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The Brussels Post, 1919-3-27, Page 4
dot trai cis uSt rill?1t ;I)A v. 111Ak''11 27 18''9 taxi 111 to a. wuli the Welcome Home wee 10 the soldier 'adv lied the O d Boys' Reunion to be held in Brussels on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, July 2e, 27 rind 28 Everybody is expected to lend e b- cad as this is everybody's Cele -le -over .,u er 'Pens week the Toronto Daily News passed out of the newspaper world aid in its piece will be issued the Daily Timea, under a new organization. It is to be hoped the partisau acidity of the News will not be counted as a nauseate asset to its successor. CANADA has attended to her book- keeping over the war and has figured out a bill of $1,5oo,000,000 against Germaev. It will be submitted to the Reparation Committee. War is a terribly expense game to play, to say nothing of cusses that money can never redeem This old world needs Peace badly enough. 'PREY have formed a Peony Club in Loeden, Ont., for the purpose of stimu- lating the development of their civic flower -the Peony. 5000 members are being counted on and the city is expect- ed to look her gayest fu Nature's Mil- linery. Brussels Horticultural Society is desirous of making a step in advance in Tem in the beautification liue also, Will you juin the Society ? MANY a town is waking up to the "buying at home" idea and find, on in• vystigaeion, it is the only way to com- pete with city organizations that are slowly but sorely, some people think, crowding the villages and small towns off the map, Read the papers and see what the locaibusiness folk have to say to the people of the community. If they have bargains let the probable Purchaser know of them. RUMOR has it that Sir Robert Borden, Premier of Canada, may accept the re- spensible post of Bririsb Ambassador at Washington. At this juncture in the history of Anglo-Saxon relations it is most important that foundations stable and properly laid should be well guard- ed as much of the future success de- pends upon this indispensible factor. The B•itish lion and the American eagle will have a large part to play in the coming years. J1LGING by the tumult in the House of Commons the Government looks upon the Western farming community much after the pattern of the lusty cry• ing baby in the arms of its father and no milk in the feeding bottle. Tinkering with the tariff is on par with any other kind of '•tinkering,•' generally resulting in an unsatisfactory job. To bit a medium road to travel on between high protection and free trade is a puzzle to the best statesmen. Not much wonder that the little party of politicians, an- xious 80 stand by their party and in- cidentally to keep an eye open for graft, is on a merry go -round that be can't get off because it won't stop long enough. t . The big interests have bad their hand in the bag long enough, monopolies have followed in the wake and the ordinary consumer bas had to pay the piper, A politle8l Moses is evidently badly needed at Ottawa to get Canada out of Egypt and headed for the Promised land. HON. W. J. HANNA, M. P. P., for Lambton Co., and a well known resident of Sarnia for years, died Thursday of last week at Augusta, Florida, whither he had gone 2 weeks ago seeking health. Stroke of paralysis was the cause. Mrs. Hanna and a daughters survive, His only son, Lieut, Neil Hanna was killed in Italy lest November. He was was au aviator. Hon, Mr. Hanna was a clever man. He was born of Irish origin in Adelaide Township, Middlesex County, Outride, in October 1862 He was ad mt ta i to the bar in ago, became a 1 counsel in 1 08 and was early v con v t. 9 y known AA a very successful company or corporation lawyer. He unsuccessfully eoutesn.ed West Lambton, Ontario, for the House of Commons in 1900, hut was elected to the Ontario Legislature for the same constituency in Igoe and rep. -•.e2eut=-:d it In the local House till 1916, when he resigned his seat. He was Provincial