HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-24, Page 4APRII. 24 loth . �. • s-plicsy•fon!er. '.t disappearance of the in. 11 e:trlc mnong the people it is is now preying on cat• t' , _, la y,an,• sections, j,elgiug at Fall Fairs is be. I. Bless your heart this is n.:1 • ,4 as East Baron Agrioultul- s+ eared it for several years. ';,+x c has until May 15th to give tt to the Peace Conference rtee terms arranged by the N t. ,.rested. The dose may be a 1 ,o swallow but the war was of eking and they need not ex - '11 with simply a pat 00 the t. Liberal Convention to choose • leader will be held in Tor - c -: 25 and 26. 2 males and 2 sked to go as delegates f r • •; _ , c':vlstituenoy. t. n; a,l an Express strike has :.1 : d the men went back to be 1 There should h some v ei• et, ling these d+fferences rup:iug of business over so closing features of the ;azure was to vote the lead- 0,,pesition $5,000 salary, prior oily received his $1,00 ses- wance, House completed 5 the session Thursday of last 0111,, t -+ W :- Brussels and locality going to arranging for a celebration over Cies'gning? The bells should ring, +.1'I+e thanksgiving service held nmi e_-: emelt rejoicing mark the glad 'et Now is the time to plan for it. W ;: a costly game. It cost Canada o e 'a and a half up to close of 1gtS the huge amounts raised by Parr+ c rganizations and Red Cross. T i .,:e1e must he added to that the tact,;:„.i:.ble contribution of 6o,000 liras 7.t.r.::1 GEORGE has his crosses as well a:= tons in public life but his tra- d'::^r;:. s:i,i have some trouble in shak- il ehiie confidence in him. There a s obstructionists and defamers o: .r - good cause and the villifiers usu:aly get after men whose boots they ate n:•' ,rc•rlhy to blacken. It is always a ree.:.mtaend for the quality of fruit berue to see the number of sticks under the tt-,. Now 'net the Provincial Referendum hilt b:,s been passed to test out public s-:ntit.:;;t on the liquor question next Fail , behooves the Temperance contin. gent •,• e;.rt their forces lined up for a stIrrlt • campaign. Speeches and reso lu may help win a victory but p ty: •; activity on the part of every - laxly .7'10 desires to see sobriety and pr •n, r=:' is a most necessary es- sentiai Four questions3wlll be asked evert -lector on the ballot. Here they are No 1—Are you in favor of the repeal vt 't, Canada Temperance Act ? iv ---Are you in favor of light beer, ( u i•,ag not more than a and 51 one holt!', iths alcohol, weight measure, ti.ror is Government agencies? No. --Do you want light beer sold it, etc,r' ,rd hotels ? NI. 4—Do you want spirituous and se ,lr 1' Tiers for consumption in the an ,'bounder government control? M. iy'vonldhave preferred that the q:' s'.,,,1 earl been confined to No. r, as .e,' Llit: playing into the hands of Y:; ler party as the referendum law roe: , :,ds. A straight No 1 to each of the q , should be given. a-� 1 Wshave riot the sllghtast objection forph isteal drill for boys and girls at ehool but we are oppose -1 to military drill and would be sorry to see It put i upon Lite regular prugrmll of school work. Cauada did her part nobly in rallying so splendidly to the heft) of the of the Motherland iu the time 01 need but It should nut be the ambition of the Land of the Maple to develop a spirit of militarism. 'rile triumphs of Peeve ex- ceed the vfcLortes of war and now that our boys will soua be hsme let us make the dove rather than the eagle or hawk a co-ordinate emblem along with the Red, White and Blue, While there may be something attractive about Mili- tary drill the boys physical training and developement may be made to can - serve the same idea minus the rifle and bayonet, The Education Department and Minister Cody will be pursuing a wise course, we believe, not to press for military tactics In the school system of Canada. S. Carter Agent, Brussels Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. F, TSERS of De Laval `.” isERs Separators have carried away every first prize awarded at con- ventions of the National Creamery Buttermakers' Association since their first meeting in 1892. The rec- ord is unbroken! The reason is that De Laval bowl design, together with low speed, enables the delivery of butter -fat globules unbroken in their natural condition—thus in- suring more and better butter. The De Laval is the "blue- ribbon" separator. 8 A PRIZE WINNING PRODUCT You can buy a New De Laval from us on liberal terms. Come in, examine the machine and talk it over. SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A LJ CAR OF 5 Roses Flour and Feed TO HAND SPECIAL PRICES Fertilizer A fete tons of Fertilizer (16% phos- phate) for sale. $36 00 a ton. Alf. Baeker Telephone 5 ,ream Wanted Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery P=rompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one' trial and you will not want to discontinue. Tassels Creamery Stawart Bros. VIM MAKE •t •• ,x., .,,.,.'