HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-10, Page 1Li
VOL, 47 NO, 41 901. tJ Per t•l mane in. Advance
jiii: .,,,tiJ!!:•,;:,-,,iii t , I rilihiiniiiill:}i' l!'!iiiiiiliilA,li1:•,!1 11)l�dl�'iffllit
�i ��
Fie d
We have large resources and
the vast experience of 87 years
to draw upon to serve you; but
we have something even more
important—we have the earnest
desire to do so. "
We cash your produce and personal cheques,
collect your drafts—all by mail if required—and
gladly give you impartial advice on any financial
or business matter.
Bank of Nova Scolia
Pnid•up Capital $ 6,500,000
I+escrvc Fund • 12,000,000
Resources • • 150,000,000
Manager -
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
The Better 'Ola.
pour .141le--)) S. (tote.
(`hula lost—Phone 6012.
Local—Mrs, Pennington.
Florae for ,ease—S. Carter,
For sale—John A, Speiran,
Lost—London Free Press.
Calf for anis—H. R. Elliott,
Beed pone—George McColl.
Boby Cltlnka—Walter Bose,
Piga wanted—W. G. Dunbar,
N w Wall Paper—lf. R. Inside,
Wanted—Former,: Fertilizer Co.
OmeneeFlour—W..1. Meta:arken,
Cream wanted—Senfortil Creamery,
Repair Service—Plum Iilnekalnith Shop,
Notice to Creditors—Janet hinQuarrlo estate.
istri.c:t Raps
Pt1ft.T0 11Eti'rrNn.—A 11)' ming of
Haase interested in the 1e -opening, of
the Julnea1,11vn Sunday Sehonl will
be held in View' is limit, l,'riday ' ou'
Ing, April 11th, when the election 1)1'
admire for the coming mouths will
take plaee. The pec Buts 41)41 espeetal-
ly ulge(1 to attend, as the Sunday
Helmut is it great asset. to the com-
munity. Meeting will open at 330
On Wednesday 2nd inst., a meeting
of the Council and ratepayers of the
Township of McKillop leas 1101(1 ut
Winthrop 201' the purpose of consider-
ing the advisability of erecting a
nl(mnunent for the fallen soldiers.
Tile meeting although uo2 large, was
fairly representative, Some of the
ratepayers favored the building of a
hall, ethers were in favor of a hospital
and others as monument. After con-
sideeablo (discussion it was agreed
that it committee composed or the
Connell, O. E,ksrt, Robert Scaelelt
and Rev. D. Carswell Meet, with the
Seaforth Committee (old consider this
'1444,449+D4' ".,"JQidmd640eG3604000444A96 P>ns4100 4
Richards -p
v�}` 9 Q
will close out their c
Business in i•"'+'rua`,
seas and offer their
Large Stock oft' o
Shoes, Harness, &c, .o
at acid beio\filr pres.
e Wholesalle
uale Start
&, P
9 9
4 0
e 9
4 A
e No Goods exchanged or Money Refunded •
• during this Salle, •
•• 4
• chards
•••••••••••••••••••• ••4,40-0•••••000 •••••0(34 0000+09•4b••/4.4,4+4,
Store Closes Thursday and Fri-
day, April 10th and 11th, to
mark all Goods down.
matter with theca and report at a
meeting to IIP held in 511)IS.illop ill
e e•
Committee: [ya• l 9[1 'F t P.t 1.
.Inn G rt CTnL was al 1 le
(• repot)
„ ton1z , emit &..of ( Hall
1)t .111110 meeting. On motion of R.
Scarlett and W. Trcwartha It was
agreed that the municipality of Me-
ltlllup present each t(tlltned soldier
wish a medal, the design of which is
ul be agreed on by the Oomtnittee,
Mies Mabel Tlodgee hue been holi-
daying with Mende sod relaives at
1110411' 001:61111'e che5:'(e factory opened
tip the Nea41un of 11)10 Monday of Taet
week. 01(1 board le in charge,
R. 0. ltathwell's advt, ennui to hand
ton bate to 110 changed this week. It
will be or interest and value to you so
watch out for it next week.
