HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-3, Page 2TEA -GROWING IN
When tea is about to ho exported it
to subjected to the process of refir-
ing There are three kinds of refir-
ing, nienely `pen -fired "basket -
fired" and "porcelain fired. "---e:u•h •
signifying the method a drying
FOWLER into Inspeetoz Fowler's net, and, be -
8W p$t' tlJ,p {VJ`y ., . d ing dragged to light, t fund to he
ps g well sic std young, t n in engin-
AND Br(; RDs ext by profession, who had recently
xA!i i�7?�` furnithert a nice how'd :And sot mar -
name tied on t.lri proceeds of o^.a of hie
employed - The non -fired" tea is butglariea.
•thain tloaves, white the " a,katSTORIES OF 7:FAMOUS SL'UT, One- of the most remarkable mys-
fired' has longer leaves, The "pore LAND YARD DETECTIVE ten les in which JrL<ptetur Fowler has
Main -tired" tea is centnulnly known figured was that connected with the
oo '"notur:al loaf, When the ten is deaths of air, and "sirs. Beek, of
I completely dried by refiring, it is . Croydon. The Becks were the ten-
}•- placed in a wooden bo♦ life inches ?i Few of the Criminals 11.110 Have
Moot Ja unere Tea is Green, But ants of a little house in Churchill
Produced wide 18 mehes long and 22 inches Been Caught in the Net Spread I Road. One Saturday, night the old
Black is 1 roduced in Format
deep, lined inside with heavy tinfoil, by Experts, I mon anti his wife word foun;i demi in
—Drying Tea an Art. 1 I is tightly sealed and is wrapped their sitting room. They had died
Tea was used and cultivated in' with en Appera or lapironia mat, and Scotland Yard's "art expert" is re- from the effects of prussic acini poise
China as far back as the third cell- ;'3 tied with ratan strips, Eaeh box tiring, The officials at the Yard ening, and on the table of the rootn
tory, A.D., but it was not until theis lath`:'.ed and is ready for export. have a playful habit of bestowing was an empty battle that Lad eon -
The box measures about three and a nicknames on one another apropos
oatmeal stout and two glasses,
twelfth century that it became ma ,:naxnto poison bad been contained in the
in Japan, 'when an abbot of a lludl half ethic feet, and contains usually of experiences, and when Chief -In stout
hist monastery learned in China .. ev.'ity pounds of tea net, as he thers which r•
where its virtues were :..:ends well gererelly known at a "half-ihe,t is' specter Fowler—inspectowas--ran to earth the porpetralors' The Becks had a lodger, n man
known. Gbtainirtn sexed, he pleated among tea merchants. In shipping of two sensational crimes in the art rained Parker, who occupied a bed-
near Kyoto. In lacy years ten for export, freight is char€red or world, he became promptly known hitting room in the house, and Park -
some of this was to::nsplaMed near the basis of forty cubic feet Per ton, as the "art expert," say3 a London er had a strange story to tell. He
Shiuoka, which vicii ty has et er sdn e tints allowing from ten to eleven writer. During thirty veers, crime had been visited that Saturday even -
been the center o the tea industry in. `1'-=:l£-diests" to a ton. The net inals have found hint one of the most ing by an acquaintance, a Hurn nant-
Japan it was not until about the weight of tea in per ton measure- terrible experts the Yard has ever anded Btaftzrl they had talked eder oab uf rtllvttr
ntent. therefore, it about eight bun-' roduced in salving the mysteries of y
seventeenth century that tea became p ions things Brinkley had produced a
dyed pounds, crime and drat g' y
generally known in Europe, when iti dragging to wetted the bottle of stout which he stated he
was exploited by the Dutch Fast In- People Are Cleanly. I criminal who imagined himself most had bought ata shop close by, He
dian Company ae a new article of ! One feature which marks ten cur-, clever in hiding his tracks." had invited Parker to have a dnink,
commerce. The first tea sold in Eng-• ing in ,Japan is the proverbial clean- One wintry February morning, and Parker had brought two glasses
land brought fifteen to twenty dollars limes which is characteristic of the' when the cold grey light was hardly front the Beck's kitchen, Pouring
a pound. 1 Japanese people. The rules of sant- tinging the sky, the occupants of one himself out a (lass, Brinkley had
In its Wild state the tea plant Cation are strictly -observed by the• of the palatial residences in Norfolk drunk it off and had handed the bot
grows to a height of from ten to tea growers of .Japan. Not only the Street, Park Lane—the house of Mr.. tie to Parker. But oatmeal stout was
twenty feet; in eult'vating it, its size, health and sanitation of workers are' Wertheimer, the millionaire, vine' not a drink to Par)cer'a taste, and
is kept down to about three feet fee strictly examined by local tan asso-: roused from their slumbers by an when the two men left the hoose to -
convenience in picking, The tea of ciations, but also the process of cur-- alarming sound. The house was bad the
Japan is mostly of the green variety„' ing is inspected with great care.! packed with art treasures, and the glassy niton lied left the burgle onens the
thriving best between the :13rd and Japanese teas have never been arti- best experts had been called on to table. Beck or his wife must have
the 38th deerree, North i h Latitede.' ficitlly, colored as have been teas' make ,it impregnable against burglar come into the room, taken the stout
Considerable bio.'.: tea is exported,: from some other countries. Every, visitors. The clatter was that of. en into the. sitting room and drunk it be -
but it is grown mainly on the island, pound of tea must pass the inspection, electric alarm .bell, -giving warning tween them. Had Bnrnkice, aiming
of Formosa. The seed ,is usually: of the Central Tea Association be -.that a burglar was at his work. Had a stealthy blow at the life of Parker.
