HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-10, Page 4:u$sets Asa
'1111ThSDAY, Al't111( to nye
Ir y; 1 1 etrnw don't peel% et to menet'
le. t,•.n -. the nrl`e e, Whey a p teen t
oteheme NW MO/ to IPtd toty sbeaul r of
he cxt,:v d to have to go for it. '1 lie
herr: •::ws a vier spirit if stick is
it that au Inspector has au
eye e).. o several Huron Co. to%vns
axle for infriegerents of the
Lord" :'r..y in the way of sales of ice
creak' e eins,!eonfeetiouary, fruit, Re,.
and %el I haul in their nets nue of these
days. 'There is not much excuse ter
these v," mints as the law is plain en
ough, ...ewe little sympathy need be ex
pect:'a • ' tine is imposed that knocks a
hole i 1 •, t profits of the sales.
Le.'•-: -,e if the Consolidated &:hoc%
Svs• .isfae,
lid so n be in vogue where
see y, Effective or even sat-
:utk cannea be done in a good
mil Sections under existing
cold ' :,s :ted delay tueaos loss that is
very A eine. to regain. The 5 or 10
,year= :, ptpi's spend at school soon
spin r. i and the lost opportunity may
be a tt.:.1: er or at least a crippling of
what' le. keel like an asset to the Me of a
hey , ,• Titese 20th ceutury days
must . l,e haodieapped by ba'riere
that 'li , ."r removed if people are alert
suet„'.it mnderstand the situation.
Irv.' r •,exit or frighten away the birds.
Thee. elan`: best friend in destroy•
of insects that would prey
epee ' :• td,!d orchard or garden if our
fe:lth. r i ; ynl'.y did not waylay tbetn in
their I'• 0t devastation. Much can
be dela rucourage bird life and there -
he do the community immeasurable
g -.oil. Firearms and prowliug felines
are tee s- ..yes to be combatted in the
intern-' . 1 bird itfe, A little considera
ton et e a ,nvioee the most dubious of
wits' w a'.ve to the bltds. Give them
the !-,•.- chance possible.
•1 c ietanoes have been noted of
r ver where groups of young men
a d . • : n the main street have for-
gette--.ntlemanly conduct toward
ynun., ,lies and girls or sometitnes
when •1... a attendants are along. Pos•
sibiy c: ,nr of thought is the only reason
but i . • .'t he allowed no matter what
the .r,o •• .;ud said youths should have
sett -r ,alt enough to "cut,it out” as far
es ti <t : 1 . concerned and restrain oth-
ere fens; :;.sing what is neither kind nor
poi .. is rendliness and good fellow -
step right but impudence or vul-
garity t'1, not belong to true manhood,
How eel h ofY our time or talent do
t r
you ��rt c , in connection with the
churl. . er congregation witb which you
are -Ria .,ted ? We bave no doubt there
ie nnu•:'•7'ch power enough in any congre-
gat„n et cause a genuine stir if it could
be welt„ lied and utilized. A large part
of ti, ,. •:rl( in the church in its various
orgAi: c • r: n, is done by a comparative
few, ,v'I n large company do not turn
their b el, their head or their heart to
as'is' ie. any rense share the respon-
sibie•e -lnii labor. This is noticeably
true am .gig men. Their absence and
indifference in relation to peblio wore
ship,SailaY ehool Young People's
Soehe y er Prayer Sleeting does not au-
gur f, ,good in the days to come nor is
fhe (x:;mple anything but harmful to the
growl',. generatiou. If everybody
won! .n 0 ,,ver a new leaf there would
;seat stride forward.
ll., -:-'t know of some small industry
that -'; at be es'ablished to give em-
ploi mi to say 5 or ro or more bands ?
Cite,-, gowns and villages are in a good
mtu 1'e beckoning men of spirit and
d7.;h ,cote within their bounds and
open on t l ops or factories whose out-
put :. ! supply a need and fill a want
amour tee human family. Brussels
minlri, 1;t' a centre for a flax mdl, a salt
bream,. ftrntture factory, brick and
tile te.. eifaetory, With the coming of
hyriro •-err what is now a deterrent --
the abs, :,1 of day power—should set
malty heel in motion and make enter•.
prise - of real value to the locality
as v.- 1 •t the promoter who usually
flesh, ., see such things go. What clo
le ,'•.,:vection with the proposed
Cull,»'.t itv Welcome to the Soldiers
and 0 t; Ii'vS Reunion, to be held in
Bruer, i inly 20, 27 and 28, people are
asked •.,; s'tppiy the name and address of
absa ete members of their families or
forint old residents of town or locality
so the. •tit invitation maybe sent to each.
