HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-4-3, Page 1VOL, 47 NO. 40 151,50 Per Annum i)1Advance 11k(iSSELS. (.).V71,lliO. T1I(11 0.13'. .ARIL 10111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111 111111 III III 11101 111 III I 1111111 III 111111 10111111111111111111111111111 AI111g c iTiom Courteo , Painstaking Service vice From the moment you have opened your account with us we look upon you as a friend of the Bank, to be served in every way possible, at every turn. this spirit of "friendly t i s h p service"that has been largely res- ponsibleltd for this Bank's solid, sjeady 87 years of progress. We will appreciate your account. -THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid•up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund- 12,000,000 Resources - • 100,000,000 22 F. H. GILROY Manager Brussels Branch �iIIt IIIII r COOL t-'- d >'Ipll New Advertisements For ante -R, 0, Campbell. For sale -R, B. Stevenson, Fur stuff lost -Taw I'00'1s For sale -G. A. Deadman. Auction Sale -Henry Clark. Auction Sale -John Watson, For nate-Gordon McDonald. To Contractors -A. Ml40lwou. Pocket Watches -J R Wendt. Five Roses Flour -Alf. Booker, Teacher wnntnd--.Toho 110ppnr. Special bargains -John m01)onald. Bull for Servide -Russel Robertson, Closing out husIncs4-Richards 3 Co. Auction Sale -Margaret Stewart estate. Peek into the Attic -London Free Press. 4141strt t .:',latls Molesworth MATILIM0NIAT.,-Wednesday after- noon of last. meek the matrimonial knot (vaslied at the manse here by Rev. T. A. Bell, between I3ugh 13. Snaith, of Rollinson, Alberta, eldest. 1 fermi- Count y, NL, Knight i4 j.I't. ,9 covetutl I'n.mnpt,,1.'mlttdillu( It 0111 ..-1111,” ltIdeal 1u.eumml l 11.1 111. i ,h1 •'. ltmlIII 'mlmin+i N, 1114 I1 LItlINII+1'1444 4444434`9 41ri v(' been 111 tenit'tl by ltev. Stanley 1.aenl,el3.." Walton Urs. (t, F. Mintel' i5 vieiting reta- il fee al I; tetleL ;mink, Keel, moiety 11n1hu,d's big Aur'ti nt sale next Monday in mind. Tm' ,L1y afternoon of in xt week {a the dale• 1'f 11 ,'r,' (1.(t It • Au+'tn11l L.110, I t 13, 00.1, 17 (ir,'y township. Evangelirtis40tvireo t11/ tieing held at 13.Ihe') chili eh 4141'+ seek by Rev, 31.. Bentley, assist''3 by neighboring' pet, le. Welton (1, P. 11. trains are now rein• !dog 14)14 hour enelil'r commencing on Monday last. Don't forget. or you (]ill be .:0014. 3110443 Bate Burhs.uuu, daughter of Alex, Hurhanan, 17'3. tem, (itev. was operated ou 11101 n , 1( 3111' appeutlieltie cud is doing nicely we are pleased to Hay, 1e. J. and NI r4 ltyan end family who ,Vere herr m0. an VE10nded visit, Ilave rehu'11Pd lo their home ac Manley, SaL'.k. \Vt' ,'loll them continued ptos- pet ity, Bluevaale ()thee 13)nevale 1ewe 011 page 5, Thos. Stewart visited his sou How- ard at 31enft•y0 cu Saturday. Jas. Btrgess, Ottawa, 9110111 the week end with his mother hare, Pte, Fred, Itu45r11, r„uenliy ret Urn - ad from oversells, is visiting irk 11nele, Leu, Rutter:. betel. enlisted ,vit11 a Western Battalion and went 1114eeseta4 about 3 years ago ((1141 (v114 wuundrd 1a noelple o3 time's, After a short visit. with relatives aroma' here he will go West, son of Oliphant and Mrs. Smith, of Grey township, and Miss Agnes Sang- ster, a highly esteemed young Indy of this Meanly, The happy young. couple took the evening Dain from Listowel on a short• wedding . tour. Monday of this week ;Lir. and Mrs, Smith left for the West, where they purpose living, followed by the gond wishes of a wide circle of friends. The htide will be much missed here. She was a member of the Presbyterian choir and was presented with a shnw•- er at the home of E. Doan, by 111en1. Oran brook Jas, Noble and family have moved into the house lately vacated by Wm. and Slt'a, Perri(', 110'14 00 the farm of Janna Dickson. A :llilverlon correspondent said of a Oran brook old hey :--"Itify. J. P. Knight, 1%I, A., 13. I)., and 310,0ily will spend a few Clays at the hnnu' 0.r Mrs. Knight's father, near Kent Bridge, eeeeeeeeaOeteseeJQ4oGe*94441, 9444940049494,49U904!seeeee 4 0 0 C 6 H 0 10 4 4 O 0 c a 9 0 p 4 9 4 G 9 .ID �a 9 t0 9 9 D 4' a 0 s 9 '0 4' et ' 4 4 a u A •0 a} 'fl •D 3 '£s �re Richardsd Cl Will close out their Business in »;frL3S- se'ls an offer their Large Stock of Shoes, Harness, &c, at and 'below Pres. C'.oit W IE3le aalie Pr -ices. BaleC• � 9 CkJI'Ctil prmi2 Store Closes Thursday and Fri- day, April 10th and 1 1 th, to mark ail Goods dowse. TERMS OF SALE STRICTLY CASH No Goods exchanged or Motley Refunded during this Sale, e 4 C 4 3 u 3 Richards .lfp►4����a�♦dOiv09499�994404S4�bP40144096m999460G9P91a Listowel Hire, W. .Rarges tenet tailed on Satin day in honor 0.t' Miss) Faye Sov- ereign, when 11 shower WAS Orel. 304' the bride-to-be. A. 1e. Malcolm, J. M. Carnpbell, J. G, But 1, 1V. Bungler and 1-1 Halliday went to 