HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-5-8, Page 34 _-..,..�,_.._._.....�.—._.�.•,..__.�,''� ' The I.;�,Ca;:�� 1l I S T All GUST•-- V✓el( CE AND WHY? 4 / i( 441 n l:at: I of thiul;pot"eco were t re,, h not ere, remove the run fr011 Lite sky, xhat would happen to 11144 earth? (t is t , • 1( (':ally 1011,s'0 11'11. '1110 t^',11e 1:t*I4 1 lati,uytl; tie, numb 10 do pov;:rt tl l `,tctlui) of ,111,11"r, and would 110....1.111 u le(e,u ed 1 113 1111::0 )'1(1' (1 r,olvinr; about it. Jupiter iq 3:1 1)11) a; 11'a a; (11, 440th, .iia '(4444 o) ib; mit114 artuul l 1,.44 er (.44.1(4 \It 4 4144', A firer:: orr pretty 11 11 it( ,i.4 411 1;. 11:' n,r , is .,;1.44 t'to t41;,,• II•'•, ( 1119 'r„• 1 ' f 1,itlrh rt teen ea 64.(4 Lern d! ,.1 11 ted 1.411110 i tham nil u; 111 111;111 441„ „441' rn3011 1 1; h, t::• ',will ' 11ee!) pt 110,4 ftp by .4 c out et the veld of 4.,41,(4 and tee., 4)4.444)'.d Leto the solar system. eeei ,, in tie 'rtu(14 µ•11y c'ha'he: a wire' 111 '11y 0111111.1 1, '1'410 latter, mum rime) , t1);: 111'011114 1110 :4011 for a 44 i'(' 111 - 141):,ca1 orbit., but 140011(1' or L•rtor bark 4p or Lille flight to tither 114 .1"eul}• 14")4,1414. Nobody 1.1ow3 wheat t 4('11 411(110 u' whither they go; they do mut seem to 11e guveree'l by ertiLi4u•y 1,•:.4. Iin'e, and olvin4 to 11.1' my tory of their Blake -up, a weird sort of int :rot •(t!1')'11es to (1 h4: Ie is ,vembea of etich year the 0:uth 111'rall I''att,'rn No. 8834, Girl's r u -11;•1: a swarm of mete or:;, Dress, In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 y'''arn. Price, ea 1 111 411 it oucunnters another 20 con s• aria -ll„: happening in both cases .1a.7.eg 111(111' umnhife,t to the every- day observer by many, "shooting : 1:, r ;.'' It iv .thought likely that these 44W41'1)11, are the debri:a of t em:Med-up e' mete. In 1572 we had a very spectacular "still' shower,” date e;.4'),rentiy to tho pa: ago of the earth t',r1m ;)1 the remain.; or 11ielu'11 comet, 11,111 44 bud "ba1.to11.'' Fragments elm - (marl to 1e derived from that comet wee,' picked up in Mexico, (miii,;ly a comet is coupn1ed of (0. f'i'ne parti''1.:, Its brigll4teee, le a mere reflection from the sun, No - h ,,,y- ( n bac, how or why such ag- t•:•g;t4.,u, of e:'tides should gather (2.' n::,':h'c,1 together and wander ainl• 1; "ly t114400',11 ):pace. But one should 1O11•:0 that the ('(snri0 void Is full of th.4 sort of star dust, which (lis Iva know f,onl pleco4 of it that fall upon (m• (,lunula ore commonly or iron, of- ten of stony stuff, 1(11d 311 (0111(1' fn- etanccs containing nirltet. The "void" of space is 1101 after all so tenets. It would eee1(4 to be fairly tilled with flying particles of )natter --- a emit -able star dust, the origin of width no ustronumer has 04.141' at. tele ted to 114plllin, ti) y1)'041.1. A box -pleated skirt is always smart 4)) neat -looking for the growing '1'h;11 one is developed in ging- un 111'1 trirumed with plain linen. © McCue. A pleasing; and youthful design is this black satin creation combined with Georgette crepe. McCall Pat- The Coming of May. tern No, 8850, Misses' Dr:ss, In 3 Tliro the dark night of dismal doubts sizes, 112 to 20 years. Price, 25 cents. 114,1 fears, These patterns may be obtained The wearied enffcrer watches for the front your local McCall dealer, or light, front the McCall Co., 70 Bond st.,' Tilt groes the 0119011(404 luminous to Iurnnt0, Dept. W. ilia sight, Ac(1 all his dire forebodingg disappears, BOTTLING UP NAVY VESSELS. Charmed b,, the sune11100; till rho heats (-allure of German Plot at Cromarty '1'4o lark's (dere' call, lei': robin's twit- ter bright, And 11)o,'8 the (1818108 lift their notate wlhite---' Cod's harbingers of joy through all the years. In darkened hours, of winter, thus we yearn To greet tho ancient glories of the spring, The fragrant breath, the gcuitl warmth of May; To see the glow of Nature's life re- turn And (leaven's greet orb with splendors or a king Ride on and 011 to 8un11110r's perfect day. Friends. 