HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-24, Page 844/044X4od.i4+45•04•041.0+41444.44•2444.4.144.4444,44414.04.64,64,64� Loot 61 1 Make the Home Wails Smile Again ! New Wail Paper will rjo it Here are a few of the New things that are to be had in Paper this Spring I for living Booms, Halls and [lining Dooms 4. 4The plain Papers still bold first place and among them there is a handsome pattern in the new dark blue shade, • mixed with gilt ; has border in a conventional design, a • with base trimmer. The price is 30c per roll. Another + Paper that has been much admired is one with au oatmeal • + surface, but there is a traced pattern in it, brown shade, • ÷ and the price is 25e a roll. In a moderate priced paper, a at 250 a roll, a paper in a gray shade and showing a very narrow stripe line of gilt, is pleasing. The matching bor- 1 der for this shows something special in color. If you should want something not quite so plain, a couple of Tapestries -one at 25o a roll and another at 38c -are in good taste. 1 4. 4. 4. • 4. 4.• .1. • • A For Bedrooms An All-over Pattern in a Chintz design which comes in two • colorings -gray and pink and gray and yellow -is priced at 17e a roll, and is a change from the usual Bedroom pattern. Bedroom Papers, showing silver stripe and nar- row floral stripe, two colorings, yellow and pink, price 14c. Oil Finished Papers for Wash Rooms, Pantries and Kitchens, can be wiped of with a damp cloth. Price t20c roll. Glazed Varnished Tile Papers for Bath Rooms, t&c , Blue colorings and Green colorings, 40c roll. We will be pleased to show you the New Papers, whether you buy or not. 'F. R. SMITH The j13/X,Caved Store Druggist and Stationer 44+•+,+4+4.+•54.44+44+++4.4.G +•+401-04044+4044+4104-444.14-14+o Taal Veto's ,tents Local. news on page 5. VEGETATION is pushing ahead. Gwr ready or the Sanitary Inspector. THURSDAY of next week will be may Day. NAVIGATION has opened this season on the Maitland river. House cleaning and early gardening are on the program. A pair of gulls were visitors at the mill dam during the past week, THURSDAY afternoon of next week will be the 1st half holiday of the season covering next 4 months. KINCARDINE Reporter last week said W. Burnside sold bis fine black horse to Ino. Galbraith, of Brussels. MRS. CHAMP/ON has purchased the house and lot belonging to Thos. En- nis, corner Church and John streets, of which she and family are the present tenants. ATTEND the Horticultural Society meeting Thursday evening of this week in the Audience room ot the Public Library and hear Co, Representative Stothers. No admission fee. THE Hensall Observer has phoenix - like risen from its ashes and is in charge of Messrs. Buchanan & Wickwire, While the field of operation is some- what circumscribed the proprietors will no doubt present a readable sheet. TUESDAY evening of last week N. J. Morrison, D. D G M. paid an official visit to Brussels Masonic Lodge when an enjoyable time was spent, He was accompanied by Robert Ross, a former Brilsselite. BOO/GRT A FORD TRUCK. -Stewart Bros . proprietors of the Shamrock Butter Factory, Brussels, have invested in a Ford one to truck which will be utilized In cream gathering over a more extended territory than has been cover- ed with the wagons. John Cunning- ham will drive the car. PROPERTY SOLD. -Last week the home and so acres of land connected therewith, the property of the late gas. Wilson, Elizabeth street, was purchased by Alex. Meeluskie, who comes from McClelland, Algoma, He and Mrs. McCluskie and 4 children are now here and will get immediate possession. Property is desirably located and with the large orchard and acreage will reake a comfortable spot for the purchaser. It was in possession of the Wilson family for over 40 years, We bid Mr. and Mrs. McCluskie welcome to Brussels where we trust they may soon feel quite at home. Miss Inman and Miss Myrtle Wilson will continue to reside in Bros. sels, Mr. McCluskie has been farming in the North and has handed the real estate over to his sons. • EDMUND LASCHINGER PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY. --011 