Secretary from mos till 2916 In 1916 Mr. Hanna was appointed food controller for the Dominion, which posi- tion he held for about a year, He was heed of the Standard Oil Company. Iiri ti have been bad but they are drying up. levee? $1,00 now in Brussels Horti- cultural Society and help beautify your premises by the bulbs, bushes, &o , you will receive. Some motor cars are still running with 1918 markers and without rear 11ghts. It their owners are faced with the provisions of the Motor Vehicles' Art in court they will feel very much aggrieved. r~a, ed. TRUE is no use whatever in sending connunnioatious to 'Perk POST, or any other reputable paper for that matter, without •signing the name, They will not be published. The name is not necessarily required for publication. 1. 1.1..1. r slat l: rests' Attention I; have installed a complete Vulcanizing Plant and are prepared to do all kinds (af Repairs 'inti ROtreading cal Ant(' 1'111•'1. Give Uri s trial. Priced reasonable. Listowel Drilling Machine Co. Listowel, Ont. mse Mte 88 Mee 88 Memorials Unveiled Lieut. Scott and Flight -Lieut, Shier Honored at Earl Grey School, Toronto, .4,. memorial eervicc was (•ottducted Wednesday afternoon, 12th inst., at Earl Grey school, Jones avenue, Tor- onto, in honor of Lieut. W. F. Scott and Flight -Lieut. Morley It. Shier, when two enlarged photographs were unveiled. Both had been assistant Masters at Eats Grey School before enlisting for overseas service and both had made the supreme sacrifice, Lieut. Scutt in August 1918, in France and Flight -Lieut. Shier in November 1918, while sewing with the R. N. A.. S. in the North Sea, The children and teacher, assembled in the Melia and assembly room of tate school and among those present were P. Scott, Lieut. Scott's father from Brussels and i1r. and Mee. Shier from IIx - bridge, Inspector Henry Ward unveiled the memorial picture, and mode a. touch- ing address, paying great tribute to the noble young men who had given up so remit to fight for King and Cnuntry, Peiln'ipal R. G. Elliott offi- ciated and Trustee P. M. Douglas de- livered an address. A number of the assistant masters from the other city schools were present and several spoke feelingly of the esteem in which Lieut. Scott and Lieut. Shier had been held by their fellow -teachers, Mrs, Brine Scott and Barrister J. G. Leckie, of Tot onto, were also pres- ent at the unveiling. Brussels Continuation School Literary Mooting .A. function of pat Limier interest at Friday's meeting was the presen- tation of the Honor roll, which was designed by Miss ,Mamie Hall, the - names being printed by Mies 1llortis. Miss Cora -lrmsbrong, as Pr esident, read the address and f(1iss Mary Mc- Nabb as Secretary, presented the roll to Principal B. S. Scott. Address was its follows :-"As Presi- dent of the Literary Society ik is my pleasure, acting nu behalf of the stu- dents of 1918 and 1919, to present to you as Principal of Brussels Continua. that SrhoI this Honor Roll upon which is inscribed lbs names of those former students of Brussels Continua- tion School wan served King and Country in the cause of Fteeticuu tjlur- ing the Great War, We ask you to preserve it and assign to it e. conspic- uous place of honor on the walls of the school room tliat it may serve as a fitting ineuiorial of the services and sacrifices of those who loved their couutly and gave themselves iu the hour of her need. May it serve as a continual reminder, to all present and future students of this school, of the sacrifices that have been nla(le in their behalf, of the great responsibility which is theirs In maintaining the principles for which these struggled and of the undying debt of gratitude they owe to those who found "The path of Duty was the way to Glory." Tn accepting the gift on behalf of the school, 1Ir. Scott congratulated thestudentsupon the execution of a, memorial worthy of themselves and a fitting tribute to those whose patriotic deeds were thus commemorated. It should serve