��1+�..E •"I". m•�.:e,.;,c- �--._.�,«,+. ..w.: �i. •uw.ec.. r _ . w,. s n+r n In+^nwnu, `•.*:1pa,.+n.M�9. Nrwnw.u'e.. ,w..-n,1�,.w T rmrv4r . ,e+.- n 1..ANAuA hal n a n use '1 for ' t7Ca3 k's 1Jhe Earls, &e.; and the fewer titles confer. red the better. t 'tin • i .' h, is , tlA � � Mit 1 tall 1.� a � i 1n�7. holiday in Halt and in addition to lbedlg unserved as Arbor clay will also be Memorial flay to cammemorale the sacrulau made by many Galtouiant 011 \V. M. }3, is a good 010150 for every the ft , -td of battle during tate post lour l[DREN sTRoNG body in the a rmmunit It stands for' I Years. P,xtensive tree .hutting on Y }?. CII[DR[N t t ' U And Invigorates Old People Any doctor will tell you that the ingredients of Vinol as printed below contain the elements needed to imw prove the health of delicate children and T�restore strength to old people. Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iran and MaaganesePepteoatea, Iron and Ammonium Citrate, Lime and Soda Glycerophosphates, Cascada. Those who have puny, ailing or run-down children or aged parents may prove this at our expense. Besides the good it does children and the aged there is nothing like Vinol to restore strength and vitality to weak, nervous women and over- worked, run-down men. Try it. If you are not entirely sat- isfied, we will return your money without question; that proves our fairness and your protection. Mil- lions of people have been convinced this way. P, R. SMITH • t:'eeti of a fie �oriei r in , :1 ,"' t au t to drive l,t tCv11 Park, tobelined with trees, In men>oryef every Galt man who fell in battle. It la proposed to have the names of Galt's fallen inset died. on large boulders at the entrance to this drive which will prove a lasting memorial. We Meau Business. Better join the or- t sto p Mane( lit nl c loon tote BE an Optimist. cler anal live tip to the wtteUwords, Throw away your little hammer and Boost. I e V EXPEN11ITVRIet is climbing 'akl hard ill rapidstrldc'+i,t t1t:Plcv,t.ci:a1 ttlt'e and the feitll m' spiny al,ptars to .v be cat out of the d•clionnry. Over 2 Million Sears over previous years, 0 I•r is said about lo per coot of antoma- bile owners in Oxford County are farm. ars.. 1812 Iteetteea have been issued so far iu loth. Possibly fro class of men can use cars lo better advantage than the tillers c f the soil, as they are 6 great conservers of tittle and afford so mneh better seating accommodation for the fancily than the buggy. The motor t truck is also winning its way as better : high ,vev;lire being constructed, A e 0 b N 4 n anTt-crxa -"'s`ux.ixecarl LSCv ,tlGP rteseaT veam• €4,00.666..60v'.6o.64e•04.6 66a606.m666666666.66640 SPi O1AL "d' A1NINCv euro, e:avl,.iv:'t'i7 tllo lo(r-Ut'ieed woriter•and the hiyit- 0a1n1 rxltel t. \'i a r,4n Ott outli owl tilt' 111114 for you front the al,a rhf•s It, 1l1s 05 tar. Students admitted any time. • Catalogue free. Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, The School thatllaces its graduates in good position,, a9 06,6666e6e00e0oee064e434460 06,36086400eo204,3433340 04044 • 6 Help th ®s A e , i Help the"Y" Construct the Manhood that will Re -construct Canada ALL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the " Sign of Friendship " to thousands of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours' boys in the last four and a half years. Wherever the Can- adian Soldiers went, the " Good old `Y"" -went too. And now it is coining back home with them! • For the support which has made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well expended. We have rendered full account. We ask now your continued sympathy and support for Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Re- construction period: The Annual Red Triangle campaign will be held throughout Canada May 8th to 9th, 1919, The objective is $1,100,000. r For Our Men Returning ror the soldier; and their dependents, returning from Overseas, wehave provided as follows :- 1. A Red Triangle matt on board every ship when it leaves Great Britain, with a full equipment of games, gramophones and records, magic lantern, literiture and writing materials. Where possible, also a piano or an organ. Lectures, concerts, sing songs, instruction re Governmen t repatriation plans, and Sunday Services. 