HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-8, Page 4vrussels last ..11:+,'1'. M AY 11. -r9'e Cut Len hits embinons to become o tem •..'t (1 It -e on acuouat of her (1181111- 1n rt.•.:. el .3i ,- lice. WI• have hettel of -et: , mei t •aptured the 'tome 3,5 »1 mc. -t folk+- conen.:lly ( ..0...Aka a, el tie. The Royal city Idtay have nerd an eraser, however. ENGLAND bait a large part iu the late war ate the following figures wit prove :--Killed, 670.986 t wounder', 2041,e40 3 missing, 340.423, a greed total of 3-002,269 ex-Preurier Asquith's Moine was well vet1fed when he stated "the sword would never be sheathed 011 - til Get MOO civ was taught she rnest rever- ence the 1 lehts of minor Natious,-re Bel- gium " Joho Bull dad his part to bock up this lriedge-altiwugh it was deue at the sscridce ,•f ninny a home. WF.1.1., wa ON elected to the Canadian National R'(ilway ownership, after a stormy debate in the Coin nous, the vote fine' ata0tliug g0 to 34, the result being nearly a straight party line up. If the optimistic promises of the Govern- ment supporter; can be banked on it is going to be o, k. but if the prediction of the Opposition is to be the gait 8 good part of the day will be sundown. Let us hope t new me of up to -date busi- ness 111.0111,"luellt may charactel tee the new ve.ali Do , .,, tri. I s e a n,. • 2 u0 isgood enough r� . 5 g sesslo::al iudumuity for the average M. P. ie `, • r; ....:,. Otta•,va or shon'11 they he g1::11,:'9 .111.thtr $I,000 plus railroad puees. Sre ? It they did not kill time by sitars ,? civ <,_psioav ; it they economized time s,; ending out long, dry speeches, 'este.: •! c,•b, peril .1)1 less than a seine ut br,.: idr members ; if scores of the M P's .3' 1 cut home for the weak end and 4' ,.(0% Il tho mi'hlle of the week there wield 11e some le' son ice the r1112e but (111(1.'1• existing circumstances we thiels 1:1..0 821 mere than they are worth aad the Senate is in the same box only mere .0. Any mai wh n is not satisfied need out stip there, he can resign any day and terminate the starvation busi- ness. Some i ,'k will have finely cleveieped isle;,; .. .0 Bloss sanitary draw very sleep lines in scenting microbes and germ, They are so sensative they give the r..o-userthat "creepy" feeling that m :: •c ,t'a'cit he mistaken for the real thiee Al Stratford the other day illus- tt:1...01 time given of the aforesaid when a 1•_'.'nes, in ,r ea3,1 preferred to receive the ox ,vitt uplifted band and a Dr. brought al+.ng a little Testament of his own ra •,,.r than kiss the book that has den entr a 1• for many a day. A corres- pen dent does not ktlow whether the Stras.lold -Aware book" requires super - amulet on or fumigation the most, Sleet, fent elm net introduce the "indiold- nal" boo'.: and let the party keep it and it 111 eht de them good. Ir i. goo.t to hear or read the practi- cal ,'-mons and addresses delivered at the v sus 01101511 Synods, Conferences and Carlvetltltns bearing on the great need t f prrctIcal (Eon and it is one of the signs t f the times that the pressure is hsieg brought to bear on the Forward lloveieient% with the youth and elderly and t11:1 organizations that have to do with child life, such as Primary work in the Seblath School, Mission Bands and 11'.',.r Leagues. Parents and 130 .6ians are faced by problems con- cerniret their ebi'dren to -day that de- mand their interest and help and if it can lie coon'e'1 on assuredly there will be a notewactby advance along lines that .5313 commend themselves to both God and right thinking men and woolen. 