The Brussels Post, 1919-3-20, Page 5m
Sale Giiiii On
F-, it Shoes
Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers
Robes and Blankets at Seduced Prices.
ichairds & eo.
�VII�I�IIImIDV I�IipI11101 i, t.eI11111111 illiifilNll@IiMMIIJIIIidIIG
I iia II Ilp
recently elected -a director of the
Standard Reliance Corporation in
place of the late L. P. 13. Johnston K.
O. Mr. Grant, is a well known sue-
cesssful lawyer of Toronto and his
wide experience will be a vahiable as-
sistance to the directorate,
Wish car owners to bring
along their Cars and get
them Painted and made
to look like. new.
heasesable Prices.
All Buggy Painting done
COME) ONE! C011E Af.L 1
Wits wrLr [LEASE you.
Has on hoed .IL quautity
Cream of the West Flour
4.Shorts Oil Cake Meal f
• A Choice lot of Groceries I
' • Grass Seed and Root Seed 4.
4 expected shortly.
, • The 1J, P, 0. has purchased a
+ seat on the Stock Exchange,
4.• West Toronto,with a ea able4,p stall in charge, Cranbtook Club j
5 ships every Saturday.
'a lot further particulars apply ,p
q, to
* Edt, Fulton,
'1' Sec. -Tees, Cranbrnnk 'Gar, Club 3
t, Phone 285 1
+4• 4+'hd!+.114 5,414,404. ;' .5.5+'Ntitd:+4.;.++
Rent Ft G. Poole doing Duty in
France, Writes Mrs. Alfred
Lowry, His Sister-in-law.
A short time ago Mrs. Alfred
Lowry. received tate following letter
front Rev, P. G. Poole, a beothet•-in-
taw, who has been doing duly as
Uhaplaiti in Peauce, Mts. Poole (who
was Miss Lily Sharpe,) formerly of
Brussels, is also overseas doing her
bit as a nursing sister ;—
Da,,ue IDA.—J•eceived Lhe lovely box
front t1e Brussels Red Cross whiclt
you were sa kind to send. IL was
waiting here on my return front my
leave in Blighty with Lily. We had IL
very pleasant Little together but would
have been very glad had it been pos-
sible for us to return 10 Canada at
that time, bo4vevetthe [Must wait and
be as patietrtaas possible.
Will you please convey my wannest
thanks to all your good lied (hose
people for their generous kindness.
P,ojoyed n piece of the cake last night
with some Canadian coffee before Ise
tiring. We owe a great debt of grati-
tude to our never failing' Red Clouse
Society, The assistance they have
brought to our boys iti hospital I shall
never forget. I was in charge of the
Red Cross sttppties in a hospital for
some months and I can assure the ap-
preciatiou of the men was beyond
power for expression: We would
often hear them saying, "Gond old
Red Cross," "Good old Canada" and
"God bless who ever sent that," You
have your reward in the hearts of the
teen though it may never 'be express-
ed for your heating.
We are located at present in a very
pretty part of the valley of the Meuse
t'iver, South of Liege, I have little
6 a
saddle horse which I take great
enjoyment out of the tides neer the
hills and down the valleys. I au ex•
peetiug to go to Liege„ and Oulogne
early next week Mee, day' or two, Of
course we ate all /toping te, get buck
before .Easter, at least.
Lily is still at- Pnikstone and is
awaiting word as• to when we will be
able to get back together, 11 all de-
pends on when I can get away.
Things are still very dear here but,
not quite so bad awe few Months ago.
Butter is only $2 50 a Ib, and eggs nil.
1 -
obtainable, except very rarely, at two
Francs or about 85 cents each A man
near here paid $2000 for a very orditt•
at y team of horses a short tiute ago.
Now I !ferret away to ehurcb as 1
have a long ride this afternoon. Give
my wannest love to all the family
with a good share for yourself. V..ry
heartily. P11.130.
life in Austria
The fallowing letter written by Rev.