1 have so many friends! Spring 1)1 I0y friend, atld every tree J01014 l:itlt the hind to cleat with me. 1':11.17 te11(101', 111011(4044 new grecs kaiak That grows along the garden walls Nods €711717. tempting 141e to talk; The buzzing humming -bird, the bee, All tin'ldly make friends with me; The little ships upon the bay Wave to mo as they slip away. Now can I ever quite forgot T11' sweet u1' life? Despair, regret And 14.01419(11119 nr0 ail shut out, 1 1114) so guarded, ringed about By 1(11 these sturdy friends of mine From luimniag-bird to lazy pine. They 111(" me, and 1 like them so! bevel tiptoe flower, each branch that bends And touches Ins, now gladness lends. Firm comrades, down the road w4' go. '1'h,; earths a happy place, for oh, 1 have so many friends! The Name Victoria. This year is the centenary of the birth of Queen Victoria, tu1t1 a cotn- meutnto• point out that "a couple of seam of Victories all over the globe gement that the comnlemoratioll will be worn wide." Ilut it is a curious Point that (hough 'Victoria was so much in demand as a place n.t1m0 it never, even 4hn•2ng tine later days, with their august and memorable celeliratheir, became popular a8 a per - sot )1 name, To -day ono never meets a \ ieterft , undoes in the case of some lady or the peerage to whom her late Majesty (^1.1)4,1 8p0118o1'. Playing the Markets. "]hey wife W1111111011 the sugar market Closely." "Speculating?" "I11 a 14,1';411 way, She borrows when It's high and a/aatel )holt when WO low," Firth, Scotland. Perhaps one of the most romantic, and at the sante time, intensely dra- matic stories of the furtive naval war- fare carried on by Germany around the Scot1i4411 shore9, was recorded at tip. northern naval hose of Cromarty in the autumn of 1915. About 1110 tante stated the. Iron Duke, tlu'n Jeliice0's flagship, the Second v Battle Cruiser Squadron consisting of Ding George V,, Conqueror, Erin, Orion, and other flue ships of the 1 sam) class, together 'with attending flotillas of destroyers and leaders, were enjoying a period of rest cold "shore" privileges at Cromarty and f>lvergorclou, Following upoon a night of impene- trable fog (says a na19)l correspond- ent), which smothered the whole Mo- ray Firth in an imprisoning hlllul-et, a 1111114110 0) mine sweepers nicked up a moored mine, and then peeked up an- other, and still another, till it was obvious that an extensive field had been 8.01811, So the first report was fla1.811ed that a trawler had pielt041 lip ah moored I mine, longitude ------, intitlido —, This was the beginning of 11 hustling time for the 811o•o Rteff oRfcer1 and titt.ltlg8. The Mama] 1V8•1 ltufrkiyarena- 1 Mime and the romantic point about the incident is that the Admiralty Ire (Angelica Department are stated to have had knowledge of a coup which corresponded with tho Sioray Firth enterprise. Mino-sweeping (01)14444 worked inces- santly, only coming into harbor for coal Air(1 provieio18, and hurrying away out again, Every available (11(tft at the base w118 requisitioned to IWoep for or spot the mules, and soon a nar- row channel was reported cleared. Through this the rron Duke «Wetly slipped limey, and stole up to the safer harborage Of Scapa Flow, lvhe('0 the fleets can literally play hide and seek with tantalized minelayers or s1U)- mllrnles. The remainder of the shills in Cromarty followed soon afterwards, Murphy Preferred Coasting, An officer on board a warship was drilling 111s men. "1 Want every man to he on his back, put his legs in 111e ail', and move them as if he were riding a bicycle," he 0x - plaited "Now commence." After it short effort, one of the men stopped. "Why havo you stopped, Murphy?" asked the oicor. "If ye plate, sir,"" was the answer, "OI'm coasting," a 9attiianAuk.'