Tag Pee. riruggiet, has been appointed as
Convu-,nr of the Invitation Committee
and yatr help is asked along this line,
A rano1 1 list will be opened and it is up
to you to lend a hand in this very neces-
sary t:,:•l,r:t)nary department in arrang•
Ing f ,a- loo Celebration, To make the
gatlietii14 ,4.11ccess everybody is cordial•
ly iuv ,d to assist and stick at it until
the g joyous days are passed, Make out
your est, :as perhaps very few ktiow the
ptese:tt residence of matt}r of the old
boys, ,tart eerie whom we desire to reach.
We west:. them to come to Brussels by
the see( ir, and hundreds.
Its ASSAM duality gives it
that rich flavor
Sold only in sealed packages
"The Better `PIe"
Draws Big Houses
at the Allan
Great tt,n u,^-, Aptly Oe6c. ibod
theC" Br,1'Se stieh Birth of as a Nation"
Cnlettleedie tit tleldest, film sun-
eess that ire- 1'1'},.1Toronto in tante
that ,utpendous all -
Bea -.n p, nu (1 . ,, The Beller Ole,"
nbisll i tn. '11 a 1i'') at the Town
Hai':, Hie. veielne.day, April
leltli. 'Thio pe,eiuesinn tdkee one tip
to the fried tae tetrhee with the
Brills.~ 'futon', ::01-1 ttk,•' you into
their every ,l.tv lit.• !tore than any
other motion piett1t• 10 minutiae that
has ever 1. ,.'1 „• 11. Old Bill, Berl
and .\,1. Id',rl:i. 1:•.• thought unusual
telt::lei„•1 et •, i 1,: 111,'.,.y t Mintier] llet nes
Yvon have -1,,.111 tee); weary irinuths
in the 1 re.. ! ,(•lace that hese
huntcreue ie may be found in
nearly ev.'rV le.,lt of the line. They
port ay the • : n•'' runt that l•.nghtud
sent ate,ie.t it • l 't eauoils Ilnu, who
made a ,lets u, It 1 ixtt uxl�unes4sl'ul
bid fttt wet lit 1tn:uer:.1011s
"The Rett r'1 lie- might be called
the lirtlst, 11.01( ,ret Nation,” The
enthn i urn v.I ''4t greeted the show-
ing of th p I -n•, i,n at the Allan
ato s u ,,-
,t. that the 1ut unto
1111~~) heir stamp of ate
ploy tl n : fist-.-t»tta as well as the
ttleti I p:.-ru I ,'n t' tltuughout
the Bei sit 1 1 chaps one r,1 the
rnu.t uupurt • i ,I to orf the ehawiug
of "Tile Rel re 11,:" 1.: the musical tie-
t011tptriin1'01, 1YL,11t wag selected by
Diree.tot• l.rt i Rnuttn.:18 of the Allan
cuur.v (111..11e-.-1ia „floe a careful atl-
aly(is, f the pitelet•titnt.
This great eume ,s will he ptesented
at ills Town Hall, 11:me0ls, one 'night,
only, Na. ed, Apt ii 10. under the aus-
pices of the Library Bead. Seats
plat will t;,w) nn )lnnduy, April 14, at
10 a. In. at 11,x'0 thug ,tare,
Iten '1.'•tt'r•,tuce, 11 of A. and etre,
Torrance lett foe' \iagt411 PaIIs, where
'..,1 . ,.ilo
1' has are .ail +t .n n With the
h_ ra 1' t
r elite Bank.