T. 1,. Welsh, missionary ill Ausltla,
was received by &It's, It, Shtu'pe, of
Crystal Oily, Manitoba, (8011 of the
late A. G. welell, fornilerl,y of Grey
township) who says :-'-"Phis letter
was opetted'by Lhe Censor and is the
first real letter we have received site..
war was deela'ed. Very little news
and thatnf the most gunrded nature
has been received. A statentent-was
reeeivud last Nnvembee showing that
he had teeelved most of the money
that WAS sent hien :—
Debt erznn, Austria, Dec, 0, 1018.
I have already posted you a let-
ter which I doubt whether you will
receive and I have just foetid how I
may send one wtieli you will be sure
to receive soli wt ile annth•'r.
I believe that 1. will soon be ab'e to
go home, but ttttleh ale I should like to
see- you all I will twain here until
Spring. It was very hind Pot' toe to tell
the auahotities I dill not wish to go
home now, when f Wee (1141( ir1 ac-
ed to go. Tr I went house now what
would 1! begin at this time of the
yam.? And here I have aniteli rnere
work Lltatat I can do, I earn 1i@0 and
$10 per day, (T t ecrive $1 a lesson) and
as much as I think my health will
stand, Everything is so terribly deaf
it takes all 1 earn to keep me with-
out counting Clothing.
I received from you 5 oe 0 Iettets
during the tear, 'l'he fastwee itt July
I( rue o f f ather, s death. I
have wrd.tett yen many lettere, es.
poetaally during the fitst part of the
war, but, believe Sett have 11(01 t'eeeiv-
0(1 intttay of them,
I lived very well clueing this war,
The people have used tne the kindest
possible, Perhaps it would give you
the best idea of tiro treatment T
have received just to say that De,
Votxar, at whose borne I write this,
and °there have offered to lend rue.
tern's' tf 1 Wei e bl n,,, el. Ntone in
:my away !et mei,-'1 tit .1- 1 oras r:f itt'.
.\ ud I1tt1V tvh,tk i.t.t ce•,, utelet 1 angry
i•, to met: how l.laie t 'twlty 1, being
trental by tut' pall y alter they have
l.hrowt t'1' Iota old rulwe and a1411
111 Velli 1''' 1 a+t de1e0t1"11, F",nl 11001,1,
tVln1 111010' 41 OM ala' Ill OII "t t'nntti at
hetart, '['heir rtunlry 1" u, he alwu t
Laken I'r"nh llevn tvithuun the Mal rer
here being omt'o really emit, into,
P1et"ie write me the "etve of ell that
has happened during the last J yew's.
\Vitt! love to all, 'Com.
Captain leen F. Jackson
Writes from Germany
Earns French Decoration
The following letter was 1eeeived
by H. L, Jaelome, 13r'tweeltt, from his
brother, Capt. L. F. Jackson, (diem
commanding, who has trot only seen
sirenuous days itt the recettt tear but
had a never-to-be-fm'gotteu experi-
onee in tite South African conflict
Ctyttttin Jackson lute been itt charge
of a battery :---
11kI.11L Bogner.—I have not written
you nor have I heard from yeti for
some little, Aly !oilers in this line has
been due to our long, tit'eeonte march
through Belgiutn and up into this
countty beyond the Rhine and also the
fact that since arrival at our destina-
tion here, until a few tlaye sago, I have
been quits ill with the "flu" of the
Spanish variety, en 111tit'It so that I
thought toy heart would "peg out" on
two or three nenasiou. To be laid up
like that is bad enough at any time
but it is much worse when one finds
oneself at such a time' living in a
hoose in Ilse midst, or "'quare heads"
instead of friends, however 1 tun be.
ginning to feel somethitg-like myself
'1'Ite tnwo the at a in iv to the East of
the Rhine, about 12 kilometres front
Bonn, the noiversl1y city and not fat,
distant front Cologne, both of which
places lhove visited, All the towns
and cities het eabnuts are eon fleeted ttp
with electric cat lines on which a very
good service is given, 0P course we
do not pay any fares as they are
owned by the State as are also the
railways. The street railways are
called ' Strassen bahu," turd the steam
railways "eisenbahn." I have learn-
ed to talk quite a little Getman but I
don't like it as the words stake to big
a mouthful. It is not a trice language.
