The Brussels Post, 1919-3-20, Page 4post
ILIAta 11 -a1!ilq f)
Bl, a Booster.
,,,,o,uuo is the tidy salt) the Pru.
vifce el trotario has to pay in interest
her pi.eeirleiel 1ebt.
Bxteleers needs a new flag. What do
you hunk about a good Community
Concert to meet the expense of it and a
proper flag staff ? There is plenty of
talent if everybody was ready to do their.
"bit," Let us have a Hag.
Heir beintify Brussels by becoming a
!)ember est the Horticultural Society.
Membership tee is only $t.00 a year for
which you receive about $3 0o in return
in bulb.:, flushes, fruit trees, &e, of
your own choosing. Invest.
Qt sec Pioviuce offers a clear deed
of a farm to every returned soldier who
locates in the' Province. When is On•
redo going to make their plan plain
enough to be easily understood where
we are .rt in the sane matter ?
THE United Farmers' organization
has purchased the Weekly Sun publish-
ed in Toronto and will continue it as a
weekly to test out the support they
may expect hefore entering the daily
field. Farming interests have been
veil supported by the Sun for some
Jvnuitr t l,y the announcements there
will he no shortage in the Home -coming
public Welcomes througbout Ontario
durin:; the comiug Summer for the sol-
dier b' :•s. It is expected all the Can.
ucks will he home by July het. A big
time le promised and it is up to all the
homef.'k to second most hearti'y the
plans devised for these reunions.
No matter what so called sports say to
the contrary we beg to affirm that the
moral tone of the country will never be
improved by the holding of prize figbts,
whetber under the auspices of the mili•
tary or what else. They are debasing
and void of the first principles of the
Brotherhood of man. Why such ex-
bibitions are permitted under sanction of
law in Canada is one of the con-
undrums of the day.
A Live wire in Kent County passed
away let week in the person of D. A.
Gordon, ex -M, P., who died in the.
Southern States. He was 61 years of
age and bad taken a deep interest in
public affairs at Wallaceburg where bis
home was. Deceased was a genial,
kindly moa who counted his friends by
the ..:cures. His wife, 6 sons and a
daughter survive.
MAIu aT prices have not taken the
slump many predicted they would im-
mediately on the cessation of hostilities.
!?Sutter, eggs, milk, cheese, meats and
many other requisites for the family
table still require a step ladder to get up
to where they are. There will likely be
a noticeable decrease, bowever, before
tyre comes to a close.
GET the Community spirit and prove
for your own satisfaction that when you
aid your fellow man, you help your-
self. Almost anything possible can be
accomplished where everybody is will-
ing to "lift." Be an optimist and talk
up your town and community instead of
doing your best to run it down. Leave
the kicking to the mule and get into the
traces and help pull. Put the spirit •of
heartiness into every forward endeavor,
THE Pose. hopes to see a great quiet-
ing down of the discordant elements in
Europe ouce the dove of Peace puts its
signature to the terms of the great Paris
Congress. One thing is certain the
militarist is going to have hard travel-
ling if he thinks he can play the war lord
in the next decade as he did In the past,
Everybody who sins finds the way of
the transgressor bard but the penalty
has to be paid just the same,
SATURDAY, Sunday and Monday, July
26, 27 and 28 are dates chosen for the
Soldier Boys Welcome and Brussels
Old Boy; Reunion. Mark down the
time and plan for it. It will be a Red
letter time in our history if we Buckie
into it in the right spirit. We want
• everybody's help from Ibis date, Hand
iu the names of absent members of your
family and their postoffiee addresses so
an invitation may be sent to tbem in
good time.
REI•mOENIMIMs on the Prohibition
question in Canada are more a dodge on
the part of weak backed legislators than
anvthiug else. Next Fall will probably
Sere a referendum campaign but we
would like to see every M. P. and M. le
P., who sidesteps ob this issue allowed
to stay at home after next Election,
The most extreme anti could not fail to
benreit sed with the improved con-
dition of both business and morale by
tate corking up of John Barleycorn.