1\ teem Baud is one of the organiza- tions tint ghoul$ have the hearty stip. port of ala classes of tha cotnmunity, Nearly everybody is fond of good music wttet31 r they be professionally so or Kindergarten in their musical culture. mutt a town ban bad public atteution drawn to it by good musical organization 511231 as Land, choir, orchestra or soloist. Folk go•waybackeind sit -clown when a Band is hinted at because it is impos- sible to secure 25 or ee members but it 35 not the number as much as the quali- ty of 'hie music that counts, although a big baud itae the advantage where it is p Isslble A "Big 4" or a "Big 6" is infinitely better than no organization at ah end is often the foundation for erowlh enol development. Brussels has in its possession a number of in- struments that with the expenditure of a few dollars could be mane do duty, plus n few extras that could be procured without much trouble. Secondly Bras. Bels has from 6 to to residents who hart more or less to do with Bands of other clays and who Could the more readily become the melees of a tidy Band of reel Value to the place, to people who are willibg are worth 20 folks W110 are half hearted and 5o who "don't cede a cent," "Can we secure the former Who will roll up their sleeves and go et it 1 Don't all speak at otoe but the issue depends en you periieps. 24 Years the same f i good. " tea Sold only in sealed (packages lieu, J. S. Hardie, Moderator The Presbyterian Synod or the Hamilton and London districts open- er' a two-day session at. Woodstock on 28th ult., in linnx church. About 150 delegates were present. The meeting was presided over by Dr, Dickie, Chatham. Election of a new Moder- ator resnited in Rey. J. S. Hardie, of Maitland Presbytery, being chosen without opposition. Provincial sileaket of the evening was Rev. J. F. Caieon, 17- D, of Brnnklyn, N. Y., ex- 3lodet itor of the General Assembly of the :vnrlherl( divieioi of the United States. His subject was ""19ie Church and Her Present Task." He referred to the splendid feeling existing be- tween the United States and Canada, and also of the spirit of unity now prevalent between lie English-speak- ing people ut the world, He pointed out tu(21the mink and file of the le - public of the United States ale un- utterably pro -British• As an eel. denee of this kindly relationship a eenater haul eni(1 time they were witt- ily-, in leave to Lloyd George the fashiuniog of international policy. The `tiele3tel' uredo 1eieren0e 10 the Avner i,',,,is being referred to as brag - get 1,, ev3,ieh he claimed to be time, ad- ding that his wee no doubt owing to their• being of 13t Melt origin. Ameri- ca was proud of the stand Britain Look for justice and t ight. He emphatically pointed out that 1110 only hope of 3115 world was its return to God. God's people everywhere must stand four- square to his Iasysanti his justice, He spoke strongly of greater need for co- operation among the churches, and enlarged inion the value of slaking personal suctificein ()HEW to advance the interests of God's kingdom. Mil- lions of people, said lie, aro turning their' gaze to the church to solve their bread and butter problems, and while the work of the church is really spirit - nal, it trust meet Bolshevism. Rev. Dr. anal Mts. J. A. Maellnuald, of Toronto, vera in attendance. Tile dn11tnr is oil his way home to Toronto front Hilldale, i11., where he has been for the benefit of hie health, Morris Council illintttes ul' Coo hell meet ilig held in the Township Gall on 3lnielay, April 14111, 1019 Members of ('nancil were present, the Reeve pieaiding. 111in- utes of last meeting wore vend and adopted. A soon lu indent fon was re- ceived from Loftus E. Caney, with a claim for 611111ttges foe 011ver Stubbs in an nel•ident at the Centre Skimmed mi Con, O. Messrs. Peer told Short - Auction Sales AUCTInN KALI) of FARM STOCK, I1i- PLatlr2Tl, &C, -F. A. Scott, Anetioneer, hos been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction et N;0 fed 1. Con, H. isa- )iillop. on Friday, May 013, 1910, of 1 o'olook, the following property 1-1 mn re 12 yens old, 1 aged horse, 1 horse 4 vents old, I cow and NOP, 1 yearling heifer, .(0 hems, 1 kleUnrnilok hay mite, 1 Massey Barris di,, barrow, 1 Mae. to -Harris mower, 2 a•ngan.. 1 set bob•elei hs, 1 buggy, I set team hnrneon, 1 sop pun 0811100 bucheto, e0 eorda weed, 2 logging chains, 2 seta whiffletreee, 2 oak barrels, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 hay fork and ropes, 1 arms -cot .nw, forks, shovels, sondes and numero5a other articles... Terme-All sun's of $5 and under cash ; over' that amount 9 months credit given on npprov- 5d 10111E notes. 