The Brussels Post, 1919-4-17, Page 5\v/ itil8INEPS cum, imitth1g JNR, SUTHERUANII A SONS Llad F t) 4.49$02a.ph'ell; CarnAPIX 0.:YretRIO Business Oturnie JAI. API F:P,.$ v t. ),14, f 1,04, 1•110•10f 310.100 10W., ,v6 :ie. 211. OR. WARVI.AYtt Honer graduate ot Jo, Ontario Veterinary voltage. Day and night calla. Wilco oppootto rlour 00111, Rthel. 7'. T. M' RAE M. 8., AC 0. P., S, 0. 51, 0. H., Village or Brussels. 1412ysieien, Forgeon, Ileitouehenr ()thee al residence, opposite elelvilie church. W1111010 011444. DR. J. PI...WHITE, B. A. I'llYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Uradhate Toronto Univereity of Medicine. Special attention given to &blesses nr ehildren and surgery. Office 1 Dr. Bry ana Old Stand Phone AS Brussels . JAMES TAYLOR Licensed iluctioneeP for Num Co, Will sell for as good prices its any other Ann. tioneer or itharge nothing, BELURAVb1 P. 0, PROLIOFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office nn the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, 000E121(111, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Ptioutwomr, K. C. 1. L, H11,1,011.ax H. J. 0, 00o1.e ceormick knpiements At lowest Prices II rt. Binder, sheaf carrier and truck 8213 00 7,11. Binder, 213d0 lion) Binder 21t1 fill 611. Slower 7050 (Wt. Mower 82 50 1011. Steel Nuke, 32 teeth 01 ell Ilny Tedder 73 00 Combined side Hake 11101 Tedder 111 00 Largest Manure Spreader 11)3 00 1 [Disc Fertilizer Drill 143 00 1811.. Steel Miler 05 511 Scotch DInmotid Harrow.' per section_ 0 00 (hieing Wagon (}11811. 13 arm!. 23 x ?.si in. tiro 00 00 Enginoo, Oreftin Separators, Plows rind other Implements correspondingly cheap and a liberal discount fur cash. Order esrly, DAVID MIRE, - Ethel 0..1..i..14+ 0. 4, °I. + 0 ran brook . + 4. . Farmers' .... + CiLlb + .1. 0. .1. Cream of the West flour 1: Shorts ail Cake Meal .,. A Choice Lot of Groceries '1 1I111 lotiel a 'motility Grass Seed and Root Seed 4. expected shortly. 4. The U. 13'. 0. has purchased a + seat on the Stock Exchange, "Wes( Toronto, with a (mo)Lldy + staff in Aimee. 01 an brook Club 4. rrhips every Hat 111113(3 3'. nu Li1V1.. 3)1111 1011100 apply to 4. Ed. Fulton, Sec.-Treas. Ormihrook Far, Club Plums 285 +.101.1.1•4014+++.14+++++++++.1.+4.4. 4. 4. .1. .1, .14 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 1' 4. 4. A.; 'r 3')3)'3I)330, 111 '1'01 001•• 13f11W 31111':1 1/0.1. 13303')should L1111 :.111111` 1131. 11111 3310 grecti 111i, .4.415011. A good lvato Thotild be or, 330)3311)1 3)1 ittnit,1:1 131111 ye•11, .1'1.113111 I3l/. 1'1•11111:111/ i'ltip00.101' W111 • you 3)1111)1 a 111011111. 1.01'1 31101 (101 141 I134Y•; „away.; «.11 1,e I 1 i'••.• It.14 3+10.••••. .1 i•i.' ••1 A t-•6•61 6,4. !"4-,/. .00,1 ill 1,/• 14 14) I'll, 1'6.-1'1 )3 41. '1111. Tii Li a night gang at wot cutting betiding 01 the AnieutI1310031y i3I gotid progre-sii (((:1 1135 made by the double stmt. At .11 1.1.13/111 1111 eritig el the 55 . M. S. at '1st:esti/atm Whs. (Rev.) Dint ant was presentol tvilli 1 lo',)' pitoies of chouic china in I einem Mance 01 1151' Mittel y. It ;Arts vuty 101,11111. 301331)11. 110 11101iy 1.1 1103 pe11.li:,..11 1311.5)0(11(1 Not, 1 1(10 biltti 1.:11) balm. De has bum tit the Tolobio Daily Star mall lor a Near ot so, We wish Mtn success in los N113,1 A. 31. ('111.1(0! 311.0314. liana:1'1y ul 13.11.11- st:1s, Who nas lur 11111111/ 01110 cieried 011 a '411111301140111! 