Tuesday night or last week, the death, (=erred of Edmund 13. Leschinger, a prominent Toronto busi- ness man, The deceased was taken ill Tuesday morning. Born in New Harn• burg, where his father was poetreaster, he received bis education there end in Toronto. For some years he was pri- trate secretary to Sir Wni, Mulock when he was Postmaster -General and was later appointed Assistant Deputy Post- master, Mr, Laschinger was later with the Cawthra Mulook Co., and was 00 executor of the estete. He was Vice, President of the Royal Alexandria Theatre and the National Iron Works and also connected with the Canada Bread Company. His wife and s young children survive him. Interment was made on Thursday at Prescott, Ont. Deceased WAS a nephew of I,T. and Mrs, Wood, Brussels, and was a fine Mat), IMISMIS•1•11•1•M SCHOOLS resutne next Monday after the Easter holiday, THE alterations at tbe new show rootu and garage for S. Carter are progressing favorably and the place will soon be ready for occupation. THE Morris farm property ou eth line, offered for sale last Saturday afternoon at the American Hotel by Public Auc- tion, by F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. was not sold but is still in the market, Coll. heater for sale, in good condition, at e bergain. Phone 25x. MYRTLE Wrnsorl, HAwcatwo eggs for sale, Barron's laying strain White Leghorns, 6 cents an egg. Single settings $1.00. ROBB TROTISON, BruSaels, Phone 66. REED GRAIN POR RAWL-Improved Ameri- can Banner Oats and 0. A. C. .No. 72 ; also Marquis Spring Wheat. Phone 2016 WM. RIITOEINsON, Pon SALE. -One good Shorthort Bali Calf, 10 months old, sire, Surrey Hill Chief, No.114787; dam, Pansy, No. 127699, Also Silver Gray Dorking eggs for hatching -81 00 per setting of 16. ANDREW DOUGLAS, R. R. 1, Bluevale. Wroxeter Phone 505•4 BAVE pasture for a limited number of (tat- tle for the season. DAVID G. CLARK, 16011 Con., Grey, Phone 284. ENCHNE vort SAL11.-14 h. p. Waterloo trac- tion steam engine, rebuilt last Pall. Por further partionlars apply to TADELT, BROS. Brussels, R. R. No 4 Ron SALE. -One Polled Angus Calf, 4 days old. R. c. cAmeneere Phone 4212, Situp Peas -Canadian Beauty -for sale about 100 bushels. Phone 1728, GEORGE 1SloCALL, Morris. CHESTNUT Driving Horse 0 years old for eale, 8. CARTRR. MRS, WALTER PTONNINGTON is prepared to make Switches front hair combings, R. R. 8. Brussels. Her prices are reasonable. 41.4 WANTED. -Dead Horses and Animals taken away promptly within a radius of 20 miles. Will pay from 00 to $5 for live animals brought to factory. No animals removed without hide. Phone (day) 12; (evening) 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co, Ltd., Winghinn. Phone at our ex)1ense. 41-31 zoos for Hatt:lithe-Barred. Rocks -front good laying strain $1.00 for 16 or an per 100. Tnos. WrnmASSOS, Lot 26, Con, 14 Grey, Phone 434, Kermit 0. BitYANS announces she has re- sumed work in her office, Office open every day. Hours 10 to 12 a. m,, 1 to 6 p. re. also Saturday evenings. Da, PARKER. Osteopathic Physioian, visits Brussels Monday afbernooe of emit week, Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residenowt. Consultation at Queen's Hotel, F TEM) CROP COMPETITToN -East Huron Agricultural Society is potting on a Field Crop Competition again this year, oats being the grain. See the notice in another column. There should be from a score to twice that number of entries by the farmers of Grey and Mor- ris townships. WALTER Rose, the poultry fancier and breeder at Brussels Poultry Farm, says he has sold over 1200 clay old Leghorn chicks by advt. that has appeared in Tint POST for the past z weeks. His incubators turti the chicks out by the wholesale and the old setting hen is tt back number, Mr. Rose hal an meta - date plaht Red a lot of fine birds. MATRIMONIAL, -A wedding of interest to more than Listowel people was solem• sized at the home of Dr, and Mrs. M, H. Moore, when their second daughter, Emma Estella, became the bride of Lieut. Albert Terhune, The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. J. M. Nichol