)fu:nuh is a lovely latgnage and I Aral
speak, eettd and write it with facility.
i do not know when we are to start
for Canada. We may get home in
a couple of months or perhaps not
until June. Nothing seems at all
definite except ata' longing and itt-
patience to be on the sea homewaul
bound now that the fighting is all
Over, 'pn see the economic and in-
dustrial condition of this country and
the crestfallen and half-starved pec•
plc, is to tealize how completely the
Gun 110s been conquered. Am en-
closing a picture taken on the markt
plate. (market place) here. I (Inc this
platz for my horses and wagons and
have all my officers and men in mouses
and in beds. Of ceues0 it is a little
inconvenient for the Boches bat it has
been mightyht
for most
this past
4 years, so
should worry. It does not bort my
conscience a bit to
ut good,honest
Canadian soldiers its their beet rooms
and best beds,
You will perhaps be interested to
learn that in general orders a rumple
of days sago I was awarded the "Orthix
de game avec etoile en bronze,"
This all meads "War cross with
bronze stare," It is a Preuoh deeot' a -
Lion and considered quite a flee one.
I suppose some French General
Will come along one of these clays
and fotmalty present it on parade,
kissing the 011 both cheeks as is cus-
tomary on such occasions in that
noun try.
I trust that you had a good Christ.
teas trade and that business is keeping
up, Thete are still some lent years to
come I'm afraid but ()amnia and the
States should not feel the pinch so
touch as European Ottouteies,
Your loving brother,
L. P. JAo10oN..
Sapper Aylmer Aitcheson
Writes Mrss, C, 0. Forrest frbm Cologne,
Balt, Mils, Forte-este—It is my
pleasant duty 1lile tuuriting to write to
you in tu'knnwledgntent Of the splen-
did well pocket! box, I think I know
wily yeti have deuce so ulnen I'or me
an r
end f cl asse you what T have
rinse iv only cnusideted my tinly and
atm frying Lit fulfil the task set t'ot' me
its this nld world, I rnusicicr .1 have
been very fortunate in being spared
mud given the privilege of etlteting
Germany and .crossingt, the mighty
Rhine. When Otte Lhinks of so many
of our poor' conn'ades who have given
of !heli lives an that Canada could be
represeuled al this great day, we cat -
not think it otherwise than a high
honer. Taking my cavo case Lor ill.
Stiaant:e. I haven't, been in it 1t year yet
lnit,1 havetly training and seen war
and its awEn] h+udships. 'truly we
have seen life Nom every side and it
!hasn't been all sunshine, but when I
get downhearted and feel discontent-
ed I think of the way T atti arid have
been backed by 111e good people in
Canada and you come in rot' to large
share, I think, 111's, Forrest, I am
not worthy of what you have clone
for ole and if I have helped anyway
to give to the people of Canada that,
freedom they enjoy then I have done
my duty and I give you credit for
heaping me to keep up spirit and
courage that is certainly needed very
badly at tittles.
It was with feelings of sadness and
sympathy for Bella that I learned of
her friend's d43al11 and esptolally lLL•
time when the dawn of Peace was
breaking and he W101 had (Intro so
11111Ch to bring about such a time
should not be permitted to see it.
13a here we can turn to the Good
Hook and receive comfort when it says
"Greater love bath no man than this
eta.," and truly this is his cast,
I only got here in time to see the
uw/ Por 5
inB. Bn
__. a 'hill
Farming is "big business" of the biggest kind. Canadian farms yielded $650,000,000 in exports of a'irit•+titnt:t:
produets Iasi a car--ucttrl); $100,00(1,000 greater than the lnannfactnred exports for the same period. 'This, il; a•. -
iitiottothe huge .sol rood i a I arum of old eels metat home,
'>, t 11r i 1 p1T1 P,
'Pile modern farmer't equips
hln It
not only with the tat eek information as to histrade " but eith�1 .
grasp of world's affairs, Ills place of business must be made worth living in, not only for himself, but fee his el ;•
and children, for they tree his partners, In a souse, which holds good in no other "business concern.'• The rm. -1
valuable information to hint, therefore, is that whieh tells of prices for his products.