111 1111.1.1le and undertaking thliiities8 30401.0W1.11 11110 SOW 0111 10 A. Britton, of Grund Valley. Mr. 8131. 031 33 ii,former resident 01 Wing(i111)1. Tuu best way to build up El town is for each mid every man in it not to strive to etul .11)01 tear dewn. Whenever a man ID a ti.wn it, dinht; well du nut tty 10 tear him down, All the residents of a Lowe ore peahens, nut Opponents.. In all akelilionfl the more business done by your 1 .yal niore you will do. W 8.811.Y 31.1(111) has purchased the mu stoles ne at present occupies and .be premises occupied by Craigle's pool worn for somewhere in the neighbor- hood of :3112,000. Mr, Walker believes in the future of Hoderich as is evident from this real estate investment. 'rite cinch Wilti IRA lilt 01:01 CM 51111.1L0.lay. -Goderich Star, Mr. Walker was a 0)331')' resident of Brussels and old friends here will be pleased to hear ot his success in the county towo. iCoon Lueic,-Rozell Bros., Creamery, Clinton, 3111(11 has been moved to new, and Login quarters, is now in full ruou. niug order. The new bonding, the South end of the Motor Woi to; plant, eurild hardly be suited for the work if it had been built for the purpose find it has been thoroughly fitted up with pasteurizing vat, testing room, re - I rigetator room, etc., 1011( 13 churn of a woo lbs. capacity. Messrs. Rozell are very optimistic regarding the future of the creamery business in Clinton and are sparing no pions to bring their plant tight hp to date. The young men were former residents of this locality and we wish them A i success. MiscELLANHOUA 1`.:140491111.. -The Listo• well Standard of last week makes the following reference concerning 11 former Brussels young lady ;-"A very pleasant evening was spent 111 1(131 home of Mrs. J. Bamford ou Saturday last wheu miscellaneous shower was given 10 tmor, of Miss Estella Moore, The vari- ous gifts were neatly arranged in a large box over which "bluebirds," signs of happiness, hovered. As the gifts were nnpacked and the various messages to the coining bride were read, there was joy and humor in abiltidauce, Miss Moore is very 'popular with her girl Metals as 010 shower on Saturday eVen- . . 1ng demoustrated," Miss Estella is a daughter .ot M. 11, and Mrs. Moore and was a former well known resident of Brussels. Morris Following is the report; of S. No. 0 Morris for month of March IV MX1101111E01 -ill Al ith. 0001p. Spell. Lit. •-lfemilt Hellen' 54, *Sani.13ary 51, S,. 11. Exam in Ai it h, Spell. Lit. Com.- Deorge J03 ('('111' 141, Jaek.Shaw 05, Hurry 1Cerr '10. Jr. 11 137011)1(110111)1 seine sub- jogiS 'Willi° Bowman 03, *3 oh iin y Barr 25. 1 Exiiin in 011.1IIP.-Ruby Dom. 02, Pr, 00013.-Siu1a Pierce, O. N't,lbh, `readier, Grey Sellout, Itsrowr.-Followi rig- is the repot of H. H. No, (1, (Ivey, for March 1-1V, 113and 11 classes ex- amined 1(1 Writ., Draw., 1 I yg., Lit., Item]. Ir, IV 55, lin d 80, M. ineklin 75. Sr. ITT *E. Hay 80, \V. Relief. '70, J. Batynaid nO. Jr. 1 1 1 E. Al. (look 81, 0. Jacklin 71. Sr. 11 OR 88„1, 82, Ames 70, (1, Rayilard 55, HI% 1 .10. 810V03183t3 80, 0, Elliot 78, V. Jacklin 75. P311111- I370vellent -A. Pearson, 0, Keifer, M. (look. Good -M, Hay, 11. RON- 1111111. 