+wrod Tav,"�anikioltsni, .RINGING DOWN THEZEPPELINSROYAL NAVY AIR SERVICE IN NOfTl•I SEA FOGS. Out at Dawn in Seaplane, Wrecked the 4nemy Airship and Beek For Dinner, I1egubu• patrol.', both (lav awl eight, (long tho outer trinees of 11441' 1114111W 111,1114 in the I1) 4)14 .,1 1 telil,o11u1t1, wero carried out throw 1),,nt the war, d'•:- pile i:e41141111014 fr"a1 4411' 111('•11,4 044 the Cl'u1.111.11 roast '4 team ypp,din4 1411 - Lowed 111'_ navy people b1 • "0..n' on the itiovoneuts of our ship..., while themselves ((41114:1„i1,;•, cut of gun range, u91'asimte.11y unloaded a cargo of bombs, fortunately 411(11 11(11” effect, on out. enihmarincs doing point duty 111a11)) the line of lnioye laid north from Toxe1 by the Dutch to mark the edge or the alined area, 1I1u(y of these lep- pelins were chased and two were des - 111>70d during 1917 by flying boats, ono 01 thein being brought clown in flames by a flying beat from k'elix- li:lwe. In the days of the Loyal Navy Air Service, when seaplane pilots worn blue and gold, and naval routine wile followed at Felixstowe, the first lient- onant( ane June morning in 1'917, was awakened before daybreak by a tele- phone call from elle Admiralty. Con- sider the ringing of the bell the peb- ble dropped in the sleeping pool, and observe how the ripples widened, and ever widened, until they broke on the coast of Germany, Getting Into Action. The first lieutenant rang up the duty officer, who, wretched youth, slept, or rather did not sleep, with a telephone for bedfellow, for No, 1, 144110 suffered from 10801nnia, always developed a thirst for information be- tween 11 o'clock at night and 3 o'clock in the 111011iing. The duty officer turn- ed out the duty flight commander, who, after pulling on an overcoat, crossed the quarterdeck: As he did so he cast an eye aloft, sniffed the air, promised himself that it would be a good flying day, and entered the ship's office. here lie found the quartermas- ter 10110(1 up in a blanket, sleeping (11 a perilous position 044 the edges of three chairs, and turned him out. The quartermaster hurried aeras the of- ficers' quarters and put a match to tho galley fire, turned out the duty stew- ard to fry eggs and bacon, called twenty (hands of the working party to get out the flying boat, and an engin- eer party to start the engines, and warned the wireless operator, the fly- ing engineer and the two pilots, 1,)!.11(1 minutes Inter the flight com- mander was stumbling about in one of the slimly lit seaplane sheds among the monstrous shapes of the flying boats, when a murine sentry, recogniz- ing him by this language. turned on the roof electrics and flooded the shed with light. flying boat No, 8677, fit- ted with 81100101141 large petrol tanks for the job in hand, stood on its wheel- ed trolley just inside the doors. Tho workitg party pushed it outside on the concrete area in front of the shed. turned its nose toward the water, and handed it over to the engineers, who start011 and tested the engines, The man told off for the purpose put en board a package of sandwiches, the five-day emergency ret101) in case the bout (ante (10447 at sea, the I3ec1 Cross box and the pigeons. The working party made fast a stout line to the roar of the trolley. It was now just beginning to get light. a mist lay on the water and an eight -knot easterly wind was blowing. The wireless operator and the flying engineer arrived and climbed into their places, the Idiots appeared in flying kit and got on board, and the enelers, in their weighted boots and waterproofed up to their armpits, came out of their hut. The flight com- mander gave the signal and the work- ing party ran the flying boat down the slipway. As the flying boat entered the water she floated from the trolley, taxied clear, and then, the first pilot opening his engines full mut, the frail eta'ucture, driven ()long the water by 1;00 roaring horsepower, leaped for- ward and took the air. It was a quar- ter tater u' o'clock, Across