The Brussels Post, 1919-3-27, Page 84.+0ee0++05.4-+G•iO+0+:+•7'3+04,03•d+i•C4 0•L64•01.044+4) {-04..4.43+44,
Caustic Soda
4-1 ME to us for a bottle of
Colorite and use it on last
ereeret straw bat.
iiiekes it look just like new or
veil enter it most any shade
yen want, to match a new dress.
is eixt.een colors:
"'mese your favorite colors from our
unit curd,
making time is here. With
'"au,tic Soda use up the waste
, tic., and have a supply of
,t : e,p. Caustic Soda ins lb,
. full direrii"ns for Ilse
Have Your
Done Early
Our steel: is complete
with attractive designs in
Wall Paper. We show a
large line of
We handle the
"Ready Trimmed" rapers
See the Samples.
?� Score
Druggist and Stationer
14 W. V, A -These lettere etcm'1 for
the tereat War Veterans Aapociaticn
whose aims and objects were discussed
last Monday evening in the Town Hall,
4- Bru.seis. Rev. Mr. Anpleiard, au
9 Aogliean ,ter vman, WOodttock.
w who w 16 the ttinlalect of the e vcumg,
+ 'Wised the Veit: mid did not arrive here
r It itil after 9 o -,lock, In the menu ° .
$ tine an impromptu program was earned
+ out at the Hall whey short remarks were
l' uttered ly Revels Messrs;emit!), Won
4r.;, acid Stetted, B 8 :sort and+ll. Hoon i , . i ysee
•a' er, of ti u, anti Mr Yore, Winghai -l^se
`e Rev, Mr. Allpleyerd, who served as a
et CiraplaihtVet ewe and won the military c„
e ,ter_
• ria dal fur rota acus deeds, gave an
all c 1 r
iuierea,tiug :attires); explaining the work- ta'r'o 16178 I3 car f3 of the ti� (�I` d. 231
0 rags of the Aesociatlon and tate good
+ work being, accomplished In places I BRUSSELS B R A. N C H, A.3
6 where it was eteabisli.d Objects are G. ejAMIS,
1 1 .®.® Manager,
TF(!k;cleelielet;Ct�ttwrYaAeletteetiereeetteee° uleet"+3 Sit@6,16:+fbW9llfr$fi9v710t9+$0001A'0'i�@AtA1i!
' Ea k e'* ' ^ , c
ee 10X9 D tore t
Eta} h 7` n
OF CANADA u l l 2
ca '1'414. 2 +'•�, ,,� sToR ;' 0
Money Orders and Drafts :are
.4 Weekly' Store News le
f re.
issued by ads Bank 1' ayiib!ta iu ydehYd
��ll WY .-.-....,-..u...•w� J6'cV:, .
tt rIi :IQk17 lions
ADCTIoN Sales still boom.
SKATING is still on the program at the
Neter 'I"nesday will be April 1st.
Water oat.
FotRri1 Division Court Wednesday
of tbie Werk
A car of potaloei was loaded this
week by It i. McCracken.
THE Fire Engine was out for a test on
Tuesday and proved to be all right,
THE tlendeteoo dray came out of the
Ewan shop tins week decked out in a
new `tprieg suit of red and blue paint.
REGULAR meeting of the W. C. T. U.
will he held Frid:.y afternoon of this
week at 3 ,'clock in the audience room
or the Public Library.
Glee txttut s are asked to gleet at the
home ot Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne, Queen
street. Taesdey evening, especially those
who ;lave not taken the tenderfoot drill.
W. A GRE:c'AR, who is 00.44 10 Cali-
forni•,, purple es returning to Brussels
and with that object in view has pur-
clased his former business from Wm.
Little and will take possession next
mouth. Mr, Little will continue to live
in town, we understand,
-Thursday evening of this week, tol-
lnwin:; the weekly prayer service 150
views ( of them colored) of Canada.