13eamsvtlle to inspect R. A. F, 11,14(gets W1111 to view to buying then! to build a rink here, 'l'Ite M0.lcolnl Furniture. Company, c0nnn1'41ce(1 April 1, with a nine -hear day with the saute pay as the ten-hour day formerly received. This favor was not solicited by the moa, 111(01 is, therefore, all 111e more. appreciated. The orale 4-s and members or Listo- wel Lodge, No. 1(30, I, 0, 0. h'„ invit- ed their friend,; to the opening of their new hall in the Och11'ellowa' block Friday evening. B. L. H. Bamford, noble grand, presided in a happy rnauuee. The Hest part of the evening W0.1( taken up with a program consisting of musical selections by the nt•rhestra ; solos by :Miss Luella Scott, T. L. Hamilton ; a dnet by Misses Walker and Logie, ami aho.0 speeches by R. A, (limie and Rev. 11r, Pack - ham, A (lratmty supper was then served, after which cards and 11anc• ing brought the successful event, to t. close, Cholce Y�ji"t«. WARY A formal 314 illitiety ()pelting will net, be held hut our elloice, new stock( is (400' 00 display and the ladies of this co1111t11111it.y are invited to cull and inspect the up -to. ands date C3 Miss Wali(et is heck again this settsnu 114 NI Millet.. NIitHrim y is correct in Hiyle :tell fair to prier, hence we r' 3-44-4 assured ave 110. please the publie. Call in. Mrs. ax'!1.611'':s hrauter Block, ETI--IEL CAR OF -ores Flour' and Feed '1'0 iIAND SPECIAL PRICES Fertilizer A few tone of Fertilizer (Me phos- phate! fol' sale. 530.00 a /on. Alf, Baeker Telephone 5 Clue returned soldier's and their lady ftie ads Were eat -411113 10(3 at the hone of A. 1+:. 0.11(1 :Lire. 1Viteleme About 50 were present, and a feat me of the evening wile a soldier's pie served with refrerhnlent4, The pie was nu 1(nm002" afeitie covered with red paper With 111 41100y crow perched upon one side or the dish, Ribbons were at- tached to fa.vins inside the pie, and at a given signal eve1 yam, pulled togeth- er, and eater secured a mir111oa1 tnsteln- meut. or lay. Ml's. J, J, Foster and Mrs. W. P. Rennie 1145ivted the beet MM. r(,j \Vnli lived 0. I`;I111.1 3.1-a fe a c+ -,tar• A.I14-41 \1'+,trlau'4 I1141041s 144'14 41 ) y 4--441,'1'11eful alto Ur,g 313(17,)'t vcn- mg, 3'lurrll 2516, in the. \Itthtdis( Outlet) bn:u'rnvll, \1411 1'In v1M, P1+ ;i• dent, occupied lite (lutie. A4 I.e. sin4'- l(g "'1`414• 4-1 the fear," anti rife regu- lar v-..'4131 '11,,•J, vts 0111(1(1. 1 Wu/ is expin 0.l I the Institute h.t+1 started v,O '.1((1,31 and had gtathrdly -3111(•❑ In it),ISei1101 401'Lly ti 111104 i .1103 r,rtltie 41„4 to grew, 1+',ll :im;! 11 1 '111 1' 1,1•.- 0(041 d -Skin, 1It . (lit 1 11 '.', 1 ; A. 11. Mel le :eel gave en +'xee31e411 p ieet nn "Ito:oils: rum len," itlr lett if •c legit i. bsestingn4.3 11etu I 0) 34.43 by all ;yn.uIell', L-' .1 1 ,.u1,1� 311 +. (1 lv 1 , , 1 amdAdly :matin 1'•.i ("( 1( :; solo, 31114 l ?i, hi, uunno teeeees, . . 1IISN 43-44.4141 (_, •I" =111 ,, Mks( 1 1't• l'Rb .! 'Wilt 01'4-11 11 ANI(! itll `;ET, 0 (34 1 ttl 0.'11 1st'. s0., lay aft'voer,u the Iuembers Anthem. .:U I,neh24 4 -.1 1,: i .10 1{ ul i„' '141,1.13 S,.11,..1 ('1,•414 of wltiell all telt sati+ti.({ they L xl .,e. -0.t 4' vase i yr r: '1' hivur ,41,41 belonged, pre - pleasant. ea'el,tnr,. Ethel ('tuts. Hnn+u 111 has,•torted buying erettn for 9ht 0enle C .,:kutsry and any0nn having cream toe ,It le nssnre 1 of re,'olvi 0.e; the higher't 441(0' ketrice and sari-.fact110y service. 4tve him a trial and he 1104114111003. G, Polliud 11pene Sunday in Strat- ford. Mr. Ballantyne is moving into Mrs, Htwauld's house, opposite the chop- ping mill.. Read the advt. of John McDonald, merchant, if its bargains you are seek- ing as his big sale is still in progress. Mt'. Nott•, Sault Ste. Marie, :made a short visit with hie brother-in-law, S. 'S, Cole. 3lrs. Nott is a sister of Mrs. Cole. •" u We are ;weer that Mrs, J. K. Baker is not one 'g her usual good health but hope cooling of Spring will aid in her ;.estm'atinn. FOOTBALL Ili EETING.-All interest- ed in Football will be on hand at 8.30 Saturday night to make arrangements about renting a Held and organizing a cluh. \Vm, Ellacntt, (14110 sold his farm to Ii. Ward, will move to Ethel for the 1,]�resent. He has rented a house from present, He lately occupied by I. 311. Henry. Stanley Strachan has returned to Alberta after an enjoyable holiday at the parental hotne here. We thought he was going to take a wife back with hien but he postponed it, we guess, until his next visit, Delays are dangerous, DEATH OF 1MIa~s, T. J. WA•r'r,-On Saturday, 1latch 22nd, Mrs. T. I. Watt, Clinton, passed away at the Clinton General Hospital. She had been in delicate health for some time and it was dectde(1 that an operation WAS necessary and elle 114)15 removed to the hospital when on Thursday the operation was performed. It was quite