tho North Sea, 'IVilen "77" turned out to sea and steadied on her correct, the first pilot saw below hitt ihroligh the twist, with. in the encircling arm of the (harbor, the tall sheds of the eta)1011, the light C1'uleers and destroyers nt anchor, the submarines nestling close to their 111011101' 9111118 and the minesweepers disentangling themselves from their own pril'tirrrlarly crowded dock pre- paratory to beginning the day's wo1'l(, Ile then glanced hack (low, the 111111 of the boat and saw the second pilot busy with notehool( and wind tables wor9ting out the course, the wireless operator lingering his gadgets as leo tuned in with the station, and tho en- gineer going over the petrol pmttpe. This was the eighth time tho first 1)3104 had been out 044 11similar errand, but 90 far 11e had been unsuccessful, As '77 passed out and over the well- known buoys at the mouth of the liar - bo' the mist 9hnt itr, so the first pilot brought the boat down to 500 feet, throttling bank his engines Until site ' in was doing a steady sixty knots. f if. teen /ninnies later the R1lipwash light vessel Wee passed, the last thing to he seen until the Dutch islands were sighted, and from that time en the navigation was done by compass, deed r0eltoniltg 5.44 fns($rattori, 4 l"e1,nt•. v4.,) t),lf r',-.1 11 (oil nv.1 II 11)14 Mine yells i to Ile' No 111'4 Lam) of 1)1(. Nord) ll• ',1, the f•t thiekuaied, anti, Jost to make it more dlil)rult, the ran, h r1>r' ,•nd ltd, : , i 1 w2111 1.11e e;lrliion 1.1 ( 111,1,41, 1 4b"(„ I the 11111'47.,11, wl(.4 4'a 1t Mod vete lila 1 ye of the litst putt, find bade 1t dlfll- (•tilt foe hit, to see his Mott entente. The Chase. end the e (lorry. Aft'',,''77 11.1,1 )1'( i d :dee,' ! tum • 4. hr I. AI'.! 0(4'.(•'1 141,1,1)4 '., c4 1 1.1,1 "f 115 toil, (14(. 1.0(0111 pilot. 1)1",, 'l, tho, 1(1 4 4 a tie i).11 111, 1(44 t f' Vi , uvl f 11 1 1 11cr" •:4.„..014,,.:.1 .,.1;:,. 411') 111 7.'!', 4141, lf41i 1.. 4 , 14' b 1' lathed. 1..eaeh 1'..:L ln' 1.1 ' 414'Uly-:.l114' (Irate ahs 144, 4 !• (lawn tee ru..,'l. '1'h.. , . la .sir., - lt! p'(1eltea 1','41'-11 off 1 44"! :'a at le eel' ., the .eeeo'01 ;diet. eq.!. de111 t.ht' 440. rift Inthe i t .+.• a Y.'.Itpel'.t- me miles ea tee et ,•L.,. 111 beam, aid 111 a Ir ' '(1 of o;.111 1 .,4'I feet, Ilei (41 ; 4.L c''i ly ticking ever, ;eel she a. , videetly' lookleg for toin • 1. • The 1-1I'at phut sw11114 1L.• 444 , of '77 toward the ;the hip teemed, oat the cSirev, and eC'1hel to 244 (4) feet, The second phut was at the leer Full the wireless (Termer wound in hi., aerial mut 10an0, 11 1,,44 nliti;hip ;;44.1, anti Ile engineer tut the stern 440(4. Seventy. 88.813 441114 110V1' 1140 yards nun,. from Zeppelin and slightly above' her. The lookout on the gas -bag evi (r'nt- ly sighted elle flying boat. fur the en- gines were :raced up, her coarse waschanged, and two men were observed illli•riedly (1(•1'111111)1111g to 1110 gun 141 the tall en the glue arni(iship9 on top. The flying boat ,(Iced 011 tiie Tele pelin'44 tail at a screaming 110 knots Ind passed diagonally across from stu•bonr(1 to port, Vahan about 100 feet above and 200 feet away, the second pilot gut In 1bursts ursts frcul his machine gun. lie used only fifteen cartridges, As '77 cleared the Zeppelin, the first pilot made a shire 1'i hthiuld turn and found 41110091)! slightly below and heading straight for the enemy. Ile read her number, L-43. I-Tr'r immense size staggered hint. Then 14e sale that she was on fire. Pulling back the con - (rola, he lifted the (lying boat over the Ze(ipelin, and just in time, for, with a tremendous burst of flame, site broke inhalf, and, each part burning furious- ly, fell backwards in the water. The top gunner rolled into the flanges and vanished, three men fell out or the gondolas, and, turning' over and over, struck the water in advance of the wreckage. Then the 7.epplIn plunged into the sea and a heavy pil- lar of