0 Pot Honor Roll in spelling. L, 150. SPA111,1N3I, Teacher,• " The Seaforth Creamery ea etlett.S.1 Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives. you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that We UM give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T, C. MeCALL, Phone 2330) Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Cre 4. 4 • • mery Co. " SEAFORTH, ONT, 3.$4,94,94.9+4.4.4.++4'•+9+$+•+•+4. 4.94.9444.04.44.944+044444.94.09+ ONLY MEDICINE ADE FROM FRUIT Extraordinary Success which "Fruit -a -fives" Has Achieved tine reaBion 111"14 "F'ruit-it•tives" is se '(ordinarily successful in git to tlooso suffering with Coa,/ipation, liwpid Liver, lndiges- 11,111,17imnie Headaches, .Neuralgia, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, /enema/Ism, Pain In The. Back, fec.veina and other Skin Affectioes, is, because ((4 18 the only medicine In the world nuule from fruit juices. It is composed of the merlicieal prineiples found in apples, oranges, figs and prunes, together with the nerve tonies and antiseptics of proven repute. 50e, to box, 0 for42.50, trial size 25c, At all dealers or sent postpaid by Prult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Blyth Mrs. D, Nicol has sold her residence WI Dinsley street to Thos. 1301, of Alovris, end will make het home with her daughter, Mrs. Carter, of Hullett. Win. Johneton has purchased the heelless business monied on by ex- Chenicilloe It, H. Robinson mid took possession last week, The business will still be managed by Mr, Robinson who ints been engaged for Lel Alex. McKellar has sold his oesi- denne to Mr. Geddes, of the Geddes 'Pyeon Lumber Co,, who will move his family to town from Owen Sound, We understand that Mr, and Airs. McKellat. will move to Strathroy whets. they own 1 esidential property. The citizens at e forming themselves into colleeting committees to secure subset 1111 .10)10 100)10 (18 building a 11130300 1101 hall 1111t34 to commemorate those of our boys who fought on rho fields or W111.• 11. 114 10(130 the intention 11) huhl it day :Torts 313 113 on 01113 King's 1)111 1)01103', 3. All the orbits will go towards the Memorial building fund, Miss Aloney, who has for the past l'PW 1401(114 35111110 such excellent setts- faal()11 2143 principal of Blyth Con- firmation School, left last week for her home in Stream cl, and will for some months take a complete rest in un endeavor to recuperate her health. We believe it is the intention of Miss Money to resume the principal- ship of Blyth school after the mid - Summer holidays it' het. health will permit. Molesworth SCHOOL REPORT, -Report for U. S. S. No 10 Rowlett and Grey from Janu- ary in April. Score 100. Jr. IV. - Elva Brown 92; Margaret Doig 81, Sr. Brown SO ; William Doig 81,; Evelyn Hislop 76. Se. 11, - (Afford Dodds 89 ; Bert Spence Good. 3r. 1L -Mervyn Grainger SO ; Cecil Grainger 70 ; Isabel Doig '70 ; Andrew Doig 05. Jr, McOreery 8(3; Lawson Dolg 84; Robert Sanderson 70 Annie Schmidt 72; Clarence Hettinger 05. Pr. -Ruth Sanderson 1)1 ; Clifton AlacDoitald SS ; I3va Brown 84 ; Nellie Doig 81 'Eileen !Delon 71) ; 11111110 Schmidt. 20. MARION A r.r..xx, Teachee. 