Ilalif e, to Prince Rupert, illustrated
Lynne, set Of 6 flags of England with
reading::, and 23 humorous slides will be
exhibited, Rev, Mr. Mann operating
the etereopticon. Proceeds, aver ex.
l .ease., will go to the W. M. S. Brussels.
da t'f last week Elizabeth Mary Angus,
widow of the late Lorenzo Raven, who
was drowned on the Empress of Ireland
c years ago, died at ber home in Hamil-
ton, from influenza, aged so years. She
was born in England and came to Cana.
ria in her childhood. She was united in
marriage with Mr. Ravou at Brussels
Aad the family lived in Morris township
and Brussel::, going later 10 South Da-
kota. Manitoba and British Columbia
and afterwards resided iu Hamilton.
The surviving children are, Mrs. Gal -
1 n;har, Glen's Falls, N. Y. ; Mrs, Rob-
i..s, Hamilton ; E. A. Raven, Van -
c dyer ; Stanley and Lionel, Hamilton.
e lie burial was made in Brussels ceme-
tery Friday, Rev, Mr. Stafford conduct-
i'lg tine service, 15 years ago the late
Mr. Raven renewed old acquaintances
1.1 Brussels and locality. Mrs. Raven
vetea relative of the Angus families of
the CO;nmunitj',
CH-vU'r,ufQUA.-Thursday Was the con-
cluding ley of the Chautauqua Festival
whet: a fine program was presented.
The •maul cousisted of Violinist Ski-
b,nsk., a Russian, who was an artist
indeed ; Hartwell Dc Mille, baritone
♦ tca si, or Toronto, who did his part
t 1;11 Miss Muriel Bruce, an expert
p nni r trod accompanist. filled the bill
teat Albert E. Wig.
and Piet hit not 1 g
lam, who delivered two spleud!d lec-
tures, afternoon and evening. He
dealt wilh recunstruction problems and
touched inany practical points. Owing
to the condition of the roads and sick-
- ess in tit: community the nttendatice
t is ..nmewhat reduced and cousequent-
ly rho f1 t;uicial proceeds cut down but
tie: general consenus of opinion was the
Om Festival was educational, pleasing
mid of live interest. The ladies and
gentlemen of the various days rendered
Om programs with ability and pleasure
and -;ave opportunity of'bearing musical
and iterary numbers out of our reach
excepting by an itinery such as the
KEEP off the boulevard . with your
HELLO ! Did you read the local news,
District matter, &e. on page 7 of this is.
sue. It's worth while,
Moore Young People's Society will
hold a literary and social evening, Mon•
day evening at 9 o'clock in the Metho•
dist church school room. Good pro
gram, games and lunch.
of tow was at Ingersoll h
n I s Il atteadi❑ the
v g
funeral of Leonetd Kern an uncle, who
died the Friday previous, and his 5011,
Lorne Karn, aged 39 nears, who passed
away the day before the father. Inter-
ment took D4ace 011 Sunday afternoon
Mrs, Karn and ason in London survive.
Lorne was unmarried, Mrs. Kern and
the late Mrs. F. 8, Scott, of Brussels,
were sisters Acute indigestion was
the cause of death of Mr. Karp, jr.
8 Store Piga and 7 or 8 tons of hay for sale,
Phone 524. Geo. BAKER, Cranbrook.
YOUNG Durham bull, 1 year old for sale.
Phone 2512. Harold Speir, 10th Con„ Grey,
BTBI iS loot in or near Brussels some weeks
ago. Will finder please leave it at THE POST
Publishing Howse,
8 PURE bred Tamworth pigs for axle. Those
pigs will only be sold for breeding purposes.
They are of excellent quality, their mother
being a prise winner at the local shows,
Phage 4517, ELTJAH PEASE.
BOGS for Hatching -Barred Rooke-frmn
- good laying strain $1.00 for 15 or 28.00 per 105.
TRO0, WaLLIAMSON, Lot 2e, Con, 14 Grey,
Phone 434.
GEESE for sale. Phone ARMSTRONG BROs,
Phone 424.
