HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-3, Page 6II yin a Packet Is nit a gamble, but a sure thing that you are getting the greatest possible Quality and Value to the limit a your expenditure. TRY B The Black Cat's Questions As the heavier First• --Carefully scrape MI } :tithe an platters before washing, part of the cloati. until fires are out for the season, we : "'wing Irsm -1:srm tlft Sysfetnatie Houeeeleaning. ing cannot he done to good purpose I Secona--Do not allow any 01 e re.- will be wise to begin tieing. (tem ous diseose hande diehes during spare moment to get. those teats done e sand ! Third ----Do not cough or sneeze which tako much time 1 • I le ourth---Have the dish Witter hot. W 0 HELPS TO SPREAD THE can be atteeded t o now as wen as whi.le working with the dishes. ; Use a tatsla mop, !we shin • PROBLEM OF NE , — 00 active member of one of our Sun- day schools. She wae ono cif the o1.. lemmas of the churele and they were "RELFPIT ri" rho dis:1 armored, 4 b- ti Li First of all, cloects shBUDDHIST FAITH, ould he turn- Fifth—Rinse all dishes in- boiling ed out, the contents aired, :meted and nenor brushed. Gai meats to be repaired I Sixth—Uee clean ditheeloths and ehould all be put in one place by - dish.towele.. themselves such as a roomy utility t '' box. Those to he stored for the sum- I When We Viet the Siete mer must be cleaned and properly , eared for. 'The cleaning of the (Ups- ! To know just when to call, how et itself should be vert- thortntgly !long to stay and just what to do and • ' '1 • '' • s Id i i k re uiree An American Missionary Working In Japan Debaribes idethods Adopted by Propagandists. a done, and if any traces of moths - . i - - . military spy. but the religious spy et All the world Is familiar with the PART I. I nor the head would unsre, so I : tact, jedgment and common sense, something new—at leaet to tho Occi- have been found, it ehould be tightly ogee," 1 „Ned, e„ome heret, Joe! had to use different means. 'rhe form_ closed and a sulphur candle burned I The first thing to consider is the - dental world, It has remained for the Flatly, my offiee boy who aspired to. 'was of a cat ceoutihing as if to jump. so tee to penetrate all crevice,. on" : selection of a seasonable hour. The, MMost straight up. I knew. no sure to bc surprised and delighted,l pet13a(l leii still e°1r•eljilgl liVits stii:y ds7,stio°11n). and the world's greatest detective,• at something., iergi the tail was stiek-: the Onset is in order again, we are , patient needs regular and periodic cat would hold ite tail up when ready even as we are every year to find how ;::ea•gi ea•enteretnheee ettittta..shoatnilid1 ilboet Itlilmereed. that country, cordiug to Christian inissionarlee in arose lazily from his chair where he. ing Pete" and shambled in nrei direction.; to jump at something, so I thought; mtieh extra space we have. Buddhism is epying oet, had been readieg "Sleuth-Hotmd "Well?" ' that was part of the combination. 1 I ly to the caller's tpersonal conven- as it believes, the strong points of the 'Think there s any mail for me?"' Although the tall would not un-! Next, bureau drawers and all boxes— Christian religion as presented at the screw. it seemed as it if were slight-' and cupboards can be taken in order , en.oy t most invalids are better able to missions and adapting them to the Ile grinned as he balanced his . . ! I. lotese. I turned it, as far as I could one by one, for these are really the 1 aviel tben eearained the head. 'While. thinga which take time. It is sur- middle of the day than at ,other times. J seeing their friends during the: Buddhist girl spies committiug I asked. spreading of Buddhism. be." Few invalids care to receive their Christian Sunday eehool lessons and ,, -. • t ' foot, . Might, it was absolutely tight before the, prising, too, what a lot of supp Unless there is I began elowly, we will unearth vehich ran be used to , 'QS friends until the room ha been, ' ward. I turned it as far as it would, gospel hymns to memory, heathen ! tail was twisted, it was looee after - this will be your last day good purpose in our n rr t freshly aired and set in order for the erearhors ne.ng as nlY go; when it st.7pped I heard a fitint