planted in terraces, that extend front i fore exported, and bear stamps is-; anyone peeped into the drawing room missed his aim and found instead
the base of hills to the very crest;. sued by the association. ;of the mansion that night they might two innocent victims? And why
of the sante, like giant steps theta What I have described above re- have seen a slim, shadowy, frock -
conform with the general contour of; Tates mainly to the methods of pro -coated figure gliding swiftly about --
the hillsides. Dur:ng picking time duction of green tea. Japan pro-! a man whose feet gave no sound as
we may see large grants of teaa-pick- duces black tea in the island of he stole over the soft sailed carpet.
ers (mostly women), gradually work-' Formosa, whith is known as Oolong From the drawing room he crept to
ing their way downward from the top; tea. Ever since Japan's occupation; the smoking room, and, by the light
of the hill. i of the island in 1895, the Goverment, of the piece of tallow candle he car- considerable sum of money under the
Goverment,has been bending its energy to fos-I ried, proceeded to break open a glass will of an old lady named Blume. Her
Principal Japanese Industry. f ter the industry until to -day Oolong i case and pocket its contents. Sud- will had apparenty been signed cin the
The cultivation of tea, thus started tea has become one of the principal. denly, seized with panic, he dash` l presence of two witnesses. Parker was
in Japan twelve hundred years ago, 1 products of the island. Thus two- from the room, down the broad one. But Parker declared he had
stairs, and rushed away into the de-
serted street, while the electric
should he seek Parker's life?
Unravelling the Mystery.
It was a tangled web Inspector
Fowler had to unravel. Some months
previously Brinkley had been left a
has become one of the principal, thirds of the total amount of tea ex -
industries of the nation to -day. More ported from Japan to the United
than one million households are en- States in green tea, while the re -
gaged in its industry, with an annual: moaning one-third is Formosa Oolong
yield of one hundred million pounds.; tea. In the fiscal year ending June
In 1915, 51,750,8(10 pounds, or 47.2 per; 30, 1910, 52,359,5213 pounds of tea
cent. of the total production of the were exported to th United States, of
country, inelu,Cmg Formosa, were ex -1 which 34,513,129 pounds consisted of
ported to the United States, amount-! green and 17,810,397 of Formosa
ing to nearly 58.000,000 in value, !Oolong tea.
The tea plant is a semi -tropical -.
evergreen, belonging to a species of OVER -INVESTMENT IN MILLS
camellia. Naturally, three Provinces I ...—
that face the south and receive the Saw -;bills of Pacific Coast Have Ca -
warm moisture from the Japan cur-'• paeity Doable Actual Cut.
rent are best suited for its cultiva-1
tion. The saw -mills of British Columbia
never witnessed any such will.
Brinkley had sought to murder him
alarms rattled their warning too late, in order to close for ever the lips that
might betray his triek . keep the
Royal Miniatures Missing. dead woman's gold fro • e clutch
of hisgrasping hands. �1 con -
The thief had carried away with g ap g s key
him two pictures cut from their fessed to be an experimenter in color
frames and eighteen gold and jeweled photography. That was how it was,
snuffboxes valued at thirty-seven be declared, the police, on searching
thousand pounds, leaving behind him his house discovered a store of the
a piece of tallow candle, three glove most deadly poisons. When Inspector
fingerstalls—worn to avoid finger- Fowler dragged Richard Brinkley to
print impreschens—a common table- the gallows he rid society of an ex -
knife, and a box of menthol snuff. pert poisoner.