Fon SALE. -2 Fresh Cows with calves at
Phone 2815 Con f8, Grey,
CHEVROLET touring car for safe, in let Mess
condition. Haa all modern attachments. For
further particulars apply to
61111 street, Bruesele,
SEEP PEAS, alargnidSpring wheat and 0.A.
C. No, 21, fierier, rot esae, AiRo GF0005
months' old buil cal[, HARVEY DOBaoN,
Phone 8615.
BEEP Oats fortieth). 0. A, 0. No, 72, Good
clean seed. Lot 17, Con, 16, Grey, Phone '2810.
sun 0A924. -A quantity of 0. A. 0. No. 71
Seed Oslo for sale. Guaranteed true to name
and free from all noxious weeds and bad seeds,
R, L, TAYLOR, R. R. No. 2, Brnseels,
Phone 2810
MAUDE C. BaVANO announces she has re.
mimed work in her offloe• 005oe open every
day. Hours 10 to 12 a. m„ 1 to 0 p, m. also
Saturday evenings,
DR.PAnilsn, Osteopathia Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of aaah weak.
Chronic and nervous diseases eueeessfuily
treated, Visits residenoce. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel.
F, H. Gilroy, of town is billed as cue
of the soloists at a Concert at Wroxeter
Friday eveniug of this week,
THERE Inas been no general election
for the Ontario Legislature since 1914,
Sir James Whitney died Sept, 25, 1914,
and was succeeded by on, W. H.
THE HOSPITAL. -The following letter.
written from the military hospital, at
Epsom, England, by Corp Harry
Mooney, son of Gordon and Mrs
Mooney, formerly of Brussels speaks
for itself: -DEAR MR. KERR -�'I wOlild
like to thank the Brussels Red Cross
ifor the parcel theysentme for
Society t p a se o
Christmas. As it went to France to my
original unit end had to be returned
to England I have jest received it, I'm
sure I appreciate very much being re
membered by the people of my old home
town and all the snore so as it is some
Years Since I left, Now that the war is
I hope,'n he near future,to
finished r t a
pay a visit to my old birthplace, with
my wife, who has recently arrived in
Canada. Wishing you and all my old
friends' and sgnaintances every hap-
piness I still remain a Brussels boy,
to keeptip cemrulesh' 1 among the re.
turned so tl era, to porserve b f lueope y
0. those who 1 ad died, by apptt pr ate
memorial, provision for care et sick,
wounded, unemployed and the families
of the soldiers, to seek legislation, main-
tain club,s hospitals, Wearies, &c.
Numerous questions were asked and
answered. A vote of thanks to the
speaker was passed on -notion of A.
Deuuisoi and H. Hoover, Tho Nation-
al Anthem couclnded the tneetiug, W.
el, Kerr was chairman. A CA11005515
being made among the returned Soldiers
for members anti if enough are secured
an organ'zttlon will be formed in Brus-
1 People We Talk About $t
tt tt
Miss Mae Wood is visiting at London,
Harry Querin is home from Galt for a
Rich Roe has been poorly this week
but is improving,
Pte. Alvin Oakley is back from over-
seas. We welcome hits home.
Miss Minerva Jones bas been visiting
relatives and friends in Toronto,
Mrs. Stuart, Toronto, was here on a
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Janes
Allan Grant, Kincardine, was here
for a few days visiting his lather, Simon
Mrs, Jabez Jermyn arrived borne last
Monday from a visit with relatives in
Mrs. George Sperling is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Ray Fear, Morris
Mrs. Small and children, of Wiug-
ham, are visiting at the foriner's mother's
Mrs, Champion.
Mrs, Delmage, Rothsay, is a visitor
at the home of her daughter, Mrs, W.
W. Harris, Queen street,
Mr. Lindsay, Kincardine, was a visit-
or at the borne of Wm, and Mrs. Clouse,
Queen street, He is a relative.
'THE POST is sorry to state tllgt Juo.
Rutledge's health is not very good but
we hope for an early improvement.
Mrs. Kerwin, Clifford, and Mrs.