Last week D. K. and Mrs, Living -
et on and Miss Marie left' for a visit at
Delmore with relattyew preparatory to
sa idling out on their conteanplate(1
trill. We wish them a good time.
Sabbath afternoon last the service
In Knox church was takeu by Mrs,
(Itev,) Lundy. The address related
to \Vo111011'8 Missionary Society, and
wire most interesting and iil8trectiVe.
Tuesday evening or last week a re-
ception was held at Ilenry Ward's
over the home -coming of Pte. Edema
Kress. ills brother Pte. Frank male
the supreme sacrifice for the Plana( or
Freedom. A. good time was enjoyed
at Mr. ward's.
When Bettger Bros., Rlonktan,
were hunting eggs in a large hole in a
straw stack made by the pigs, they
found a valuable heifer that had work-
ed its way into the hole and was un-
able to get out, She had been dead
roe several days,
Wroxeter news on page 4.
Edgar Lowry is holidaying in Lon-
Nelson Willis left foe Tugaske, Sask.,
last Wednesday.
Mise Margaeet Hanle was a Toronto
viaiLOP 1091 week.
Ashton Morrison, Clifford, spent the
week -end with his parents here.
Jno. Barnard and S. Willis, London,
visited relatives in the village Sunday.
Fred. Davey was called to Grand
Valley, Monday, owing to the serious
illness of his father.
John and Mrs, Gibson entertained a
large number of young people Friday
evening in honor of Sherrie Gibson,
recently returned from overseas.
Mrs. M. McLennan has returned
from Brantford where she spent six
months. She was accompanied by her
son, Wtn., Montreal, who spent a few
days in the village.
Pte, George B. Savage, who went
from Wroxeter overseas with the
161st, and who recently retired, is the
second son of Thos. and Mrs, Savage,
of Canfield, Baldimand 00., formerly
of Grey township, Geo. was wound-
ed last August, his brother Pte. Thos.,
was )tilled about the same time.
Trooper Robert Savage, another
S. C. White Leghorn
a14 iIhitks
Mr. Farmer, did you ever figure
out just how Innen your (Ahix 00412
you each year from the pesky old
hen breaking the eggs 1)r leaven)(
the nest ? \Ve are hatching hina-
dredu 1)l' Ohix each week. Have
()1'elees in for thousands, Don't
leave off ordering yours until it el
too hate, Order them 110W,
Phan(: 38 Box 34 BRUSSELS
brother, is still in England with the
cavalry. The Savage family certainly
did their frill share in service for the
Mrs. Ieam) Lake and Mrs. Ferguson
have spent a week in Toronto visiting
We are glad to see that Wrn. Lake
has improved in health so much that
he is able to be around the streets
A car of potatoes was shipped froth
Ethel this week by a gentleman from
London, 00 cents per bag was the
Miss Edna McLelland has resigned
the principalship of Ethel School and
accepted a similar position in Stayner,
Simcoe, Co.
5. S. Cole has contract for building
vault for Bank. As soon as complete
and safe placed Manager will remain
We are expecting to have a choir
in the Methodist church next Sunday
evening composed entirely of male
voices. Come and hear them.
John McNeill has placed in his shop
a new (Gilson) gasoline engine 31 H.
power which will do a lot of the hard
work connected with the blacksmith
Miss Annie Diamond is visiting
relatives at Toronto.
Mrs. Jas, Aitchison spent Sunday
with Morris friends.
Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, Wingham, visit-
ed relatives here this week.
James Burgess, Listowel, spent a
few days this week at the home of his
John and Mrs. Geddes, Belgrave,
spent last Sunday at the home of
Postmaster Robb. Shaw.
Pte. Ben. Woodley, who recently
returned home from overseas, called
on old friends in the village last week.