a5 a constant source of inspiration for pleseut and future stndentl to emulate in times of Peace the heroic spit it and devotion to duty displayed by these in times of war. Touching referenee wag trade to those opposite whnse I3101)es the golden stale ler ()claimed their last full measure of devotion, clueing with a recital of the following poen):- Morris Council Minutes of Council meeting Held In Township Hall, Mortis, Feb. 2.1111. A11(11 tors' report was 1'0001 yea, examined a 11 adopted after 188 it res were read, 11('(11b1'(5 of Council (201'1' 111at1e a commit tett to al ange for some fitting memorial for the soldier boys who fell in the late war belonging to this Municipality. Following accounts were laid :- Gen, Edgar, road work for T. Fell, $6 00 ; Peter McNabb and Richard Johnston, Auditors, each $10; A. McEwau, Registrations 510 60. A. MCEWAN, Clerk, Lieut. R. A. Glut! Writes from Loudon to Ills Parents) Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Bluff, Stratford, Formerly of Brussels The following interesting letter was written by a well known Strafford officer, Lieut. R. A. Cluff, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cliff, to hie par- ents, Lieut. Cluff went overseas with the 161st Battalion and was badly emended in the chest by the bursting or a shell during the big drive on August 801 Met year. Since then lie has been undergoing h•eal•ment in the I. 0. D. E. Petrograd hospital, Audley street, Lander], England. Ilesidee giving a first hand account of the notable wedding of Princess Patricia of Connaught to Conoco ander Ramsey, R, N , he supplies encouraging infor- mation regarding his physical condi- tion which will be welcomed by the many friends of himself and family in the locality. Canon Westlake is a friend of Mrs. J. Brown, of Stratford. The letter in part 15 as follows : DEAR MOTHER AND FATH1s'Ii,-- Sorry not to have written before. I thought I would wait until the big show was over. Canon Westlake sent ale two cards for the wedding of Princess Patricia. We had read in the ne(nspaper the day before that the seats were all allotted so I was very fortunate. Tlie 14i, 0, and I went and had (t great experience. We got a taxi (Ind drove to the abbey and found the steeete lined all the way. ''They were very few vehidles on the router as it had been closed for the procession, and several times people took .s for the big hats and waved frantically, We got (lumped off at the wrong en- trance and had to walk along, before crowds of people to the door. I never saw such a mass of people and assured- ly,they were having lots of fun with te "coppers" who were trying to hold them back. We found our seats were right a`t the entra93', one row from the front and so we saw nM there was to be seem, except the ceremony itself, The parade formed up in front of us and the bride came in and fussed up fora few minutes before starling up the aisle, The King and Queen breezed in and went straight forward, The Queen Mother was there too, I missed Commander Ramsay then, but had a good look at him when he came down with his wife. She looked very happy and nice, but I don't think she could be called beautiful. I was asked to describe her dress when I got back her t, but all I saw was a bunch of lar i y stuff and a 1 rte bunch of flower( at 11e1' waist. She had 081 ii long 118111 burne by two pretty little people dressed in kilts, The kids were gig- gling and nearly falling over them- selves. Princess Mary was chief bridesmaid. She is very pretty. We saw some beautiful women, one especially, just across the aisle getting most of my attention all the time I was there and could see her. When we grit ontsi(5 I discovered that the 11, 0, had been staring at het' too, s(1 I believe she must have felt well "THE SCHOOL AMT. NOT ' O)5192T" _ We don't forget while in this dark Deoember We sit in school rooms that sot( know so well, ) ""`^""'^^` And hear the sounds that you so well re' member, The cleric the ani