successful and the patient rallied for a day or so but on Saturday her heart grave out and she sank rapidly. The deceased lady was barn in ]tato I e4- 0.t 414-4 being 1L dtall It Stanley,g g ThomeAIlis F that township, ], and was married in 01101011 clearly 30 years ago to l J. Watt. Since their max. siege Me, and Mrs. Watt have resided in Clinton, \Vinghaw, Ethel and the State of Michigan, Returning to Clinton nearly 2 years ago they bought 1L comfortable residence with the intention of snaking this their home but were not to enjoy it long together, Ales. Wall was a W01111111 of ardent and affectionate nature, wit 1 made friends quickly wherever she wetne and was a most devoted wife, a good 0.e i l l b 0.p. ) loyal Extend and lag g She was a consistent member of the 1Vesley Methodist church and, until her health flailed, she was a regular attendant or the services atilt active in the w0men's organizations. Be. Rides iter husband she is survived by one 5leter, Nies, Snell, of Blnevttlle, who was with her tinting her last M- OPES, nets, and 3 brothers : W. A. and le. AI, Mills of Seelig 4'11445, South Dakota ; and Oliver, or Sn. kn.tnon ; 13aslt. An• other brother died at the home of Airs. \Vittt in Feticide), or last year, :LL's. C. 13. Coutti4, of the Huron Pullet road, 4;11114. 19 1L nein(', 1 uuetal, which was private', look phare feom her late rt.aideo('e, Rat ten bury street, on Tuesday aftet110nn. Mr, and Mrs, emee flour u,3v'og first-class satisfaction. Try a bag, Clover and timothy Heed to band. Slnuk A I end primes light:. I..'t les hove pen order early. Phone 43 0.I' 27 W. J. McCracken dense' Thursday 1(1 03,11 (v eel( i. T'llvle.he, Council 01 Ethel. Don't fel get lbs (aviefeheir An'q;4 11 Sale, lith (nor., b'I3411•31 1Ltll•r1l01) c•1'.I this week. Hear the 1V u' 1 11n441(4er (1,uueli Co_, Brussels Teter! dull, Sahli day evening, April 13th. Mussel Rohet•ts1 o bought frun. 31411(1. L. Cardiff. 113.1 L ort., a tufo.: bred Pulled Angus, bull at a nice figole. Russel 113003 t,, have:(g1 ('11 illlill1l1I 1(11(1 111 r. 011.1 (MT 11,14)4,ly keep'.good stoelt. Pte, 31/3,33 teed Rte well to London last week In ,('cure his discharge ftotrl military Sel Viet., 111 addition to a shattered knee cap ''31/11311y" had a leg broken in the war bun ie getting along very well, 4-441 en,i.lylahle time w•aa spell at the home of J 1). and Mrs. Blake, ''3lnple Grave learnt," con. 14, Friday evening of last week, in honor 4,1' Stewvut Miller, son of Robert and Mrs, Miller, con, 12. who left for the \Vest (4(1 ea - day. '1'110 most interesting realm,. of the evening was a shower of gond wish cards, %thief) were lead and pl:•- sented by Miss Vadis 111113', iu 14-414-4.44' of Stewart, who expressed his thanks to the gathering for their good wish('.. At midnight a meet appetizing Itneh (v(15 served in the hostess' usual gran(: style. The gathering broke tip with singing "Ault Lang Syne," ? s-4- t••i It t With a tnauicme set and 11 31111 wroe address whi031 was read by 11 i. IL lett Megnarrie, Miss Velma Nei l:141. making tlie preseutattiol 011,4, a 41 LI Il: ---\V e feel sorry indeed when we realize that Cur little (13,1511 eirele .s nbont t.0 be severed by your terie•vitl from 114. As teachers and 4-30!111, We will 10354 you when we (4)1 )et for mux hour of Bible study, for 4011 were 41,'l14,111 absent, nlllesE 110.' Ia O''ill:Lilly 5o, and your empty ehttir will )(quint! us of 1be happy and tyro• tit,tile tinter we have spent. together. tee, aek y..0 to aeeept. this ,manicure set, tee for its material value but as a alight token of the esteem in which you are held to us. When you use it. tee hope you will be remminded of y.o(n' 141410'14 School Clare Knox U1111101 M."i,ct3,12. Signed on behalf of the class, H1':LEN McQUARRIE, VELMA NUTKINs. Mise Livingston responded briefly yet atppeopriately to the kindness shown. Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager Monorie'PF Miss Edwina Harvey, Monk tom spent Sunday in this vicinity. Geo. and :Mrs. Rohertenn visited withformer's sister, \its. 71141. 13attiu, at Logan 0110 clay heft (week. AIRS. JOHN RoBeter4ON I)ECE.1$ED.- 0n Wednesday of last week time pac- ed ft mu Clinton Alice ;Matilda Moore (better known es Tilly,) beloved wife of John Robertson, She was barn near Ottawa in 1864, and was a 111et11- ber or the Methodist church 03000 gi11- hood, She was wanted in 1007 to John Robertson, of \Vest M(nil,rnn, and lived in that place until 18 menthe sago when she went t0 Clinton for wed heti attendance awing to- 111 - health, She remained with her siet- ers being unable to return Monte, 1.)e - ceased W110 a favorite of all wholkneav her and her (Leath was very much telt by 31e1' brothers, sisters and acquainl- 101e05, Mets' father died 95 year ago, and her mother 4 years ago. This is the first death in the family 0.3 1) ul cI .414 1414 children. Tier arid 1 d 44 o who mu vivo her ate Wee and David,'l.otonto Rnbort f1.11l1 Albert, Winnipeg Wesley, Mese H Nichol, Mrs, Gnvett, and lire' Maly, Clinton, nines al took place from the residence of her 0181er, Mrs. John Lovett, leri- deay afternoon, to Clinton eetnetel•y Rev, Messrs, Jones and Agnew con- ducting the service, Pallbearers were A. T. Cooper, 11. 