ill and Mrs, Mills was sutnmon-
Harris and Mrs, Eckmier and daugh-
ter have moved here from. Hamilton
and will likely spend the Summer.
Mr, Eckmier has left the Bank and
will push insurance.
Regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Institute will be held Thins -
day, May 22nd, at 3 p. m. at the home
of Miss Hall. As it is the annual
meeting all the members are request.
ed to be present.
A. cordial invitation has been re-
ceived from Holrnosville Methodist
circuit by Rev. J. W. Johnson, of
Ethel. He has accepted subject to
action of London Conference next
month. Holmesville will be fortunate
if the invitation is honored as he is a
fine all routed worker and ably sup-
ported by Mrs, Johnson,
AUCTION ,SLID. -Owing t0 poor
condition of health following an at-
tack of influenza W. G. Daulhar has
decided to take a holiday to recruit
and will hold an Auction Sale of his
fine farin steels, few implements, &c,,
Wednesday of next week, at his farm,
Lot 15, Con. 8, Grey township, F. S.
Scott being the Auctioneer. As Mr.
Dunbar had no idea of selling e, short
time ago his stock ie well graded up
and in good condition. The list may
be read in this issue, life. Dunbar's
many friends hope the vacation will
anon build him up as hearty ss ever.
His brothers will operate his farin
this season, the seeding being done
GOOD STOCK. ,lea. Engler, Ethel,
recently purchased from Messrs. John
Gardhonee & Sons, of Weston, the
beautiful red Shorthorn bull aalf, of
the femou•e Broaclhooks family, His
dam was sired by Lavender Sultan, a
grandson of the great White -Heli
Sultan, His sire is Sultan's Choice,
one of the most promising young sires
in (Mata today, having sired the
first prize calf herd at Toronto and
London and also sired the grand
champion bull at London. His calves
won more prizes tit these shows than
Ulnae from any other site. This
yonug ball is Ia show proposition and
should prove a valuable addition to
Ilr. Engler'e herd,
Mitchell Advneateof last week said
--J, Halls has disposed of his in-
terests in the bakery business carried
on under the lb in name of 3, K. Halls
& Son. Feed, halls, who has been as-
sociated with his father for some
,aisgnmgmzmtmmzemmauot itt
Office will Close JJniJCu
for Short Time
Announces her office will
he closed for same timo ttfter
Saturday, May 81st, as she puI
posse going to Chicago after
that date to take a Post Gemin-
ate Gnitl'ee, 16.3
UIIIIIIINIIIHIIi�NIiNllliiilillilllliilllllllllllilllllllllllllllfllll liifllliiiillilliiiiliilillll"�'Ir!iii'
years has formed a partnership with
ino. McNalen, who has also served
his time in the same shop, and has
taken the business over. blt, Halls,
ar., has purchased a general bnsiuets
at Ethel and will leave Mitchell short-
ly to take charge of his new store.
Mr. and Mrs. Halls were good citizens
and ]YMitehell's loss will be Ethel's gain.
We predict a bright future for Halls &
McNairn here. They are bright
young men and thoroughly under-
stand the baking business, and are
sure to merit the large patronage that
this industry has long enjoyed.
Mrs. Geo. Martin, Georgetown, was
here attending the funeral of her lit-
tle neice, Thelma Nichol.
Court of Revision on the Assess-
ment Roll will be held Monday, May
26th at 10.10 a, in. See advt.
Mrs. Jas. Douglas was here from
Toronto last week attending the fun-
eral of her neiee, Thelma Nichol,
Some are wondering if a surgeon
and trained nurse might not take up
their residences on the 5th line, so its
to be on call.
Robe Smith, 6th line, has been
bothered with rheumatism. He was
to have gone to the Synod at London
this week but was unable to attend,
Harvey, eldest son of Ed. and Mrs.
Bryans, 8th line, was seriously ill with
pneumonia but is making favorable
progress and will soon be o.k. we hope.
Last week Mrs. James Bryans, 4th
line, was taken to Wingham hospital
to be treated for an attack of acute
ezema. By prompt measures 10 is
hoped she will soon be restored to her
usual good health.
Daring the holding of the Saskatch-
ewan Educational Convention at Be -
gine, recently, a Teachers' Alliance
was formed and E. 0. Walker, Princi-
pal of the Strathcona School, Regina,
formerly of 6th line Morris township)
was elected President,
The Auction Sale of Miss Linda
Clegg's household furniture, etc., was
held' Monday and attracted a large
crowd and bidding was lively, Miss
Clegg will make her home, in the
meantime, with W. H. and Sirs. Fer-
guson, 6th line.
CARD of Taartrs, - We wish to
thank neighbors and friends for their
kindness and sympathy extended in
the illness and death of our baby girl.
