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The Brussels Post, 1919-4-24, Page 5
00 00 E 87818111100 I , t 1 ll lnae!u i;lt1181181 ii I;IIulllu mS ov ll i II, i 111:11111 i„i.,'' 1 Halit ieEIFIBBEisigiA 122 00 131111111011MMENNUMMENEEMEEMINEMEMERO W ws iliSdhikS8 CAREI c MO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED MeagSg�l ro Business Cards JA$. ANDE'10 S0,V, 1,4'a'1.2'IAIAiry Sloth o/v, ,.•t„:,1.13 , %Pr 0111.» 714 led er• N'41 rl,ta.. Livery Nta:dt•, 1sr•usoel., irefephone OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night eons, Moe opposite Flour 01111, Bthel. T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. P., ,0 S, O. 01, O. Il., Villege of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Aeoouohoar C>91ow at reeldenee, opposite &Salvrllu Church, Wtllhun Ntreet. GR. J. H. WHITE, 8, A. YLIYSIUTAN AND SUtt(MON, (Graduate Toronto University of Medicine, t+peoralattention given to diseases of children Mid surgery, Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctions!. for Huron Co, Will .oll for nil good mires oe any other ALIO, tioneer ur charge nothing. BEL(ORAVE P. 0. PROVDEOOT, KJL1fl AH & COONE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, ()UDERICH, ONT. Private footle to loon at lowest rates. W. PitonDOOOT, E. 0. J. L, KULOBAR H. J. D. COOan McC rmick Implements At Lowest Prices 0.71. Binder, shear carrier and truck......$218%00 7.ft. Binder, 228.00 Corn Binder " 210,00 84t.-Moner. 70 60 0•It. Mower 82 10 -ft. steel Rake, 32 teeth 61 0000 Hay Tedder ..78 Oomnhined Side Rake and Tedder 111 00 Largest Manure Spreader 108 00 11 Dem Fertilizer Drill'. 148 00 9.72. Steel Roller 88,00 Scotch Diamond Harrows per section— 6 00 Climax Wagon Gears, Warms, Si x% in. tire 80 00 Engines, Orem Separators, Plows and other Implements correspondingly cheap an&a liberal discount for cash. Order early. OAVIO MIDIS, - Ethel Oran brook 4• F,`r r , l e rs' Club -l. Inas on 111111(1 a quantity of Cream of the - West Ffour Shorts Cil Cake Meal T A Choice Lot of Groceries Formaldehyde wire fencing 4, Grass Seed and -Root Seed 't + The U. F. 0. has purchased a ,j, + seat on the Stock Exchange, 4• 4. Nest Toronto, with a capable '4l'. .t. staff 111 charge. Orrtll0170012 Club 4• 4• ships every Saturday. + + For further particulars apply + .1, to 4• Ed. Fulton, 4.4. Sec.-Treas. C1•anbrnok Far, Olub 'tt, Phone 285 4• • 4.4.4.+++++++44++++++++++++++ 4' -1' 4, N Suii Weinstein Is 'prepared to pay the • highest price for Y O. • Scrap iron, • •• • Rubbers, a • Rags, &c. 0 0 '!m 0 0 1 Highest price paid. See S 0 0 me before you sell, • • • `e. Highest Cash Price for i FURS rf hive Poultry and Hides Write or Phone 62x 0 0 SAM WEINSTEIN •• AI CLI. STREET BRUSSELS • o +04.••••••O••••••••••••••• goal l elvs gems 1'ieK Pos'r give's the yews. Aso you a booster or a labeler ? Sabbath, May rah will he Mother's Dtty, A. white carnation is the em- I,lernatic flower, Wines is the most disreputable look- ing street io Brussels? It's up to the people to keep the etreets looking tidy. A Curlew. Alberta, sub,erlher !111)71• ung for (hell over Is kind 011e130,11 10 see "No paper is quite as welcome as Tue. Pos'r," 'i'hc.nk you, 1 un Poss. congratulates Rev. D Pet- rie, wingham, on the honor conferred upon him by Knox College Toronto, iu asking hint to accept the degree of D. D. Flow does your label on 'lits Pos'1' read ? In other !words is your subserip- hon paid ? sot) subscribers iu arrears tenants up to a tidy sum that should be In our hand to carts ou the business, Rev, Daviel Roger, who has been do- ing duly as assistant pastor to the 1st Methodist church at Lonclou, will remove to St. Thomas rater Coulereuce ,where he purposes making his home. M1, end Mrs. Rogers (lave a married daeghlef in St. Thomas. WOULD VOU 8e GLAD TO 9012.