11. Chant, 114-. Bouick, C. Cooper, J. Miller and W. Walker, Those present from a dist- ance were her brothels, William and David 1 'reroute ' Nineteen ]1(04-4 Toronto . r '1. ( 1 Nichol, a nephew from Mrs. A. Taylor, 1{irktou ; James and Mrs. Battdn, Logan, and Enes01 Rob- ertson, Monarieil, item a large num- bee of relatives and friends of the vicinity. REMEMBERED BY Tt110 ('HCIIt.---The choir or Lenox chltrolt look advantage of. the presence of Ml's, 1), lc, hiving- Blinn and Miss Mal•ie at the ('heir 3)10" Hee Wednesday evening of lest week and after Marshall Harrison 111011 read the fnlh]lving address It eel glass limey bowl w00 presented to the former by Mrs, Robert Campbell nod a 1'41111'101 to Marie by Mitis Laura Melville, as parting gifts :-1)rs:uta I''utr \1)s 1 -We realize the time is at hand when through (00('11114 11.110149 (Wee 0111011 We 310.141' 110 Control, yen are goblet to Sev- er your relation with Its a4 tnelnbel11 eel time e. Peeling indeed i1 Pmt ch( n. of the 6 of ated»ess, especially when those we are par ling with, its through len?; as- sncialions, faithfulness and sympathy have (von the esteem n1'all the mem- hers it is (1ou1113/ so. We 011;10,1,1y h0110 through the (Mange yen (onteu)• pirate that pint' health m(ly he cone pl(tely restored and you may continue to spend and be spent in the Mast tees vineyard and rant limeto be a Nem co 0.r inspir'alioe t0 those you are )tee d - need with. We, as me'mber's of 1111 'x Olivet' choir, wo11d 111(0 t0 show our appeeci0.tin1 of your services and as a reminder of the happy limes we have often heel in the past, 11N1( you to aece 11 these email tokens of nor es- teem, 7.o you, MLrs. LIvinglto1, this rut glees bell y bowl and to you, Marie, this camera. Tt 111311ng Hutt in the days to mune they 111114 bring; hark fond tenaembrance4 of your 113,' 0.t. Monetielf, Signed on 30.11443' of the (1th•, 1lmientAt,L 1I Attl1IRON, AL1&v, Rowe, 0A1tI'nl''LL, Mtee 1.AIIRA 1)ELM I,Lta, 'l'lle good wishes were teripeovided and the gifts will be tteasuredals don- ate(: by folk with whom good tines were enjoyed. 11'. r .e Fe. !' , After Hydro Contention Urging upon Sir A(i;tnl 1314, k that, the District. which :he} lepreeented desired hydro /mars, 0 huge delega• Mon from Horne and 431 nee Counties eouferred with (t), «11,1311,1(111 of the (mere'' hydro 191-4(1• 1,14` I'nwel' ( 'r111l141io1! at 'Porot it.o Wednesday of last week They sub- mitted a etlatement of their probable regale/4n'1118 laud Sir Adam agreed Haat the engineeee shenlrl be instruct- ed to go ahead and !slake a report. on the matter for thele• The district could be •,u 31341.14(1fr.'ul f sit ria 6'-444 , by' 1111 extoo-•ir'lt •4' rot's from (04derleh, or by an 91;100,4011 Of the Niagara system. The let; ua"411171114.3111 1, a" e011- (4.1 14011 0.114 : - 1.Vi11011401, 5141, h. p. ; Teeswxle4-, 10.0; 131410, 150; Luelt- now, 1(10; Riph'y, 75 ltmc>1rdhle, 254 ; Port Elgin, 3414, • 1".,l',1,.4 ch, 50 : Rta '.'018, 1011 ; Yul•+k }', 1411 Iienve Plum represented lieu'aels. Wroxeter A. \Vella, Blyth, was a visitor at the home of T. A. Gibson last. week. 0. 1). Simpson and family and 1Vm. Case/note left Monday for Loring. \\'m. and 11111• Greer, Marton, are visiting the latter'(' brother, George Pau Severlt11.al soldiers have !leen welcomed home (hiring the past week. The names are Jelin Moffat, Alf. Meehan, Wm. Carter, Gordon Wray and Robt. McKereher. The name of Edgar Low- ry was accidentally omitted from last weelt's list, Edgar arrived on March 22nd end was given an enthusiastic welcome by his many friends. A highly successful entertainment consisting of a sketch entitled "The Four Leafed Shamrock," by t1leWrox- eter Dramatic Snrlety, and a musical program delighted a crowded audience in the Town Hall, Friday evening. Chair was occupied by Reeve Douglas. Musical nnulbrrs consisted of a solo by Limit. A. Blark, piano duets by Mee, (4, Beetle and Miss K. Hazlewood and violin oma piano duets by Robert Ashton and daughter, Gerrie. An in- teresting address was given by Mr. Pnsliff, a returned soldier, of Wing - ham, Another interesting fe0,111114 was the unftuli(Ig of Wroxetet's Victory Loa,, Flag and address by W, S. Mc. Kercher, Proceeds of etntettainment m00110011 to $00.00 which will go to- ward4 a memorial tn0ntime nt for fellen heroes ft this 1( al it y, It I People We Tares«e 4Rrn ec i' Miss Isla Fulton 710, r, . -.1117A .1 her post. Lion in the F m k 23.]31; I Dur '110414:. l3'lrri.4l 44' :] 0.t, d.)