2. Red Triangle comforts and facilities for the Wren on ar- rival at Halifax, St. John, Quebec and Montreal, including cof- fee stalls, with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, candies, etc. 3. Red Triangle men on every troop train to provide reggyyl,arly free drinks, eatables and cigarttes, organize games and sing songs, and furnish information, 4. Red Triangle free canteen service, information bureau, etc„ at each of the 22 Dispersal centres in Canada, 5. Red Triangle Clubs is the principal cities of Canada in the shape of large Y.M.C.A. hostels to furnish bed and board et low rates and to be a retfdezvousfor soldiers. 6. Seventy-five Secretaries to sul>eritttcud Iced 'triangle service in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout Canada, 7, Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y.M.C.A. privileges for aix months at any local Y.M.C.A, furnished. In addition to our work for the returning. soldiers, we have to maintain the Red Triangle service to the fall for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries in Northern Russia, Palestine and Poland, The Y.M.C.A. will keep its chain of Service'unbroken till the end. For Canada's M l nho ., d - The Reconstruction program of the Y. 141. C. A. includes the following vitally important devvelop- mentS:- 1. An increased service to 300,000 teen-age boys in the Dominion—the developtneut of Canadian Standard Efficiency training; Bible Study groups; sttminer camps; 'conferences; service for high School boys, for working boys, in the towns and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who have,lacked opportunity for mental, moral, physical or social development, 2. Inauguration of Y.1\S.0:A. Work in the country, and the smaller towns and villages lacking Assoclation buildings and equip- ment, on a planof county organ- izations. This will include tite afii511.m. Red Zi' iltp . „lazy Ca aafl h. ,'31,IO€,O6.11Of toy tient 8 e 6t' 5C0Ae .For the wives and children Overseas, dependent upon Can - adieu soldiers, and for Y,W.C.A. work in Canada generally, a sum of $175,000 from the Red 'Tri- augle 'fund will be set aside for the Dominion Connell of the Y.W.C.A„ which is caring for • the soldiers' women folk, and their little ones on the long.jour- ney, from Liverpoolato Canada, and is also extending its work for Canadian girls, Por their sake also be gen- erous when you make your contribution. establishment of Red Triangle centres for sorinl, recreational and educational work among boys and men, in co-operation with • the churches. 3. The promotion of Y.M.C.A, work among Canada's army of workers in industrial plants, both in Y,n'LC.A. buildings and in the factory buil(liegs, organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by meetings, entertainments, games and sports. 4, Thi establishment of the Red Triangle in isolated dis- tricts where lumbermen, miners and other workers hold the front trenches of industry. 6. Besides these main fields of increased activity for 1010, we have to provide for enlarged work among railway teen, college studetlts and for our campaign to encourage physical tend sex education, Under all our work we place the fund, entente' foundation of manly Christianity. Ta,a–`OR the sake of our vietorious soldiers and 1- their dependents, and the happiness of their home -coming; for the sake of our future citizens, our teen-age boys; for the sake of rurallife in Canada; for' the sake of the social betterment of the toilers in factory and work- shop; for the sake of lonely risen and boys in our inines and forests; for: the sake of Christian Society and Canadian manhood—we appeal to you. Give us your contribution, little or big. Be as generous as you can. ITand your contribution to the canvasser when he calls, or if you live where it is difficult for him to call, send it by check, motley order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red 'Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay- Street, Toronto. Please Note: We are not asking for motley to carry on our work Overseas, with the Army in Great Britain, rratice or Belgium. That work will continue at its Maximum for some months, financially provided for by the liquidation of our assets Overseas, and will not terminate till the last man has sailed for home. National Council, Young M en's Christian ,Associations of Canada The Red Triangle Campaign is bring conducted under the distinguished�iatronage of His Excellency, the Duke of Devonshire, K,0,,G,C.M,G., G,C.V.O., P.C. Hon. Campaign Chairman: JOIN W. Ross, Montreal Camp -Piga Chairman: Campaign, Treasurer: G. 1TilRnt4RT W000, Toronto holnns BItAttItAW, Toronto Campaign. Director: Cites. W. BISHOP, 'Toronto tie creditors 11A0!]1'111TIt fig ghee, tr«wontoMtc Ga,rI I 1! 