Otherse'nothing ) 1. There's n ,t nn Mete i Latin You know we Wedon't f ' et you In the Wintry eath r S11 K y 1 3, W e: You men the tronrh or Grains) the frozen snow: We play the games we wed to play together In days of Peace that seemed so long ago' But through it all the Scouting and the ohee'tng Those other hostq 1n graver 00818ict met Those other sadder sounds your ears are hearing, Bestirs we 'tort forget. And you our brothers who for all our pray- ing, To this dear school of ours come book no more, Who 11e, your country's debt of honor pay- ing, ay ing, And not in vain --upon the Belgian shore, Till that greet defy where at the Throne in Heaven, The books are opened and the judgment set, Your lives Por Hn»5r and for 8''001109 given, The School 91110o1 forget. The Roll contains 43 names and. as fax as we know is a complete record of services of 811052 -who abLended Con- tinuation School, 18o8p� was on are- hibition in \\Talker & Biack's store, rying Pest, the chapel bell; 1(1 111'0)518 you Sot 1111 e saxem nttnretherennd et y a e (the same old Greek and HENFRYN don't forgot, WTI.'. o11r friends who send us items ` s i plainly This is of news p ease write pin n y 7 narticular! important in the matter of ames, In seeral f our news items we frequently have to draw ou our 1m1gi- 8101ion for initials and the spelling of names, which may explain errors where our guess has been bad, STORE nAVING purchased the stock of Miss Fraser, at Hen- fryn, anti received a new supply of Grocer iso, Dry Goods and Gored Meats, we are now in a position to satisfy the wants of our customers at prices that will suit all, Special prices on Dry Goods and Blankets, these selling at belov, present Whole- sale Prices, Flout. and Peed carried in stock, Cali and see for yourself, Highest prices paid for But- ter, Eggs and Oream delivered at Dur etoee. Ha L. Stewart IIENFRYN STORE se'Utlnized, it wag an experience to mesh pass teal generals and heat' sulne- ou0 talking to' > cat. Indl,Iiip" he ded you. It 11,1•- t1,,•-lveli'.I hunch 1 el, r fiat Mixed up 18 1111. 1\, 'et r Inrl:y PilolIt;h to gel no a (dale i.1 1001 owl catch it Mus h,'1'el0 the rrnwd biukn, 'Phe M. U 11,„ughl 1 had stood 1110 11(18' rentalkablV well, - 1 hada (8(tik (villi the M. 0, 81111,83, coming home end he say's 1 May heel tip and get (8 reugl11 enough to ('tre y ort an bel'o1e, (111y if 1 had 111 live a hat nnwnul•working life 1 ,'light he Obliged lu lun0 107 0811+.8 rtti',ret egad), 'Thele 1218 revile. of vouree, and part of 11171ight lung is collapsed but he says it in meet-felone the amount or -1(11111 ti.asu!' Inlet -till 1e - 111a1112, eonsid(8lug the 11 jury 1 gut. It is still diselkuging a hit acid 1 111(1 oougl,iug;( tulle, but this I, ail de- creesf„g amt toy anoliglb is ('1(111114 back amule) fully. In tart llie 11, 0, advised tee to go to au institution, the only one of Its kind in existence fur the treatment (-1' (Meet oases, for' the purpose of havieg my chest raised, I ant going to he examined and if thought advisable w111 stay for a few monfhe. - This is honestly all the worst there le 60 toll about Myself. I 1'an wear my ltulir 1101, and 9011 go out every clay for wants told thieve, The sklpper and 1 went to see Elsie Janis in '1.1ello America," the other day, it is, I think, the best thing I have seen ()vet here, It's 110 trick to enjoy all•lhis sort of life, 'There are all sorts of flee treats ror patients, 13n.) McKenzie is in the hospital her just had the "in" but looking fat and strong. Tim Bisltnp, of Trinity, is on khe next floor with a broken femur. Perth County At the general meeting of the Wal- lace Cream and Butter Go„ 1110 share• holders voted to instal to Whig skim- ming plant, Directors have since contractedtora Sharpies machine and apparatus. J, Guerin, Straifold, and formerly of St. Paul, 1111111„ lite been left a email fortune in the sum of $15,000, willed to him by an uncle.. For past 2 months Mr, Guerin has been em- sployedin the Grand Trunk repair hops Stratford. Befmme the wan' Guerin was in the United Slates navy for sante 1.11110, being an A nlel lean by birth, CAR OF hitg�dens �F''7,e ., WANTED Anybody having such for • sale kindly call A. Leitch & Son Phone 5210 Cranbrook d•fi•d•,y:}'f••,'••t 4.1••P 1.4,4 1'9'•.'