• nue,. .1.g) i.0 4/, Sor awl Detroit las' w:., . on leg;tl busi- ness. Mrs. L Parker (vas n 1,itor with ',ter sister, Mrs Fester, Ieiueiodnt, for a few days. R. F. rem nits i4 4711 ler about after its open !tion and teg,i tin?; his strength nicely. Dr, Crane, Chicago, pert a tow -days with W. A. and Mrs. i.ow.,;, PIahatsa 41(041402, last week. John Scott, Parkhill, was ye•ttti:g his ,ester, Mrs, Henry Woods, Aib'.ri street, during the past week. lames and Mrs. Moselle, of Olds. Alnerta, are weiceme vi iters (4! the home of Mrs, W. W. Barri:., Queen street. I.a1ter is a neete. Miss Hattie Downing, who is teaching in 'Toronto, has been ill with the prevail. ing influenza epidemic bet is improving nicely now we are glad to state. Frank Oliver. sun of Mrs Frantz Oliver, of Brussels, arrived at his home at 'I'illsonbure, from overseas this week where he put in several 4-4000 in the service of the Empire. Last week Miss Etnnla Colvin, who has been on THE Posr staff for a numb- er of years, left for a new situation at Tillsonburg She is a competent com- positor and will do'well. Harry and George Champion have gone to Shaunevon, Sask, and Jno. Harkness and Wellington Agar to Win- nipeg, They were ticketed by H. L. Jackson, C. P. R ageot. Mrs. Jessie Kerr and her mother, Mrs. Wee Ross who have been in Toronto and St. Marys for the post few mouths, arrived back to town atter an enjoyable stay (vitt relatives and friends. THE Posr is sorry to state that Jabez lertuvn is not enjoying his usual good health, He was at Toronto consulting a specialist who thought his case a seri- ous one. We hope a turn for the better will ensue. Chas. and Mrs. Nairn, Goderieh, an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Delphiue, 1 , Athol Me- Quarrie, of Toronto, formerly of this locality. Marriage to take place the middle of April. - Pte, Bell Woodley 34:(4 b;eu renewing old friendships in Brussels. tie was a i Ill ria .1 oodl 111 in (loan 1 prisoner one,' Germany g tti Y period t (` teat :ver and an ex- perience the g perience he will never forget. Most of the time be was laboring in n stone quarry and says he would have fared badly had it not been toe boxes of pro- visions: and comforts sent by friends and the Red Cross. Rumor had it he was dead as he was in the class ''Missing" for some time, Pte. Woodley has been to London, Ontario, and received his discharge. He looks well. Monts Teacher wanted for 8, S. No, 7. See advt. in this ieue, Attend the Ward -Buchner Con- cert at Brussels, Saturday, April 12th. Mrs, Frank Martin, Sunahiue, was visiting her sister, near Loudon for a few ds. Doti1tyt forget the Auction Sale at Jos. S,nitlee, 4th line, Thursday ,afternoon of tide week, Sunshine Methodist church anuiver- d n Sab- bath, Will P preached O el' 'w srr,mol b 1 p bath, Apell 13th. 'l'enders are asked for the construc- tion of the Kelly drain and will be re- ceived up to the 14114 inst. See advt. in this issue, a 7.'141 Auction Sale of George Davis, , 5114 line, lest Friday afternoon was a bat 1'e41 and totalled about 54000. le. R, Seel( w'1141 Auctioneer. Next meeting of Council on Monday eltIt bee., when the report of the -Se3 lees drain rand the revised report 03 the 'Mills drain will be read. e114. James Clark, 331131 line, has been ill for the past 6 weeks, as the result many 311 1134-030-4 of paralysis, Her 0.a } friend, wish het a 53)00(14 recovery, Sunshine Methodist 0hurell antli vt'11l i y sermons will be pteached on Sunday 13111 hist., at 2 and 7 p. 10.„ by Rev. \\'. le, Stafford, 13, A., Brussels. A mile gmu'telte lion the same plane will sing at both sorvice5 and a good tee,. 1'+ t'xpe,'t. ed. The 100 epee farm of Jim, Wateon, being North e Lot 18, Col, 6, has been ( • 4-4 Ring,of 1.41st \V iLwa• �.n 1111,1.t 11(1144 t ( 1 u -4141111- ,BL for the atm (r7000, 1 Wawa - noel', 5 e1' gets peseession tit once. N10. Wat- son, who is an old and well known resident, has spent; 55 years on the farm U ansl'nrming it from a hush lot Lo arable 11011'14. He and Mee. %Vat• son and diaughtee will remove to Brussels where they have bought the forlm'1' home of the late T, R. Thom - eon, Mr, Watson has announced to clearing Aectl(1 Sale for afternoon of Tuesdey, 15th, inst., at 1 o'clock, Jas. Taylor will be the Auctioneer. The many old Mende of the Watson family (visit them many years of com30t•1 in their new home, Mrs F liirchill and son Fred, were visitors wile relatives in Seaforth during I the past week. Copt. Dr. Moore was in town for the week out Ile is still meeting trans- ports et Portland heavily freighted with returning soldiers, ADDITIONAL LOCALS SooIAL EVENING -Th, young people's society of the congregations of Melville and the Methodist