of Knox church, of which choir the bride was a member. During the signing of the register, Mist Agnee Mc- Gillivray sang "Oh, Perfect Love," A buffet luncheon was served in the din- ing -room, which WAS prettily decorated with sweet peas and maiden hair ferns, 'rhe bride's travelling suit was uavy serge, They left for Toronto, where they will reside The bride was a form- er Britsselite and a large circle of old friends wish her and Mr, Perham much joy and prosperity. ahv Chicks 6 Mr, Feltner, bird you e ver aeure out just how inueh you.. Chia (met you each year nom the pawky eat hen breakiug 1 he egg, or leaviote the neat ? We etre hatching hun- dreds of (Aix each week. Have orders in for thousands. Don't leave off ordering yours until it is Lou late. Older them now. WALTER ROSE Phone 3 on 3Sx Box 34, BRUSSELS Foot 13Ame-All interested in the or. ganizetion of a foot ball team for lima - eels are asked to attend the meeting in the Cottucil Chamber on Monday even- ing next at S o'clock. THERE was cone a fall in eggs hist week, °seised by an attetnpt of n Muse to run away from in front of the Express office where a crate of eggslAs as being delivered. '1'lle crate came to terra firma with considernble of a jolt and the "hen fruit" mattered. ID, C. Ross received 21 rose bushes by exprees, from Ireland, forwarded to him by his son, Dr. George, who is tie- ing duty for King George overseas Mr. R sos has now 71 rose busies pet otet and shelled have something extra fine next Summer in his rose garden. "THE BETTER 'OLE," --There was a good attendance in the Town Hall Wednesday evening of last week al the moving picture performance when life in the trenches was well depicted under the caption of "The better ole," The vie vs were very realistic but the fitin would be much improved if the swear words and the beer guzzling were cut out Good music was rendered by the orchestra Public Library treasury will have a small hal ince after expenses. HEAR MR STO r HERS - Thorsday evsning of this week, at 5 o'clockCo. Representative 5 B. Slathers, Clinton,e will address the members of Brussels Horticultural Society autl as many others as cau attend in the Public Lib ary Audience too -n, illustrating his re- marks by views There ellen cl be a good attendarce notwithsituding the short notice. Don't forget the cla,ai Thursday evening ot this week at 8 o'clock. Invite your neighbor, No ad. mission fee. SOLD BUSINESS.-0WiDg 10 the un- expected decease of Mrs, Roy McKay, Roy has decided to go out ot business in Brussels and has sold to Will. Harris and Will. Bell, who takes possession on Saturday of this week. The boys will only take the restaurant part of the stock and Mr. McKey has arrauged to divide the groceries among other mer- chants. He had been in business 4 yrs. While undecided as to what be will do he will in all probability remove from Bruseelseeve are sorry to state, SUCCESSFUL -A very successful Sew- ing Coulee, consisting of 95 members in connection with the Women's Insti- tute conducted by Miss McKay, instruc- tress and demonstrator of the Depart. ment of Agriculture, Toronto, fin- ished last week. Those whose privilege it was to attend the class received many useful and practical lessons, Miss Mc- Kay is most patient and painstaking and will be slways welcome here, There will he en Institute meeting this month. ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT -Tues- day evening A Mather Hilburn was the capable entertainer In Brussels Town Hall, under the auspices of St. John's church. An appreciative audience was i present, Afterintroductory seutencee by Rev. Mr. Smith, Mr, Hilburn pro- ceeded with his literary bill of fare, First part consisted of various numbers illustrating ebaraeter sketches and dial eels in which the impersonation was ex- cellent. "A Bachelor's Romance" °c- oupled the latter half. The sceue was made very realistic and artist proved himself to be tin expert at his product tions as he brought the Carlotta scenes 'n view, of course ou'y in thought, but none the less real to the imagination and he was well deserving of the