•0'-3••F"i•2.4.•.44 -. Si � b ®k t. Farmers' Club 4• Has on hand a quantity of 4 4' 4 4 fi 4 4 4 4 4 Cream of the West Flour 4' Shorts Gil Cale Meal A Choice Lot of Groceries Grass Seed and Root Seed expected shortly. 4 •1' The U. F. 0. has purchased re ,4. seat on the Stock Exchange, 4' West Toronto, with a capable 4 staff in (Marge. Cranbrook Club t• ships every Salurduy. + Poe further particulars apply to 4 3• Ed. Fulton, Sec...Teem, Oranhrnok Far, Club 4 Phone 285 4 4 4.444.4.1.444.++44.444.4.44+ PAITING Ewan Wdlhianrison 'Wish car owners to bring along their Cars and get them Painted and made to look like new, Reasonable PPICes, All Buggy Painting done 1 ikewise. COMM ONE,, I COMB, ALL 1 WE WILL PLEASE YOU. EWAN'S GARAGE BRUSSELS DOCTOR SAYS VINO[ IS ilif B[ST TOC Honest Opinion Doctor Gave Hit, Patent Bedford, Ohio. --"I was in a pitiful condition, weak, nervous and rMt down so I could not do my housework. I had doctored for years and tried everything under the sun. A friend told me about Vinol. I asked my doctor about it, and he replied, 'It certainly is the best medicine that can be had today. I couldn't give you any better.' I took it, and today I am as well and strong as any woman could wish to be, and it was Vinol that saved me." -Mrs. Frank A. Hot, key, Ash St„ Bedford, Ohio. We guarantee this famous cod liver and iron tonic for all such conditions. 1', 111, SMITH Annual Spting Pair• will be held in Mitchell on April 81 h. '1', M. and Mrs. Litt, Mitchell, (tele- hrated their golden wedding miniver - eery al the home of Jnu, and Mrs. Gaul, 19 «'ate,' street, Stratford, Mrs. Gaol being it daughter, Irl a short time Knox church, Strat- ford, will have tee) beautiful memorial windows in honr of members of the congregation W110 fell 111 Met 1011. Ladies' Aid is erecting lune and the other is belug-given by a few mem- bers of the congregation. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STO('1(, I181 ebincrO're, &c, -F. S 81,08): A(ctiov'o• has received htstruetions from the uu,1,,' in' 011 Proprietor to se13 by Public Auction at N- Lot '24, Con. S, Morris, Friday, March, 2atli, n 1 o'elonk, the following volt -table property : 1 heavy mere 0 years old, 1 heavy mare 0 years old in foal, 1 mare rising 13 years old, 1 mere rising 2 years old, 1 driving horse n rens 0111, I gelding colt, 1 cow dee May 20111, 1 row does ()Molter 14th,1 heifer doe May 2nd, 2 steers rising 2 yours old, 2 yearling steers, 4 heifers rising 2 years, s pigs 2 months old, 1 sow, 10 Leleenter sheep, lee lions, 2 18(20)', 1 *ogler, 2 White Leghorn cockerels, 1 Deering mower, 0 Pt. out, 1 Massey -Harris binder 7 ft rut 110x-, 400 bus, of onto, 200 bus, of hayed grain, 10 nuns of mixed hay, 1 wire stretcher, 200 fence elnts, 1 fanning mill, I set 2000 lb scales, 1 cutting box, 6 window frames, extension holder 82ft, quantity of hemlock plank and scantling, wag- gon, hay rack, pi rack, buggy, (utter, road cart, wanting plow, Oliver gong plow new, disc harrow, nuttier, nerd drill, 2 sag har- rows, set of slelghe, grindstone, steel Tele wheelbarrow, set of plow harness, set breech- ing harness nearly 110w, set single 11ar11900,,1 quantity of tile, 17 cords of dry wood, 200 ft of rope, 1 oil barrel and oil, whiflietr,•es, neck - yoke, forks and chains, a wood heaters, 2 ex- tension tables, 0 kitchen chairs, 8 rocking chairs, 2 sideboards, couch. 