i Christian sermons office boy and assisttant."and summer fancy ;work. One re-, ''' rin- "Walg i day the daily bath and. toilet comta l', • click. Then to my surprise the tailli ti e me t for Substitution of Joe carefully marked his page told. could be unscrewed. As I rms.:Towed s°urceful woman already has laid i n etc and- c oc or 1 d th d t 's morning 11011, the 133 me of their god, _or left for the post-ofilee, leaving 1 te enough bright mateoials of ; ; over. Neither early morning nor' ....n. c that of in the ding,y little ieoom where I pc-, floor. ! good quality to make knitting t e -Meals along Oceiden t t est, pagan religions attempting re- f the me: it the head of the eat dropped to the as -I . , e t late evening are favoralbe visiting! casionally wrote a story that sold. 'an,.' I hairs. es , _ tal lines—these The eat ALTA bOHOW, 011a contalned for Most of her Chrietmas presen 1 ; are emit° of the curious plumes o ed it to Miss Monis. "Perhaps this neve,' in preparedness. when to The proceeds of the story kept an; a paper. This I drew out and hand-. next December. You see she be- Some visitors never know advertisement running in the paper, life of Japan to -day as told by Sumner will ONplain matters,' I said. As ehe- I go. As a Tule, from fifteen minutes, paid Joe's salary and supplied me R. Vinton, a missionary home on fur - with fifteen -cent lunches. This was It is much better judgment to die- to half an hour is a sufficiently long, lough. aleo the office of detoetive Williams card things, which have outlived their, !period, for it is far better to go , face. After she had finished, she• "As Hinduism is trying to fight back read it a puzzled look came over her —myself --who tried to solve mysti- elfie the welcome lasts. If the vier.: thamted the paper to usefulness than to keep putting them! the completing armies of Christianity ith the idea that they may' . ! to] is WiS0 she will not allow horself in India and ase t ti It unmedanism is • 1 1 - s gi 1 nger or to' By Lawrence W. Booram. fying things; but in reality nobody I what it said: aitay v. a o 'Three Que.:Aimee Asked ty The Black ances are that toroloien ent eatc( ,o LIU ier ra • attempting a. like task i I 1 1 1 1 y the invalid's plea n Africe, so hael e -ver heel to hire me as a detee- tome in handy. The eh ing under different men and in &if- left eee? 2. Where (lo I look.,3. with them whieh put them to e -re r her Sh i p b bIN more or less ex-' tire waning up. And just as 1111 (33 I wanted to he one, and after tuda- I. Do I look out of my rieht or. Wee them away 011. do SOMOthingi event echteols for seven yeare, here I NVItere evil]. ely height throw a shit- copiee woetern industrial and govern - work to the best plumose. cited though not able to Ten In • mental life site es trying to adopt our tive. Ever since I Wall a youngster! Cat they will just harbor moths end dust.; Ihat Ito 15 "11Clt II hit tired." the dovoteoa of the religions or Japan was --a faihire. . doW at I pan.? I real fecling until after het guest s! During, the summer the •fewer pie- religious methoas," said Mr. Vinton, toward me and said, "A letter for Wleit vou think of that?" tures and pieees of bric-a-brae I heard Joe come in; he '32120 0'..2f "Great Jessupsl" Joe exclaimed. We departure. But more important than all else: Revivala_int Pagrn Religions, you., boss." He grinned at me ae- "Ortc., very simple." I 'eeplained.! have around the better, so these art - ill visiting the sick, ie the atmosphere! -There is a Shinto reviecil told a gamey. I around with a: "That is, I think it is." ides can all be cleaned, wrapped, I the caller consciously or unconecious.: Butlithiet revival. The first named is start and thels the loiter. The en-; "I don't see any sense in that,' I labeled and laid away. Heavy drap- I velope was of very hie.1-fracle Fla- ' Ivii:,.5 mc,rris said. ly carries with her. Conveesationa an attempt to sabstituto patriotism tionery, and the batelteriting was un- i 1- eries can be taken down, brushed and douleteileg that of a lady. I stared at ' mrked, - "but I think it tells where. soaked in cold water until the dust ---.