thank.; proffered by Rev. Mr, Smith. This is a class of entertainment seldom off ereci the public in Brunets lent the entertain • erproved his ability in a pleasing manner to fill the bill and would draw well on a return visit. People We Talk About *it ** Roy Stewart is home front Varsity for a holiday. Fred, Wood ate his Easter eggs iu lettcheuer. Miss Mina Hunter spent Easter iu K. nea• dine. Mies Beatrice Harris is home from tier school at Port Credit for F,aster. Chas, Richaids, Toronto, was an Easter visitor at the patentee home, J, L. and Mrs Herr, Clinton, were Easter visitors with Brussels relatives. Miss Beatrice Curry, who is teacher at Sheffield, is home for Easter vacation, Miss Pearl Raelcer, of Mimic°, is reuewing old friendships in Brussels, G El. and Mrs. Sarnia and Finlay were holiday visitors with Toronto relatives, Miss Pipe, of Galt, is here on a visit with leer sister, Miss Pipe, Queen street, We are sorry to state Mrs, James Mc. Callties condition shows no improve• ment. Miss Nellie Fox and Miss Stella Gerry enjoyed a few clays with Toronto friends. Miss Kate Atnent was hotne for a short visit from Lemclon where she hes a good position. Lloyd racksou is spending the Easter holiday at his home in Brussels, He is teaching in Toronto. H. W. and Mrs Glazier, Stretford, were visitors at the home of James and Mee Ireland over Ole holiday, MISS S. 13el1 and daughter, Teeswater, were here for a visit at the former's parents, A and Mrs Lamont. Mrs. Joseph Querin was laid op dur- ing the past week with erysipelas but we hope she will 0000 be all right, Cardiff Best bas been enjoying the Baster vacation at his home, 13r11ssels, He is attending sohoel in Toronto. Miss Gertrude McKenzie 16 spending si week With her mother in Brussels, She is a student of Stratford Business College, I A 11 4.1 1 HANK?). Store 911 Or CANADA kinAo op Fick TORON'rQ TRUST IUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and EST.0 1973 interest at current rate, 239 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, iE3 rE1 Manager. Meitleeelfi.H5DMDSMMMIN0MeffileleTAEF .•=9“statt 1,W 11 is here 011 a holidey Srtsity atm n Pp; Iasi Rev, Mr. S-af- , ford thstou.si it on the B.-1411 01 o "The Triumphal Entry. oiitiou te Crump is visiting her tine mid in tbe evening ilia Oletile WAS In l' Miss 11 inor Jordan has gone to 'Por. onItt 111 spend a IRV. days. A 1111 Lemont spent an enjeyable visit with elatives in Lt dot'. Wm. P le eon aril Miss Myrtle spent a few tICys ith friends at Fergus last wet k Misses MeLittichliu, Toronto, were 18 OCr vi.nots wall their sisters in u. Miss Jardine, Milton, is the guest of her sinter, Mrs W, S. Scott, at 131air AOt 1. 11 rs 13 err y K rhy and daughter, of London, ate vesting at the Queen's Hotel. Mrs. Alfred 1..miy attended the Lib- rary Convention in Toronto this week as the delegate front Brussels. Miss Dolts Ross went to Pettolia on Wednesday, accompaneeig little Miss Mary Isilel Raver who has been visit - Mg here lor a few weeks. THE Po .T welcomes Jno. P. end Mis Gevitor and fernity to Bruesels hy rec. ntiv t.olt1 their farm in Grey township to Robe,1 Beieer. A. G. 'McDermott. SI:mania 133015. Montreal, is a vt.,tor i 9 town. He is off on leave to recrue his health which has not been yet y robust 00 late. Corp, Stanley Cempbell, FOC of Au• gas and Mae Campell, Mill street, ar• rived from overseas and reaches home this week. He is very welcome. We are gltift to state that Miss Mar- garet Robinson has remrned to het pe.ition in the Central telephone office after au illness of a week or more. Mrs, Byard Hie and grandson, Chas Aadrews, Clinton, were welcome visit - els at the home ok 5 and etre. Bailey. The former it a sister to 115 host. Miss Gertrude Deadman, who has been attending Qaeen's University at Kingston, id home 0 tr the holidays having completed the tetm's work for the 1st year, Archie Ritchie, Toronto, is here on a visit at the homes of his encles. W. Gil- lespie, Brussels, and W. 13, Maunders, Morris, He is et son of the late Claes. and Mee Ritchie. Dr, (Capta(n) el oore was in town over Sunday