2 bed:, mills eon, Delaval cream '00pa•5803', 12hunches of lath, barrel churn,'2 robes, roll or fenrn wire and numerous otter articles hale without reserve as the proprietor has sold his term, Terms -:F5 and under c,Ish,over Bunt amount 11 mos, credit on furnishing approved joint notes, dies count of 4 per oent allowed off for t+ash, (082018082 DAV1S, Proprietr, ADUTTON BALE OF FARM 13T0('I( I11PT.E- Beasts, CC. -8','(4 Scott, Auctleneer, has received instra0iuns from the and Brei geed proprietor to sell by Public Aneticn at Let 17, Con. 15, Grey township, on Monday, Mush015t, at 1 o'clock, following vnhlalIs 111, p,- - ty:-1 Clydemnto 10 yea's old in foal, 1 driving mare 6 years old, 1 Clyde mare rl-ing 2 yea's, 1 Cllydu colt rising 1 year, 1 2,01101'011 mare 0 years old in font, 1 Pereheron ken gray geld - )ng rising O;yenrs, I Perchornn colt ri.hlg 1 yr„ 2'1,eltere 2 years old. 1 ether 2 y'nrs old, Il steer's rising'2 years, 3 heifers rising 2 years, 1 heifer riming 1 year, 1 registered York say a 0th litter at foot, Massey -Harris binder 7 f8. out with sheaf carrier nearly new, Massey -Harris 170(8'- er Wt, cut, MassoyHarris 10.98. hay rake, himm- seyHarris dim ha'ruw, nassey.Ftarris colli• vator with wide and narrow teeth, Noxon seed drill 12 hoes and 0911115 teeth, Wilkinson No, 21 plow, two-ftn'row gang plow, scorner, set of diamond harrows, get team harness. set plow harness, set 211121e harness, Cole funning mill nearlynew, Het of bob -sleighs, to b e - 1n V It p buggy, wagon xnd 1,n 1(i•P 112 1()'k v� w x. t r till ear, gravel box, sot 2000 lb. 1,02110 root pulper, wheelbarrow, ladder, loggi g posts, 8'3ain bgs,1Pab t01)111,' 0lg chain, . alma t e grain bags, 00115 1100 hes. O, A. C. No. 72 seed oats, about 0oa. feed O.A C. quantity u teed burley, aboe, 200 nue, feed n1f, , be,,fGat (lever hal', twine, at sett, 70 ry0, of Gold Medal stove (wioo, quant t3, 1,f dryrvoir and peokseat- hVoo(t or ooul 8'8'[111 reservoir and pipes, heat- ing stove with plpus„pnd drum coal oil stove (vitt oven, 01150•'7 bet roonl suite with springs, iron bed with springs and mattress, 13 kitchen chairs, 2 dining room chants, sideboard dark 1luinh, sideboard light finish, extension table, gnlvartized wash tnh and wringer, bolter, )neat barrel, Delay Mown, eight day Monk, tin and granite ware, preleeve 51,001- and 0th o' artlohes 10011118509005 to mention. Implements are all non rly new and 1,1 good repair. Sale unre- served me the propl'ieter has Hold his fano, Te•lus,-A 11 Hams of 111,00 01111 under cash; over that amount 11 months credit given on furnishing approved joint nates. 4 per cent off for mesh on credit an(nunt0. MARTIN 9loNAIR, Proprietor, AU0'7TON SALE OF FARM ST0016, 10 PLE- MIdN'r8, 2111. -1', S. Scott, Aacttoneer, hes received ins tl'uotols from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot 213, Con 10, Grey Township,01) Wednesday, April 2nd, at 1.3110 o'rlook, the following valuable ()roperty :-1 mare 1-1 y mute old supposed 111 % 0181,1 horse rising 7 .ya' es, 1 horse ride 6 years, 1 driving mare 6 yrs. old, 2 Clyde iill0s y 2 rising 2 1'0' 0 coy'( ,1 Hupp need ,1 calf, e fresh yp )1 cows, 1 0 Jost bre heifer est calved W \V I H 11 1 e j j brad, 1 (1,m of 6'011 Duran m boli, 1 fat cow, 1 farrow cow 1 heifer rising 8 years, milking, 1 lteiter rising „,years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 8 calves rising 1. year, 2 steers rising 0 yearn, 2 young wolves, 7 fat cattle if not sold previ as, 1 soV with 0 pigs 1(t foot ready to wenn et thee of sale, 11 store hogs 1 Berkshire bona, 1 yoln now bred, 00 white Wyandotte and Plymouth Bock hens all I year old 2 white Wyandotte toasters, 2 ducks end 1 drake, Prost C Wood binder, 7 foot nut, with sheaf carrier and 1'0,011, McCormick mow"' 0 ft., new, Prost C Wood bay loader, Front C Wood hay rake, 2 walling ploWs, potato plow, Crown gang plow, John [Rime corn cultivator, Join Deere hay Bernier, Bisset land roller,50581ie', turnip Hower, Noxon seed drill, 1(hoes, Massey -He rris cline [trill, wagon 2 hi tiro, (vegan 2 in, tire and box complete, wagon fl8,, the, hay and stool, reek, set 4 sec, diamond Ila•r0W5, ,lieu harroW 2 buggies 1 nearly new, cttter, set bob•aleigks, 2 gravel 110300,2 sugar kettles, wheelbarrow, 10 tooth enitivntor, 8nrnin wire etre(alter, steel, 2 fandng mills, root 