13 el g rave IVEDD1N0 AN:VIVI:11.81,111%-A very pleasant time 11/0.8 spent at the home of Arthur and Men. Jackson, 611 Camp- bell street, Sarnia, formerly of Bel - grave, when a few of them friends gatbeted to celebi ate the twenty-first anniversary of theit, wedding day. A sumptuous dinnei wits served at five o'clook. Al the close of the definer the wedding (hike with 121 lighted candles was brouelit in, The guests then repaired to the pallet. where the family presented them with a beauti- ful dinner set, In the eveningabout 30 of their friends rind neighbors gathered and spent^1 he evening in music, grimes and dancing. The patty broke rip at 2 a. on., wishing Air. and Mos, Jackson many yea' s of wedded life, Atwood \V. T. Thompson, mint Lo Detroit to attend the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. 51 11/4111). Win. Simpson is cam ying his right arm in it sling caused from having it broken hy a gasoline engine. 'tete, the little dangh tee of George and Mrs. Greensicles is getting better after being very ill with pneumonia. wurred AlcNitught, 00 the 5801 battalion has arrived home from 311133 1S(')09 and hi spending a few clays in town before leaving for lhe Weet. Officees weee elected as follows for Bowling Olrob : Hon, President, D. E. Hodge ; Hon, Vice President, .L. Pel - tom ; Vice President, Jas. Al, Erskine; Sec, Treasurer, G. Lochhead ; Audi - Love, Hugh Poeter and W Blackwell ; Heinlein y inembeta, H. 13, Morphy, 0,, Al. P. ; 111, IV, Hay, M. P. P. ; and Jesse Peachey, Membership Tee was fixed et $4,00 for former members vesidi tog In 001(31350 103)01 83.00 for new members and members raltSide. btVtsa IVEIMiNG.-Thero was a large gathering or 0'i 11>1(10 and rela- tives at the home of William and Alis, Feed, "Plan:enact Hill Patin," 8311 0031. Blum on the occasion of the 25143 anniversary of their wed/ling on 1(t day, April 4th. Mrs. Ford was a daughter of the late Simon Fewings, a prospernus pioneet. Mornington townehip, and Ale, Pord son of Robb, Ford, who was an early settler in the Queen's Bush, now the 1011111)- 5111(1 00 13)0133, 'I'll ey Were 1 he 31103 (11- 83118 of 'natty heautifol and costly peesents, including it set of McKinley rockers 111 solid oak 01 (1311 the Mends of the Oth line, 13111111 ; to lino colltviion of silveeware oin (heir Nieto& of the 10th line, Elnin ; end it cheque from a l'ew friends of the Soh Concession, Illvening was spent in singnig and dancing. Among those contributing tho program 0)130031 -Miss W. Burke, Miss. 0. Illymers, Miss Mary 0 1 ) 4 • a 2. , 5wITC1-11")C13il3'0 3, 33 1 13 3 , 1 1 11 ‘i'i ti • • ' ^ , • „ !4 01:‘ 0 b.. ..11% NV(tmen ambulances. They nursed. They became ne army. 'Hwy made immitions. They tenJed graves. -1T.L.2,. 'lerhotte exchanges. 1-11,..y did cv:ryil)itiv but actual that they wen.. the insphati,in, 11i.: 1t1113j131 1111421',IL*,Jl3 .1 THERE iS NO END VD INOMAN93 ACKIEVE AAEN TS; 3)111133 HS 11133' 111111). 1,1(31, SO will they 0 s! ay 1'1.'1P to great(1‘111•11114eqigt ht11411(i7tgl"I''',Itiltril,':."1 a pinnitelo by their efforts in tl., Women 1110131he the balance wheel durin:_t the Reconstruction. Theirs must be 1: i . halo' the impatien,p of men who, having. rettu•ne+1 from the netive. strenuous days of the ha leholds, find it dirriollt 30 reconcile their pas, four ;.'ears With the multilane 10(333 3111' or life. So there 3113.4 never 11 time when newspapers had so much to tell :thou! women : never a .113)5 when womankind could read in the day's 01., ,patelles so much about herself. She ha, Ir.' ,,:eittel301111.10117101011.1333 ,Intint:ilireesianynteerch,ntsrits1 !Itt s) 111111(1,113113(im.l(310.!1331)11 1(0 Nal hood Government, 1111(1 in 0111:11'• ' um TORONTO DitaN STAR L-1EFLECTS1 EVERY ACTIVITY OF WOMEN not merely a sovial 31h1'0)'1 1(110, 1(111..13 mirror or what wmillm are nehieving. .of wonlui.tst 1111ir1-nn11eitr)re tlnevx-ei:,litsive correspondents i including tiv., women. tell of the w.311: III addition, The Star publishes daily fashion hints: Bedtime Stories for kirldie,;: 1,11.,1(1),11.15e1;1.011 "1.03.1.iing well" and "doing things." 