Starch is badly needed by some of our
legislators to strengthen their Vertebrae,
, .r», 'aa' ,�9't.�.,-`_'"x5:-"„iters-''yl."+�?�..e.., ..:;�.,i.,�.,.. .:..:..,... ....v.,:a,,:a,!, ot�!li-ww..�r-.• .
O��aw5t�s?<s rw8�9'Ci�'!d!t'S*rPiR&@tfdxi
_•. v -s • .:., ��.,W.T. 1 - '� Ilia :int'. t r I ll,yd tette In Id Im i„
Car ofGAfl
wh. and la I 11 the t f 't motile'
ween had m t rn 111. luukbei col ':i
for Immediate loading
Phone 43 oe 27
W. J. McCracken
Grocer and Scedoman
CONSOLt DArIW reboots are 0n the
program of Hon. Mr, Cody, the new
Minister of Education and will mean the
union of 2 or 3 of tete present school
sections to attain the plan and program
marked out. The resits will be welch-
ed with interest.
Is that proposed autonmbile at from
$30o to $400 becomes a reality and
proves its quality -it will surely be a
give-away on the old time profits of the
manufacturers. One difficulty may be
to find room on highways for the new
honk machines Next thing will be to
bring down the price of gasoline, coal
oil or what the fuel will be so that ex-
penses will be reduced in the up -keep.
More About florida
DEAR 5.18, EDITOR, -
While Jackouvilfe, Flnlida, has
little of interest or attraction to tour-
ists it is the entrance to all parts of
this State. The only pertI will write
about is that included on the East
Coast Railroad as far as Palm Beach.
There are some 80 stations between
these two points my
1 2 of interest, ' l
or 3 if we include Palm Beach, At-
lantic Beach, some 20 miles from Jack-
sonville, is not on this railroad but
has a name on the Directory of "at.
tractive Winter resorts,"
St. Augustine has a fine place ]sere
as likewise on the railroad, being
some 37 miles down. While this
place has a good bathing beach its
chief claim for distinction is in the
matter of things ancient. Judging by
what I saw or beard not many stop-
ped off there and if so only for a few
days. Next comes Daytonia, which is
separated from Daytonia Beach by the
Halifax river which is crossed by 4
bridges. It is certaiuly a lovely place
even now the last of January when
there is not much that is green, except
the evergreens and seine lawns nicely
sprouting. Of course there Ore some
flowers in bloom but not as yet the
freshness of Spring, the fact of it be-
ing cold enough to freeze ice only
some 2 weeks ego.
There are fine roads everywhere and
even now are quite shaded by the
many trees that are evergreen and
others, especially the large spreading
Florida oak with heavy acorns sus-
pended from its branches. I think
Daytonia could be celled the automo-
btists paradise. For in addition to the
lovely roads in and around it and
leading to any part of the State there
is the ole along the Beach which is
the finest I understand in the world.
When the tide is out the autos can
spin along here for a distance of 20
miles. Personally I have little use for
"world's records." For example a 7
days' bicycle race where some of the
riders before the end of the time, go
to sleep nu their wheels and fall off,
and what does it all amount to ? The
same might be said of what took place
on this Beach the other day, neverthe-
less I would have liked to have seen it.
Some of you may have read an ac-
count of it as it appeared in a clipping
I cut out. "Daytonia, Fla.. Peb. 13. -
Driving a 12•cyclinteer Packard racing
car, equipped with an aviation motor,
Ralph DePaltna set an official world's
record for the mile here 'Wednesday
afternoon. Under a flying start De -
Palma drove his car along the Day-
tonia beach at the rate of 140.72 miles
an hour. The previous mark, set 8
years ago by Bob. Barmen, aver the
same course, was 141.72. Bob's record
was made in tt German 13111ze t -Benz,'!
That was certainly smote speed.
Many who have autos bring them
with them. One lady drove hers 1000
miles, ;the only travelled by day and
it took her 10 days to get here and
didn't even have to re -inflate the tires,
There is an auto set vice every hour
from Daytonia to Orrmrnd and back
by way of the beach when the tide is
out, It is a 15 mile run axed costa 75c,
and 1.0e, war tax. I enfoyed one of
these vety much.