1'(008',8(311200 1b, sales, milk cart, harrow cart, Delay (Morn, lawn mower, set heavy hreeehiug harness set plow harness, set single harness, 1501ms, 0, A, C. Nall oath 120 bun, 0. A. 0, No. 72 oats, 20 bus, Cody White oats, quantity of Peed oats, 50 bus, barley and wheat, 40 1111'), Delaware potatoes, quantity of hay, quantity of salt, 1000o 11. dressed led pine, q0811(1y o rough lumber 1 panel die's 8 mods of IO in. wood1quantity of rough woes, 400 odar posts, Do Laval 01`05111 separator 000 1b5, enenelty, 2 milk eons, 00 lb's, hinder twine, lounge, organ, 2 bedsteads, springs and rea61re00es, kitchen table,neat heater, 2 parlor choirs and 1 rocker, 00501en, Portes, rakes awl numerous otdhol' artinles. Implements are ell ,,r nrly new angale d it nod rented nor. 18910 rnre1rn•vo-d a0 ra g i Terfor All ureofarm and going West.151' Terms, -All 51110of(5 and endo 0,011 ; over that amtnnt 8 months r.l edit gtVen on Pnrnish• ing approved joint notes. 4 per emit off for (lash on credit nmnmrta. DAVIDSANDEete, Proprietor, A.11. McDonald, Clerk, Iittlll0llml��ll�i`�'6�t ��IWII49Wat4'7WY7AW9t��W1I10'�Jerp� Do Yos,. Need Anything in FFEL til<t 1l` away that !poly ' fall l89 Kra lie 0118 let IIS su)1111)' j('(1 001111 it n(:\. •011(:. li'-lvr a nicer stock of 1, reanlfxy Cal 0, Milk Pails in several si/es, Water Pails, Tea Kettles, Granite: Roasters, Kettles, Sauce- pans, Double Boilers, etc., at very moderate prices. Ask to see them, We are always pleased to show our goods. Give us your order for Sap Buckets, Highest Price Paid for Produce. R. C. R T H ELL, Moncrieff ` 1111011111 VVIDIIMVVVV 111111 IIIIIIIVIV1IVIIIDVIIVIIVVIWIMIIIIWVIWIIIIVIII@IIVIIVIIIVV@IVVIVSHIVVIDIDVVIINIIWV➢WVWWIW111111LENIE 1BI For Sale Housennd lots, conteining 091 acre(, in the Village of Crnnhrook, the property of the Irate irs, Agnes brown, in offered for Sale, Frame house, barn, fruit trees, CO. Possession 00012 1st given at onee For further particulars ap- ply to I11 as. Tans. CAMgeoN 1(l• W(4 ClAMMntN, Executors estate of the late Mrs. Agnoa Brown, Crnnbroolt. Hog for Service The end ensign eel will hoe]) for sore kW on Lot 2', Con, 11, Grey township, a thorn' bred York- shirehog. Terms :tl un. 80.0 WILL, MITCHELL, Prop, Buil for Service The undersigned t) ill keep for eeervie,, on Sl' Lot 80, eon.:, hlnrr is tow 113,1110, the Clorl'dmed Short horn 11011, (lain ford of Salem, No. ' -110419 Sired by C4ainGmxl 01,11(10(0 , lietoteei ; Dnn1 Bilking] VII ley Royal sailor 118821' Pod., levee may be seen on nppli(atiou. Terms-- 0100010"thnrr;•broris payable at time of sets vine with priviirge to r,.1 m, Grade vows nut allowed. '7808 01Ee('E, Preep,de Lor, imrAe LOWeSt Prices r'mick ents It 10. Binder, sheaf enrrier and truck.,,.,. $215 00 7.ft, Binder, "21 00 Corn hinder 210 00 8.18, Mower 70 60 11 -ft, Mews,' 02 60 10.11, Steel Enke, 82 teeth 51 00 Hoy Tedder 1'5 00 Combined Side Rake and Tedder 111 jai Largest Menthe Spreader 1119 00 11 Dim Fertiliser Drill 141 00 u•1t. Steel holler. O6 6n Scotch Diamond Harrows per section, 6 00 (Climax Wagon Gears, 34arms, 24 x 3,4 In, tire 80 00 Engines, (Ireton Separators Plows and otherImplements correspondingly cheap and a liberal dis,'on1(t for cash. Order early. 91LNE, - Ethel Notice to Creditors In the 01,109 of the estate of Annie Dutfo-,1, late of the Township of Grev, m Ole County of Huron, spinster, deceased. Notice is hereby giver pursuant nt t0 the Ne. vise,' Statutes of Ontario, Chap 121, that all persons hearing claims 1'r egeinet the estate of the said Annie Dunford, who died at London, Ont., on or about the 17811 day of January, 10111, are required on or before the 20th day of March, 1919, to send by post, prepaid or deliver 10 the undersigned Administrator of the mints of said deceased, their Christian and surnnn)es and addresses with all part, - eaters of their clonus, a ,tatemenl of their (*0080(0 end 010 nature of the security cif 0113111,ld by them duly verified. Further take not150 that after the