churches held a soci- al evening last Monday in the school room of the latter which was a very pleasant gathering. Fred. Woad, l't'eei- dent of the Epworth League, -Riled the bill as chairman and the well rendered program coreested of the Eoll n ing ; Opening hymn, "0 Canada" 1 peavey I'v Rev Mr, Mann ; piano duet, Misses Nellie Fox and Stella C - t -y ; 4:13,, Mass Muriel Hoover : reading, "t'he little Minister," Berl Lott ; eeto, Miss Isabel Strachan ; quartette I]y Brussels Cons tinuation school, consisting of Misses Edna McCall, Jean I"ox, Cora Arm- strong and Dorothea Sl:l.fford; Whose who, dealt with short charae'or sketches of Gen. Foche by Fred. Wood ; Aviator 81-4140/, by 31311111 Hazel Stewart , Cron, Pershing; by Miss Margaret Maunders; Lloyd George, by Mss Mae Skelton ; King Albert, by Rev Me Mann ; Gen. Haig, by Rev, el r St +1f,1r11 ; and Lord Kitchener, by W. 11. Kerr ; solo and en- core by D0ugel1 Ftratl,an ; violin and piano dust and errore 1. and by H Mrs Jackson , male quartette by A. Strachan, le H. Gilroy, eV. 1. McCrack- en and las. Pax, Progr:en was con- cluded by a most alalu4311g game called Hhtunu alpitallr' in Which sides Were chosen each person being a letter or the alphabet. When a word was given to spell the petsnies regime ming the let- ters qulekly made their w„y to the front of the room ranging in the order of the spelling and the side doing thin the to -iffiest and correctly won the contest. Mrs. Mettle 1oelr and Miss Flo. 330011• Onan were the raptei11e and Fred, Wood gave out the spelling. Mrs. Speire; sick, won by close martin Game caused ml,011 merriment. Good tench and hot coffee were served, and the audience voted it a very pleasant evetl' Mg. Proece(bl 10ta11e(1 1516.30 'which MIA eivtded between the two societies. Pictures of the notable characters Were Attached to a large flag on the platform, 1'.n Service ,`414-' d s;. TOUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. T. , 11 HE A,,IADIA.N BANK OF COMMERCE 1.11 Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager Monorie'PF Miss Edwina Harvey, Monk tom spent Sunday in this vicinity. Geo. and :Mrs. Rohertenn visited withformer's sister, \its. 71141. 13attiu, at Logan 0110 clay heft (week. AIRS. JOHN RoBeter4ON I)ECE.1$ED.- 0n Wednesday of last week time pac- ed ft mu Clinton Alice ;Matilda Moore (better known es Tilly,) beloved wife of John Robertson, She was barn near Ottawa in 1864, and was a 111et11- ber or the Methodist church 03000 gi11- hood, She was wanted in 1007 to John Robertson, of \Vest M(nil,rnn, and lived in that place until 18 menthe sago when she went t0 Clinton for wed heti attendance awing to- 111 - health, She remained with her siet- ers being unable to return Monte, 1.)e - ceased W110 a favorite of all wholkneav her and her (Leath was very much telt by 31e1' brothers, sisters and acquainl- 101e05, Mets' father died 95 year ago, and her mother 4 years ago. This is the first death in the family 0.3 1) ul cI .414 1414 children. Tier arid 1 d 44 o who mu vivo her ate Wee and David,'l.otonto Rnbort f1.11l1 Albert, Winnipeg Wesley, Mese H Nichol, Mrs, Gnvett, and lire' Maly, Clinton, nines al took place from the residence of her 0181er, Mrs. John Lovett, leri- deay afternoon, to Clinton eetnetel•y Rev, Messrs, Jones and Agnew con- ducting the service, Pallbearers were A. T. Cooper, 11. 11. Chant, 114-. Bouick, C. Cooper, J. Miller and W. Walker, Those present from a dist- ance were her brothels, William and David 1 'reroute ' Nineteen ]1(04-4 Toronto . r '1. ( 1 Nichol, a nephew from Mrs. A. Taylor, 1{irktou ; James and Mrs. Battdn, Logan, and Enes01 Rob- ertson, Monarieil, item a large num- bee of relatives and friends of the vicinity. REMEMBERED BY Tt110 ('HCIIt.---The choir or Lenox chltrolt look advantage of. the presence of Ml's, 1), lc, hiving- Blinn and Miss Mal•ie at the ('heir 3)10" Hee Wednesday evening of lest week and after Marshall Harrison 111011 read the fnlh]lving address It eel glass limey bowl w00 presented to the former by Mrs, Robert Campbell nod a 1'41111'101 to Marie by Mitis Laura Melville, as parting gifts :-1)rs:uta I''utr \1)s 1 -We realize the time is at hand when through (00('11114 11.110149 (Wee 0111011 We 310.141' 110 Control, yen are goblet to Sev- er your relation with Its a4 tnelnbel11 eel time e. Peeling indeed i1 Pmt ch( n. of the 6 of ated»ess, especially when those we are par ling with, its through len?; as- sncialions, faithfulness and sympathy have (von the esteem n1'all the mem- hers it is (1ou1113/ so. We 011;10,1,1y h0110 through the (Mange yen (onteu)• pirate that pint' health m(ly he cone pl(tely restored and you may continue to spend and be spent in the Mast tees vineyard and rant limeto be a Nem co 0.r inspir'alioe t0 those you are )tee d - need with. We, as me'mber's of 1111 'x Olivet' choir, wo11d 111(0 t0 show our appeeci0.tin1 of your services and as a reminder of the happy limes we have often heel in the past, 11N1( you to aece 11 these email tokens of nor es- teem, 7.o you, MLrs. LIvinglto1, this rut glees bell y bowl and to you, Marie, this camera. Tt 111311ng Hutt in the days to mune they 111114 bring; hark fond tenaembrance4 of your 113,' 0.t. Monetielf, Signed on 30.11443' of the (1th•, 1lmientAt,L 1I Attl1IRON, AL1&v, Rowe, 0A1tI'nl''LL, Mtee 1.AIIRA 1)ELM I,Lta, 'l'lle good wishes were teripeovided and the gifts will be tteasuredals don- ate(: by folk with whom good tines were enjoyed. 