The Toronto Daily Star prints information daily, clearly and accurately. The market reports are front
Torrent, Chien go, rind Winnipeg, and cover cattle, grain, dairy produets, vegetables, hides, and wool.
In addition The 'Toronto Daily Star carries daily the news of the world for that day—presented by all im-
pressive .array of special correspondents. - Home news, too, bright, crisp, well-written. Big events writ-
ten about in a big way, and printed so that "grandma can read it."
The Toronto Daily Star Is Useful and
interesting to Farmers
`!'here is a earl deparimeut for "Mrs, Farmer, •' a Womapi,s Page, which reflects things which women are inter-
est ed u1 from. woman's standpoint, There are clean "cotults" for young and old, bedtime. stories for little folks,
and dressmaking !tints for the mothers. The Toronto Daily Star is a. safe and profitable visitor to invite into any
home, 'I'li' farmer "needs -it in his business"; his family needs it for their education and enjoyment,
Von catlot. read The Toronto Daily Star for a short while without feeling that it is "the paper you need," The
truth of '!Tris k shown by the many people who, sending in a trial subscription for three months, renew
their subscription for 11 year before even the three months' period -expires. Send iu your subscription now. We
will mail The Toronto Daily Star to yon each day at the following rates: for 1 month, 25e; for 8 months, 75e, for
li months. *1,Gi1; for 12 months, $3,00,
Cut Off This Coupon and Mail it oto -day
'Co Publishers:
"Toronto Daily Star, Toronto:
Dear Sirs:
Please enter me as a subscriber to The Toronto Daily Star for .. • •. • . • lnontths--for which
please find enclosed stamps or money order flat • •,' • • • .. •
Name and address in full . • • .. . .
Please ,mite Plainly mud Nay whether Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Bev.
finish but those who were here before
me have licked old Kaiser 13111 and
tanned his country. Peace is at nue
doors and tertns may be of such a
nature that will snake many things
straight but there are many instances
that motley never can buy or make
right and all down through the ages
Germany's history will be blaekoued
avit.l1 crime an( 1 shame,
Now before I rue off the end of this
paper allow me to thank yott and all
he others who had shared in packing
Unlit a good boxy I appreciate what
yeti have clone for roe. God willing 1
will be home for another 0iht'leIt as,
1 an sending yntt a picture of the
I Rhine and in the backnround you
see the mighty Oolghe Otheda.These who havseen both of these
will never forget tltertt, I will explain
more frilly when 1 return, Iiop•
ing this will find you all enjoying the
very best of health. 1 ate yoat, sin•
care friend,
Cologne Jan, 0th. Silt, ATcratitesoter
The writer Sappett Aylmer! Aitcbes-
on died shoetly after writing the
above, letter, A'Lacknnw correspond.
eat says of liim ;--"The flag on the
Town Ball is flying at half -toast on
account of the death of Aylmer
Aitchesnn, son of Thomas and Mrs.
1est n nt this town, which necurr-
eft at Nn, -18 Casualty Clearing Station
in Germany, Sapper iiitcihesott was
taken iii on January 15th nod died,
of cardiac dilation, Fre was cue of
the tnoet popular young men to leave
Lacknoo, From the yona est thhild.
to the oldest person on the street
everyone know and lowed him, Ido
was President of the Young Men's
Bible Class of the Piesl,yterian cbnrelt
and President of the Guild when he
enlisted. He possr'ttked a dorso base
voiet', and sang tit the choir, and also
in tire Aiteltesntt quartette, He alert
took an active mart in any benevolent
enterpr"se, and wee one of the most
energetic members or the primal°
Club. He leaves besides his mother
and father, 8 brothers, one 0lifi dt
present in England, and one Meter,
HO was in his2.1ttt year, and Wats 1*
the ist Eattalion,