- et . . e , manner men the tones of the voice' for religion. hate th' 't effect on the invelid. I in tustional psychology. If it snceeeds It is a huge (-'(1(01 1111 "It doesn't lock like much," I re-, renovreted. Lace hangings should be I Too much sympathy with the pa- it may have the same result as a tient is a mistaken kindness and; similar Man had in Germany—Japan often positively harmful. After a' may out-Prus.sianize Pruseia. few kindly enquiries, the visitor I should tactfully lead the conversa-' in Burma, "As to Itudith•Isni, we have a proverb ! tion away from the patient's all -I eighteen years, 1 was burn and lived "The tieing frog gives ments into other channels. Diversion' a last kick." of the right kind is really as valuable, "The Shin sect of Buddltiets has two as a private detective, and being in eige had a sign painter put- "The o a .10 p need of one, I would like to secure for the cleaning of each room when eine. I your services for a short tinae, if you the time arrives( and it is not nearlyI wanji and the Higashi Hougwauji. The Black -Cat Farm' on it, and a picture' of a black eat above the sign" I . The tshould -y (heelfull Niehi Hongwauji is the progressive mei not too badly pressed. Call at I jumped, "What? The picture of a . en tiresome a task to do this ;when news and avoid all that may be lees; denomination which. is conducting visL Or 01111 .., 1ilaek cat! Why didn't you stay so be -I there are no small things to handle three o'clock this afternoon and I' itand tat po3. 1,a , .., , the pearls are. Now this farm is. ladles in the town. 1 opened the let- named 'The- Black Cat,' isn't it?'' and grime are removed, then taun- ter very carefully and read et. As, oyes,,. she answered. ' tiered: This will give them n much Joe was, a privileeei character, he: evt.h.,,t,,, better color than if put into warm area: , I Sen't know; father named iteit water. In fact, many a handsome leaned over my shoulder and read • e ! "Am -thing to signify the name ?" i pair of curtains has been made gray • The Black Cat .Farm. 1 ieWe'll, there .!s. 0, sign father had.' and ugly by plunging them into Dear Mr. Williams: Noticing your p-Int,d on Ow, barn— —" warm water advertisement in the laccd newspaper ,,What le h?" I almost shouted. Everything is now in readiness, . . t e' k 01'011as a dose of meth: branches in Jaime, the Nicht Hong. For e(:(110 1,111e no traco of her could he found. Then WO discovered she had beca rent to learn all our 111:4 11 - cals. k. III, f,0111 'IL t • ting our best byline; to memory, To- day she is buck lino:tiling these meth- , • , gl • • ' 13 1 I I '"The Jal,are•o 110W have regular lettc t 1 a I , . with all the methods used in our American (1 3f3 training schools. They have taken over our methods in overy phase. They study these in- stitutes our church services and Sun- day :school aetivitlea. Competition in Education. "Some of the young men in training come to listen to our Normans, com- mit them to memory and then preach these seine sermons in 13nOtihiet pul- pits, only subetitutIng Buddha for Christ whenever the word occurs. "Another side of Buddhist competi- tion with Christianity Is in the schools. A wealthy man set up EL splendidly equipped high school for girls in the neighborhood of one of our Methodist high sehools. It WUS an having111)1 elves on , . limited funds, it Is 110W graduating 111°"yliet 1111111)111;.ways this Muldhist school is excellent, but I thought I could 3113' toot in the faces of the girls that it 1005 uot tamale:: out tho tine type of woinsalmod WO 30030. A curieue de- veloinnent, however, that this school i$ becoming hoe and less a 11111111111,3t institution every year, 'rhe Buddhist side 1:4 disappearing. Perhaps some daY tho school maY become Christian." will explain. {fore? It'ow we've just the .eanee as and no accessory cupboards or draw - (Miss) Wanda Morris, teed the pearls in your pocket (for- ere to clean. I ninm)t choked with Wal getting that women seldom carry Before beginning the remainder of Irly first job. "No more work this their money in pockets as men do). "We deeerve ! the cleaning, have everything in morning," I told Joe. Show me the cat and I'll show you' h• if d t' " ' readiness—ammonia, brushes, chain - "Gee whiz!" muttered Joe pert 'hero your ortune is. ois, furniture polish, stepladders, (To