Yours Gratefully,
-At the home of her -daughter, Mrs.
Harry McArter, 5th line, Margaret
Bruce, widow of the late John White,
answered the irrecovable roll call Net
Monday, passing away in her 81st
year. She had been in declining health
for the past few years but was only
confined to bed 2 weeks. Deceased
was born at Wark, Northumberland
shire, England, and came to Canada
when a young woman, living in Dum-
fries township, near Galt, before com-
ing to keep house for her heather,
Robb Bt'uce, 7th line Morris, 60 years
ago. 6 years later elle was married to
her life partner, He had ttte mister -
tune to be killed while working in the
McDonald saw mill, Walton, in 1881. 2
daughters (Mrs, It McArter and Mrs.
Geo. Readman, of Morris), survive. 2
daughters (Agnes and Mary) and 3
infant sons predeceased the mother.
Mrs. White, on leaving the farm, 7th
line, bought in Brussets South, where
she lived up to 11 years ago, shire
then she has made her home with H.
and Mrs, Moarter, She was a kind
hearted woman and ever ready to do
a good turn. The funeral took place
Wednesday afternoon, to Brussels
cemetery, iRev. A. J. Mann, her pas-
c;'�'1123........,1319 ..__...
The Fulfillment of a
Most Sacred Duty
LIFE is barren for talose who live
alone. Happiness comes only
when there are others to
strive for and work with, Success
is hardly worth the effort without
someone else to ,hare it, Thus
lives are linked together, within the
family, among relatives and
friends. In a larger sense families
are linked to their communities.
There always comes a time when those who have shared joys and
cares together etre sepat'ated. They who remain will want to cherish
the memory of the departed. But there is a further obligation due
those who have passed beyond. There lives have not been lived in
vain -so a permanent memorial should be erected as is mark of respect,
honor and appreciation. This duty is regarded as so sacred that one
eannot ignore it,
Place your order early so that yon will give me time to work out
the details to your satisfaction,
Brussels Granite and Marble Warks
A. E. HERSEY, Proprietor,
To the People of Brussels :
Kindly take Holies (lint all lxtek
yards, closets and menet,, piles nerd
be cleaned up before the 16th of :clay.
The Inspector makes hta rounds after
above dttte and pat lire r,egleet.ing this
wotic are liable to prosecution,
All who bare horeesand not mailers
i'eceptaelee had better huiltl them at
one... By order,
BOARD (ties His,1L'1'll.
tor, conduel hg the service, Berle!
was made in the family plot.
Pte. lttbbone, who was visiting at
George W. Pr,,ettr's, 5th line, lettuo-
ed to Toronto Exist Helmsley, The
soldier boy revolved rnsidr•table bat-
tering in his military experience as he
was hit in no less than 7 places, hie
head, neck, left arta and both legs
coming into the (meet. He edlioted 4
years ago and wears 4 stripes now,
Alt', Ribbon may come back to assist
Mr. Procter in farm operations.
A wedding may eventuate shortly is
the rumor.
Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr.
McDonald, a missionary from Korea,
will address Knox church congrega-
Court of Revision will be held at
Ethel on Thursday, May 22nd, at10.30
a. In. The Assessment Roll of 1919
comes up for review,
Mrs. H. MacQaarrie and Mee.
FI, Pringle have returned from Tor-
onto where they spent the Winter.
Mr. and Min, Fralis. of Liverpool,
England, are expected home very
Seism, REPORT. -Following is the
report of 8. 8. No. 6, Grey, for the
months of April. The names are ar-
ranged in order of Merit 1 -IV -Isa-
bel Bremner, 478 ; Earl Mills, 476.
So. III -Joe Armstrong, 476 ; Nellie
Campbell, 469 ; Florence Bremner,
497 ; Rata Mills, 402; Eva McNeil,
320. Jr. II -Alex. Alexander, 348 ;
Edna Eveleigh, 308 ; Margaret Arm-
strong, 259, Myrtle Ward, 195. Sr.
II -Melvyn Hamilton, 252 ; Clarence
Clarke, 236 ; Ethel Ward, 212 ; Jessie
—, 200 ; Willie Limas, 199 ; Mar-
garet McNeiI 142 ; Norman ieirues,
69, Jr. II -Stanley Alexander 202 ;
Toni Lucas 200, 1st -Tena Ward,
260 ; Hughes Armstrong 221. Pelmet,
-Ross McNeil, Annie Eveleigh.
Arthur Weaning and Geo. Black
were visitors in London last week,
Duncan Cameron, Ayton, spent the
week end with his mother, Mrs.
Oa moron,
A number from the village attend-
ed Alex. Wright's barn raising Tues.
day afternoon,
Gavin Davidson, Fred. Davey and
Mrs. M, McLennan have been 3udis-
posed for some days.