4 per rant il.for cosh no area. Ib amounts. ANANT4 F151 N('78, Proprietor. AU(1TION SALE OF HOUI4EH0Lp W- 140as'0. &r. le'. 5, Acott, Auctioneer, hes received instructions from the ooder5igned to sell by Public Auction u1 14 Lot e, t'e(. 5, Merri•, ''welly, Hay 19(11, 11110 nt 1 o'clock, the following effer.td 1-1 7•Idese parlor suite, 1 piano, may ha 00011 tit Belgrnvn parsonage, 1 parlor table, I ball settee, I extension tabny 7 dining chairs, I arm 011015,0 r,.rkers, 1 vouch, 1 sewing machine, 9 hanging hoops, 'limo nee Oriente onetime+, 27 pictures, 1 writing dealt, quantity kr hooks, mops, emrrai0-pk10s, 1 Brtie- maln carpet, 2 Tap.sf i y cornets, 2 1'(18 5n•peti, Japanese a roto matting, mots oilcloth, linoleum, i p 6 1 iolenm 0tair•rar > .t nod rads , tables lift 1 different 01850, 'urinal 0tnlnl, d , bedroom yeellttee;unpin N nohd Wel. let nut hn11rl /1rnteted 1 bird s eve srss 1 4, toilet sets, 1 s, lents er tblks, 2 pllows. 1 h, a ting springs,2 feather sinkst h eater, 1 1 hunting ohen t 1 table atoll-', l ai l leder, 1 epipe ,10 khan enble.:ixirs, 1 coon, 2 dor.. stovepipes, l9 kitchen chairs, 1 cupboard, trays large quantity kkitchen utensils, 2 butter trays and ,erne, en loose bber0115, hose, 25 drygal utensils, ron1 mg bear rubber ar26 gni, oil tank, Ironing b131W0 ,amps 6 large window +mtraoal iron, mown, 60 yds watersohinicoWire, ah atop ladder, power stand, knife, c alo lite none, Stop ladder, Terningms- ,(035 l and n,,lle end cash; over th01 Monza Terms -Sams of $6 (1l nnrler eonfurn r tills app rmt,1 months cord rt given ce on furnishing approved butt notes. 4 per Dent off for cash 011 credit amounts. L,N11A (11,1100, Proprletreso. Bull for Service Tho undersigned will keep for 0erefee at Lot 27, Con. 10, Grey, n thorn' -bred Polled Angus Bull. Pedigree may be Hem on application. Terms-Thoro'-br0ds$500, Grades $1:60, with privilege to return. 10•Lf 151788E1, 1tOB1r3RTSON, Proprietor, Bull for Service The andereigned will keep for service), on SA .Dot 00, Con, 2, Morris township, tho thorn' -bre Short Born 13u11, Gainford of Salem, No, 80110-, Sired by Gainford Morgitis 1000001 Darn Mildred 711 by Royal sailor (1895313, Ped. 1 res may be Noon en application. Terme- 310,00 for thorot-b5ede 'invitee at time of ser• vide with privilege to return, Grado once not allowed. T1108. PIERCE), Proprietor, reed were appointed to interview Mr. i4tubbs with a view to slaking a set- ilel11011t. 'Phe 'quirt on the Sellers and Mills Drains were reale and provisionally adopted, The following accounts were paid :- R. 13. Alcock, drawing tile, culvert and ditch, $10,01) ; Thos. Miller, Col- lector and Soldier Enumerator, $100.- 00 ; W. C. Thnell, drawing tile, ditch and culvert, $18.00 The next Council meeting will be held on Monday, May 20th. n win ' F llo Is rt list n g f the Pathrnaet- ere for 1919. : - North Boundary -\V. J. Henderson, 1404881 Jerntyo, David Jewitt, George McDonald, Jno. Messer, Anson Thorn- ton, Archie Messer, Peter ;McDougall. Con, 1 -Andrew Oasemnre, George Edgar, D. Campbell, \ g ('1 all ell, V(10 Aureus, R. 3oho5ton, H,u ry Bosnian, Mil vert Sel- lers, David Johnston Robert Messer, Con. 2-301111 Hunter, Arthur Ed- gar, Hewitt Jewitt, J. J. `Sellers. Chas, Agar, llenl'y 13one, Walter Forest, Lewis Eck Mier. NOTICE TO OREDITORS.-In the matter of the estate of Margaret C. Stewart, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Spinster. deceased. Notice to hereby given pursuant to "The Ric Heed 41,Itnt0a of Ooterla," that all creditors and others having Melina against the eetete of the said Margaret (1. `wtewart, who died on or about the 91st day of January, A, C , 1910, are rrqub•ed ,n1 or before the l"rth day of May, A, D , 1910, to send by pot pt e„aid or deliver to Peter Stewart, one of the Executors of the loot Will and Testament of said dlcensed, nt Brussels P 0 , their Christian and Surnnnee addreooee and deem iptlous, the roll nnrt•ien- Tars of their claims, 1115 statement of 11air nw 000,114 and the nature of the securities ,,1 any) held by theta And further take notice that after such 'Not