11'. r .e Fe. !' , After Hydro Contention Urging upon Sir A(i;tnl 1314, k that, the District. which :he} lepreeented desired hydro /mars, 0 huge delega• Mon from Horne and 431 nee Counties eouferred with (t), «11,1311,1(111 of the (mere'' hydro 191-4(1• 1,14` I'nwel' ( 'r111l141io1! at 'Porot it.o Wednesday of last week They sub- mitted a etlatement of their probable regale/4n'1118 laud Sir Adam agreed Haat the engineeee shenlrl be instruct- ed to go ahead and !slake a report. on the matter for thele• The district could be •,u 31341.14(1fr.'ul f sit ria 6'-444 , by' 1111 extoo-•ir'lt •4' rot's from (04derleh, or by an 91;100,4011 Of the Niagara system. The let; ua"411171114.3111 1, a" e011- (4.1 14011 0.114 : - 1.Vi11011401, 5141, h. p. ; Teeswxle4-, 10.0; 131410, 150; Luelt- now, 1(10; Riph'y, 75 ltmc>1rdhle, 254 ; Port Elgin, 3414, • 1".,l',1,.4 ch, 50 : Rta '.'018, 1011 ; Yul•+k }', 1411 Iienve Plum represented lieu'aels. Wroxeter A. \Vella, Blyth, was a visitor at the home of T. A. Gibson last. week. 0. 1). Simpson and family and 1Vm. Case/note left Monday for Loring. \\'m. and 11111• Greer, Marton, are visiting the latter'(' brother, George Pau Severlt11.al soldiers have !leen welcomed home (hiring the past week. The names are Jelin Moffat, Alf. Meehan, Wm. Carter, Gordon Wray and Robt. McKereher. The name of Edgar Low- ry was accidentally omitted from last weelt's list, Edgar arrived on March 22nd end was given an enthusiastic welcome by his many friends. A highly successful entertainment consisting of a sketch entitled "The Four Leafed Shamrock," by t1leWrox- eter Dramatic Snrlety, and a musical program delighted a crowded audience in the Town Hall, Friday evening. Chair was occupied by Reeve Douglas. Musical nnulbrrs consisted of a solo by Limit. A. Blark, piano duets by Mee, (4, Beetle and Miss K. Hazlewood and violin oma piano duets by Robert Ashton and daughter, Gerrie. An in- teresting address was given by Mr. Pnsliff, a returned soldier, of Wing - ham, Another interesting fe0,111114 was the unftuli(Ig of Wroxetet's Victory Loa,, Flag and address by W, S. Mc. Kercher, Proceeds of etntettainment m00110011 to $00.00 which will go to- ward4 a memorial tn0ntime nt for fellen heroes ft this 1( al it y, It I People We Tares«e 4Rrn ec i' Miss Isla Fulton 710, r, . -.1117A .1 her post. Lion in the F m k 23.]31; I Dur '110414:. l3'lrri.4l 44' :] 0.t, d.)• nue,. .1.g) i.0 4/, Sor awl Detroit las' w:., . on leg;tl busi- ness. Mrs. L Parker (vas n 1,itor with ',ter sister, Mrs Fester, Ieiueiodnt, for a few days. R. F. rem nits i4 4711 ler about after its open !tion and teg,i tin?; his strength nicely. Dr, Crane, Chicago, pert a tow -days with W. A. and Mrs. i.ow.,;, PIahatsa 41(041402, last week. John Scott, Parkhill, was ye•ttti:g his ,ester, Mrs, Henry Woods, Aib'.ri street, during the past week. lames and Mrs. Moselle, of Olds. Alnerta, are weiceme vi iters (4! the home of Mrs, W. W. Barri:., Queen street. I.a1ter is a neete. Miss Hattie Downing, who is teaching in 'Toronto, has been ill with the prevail. ing influenza epidemic bet is improving nicely now we are glad to state. Frank Oliver. sun of Mrs Frantz Oliver, of Brussels, arrived at his home at 'I'illsonbure, from overseas this week where he put in several 4-4000 in the service of the Empire. Last week Miss Etnnla Colvin, who has been on THE Posr staff for a numb- er of years, left for a new situation at Tillsonburg She is a competent com- positor and will do'well. Harry and George Champion have gone to Shaunevon, Sask, and Jno. Harkness and Wellington Agar to Win- nipeg, They were ticketed by H. L. Jackson, C. P. R ageot. Mrs. Jessie Kerr and her mother, Mrs. Wee Ross who have been in Toronto and St. Marys for the post few mouths, arrived back to town atter an enjoyable stay (vitt relatives and friends. THE Posr is sorry to state that Jabez lertuvn is not enjoying his usual good health, He was at Toronto consulting a specialist who thought his case a seri- ous one. We hope a turn for the better will ensue. Chas. and Mrs. Nairn, Goderieh, an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Delphiue, 1 , Athol Me- Quarrie, of