Three months later Inspector Fowler Three men stood in the dock of the
introduced to the magistrate at the Old Bailey one day during the recent
wartime. They owed their appear-
ance there to inspector Fowler. They
were charged with forging false
Treasury Notes. When the police
dashed into their mannfactory
in Vantry Road, Tottenham, they dis-
covered hundreds of the bogusnotes
in various stages of printing. The
scoundrels received their deserts in
the shape of lengthy terms of penal
Marborough Police Court, Rodoni—
The greatest tea producing district' were estimated in 1914 to have an an ex -waiter turned burglar- the
in Japan is Shizuoka Prefecture, lye annual capacity of 2,535 million perpetrator of the crime. In a cup-
ing on the southern foothills of Fuji-, hoard feet. As the cut for the highest hoard of Rodent's edllardike room
yama. Little trees are planted, usu year, 1913, was only 1,107 million the insueetor found the dazzling
ally upon gentle hillslopes where feet, . the present saw -mill capacity treasures he had stolen. He had not
drainage is perfect. They are not, of the province is snore than double, dared to dispose of more than one or
allowed to -grow over four feet at' the amount of the actual cut. A semi-, two of the wonderful 'boxes.
most, and are ready for picking at' lar situation prevails south of the Art treasures appeared to have a
the end of the third year. The first' international 'boundary, so far as the special attraction for thieves. Only
piekeng takes place in the end of. excess of mtll capacity over annual a few months after the Park Lane servitude.
April, when the tender shoots sprout' cut is concerned. For the year 1914, burglary Inspector Fowler woo cal- A strange feature of the ease was
forth, and lasts for three weeks. The' the mills of the United States por-, led on to track the appropriators of that at the time the manufactory was
second picking comes in June, and tion of the Pacific Nort hwest, med- three beautiful miniatures belonging
the third follows in September. A ing Northern Idaho, Eastern Wash- to Queen Alexandra which had been
traveler will find in the spring those ing-ton and Eastern Oregon, had an stolen from a studio at West Nor -
beautiful green hillsides of Shizuoka' estimated annual capacity of more wood.. having, under the friendly
Prefecture decorated with gaily dres-',than 18.0 billion feet, while the an- cover of a fog, climbed a tree by the
esd girls, who are engaged tin tea nual eut is only 0.8 billion feet. Thus, side of the studio, the thieves had
picking, with bamboo baskets on half the saws in the region in ques- dropped from one of its branches
their backs, and singing merry songs. Von must remain idle, for lack of a upon the roof, removed a skylight,
sufficient market for the product.
Process of Curing.p let themselves down bya and
Tender shoots thus picked are This locking up of capet a in millse, a ro
a helped themselves to the miuiatnres,
brought to the factory and are steam- and machinery was due partly to the to which they were attracted by their
ed fora few moments in order to' over -confidence of the lumbermen in gold frames. Apart from the value
bring to the surface the natural oil the ability of the markets to absorb of the miniatures, they had a spacial
contained the leaves. Then theylumber, and partly to the e$orte of value to their Royal owner, being the
the milimen to realize quickly oni portraits of three of her daughters
are placed in a wooden baslc�et lined their timnher investments, In many —the Princess Royal, the Queen of
with tough Japanese paper and dn'ed cases these efforts were forced by ,•
over a chareoal fire at a constant the pressure of economic conditions.
Norway, and Princess `tore s . The
temperature of one hlmdred and two thieves and their spell were soon in
degrees Fahrenheit. While the pro- Raising His Spirits. the safe keeping of Inspctor Fowler.
cess of firing is going on, the leavesTwice as the omnibus slowly wend• Inhabitants of Streatham owe a
are manipulated for several hours by ed its way up the steep hill the door debt of gratitude to Inspector Fowl -
men who twist them in their palms at the rear opened and slammed, At erg It was he who rid them of the
unell each leaf is rolled in the form first those inside paid little heed, bat terror of "the cat burglar"—a erihe
as it appears in the market, After' the third time they demanded to know tool who gained his name of `Cha
this, two more firings follow at a why they should be disturbed in this cat” front his weird skill in climbing
moderate temperature until the leaves fashion, up the most i'mhis ible places, in
become completely dry and brittle. "Whist!" cautioned the his driver. dropping on feet from break -
Snell a process of quick drying of "Don't spoke so loud. He'll overhear neck heights and in disappearing a3
fresh leaves preserves chlorophyll in us."