black. smoke arose. At 15 minutes after 11, just in nice time for luncheon, and lraviug com- pleted a flight of 377 miles, '77 en- tered tale home 'harbor, her second pi- lot firing Very lights, and the hand- kerchiefs of the crew fluttering from the barrells of the machine guns. AIRSHIP OR AEROPLANE? A Comparison Shows That the Advan- tage Is With the Former. l Why is it that an ner0piane re- quires over two and a half times more Power than an airship to lift the same total weight, travelling at the 8111110 speed(? The solution Is to be found in a emu - pails= of what is called the "co -of -1 flcent of tractive resistance" of the 1 two types of aircraft.This term, whilst it has rather a learned aspect, is in reality very east- ' ly understood. To discover the rr:iat- once value of any form of transport all that one has to do is to cunsido'' the resistance to travel as a percent- age of the total weight. For example, supposing a permit- 1 bulator, complete with child, weighs : 100 lbs., and the. force. required to I Push it nlong at 144 certain speed j amounts to 5 lbs., then the percentage ' of tractive resistance for the perrm• 1 bnintor' at that speed is 5. Obviously, ! the lower the percentage the more of- 1 1 licien.t is the vehicle. arr.F. W. Lanceater, in his book, "Tete Flying Machine from an Engin- tiering Standpoint," gives the follow -i lug figures for some of the methods of transport in 00111111011 use to -day, 440,1 to this lit't has been added a 60- ten airship, travelling at a speed of 60 miles an hour: •1. very little more than fleet or n railway4•ah e • Clip. f4. u, i ,1,)111 en' 141,(,1 iu 111,12 thea du v.. l' rot 1 ' 11ci air -fop . 1' n t' n1' 14414,1)' 441)11'•: 1 ler t1. 4, (r: :r•! 14.'11 Ill' ,tdrnu . , "uf •4)1,.,11"v 1)1('!'(,41.11 144 111.' r' 4 444 L. 'l,:.1 die d: vt•!'i),I14. )t 1111 ul1"111p-r !v :,1111 i1 it •1 ir,1 14,'' I'1ti; •, I 1 1 1 ('( 444411 i 1.i taw Per Cent, Solite rubber typed motor vehicles 3.00 liy, trtdns (normally)1.00 12 -knot cargo host 0.25 Aeroplane 15,00 Airship 4,00 From this st:tu,lp0iut it le seen that the 1410811)1) is nearly four times more efficient than the aeroplane, More- over, the 11irehip has the 1111va1111age that it 18 tilde to reduce speed 10 flight., and the 14814144111 e 11411..1 very 11111(.11 more rapidly than the decroa10 in speed. At 45 miles per (lour in- stead of at 60 the percentage of re• sistance is only 1.92, or less than that of a motor -cal•. In the suss of aeroplanes, the horse- power require(, (to overcome the re. sistanco) in proportion ie the weight Med remains nearly constant for all sizes of machines, but in airships the larger 1110 ship the sn11111er proportion- ate 1'08isteue0 it (14701'8 10 the 1111', Therefore, in order to fly at 1111' 5)110 «peed, a smaller p)•oportior of lift has to be devoted to the, engines, and, still more important, to petrel, 00 that a largo share of it istvailablo for pas- senger's and freight, 1f we double the lift or our airship,, and incidentally this represents no more than 20 per cert inrrea90 in di- mensions, the tractive resistance co - 8111310M at 60 miles per hour is only 2,72 per cent, At 45 miles per hour the resistance Weald be as low 148 1,30 per 110111,-- �t I c F,t.P.11,7 r r rwi.t.. Sheer Waste. 1 ,, t -,u- t la .1 r• 1, 41 iii 1:,1 , 111)4 to 44 244 t I 1 Ity r. a:.44,11 1)11 to yn11 tie. '.1:.t l a :-9. fa . :41f 111,•11,'. v. ben 11,1 441(14 44)it,:., l:•.Mp )stet '4.4. 11 ere a .eice 111 tent 44 •,our giiiVe?4" queried her, j� 1PJ3LJES. t' of L'? 1'-. ),.rat ',44 11',1'.1', ]t!; nil t1( !' .l. T II :Sirs 0(44 Tar (20 A 41'1:13$. 1,.•P ,Mute. .1 444'. :•1•0';,,1 t1(( (laughter. "1.10.''N 31•).11 f , (n . 1011,1 ......._ .. _. �+,..--4444. r f i 4 r r l 1114!' 9 far" 11 - ale n 119 1)11)111.y 11: ;11 ,,1.1kii)f. 1Jni-1411 il3 44.1,.• I"nf ' ASM 111 N hl 1 ti 74781 Malt. 1. 11 rite 4<ei1111.oar "1M1 41,)',.,'1.7,44 411 Fr" r let h 1 or!! i d 1 where. 