Mothers' Day was observed in the
Methodist Sunday School and a nicely
arranged program was presented.
Robert Leathorne, Brantford, for-
mer well known farmer of Turubury
was calling on old friends in this
vicinity last week.
Sherrie Gibson left for Toronto on
Tuesday on his way to Gowgande.
where he will be employed as fire -
ranger for the Sommer months,
Lawrence "Moffitt is suffering from a
rather painful injury as the result of a
horse stepping an his foot while he
was employed iu his father's black-
smith shop,
Jas, Forsythe left for his home in
Ottawa on Tuesday after vieitiu r his
sister, Mre. Trio. Henderson, of How -
ick, who has been seriously ill but the
are pleased to note there is some 101-
provement in her condition,
An old and highly esteemed resident
of Turubury Tp, passed away on Mon-
day morning nn the person of Mrs.
Thos, Bali. Deceased had reached
the age of 77 years and death was due
to general debility, after an illness of
several months, She died on the
farm where she came with her lnls.
band shortly after her marriage 53
years ago, She was a true wife, lov-
ing mother, a kind neighbor and dur-
ing her life had been a very energetic
and enthusiastic church worker in
Salem Methodist church with which
she was connected. A husband and
family of daughters and son sut'vive,
Interment was made in the Wroxeter
cemetery Wednesday afternoon, the
Rev, F. Stride officiating,
Pte. G A. McKenzie, who returned
front overseas a few mouths ago, has
bought the Maggie Smart property
and is fitting it up for a dwelling,
D, 0. McMoran received word
that his nephew, Pte, Wm. McMoran,
who formerly lived in Paisley, had
been killed In action a few days before
the armistice was signed. He enlist-
ed and went overseas with the United
States army.
Pte, '4Vi11, Kennedy, the last of 4
brothers who enlisted here, returned
the other night. All saw heavy fight-
ing all were wounded and now all are
returned safely, have recovered from
Brom their wounde aid are now in
good health,
Users of the electric current here
are still getting the "juice" free, An.
other month has passed aid no col-
lection has been made, and the people
are beginnin to wonder how long it
will last. When all other cninntndi
ties are going up in price it is nice to
get something for nothing, say the
users. Rumors of a lawsuit are still
numerous, but nothing definite is
known yet.
The Amnia' Meet1ng 08 the Liberals
of Nnriit Munn, ire constituted for
Federal pm !meet:, will be held in the
Town frail, 1Viugluttn, Friday, May
30th, at 1 p. m. litendard time, when
a pruntinect fih,-rul Wena, with
IIitt.lc Dr 1
y wal�KC 1. P. P, will
a tt ;ere telectors or bath sexes..
1', ' n its of Beatty Gilman, who re -
rem v
r ,IIv r..ttuu,•d from the front. met ill
the 1,411! lit %b/I1 and insetttea (aim
with ,e ,r odd rv.s and puts, of money.
Ther ,t.i Ire,s wall read by Wesley
liitrimr, mid the presentation made
by :dark Gardner. Pte. Gibson thank-
ed hie friends for their kindness.
New Organization to
Push for Hydro Power
The Associated Muoicipalitles
Northwestern Ontario. That is
name of the new organization form
at Port Elgin on Friday, for the p
LW -
el -
municipality concretised would meet
the requirements of the new organiza-
tion which would be charged to look
closely to the interests of the whole
Northwestern section,
Mayne Gurney, Wingham •, 3. A,
Conetantiee, Teeswateet J. J. Kanter,
Kincardine ; ex -Mayor Lippit, Walk -
weir ; Reeve Steele, Paisley ; Reeve
Schmidt:, Mildmay ; Reeve Me0annel,
Reeve Ruttle, Huron ; Reeve Thomp-
son, Southampton ; W. Greer,
Winghein, and others spoke briefly
agreeing that the only thing to do
was to prefer% otganization for the
puypose of setting forth to the Hydro
Commission he apparent neglect
they were giving to the Northwestern
Mr, Greets Winglutin, moved and
Me. Constantine, Teeswatev, eeconded
"That we deem it advisable, In order
to secure early development of Hydro
power in this section of the province,
to form all assoeiation of the munici-
palities within this district. That the
organization he rattled the Associated
Municipalities or t,he Northsvestern
°iambs, and that the ofticers be a
Chairman, vice.Chairman, Secretary.
Traremeer and all exeoutive of nine
A vesolntion was also moved by 3.
J. Hunter, seconded hY Blake Weft,
Winghana, "That this meeting ask
the Hydro -Electric Commission to at
once proceed with the development of
power on the Sturgeon river, and the
Southern part of the municipalities
embracing, Walkerton, Teeswater,
Wingham, Lneknowr be at once serv-
ed rerun Eugenia.