It r
lluukla \UfLr n r )111111'11 from the
Pohl t t les . week. Sttela h tl ! ! t k His
ett r
many Metol a pleased that he is
reeevtrtlg lapel l} ...ince his recent op-
erat ion,
R. 1'ra'lwee, who far entire time
past has been in elrarge of the C. P. R.
station here, lee, heel transferred to
Innerkip, end has taken up his new
duties. Mr. Fete( Tolman, sue -
reed. 71r. E1t<,tman here,
Duncan 71'Ken.zie, stable boss for
'I'. Eaten Gunp:wy, Toronto, was
thrown from ot.r• r t' file firm's wagons
last %eek atpl sustained several bt-
jtu•ies to his head nod face. He was
picked up by the pollee of Pape
Avenue Station, and removed to St.
ivliehael is Hl ,pitatl,
The m ti t naatut of Listowel-Pal-
meeeton hook 'y elnt', Senior N. 11. L.
elmtnpion4 gave the players and sup-
portets a bettlgllet in the Qneel's
hotel Liatr w"1. flet' Press silver
trophy emblematical atical of the champion-
ship, the huge silk peace pennant, and
the gold medal, for the players were
presented tit the leme1ttet,
Ford welch
H. \t,, Lrird has pnrrhased Adam
(4raletin'=1(t) iter:• felts on the 1111
Jos. Il;,ci.i • 1bn5 :odd his (Mesita
driving !lane• 10 Tlhes, Aici)ouald,
Gem go A4letnn, tor, is having very
poor heal) It l,ul, h, ,iucrrt•I' hope he
will soon improve.
Hnwnt'1 Willi (tit grandson of H.
and Mrs, t,,l,;a. tel. was operated on
for ea) :kohl.: 1 1 he Sick Children's
Hospital, Put,•,, 1, anti. til, last repitete
was getting. a.'ot.;., -eery favorably.
While ,hiving home from Gorrie
Sat melee eeet.ing .1. If, Rogers and
\V. L. [etnllllie amt %Rh an accident,
\Vhen about retie ty leittveen Gor•rie
and Porde. ids ntlr' of buggy broke
add let the bon se nwr•.y with the front
wheels while Lh t t of the vehicle
tipping ahead thvete the occupants
headfl,t to Iis hurl frozen ground,
Mr, Rogers' nee-, 0!111 muni h were bad-
ly cut surd he'll:sed at,d his shoulder
hurt, elle alt. %,%!%)kid's heat. %vas
bruised ern : ni rally, but, luckily un
hones welt' bra l -h.
`tif totieTV,—A
well Stt.t•nd,-d sued very enthusiastic
meeting w114 i tt' 1. au•t'ange foe
41111)111 for elm village this StttrllnFr.
Baseball 411,1 Rn , li:Ill will he played,
Alembatshlp fro• u n $1 00 for all over
a 6le each 'o; all 15 years end ,t h t i a under 15.
Following e (Ike!, 71.041 romtrtittees
r? 1 rn10 . - 1 !'411111 I •
were Jtj1 i. t tt, Ia�ty
,.roes \. n..(.
Sansntn I uy, I It, btrL.
r, Ci
at rensut0r, (,,,,t sure Wade ; Baseball
Manager. D. M. Kt'trnady ; Captain,
T. M, (331, 11• Football Manager,
Otto Sa feet ; (1ptein, PI t•1 Denny 1
Sports Committee, Town, (3, 11. Jef-
ferson 111 d IL It any ; North, Earl
Jnhnlnn Sim) 11, 1larold Doig I Haat,
Wilt Spence ; +Yost, (den, Ashton ;
Phnom., Cnu,ntitterti 111, Sehwandt,
Arens Denny and Wm. hill. Messrs,
Ltting, (liyedale, ('iokt Jamieson, and
5 Roses Flour
and Feed
A few tons of Fertilizer 011 phos-
ph'ltel fat stile. 530 00 a ton.
Alf® Baeker
Telephone 5
Hill were appointed a Commit ter, to
investigate this proposition of a Bowl -
Me (;een,
The fcilnwiug report shows Ilse
standing of the pupils in the Senior
Division of Lhe \Vroxetee Publie
schttl for March. Sr, IV—Rayrn Itt
Rutherfot d, 68 ; Mao Allan, 06 ; Mar.,
gatet McTavish, 57 ; Ross Pope, 43 ;
John Town, 40 ; Serena Rasmus -
gen 30e. Best syellor Moe Allan. Jr.