He enlisted soon after the outbreak of
the war and was taken prisoner short-
ly after he went in the trenches. He
looks well considering the trying or-
deal he has come through during the
last couple ybars.
Banking Service
'`1OUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager
10111 nHWai .3 1 64,1
.,4,••F., a0+0+4+4,04+0+0+0+0+ 4,444,$,44.4 Od•o+4+4+ 4.1'4+••1 4 :•°+4+G'1',+4• 40
Th'}: Seaforth Creamery ••
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction,
Lor further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phon2 1o, Brussels, or write to
Send. your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results,
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and. test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Create sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
'1'•'r•4,•+•+•+•+44'•'l'++'1114'4'•+10 4•404-40•144.4140+0-14•••114444-44•14
APRIL, 11), 1929
('u110el RRn)1ea t vra (term 1:0,0 o r 1.
days this week calla g (,'l I) 1 i.
bore, Fie just refute ed h,.111 •
last Sunday after b dog in b+a sy
yeas, Ho ls,ml' of the lucky 1/1 .11,1 r„
get through the war 1)111111, ut It Nf muds
although he has had malty (dome call,
at tunes, Before (1.lieting he Wan
learning operating at the station
here with his brother James.
Will, \Vhiefl. I I 1,' , .
billing loraur
here 1;1411. week.
Hear the \1'atd - Hoehn. I.,
Co„ Btus.IN 'l',2. Ilan "al us y
evening Ap)etl 12111,
\Val. and ?lie. Aon -tan,,;, 0:211
have been living hi 1h'1) . e i b,11
moved to what iN k tet til' %Wi-
sner property, owned by Mr. 1110-
sl rung, about a unit' 1111') 1)t' leru,.'l..
Mrs, Robert 2),ntgheity,
W110 underwent an ''l'.' 1,.11 1a 1
weeks ago, is aIle to La• /dont the
honey and is gaining in strength
list reenvei'y was delayed by ail at-
tack of the firs." We hope she will
soon be as beau ty as eves'.
The farm of Fred. Oxtoby, C•'is
has been purchased by Frank Ti,' •,.•
well, of Walton. Purchaser 1s a
In-law, and ile and \11 s. elaek•e.11 3(5.
now nu the farm. "dr. and 11r'., Ox, by. who are old residents, will net
moving at the present.
We are sorry to state that IIF".
Belle McDonald, who has 1)4111 141.1.11•
ing hes' Home with her 1lat411', Sirs.
John (Jeerer, 0th Con., has been laid
aside from her usual activities on a( -
(101111t of inflammatory rhonmaiism
but we hope the arrival of better
weather will tend to her com)'li'te
House BURNED,—Last Sunday
night, about 10 o'clock, as Mrs. P.
Hastwell, Lot 7, Con. 6, was coming
downstairs the lamp elle was out) y-
ing upset and set tiro to the pyre(,
house and contents being eompiet, iy
destroyed. In addition to the pat: as
there are 4 little childi en, the sees:ve
est (111(lel' a year old, The wiping ,.Alt
of the house and belongings i, •t .501
blow to Mr. and MI's. I-laslwell 1,45)3))
came from Ilioutreal some time ago
having bought the farm from J. W.
Morrison. The people of this com-
munity are interested in supplying
the immediate needs in clothing, tic,
It is an unfortunate situation 0) be
placed in and sympathy is felt for the
Council meeting last Monday.
Miss Ada Searle, Sth line, went to
Clinton last Monday,
$1.00 in advance secures THE PosT
to Jan. 1st 1920. Now is your charm+.
Clearing Auction Sale at. Jnn. Witt -
son's, 4th line, Tuesday afternoon of
next week. Jas. Taylor will wield the
J. W. and Mrs. Ristoul and family
have moved to their new farm on the
6th line. We welcome theme to the,
The union Beef ting of this eretion
commenced operations Wed n(•sday of
this week, with delivery Thursday
morning. Jno. It. Bell is the butcher,
Mfrs. Jiro, R. Bell, Sth line, line heel)
quite poorly of late but we hope the
coming Spring will bring with it
physical restoration to Ude active
The propositiou of building a flax
mill at Brussels appears to meet with
favor by a number of Manan fennel,:
who talk as if they would hand over
the acres for this yea's ernp.