ment1 n1»d date the said Executors will pro. oeed to distribute tho lasers of the deceased among the parties entitled the, eto having 1 e- gard only to claims of which they 1•h(1l1 then have lattice, and the said Exeonto rs will not be 1hlbie for the said 0005)8 pr oily port there- of to an • person 0r persons of whose uialrn noth'e sI,s(l not have been received by then' nt the time of such distribution, Dated at Brussels, title 21st day of April, A D. 1019. PE1'glt STIOWABT, Ext en torn 'J 52( S•1'ISWART, ++4+-1-+++++++•E•++++4.4.44++•8++ Standing field Crop p competition •i + East Boron Agr(onitaral Society of- + ,I, fere 076 60 divided 00 tnl10we7-8 '10, $10, d, $11,1410, 88, 23 and $1 for the beat geld or ,(, White Oats. + The Ont Brio Deportment 01 Aerten'• ,t, ,I. tore will furni,1l Qin .lndgeo. + Nature of Competition -Plaid enter- •+1• + ed for e',"pelition roust consist of not t + 18.0 than Bye acres end 1,0t more limn 'Q' twenty. 1 •omnetl tors -- Competition 0111 he limited to memb,n s of Esot thuml Ag - ,F rirulturel Society. r•no,patttoro 0011 Only enter in 0110 50 (4,v null but one ,p entry can be made by each amuppeittm•. ,¢ Any indlvitl 11111 ran 1111155 entry rel thin .1. oonlpetitlml by beooluing a member of ,;. the Snr.tety nod having en entrance( fen {. ot14t 00, 0nd nn •d tonal $L.00 for Field g, Crop 0oulpelil ion• + The prize ndnner5 must exhibit al .,. 4- East Heron Fall Fah' one sheaf "f grain ,} + from the ,r1ze wienhlg field, Reid sheaf 'i• to ha riot less then d in5h50 In diameter + nt the binder 7h' name and variety •1• + 1111151 be attache to the sheaf end also + + unntity of grain for sale, it 1109 '1 + Prizes of *1{$0 and 02 will he given n0 --rr + Seat, 0ecrn(1 and third pri0e5 fur (=1(11(1 •t + exhibit of „heaves. '1' All competitors must be within 16 I 4' miles of li50.05(5 Applioations must be in by the kWh day of May, Entry forms and further particulars may be lied by applying to M. BLACK, tit Secretary - Brussels. • r+q-A+•I••F•t ++++++4- 44+4444+4. ++ + PANTING ] Ewan & Williamson Wish car owners to bring along their Cars' and get hem Painted 'and made o look like new, 8eassnable Prices, All Buggy Painting done likewise. COME ONE 1 COME ALL I WE WILL PLEASE YOU, SWAN'S GARAGE BRUSSELS r•a. .,n ss .. _. 1 . 0. r ,.... i, ,,,. ,.t.� r r. s n ..• . ix...:r: 't.. ,, t. ri •`r�1laquZede=:.�s"rs•;r•K�4+'.ulr^,r-;�:$wztc3:fitic+,•¢�.�'vs1e�'�Slauisussa8aeca,�etiu�e(iuri',at':ai�%''`,.�+ldeeda'ot;:vr.Biu:.clseen:r�aA�,t.;,m.•E,.0 ws:,�;,.>.a9ix-_.a7;;,: Con 9 John Couttes .fohn nopper, 1 • Findlay /OUS I \Yin. SI ill('t'li , ,lobo( (1nfulss, ri , � \Vtu, 5ut1 h ''1104, B,•'u', h Iv, ;1 u• �� 11‘tl� �,de • aur, G I I '11 1.eu(1, 1..,, n.:1- l,. 11ebNtault, (1, Procter, G, N3eholaoo, Jilin McGill, Jas, Dineby, Jesse \Vlieelee, Roble Shedder, \Vm. Miller, 'flank Kerney, \Vat, 1731311u - ton, Alber I (hooks. Cun.6.- .311,1 till 111115hp, Muses Al,• dot ono, 33 o1 y al atstt•ong, 1rnu,k 31111 tfu, John t'aule Peter `d eh 1118Jan,. Nirhr•1, N'. J. 'eolith. t1 411 f 0ulittl, Duke Re dee. \\'rn. Bei mit 11, 13, J. Scott, John Robb, 1.eslia'l'hnwll, Cun. 7 ---It Nesbitt, John VI nig, IV. 0unniuhll uu, Ja(1les Kelly, Frank Beiruee, Simpson 81c('all, D. McDon- ald, Flank Smith, Don, 8 Scutt, Alb, rl Kelly, David l:tidlao•, 'Thus, Luidinly, J. A, Bi owe, .1. '1'..11c(llutglley, Jlnllee Phel- an, .1..1 llul'augirv, 33(11, Skelton, (9ilber 1 ,11• thelium, ,11�s, i3ewley, Jas. Lan sun, 000.0 John LSaiesetvice, John Pot - let, Reiseell lilrinuond, \Vol, 13rotvn, Findlay 31363,, v, Nelson Nicholson, \V,1, floe, Robert McDonald, John Taylor, \\'esley Searle, Dau, McDon- ald, W. A. 1300)811, Time. Marshall. South liontabtey-\3m. Short' eed, \VaI10, -John \Vali, Belgrave-Jos. \hiller. A. MAcEvel'3N, Clerk. IKESEWIFE TOO( 1NO[. Now She is Strong and Well Berkeley, Cal, -"I was nervous, irritable, no appetite, could not sleep, and was always tired, so my house- work was a great effort. After many other medicines had failed Vinol built me up and made me strong. I have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous, weak, ailing