1V—Russet Rae, 70 ; Bessie elide et,
6i• het illignia, 59• Rona Vaa-
\esot,9; Janet 58 ; Geo) g0
'Posy), 57 ; Eleanor Douglas, 55 ; Wil-
liam Simpson, 45* ; Irene Cunning-
ham, 45* ; Earl Special, 42 ; Sas. Al-
lan, 37 Beet. speller, Rama Vnr-
Velsor, Sr. III—Laura Wright, 75;
Alva Hazelwood, 73; Ada Patulin, 113 ;
,1 no. Munre, 63; Alba Alusgutve, tie,
Rest speller, Laura Wright and Ada
Paulin ties, Jr. I[I—LilltIen Moffett,
72 ; Nina Smith and lino, Gibsou, ties,
71; Harvey Robinson, 64; Ruth
htncks, 61 ; Harvey
(etbson, 60 ; Muriel
Robinson, 56* ; Willie Wright, 55 ;
Harold Grant, 53 ; May Simpson, 62 ;
Clarence Taylor, 35* ; Lizzie Thom-
sen, 30*, Best spelle.14, Ruth Stocks
tad \Villle SVright,
Miss Tore Is Holli,—toles Mabel
Tum, daughter of Inspector Tote, who
France went to h 1'e'•
113 t 1 a❑ u, August, 1917, with
the New York hospital u9nit, arrived
home Tuesday everting of last week,
and Inas much information to give of
conditions in Prance and Germany
and of her experiences. She was en-
gaged in the Medical wards for a
good part of a year and subsequently
as a dietician , and etljoyed her work
very 113 11111. On going overseas she
was.attached to base hospital No, 9,
Ohateauenux, Pettnoe, and since Janu-
ary of this yea,' she has been at Cob-
leutz on the Rhine, Germany, until
leaving for home March 12th. She
thinks France is a wouderfnl country
and in agriculture and horticulture
the people have advanced much
further than we have. It is the
general rule to find electricity used on
the farm, even in the poultry build-
ings, ere. The culture of grapes and
grape fault is largely carried on, and
the French excel in agriculture and
hcrtirullure, War lies left a -tees ible
musk on the country, the devastated
regions often being entirely denuded
of trees and buildings, ever thing
being destroyed, But at Coh-
lintz Mies 'fort says you would nob
know the: had been a war. Mer-
chants seem prosperous, and though
things are high in price, any-
thing can be purchased, and there
Jest picture the grief of some
chile% tit the loss of his or eller
beloved "Doggie." To them
this is the greatest loss that
could possibly come into their
little lives. We believe that
right down in the heart of
every man, woman and child
is a natural desire to do for
others what they would have
others do for them,
The "Lost and Found" col-
umns of The London Free
Press carry a list of articles
lost by people who axe
anxiously awaiting word of
their return, Whenever yew
find anything, read the lost
alis. in The London Free
Preps—thea do as you would
be done by,
Bead tete Waut Ads, every
day in
Ai tont, Brussels
Our reptklation for fair dealing
and reliable goods, coupled with
the De Laval record of service
and durability, has made the
De Laval Cream Separator the
leader in this community,
aof your neighbors
are using 1)e Lavals,
Have you ever asked any of
them how they like their ma-
Why not slake a few in-
You'll find that the De Laval
is giving them more cream and
better cream; that it is easiest
to turn, to clean and to care for;
very seldom gets out of order
and never seems to wear out.
Your neighbors will back up
what we have been telling you
about the De Laval,
') So will any of the other
2,325,000 De Laval users.
Talk it over with your neighbor
We will sell you a De Laval on
easy terms. Come in, examine
the machine and talk it over.
iR �,aa,are..J'nm'i*wIR'„evaw4iatiaa,maw."'.ti�vtL`swire4,ll%nal�'"""^"*''
<5511i,lli' %,r SPY P.1.1 ,i,,,te,.'t 1,51 Llr'•w 11'
He lttdtl tt 111111) 1111 pile' iu Che lv'gta'.t
.1 Itis pupil~, )11111 in :August 1111)7, )vas
110te1 1 d Inn iltat,g 111,1 Pupile' It,e-
nnl,nl, ,elle It In ,nt)I)1I 1111,')ort Intal
lir lit nunu uce lent ell ,eau is of the
•111'1 0111. 11" 11 l II111t1 to the end a
lively Wit, 8 ,1 n, 1' lbhe aiTuit( in gen•
11 al, 1'111 thmaelln'It Ilk long apd
11etiee 1111' pip, 111 e etniuenlly 111440(.111.