Mrs. obert Dark, Robert Dark,
visitors Queen street, this
Barrister J. G. Leckie, formerly of
Brussels, is now in the office of the arty
Solicitor, 'Toronto. We wish him suc-
Fred and Jack McCracken have gone
to Peterboro' for a couple of weeks.
They will assist in maple sugar making
while away.
Rev E. 0, Powell, Lunn, was in
town In a lew days this week on busi-
ness matters connected with the Arm-
strong esta'e.
Reeve Plum went to Toronto this
week in the interests of Brussels iu con-
nection with a Hydro meeting of repre-
sentatives of this locality,
We are sorry to hear that D. Badgley,
Albert street, has been quite poorly dur-
ing the past week but we hope be will
soon be much improved.
Corporal Speer, Gerrie, was a visitor
in Brussels during the past week, He
is a brother to Mrs Will MtQuarrie and
belongs to the mounted military pollee,
London. He saw service oversees.
Mrs, N F Gerry is visiting Mrs.
Frank S. Gerry, Toronto for a few days
and will visit at the home of her brother,
W. H. Stewart, Bradford, and her
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Merklinger,
Hanover, before she returns.
Mrs. Harry Coutts, of Chicago, is a
welcome visitor in town for a few weeks.
She is a daughter of Mrs. James Men -
z es, William street, and is well remem-
bered by many old friends. The West-
ern Metropolis appears to agree well
with her,
Pte. Homer Barrett, who was with a
klltie regiment overseas, is back to his
home in Brandon. He is a sou of R N,
and Mrs. Barrett, formerly of Brussels,
and a nephew to Mrs, J, D. Warwick
and Miss Grewar of town. Horner was
bora here and we are glad he has safely
W A Lowry is home from a business
tr'p to Cobalt and Haileybury. He says
they ale organising a Huron Old Boys'
Club Or Association in that community.
Sher'ff Caldbfck, Haileyburv, and Joe
McKey Ccbatt, are two of our old boys
in the Northern Zone who have made
Pte, Edward Grewar, who enlisted
with a Brandon Ba'taliou and went
overseas seeing service in France and
and Belgium, and came through un-
scathed, was a welcome visitor with his
sisters, Mrs. J, D. Warwick and Miss
Millie Grewar, and other friends last
week. He will take a position in Madnc,
Ontario. "Ted" was a forrner Brus-
selite but has been absent from town
for a good many years. He still has a
warm spot in his heart for our town and
he is well remembered by a goodly.
number of the town folk.
Church Chimes
Service was held in the R. C. church
last Sunday.
Rev, A. T. Mann was at Inicknow
last Sunday in the interests of the For -
rd Movement.
wa I n
Requiem mass was celebrated Thurs-
day morning of last week iu the R. C.
church by Rev. Fr. Fallon.
The local W, C. 'la, V were in charge
of the Young People's Society meeting
Last Sabbkth evening, Mrs, A. Me
Guire, President, occupied the chair and
addressed a ro bate remarks. Vari-
ous phases of temperance work were
discussed In which Mrs. A, T. Lowry,
Mrs. T, McCall, Mrs, Parker, Mrs, R.
Oliver and Rev, Mr. Stafford took part.
A duet WAS sung by�� Misses Dorothea
Stafford and Muriel Hoover.
Next Sahbtali will conclude the union
services of the Presbyterian and 01ethn-
dist churches which have been carried
on so agreeably Inc the past 3 months.
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. McCallum,
Preshyteriau m+netcr Luck now, preach-
er to the mum) congregation here with
much acceptance. Mottling text was
En 10'11 chapter and sth verse :-'•tic
sat where they sit," pointing out the
many advantages of understanding the
brotherhood of mankind. Acts 20, 23
and 24, from which a most sttnntlating
discourse wee given dealing with Hero-
iam, industry, faith and indomitable
courage of St. Paul, and the necessiy
and urgency of Cliristinu people to more
actively busy themselves in the vine-
yard, was the thence in the evening.