Arriving 01 Ormond we were allow-
ed to remain for the last return trip if
desired. The big Ormund Hotel is
here with aceamodation for over 000
guests. They charge all the way from
$15 10 $50 a clay for rooms here, I
was tohllthat J, D, Rockefeller paid
thee) $15,000 for a suite of 7 rooms for
2 Months, '!There are nine grounds, as
you might imagine, Oranges were
hanging on the trees and squirrels
were coat))). A beautiful reddish
bird was taking its afternoon bath,
I was close to it anyway but with a
good Wee -muter glass could see the
twinkle in its eye and its every move-
ment told that it was a joy to be
alive, A little further on there were
some cottages and such a lovely tea
garden with nine rooms )rade of
round logs with the bark on, artist'.
telly arranged. A cup of tea appeal•
ed to me and I wanted just an excuse
to look in. It was served eo daintily
and all so beautiful that it was well
worth the 25e, they charged. At the
Beach is a large honse
belonging to the
Golf Olub e hotel, with Golf
ground, On the aeCOnd storey of this
building there ie one balcony facing
the golf grounds and another in the
opposite, the fine bathing beach, It
Was early for bathing bet there were
And He Got Well and Strong,.
That's True
Monaca, Pa, -"My little boy, who
is the youngest of three, was weak,
nervous and tired all the time, so he
was most unfit at school, and noth-
ing seemed to help him. I learned
of Vinol and gave it to him. It has
restored his health and strength and
he' has gained in weight." -Mrs.
Frederick Sommers, Monaca, Pa.
Vinol is a constitutional cod liver
and iron remedy for delicate, weak,
ailing children. Formula on every
bottle, so you know what you are giv-
ing them. Children love it.
2 at least to enjoy it. After remain-
ing for long enough they came and
tied a sand bath. The young man
had the girl all covered except her
face and then it was his turn to get
some sand, 1 was called away just
then and returning about an hour
after' they were just then return-
ing for a second hath. A little be-
hind Lhe bathing line some big por-
poises were swimming about. They
would show Hist. their heads and then
dive and up would come their tails.
Doting the spare time, I stood
watching a young man practising hit-
ting the golf ball. He had a colored
boy some 300 yards away gathering
them up. One would rose sight of
those balls for the first 100 yards or
so, and then you would see them sail-
ing through the air and alighting
some distance away. It is a great
game for those who want lots of exer-
cise and it is one of the drawing cards
of these pleasure resorts to have good
golf links. But Daytona has more yet
is P.
There is a t
hd it. like e
to recomme g
building called the Casino that will
seat some hundreds. The band plays
every afternoon and evenings except
Satnrda and they have community
singing Sunday afternoon all without
expense to those who will come and
enjoy it. I was over Sunday and I
thought it delightful. A young man
sitting at the sante table at lunch
that evening remarked what a quiet
place it was, why up where I came
from in Ohio the movies are open all
day, Er.
I enquired of a boy at Iny r•oolnieg
place as to whether there was a Pres-
byterian church in the place, None
was his reply. Sitting at breakfast
soon after a good Methodist brother
said there was one a street or so back.
I went that direction and enquired of
a lady i met. "Thereis no Presbyteri-
an church stere tihat I know of, if
you are looking for a Presbyterian
church you are on the right track brat.
I don't think you will find one." I
passed by the Catholic church aid I
enquired of a man in charge of the
offering there "yes" he said "right
across there" and be pointed to one
on the corder, which was none other
than the Congregational that I had
passed every day. I was not sorry,
for this was my church of au earlier
day before dear_ Rev. Mr. Jones took
us by the hand and united me to
Knox church, Brussels.
1 did not see many birds. A robin
at my window early enough to snit
me sang "Ghee' up l cheer up 1" and
another said, "Jimmy i jilmny, but
that could not have been for are. I
was passing to lunch when a beauti-
ful grey squirrel mama running down
the tree and looked so intently I con-
cluded it was for something to eat.