His period of Mritary service w 1) likely he completed in the course of a few months when he will likely re. sume practice iu Listowele Mrs. Robert Oliver and Mrs, Thos. Browu attended the wedding of their brother, Athol lelcQuarrie, l'oeonto, formerly of Brussels, to Miss Nairn, at Goderich, Wednesday of last week, Among Brueselites in Toronto who are home fur Baster aro Misses Jean Armstrong, Cerrie McCracken, Berea Bryans end Eva Bryans, anti Hattie Dowsing. Tilos Armstrone is also here Mrs. Aix Thomeon, of lechnouton, is a visitor with George and Mrs, 'rhom- son, She will sail for Scotland on May 8 h, her former home, Mr. Thomson, a brother of 'he host, died 2 years ago. slime Grills, Listowel, and Mervyn And Ilet, Grills. Winnipeg, were visitors at the home or lee and Mrs, Leatherclale last week, They are relatives, Mr. Grills j is t. cantly home from overseas. kis, Harold Speir supplied the de - pat, meut of Ili ussels Public School of which Meet Kathleen Wilton is teacher last week It was a forcible reminder of ether days when she was Miss Belle I leuderson. Miss Wilton expects to resume work next week. Mrs Palen, Toronto, sister of the late Mre. Roy McKay, accompanied her brotheren-law to Brussels to assist in ate rauging the off dos of deceased. Rev. David Wreu, Mouut Forest, who mar- ried Roy and Mrs McKay, wheu page. or in Brussels, went to Toronto end took part in the funeral service. Mrs, McKay was conscious Almost to the last. Her Sias!' was with her at the hospital when she passed Remy. Pte. Wm Cantlon, who arrived back from overseas a couple of weeks ago, wee a visitor with Bol, and Mrs, Pollard, cousins Pte Lloyd Tyerman, who was seriously wouucled and gassed while fight log for the Empire mei has been in en English hospital for over a year, was also visiting at the Pollard home, The visitor is a nephew who enlisted in New Ontario where hie fattier moved some years ago front Grey township. George Crooks, who went West last Pall, arrived back to Brussels lest week looking well, It is 44 years sitice he came to this tactility, hence it is not 01 1(0)1 wonder that he feels more at home here than any place else. He will make his headquarters with his son, Albert, 4•0 line, Morris township, While away he visited with members of his flintily at lad Ian Head, Calgary and Edmonton and met many old fiende In his sojourn. tie is weloorne back. Church Chitties Synod of the Diocese of Huron meets this year in Loudon; commencing its seselons leiesclay, !tiny h Good Eaglet wee: backed up the dis- eoures of Rev. Mr. Manu in Melville church last &Ninth. Miss Isabel Strachey) contributed a solo ttt the morti. Ing serviCe, A union service will be held in Mel. ville church next. Sabbath evening to he addressed 115 Rev Mr, Pierce, recently back from Turkey in A.ia. His subject will be "An leyewitnesse of Armenian Atroeities." A unit n cheir will lead tire eervice of evaiee. Rey. Mr. Pie.ce has had a wondetful ex pert mice and ei uovf promoting the interests of the Ian g ‚aur faring and greatly afflicted Artnenians, to well sang leaster Annie Ini 1 1, Herr, of CHOI MI, sang ''5111 ti','' and "My Task" at the inoraing and evening set - 5(00e respectively. ST Jous's Vverite MEP:TIRO -Ott the evening of Blaster Moodily the aunutil vestry meeting ef St. ].tin's church, Bruseele, was held, the Rector, Rey Henry Smith, in the chaie. leinneces showed a heelt ter couctition, the A Y. l', A. havin% 1117 25 On 113111.1 ; SU ,.(1111, School $ is aril Guild :Bs. There were 15 removals hy death er weenie to (1111er 1m:slides. The arciPt. Wardens were re- eleeted. Robert Stn will attend the Synod as lay dela-ante, with W. 11. Mc- Cutcheon as substitute. BORN Wnourion.---Itt Grey township on April llth 1910, to 51r, and Ur, Wheeler, n son, MARRIED CIOULTRIi -STU ITTIBitta -At Brussels, alt April ilth, 1910, Mr. Milton Coulter, 110h Ono. EMIR. 0,1 AP. t.itOn, Stvuthe...,, ,laughter of Mr, and mrs. 318 Struthees, of Newry. 111C(11.11151E NRIPN.-1:1 Iloderlell, on Wed- nesday, April 111111 1M0. by Hoy, It O. Derinid, an. Athol ;Ilt.Q.Inrrit. of Tomtit°, 00 7on17 O.