(.0 Crit h 1'rog1)'.•.lows• ,-11111•aliulsul umve.
10,40),1, MU, o1' hit tl,tIghtere, elite(
Hato I. Strung, is on the stttfl' r•1' the.
tixtridge lliglt be11,,-1, awl 1..1111erly
taught ++nine pout' iu ;1t taps lot• lIi)•h
tr ;.
setas In he plenty in nrrmany, The
Rhine etre says is a beautiful river
with its castles nn beth batiks. Aliss
'l'ntu sailed 1,', tt Bevel, France, March
171 11, nn Lhe (Imp go AVashlne-10n, ar-
riving at New York, Mat rat 2511), mal
on hoard %vete 7,1100 satinets and
flumes returning from overseas, The
George Washington was the boat
which took the LT, S. President and'
itis early 0vel•.
Da. 1•Itnn 1, ,$1TIt.INe PASSES -AWAY,
--The death of Hugh 1. Strang, L. L.
0,, one of the prominent education-
ists of the Province, °te tererl at his
home herr Friday l1 his 7811) year.
Nt Strang as horn a Gal the son
was t t l e s
of 0 e 1 Strang, '
tltr lel Rev, 117. aur%
at an earl age entetetl the teaching
profession, ruling lo (3oderich fro
Owen Sound in 1871. iie was for 46
years ou the staff of (,nderich High
School and Collegiate Institute, being
Heart Master for 35 years, Ne was
President of the Ontario Educational
Association far a term, was a member
of the Provincial Advisoty Cotutcil of
Education, rt member of elle Univer
city of l'orouto Senate, arTi was the
HAV 1N(1 purelutsed the stock
of ;•liss. Maser, at IHen-
rbyn, au(i received a new
supply of (i 111(.01i('S, 1)t y Colds
and Cut ed 6beal5, we are now in
a postilion to slt,isfy the wants
or our r:u46onters at. prices that
Will suit all. Spreiai privet; on
Dry Goods and Blankets, I.hese
selling at below f0t'adnt Whole-
sale Prices.
Flour and Feed carried in
Call anti see for yourself,
Highest prices paid for But-
ter, p:gga 111111 Cream deli vet ed
art nue NI ore,
H. L. Stewart
11ENI"i1YN ST01't.1a
Ails. Jelin T. I'atblr•, was ttl Ayr
altt'tdieg 1110fitneeal 'f He. late Aliss
-Nrllir Reid. -
1 );),use 111 the faun of Neva, 11 ,11,
(1:11 Con., lolutt, Infill un egg that
weighed 1. Ib, and %!stunted in cit•
cruel 'et(eine lee i110hes by In inp11es in
A quiet tl'edtliug took pinef, til the
tttausp, Alt'O(1d, ols else eh 2011., when
1-abellt, (taught, i t 11. and Mee, 01. -
heel, of Brittle), lyse muted in 111a1' -
Hawk to IS�tbrrl S11it•hl, 101111.1. Young
rvatple h ill lake up Ih•it rasufe•nr0 I'ur
111„ prsa,v,l t ilh lir lit id',t 11,111'!10,
A It.ti113111 am' I I I 11, 1' arridenL
befcl 1'', cel. and ltant,e•1 1, nuneux on
the fart) of A. IC. le will. The young
men nrrs riding hurseb,utlt 111111 cul
lee) ilig 41111 111015, 0110 I'nlluwiug ranee;y
)Hiles the ttln1. Irl 411111' unknon 11
way the (horst. on h hie!' F, (el Mil,
titling fell, the othee hotse lalling t 11
top, The young ratan %yes Ladle.
to tithed under 1 h lwu apiula14, nod
was seriuni,ly tojlsl1d haematite.
Russel alnn mitre] ed (rent at hied; en
allot. Surgical ttid wee til once 11"
011r01.1, 1.110 Prod, was operated ou,
Perth County
Amending to word reeeived J.
31. 3)ttefedden, fnmeely of 8t•atfol(1,
won sulfel ell a purely tic ell ole at
Pasadena, Cal„ is pregreSsiug ltvot-
ably, and his remvevy is looked roe,
The statistical report of Stratford
hospital Klemm; 527 patients admitted
daring the tr') to severed by the 1.0111') t.