Rev, Mr, Stafford assisted iu the
service. Choir sang a Hue anthem and
Miss Isabel Stracltau rendered a solo iu
Auction Sales
McNTe, 70.-F. S Scott, Auctioneer, has
received inatruotious front the undersigned
prapeietor to Bell by Public Auction at N; Lot
27, Con. 5, Morris twp., on Thursday, April
9rd, at 1 o'clock, following valuable proper-
ty: -1 heavy horse 0 yesra old, 1 heavy horse
coming 8 yesra, 1 fills coating 2 years, 1 cow
due to calve at time of sale, 1 cow calved six
weeks, 1 cow supposed in calf, 1 yew with, calf
at foot, 1 heifer to calve inside 2 loos , •t steers
rising 2 years, 1 eteer rising 1 year, 8 heifers
rising 2 y mire, I heifer rising 1 year, 1 sow due
to farrow Stone 0th, 1U oluutke, 180 hens, 4 (lecke
end 1 drab, 1 Masssv-Harris cnitivntnr, Alas.
eey-Harris /teed drill, Frost, & Word mower,
Deering hay loader, land roller, hey rake, 111ns-
sey.Harrlatinder, set diamond burrows, rid-
ing plow, 2 walking plows, scu%er, set eleighe,
wagon, wagon rack with car, set double har-
ness, set breeching harness and collars, also
numerous other orticles. Sale without re-
serve as the proprietor has rented bis farm.
Terms. -All sums of 55.05 and under cash;
over that amount 0 months reedit given on
furnishing approved joint nates, 4 per cent
off for molt on credit amounts.
JOS. H. SMITH, Proprietor,
MENTS, 841-10. S. Scott, Auctlnu"Nr, hes
reeelved instructions from the undersigned
Proprietor to sell by Public Auction nt Lot 26,
Con. 11, Grey Township, on Fridav, April
4th, et 1 o'clock, the following valuable prep•
arty ;-1 mare 10 years old, 1 horse ll years old,
1 Peroberon mare rising 8 yesra, 1 Pereherotl
mare rising 2 years, 1 gelding rising 1 year, 4
cows supposed in calf, 2 fresh cows, 4 ulcera 1
year old, .2 heifers 1 year old, 4 steers rising 1
year,igs weeksers old j2idozen 110118, young Deing Med. calves,
er 8•ftcut with sheef•aarrier and truck, Deer•
rug mower, hay rake, Giant seed drill 10dnvd,
turnip drill, wagon, buggy, cutter, disc Mir.
row, sot of harrows, No. 21 FFle.ury plow, gang
plow, root pettier, gravel box, 5 tole hay, Cap.
ital ator, Daisy churn grindstone
good Voice, lents-,els people will he to
glad to hear Rev, Mr. McCallum again
Apit'M. --111C9rey, On Slash 17t11, 10111, t.n air.
and. Mrs, Maxwell Abrsoi, a eon [Noun 0
Moeolie.l ey
CII 101 , inAM,-111 Grey tRey Cut, on MitrOtR
101(1, in air. mot Mrs. Hey tmnnhl ghxuL a tL
(&:8 Dunbar')
Fttl1onso..--In Tot'nnto, on ergutt1 23rd, 10111,
to Air. and Mut, George 1spi'gusnn, fl son txj
0000: -In tit. Joseph's hospital, .SeHamilton, 5r.
an march 21st, 1010, to alt'. and Mrs, Stew-
art Scott, formerly 0f Brussels, 0 amt.
DuNDAu-C.'A111'PlloLl,.-On 014r011 10th,11(111, nt
20 Oriole Gerdeus,'ruronto, by [Rev, .1. A,
Turnbull, D. D., 71r. F. Stanley Dunbar, to
Mise alm'gevet A. ulnmpbetl, both of Ethel, 10.51
� G4
RAVeN,-In Hamilton, on Murch 200)1, 101U, i 02
Elizabeth Mary Angus, relict ot the bits G
Lorenzo Raven, formerly of Hru.00ls, aged , 05
59 years. e3
Tenders for emlett'notfng the Pryre Drain tit ..