-lithint. Naln, tdde1 daughter of SIr. anti Mrs, O. A, Helm. of Gods] ion. TRITImi.-SitEC111,1551 no r. --At St John's Hen. tory, Brussels, by Rev 14, smith, on April 21st, into, 11r. Win Cecil Thuell, sou of Mr. uncl Mrs WM Vaud', 9100ris township, to 11.11S8 Ruth B. Breckenridge, ll'urnberry township. DIZO BAWTTSHICINIER.-At Monitor, Alberta, on April NHL 1010, Gilbert Churchill Bawtin- 'helmer, aged ltd years and. 4 months. LAW:MINCER-0n April 15111, 1015, nt his late residenee, 272 Rusholme react, Toronto, Edmund 51, lassoliinger, in his 40111 year. IN MEMORIAM STEWART -In loving memory of Alexander Stewart, beloved husband. of Rnchel Brown Stewart, 10th con. Grey, who departed this life four years ago, on the 16111 April, 1016, The MU) was bitter, the blow severe To pert with hire we lnved so dear 1 Our loss wan greet and sone pnin, But hope to meet in heaven again. Death breaks the tle.1 of strongest love, Ville hearts with grief and pain, But when WO meet in heaven above We'll never part again. -Prom his loving Wife and Family. Aprill6th, 1910. Tenders Wanted for Drain Sealed tenders will las neelved by the un- dersignedolp to noon on Wednesday, May 21e0, 1919, for the ennstrnotion of ri rhatin, known RH the Day Municipal Drain. Plans end speeili- CatiOng e1111 seen at the Clerk's ofliae, pie. A certified cheque for inn per cent of the tender must accompany 90,155, 59 a guarantee of due completion of the work. The lowest or "y tender not nereistirily soeeeted. Dated this 1811, day of April, 101(0 C. E WALEElt, Olerlc, 432 Twp. of Amick, Gerrie P. 0, v. ^ - • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -In the matter of the estate of Margaret C. stowart, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. Notice is hereby given ptirsuant to 'The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors nnd others having claims against the estate of the said Margaret 0. Stewart, who died on or about the Sled day of .7annary, A. I) , 19(3, are required an or before the 17111 day of may, A, D ,1910, to sena by pmt prepaid or deliver to Peter Stewart, 0115 00 the 177ceoutors of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, al Bruasels P 0,, their Ohristian and Surnames addresses and desorietions, the full partial'. lore of their olaime, the atateniont of their ac. counts and the nature of the aeourities d f any) held by them. And further take notice Unit after such last mentioned date the said Bxecutors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets 00 the deceased the parties entitled thereto Miring re- gard only to claims of whinh they 'shell then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said 115,1ote or any part there- of 10 0117 person or lr15090 of whose olidin notlee shall not, ham been reoeiyed by them at Um time of such distribution. Dated et Brussels, this illsb day of April, A. D. 1910. PETER STEWART, Aida, IllThlWART, }Executors, +delefotaleieleiiii-deadidelidefelideti++++++ it. + +• -14 Standing El& Cra I ,i. 4. a competition 2 4 4 4. Bast Hum Aerintettural tioolete ot- fors 970.30 divided as follows: -$10, 010. 4, 012,810, 36,96 and $4 fur the best ileM 00 4, White Onte. + The Ontario Deportment of A gricul, + titre will furnish the Judges. Nature of Competition-Pleld enter- ed for competition must consist of not 4. lose then live acres and not more thou twilco'in't.Yo'cititors - Competition will be limited to members of East FlUP011 Ag. rieultural Society. Competitors can + only enter in one Society and but one 4' entry 01111 be made by malt competitor, Any individual eau make entry f or this eompetition by becoming o member of Ole Soot ety and paying 05 entrance fee of $1 00, and an additional 91,000019 Field 4, Crop Competition. 4. The prize witmors Must exhibit et 4. East Huron ra Pair one sheaf rd. grain 6. from 6110 1,5155 Winning gold, said sheaf 6- to be not less than 8 inches in diameter + at Oho binder. The name nnel variety 4 must be attachot tette) sheaf ‚and also 4. quantity of grnin for sale, if any, I.T1:414 et 941 $5 end a will be given as 11114, 5PeOhtl and third prises for stuth exhibit of sheaves, .6.11 competitors must he within Is • miles of menage'saneileationa must 4 be in by 1415 10(11 clay of May, Entry forms nnd Airtime pertlettlers tnny be bed by applying to 4. 