its original form and gives a green "Who?"
amber tinge and delicious aroma to "The hose. Spake low. Sure Oi'm
Japanese teas, Although modern desavin' the crayture. Every time he
machinery is being introduced into 'ears the door close he thinks nue of
the field of tea curing, the best tea yez is gettin' down ter walk up the
is stili made by hand. hill, and that sort of raises 'is eperits." ears for a reign of "the eat." He fell
at work warnings against forged
Treasury notes were being distribut-
ed broadcast from some unknown
source throughout the country. They
were issued by German agents seek-
ing to create a panic amongst the
public and prevent the acceptance of
such notes, As a matter of '•a.ct, the
manufactory in Vantry ' Road was
the only serious attempt made at
their forging,
The prize for optimism, says a
writer in the Boys' Own Paper, is
awarded to a resident of one df the
rural districts of Wales. As the 81017
goes, an old man was sitting on the
roof of his house during a flood watch-
ing the waters :flow past, when a neigh-
bor, who possessed a boat, rowed
across to Rhin
"Halloa, Ted," be said.
"Halloa, Dave," replied the other.
"All your fowls washed away this
morning, Tor?"
"Yes; but the ducks can swim."
ec "Apple trees and all that gone, too,
if the earth had swallowed him tinder oh?"
one's very vase. "Well, they said the crops would be
As An Aid to Marriage. a failure, anyhow."
No fewer than thirty officers lay "I see the water has reached above
hidden one night in Streatham's Your windows now,"
darkest corners, straining eyes and "That's all right, Dave. Them win-
dows needed washin' badly "
WHA"i• 00 YOU, MEAN f
arc TeN41 REeREA131tvG •
DMD1'4'1 I TELL 'row Two
P. r 40 TO THE 'OTORt
' AN I-1008. AGO
rALiniE•bUTe cl
«r ✓'(I'
vi, �jc 1:',;rt
Be Prepared for 1}lotar Emergencies, ncies, have: A pipe -wrench large enough to
The successful plan is one who can handle any ripe on the motors y,u
meet in hand, A large monkey- motor cap -
i e t etnergeucies, whether ,it be t able of handling the heaviest mit; For Nature waves hor Oi11')• wand
milking n kicking cow or directing a ea on your truetor, .1 c,m:tll mom- To rhea the wrongs or No Mena; Land.
an ocean liner, The auto driver or key-,vrcnch that will handle the
tractor operator is no exception '10 smallest fiats. A set of "S" n•.renchee,
this rule. Nay, it is even more tine fi ander :tu net of socks`..wteuehe:;,
in his ease than in any other, three r-eeew-drivers—lure, rnehemedium,
I have it profound admiration for small; a combined pair of cutting -
Lift alai who can solve a car ar tree- pliers aril tweezer.;, n p.,ir of rutins- Li t tortlu',+d bronchus to the breeze;
tor, or handle a etutlmtary engine nosed plilril, oe medium Elzeti n1aehilt- No budding joy is thrira.
anywhere and under any condition ist's hammer, a half -Inch cold chisel,
But baro and thorn froth ravaged root,
with perfect confidence—ono vvho has n set of Beniler-punches, n hnllovv Withered and brown and dead,
no fear of what may poesihly happen'pundit and three files --alai, rOmt;i, Thrr{riut='l1113 head,
wl anew a
and who knows that ho is ready for three -cornered, You will also need It„ t is timid
any emergency asserted maeh;ne screvrs, bolts, mets, The •rr:au•rcrtion God ha,:,phnr::^d
Back of such of course;
there must loch washers, cotter pint, iron wind To right the wrongs of No Mane; L":vl.
be experience, of course; but there copper wire, cluplic tt a of c silt' bro-
�s ens wa^ rers, The same moon beams on us te-nj.;:i1
That beamed au No Man's Laud
When Belgium was a raging ball
No Mane Land.
The same stat 5111000un No AimeeI and
71m1 shhiet on tt today.