James Jackson, 9th line, has not em'
joyed as rugged health as of yore bet
we hope far returning vigor. He is 71
on + his farars of mfor r. Jackson has lived
the past 4)) years.
Last week Mrs. Rae Fear, 8111 line,
underwent a serious but 1ucce sf'I1l
operation and is making favorable
improvement. Many old friends Wish
her speedy cnnvaaleseenee,
Mrs. James Davis, 5111 line, has gone
to Barrie where she purposes making
her home with her daughter. Mary
old friends here wish her all enj,.y-
able time with a )urge measure of
gond health, Geo. is also away.
Anniversary services In 5nlnshi111'
Methodist church next Sunday af)e1•
noon anti evening, Wheu Rev. Me.
Stafford, Brussels, will occupy the
pulpit A Male Quartette from Mile -
sets, consisting of A. Sheehan. W. J.
McCracken, F. H. Gilroy and Janes
Fox, will sing at both services. A.
Targe attendance is counted on.
Jno. Douglas has sold N, Let 22
Con, 6, containing 109 amt es, 10 'laws.
Walker, of the same line, who will
Fire W11.
$1,$00. This gives Mr, Walker 325
acres. Mi', and Mrs, Do u)_ alts will
continue to live in the house for a
time although the purchaser gets int -
mediate possession of rite resin. &he.
Dnuglae' health has not been aN ro-
bust as of yore but the hope the well
0arr10d testwill prove of value, The
Donghas family has lived in Morris
township for the past 30 years, Mr.
Douglas saw a good deal of the North
American continent in his ear1101
years, especially the gold mining
Passed away at her borne, Wiwa
Hill, Sask„ on Match 25111 the wife of
Geo. Armson, of Influenza, Deceased
removed with her parents, the late
John and Mrs, Jackson, from Mortis
township 10 years ago. 3 years later
'nodtoher now w t f
she vva
husband, wham with ith 3 small children
mourn her loss. She is survived by
her mother also 3 sisters and 2, broth-
ers, Mrs, Jas. Forsyth, Mrs, Milton
Rands and T. 11. Jackson, all of Wiwa
Hill ; G. W. Jackson, Walton, andMrs, Low, Williamson, Brussels, De-
ceased;was highly esteemed by many
friends, This is the 3rd death in Jhn
homes of the three sisters, viz, Jas.
Forsyth, on Feb. 29th, Doris Rands on
March 4th, , and now 4lrs, Armson
March 25th.
:uradnfful B1'etul, NO
10•01111' .:1}' 01)), h.10' - tried it.
You Try 1t
y ATO1 E ';.
6 H.ev yoil
I'ltuoe 1:1 el 27
Wy J. McCracken
ft 11- 1.1sl'1,
i. K, :11',1. 15 1 f
l r.h auu'.e.d n Ill.:.I 11 aan Lt
w'll mows that 11, as 01 11111, 41
hand 111 about `11'11). Pori!, i!-, enc 011,1--
1.11. ell(lit,I
11 r-
((1aw1d+l'ehuu1 ,f 11 (11,11 seres,
tahlae 111,111 litel year I . 11 „eel mei
bathe are to be N101)1:11,1, u., P t 11'41
steps or :\(3,,,..a.v '1.r' rr 1t-
P ey' te' :.'a P111,'. `f'nl,, .. 1,... f
tiv 1 b. t 1st a mA:
YP 1, r. d;
1: 1 , . i,.4 ,.i '1, , . r
1' V
sebaal 1':,sir .b, w,1 :wain ., 15,)
(innate 0110, r.al pt 1z1', ' 1t.k0.1 k„ tail
11)111. 1'tanr'e an, a . env 01,e
1)t' 1110 4'0111001 50, +) Joa a..