4141,1') I here c ow,trualioll .el 1(44, 1',14 071711 r'OAr1T}IR WA:02'73D, ....._ DA. 111 ,jibe,, 1'4111 UJ 411:, Na AN11 UP, Are/ fuae v peony, to sell? Write fir 1'rle(41 1, WeIttr..0041 San. 14.18 Fit. Jean 11(411ste t,t..rt(eL, Mont- real. (tae, The 110411rm, lu..- 1 et 4'�'t , 1 : mine 1,14.'.11. t.4 44ivta -"' ill. the bit 1 raze ASXt, e • at .lie':,. in t ll nmif,n'1n 411111 till ll, Lent] ( 1'G', ', 1,. ,4 r, :441 ,! .' 1001,41"1', '% "i:I,L 1P,'i ll i I 1 wt11 lr'l.tt 1 1 ' - - 441,1 Is, 1 ,t- ,i 111 rlatilrre 4.4,41. 4,441 :'4.:4 ' 1)11 to>::,,i-ba 7. ! a:r „> ..._1'., 4411 11:,1,1 wur41 ally 4'i,• ltr ur.4 )1414 $.1 0, 41'2il pl r: n, -l'• tel ill )(1.'1.11.; 7. _'r L.m> ,.a 414,4).^ 11 1.1 t; t 15 i('' t ('ul,1 f, I .L. 1100 (Mee ed. l e, r t tie!.' ant; too . et, fit mime,' (bee, 1: ('!c•w E, ie Pitt it, r::fJiP5.Y2..r771 J8, :I,: !n, l 1;11' ):h9t. 1 1'1 lW,iv: ❑t hriril' 1' 5 ,1. :. ', i t : la^ t4 11 t:4. 4,14 Q.•/ � '.lityat 4'a 11 A :. I 1 '.1l A, 1:T9".. Uy"1 in Illy 1(•.'i 8, 11•'44'1 t , ... t ,,,,,,1 ,•u11..a1•.(44411. i4t,.)rul :•,'I ete 44•(1 al.', Will- i ' , t„ 4,111. I., fee ti n. • 1t.1. 11, • "t. line >u 4.4A:.111'11 you des:)'." Ii ' i, b,_ r- t,„, L,r U, f: 11,,•41 NL,Lo:,l 117 bald Go ' • f: tf t Il) 11''144'.11,4;.0.1 ft....•,11') 444 4. 1. 1',,.. 1.i ,- a ('ul)ln> 414 ,,L .:1t. L"y,• who a 1 , : 1, h- it, 1 • 1 P L.( 144'.1,• K:.e v6Jy graelnil14'ih71: 1'11}: 11., 1'q' ;:1913 ♦1'I: - Put ;a,(( how 11 11 (L. ,:4, 4i'1.1,'1e .6••747 Lh�1 11 on,11, lel r 1„. ' 4-1144• ('411.ui- 1 1.1141!1 nflt their f.1131 )114`3 (pi lie,1 .7 , 1 1ti1,(t1 . I., ltiet loll L 1''8. 11'' 1 1 . 1 441 ;•' '•8 i ( ll,: nut lee :xi len .1. 9111, dill 11144144 be::t In fe, c of all that' .111.; •1: %,''',1' 441' he,tx• Lu., 11,.,.,! {.,_ te.d coaldIII. thisit of ' i.• •17 (e' •_ r• - .1:aDI"tinn. Iyer1."1,04 111.1 1 t 1 ' 1' And 0111)' the (!4,,'i44''1(,44111 calla Furth our 1. tei(1411 (':01.4. It 1l1"1')404muck-t (441144., tuuc!r 4'c elm end woe end death. Of emere That p_,.h.a )t,,1( and true in even 1144” dying breet(i-- Of drill awl deem and lonely dark wi en1 (1') 11 l _meary - 4444hat that 11( , .. 44)11 liraws out Cie sm1rling teele1 011 let 4)11 i,,',•1, the uniform and c.14,01111 it With pride - It bre:,thes 1,1 that un Allied Truth fcr • wheel our thoneanda 112"d. Place it whare daily it ern 'speak its ales1''.1144' ;n 1,111• 4':u•:', And hold as lein,He, grateful, blest with ti17;:11'rI,o illd tears! Minaret's Liniment Co., Limited. I was very sick with Quintet' and thought I would strangle. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured me at once. I alt never without it now, Yours gratefully, 11IRS. C. D. PIIINCE:, Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st. TWO NEW FRUITS. Grown in the Philippines—One Term- ed Vegetable Limburger, There has been fenn1l fn iii, Philip- pines two fruits entirely unknown to Europe and Am -erica. One of these is the duriaan, which grown on a lofty tree somewhat reeelnbling an elm, i= about as huge as a cocoanut, hes e shiny 011e11 and Contains a creamy pulp lvhirll coni)lnee some of the llav4r8 of delicious cuetiu'd 'with those of a fine 44tees.,. American soldiers in the Philippines have 4lubh0d the Mullen the "vegetable limburger:" The other rare fruit 1s the nl: _l4108leen, but the exquisitely flavored liquid it contains has not yet been sncces..fully preserved for shipping. Solid Gold Swords for British Chiefs. Swords of honor, richly jewelled. Will be presented to five of the chef British commanders of land and sea forces on the occasion when they will be given the freedon1 of the city of London at ceremonies now in pros- pect. The 84Or118 will be of 18 carat gold, with ornamentations of jewels aunt enamel and relief work, designed and fashioned by the Goldsmiths and Sikversuriths Company, of bondon. The commanders who will receive these historic mementoes aro Admiral Vieeount 3811) 10 of Scapa; Admiral Sir David Beatty, Field Marshal Lord I''renclr, of Ypres; Field ;Marshal Sir Douglas liaig tad Goloal Sar Ecl• annul 11. 