These with 114- infants bolls told 83 pa -
Ch •lice
A formal 61111!nery Opening
will not be held but 01111
choice, new stock is now on
display and the ladies of this
nnnlnlpniey etre invited to
call and inspect. the up-to-
date Goods,
Miss Welker is Hach again
this season as Milliner.
Alillinery is correct, in style
1111)1 fait' in price, hence we
feel assured we e.11n please
the public. Ct111 in,
9" If a s J notes
Krauter Block, ETHEL
.)•d••;•I••;.•)�•1a••N•'ri••p§•ro k�d,•'r4••F•d• f•.p•g„)•.yF�Sg•.1••p
CN tl® pp
Far Tera'
Club •F
]las on hand a quantity
Cream of the Best Flour
Shorts Oil Cake Meal
A Choice lot of Groceries
Grass Seed and Root Seed b
expected shortly.
0 The U. F, 0, has put•chased a
4' seat 011 the Stack Exchange, +
•E' West Toronto, with at capablo',4'
•). staff in charge, Orutbeook Club
g. ships every Saturday, 4'
Ip For further particulars 51)111y 4'
0 to 4,
+ Edo Fulton, +
4' Sec. -Teem, Oranbreolt Far, Cluh 0'
4 Phone 285 4'
• �'
Ale tree the difference between Lite low-priced worker and the high-
saint led expert, We can srnoot,h out the road for you from the one
class to the allele
Students admitted say time, Catalogue free,
Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ont. •
The School that places its graduates in good positions. •
Western Ontario's h'orantnet Nswspnp5r s ••44364T00060••64+6.44.6)•000(6 0,00000,00.00000 0e, 004%0 Pr 0•04,60
Teft'6 itat" wanted
YNOE ass
Positive—Convincing Proof
Many so-called remedies for anae-
mia are only so in name. Their mak-
ers are afraid to prove their claims by
telling what their medicines contain,
The only way to be honest with the
people is to let them know what they
are paying for. Here is the Vinol
formula. When the doctor knows
what a medicine contains, it ceases
to be a "patent" medicine,
n Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron and
Manganese Peptenates, Impend Am-
monium Ci trate, Lime and Sada Qlyraro-
Any doctor will tell you that the
gredients of Vinol, as named above,
will enrich the blood and banish anae-
mia and create strength. When the
blood is pure and rich and red, the
body is strong and robust.
You can prove this at our expense
because your money will be returned
if Vinol does not improve your health,
limns in the ilsol11uti1111 tt}all 1 b year
eau led, !teem a total of 6311. • (1311)'40
541 %v('te 1'rn)eet nit, 73 Homan
1'atholies stud 177 le her ileneininatiuns,
Of Clutatiats, there were 68(1. Of
total 805 were di-nhargt i1 ems. (1, 1113
tt'lievt'd, 4 net bent fitted and 25 adults
died, income dist•harged, 59, infante
died 4, petien(s in hospital 42. Oi the
infants born 30 were females, anti 28
males, The report of the poultry de-
partment shows that 1020 daze, of the
eggs 179¢11 were s11pplicc1 by it, thus
insuring abeolt(tly fees~ eggs foe the
matter of the estate of Janet Mc-
Quarrie, late of the Village of Brue-
sela, in tho County of Huron, widow,
Not ler iv hereby given puftunr t to "'1'1x0 1(e-
1IsedStotutesnr Ontario,' tint all et t•ditos
tad saidothers tenettta,1 Q ttnrtiagainst hottrliedt estate
the said
about. the 1111 day e f November, A. l7 , 1. 1 I t,
A, 15 , 1' or heron, the 11011 dry of May.
A, A x l,l to tend by put pr 1,m 1 , deliver
hi rU x ah d h amen tb•• 1 extoll)arsos the
Inst %311 hod Testament !'b of -aid a'rlotttt
e end t• !!4101'4
at Rim . 1'l P t) th 11 ori tern t
Rip t, 11 tibtt.-
, r. a 1
n t ,
t ,
1 P th it t helm n, (t rt,me it d
count ani rhe nature ,f the -•10.10 rue„ tt :a:)t
held by them
And tnr Cher tit none.- Nutt tirI-,+ ,,no, %„„t
mentin d date the said r 1 will pro•
eot,E rl-,trthtltt th mast. ,r the dee' t:td
ane Ile the 11,1101 entitled there! Lavnlg.1 t••
gird only W ,•latnw c, whoei tin+,r 1.1x11 then
have 1,01 tee, rend 1110 4111d tit t'tto r8 will(not
bo liable for 117e said nsaeia or soy part there-
of to any person or persons or whoa) elnbn
notice shall not have best, received by (hero et
the time of suclt distribution.