U.'he officers of the new organization
Chairman- IL IL Stevens, Port
Vice.Ohairman - Mayor Gurney;
Secretaty-Treasuiter-E, Roy Sayles,
Port Elgin,
3, ,T, Hunter, Itintardine ; Reeve
Steele, Paisley ; Fred, Lippert, W'alk-
D. Munn Ripley ; Johnson, Luck.
now ; A:McLean, Bruce Tp.
The following resolution was order -
est i lie sera te the 11 vdr.-Electrie
Seconded by G. Rade, Huron Tp.
Wherearr, the oremeipalit he, 01 ibis
realizing the important,- and neereeity
of Brno Power, and :
Whererse the munieweliti,.0 00 stile
depth Melnik: 20 toe. ir•hips, lti Lowrie
va‘trildioviiien‘trig:;U:Zilitlitiee ill et(*04011 AS*
della/ i* the sieresiltreal and
Inrimarial .,1 les large NYC*
li011 of Ontario have nee. met t eon.
sideration from the 14;110 -Electric
Counnissien that their need!, demand,
panties duly organized an.,1 itesembled
hereby (tredve to unprees upon the ats
trinket the ilydre leIeetrie Corn.
mieeion ()matte that itinnediate
stepe inkier to provide puwer for
this dial int, in mile' tu Itlette the In.
in a favorable poeit ion aa c,ther por-
tions of the Province of Ontario where
Hydro power has been given, And ;
Be it furthur resolved, that this
meeting very etrougly fervors any
movement which has for ite objeet the
electrifyieg of rallroade, or radial eon.
struction, to serve this part of On•
ta'11411e' following gentlemen were pm-
etArieley-Reeve Steele, J. A. Logie,
JaIIIPS Hepburn, D. MeRenzie.
H. Gurney, Mayor ;
Teesvvater-J. A. Constantine.
Walkerton -Fred, Lippert, Andrew
O'Neill, John Hendersov, S. MeKer-
lecher, Otto Klein,
.13runton, James Wallace, Jos. Wal -
Southampton - Fred, Thompson,
Tp. -Reeve Geo. Brown,
Archie McLean, John Nuttall.
Huron Tp. -G. Rattle, reeve.
Tiverton -Reeve McDonald, Dan.
McLean, J. Kean H. E. Steineamp•
Kincardiue-WU Hunter, J. J. Hunt-
Mildmays.--Reeve Schmidt, Chas.
Port Elgin -Reeve Pattison.
Falconer, 0. MeLitme, W. J. McOul-
lough, H. Koebke, E. Schwartz, Rev.
Leadbeater, R. L,. Nerthgrave, Wm.
Martin, T. Richardson, J. Struthers,
Lucknow-R, Johnson.
Kincardine Tp. -W. Scott.
Some camera pictures of the delega-
tion were taken by R. C. Crawford.
The delegates all expressed them -
elves as greatly pleased with their
vsisit to Port Elgin, and all were much
gratified with the imeineselike way in
svhich the whole proceedings were oar-
ried out.
A resolution of thenks was submit-
ted by F. R. Barber and G. McLaren
thanking the visitors for their attend-
ance and co.operation.
The trip to the Saugeen was oue of
gyeatinterest to the visitors.
Women's Institutes
Summer Series of meetings
Following is the list of meetings in
this Connty for the Summer sessions
of the Women's Institute r-
Kintail-IVIcDonald's Hall .June 11
St Helen's -Public " 12
Wiugham-Ootineil Chambers. " 21
Brussels -Carnegie " 24,
Walton ., 26
Ethel -Township Hall '' 26
Molesworth -Hall 27
Mrs. 0, K. Elluett, Loudon, will be
the speaker at the above series, She
is a graduate of the Ottawa Normal
School ised in addition to being amen:.
tical house keeper has always taken
active interest matters relating to
Welfare of women and children, In
Pall of 1917 she took charge of Parkhill
Canning centre, first factory of the
kind established by Outarto Govern-
ment and in 1918 kIrs. Bluett nrgan-
izsd and took leading part in Es factory
at Mapleton, Ont. Subjects will be :-
Laws Relating to Women and
Peace Gardeners,
Influence of Dress on Character,
The Community Ideal,
Denning Prune and Vegetables.
7 Mennonite Bishops from various
parts of Western Ontario, in which they
claim their people labor, conferred with
Hon. J. A. Calder, Minister of Immigre.
Con aud Colonizetion, with regard to
certain grievances, They declared that
uuder agreemeuts of early severities
they were promised certain concessious
with regard to education but that pro.
vincial laws leave them no option but te
atteud public schools. It le understood
that the Miuister held out to them little,
10 any hope of roller from :situation stat-
ing that matter or educatIou was one for
the provieces to decide,