be continued) The caller should dress attractive-, scandal, The Japanese newspapers pressing. One's own personal wor- ries and trials should be left outside. Entertaining; news items, descrip- revival movement. Tho movement has had an unhappy history. Largo funds were collected and these were tions of the latest book read and let- used secretly by acute of tho insiders tees from absent friends will all be for speaulation on the Tokio Stock of intsrest to the lonely shut -tin. I vxchange, The result was a huge plexed, "That's some name for a pails, rubber gloves and. cleaners. Do arm—"The Black Cat'. Funny how e, Only those who have experienced printed indignant oracles and the refreshment a caller s charming toil- et matt be nor with what delight the th•ed eves take ill. every bright de - l3'. lir 0 fholutsseetleerarno,rinng asned•stmenalteisealelymruoletis3 seine people will name things. They ieLEPHANT LICENSE ',NEEDED much illness, realize what a positive' government finally took MT' super - budget last year was about 40,000,- 000, of which $6,500,0-00 was credited tail. You must remember that what to the Tiongwanji. • "T1 B1 1 C le • 311 VILL'Uld eV•21' Wander through Disease Gerius in Dishwater. is merely an episode to the caller "The Nichi Hongwanii is establish - ought to be arre:eted for cruelty to 1 less tiresome and disagreeable. vision of the budget. This Buddhist animals." This attracted my atter. In Order to Hunt Wild Animals in. tion, and I also wondered. ' South Africa. Exactly on the stroke of three Joe and I weee at le act; at ai m LAUGHTER -LOVING PEOPLE. fIritish Literature and Drama Prove the Mirthfulness of Britons. We British, despite on ancient fable of the rest of the world that v.m are tern 1161311, are a laughter -loving route, says the London Daily Mall. DEMON\ OF SOME FOOD NAP,FiES PONE IS INDIAN AHD CRULLER IS DUTCH. Tomato Is n Word of Mexienn Derive. tion Whin) We Get Our Word Mormeledo From Portugal. A dumplieg le a good oil English then MO 1110 'IL 11'0111 the VOtet OUMB. 011, that meant to throw down midden- ly, and the diminutive ending, ling, The idea wits a little cake that was 11111(111 by throwing raw dough into boll. ing teeter, Prom Portugal WO get our word wee- malade, wench was originally a sweet preserve made from quinces, and takes its Immo front inmate, the Por- tuguese name for that fruit. Cruller Is a good Canadian dish, though it is from an old German or Dutch word, "krullon," meaning little curled mike Pone lo ft word of Indian derivation 1 and an early English historian of Vit. • glnla took pains to explain that it was Hot from the Latin penis moaning I bread, but from the Red Indian word oppone and it was early applied in the south to uny bread made of Indian corn. Pudding in its early form was made 01! tllhIlco(1 .• sort, • 11 seasoned and stuffed into an intestine, and then cooked by boiling. There are words in many early languages mean. ing pudding, but it seems originally to lave oomo trent sumo wordmean. Ing a short body or inflated skin. Nobody knows whet mullIn came • from, but it was urobablly derived from the word muff, and WO can Mem. Inc that it might have been duo to 801110 belWt .1411 the warm cake and the hand 303 eying. Fritter is from an old French word meaning to dry or a dish of fried esh, which comes directly From the Latin frictue, the past yard( iple 31 the verb frIgere. Waffle comes from wafer and wafer comes from the German word wabe, a honeycomb or a ra111 WSX. Origi- nally wafers acme to have been. hut (mhos like modern waffles. The :mem eiatien of Coo word wham with ex- treme thisilesa Is of modern origin. Origin of Sandwich. try is always a mirror of its character, and British literature and drama. have provided some of tho greatest Mush- ers of all time. Shakespeare, whose surpassing genius Li a distillation of the Bri- tis sp , was o groatost of all the world's laughers. ;Fielding and Sinol- lett, fathers of the world's novelists, were mighty laughers. Charles Dick. 0015 L11 Litriligil so intimately, celloquial- ly, _and almost insularly a British author, sent ripplee of laughter round the world in translations into other tongues that will' raise laughter tunong genmations yet