Tho tender armsis upriuging up,
And just one dating buttercup
Iles boldly prished jai way
Through 111 odeetaiuod. 0011 and team,
led wire,
To view tho havoc.. wrought
13)' bueetieg shell and eeorolting tire,
'Whore peeve was clearly bone'ht,
The wind that blowe o'er No Man's
The scent of blossouri beta's
To us, But there tho naked trees
is another thing which is more Ian- ken parts, slatings, 6•. k i
Portant than experience—it is pro- a can of shone,: and some insulated
per equipment. You can't repair n capper wire.
tractor or an automobile with a pen- Many other tools are u:esfnl, A And Mance was torn by shot and ,;:tall
knife, a shoe -buttoner and strong small breast -drill is almost Indio- And brave men took their Bitted.
language. You usually make mat- pensable and a Un: -stock w"ti a num- The silvdr Momlooked down open
tors worse with such equipment, her of twist drills is essential; 10 con- The fight they dearly fought,
11lany people buy tractors or auto- nett,:on with these drilla there should And now the tyrant's power 10 gene --
mobiles and think their trouble is be reamers and counter -eh -tics. You The miracle is wrought.
over—that the machine will do every- will need a hack saw, and a screw -
The life bland of that noble band
thing under the sun if they will pour Blotter to fit the hock saw frame. The Should right the wrongs of No Man's little oil in this hole, a little water serew-stetter will save much time land.
in that hole, and keep the fuel tanks and trouble in slotting old serews for
filled with comparative regularity. use. Tho wraiths that people No Mon's
WRen something goes wrong, they A milling tool is well worth the Land
soy, "I think rlie'11 make it till money. This is a large steel blade Are watching us to -clay.
night," or "I be.?ieve I shall be able with hardened curved teeth and will They (•tunot rest until they linin'
to finish this field," and so on till a. cut inadn faster than an ordinary file If that grim task they trice] to do
perfectly good machine is ruined. --so much faster that there is hardly Hos failed or paved the way
Little repairs are thus put off until any comparison. Another advantage To holding nations skin by slob
a machine becomes a rattletrap, Re- it has is that it will not clog, even In peace and unity.
pairs that do not seem to amount to when used to cut soft meta .is such as We da not wonder that they died
much are, in the final analysis, the lend and aluminum, One good blade To keep a whole world free.
things that add life to the tractor, or will last at least two years.
auto, or truck, and make the money In making repairs it is usually best So let us not withhold our hand, -
that has leen invested doubly profit- to go slow and be sure. There is not )Jul right the wrongs of No Man's
In considering the tools you need,
bear in mind the fact that high-pric- most sure to result in a bl+aken mixt,
ed tools are cheap tools, and" that especially if the part is lnede of cast
cheap tools are high-priced make- iron. Too touch force on a bolt or Now is the Time to Start a Cheap
shifts. Decide on the tools you need, nut will result in stripped threads or Little Navy of Your Own.
a twisted -off bolt head, This ds The millionaire who seeks a new
especially trite where a large wrench outlet for his gold will soon have an
is used to tighten a small nut. The opportunity without precedent, w}u.n
operator has a great leverage and a large number of sbips which furs.,
exerts a trelnendeue presaura or done useful wont: in the war cent) un -
low. force on the small belt before he der the auctioneer's hammer.
here are some tools you should realizes it. At one of the last Admiralty sale:;
before tate war, says tilt '0nglleh
,�el'1t1NG 'I'I51E IS PAINT '11`111 mind, and let 0118 boys see that the writer, no fewer than fifteen ships ,fern
home folks have awakened to the ad- sold, and for $250,000 it was possible
Valuable Wood Neecls Protection and vantages of elear.'.ng up and painting to become owner or a navy a South
Thrift is Thereby Promoted. up, that their hone3 bear that well- American State might have envied,
kept and cheery appearance •that bids Among t$e111 was the llellelsle, a
At the recent annual meeting of Cham welcome?
battleship of 4,717 tons, with armour
the Commission of Conservation, --- �'- , plating from four to twelve inches
Hon. Senator Edwards made the ART TREASURES RETURNED. thick, and equipped with engine/s,
statement that unless Canada exor_ _ _ boilers, condensers, ole. Orightelly
deed more care with her forest re- Germans Send Back Pictures and built for tho Turkish Navy, she had
sources, the day was not far distant Furniture by Carload. neon thirty years of service before
when we would be without our sup- she was made an experimental -target
plies of ]umber. Art treasures taken from occupied for the Majstic's guns. But she was
While this statement referred par- France by the Germans and removed still a stout 'vessel, able to give 0 gaol
ticulaady to the protection of forests, to Brussels aro gradually baissg re:
aecnuut of herself in battle, and dirt -
it might with equal force be applied stored to the original owners. cheap at the $41,000 she fetched in the
to the protection 0! our buildings, The Temps of Paris reports that Chatham Dockyard nate.