lest mentioned date the Administrator of the said estate will emend to distribute the 10' sets of the said deceased amongst the partes entitled 11100,45 having regard only to the olefins or W118011 Ile „hall then have enter, as aforesaid, aurl said Adndnist rotor, Will not In, liable for 211,41 assets or any part thereof to any persue or persons of whose t•Iainl notice shell not lmva been received at the time of sunk dis1rihntion, tinted this 12tH day of Month, 1019. OLIVER HF,(IINl+WAY, Administrator. R. lt, No. 1, Brussels. Notice to Creditors I1 the matter of the estate of George McCall, tete of the Township of Monis, iu the County of Huron, farmer deceased. 1 Not(Oe is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors and otters having 015112, against the estate of the said George MoCall, who died on or about the Sixth day of January, A. D. 1010, are re- quired an or before the First day of April, A, D ,1010, to send by po-8 prepaid or deliver to Win A. Glottal!, one of the lrxecnto's of the lust Will and Testament or said deceased, at Welton, P. 0„ their Christen and Surnames addresses ural descriptions, the Poll pertleu. lays of their (Maims, the51n15nlnnt 01 their ae- neun1s and the nature of the securities cif any) held by (115(11, Aral further take notice that after such hast mentioned date the said Exeentors will pro - reed to distribute the assets of the degeesed among the parties entitled thereto laav0m re- gard only to rho clahne of which they ghat Blum have entitle, and the said ltxeeutu,'s will not be liable for 11,' said easels or any part there- ef to 0114- Person or persons of w1(050 claim notice shall not have been received by them et the time of such distribution, Dated. at Waken this 12811 day of Meath, A. D. 1010. - GW EOM., F, A. MSCAI,L, 22 Executors. 1'ICO`ALL, S e e 3 (4 88 p :f) s h a 0 1a 20 81 9 Es 6) 1. --v 61 Ia A Caoaseoelaooecocaeooseoctoeco2020@15aaoaaa©eaasesaceasesstr1 ith '�.. 1fJvante of i. n Spring m a s e if V as Your u Used Buggy Needs it, have it Repaired ed 09 to ql 40 49 Q1 to \ ou will be getting in shape foe Sumner use your Machinery, Buggy, etc„ some part of (vhicti may need repairing, Much expense is often saved by having such work attended to berate it is really tirne for using. and Repainted. We do it 111 a careful way, with prompt ser- vice, of the hest of ml8tefials, guaraneeoing you an lip -to -date job and to your entire satisfaction, an in MI lines of (meal • Blaol(smilhing, Aorse'shoeing, Wood -work Repairing and Carr 'age Painting and at 01moderate 111'1911, RUBBER TIRES We apply all sine of Solid and Cushion Carriage. Rubber'l'ives on your channels. Rubber twarra1Le(1 to be first quality, We (10 not use the 119(linar7 grade, 1111SAOHINERY REPAIRS e have 111 stock over 1D� U U nnnsrd Repair pares, Ls exact d o h - (n es nl the o•i+l1( 1 metes of all Deering, I\llctlnlck, '.nsL & Wood and Cock011ult Implements, Look your Machines over and order needed Repairs early. It will help us to give you better ser/leo, reOB When in Naafi of a Plow hay a famous finery Selected for long service and superior week, they excel all oth- 0 ers. Wehave ellenn also 1811 originel Shares, etc„ foe Finery, a) a Wilkinson, Oliver, Percival, Porten, Frost & Wool, Tudhope- 0 82 Andersen, Cnekehutt, No. 2, Nip, Kangaroo, Punch and Judy 0 a Plows. 'There are many substitutes but ask fur rho genuine ; (rt ehoa e i 1 the n(1 limo I r l o t a t ally hniLutiol, s e From a large Stock of Superior Manilla McCormick 81nc1 Deering TWine we give yen the lowest (nota- 6 0 Lions foe either immediate o' f11111re deliveries, protecting you 111 agal net any 111ot16'1110 ad V11.112.2 11 price late' on, Our prices are right, risk us. Then order your (1500801897 supply and call for it when needed. WAGONS AND BUGGIES It' you want tho best deep in. We are pleased to tall( ever any- thing in this line 1111th you at any Lime. 20 is r8 0 Ei 0 s Ss 0 1(t H The PHvm BIac-ksn(9ith Shon 0 LI Phone dix - Ph0 .one 83 b