4. 4 4, 4' 4. M. BLACK, • eporotary latrUssele. * 4+440+41+44 44+44 4.44+++++++0 10 10 Itt 13 10 6, 10 • 3 3 10 19 039 9 9 5 3 71 1-1 S'PORE VI`,-ekly Store News Soaps Plant Food .A I ways a nom plete aseor fluent. Cut lent a Woodbury's Sulphur Ont bolic Tar Glycerine Miss Delay Baby's Owl' inromo, Delight Palm Olive . Pears' Glycerine NV OW T) Ingrain's Milk weed Li febuoy PU1 0 Castile 03 10 00 a a 10 10 10 a a 74 0) 0 60 85 68 10 10 10 10 0310 10 10 111 10 0 3 0 0 a a 103 9 0 0 19 10 9 5 asessmseesoctetoasuaaaaatiessaileasbe olacj,sossee,oseeeals08000,200c260 • ao cas' Celebrated English Wiltshire OHS Always full steeds Mi halal and one of our good Liniment s. Plants are just like animals - can't Ili 1(50 without proem, nouviehinett \Vo recommend Bowketee Plant Food very high- ly for both house and outside Pinnies. 25., and 10e per plcge. Stick Fast llave you tiled 11110 new Cold \Vette, Pliatti for making Paste fot• wall miller ? You will find it exceedingly satisfactory -can be made instantly with cold witeer. 251,, 50e and 51.00 pee botelti 21)c per package F. RMALDEHYDE, 01' t'11111.50 y011 [UV gOIIttg tn use it, Then be sure you get the gen- uine toli rIo, We believe our Portattldell yde to he the very best that can be immured, Put up in e.lb, anti 1 lb. bottles -35a and 60c. W.LL PEI% The \Vail Piton. seeson 110,0 11 055 eek 115 e11 ide and is certainly going with a good swing. We hear .401111' very complimentary 05 mb Ica nlioti our stook 111111 we would lilte to ha V(you step in and look over our samples. We are ()lensed with them abet and it gives us great 1(1511161110 10 5141>35 them. Bluestone Hellebore Paris Green Arsenate of Lead Not that Kind of a Hone "leanest" said the lanclet, of Geography,"Tell when you know about the Mongolian race," "I•wasn't theee" explained Er. neet hastily, "I went to the ball game." Chloride 111110 Billets Lye Caustic Soda Sulpha -- Tobacco Soap JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER 8 8 o 80 03 03 00 10 03 03 1I 6 31 0 03 03 09 3 a 59 03 is a a 19 19 9 10 59 19 10 CS 1010 10 03 43.0 a 0913 59 09 >10 15 a 5, 10 13 0 a 19 00 3 epee,: FOR SALE .3 pure bred Sooteh short Born Bete le moo he old, got by a J. A. Wad tt bred bull, an out of Lovely 51ald by the Cargill bred bull, Royal Blossom -75442=, grand dem Dairy. mnid , by Broadhooks Brine° Imp, (68040). The dam of this calf 11>10 bred by me. and is of the Sooleh Warr Rachel family. I 0000 11191(1 tem 503111 nnd they were the best milkers, also show and beef matte 1 bad, He is fit for service now. Price and terms easy, DAVID MILNE, Ethel, BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat a 05 8115 Spring Wheat 2 05 2 05 Oats 65 tie Peas 135 1 35 Barley 90 100 Butter 40 Go Rgga 42 411 ROSS 21 00 21(0 Wool .. ...... ...... .. 00 00 Potatoes per bag 00 1 06 Rev 1348 1000 Wool (unwashed) 06 65 e es ese ece•••••••••••••••••••4•409••••••••••00•990000•••• .0. 4 0 jell dS 8t : 00 • 4 (11) 0 e o • • Quote a F w . . • f their . . 4. a rmiCem g 0 6 0 0 0 uttin g , , 0 0 0 • g • • Women's Dongola Kid Bals., regular 3.5o and $4.00, reduced to ... ... ... Women's Dongola Kid Oxfords, regular 3.00 2 00 e4 and $3.50, reduced to ... ••• ••• we. Gents' Fine Calf Shoes, regular 7.5o and 6 75 * $8,00, reduced to ... ... ••• o Gents' Leather Leggings, regular 2.25 and $2,5o, reduced to ... .. „, .2. * Men's Mule Hide Heavy Boots, regular $35o, reduced to ' •-• ••• • • • * • Misses', Boys' and Children's Shoes away down in Price o • • • • g • • o • • • g : • g o * 9 9 g g 0 9.99419aeae4reaa*4*******040 9440.0•409******4)****99909 • 4. 410 4 4. 6, 4. 4. 4. 6, see 4 0 5,04 151• 4. 0 4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4,1 2 • • • • • • • Harris Department We offer Brown Sweat Collars at Yellow Red Edge Sweat Collars at Ventplex Sweat Collars at • • • • • 4 IL -"'Two comfortable Dwellings for sale, 1. Ichards 550 65c 65c