woman should try it "-Mrs. N. Edmunds, 2x07 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. We ask every nervous, weak, run- down, ailing woman in this town to try this cod liver and iron tonic on , our gud'antee to return their money if it fails to help them.. N', It. SMITH H. L. JACKSON1 Agent, Brussels Help the Y.S M�, � '1lt' ,: t , r e inis Work For Soldiers Help the" Y" Construct the Manhood that will Re -construct Canada ALL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the " Sign of Friendship " to thousands of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours' boys in the last four and a half years. Wherever the Can- adian Soldiers went, the " Good old 'Y"' went too. And now it is coining back home with them! ror tho' support which has made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well expended. We have rendered full account. We ask now your continued sympathy and support for Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Re- construction period. The Annual Red Triangle campaign will be held throughout Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The objective is $1,100,000. For Our Men Returning Por the soldiers and their dependents, returning from Overseas, we have provided as follows: - 1. A Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves Great Britain, with a full equipment of games, gramophones and records, magic lantern, literature and writing materials. Where possible, also a piano or au organ. Lectures, concerts, sing songs, instruction re Government repatriation pans, and Sunday Services. 2, Red 'Bangle comforts and facilities for the mut on ar- rival at Halifax, St. John, Quebec and Montreal, including ad - kw hails, with free drinks, free eatables, cigare£tes, candies, etc, $. Red Triangle men on every troop thein to provide regularly free drinks, attables and cigarettes hernial* information.lnforganize games and six' R songs, and 4. Rel Triangle free canteen service, information bureau, eta, at each of the 22 Dispersal central in C'a'a .4', b. Red Triangle Clubs in the psirrrlpol cities of Canada in the shape of Large Y.M.C.A. hostels to furnish bed and board at low rates and to be a rendezvous for soldiers. 6, Seventy-five Secretaries to superintend Red Triangle service in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout Canada, 7. Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y,M,C.A. privileges for six months at any local Y.M.C,A, furnished. In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, we have to maintain the Red Triangle service to the full for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries In Northern Russia, Palestine and Poland, 8 The Y.M.C.A. troll keep its chain of Service unbroken till the end, For Canada's Manhood The Reconstruction program of the Y. M. C. .4. includes the following vitally important develop- ments: -- 1. An Increased service to 300,000 teen-age boys in the Dominion --the development of Canadian Standard Efficiency training• Bible Study groups; summer camps; conferences; service for High School boys, for working boys, in the towns and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, physical or social development. 2, Inauguration of Y.M.C.A. work in the country, and the smaller towns and villages lacking Association buildings and equip- ment, on a plan of county organ- izations. 'This will include the estabiishmert of Red Triangle centres for social, recreational and eburches, e educational work among boys and a+llp a)( ll� . men, in co-operation with the vv U5�9IA R 3. The promotion of Y.M.C.A. work among Canada's army of workers in industrial plants, both in Y.M.C.A. buildings and in the factory buildings, organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by meetings, entertainments, games and sports. 