Dated at Bruav'ls, this 5th day of April, A.
ALEX itlIINTOSH• t F.xacirto'a.
Auction Sales
AUCTION SALE OP PA 1(31 krrieg tial PLI•.•
)115111'1, a Cu.—Jas. Taylor,' Auction o-er, 111)9
reeuived instructions fronr'tnbo . undersigned
proprietor totted by Patine Auttlon at •Nis f,'.t
18, eon. 5, Morris awn., on Tuesday, April
15th at 1 o'clock,fol
lowin1 valuable promo uu
t :=011 f supposed in calf. lint cow, 2 steers
1 year id, 1 heifer year 1111 bt%ov 1
Deeringb, 7 ft rat, 111001 ,63 Wood mow*
er 195 ft cub, 11011hay Nike •
I manure spread-
er, 1 seed drill, 1 hay loader, 1 water trough, 1
sot double harness, 1 set 0111111 et'evs, 1 emery
Molds grinder, 1 grindstone, 1 :.et light sleighs,
1 fanning mill 1 hay rnok, 1 wugott box, 1 set or
hal'l'ows, 2 wanting plows, 1 two -furrow plow,
1 cream separator, 1 Daisy churn No, 8, 1 post -
hole anger S inch, quantity of timothy seed,
number of maple fence slats and other articles
too numerous to mention Sale unreserved
as the proprietor has sold his farm, Terms
—45 and under cash, over thnt xrnutint 0 mos
credit on furnishing approved joint notes, dis-
count of 5 pet• Gellt allowed off for Cash.
JNO. WATSON, Proprietor.
Auction Babe
Household Furniture
The i,xecut.ols of the late Atar•garet
Stewart will sell by Public Auction a111
her late home,
Queen Street, Brussels
Saturday, April 12th
At 2 p. m. the following Effects:
1 Desk, 3 don.liitchen (Theirs,
2 Bedroom Suites, 8 ltoolcing L'halrs,
1 Kitchen Range, 1 Sideboard,
r coat Heater, 1 Booty Untie,
2lzitehen Oupboarde, 1(ientre Table,
2 Wardrobes,210trlien Tables,
1 ltlxtettele,t Teble, 21So) Springs,
1 Sewing Dinchino, 2
1 Ex
n I, n
4Hafist%! t Chairs, 1 Barrel upnyPum
p,2 isteate
1 ratraloEh 00
Nesse hand bills for eo:plate list.
Terms Cash,
11'. S. 300TT, 1', STEW ART, 1 mxeoutara.
Auctioneer, ,r; STEWART,
Farm Pr •t perty
In the Township of Morris in the
County of Huron.
Pursuant to tt power of Sale contained in n
oertnin Mortgage whisk MN bm prntlnood at
the time of sale, there wilt bo offered 301 sale
ttvubito nation at the Anteri0rn Hotel 61 the
Village of Er/insole on Saturday, the thee
teentitda of April, A. D. 1010,' et 2 8'8100k
m b 1)y o.
i ty INS, r Scott, Anhh 115 to, the follow•
Situ Iambs and premises, that is to env :
All and ningnlnt• that certain parcel or tenet
of kind and promisee situate, lying and be.
teginthe Towns)ti of Morris to the County
of Huron and Province of Ontario and being
composed of the Sotobh half of Lot number
Twenty-six in the Seventh (Ionceasiot of the
01111 Township of Morris, containing oho
hundred wager land more or loss.
This property is Sitatnted !bolt) throe miles
from the village of Brussels mod is *1)t d le
for graving pparpoeeo.
P111111505841,1: Tort per coat of aha Iter•
ohm money on the Any of sole and the Ind -
mine within twentdays thoneaftor. property will tt
' rbe off01:011eubleot to n re•
served bid.