-- A new 'rowu Ball ? Salt works revived ? Footbridge over Maitland ? Our soldier boys all home ? Few More local industries ? Everybody boost Old Boys' Re -union ? Up-to-date grandstand at Agricultural Park ? If you would get behind the proposals and shove. Pte. Will., the third and last son of Rev, Geo. and Mrs.ewitt W omiu . Ont., arrived home from overseas, after• 8 long and strenuous period of service for the Empire. Be was a probationer for the Methodist ministry when he re- sponded to the call and will likely Y re- sume his work after a brief holiday.. The Jewitt family certainly did their part in fighting for democracy, Cranbrook AN OLD 0115111 lite Kincardine Review says —We dropped into Al or - 1180018 furniture store on Salm: day. ,morning on our usual rounds of news galheriug, rvllen W. Habkirk drew one attention to a chair that stood on the workroom floor which -was brought in for repairs. It was of the real old walnut variety . with hair cloth trimming. "That chair" said the info' ma),t, "is one ora suite made as a presentation over thirty-five years ago, at which I was present." The incident took place at Oranbrook and was in honor of Rev. D. B. and ]Aire. McCrae, at, the time he was pastor on the Oranbl'ook circuit of the Presby- terian church. The aged couple are now residents of Kincardine and that they may be long spared to further 11 - joy these comforts is the wish of all. Jamestown LOCATES A'7 GUELPI3 —De. J. A. Wilson, who disposed of his ruedical practice at Mildmlcy'11Lst Fall, line de- ckled 10' locate at Guelph, and ban completed negotiations for 1.11e pur- chase of a line residential property in that city from John Sutherland, the well known insurance broker. Di', \Vilsou obtains possession of the prop- erty on May 15111 and will commence his Medical practise after that date, People of Guelph will find Dr, Wil- son eau ideal family physician, accur- ate in diagnosis, skilful in treatment and sympathetic in disposition, As a public spirited citizen Dr, Wilson will be a valuable aegnisitiori to the Royal Oity. He gave liberally of his time and means to promote the wet• fare of the town and all patriotic Movements, and he has hosts of waren friends in this section of the country whose best wishes follow him to his tuture home at Guelph, , Ethel ETI7.C'L PUBLIC SCIIomL.—Senior, De- plt.rtmeut, Fom V. -Myrtle McKee 82 ; Rhea McLelland 81 ; Leslie Pol- lard. Form IV. Sr,—Willie Mit- chell 75 ; Ruby 0leavec 74. Form 1V. Jr.—Eleuor Engler 89 ; Ralph Row- land 70 ; \Valker Mitchell 09 Audrey Bremner 68 ; Velma Michel 67 ; Edith Dane 64; Button McDonald 62 Susan Rowland 56. Form III. rule Al IAlcKee 86; Pearl James 76 Ralph McDonald 78 ; Eddie Gill 71 ; Earl Bowes 70, 10, MCLELLAND, Principal. Report of Junior Room. Sr, 1L— Houoro --Hanley Ecicmier ; Marjory Thoupsol ; Violet Heath, Pane— Sylvia Thompson ; 0l-oyne Michel ; Fred. Murray ; Howard McBee ; Ian IMcDortald. Jr. 1I—Hnnnrs— Beryl Gill Doris McDonald, Pees— Glen Ealculiee ; Gwen James ; Roxy Rowland ; 411101 Murray ; 11arnld Vodden. J1'. I—Horrors—•Gnldlvin Thoinpsm> ; Jack 'wanders ; Dorothy hl rpolrald. Pass—Harry Mitchell ; OaunBivm Kr'e ; Mall dill - ray, Pr,—Good—Wesley !McNeil Blanche Rowland, rah' Letyton Mtn r ; Eric Long, L. BALLANTYNE, Assistant,. Huron n County r Lt, On!. Alex, Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, Scarl'tlt, left for NOW York, where they may mance 'their perman- ent home with members of the fetidly residing 111 that elty, Cnnnolls of Exeter and Ushorne have (decided to erecta Fountain die a lnem• oriel to the soldiers who gave their lives in the war. Ready Pon Delivery Slabs and Stave Corners Order your supply at once. P. AMENT A CRIPPLE FOR TUR[E Y[ARS Helpless In Bed With Rheumatism Until }le Took "FRUIT-A-'1'1VES". MR. ALEXANDER MUNRO R.R. No.1, Lorne, Ont, "For over three years, I was confined to bed with ,li/ten)lrlydi.rur. During that time, I had treatment from a number of doctors, and tried nearly everything sawadvertised to cure Rheumatism, without receiving any benefit. Finally, I decided to try `Fruit -a. tives". Fruit-a- tives". Before I had used half a box, /noticed an improvement ; the pain was not so severe, and the swelling started tog 0 down. n . I continued taking this fruit Me- dicine, improving all the time, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place". ALEXANDER MUNR O. 500. a box,. 