I searched. my pockets in vain for
anything other 11101 a remnant of
spearmint germ. I was afraid I would
be betraying ate eonfidehce to offer it
that and so went on but remembered
to bring some pecan nuts back with
sue. (11:you don't know about these
ask Mrs. (Rev.) Mann,) It was nearly
dusk when I returned but I made a
rapping 110150 and down came the
pretty thing, I stooped down hold-
ing a nut between my Hnge•e and it
carne and pulled it away and ran up
in one of the branches of that big
oak, and was as happy as a king for
they never seem as happy as wlien
holding a nut iu their: front feet and
perched high above haunt's way.
Next day 10111115 that way again but
this time 1' placed some 7 of these nuts
on the palm of my band. I stooped
again placing my hand on the ground.
I expect it was the same squirrel
came first and Conk one and quickly
ran aeroes and bid it in the soft sandy
soil and bask again. In the mean-
time 2 others were on the job and
they looked so finch alike I could not
tell which one got the most. One
took hold of the end of my finger but
quickly discovered his mistake,
What a joy of expectancy there trust
have been when working their way
through those hard shells. 1 wonder
if it ever exceeds the reality as it
sometimes happens with many of tis.
I suspect they can tell by the sound or
weight of a blank. Anyway it would
have been mistaken kindness to have
deprived them of this pleasure by
breaking those shells just about as
bad as when the man in charge of a
Christmas tree entertainment untied
and unwrapped the parcels before
giving them to the children, Have
you ever noticed how children love to
open parcels 1 It is the joy of ex-
pectancy again.
When returning lent Palm 1380.11
there was a soldier boy who had re-
ceived his (Recharge at Miami. He
was going home where he had left 9
months previous. 1 said to Irir "Does
your mother know you are coming 1"
"No" he replied, "I am goilig to 901.-
Oh 1 stud 0t1
pries then)." y
oe have done
should rthat. Why
a h
did qnu not tell theta and give hem
all the joy of expecting you ? Now
she will lose all that." There was a
young recruiting )Ricer who set ope
posike 1)18 at at lbs table in the dill.
-Leal-=,.lint 1 d 111 •;inn: Milne 11' get[
her .t.• 11 (ILi..r, Ihi ye tine 'Ili', 1 ❑...
1(144 lieu. "HOW Ulll 19 your mother (
"n8' hr rtyrlild, r'l,nolt 11518," citta the
lllerr, "you ire not going to leave
this vamp 111111!:! yt111 Hlst tell hint'
mother you nee corning,' Smelt enr-
pi lees It1121 1'7201249110 113' tau fl rquenl l y
begins in weeping maul sometimes vial!
Auction Sales-•
MENTS, &O, --P', S. Scott, Auottone.r, has
received instructions from the undersign' d
Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot ;(U,
Oot 19, MI, KS„up Township 0111!') ldas, Mel ell
21st, at 1 ,i !don't, the following vainoble pron.