4, The establishment of the Red Triangle in isolated div, Wets where lumbermen, miners and other workers hold din front trenches of industry, b Besides these main fields of increased activity for 1919, we have to provide for enlarged wank among railway men, college students and for otir campaign to encourage physical and sex education, '(finder ail our work we pleee the fund- amental foundation of manly Christianity, Ye d► .CIAI Nor the wives and children Overseas, dependent upon Can- adian soldiers, and for Y.W.C.A, work in Canada generally, a sum of $175,000 from the Red Tri- angle Pund will be set aside for the Dominion Council of the Y,W.C,A., which is caring for the soldiers' women folk, and their little ones onthe long jour- ney,frons Liverpool to Canada, and is also extending its work for Canadian girls, Por their sake also be gen- erous when you make your contribution. VOR the sake of our victorious soldiers and 1. their dependents, and the happiness of their home -coming; for the sake of our future citizens our teen-age boys; far the sake of rural life in Canada; for the sake of the social betterment of the toilers hi factory and work- shop; for the sake of lonely men and boys in our mines and forests; for the sake of Christian Society and Canadian manhood -we appeal to you, Give us your contribution, little or big. Be as generous as you can, Hand your contribution to the canvasser when he calls, or if you live where it is difficult for his; to call, send it by check; money order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Please Note: We are not asking for money to carry an our work Overseas., with the Army' in Great Britain, Branca nit' Belgtu8n, '!"beat work will continue at its Inarthraniffor soiner1Ionts, for 13y theflowery,1 tion ai o1r' assets Ii ' erseas, and will not terminat8 till the last man has salleA1`for homer a inna•I Council, Young Metas Christian Associations of Canada. The Red Triangle CaeDuhees of iDgSVcOod&53e, dI G,erGt.hCMisGt, gGu,teeVd 'nage 7-16Egfkera3, lion, 3 ll11petigo Chalrmna Jon1 W, Ross, Montreal Campaign Chairman: Campaign Treasurer; G, Havana Woo», Toronto Tawas BaA05ls.w, Toronto Cada. W. l Tenors k 111 ilgli61I(hllllwdelthpll iphlightingdgi=ri 1..•1 1 IIIu'61 3II (U allimlill F1 C = c _ irNt rl ll Safety First iHOULD be the motto of every investor 4 yh slier '-"'c la-' •- etot a dollar has ever been lost in • •PRCiNTS FPOh7 st r-1 vcs ' STANDARD RELIANCE :which ,:rocs 10511 np' sound ltnan- 8 O, Mortgage a orporatlo l 1 G/ tot advice wilt be rr 009'014 /81 073 Debentures 2 u .19n,st, 1YFit1/'ur if (e'dier. is on G r NI IN a "1 • LI rie r m le _ :: c c c c,t• G ♦ TJT Ow- W�II ra=c F\ r D RrriCB.eao5l05,T ser TORONTO ,,,� .° / 55405n/33. - t.' OFT//'5) 311. MIRA NEW 5AM5lf. UWnryrSTI[CH is= ' c " 5hE 1.nT" H. L. JACKSON1 Agent, Brussels Help the Y.S M�, � '1lt' ,: t , r e inis Work For Soldiers Help the" Y" Construct the Manhood that will Re -construct Canada ALL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the " Sign of Friendship " to thousands of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours' boys in the last four and a half years. Wherever the Can- adian Soldiers went, the " Good old 'Y"' went too. And now it is coining back home with them! ror tho' support which has made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well expended. We have rendered full account. We ask now your continued sympathy and support for Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Re- construction period. The Annual Red Triangle campaign will be held throughout Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The objective is $1,100,000. For Our Men Returning Por the soldiers and their dependents, returning from Overseas, we have provided as follows: - 1. A Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves Great Britain, with a full equipment of games, gramophones and records, magic lantern, literature and writing materials. Where possible, also a piano or au organ. Lectures, concerts, sing songs, instruction re Government repatriation pans, and Sunday Services. 