Stoth lN, /is) rit flop n •., ma .tit r,f
Agr,culture : 111.. M, )1'ma,kd, 111x'.
Lundy. J(,h,' l ,',-tuu):cr ,1.2,1 tide'. .1',111)•,
1 ,apis the bride for a
reeiei.e weeidiog.
1):0111 1 ler It.. W. 11a1;1Pt1 and
in Aieleiemss, of Toronto, epeut
Mw d. ile twine of the formPl'e
1- Ir•, 70'.11"r,
111 April 101-h, the 100
s 1.ot 20, Cou, 7, Mortis,
I, , + it' r, d fee sale, by Publio Au-.
1)1. .tnn•rieaarr hates, Brussels,
p 61. 11. Van -done, Wingh:un, is
load 1', N,
S,='lt. 1111111. 111, lin' AU'11011ee1'. See
-.'icL Im all 1) 1,1)0'.• I'nr !lather parlie'n-
.11s11 l a0N1) PIlEi:ENT.aTInN.—
Si„o,k•(, ,'••l),hg., 11arr•h 3141), ((b011(
4(2 111, (.,141(11,1 i 11.1hb„rs of A. 1). Kerr
and daughter, 411i.- Janet, (net to bid
them ferr.weil before they left for
their 11..')',' Inane ill the \rest. Even
iris: lc•.; . , 1)j"Yahia, spent in Music. and
',( 1'
won,. 't1-,1 a slu,t. pr('gl'(un att.et'
,vh1eh 1110 following address wa., read
by 11r•. I'', McCallum rind p1•0411 latintl
gold 10*,,d,.) utn1,rrlhl and mesh)
0110, turd, try Edna l:lettdc•1 and
' ,! 1ri-'. Janet lent.
lea.. non 'liah ' .et' r Bret
11,,t ,• f'll, i1 :--r• itityin4 1)13 I.' make
al Mule in the beautiful West., In
view 414' this feet 11'e, y1111I neighbors
and friet,,ls, have assembled this even-
ing to bid farewell to you and your
father and to wish you prosperity in
your new horme. Fon have for many
years been an' honored and highly es-
teemed resident of this community and
we will miss Smit cheery word and
sunny smile ; you will be of course alb
sent but not forgotten. We hope
that a kind Pinvidenee will spare you
to conte and visit us again and you
will ever be wel(onte by ns all. To
ale1W, il,
at Alight degree, the esteem
in which you ler hells the ask you t0
lacee•pt lMew gifts, not for their
meagre value, bat may they recall
pleasant memories of your old friends
01 allorris. Again wishing you and
your father health, happiness and
prosperity in your new home. Sign-
ed on behalf 1,1 your old friends and
neighbors. 11R1. I. MCCALL: M,
MRs, A. Patisserie.
111, Kot 1 111.1(1,' to very suitable reply
on behaaif of hie daughter,
\'alts Beef ring has commended
uper111ien11 roe this season.
wen en chapping mill will be oper-
ated on l' iday and Saturday, only, of
/etch week (Invite the Summer
Mr Simnel'. Toronto, was here fon
the week enr1 visit-ing Rev, and Mae.
Bentley at the l'aeunlage, The lat-
ter is a daughter.
Duttcttn and Mrs. Johnston have
moved to thein hemp in Walton from
the fel n reel 1)7, W. 811o111041 leaving
taken possession of the farm.
Lingo erowde at(ended the Attrition
Salo. at 11,10,10 Holland's and Harry
('lar)('N timidity tanil '.1'nrstlay after-
noons, 1'. 1'), Snot was the Auction-
1 4 mid Friday evenings of
i t l 141 I lte'v.:11t. Stafford, of Rats -
at the evangelistic ser-
vice. 1) 14,'thei. Rev. Air. Moyer,
San fnri2,, lent hie aid this week.