arty ;-I ag, d mare in foal, 1 used )!are, 1
driving ,acre, iWitlg 7, sultab o for n women to
drive, 1 gelding rising 2, 1 ally rising 2, 2 fresh
con's, 1 ed w due to esIve lot of May, 1 cow ane
to cnlve middle of May, 1 cow supposed to be
In calf, 1 cow due to calve 1611, of ,,illy, I P••
Ilam ball, 2 heifers 2 years old Clue tru
o calve
in Sept, 8 steers rising 2, 1 yearling Pivot., 1
heifer riving 2, 1 halter rising 2 in calf, R
young calves, 18 pigs a months old, 1 broad
sow in pig, 40 Ilona, 2 geese, I gander, 2 dueks,
1 drake, 1 thoroughbred Motel) collie, 2 sets of
double harness, 1 set double driviug herne.,,
1 set of single harness, I buggy and mitt or
pole, 1 Chevrolet touring )aro 1918 model, 1
MasseyHe, ria binder nearly new 0 ft. cut, 1
McOortt!ick 100we• new 0 ft. cut, 18 ft. rake, 1
Massey-eterris bass loader, 1 seed drill, l Mas•
aey-Harris hay trader, 1 Peter Hamilton eu1-
Orator, l set Diamond harrows 4 sections. 1
set harrows 8 sections. 1 Oliver riding plow, I
walking plow, 1 Clotho) fanning mill, 1 wag-
on, 2 gravel boxes, 1 wagon box, 1 cutter, 1 set
bob sleigh.. nearly uew,1 hay reek,1 wheelbar-
row, 2 sugar kettles, 1 set Ponies ..opacity 2,000
the , 1 grindstone, 1 snuffler, 1 De Laval cream
separator nearly new, 1 Vollmer washing
machine, 500 bus, oats suitable for seed, 400
bnc barley. n quantity of hay forks, chains,
shovels and numerous other articles. Sale
without reserve as pr'opr'ietor hes sold his
farm. Terms --All sums of $10 00 and under
cash, over that amount months, credit given
on furnishing approved. joint notes, disoount of
4 per cent off
A ucTION RALE OF Beater ST0011 IM1PLE•
p M ON1.6. &c -F. 0 Scott, Auctioneer, lma
reoeived instructions from the undersigned
proprietor to sell by Public Attrition at Lot 20,
(ton, 10 Grey township, Wednesday, Mneell
261h, al 1 o'clock, following valuable proper.
tv :-1 horse 9 years old, 1 aged mare, 1 Per-
oherm, filly 9 years old. 0 cows eupnosed to be
in calf, 2 farrow oows.8 heifers rising 2 vent's
old 2 steers rising 1 year old, 1 sots to farrow
last of April, 1 collie dog, 40 hens, 2 barred
rock roosters, 2 pair geese. Massey -Harris
Minder, 8 ft, Maisav-Harris mower, new 6 ft,
1 Johnston corn binder, Mossey-Harris drill
11 hoe, cultivator, set harrows, 2 walking
plows, two -furrow gang Plow, truck wagon,
set sleighs, top buggy nearly naw, cutter, set
of double harness. Pet of single harness, 2
horse blankets nearly new, wheelbarrow,
daisy churn oat robe large mail box, water
Mani , cream goat
New -Standard } milk
pails, gravel box, s,:ythe- and south new, a
quantity of erdnr poste, 2 sticks cedar 10 ft
long, about 000 bushels barley, about 100 lilts.
oats, about 4 tons hay, forks, chains, wldia.r
and numerous other articles. Sale without
reserve as rho proprietor has sold kis farm.
Terms. -All sums of $6.00 and under each
over that amount 10 months reedit, given on
furnishing approved j^int notes, 5 per cent
off for east on credit annmrts.
JA h1 ESBALLANTYNE, Proprietor.
re reemerges, &o. -F. S. Scott, Anetioneer,
has received Instructions from the undersign-
ed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at
1o ltfloiv la]property
iat o'clock, he following
1 heavy mare 9 years old, 1 heavy 1111,0e 0 yrar9
Old in foa1,1 mare rising 8 years old, 1 mare
rising 2 years old, 1 driving horse 5 years old,
1 gelding colt, 1 cow due May 2010, 1 sow due
October 14411,1 heifer due May and, 2 steers
rising 2 years old, 2 yearling steers, 4 helfers
rising 2 yenre, 8 pigs 2 mouths old, 1 sow, 10
Leicester sheep, 100 hens, 2. geese, 1 gander, 2
White Leghorn cockerels, 1 Dearing mower,
8 ft. ant, 1 Massey -Harris binder 7 ft nut new,
290 bis, of oats, 200 bus. of ndzed grain, 10 tone
of mixed hay,] wire stretcher, 20U fence slats,
1 fanning mill, 1 set 2000 10 genies, 1 cutting
box.0 window frames. extension ladder 02ft, a
quantity of bemlrolt plank and scantling; wag
gon, hay reek, pig reek, buggy, cutter, road
,art, walking plow, Oliver gang plow new,
Also harrow, Belittler, seed drill, 2 se Es liar -
rows, set of sleighs, grindstone, steel rake
wheelbarrow, net of plow harness, set breech-
ingharness Nearly new, set single harness, n
quantity of tile,10 cords of dry wood, 200 ft of
rope,1 oil barrel and oil, whl0letroes, neck
yoke, forks and chains, 2 wood heaters, 2 ex-
tension tables, 0 kitchen chairs, 11 rocking
chairs, 2 sideboards, couch, 2 beds, milk can,
DeLaysl oream 1 eeiaretor, 12 bunches 01 lath,
barrel olturn, 2 robes, roll of fence wire and
numerous other articles. Sale without reserve
as the proprietor his sold hie farm, Terms
-$6 and under cn0h,over that amount 11 mos,
oredit on furnishing approved Joint notes, die -
count of 4 per Cant allowed off for oash.