1 1401111,-, 1,1 011 lira. ldral On 001'40110 lmvtng 0111 flIlo if g111104 Inn 9. tett ,I I h , 4Ld.at tt1, l ,tta, I+ a•lt t 4! d oa ora , uI tl, ,'lhv,a,twlirst dot 1,1 ]roil, nal t•, to the v n, of clarions! Cm. l it ,ualnld Nines Gun - (lost and Nineteen, nt. the 'rnwnshlp el 0 sty, In the 1'r01,11nt of Utttnrim are required to nand by tsar, l't l 041, or dahvcl' to 11. Vett- . atoll Mitcham, Onto -11v, i; better for the 15x! winter...,on orbefore 1 lie Firth. fila, 01' 0171(^, A . D. 11.4 II. , • fin I0 1.1, 0101 r 11, 00100, 11. Hat fall par!? n! , 0f Ili 1r 1 u,.t 1' tt Ill in V, met the onto I 0 of 1:0111 , lit 10'111 11V then, .1 telt ve.l 11 - I, I r .1000,0 a A I t it, 00 la 1 :• 1101100 1 1 . r rb'r til - ail I'tith t i 1 1 ! 3114 lir t....1 elft std ta- ttle l,dl „• dist , .4 1 . tin lns'-e.t.tmn , ming the no eti ti'i,d tl, e' ,, lulvinlr re- gard only to the• 11101114 a M. blolt they shell then have not Ire, and the estate will not be 1001310 for any elating not idled at tile tittle of the !aid dlstribution- Dated at Whodunit. this Seventh day or April A. D. IMO. 413 It, VANSTON le, . olirih i• 1+, • tile r rr 0 1 h Lx tt Gt, fN, Winghnm P. 0, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the oetato of Janet Mc- Quarrlo, late of the Village of Brua- sole, in the County of Huron, widow, deoeasod, Netter is hereby given pursuant to "Tb0 Rn• vlsed Statutes or Ontario,' that all creditors and others ?laving claims against the estate or the said Itluet bleQnnrrie, who died on of about the 8th day of November, A. D„ 1018, ore required It or before the 21211 day of May, A. 0 , 1010, to send by pn.t prepaid or deliver to Alex OleInto-h,one oP the Executors of the Inst Will find Testament or said deceased, at Hfttosel, P 0 ,their OhriatIan 0nt1 Surnames Pddre,se0 hod dereriptlnae, the fall lmelea• lora of their elnl>ua, thestateuloot of their fie• eannts and the nature of the seottriti et tie any/ held by tan.,,,. And farther take noli1e that after such -last mentioned eta t 101 said. L tt utor s will pro• need to din ri :, 1 a e G but ht. tt v M o, the de1,5 erl gard 0 rho potties omitted the a�,' shall (r,, g0rd Onlr to elaltes or which they shall tion haven 011.10,111111 Ilia sell Ski -onto rt will net be liable for the 4ald lemma or any part there- of to any vermin or persons of whose claim nettrs shall not Hove boon received by them et the time el sonh distribution. Dated at Brussels, this Stn day of April, A. D. 1010. ALEX. }tJOh lQUARIk, Exeouora Farm for Sale 130 Aerea, clay loan, drained and well fenr.- eel, good Bank Bann and Frame house, Pae. session tiles Fall. Locnlian, one mile West of Brussels 011 5th line, nnri at present °coupled by Mt'. Manning, Will muskier any reason' able offer on a basis of $10,00 per acre. Free of encumber•0 to , Loolc this ever and oommunl. o0te with, W, A, GILBERT, 011 Keele tat„ Toronto. For Sale As I have sold machinery owl of my Fanning Mill Factory 1 have two Gilson Gasoline En - eines for sale—one 1243, p. and the other 1'. h, t>., bothnhuo.t new. Also rtesoline Cement Mixer, with Wheelbarrows, Plank, ate. will sell the rectory building which is 4240 feet. Can be sold in two parte. Have also n quantity or Dressed Lumber and some geed Cedar Posts Pure Brod White Leghorn Begs. Stock from 0. A. , at 80 each. Phone 804 41-6f S. S. COLE, 15tkel, For Sale Housotu�d lot%, =anteing 55 acres, to the Village of Cranbrook, the property of the late 01rs, Agnes Brown, is offered for Hale. Frame llollae., barn, fruit tram, &e. POeaeaafOO ronld be given at once. For further pm•tiealnra ap- ply to bins. Taos. (ttt,l1N or WM. OAAlanON. Executors oetate of the Into Oars, Agnt's Brown, Oranbrook. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for !service at Lot B27, Con. 18. Grey, a tharo'•bred Polled Angus ull, Pedigree may he seen 011 application. Terms—Thoro'-brede $800, Grades $1.50, with privilege to return, 2(51x8151, ROBERTSON, 40•tf Proprietor, • Bull for Service The ttudereigued will keep for service, on S35 Lot 80, Con, 2, Morris towOahip, the thoro'-bred Short Horn Pull, Gain ford of Salem, No. eIyonHaller g111DamMildrd VIby 1808. Ped- igree may be 0ee9 on application. Terms— $10,00 for thorn'•brode payable at time of ser- vice with privilege to retarn, Grade oowe not allowed, THOS. PIERCE), Proprietor. ATTENTION a.rk ers fertilizers for all Spring Crops Farmers within teaming distance of Factory, buying direct, will sant commission and freight, We have a full line of our various brands on haul. farmers' fertilizer Company, ltd. Wingharn, Ont.' Williamson Wish car owners to bring along their Cars and get hem Painted and made o look like new, Qeiisollmble Prises. All Buggy Painting done likewise. CO ol1, ONE! COMM ALL I AVEWILL PLEASE YOU, NNAN"S GARAGE BRUSSELS