'I'heoi(l1 the kindness of Brussels
1 -ho 11 hell( mei Sock.) 7 flowering plants
will he suteeied for a few hede intend-
ed to aid iu Imo t ryilig Walton, The
inc'at,ao, are being selected.
111111101' Imes it butt the transforming
o1' the teewe'r hotel property, known
ate the 11r1Citn House, intra a couple 01
dwelling houseq i. ccuteulplated, to
t(lieve eotut• '1),lt the pressure for
111'use1. Its a. gond idea.
'l'neielay, Wednesday and Thurs-
(k.ay''t' this week are the dates of the
\\'.Cn090111 nn of the Presby -
1. 1i;u1 chureh at (:nelph. Mrs. (R4v.l
Lnudv and .lits. \\. Veath mem at-
tend t •e, the sal ler introducing the
tnlp(l hent subject i l' Mission Bands,
in width he is e , deeply bite)
\Fe u,c n ,. 1091 Utile willlbe postponed
nlati' 11 a dew 2,111 lust„ at 3 p. 11).,
at II e hone' 1)1 Mrs" .1111111 MPDon411d,
Walton. "Homely wrinkles for: leney
h,,u.e.aivet" w111 be the subject of
Mas, Hugh Fulton. A chapter will
be read nom "(h1)• (.ov a wrntnt" fol-
lowed he tai>an-.ion, Good attendance
Wl nn1Nn.--A quiet wedding took
'leer. et Varna Manse, on Aptil 2nd,
when Rev, D. Johnston ted the that-
•) , hen 1' 1tNs t
t nut anal how bet & Ll rabeth
F, vet vn, (taughter o1 Ja)1o'. 111111 Mee,
W01Ic niail and Howard Preston 13nl-
, bless n JI h1) Mrf3nl•
ggeroy, ml'()his loi' alnlofy, The hapsadpy youngs.
110 will make their home on the
nom's fine resin, N;:aSI. of \Valtnn, nn
what is known ate the Hamilton Carla,
Healey congratulations are extended
and 11appinese and pr0spc.riIy wished.
A111111.'t'l 94117 8010)14114 at Bethel ap-
pointment next Sunday. Rev. Geo.
Dewey, :1t•atford, will pesacth mottle
tug aid evening. The Avon Male
Quartette, of Stratford, assisted by
Miss Griffiths, elocutionist of the
same city, wilt give a Concert in the
church Monday evening, There wiil
Cranky oohs
('sale aud like 11,11 l 41;:1, 1,21)21 41.1
151141 week al lin. heat,I .A .1.:.1. and
,111 a. Haran 1 Ae3„11
Miss Lavine 11 kra 1 ) M. Darn.
call, Touaut alt,) ' (1•” 1).,1110
folk i yl) ("'(11" 1;, llu I
Nu 1''14 111,11, 101,.'1 h , ,,1)'0 taken
lately f1'•ur the
Al,ll'.ou. rinse 1 it, ht:1'• , ,log
2,41 lie• ins
Mie. Ile»ri,• :'.20'r 1t 1vt•e1 haute
01(1')' ,1,101i1.14 +eV'- .-1 c: is
) 111„ 1 k� visit. g
with her ants- N' -t' .l ) .Isar 111 idol
family, Ililverl,.u.
Next Sunday art, r , , Rev. Mr.
Daavivnrr, 1)t I1.'IgI itvr, win p, ar,•h in
t11" &Tythodt t. r•ilite1.. ')'h(' parlor
will he on Belgrave rescue. for an•
n i Velalal'y.
A very enjoy'aable taint' 4:"`(9 8)1Pitt
last Friday evening est 111, hu*Ino
(1('nl'ge 411111 11=1IN. Dllke!' wla• re at u1i'1-
eellltneone shower u:r-• given Hies
Clara Rat hivell.1r)'' '' tmarringe I n
J. B. Wiise-tl take + ,'I 1( Thur env +'f
1111, to/i:. The (.i
m+•oy tttluni.. 1.,+! a r -u • int+, (e'r't
of whieb 1, '•t1 1 , i'h lh.' i,,r n or
a Ialnek RTl ) dl,:,, 0(1,!'-' tithe' •: were
distributed tit v 11 i1 ,hlV„rrn1 plate of
the house with riblem-1 1(tl exiled to
from a web the bride having to en-
tangle the web thus locating the hid-
den treasures, The evening was
spent in mnsie, games 8.011 dancing.