the township of 01nKillop, and the Dickson
Drain in the Townships of A[eRillnn noel Hut• • f9
let, will be received by the undersigned until 0
April, 14111 1919, or at Council meeting at "ea- i t0
forth on April 16th at 2 o'clock p. m. .0 W
cheque for 5", of con tenet price to funolnpally
each tender, the lowest or any tender not 05
necessarily sweated. PInus, 741 , clay be even td
' 4 ,on. r it to . 00
[.G the Ulu rhe olllce, Lot 2 , <' 7 M ! 1 P
01. Amann', 1''tll 1 C
Seated:1i P. 0,
Tenders Wanted
Fall Wheat 52 00 52 IU 0
Spring Wheat 2 05 2 05 9
Peas 1 00 1 5e
Barley 80 811 Q
Butter 42 41 et
Eggs 37 37 0
Hogs , 1s 25 la 20 m
Wool 05 60 eg
Potatoes per bag 101 1 05
Hay - 15 UU 15 00 p
Wool (unwashed) 6th 06
00 (10
aioNDAY, 111.1000 U1 -Form stock, imple-
ments, S{.., Lot 17, Con 15, Grey. Salo um•e-
aSrVed St l p. m. MARTIN MONAIR, Prop. F.
S. Scott, Aue.
WEDN1:SDAY, AvelL.N0.--lrarnn Stook, Inn-
Snle at 1 p. ere, Div d(.Send(ers, Prop. t1 F. S.
Seott, Ane.
ti x.:40.632 a^�Ycsvrr7_tr EP.'N'-'("9i2
04, l,N1DIN(1 TIME again and Of 41(111180 P'orinttldehyde
lento ns well, Our product in the past bits always
given splendid results and 10,4 ('an 1108114`)0 out customers
that, the supply which wo have just received fol' this
5eitenu'S nse in of full Government Strength. Pinup in 2 lb,
old 1 lie bottles.
Null directions Inc 11440 0u 140011 1101,110,
x `s`; i.
all Iaper
HESE bright days cannot but remind us that Spring
time is with lis again, btingiug with it the necessity
its well as the pleasure of brightening up our homes.
New Nall Paper as a rule enters largely into this
proposition. WVe would like you to ootne in and see our new
samples, The line enntprises many attractive designs and
rnlorings for Kitelteu, Bed Rooms, 138111 Room, Balls, Living
800111 and Pntlor,
Stick fast
The g
realest cold
wale. Paste ktwwu,
loud:, iuslanUy %villi
cold haler, Put up
in 1 pound packages,
enough to melte one
gallon of paste. Full
diPeet inits un eseh
Mucilage. 20e each
oiled Nor Trip Plant Food
Sp p
"Then your wife tlld-
n't el,jny her frig lo
Niagara 1"
"Nu ! the mintier. she
saw that rushing. haler
sho began to woml01' if
she hadn't rime away
l'toul home (0)111 left the
hath lob fawret open,"
Plants, like human
beings, in order' to
grow strong and
healthy ! require
nourishment. 1V8
strongly recommend
liowicers' Plant Fond
for this purpoee, you
will be delighted
with the restyles,
2`11 and 40e. picgs.
t:,ter?*4,+2t>;taeozomvo0eeef400000oeseS eseeer''ieoeceeeloaeemeee ('e
Mock, Mi le•
.' nn. -Farm to
• s. Y % of J t
Tnt n nA
Miele -
meets. os,'Lot 27, Con, 6, Morrie totem
ship. Sale nnu•esorvrd at 1 p. nt. Jos. H,
AIln2R, Prop. F. B, Scutt, Ano,
1`(t IDAY,• APRIL 4.1'1, -Firm 010,11) im,1a-
113ente, &.a., Lit 20, Con. I1, Grey township.
Sale unreserved et 1 p.m. elm. UARNOCHAN,
Prop. P.14, Acott, Alta.
APRIL -,arm stock im lo-
AfoNonY At 7242. -Farm
unres, ved Lot 24, Csu. 14, bleXi0011trlhHtO Sala
unreserved, at 1 p. m. MOODY' HOLLAND,
Prop, P01 1, S. .colt,. 0T
)its, tt Y, Anile BTR. Irl, G steyoco nohimplp•
uentu, r e , Lot 15, Con. 17, Grey township.