Toronto, formerly of this locality. Marriage to take place the middle of April. - Pte, Bell Woodley 34:(4 b;eu renewing old friendships in Brussels. tie was a i Ill ria .1 oodl 111 in (loan 1 prisoner one,' Germany g tti Y period t (` teat :ver and an ex- perience the g perience he will never forget. Most of the time be was laboring in n stone quarry and says he would have fared badly had it not been toe boxes of pro- visions: and comforts sent by friends and the Red Cross. Rumor had it he was dead as he was in the class ''Missing" for some time, Pte. Woodley has been to London, Ontario, and received his discharge. He looks well. Monts Teacher wanted for 8, S. No, 7. See advt. in this ieue, Attend the Ward -Buchner Con- cert at Brussels, Saturday, April 12th. Mrs, Frank Martin, Sunahiue, was visiting her sister, near Loudon for a few ds. Doti1tyt forget the Auction Sale at Jos. S,nitlee, 4th line, Thursday ,afternoon of tide week, Sunshine Methodist church anuiver- d n Sab- bath, Will P preached O el' 'w srr,mol b 1 p bath, Apell 13th. 'l'enders are asked for the construc- tion of the Kelly drain and will be re- ceived up to the 14114 inst. See advt. in this issue, a 7.'141 Auction Sale of George Davis, , 5114 line, lest Friday afternoon was a bat 1'e41 and totalled about 54000. le. R, Seel( w'1141 Auctioneer. Next meeting of Council on Monday eltIt bee., when the report of the -Se3 lees drain rand the revised report 03 the 'Mills drain will be read. e114. James Clark, 331131 line, has been ill for the past 6 weeks, as the result many 311 1134-030-4 of paralysis, Her 0.a } friend, wish het a 53)00(14 recovery, Sunshine Methodist 0hurell antli vt'11l i y sermons will be pteached on Sunday 13111 hist., at 2 and 7 p. 10.„ by Rev. \\'. le, Stafford, 13, A., Brussels. A mile gmu'telte lion the same plane will sing at both sorvice5 and a good tee,. 1'+ t'xpe,'t. ed. The 100 epee farm of Jim, Wateon, being North e Lot 18, Col, 6, has been ( • 4-4 Ring,of 1.41st \V iLwa• �.n 1111,1.t 11(1144 t ( 1 u -4141111- ,BL for the atm (r7000, 1 Wawa - noel', 5 e1' gets peseession tit once. N10. Wat- son, who is an old and well known resident, has spent; 55 years on the farm U ansl'nrming it from a hush lot Lo arable 11011'14. He and Mee. %Vat• son and diaughtee will remove to Brussels where they have bought the forlm'1' home of the late T, R. Thom - eon, Mr, Watson has announced to clearing Aectl(1 Sale for afternoon of Tuesdey, 15th, inst., at 1 o'clock, Jas. Taylor will be the Auctioneer. The many old Mende of the Watson family (visit them many years of com30t•1 in their new home, Mrs F liirchill and son Fred, were visitors wile relatives in Seaforth during I the past week. Copt. Dr. Moore was in town for the week out Ile is still meeting trans- ports et Portland heavily freighted with returning soldiers, ADDITIONAL LOCALS SooIAL EVENING -Th, young people's society of the congregations of Melville and the Methodist churches held a soci- al evening last Monday in the school room of the latter which was a very pleasant gathering. Fred. Woad, l't'eei- dent of the Epworth League, -Riled the bill as chairman and the well rendered program coreested of the Eoll n ing ; Opening hymn, "0 Canada" 1 peavey I'v Rev Mr, Mann ; piano duet, Misses Nellie Fox and Stella C - t -y ; 4:13,, Mass Muriel Hoover : reading, "t'he little Minister," Berl Lott ; eeto, Miss Isabel Strachan ; quartette I]y Brussels Cons tinuation school, consisting of Misses Edna McCall, Jean I"ox, Cora Arm- strong and Dorothea Sl:l.fford; Whose who, dealt with short charae'or sketches of Gen. Foche by Fred. Wood ; Aviator 81-4140/, by 31311111 Hazel Stewart , Cron, Pershing; by Miss Margaret Maunders; Lloyd George, by Mss Mae Skelton ; King Albert, by Rev Me Mann ; Gen. Haig, by Rev, el r St +1f,1r11 ; and Lord Kitchener, by W. 11. Kerr ; solo and en- core by D0ugel1 Ftratl,an ; violin and piano dust and errore 1. and by H Mrs Jackson , male quartette by A. Strachan, le H. Gilroy, eV. 1. McCrack- en and las. Pax, Progr:en was con- cluded by a most alalu4311g game called Hhtunu alpitallr' in Which sides Were chosen each person being a letter or the alphabet. When a word was given to spell the petsnies regime ming the let- ters qulekly made their w„y to the front of the room ranging in the order of the spelling and the side doing thin the to -iffiest and correctly won the contest. Mrs. Mettle 1oelr and Miss Flo. 330011• Onan were the raptei11e and Fred, Wood gave out the spelling. Mrs. Speire; sick, won by close martin Game caused ml,011 merriment. Good tench and hot coffee were served, and the audience voted it a very pleasant evetl' Mg. Proece(bl 10ta11e(1 1516.30 'which MIA eivtded between the two societies. Pictures of the notable characters Were Attached to a large flag on the platform,