1111 of which interest both men and l'very wontan should read her local newspaper beeause it tolls with 13 1t o :he people whom she personally knows. But woman 's plaee in 1310 world's, al fair-: (1)" 1)3111(15also a WORLD \1 '\"v 333 1(3 which will bringher into reading itmell" with thing,s far and near, as the tele;Mone has brought her into • • speaking touch '' with those Prom whom she was once i5131110e13. • Women c millet read The Toronto Daily Star for a 'short while without t"'' 111 that it is "tile 17111100 they need." 'Oho truth of this silo W11 by 1113' 11311133' ,3'011( u Ay!) Aelldillg in it' trial subscription for throe 1131311! '311, renew their subscription rm. a eve), the three months expire. Send your subscription in now, We will mail The Toronto Daily i'itur 3,. ym, end) ChlY at the following rates: For 1 311301113, For :1 months, For $1.50. For 12 months, $3.00. .SIMINIMMIERMA. .11/2MISIMILICII=.2.1111Y11=bailIDOIIIMIIMIE.160:1331.1, To Publishers : Toronto Daily Star, Toronto : Dear Sirs: Please enter me. as a subscriber to The Toronto Daily Star for months -for which please find enclosed stamps or money order for $ Name and address in full . . . Please write plainly and eity whether 'AFr., mrs., 1r1oH. dr Bev. THE TORONTO DAILY STA :111' Cut Off T.b.s Coupon and Mai To -day. CARTJN jtalls-IITEO.AT:..76,:!-,,:- .- 1,,‘-••7"..•••••:.' i . i', •; 1 : i 1:i • r .7...t.:' -al" Iii;11,111111 di 1; i', , 44,01110:401eirre, ,31/0/IMIMISIMISIMIIIIIMIIVOSSEXEMISLQUIDSOLVIIRIVW-R ''...,k Ita... l ' ,,...---r- i 0 .. ' \ , 1, 01 . NI. 411'' NAM hil"F • )--...---".....' ...... i 0 ., ' '• WRY f ...- 1, vi 4 ' . ,, 0 't 1/ 1 0 i r‘t . r/ „,,, / , \\,... i t \ i , • , \ t . `- 1: \ -... ' ,.. -,..,,'44;.,:-7-t:.::r...zw.r4...,,gxttzsmt...t.4.,..aGrrr4,,,\i#LcM'Wtrc,,tyv.*''r.,,o*3gSFAVA*4•1., 4, ,H''',"'-17...= '2: , • • irmawomiogareetsoffiamourszmes. •tN,2,„„,7$ Hymers, 13, Porteons, 14. John- ston. A feature of the erening was he Scotch reel and Highland flin by a company of old-Litners QUESTION AND ANSWEB.-Ths fol. 1"Inq 10 a ..cloorY from Atwood, an - swayed. by ildward Meek, K. 0., in the Mail and Empire :-B. Wt, Al' wood. -"The G.. T. It, has taken its agent all duty here for the evening train, and we cannot get express peek - twee off the late trains. %Viten the 1 road was built we gave the railway It large "bonus," and the "contract." reads they must, maintain a station and an agent." Ans,-It, swains 10 ffile made a complaint. '1'13e requirement that, you have a reasonable ground to to maintain 11011313031 and an agent at a particular place implies that the agent Shall be at the station for the purpose of transacting all railivay and parture of all trains which stop at the express business on the arrival and de. station, You have not referred me to the date of the contract with the rail- way company. Probably it was print- ed with the statutes of that year. 1301 it would tyke a great deal of t 1 to hunt it up. You have good ground 1 to°f L111214:4 Oao Xr?juniitiounte to the Beard