6 for $2.59, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa. I. Hetherington was appointed clerk of 0olborle townshipassuccessor to Mr• McIl0ain, deems ed. Dr. Simpson, medical health officer of Ashfield, reports that the smallpox patients at Kingsbridge, Are getting along well and that there are no new developments. Luoknow Although the trains are an hour ahead now Lneknow has decided to remain on old time for the present at least. The concert put on by the Coeds, Ward Buchner company in aid of Ole brass band was good, but the attend- ance might have been larger. Another Lneknow boy returned from overseas, Lient. Jim Mitchell, eldest son of 11Ioorehofee and Mrs. Mitchell, He want overseas and sere - ed with a farestry battalion. Ile was a demonstrator at the 'I'm onto UnC- vet Il y 1,,•1'ore nulisl1lIp. !4 sit t r Leal 1171.3 bought i;lt .1,1711 ars' faun nn the lam zul try. Mr, Jacques bavitig au Suellen sale and twill Move to the Wept. Plc. Morrison Einem dine, 1), f), (1. 11. of Ode disu•iel, paid his otllcie'1 visit to 01(11.,Ight f,odge, No. 1131, A. F t@ A. d1, BP OVII prulnnletl by Aft. \V. lin,. Uefl>,.'.,nl. After the t..,•l131ru had rx•vupG(t .I Ile' 2.d dr give'"V,T1(1 gn",l •pr, iu•r, n,.: n. unit,•, • 'Phey then adjourned to the baugnl.t.. Ling hall. A plenty wieldier Ina. l,!u• 01 tl,:• hour, of Iia hrid R 1151,11'.Jo . ,leu and Alpo. llii111100, Gulose. dile)) : llib Violet May Hoboes, becalm" the bride al' itobart Jph11 1,,idltLw, \'Vest. \V1,we- 1 1101011, The eereueiny way peI l'ol by Rev. Ale. 0eobie, 1Vlliteehurch, in , Ilse preeenre 01' the 1luluediate r„ hl. _1 lit,•,. AI'1,•1 n 11o11eyrnnnu (lip 111 f Braid '811 71711 nth t 11111.1 11, ,1 alit Iesi.lc 01, the grnork' 11s1 ;n Now sold in a new waxed board package -- a great improvement over the old lead package Sold only in sealed packages YiLIP Eggs f I will be around shortly for them, will pay the highest price, cash or trade, and will carry with me a com- plete line of Groceries, several lines of Dry Goods, Patent Medicines, etc. For your other needs in Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and Hardware 'Phone us. Phone orders will be given our careful attention. If goods are not satisfactory will be cheerfully exchanged or your looney refunded. You will Want to Paper several rooms after you see our Sample Books of beautiful Wall Paper. Our new Gingllams, Prints, Chambray's, etc., will tempt yon to start your Spring Sewing. R. C. RATHWELL, Moncrieff Our Motto :— "A Square Deal to Everyone.” um� 119 ,I 1111111 161,111111 lets truck EREAFTER Ford One -Ton Trucks may be bought complete with bodies and cabs, ready for the road. The chassis may still be purchased separately. But, in most cases, the Ford Truck will be sold as a complete Ford job. The body as well as the chassis will be planned to give Ford service. This radical step in the production of Trucks is being taken to insure the utmost efficiency from the Ford Truck; to give the purchaser Ford value in every part of his truck; to produce better bodies at lower prices. Two. Standard Bodies The two types of Truck bodies most widely used are the Stake and the Express. These types will be kept in stock, set up, painted (or in the lead) and ready for prompt delivery. They have oak floors, sills of seasoned hickory and specially de- signed forgings and castings. The construction at every point provides for rough usage such as every truck is bound,to get. Price (Chassis only) $750 f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Enclosed Cab The driver gets proper protection in the Enclosed Cab of the Ford Truck. This cab can be closed up tight, or perfectly ventilated. It has sliding windows and two-way double venti- lating windshield. These complete Ford Trucks are on sale NOW. Call and learn what it will cost to use them in your business. Look them over carefully. See how they outclass other Trucks in every detail. Standard Ford Bodies extra. Get our prices l lillt11 r 1/0111. '. 