11.Allenby. Iron Minara's Liallaeat la the house. Being Trees, I wonder If they like it --being trees? I suppose they do n m 't It must feel good to have the ground so flat. And feel yourself staid right straight up like that -- 50 stiff in the middle—and then branch at ease, Big houghs that 11.441, small ones that bond and blow, And all those (rangy leaves that flutter 8o, — MONEY ORDERS. 1311 your out -of -Nina 9nllplies with 1)omiuton I7xpr'ers honey Orders, Five dollars costa throe cents. The Union of South Africa con- sists of the provinces of Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal, Orange Free State and Natal, "On les aura" 0100119 "We shall have them," or more colloquially, "We'll get 'em." It wag a French army slogan during' the ever. In Bible times music played on im- portant'tart in the social life of the people. L.nhan is said to have re. gret.ted the suddenness of Jacob's de- parture because it deprived ltim of the opportunity of sending him away with music, Five captured German submarines are now on their way across the At- lantic!, and are Oltpected in Ga11nt111 and the U ited 'States shortly, bd(leerd's Liniment L1Wlbeiyllan'e Rrlen(. 1:4.. in.it. File hoped chat I )''.111:1 1., ' p (i. 1.11l1 1111.1 i', 141 tili(t 4.1441 c -1 t.':, int 1.L u( 1)41,3 In point lu - 1,1,! t':' her 1-... •,.)441) as 1!ie pian she i t4i'1',L1 Lave 11111•-10'6" Wanted An Excuse. Pi11y and P t1( y eery (•nusin , enol t1tLrm4'l, very 44n'1 of each other, did' not 01;t 1w1 - y e 1 c,'. OI.'" (lay hobby's ml, 1((m entered d the r0'na where the 1 44 14' meet were 11.111 in,. ,".'id wits stn neallately tiphealed to by her son,.I '1fa)1 _I 1), mayn't Billie tell e en4 f, .tits"." "What (10 you wart Billie to te1I' ;ten* fi;ult0 forr a'k'.,d DeLby's m„ - titer in eet(ehi,l>]lte: t. "So tliet I can t•,11 111I11e his;" Was the 1(1ex('''teed reP1)'. Lag!cat Wish. On the eutskirt. of 1'huadelpbia i.. an admirable :,tock farm. One 1::41 last Summar setae peer etildron were permitted to g,) over this farm, and when their itl'p,rtice W8,8 dans, to' each of them Hall given a glees of 1)1111:. The milk w1):: 01400 1,:10. "\V(1), boys, how did you ail..+ it?" the farmer said. when they had drain- ed their glasses. "1"ine," said one little fell o11'. Then after a pause, 11e added, "1 W,i8hnt our milkman kept a cow," 1'v. ')' :110. iI;44 1 ,•r ,,'4 n t Dat ow• or, '.4' '."! 4 -1 11,11t atm': for i 5 ' (4 I 44'• u,,. , ,w. t -( t,i•y, In'veteteel. write 1111x•. H. n»y Co.. 778 >4nl: Si., 11)41,5.,, int, A Fifty-Fiftydrishman. In hi,; hook, 'Trent Gallipoli to Dog - dad," "I'urlt•r-" t44'illiant 1slrmg tells the story of a burly Irishman brought (11 - to the field -hospital suffering from 1141(11y wounds, "What are you?" asked the doctor. "Sure. I'm half an Irishman." "And whet's the other half?" "'1811$ mat bandages." His Wit Saved Him. Discipline is strict in the French army. A rale sentry saluted a co• - Ao k for 1010ar11) 8 ante take no other. General iransides is the British commander opposed to the Bolshe- %iste in the Murmansk region of Russia. The correct way to dry an um- brella is to turn it handle down in an en and down position so that the wet dt•ips out instead of in, e--11-0—o-4'—a-- 0 --4'---o e Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then pass it along to others. It works: i poral who, ttnav:are that General Gou- 0--o—o--o—o-4'---o--o—o--o-•.o—c—q 4 1'01111 1.118 close behind. him, returned Ouch ' a 9 0 ' ' This hind of rough the salute, talk 1ri11 bo heard less here in town if \ 1)1410 later he was eiim"101'0(1 be• peop20 troubled with corns will follow ' the f"cu(' "1 :u)d ieslte'I 1:11,^. 