Sate unreserved at I p, tn.
F. 13, Score, Atte, HENRY CLARK, Prop.
H crEft111HBPfl1' �}++++'i'tirJ+,1•,4'Y•l++•/"I„1..++++4,•:'•1'•i'F•l•*++f++•1++++•h+++•Fd•4.4.4'+•Fd.4•,4.+4.4•+++++.1.4.+•++++++++++++
and numerous other' articles. 41016 unreserved •r' •• 4
as the' propri etor has rented his form, 'Pelona A': [* 9 • _ •
-S5 and tinder eash,over that ammut 0 mos y, : .,..e 5 A' , ,1,credit on famishing approved joint note., di A !''T €€ § f +
count o'P 4 pot Dent nilowed off f r c . h, ` 9 f[1. �2lr. 'f ..rl. r r'AR HAN Pna Unto I' iC '1 1JNO C NO t -
i t_, bellEarli
MENTA, 7o,-10, S. Scott, Austtnneor, has ,I, +
received inatractions from the undersigned +
proprleter to sell by Public emotion at Lot 4 Steil •
p Eith fo.8 +
24, Von, 14, MaILEilop Twp , Monday, April 7th + n �.�
at o'clock, the following valuable property:- + �:�p!a H ID H
1 draught mora 6 years old, 1 heavy draught .}• l ikai Ever
horse rising 5 ears old, 1 draught horse 6 4• 133F® +
years old, 1 driving horse rising 7 years old, 1 ,1, •
driving horse 0 years old, 4 fresh cows, 1 new 4. �ilitw-,z,. .9r. ?':'::isejaa111=4J''1,'1::s„",Ri... 'rc- .r.,azen:tr'n5? *fir •
n=' c2414,ST . N,,"7 - : E., r^ "•."""= F9fatb>r 7r mao-ia .
tine to calve Aprl1 1811t, 1 cow due to calve +
April 20th,1 cow supposed to salve in Nov. 1 +
heifer supposed to calve in Nov„ 1 registered .1. _ 5,, ,� 1
Durham hail, 2 yearling steere, 1 Sam If.JI of the II (fit tjq�{ ®®® {�q+p� r(�t�,, 1!,t�I /�,'•�$ tyty
heifer, 4 err Cl'a 2 rears old, 4 young CalVea,_ 11 I 'Y Sa a G S�A'S1 �'�• �'"'y u t i " " 1 i rL the �+1 •1•
pigs weight «bent 175 lbs., Iti '•F
about IOU lbs., I therobred Berk, -sow rine -to
farrow May I0, 20 barred rock bene, 20 White l 4.'
Leghorn, 1 Warred Rock cockerel, 1 set
double kerne-5, 1 set plow harness, 1 set
single harness rubber mounted, 1 ton buggy
nearly 11610open baggy, Portlend critter,Me-
❑ormlek binder 0 ft, 40)1 sheaf carrier and
truck, Deering mower 6 fb eat, Deering hay
ralte 10 ft nearly now, MoOarmiok ettltivator
two Bets teeth, lend roller, Maxwell hsylo0der,
John Deere manure .spreader, McCormick
fertniz4r, 15 hoe drill nearly now, 4 section
diamond berrawo, harrow cart nearly new,
Oliver riding plow, 2 farrow gang plow,
walking plow, sot of bob -sleighs with flat rade
and bunks, lumber wagon, hay rack,stock
rack, Ohathmn fanning mill, gravebox,
wheelbarrow, disc, 5ttg111' kettle, set shogo
new, hay [ort: car and ropes, Pater Hmrdlton
cutting box, gasoline and ooal nil ,Internstion-
el engine 1� H P., 25 collie dry wood, coal,
potatoes, Bine Ren o'00111 separator, 2 water
bnrrols, 20 grafin hugs, 2 ladders, sot of wire
stretchers, pea hm•voeter told bundler, King
washing machine, deity alum, 8 kitchen
chairs, lounge, turnip sower, turnip puipo,
cyclone, grass send solver, steel range nearly
new, parlor Stove for coal er wood, dress8r,
white Iron bedstead, coal oil heater, cradle,
B doz. gems, shingles, 00 bus. Golden Drop
seed oats, 262 btu, feed oats, 800 bus, mixed
grain, t ton shorts, 4 bags bran, 80 bags chop,
bus. time, toll of Hmeoatoad fertiliser, cedar
posts, 50 bus, nemesis, whifiistrees, forks,
chains, shovels and numerous 1ob115r articles,
Sale will be without reecrve as nroprlotor 1150
sold hie farm. Terms. -All stuns of 51000 and
under 008h ; over that amount 10 menthe
credit given on furnishing approved joint
notes, Discount of 4 A off for [nigh,
, 6300017 10017.450, Proprietor,
Farm Property
In the Township of Morrie In the
County of Huron.