unborn. We have had, too, our groat laugh- ing poets—ilorriek, who laughed at lovere laugh, happily nod daintily; Byron, who laughed satirically; Burns, finest laugher of them a11. who laughed broadly, generously and hu- manly, and from a heart whose laugh- ter rose more mellow from tho deeps of sorrow, like the laugh of the people for our iriten-Mw with Miss Morrie, Africa and come aeross a wild aril!) Be careful how you wash your is an event to the patient. ing Sunday schools throughout Japan. in our streets to -day. A maid opened the floor and 1.11110(1.11 mal, do not take it for granted that dishes if you want to avoid typhoid just what to take a pick friend It has a big church and Sunday in getting down to her busany o ness with schoole in the Hawaiian Islands, and us in. Miss Morrie wastedino time you may capture it. Quite aside from fever and other Parlous diseases. may be a problem. Flowere, fruits objections which the animal may Investigation made following an and. jellies are customary gifts. If 1 was surprised to see when I visited us: "My father died very reeently— • ! e 1 1 • h 1 .1, tzl in rood the big game Preserves of the World that each dinner plate as it leaves dainties, a new book or magazine, lain type of chrysanthemum in it last March to be exact—end until s de - offer, you may be trespassing upon epidemic of typhoid fever showed your friend Is supplied with these it that the church building bore cer- circumstances,'" she said. "I knew Zoological Trading Company. This the table in the ordinary household he had little ready cash, but thought company has capturing rights over harbors from 80,000 to 00,000 bae- he had many valuable$ that he could 05,000 African acres, or eighty-seven teria. Most of these were harmless easily turn into cash,—pearls, especi- square miles, bacteria; still, if the plate were such ally. In his young days he had often How ninny animals, and what kind fertile ground for harmless bacteria, been on pearl fishing expeditions of , animals, does such a tract contain? it would make a rich culture for (Tan- ana found many large, valuable pearls. He never sold them, but al- It is impossible to give any definite Serous disease germs. ways kept them somewhere—I figure, for officials jib at taking a Next a long series of experiments al- ways thought In soma bank's vault, wild animal census, but according to were carried on to learn how many but I was mistaken. Where they are, Mr. Jordan, the managing director bacteria were left on these plates / don't know; that is what I want you of the Zoological Company, their after they had been washed, to find out, foe my ;amours motley is game preserves contain about a The average dinner plate, when Construction is 900 Feet Long, will be even more apptecalated. as bringing a fresh element into the ; sick rem. Any little novelty that helps to coration, which in Japau can mean only that the enterprise tieing it en- joys finperhil patronage. A Buddhist Sunday School. break the daily monotony will prove, visited, a Buddhist Sunday school attraeleve, in Japan with a missionary friend and WaS cordially ref:0100cl. The Buddhists GIANT BRITISH CRUISER eagerly showed us all over the build- -- ing, and then they began to ask us Powerful Warship Now in Course of about American Sunday school meth- ods. My mlesionary friend gave the gone, and I am in need of more. Fa- thousand elephants, a thousand red washed in lukewarm water and dried Details of tho biggest erel most information desired freely. Ile told thee often talked about the- id this because he was Perzlisi buffalo, herds of roan and sable ante- • f 1 h' i • " , me later he cl but ho would never to where be without rinsing, \VHS 10011d to have power u wars ut w et is ie.ng to brill these Buddhist kept them; and he also sa,id they were 1st's, eland and waterbuck, besides on its surface 250,000 bacteria, or built on the Clyde foe the British determined g kept for me to have after he was crowds of smaller creatures, almost five times as many as it had navy can now bo told. The shipgtIrieeameelves to Christ, kvictory that Would. be.nowing t dead and I needed money—that's the Orders for these animals—many when brought soiled from the dinner Elis 1VIRiesty's