1.c r':• Ule simple ),14)40 of this Cincinnati t('1('' autharnty, who ('ln1n,s that a few drops turn..1 tho salute when he li1G'ct have of a drug called freezony when applied known 1' ' el:'nild not have done so. to 1: tender. aching corn stops soreness "Sir." said the crep0ral, "I always , at °nee, and soon the corn dries up return ,1)r) t111ag to v:11'11 1, i 1:1:1 not en- and lifts right out without pain. tided." i Ho Nays fre') •oae 114 an ether corn- GCneral Gouraud v:1) se pleas (1 pound w•1>tell dries inlmodiately and with the witty reply flat he let t1(. ',lever inflames or even irritates the matter drop. surr(nnding tissue or skin, A quarter of nn ounce of freezono will cost very _......_4„.____ - little at any drug 44111 • store, hili is salla - Learn to 1)144.41 to mu ic, Every 4 4144110 to remove every hard or soft family should form themselves into corn or c'`lit's from one's feet. Millions of Americnll women will weleomo this a class to studs m111144al app44.'..:t',o4. announcement since the inauguration - of the high heels. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion fee a few cents. Tho juice of two fresh leptons strained into a bottle ronl.aining three ounces of orchard White makes a whole quarter Mut of tate most re. markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a smell jar of tate ordinary cold creams. Carr, should be 11,14111 to vlrai11 the lemon juice through a flue cloth so no enlon pulp gets in, the:, this lotion will keep flesh for months. Every woman (snows that lemon juice 114 used to bleach and remove such 11144111islte8 as freckles, ((1111o11ne04 and tan and is the ideal skin softe:uot -whitener and beautifier. ,lust try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at tole* drag store and two 10)11011) from the grocer and make up 0 quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arum and i 1)1141:'. O, LS! HIMi'ASS OF EF. A" BBFII EAS , SBFT, SLOS3Y, ViiiiVY A tbnallll bottle destroys dandruff and doubles beauty of your hair. 'Within ten 1111nntrs after an appli- cation of Danderine you clan not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when yott 9442 new• hair, fine and downy et first- -5'09- -but really new' heir .,gr0lving all over the scalp. A little Dalldl:rine immediately (limb - les tete- beauty of Your heir. No dile ferenee bow deli, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and c tl4ruily draw it through your hair, felting one smell strand ut a tanto. The effect is amaz- ing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy. and halo all apt"'a.rau40 of abundance: an Incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Got a small bottle or r0l twltoe's 1)anderinc from any drugstore. ni toilet counter fora fere cents and 18VONa that your hair is as pretty relit soft els any --that it hag been neglected or helmet by careless treatment that all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you Will ill:A try a auto 4,)111100(11, DON'T NEGLECT REMITICNEI Go after it with Sloa-1'd Li nit'e3,ilt More it ,.^,t,tts d:l,e:;; ero a Apply a i :7... don't ,'u8, let it PiTe- trate, a'td nod 4- 211:1418,-1 Same for e�_ta:mal aches paid-, strata,,, stiffness of 2.>ini44 44r 17i13C1e5, lameness, braises. li rt:mt rclicf without mussiness or soiled clothicm. Reliable --the biggest selling 110)4,1014 year after year. Eco- nomical b- 1'881.:')) of enormous sales,, Beep a Li;; 410tH) ready at all times. 1110110 in (:an::41). Ask your druggist for Sloen's Liniment. ea The W9ie Enjoy oy Cu icwA Soap This mire, f la _ r i u emollient `114• just sui:cl to the tend r 1 -.Mn 111 infants and 1144(111444411. 444 'i, ,I; have known no 0th r since b rta. The daily use of it, with touchen of Ointment now and then to little skin and scalp tr,r.Ibh'8, tends to insure a healthy slain, a clean scalp and good bear through life. Soap, Ointment and 97aleum sc4d everywhere.. Ot'lie nnre to test the ftroitio 1cs ft4• r rance of C(rtiaare, "ninon ell yom• 414;11. 165ue 18--0100.