Further particulars mud notditiona of este
will be made known at tate time or sato or cony
be find on a�t1Bettisn to the un(lornl tad,
Dated et Wtnghan% thin 24th day of March,
A. D, 1010,
11, to S0omr, R, VANSTONS,
Brussott, Ont, Winghnm 081.
Auotloneer. 'Veudor'n Celieito•,
'Memo. minted for S. S. No. 7, Herrin town.
"hl1), lociiiiimmiet. Misr 14.1mtliwlidal-:
,t Indica' mils, Int6,,rlattoil
ficteivr.il 1111 Mit.
J(»iN tl(>t 11It
11. i- RP
,i, Ih•usnels
To Contractors
Th" Nina:stea 1 , , 1 , P 1110 '1 al.lite f
31..11, art a kO R io,• ti.pili 1 lar tau. 0111041.1i1 •
tion "f the if 011 Inc,t. 7141itrvo n ill lie rl•-
'•eiv'el for the ill's] ',art 1111 111•• 'rl•. raft roe
,1111't•It• Plans mei „e' soul'•)! lolls 1111) l 'e•Il
at the Plerks tr:1,100, '4' ml, Iv 1'11)10 d at
'1'uwtl•, h:,, hill, M,1,1L1t 1111 3 1,111, at 811, - 11.
P:nr; rn 1'F.uned fah 11 PIPq o with the ren-
der A. ,alA0011'14:1, Clerk.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for oonott•1lfl tog loll I'1'yt•I, 1teal!iu
the township or 75 tltllen, 1111 tot' ]J1ek1011
Ornin in the 'Poen-hips of HHolt1110n and Rut -
let. will be revel veil by Ion and ersignod tint II
A pril, 14th 1010, or at totted meet lug ut Fe,r
tor, 11 on Anril 15th, at elelook p. 117. A.
, usque for Pe of sant ram heir,' to are,nlpnnit'
euro fender. the 110e.1 01 tiny It odor art
1. 'u-xrily acre!,, d. Pinna. ,tit. may be seen
51 the (be les 7411 •e, Lot 01,1'rm 7 )1•l00op.
111 71 ret tit e,( • ler•k,
Cas forth P. O.
Lull for Service
Tito ande•rsrgn'-d n ill keep for oerv'es nt. Lot
c:n, Id Oroc, 11th.!:; Lent Pol10d 41111)14
Sall P • lrnron nosy 1.,, s non 1111 twdir:,Kien.
t'al'Itt'-19rttro'•Lre,l...$;,nl' (}ra,l es .511'1, 1140(1
privilege to return,
[tU'HISIr 101113(11'1141 N.
41' tr 1'roprirlur.
Hog for Service
The undersigned will keep for orrv1110 un Lob
•110, ('un. 11, (} Cry t"wn.hrp, n thero' Med York•
shire hog. Tarsus t11 110 1041
SV 111,. 311'1'tt HELL, Prop
Bull for Service
'elm „Ill la•t••, for ser vire, nn t? •
hat all, COP. 2, Morris Mulishiu, the then: hr.c
short (fern %roll, (inin ford of Salem, No,
-11o.1111 . hived by (}eittf"ld tint lint., 111108001
Dam \111511,1 V11 by Royal Sailor '111 5111 Fed -
May bit peen am appit,nti,n Terms -
Sin 08 for titot•o'•hreda pap nblo at limn of ala••
vieallowed.r with privilege 10 return, (}rade Bows m.t
THOS. 91ER('
p� i f
Fertilizers for all Spring Crops
p 9
1''ttrlstere within retuning (listanes
or Pactory, buying (litect, will
save commission led (height, We
have a full line of our various
brands cop hand. 'fake delivery
while the sleighing is good.
farmers' fertilizer Company, ltd.
Wingnam, Ont.
Ewan &
Wallace .A Iso!
Wish car owners to brim'
along theirCa r
s ah ldet
hem Painted and made
0 look like new.
Reasonable Prices,
All BuLg•y Painting' done
007110 ONE! COME ALL 1
liRUSSI1 r,S
3am Wei.s,tN
Isar re
p p ed to pay the
t highest price for
Scrap iron,
Rags, t kc,
Highest price paid, See °�
me before you sell,
Cash Price for
0 a s
Lieu Pouitr •
J and Hides
1Vrilc or Phone 62x •
• •
4.4.01' • • ••••A• •••me4►m41.0.04.Ae;