Hood, whose designei I:dal:ertms reason he would fleecy sell them. The from America—are coming in stead- table! speed, the representatives of the "But the Buddhists do not always banks knew nothing of them, nor can ily. If you want to keep a pet red This statement may seem amazing London Daily News learn on official got their information in. this 013011 1 find any written Statement to help buffalo, you had better write at once, and improbable; but a little thought autheritg, will bo 32 knots, and way' For Instance, a young Japanese mo. If you can find ,the pearls I will or they will all be booked. Arrange- will show that it is logical, and the which may be increased clueing bete girl professed conversion and became iive you a larae ieward; ancl evill if Ica ments are now being made foe the result what might have been expect. •Ein't find them', you probably get capture of as mealy of them. as will ed. 'What are the necessities for nothing, Are these terms permit themselves to be captured, rapid bacterial growth? Warmth tovy?" I gave a respeetful, "Yes," and then But do not go out there yourself anti food. And what does the house - waited for her to sea, something without, peraliSSiolL 8h0111(1 a hunter wife give to those bacteria when she more; but she didn't. ;She eepected minim a permit to kill a wild ole- puts a lot of dinner dishee in tac- tile to get to work. 1 confess that 1. phant go, he will have the Zoological warm dish water? Warmth and food! Thousands of housewives are still washing (Helms in -water no hotter than they can bear their hands in. 1.1 is not hot enough to kill bacteria; in fact, it encourages them, "So they multiply and increase, and the dielies that are taken out of this water have on thein five times as matry germs as they hall when put intTohlist. sone 0.1 danger titan be elim. inated from the household by the use liettcr wnin 994 CPreft rinsing of dishes in boiling Neter, It to not enough that your dishes The Maid soon returned with a meeely look clean, h e only way to Omit cat, made or brass, that looleed was stumped. Where to begin I did- company down upon him, whereas a n't know. wild olephent needs no pernelt to kill "Well, did your father leave you . a nunter. anything that seemed a little ettange to you at the tone?" I asked. She Shook her head slowly. "I don't think so, He left me this small etuggeh seld the man at the bar, farm-avait a minute. Yee.; he left °there's 110 3151) 01 you trying to roe 4 small bra-, cat; and why—I square thin thing up. My wlfo and I don't know, He also told me that the eat Meant more to me than I fight just SO often and Just so long und theught it did. However, I gave it we can't help IL So there you ime." little thought then ror since. 1 "Ana about how long do you keep it ultegehehet thtettgrgeem,!iige net right_you up?" asked the judge, know." "Algoit two weelcit, judge." 'tis / see it?" I asked. "All right. I'll give you fifteen days "It's upstaies; but I'll tend Edna in jail: in other wards, you are in. after it." terned for the duration of the war." r."."-^.. have eievile ditlme te te 11Se iL011/11S At the Peace Conference. trials. to firi 111101.5. Details of 111:s vessel hitherto have been secret. She is a hattlescruieee, and her .ength will be 000 feet, or only one' foot les % than the Aquitanin, the largeot of the Brit'sh liners. The Hood is expected to he in commission . within 410 111 10.1 1 . Since the keel wee laid down, seveeal striking innovations in naval shipbuilding have been made, chiefly as the result of the lessons learned by experts during 3 01 8, and these have ;necessitated alterations 1,1 the ship's internal atgangement, She will he mine and torpedo -proof, her hull being surrounded by a 1.041" 01' or outer cushion, and there will be steel-arnored Walls inside the ves- sel, which will be an additional eafe- guard. A heavy fall of snow in Alberta will add to the limited moisture in the son, and has thue relieved anis- else. But I guessed differently. ing lamp chimneys end mirrors• But the housewife should take; lc" 4s 1'1) "ring scediing conditions, every precaution to have eine dishes on which to serve her mods, There are six rules by which ma, YhtlY achieve the maximum of