111 S. CARTER, Reale Brussels e5 t) 712 U a tx s0 d 0 I 1 H of • present i1 n d wilt s ock of t Slachit r 1e v Repairs, o 1 Re t rr Plow Silures, P lLt es Lit we a' r 4 aim give 13 b. the est sal'0F r r 1 rr .ti m ]c tit,ih e i> K 1 every- thing covering our Zine of Repairs, all of which are exat d'tplic ates and give the service of the origiuttl parts. Help us keep 1,111' line complete by ordering as early as possible. Wheel and Woodwork Repairing We give prompt at ten lion to all Wheel and Wood -work Re- pairing, Re•lilLing of Rubber Tires and Channels, and carry in p stork and apply all Standard sizes of best grades of Carriage Rub - her Tires. Use the hest and get extra value from your tires. We 0 can satisfy you in the line of work, Our Carriage Painting Will stand the closest inspection ; our Varnishes any reasonable 0 test, and 1011 applied by a carriage painter who thoroughly under. stands the efriency in this line of work. We give your work prompt at Santini], with cafefall service, moderately priced. e The filum Blacksmith Shop zcaluouroinnarrimmairmra At Least Take 5:V, Interest in Your Future TNV9ST your money in Mott. gage Debentures paying Z10/ e../2 je, Poo wort'-- no expense --- end absolute safety. s #014V 414sap- a! ivedlrt nn-- IROFIT.I J'RASt s t vl vQP" 3051ot river most 71711'0 $25,.4 fnaa- t0,l ude+,e 01'1,1 be sent t0 AIM 'raj: term,!. rl today.. TANI]A\ Dv l l' >' > l ;i F91Q'°]Ti'1�1i, lC OP?'R1t!A;''el'i HEAD OFFICE ,s• :r rase TOWOfd-c M+y Nlxl 508 BROCKVILLE. CHATHAM 7'7/271 1f.t MIRa N, W H5MBURA W000'll r?) e H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels 4GuGr.4.OSS000•oerr aeac oo©eseeaeta ysoW'. ooee:? rte.5(asea I'Ili .,no 4 t X epair Service 1774:)61. 83 o4.4,4.4+, '•,T&.+•e+4.+Er+ 104.41.+•4.04.0+41.+0.1.0÷0.1.0+0+04.4,4 • !"`T" Q�s dSeaforth Creamery Q e •1. 7r .4 4, Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly t. established and that gives you Prompt Service and 4. ,°t. Satisfactory Results. • p We solicit your patronage knowing that we can ® give you thorough satisfaction. 'r We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test dc; T. it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- a pies and pay you the highest market prices every two 3; weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia., For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. ''•!' Mc'CALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to p g The Seaforthrea m eryCo. 4' b SEAFORTH, ONT. 0 .1.4,÷•÷0+++0+0+0+4444••••••••++++4.0+0•04.•+•+0+••••••••0 m 0 **********************44449 *************************0 yl _ � Meo'sPockt?!tches We 515 offering Special Pekes nn our gree- C a end stork of Waltham, Regina, Hampden and :ii, ro1•YI�tl Algin Watches. These were bought. Dome time e; some i ago. In the lot are some suitable for presents.- c. A \�,+ r tion to returned soldiers, All going at special 4` e,. s Reduced Prices while present stook !acts. If in i'y need of a %Vateh call ill and see what we have to it, offer, Monogram Engraved Free. 0 fa 6 — A FULL STOOK 017 kodaks and Brownie Cameras, Films And Supplies We give special instructions with each Kodak or Brownie sold. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens We always have in stock a gond assort- tnent of Self -filling, Safety tend Regular types. Prices 82,50 tip. 0tliere from 81 up, Waterman's Ink in battle and bulk, Engagement Rings 16,redding Rings For Cleaning Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream. It is the BEST, Price 25c, J. R. WEND Tp Jeweler, Wroxeter c/ r a 0 e e 4r m e O 7. a e 4 • •a e ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• e+••ee0••ee••Op•i.0.0•••••e