A delicious lunch wits served at mid-
PArnon ROOFING.—Perrone intend-
ing to repair their buildings would do
well to get my prices and see the
goods before buying.
H. STEWA.RT, lIo..1'chant.
Friday evening of last week a goodly
company of neighbors and old friends
assembled at the home of Jno. and
Mrs. Gaynor, 10th Can„ and enjoyed
as pleasant time before their removal
from the neighborhood, Following
address was read by \Van. Baker, and
Mee. \Vin. Baker presented a fide
Mantle clock to the )lost and Mrs.
Fred. Oxtoby a heat pie casserole to
Mrs, Gaynor : --Dear 11t. and Mrs.
(laveur.—We have teetered with re-
gret, 1'f your lutemie(1 removal from
our midst and we, your neighbor's and
friends, have assetnble'(d this evening
to enjoy as sordid time with you and
express nut' app)eviatinl( of the ser-
vice y()1) have rendered as at neighbor.
We hope you may have many happy
and prosperous year. in your new
home. As a small token of our PS -
WPM we ask yon to accept tide mantel
clock and pie easeernle and tenet you
may long be spared to enjoy the use
of them. As the (-leek chilies the
hours away may you 1:2' l imes think 1)t'
your 1)neighbors iu Gret0Wn5hip.
Signed )d nn 4
behalf of (1111'y lteigllbnl41
aud friend., Waz. B -(ER
Fu.isn. O+,Tz'rOR,i.
A bticf but suitable reply 1,011. made.
Evening was spent in :is:, demis-
ing, Nnriehat and 1)Pir Many
good wishes will ue, 111 (. lc- Il and
Mrs. Gaynor to their eery home at
Brussels, They 'Ate an eatltneal)1"
young couple.
Brussels Council
Brussels Cnnncil met. Monday ,-ven-
ing. All the members wet," in attend.
tierce. Milnrtes or Mast meeting reals
and passed, I''ollinving ate -mints were
1), O, Ross, 6 e'leetric lamp, ....$ 9 00
Anderson Bros,, Ntre014 3 00
THE POST, printing ................ 13 25
R. Oliver, salary, (1"e ....... ....... 55 00
R.'I'hw'll, salary and +0111 .... , 129 00
1 -Messrs, r,:e'I
\ dM .1 1 1 and Rich-
ards that accounts be paid. Carried.
On motion of 1•I. banes and S. Wil-
ton $73.00 taxes on skating rink were
remitted to P. B1110,11111
S. Carter applied rot pe1'min9i011 to
move his gasoline pump from ))resent
plane to the new 100.41(1011 Of enrage.
H. 38,111ns tnoved that pinnal be planed
South of Mr. Carter's building but got
no seconder.
toed b. I, 0. Rielanr+ s neon d
& v y i, s d(
by M. Fraser that Mn. Carter be allow-
ed to prove pump and place it on
Tarn berry street in position designat-
ed by street Committee and Caretaker
Oliver. Carried.
An iefmrlual chat 0000 trees asked
to be removed, grading streets and
street oiling was engaged in. Street
Committee agreed 1.0 tour the town
and see the situations. No action was
taken as t0 oil, It was estimated oil
would cost about 5000, pins the appli.
cation of it.
Moved by Messrs. Fraser and Wilton
that. aetioi be taken to have gate re-
moved on Tnrnberey street leading to
the corporation gravel pat, Carried.
W. 51, Sinclair' naked relative to
some work by grader on the 41 street,
between his property and that of D.
0, Ross. Street Committee to see to 1t,
Council then adjourned,