2, Red 'Bangle comforts and facilities for the mut on ar- rival at Halifax, St. John, Quebec and Montreal, including ad - kw hails, with free drinks, free eatables, cigare£tes, candies, etc, $. Red Triangle men on every troop thein to provide regularly free drinks, attables and cigarettes hernial* information.lnforganize games and six' R songs, and 4. Rel Triangle free canteen service, information bureau, eta, at each of the 22 Dispersal central in C'a'a .4', b. Red Triangle Clubs in the psirrrlpol cities of Canada in the shape of Large Y.M.C.A. hostels to furnish bed and board at low rates and to be a rendezvous for soldiers. 6, Seventy-five Secretaries to superintend Red Triangle service in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout Canada, 7. Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y,M,C.A. privileges for six months at any local Y.M.C,A, furnished. In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, we have to maintain the Red Triangle service to the full for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries In Northern Russia, Palestine and Poland, 8 The Y.M.C.A. troll keep its chain of Service unbroken till the end, For Canada's Manhood The Reconstruction program of the Y. M. C. .4. includes the following vitally important develop- ments: -- 1. An Increased service to 300,000 teen-age boys in the Dominion --the development of Canadian Standard Efficiency training• Bible Study groups; summer camps; conferences; service for High School boys, for working boys, in the towns and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, physical or social development. 2, Inauguration of Y.M.C.A. work in the country, and the smaller towns and villages lacking Association buildings and equip- ment, on a plan of county organ- izations. 'This will include the estabiishmert of Red Triangle centres for social, recreational and eburches, e educational work among boys and a+llp a)( ll� . men, in co-operation with the vv U5�9IA R 3. The promotion of Y.M.C.A. work among Canada's army of workers in industrial plants, both in Y.M.C.A. buildings and in the factory buildings, organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by meetings, entertainments, games and sports. 4, The establishment of the Red Triangle in isolated div, Wets where lumbermen, miners and other workers hold din front trenches of industry, b Besides these main fields of increased activity for 1919, we have to provide for enlarged wank among railway men, college students and for otir campaign to encourage physical and sex education, '(finder ail our work we pleee the fund- amental foundation of manly Christianity, Ye d► .CIAI Nor the wives and children Overseas, dependent upon Can- adian soldiers, and for Y.W.C.A, work in Canada generally, a sum of $175,000 from the Red Tri- angle Pund will be set aside for the Dominion Council of the Y,W.C,A., which is caring for the soldiers' women folk, and their little ones onthe long jour- ney,frons Liverpool to Canada, and is also extending its work for Canadian girls, Por their sake also be gen- erous when you make your contribution. VOR the sake of our victorious soldiers and 1. their dependents, and the happiness of their home -coming; for the sake of our future citizens our teen-age boys; far the sake of rural life in Canada; for the sake of the social betterment of the toilers hi factory and work- shop; for the sake of lonely men and boys in our mines and forests; for the sake of Christian Society and Canadian manhood -we appeal to you, Give us your contribution, little or big. Be as generous as you can, Hand your contribution to the canvasser when he calls, or if you live where it is difficult for his; to call, send it by check; money order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Please Note: We are not asking for money to carry an our work Overseas., with the Army' in Great Britain, Branca nit' Belgtu8n, '!"beat work will continue at its Inarthraniffor soiner1Ionts, for 13y theflowery,1 tion ai o1r' assets Ii ' erseas, and will not terminat8 till the last man has salleA1`for homer a inna•I Council, Young Metas Christian Associations of Canada. The Red Triangle CaeDuhees of iDgSVcOod&53e, dI G,erGt.hCMisGt, gGu,teeVd 'nage 7-16Egfkera3, lion, 3 ll11petigo Chalrmna Jon1 W, Ross, Montreal Campaign Chairman: Campaign Treasurer; G, Havana Woo», Toronto Tawas BaA05ls.w, Toronto Cada. W. l Tenors k