Pursuant to a power of sole contained in a
the tim Mortgage e, here will be ffferedd oro sale
byublic notion et the Ameriarn Hotel in the
Village of Brussels on Saturday, Ole nines
teentl11157 of April, A. D. 1010, at 2 o'oleek
p.10 n, by P. S. Scott, Auctioneer, tate follow.
ig Imide and premises, that is to soy ;
All end singular Oita certain parcel or tract
of land and premises oltunte, lying and •
1118 In the Township of Ms Morris in the County
of Heron and Prov nue of Ont5rio and being
oompoeorl of the South half of Lob number
Tweetyalx in the seventh (tonoeusitnt of tho
said Township of Morris, containing one
hundred acres of lend more or 1050.
This property is situated about three intim
from the Village of Brussels and is imitable
for grazing ppnrp0860.
TE8515 005 8ALR ; Tell per Cent of the par.
apace money op the day of gala and the hal.
ante within twenty days thereafter.
The property will be offered pubjeot to a re•
served bid.
Further perticuitu•a and 00nd1Eions of gels
wit! be made known at the time of ante or 2007
be had on nitndeation to the undersigned.
Dated at VI Ingham 1)118 Mil day of Mfa,'oh,
A, D, 1015.
F, S. SCOTT, It V A 11AT014E,
Brussels Ont, Wingham Ont.
auctioneer, Vendor'e Solicitor.
e nt
dl f1
Similar Reductions in all other Lines
Boys' Heavy Boots,, all sizes, regular $3
to $3.50. Special Sale Price 1
only .,,
Children's Dongola Shoes, Tans
and Blacks. Special ,..
Misses' Rubbers, sizes 11 to 2,
regular goc. Sale Price only...
See Patent Leather Shoes in
window, worth $4,00• Special
Men's Heavy Shoes, all sizes,
worth $5,00. Sale Price ..,
Youths' Heavy Boots, regular
4• $2.50. Special only .,
+ Gents' Pine Shoes, all sizes,
.1. worth regular $4,00. Sale ...
3 50
1 59
Ladies' Tans and Black Button and Lace
Shoes, also Low Shoes, worth 2 10
up to 14.00. Sale Price -
Misses' Shoes and Slippers, i
to 2, regular $2.50. Sale Price
Men's Leggings, worth regular
12.50, Sale Price only
Men's Heavy Luiimberman's Sox 79
worth $1,25, Sale Price ,..
Gents' Two -buckle Overshoes, all sizes,
worth regular $3.75 -at your 2 00
own price •.. ,,,
Men's Heavy Urus Blucher Shoes, all 3.;
sizes, worth regular $5.00. �2 -
Sale Price ,,, ,.. ,,. r.7 v
Come with the Crowds a
'-1 E
Lin cDonaid E
Our Prices are Right and we are bound
to Clear out our Entire Stock.
+4444+ 4 i•4 F4•t F++•F+ S f++'r i t h F N 4 N+tpt.+ F F i tl!4 h l 9 M4 i 4 4 F NP F4 F{9 F F t *9 D h 6* G!6 blM4