cleanrines 1 disb-Washingt more like •an ornament than anythini StiVe soft tissue paper for polish- gieh water ami boiling rinsing water eXemmed it carefully with my eyes, end then produced a lens nem say pocket. The tail and head of the oat Were hinged, and there 1 thouititt Was a combination to get into the inside of the cat, Neither the tail We not only need to develop a good working stomach on a calf, but a good ataing heart. This cannot be done without pure air, eunlight and plenty of Oxereise. , 13 "Better let A man give all his the to selling groceries if he wins there- by the means of winning love and a home and children, than give all his 8 time to the problems of life and fail to live,"—Ronalie, latteapbell Made, 7 IggICITSMata==gratt2ranielaMinteiTelaiMIZMILIVELMVIIMMeat=raexerriteeveaulaaaem. What "Pudding" Means, Sandwich takes its name from John Montague, fourth earl of S indwith, In 3302. who used to have slices of bread with limn between served to him while ho was at the gaming So that he need not stop playing. Tu go further . back, he derived kis title from Sand- wich, a town in Iaout, England, tho name of which was made up of the Anglo-Saxon word sand and "Wie," moaning town--saudy 101011. Fricassee has usually been derived war1.1 1!rigol'c,• •, 1 through the French frier, but it is tltongIctprobable now that it is derived from the Freueli fracasser, Foneanieg to break luta piecoe, or the I Latin frieare, to rub. In French the 1 wordi se 1 to indinto an meat fried hi a pan, but the English mean. ing Is a dish made from cutting chick. ens' rabbits and other small animals . t s and cooking them in fr lng or other pan with e gravy I Molasses comes through ninny me. ! diums from the Latin mellacous, mean. Mg honey like, which is derivnd from mel, honey. 11Tuelmooms get thotename from tho same source as moss:. Custard was a corruption of a mid- dle -English word meaning a Me or tart and was allied to the modern French word croustade of the same meaning. All these words came from tho Latin crusts., meaning crust, Salad literally means salted, and is a direct descendant of the Latin word sal, or salt. The use of salad to 1nean the greens from which or on which a sided mixture is placed Is one of only recent origin. The Italian insalata and the Spanish salade, moaning salad in those languages, actually means saTltooc. Tomato is a word of Mexican deri. Yellen from tomato, tho native 121(5310 in country for the vegetable. The origin of the tomato was tho "love apple," Let PARKER Supise You RAKER'S know aIT 11.133 fine pointo about eleanini`intd dyeing. We can clean or dye anything froin a filmy georgette blouse to beavy draperies or rugs. Beery article is given carafe1 and expert attention and satisfaction is guaranteed. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to .31701.11 PARKER 5 Wo 30111 )1101(8 them Ithe new again. Out chargee Aro reazoaable and we pay ex- press or postal charges one way, post cord will bring our booklet of household seggestious that save money, 'Write for it. PARKDR'S Dlail WORM, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 )(ono St • Toronto eaeammaessannesmeneaseraerellsesatelialifillal 13 j ORIGIN OF NAVY BLUE Color Traced Back to the Seamen of Julius Caesar's Time. Tho blue coloe so prominent in the uniforms of almost all marines is of ancient origin. Vegetins, in his fifth book on tho military affairs of the Roman -sl, traces tho origin of this color to the Venal, an anoint pen- ! plo dwelling near the coast of Bis- cay, and well versed in ,§eamanship, It was customary among them to paint their ontgoing ships as well as the masts and saile with a blue color; also their eoldiers and sailors Woro blue ;uniforms. According to this aethor, the Latin word "Venetes," vi1e1011 was both the name of the celor and that of the people, points to its origin. From the veiled the custom was adopted by the Romans. P11203 the 7011 of Pompeins, after defeating Caesar's fleet in a naval battle, wore the navy blue, although entitled to the purple, There is much less Likely to be feed flavors in Milk te feeding is 1011 (100(0 ithi milking time. In Italy the day ,bdirint4 at Mid - eight and is reckoned on the Weedy. four-hour systetat