fences, farm inplements, etc., for the three carloads of pirturea stolen from Another doughty ship of war was
reason that, in the latter case, there the museum at Lilly havo jest been the Duke of Wellington, which in days
is not only the value of the original ( returned, and two carloads taken from of her pride hod carried 131 guns, and
forest product to protect, but also the region of Loon have been sent headed the line at a great Spithead re-
view value of the human energy nee-� ltaok. the ten carloads unloaded at view held by Queen Victoria. For
essary for the transformation of that this magnificent ship the paltry sum
timber into its various wood pro V9leeciennes were Rielly rare and pre -
Among of $41,800 was paid.
ducts. `ious manuscripts and archives of the The Algiers, over which the adrair-
Spring, from tints immemorial has French Government, the belfry taken al's flag had floated at Chatham for
been ]mown as house-cleaning time.; from the Guilct flail et CamUrai enol
some years, was knocked clown for
During recent years this period has furniture belonging to the Prince of x.10,750. Tho Edgar, a battleship of
clevelopecl a popular slogan, "Clean, Monaco, the vlargnis of Havrineourt 91 guns, fetched $25,500; and the Ham
muoh elasticity in cold metal. Try-
ing to drill into it too rapidly is al-
----cr._.•_eels. _.
buy the best that can be had of each
particular kind and then take care
of them. ' They will last as long as
you live, and will really be much less
expensive than those whose first price
up and paint up." As a conservation' and other persons.
measure this would be hard to im-I x
prove upon. Wood, when exposed to; ORIGIN OF "LIiJE-JUICE."
the weather without protection soon; --
deteriorates, it bears a shabby and! How the British Sailors Acquired
neglected appearance, and is in a
great majority of cases but an indi-I Nickname From U.S. Tars.
nibal changed ]rands for $22,500 the
modest sum of $119,550 thus securing
five battleships which must have cost
at least $5,000,000.
Another Admiralty sale of the time
included that fine first-class battle-
ship, Coliiugwood, a vessel of 9,500
cation of the enterprise or careless-' It is generally known that a famil- tons, armed with four twelve -inch
gess of the owner, tar, though not altogether affectionate guns and six six-inch guns, and built
Nothing adds more to the appear-( name given Britieh sailors by their at a cost of. $3,140,000, and the cruller
ance of a building than a coat of I American brothers of the sea is "lime-
Pique, of 3,000 tons, built at Jarrow in
paint; nothing will de more to pro juicer," or, more briefly, "limier' To 1890 for $920,000.
tett the woodwork and prolong its most of us the origin of the pleasant- But these are there crumbs con -
life than covering it with a paint t'y was wrapped in obscurity. panel with the feast that will soon bo
preservative. With building condi- But the London Lancet, In the spread for the buyers of warships
tions as expensive as at present, and course of a learned inquiry pertaining that have served their day in the
with the necessity of employing the to scurvy, uncovers the fact that the world's greatest war.
available help in the construction of oousumption of Ilene juice was intro -
new houses, it is essential that pees- ducted into the British navy as a - In Flanders.
ent construction be protected. measure against scurvy, and resulted ITavo you sown Hlm in
Our seldiees are coming home, they in the disn.ppearance of that disease Flanders,
are conning from a country Of homes, early in tbo last century. With Els ors,brave and tender Billile'
where thrift is parmount, where the The so-called lime Juice was really Did He Baso your load on that shell•
people take pride in their premises lemon juice, and not connected with swept road,
and keep them in the best condition. the Amrlcau lithe, But the origin of
On that last, long, worry mile?
Can we not, this spring, bear this in "lime -juicer" becomes apparent, pfd you meet Ilitn among your com-
In far and distant lances?
In the sun's red glare, did you meet
fields of
._..._ _ •---.....,y,,�m-k.me�av _.. .. ... __._.. ... .x®'as*aereew.m:�xa�
> '.Z taeX 'T. 2'V -dee -UV
I4UEfo THi;
'ro pl•1o11
Wl^1A'1 YOU , 5---
Oht'ist there,
With the heart of Franco in Hie
I have prayed in the fields of poppies,
I have laughed with the matt who
nut 1n all my ways and through ,11 1113'
Like a friend Ile walked beside;
I havo eeon things under heaven,
Wither only God unclor Lands,
In the battle's glare, ciid you meet
Christ there,
With the sword of God in Hie
The present Prince of Wales is the
first of his title to sen active military
service since the invention of fire -
Statisticians estjmato that :for
every death there ate, on the average,
two persons constantly sick,