GEORGE DAVIS, Proprietor
Anybody having such 1111'
sale kindly call
A. Leitch & Son
Phlrne 5210 Cranbrook
in heart failure, Whet n nlislttl(e tail
so common itis. "1 will just go home
and terrines() them•"
There is an industrial lcaloredl
school here for girls and in addition
to hearing that quartette I tnitl you 0i'
it was tt real treat to hear the child -
leu sing and to see their happy faces .
as Ihey joined in the service.
Bet ween Jacksonville and Daytona,
coesidtrable is swamp, much more
not tinder (m1115011011 and nothing in-
dicative of prosperity, After seeing
so lunch of this samness it was a hap-
py surprise to suddenly emerge in a
place as nice as in Ohio. In addition
to what I have Initl you there etre re-
gular tripe lay hilae to many places
inland which I intended la have talten
on my reline.). Orohuuls is a beauti-
ltd place 1 am told 73 utiles away and
eau be reached by auto from here cat
by train from Jacksonville. Mrs.
(Rev.) Mann's brother resides there.
Ole came a yeW' or so ago was capti-
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Annie
Danford, late of the Township of
Grey. in the County of Huron,
spinster, deceased.
Notice is hereby given porauont to the Re-
vised Statutes of Optario, (111012 121, that all
persona having claims or demands egninst the
estate of the said Annie Danford, who died
at London, Ont. of or about the 17th day of
January, A, 1), 1910, to send by post, prepaid,
or deliver to tate undersigned Administrator
of the estate of said deceased, their Christian
and surnames and addresses with full parti-
enlas of their oleinle, a atatomen of their
accountsand the nature of the security
eoncity t,
any) held by ahem duly verified.
Further take notice (bat after the Inst
mentioned date the Administrator of the
said estate will proceed to distribute the
seta f the said deceased amongst 100 parties
entitled thereto, having regardonly to the
claims of which shall then
aforesaid, and said Administrator, will not be
liable for sneh assets or any port thereof to
any person or per9ons of whose claim notice
shall not have been received at the time of
such distrihntiml.
Administrator, R. 15. No. 5, Brasses.
Notice to Creditors
In the platter of the estate of George
McCall, late of the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron,
farmer deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario; that all Creditors
and others having olahas against the estate 0f
the said George McCall, who died on or about
the Sixth day of January, A. D , 1919, are re.
gnired nn of before the First day of April.
A. D., 1910, to send by port prepaid or deliver
to Wm. A. 6100011, nneof the Executors of the
last Will and Testament of said deoossed,
at Walton, P. 0., their Christian and Mammies
addressesand descriptions, the full portion.
fart of their claims, the statement of their ac-
counts and the nature of the securities cit any)
held by then.
And further mica notice that after such last
mentioned dote the said Executor's will pro -
aped to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled iho etc having re-
gard only t0 the claims of which they shallthen
have notice, and the said lOxeoltt0ra will not
be llable for the saki Resole o• airy part Unwe-
d to any person or persons of whose claim
notice Shall not have been received by them at
the time of such distribution.
Dated at Walton this 12th day of March, A.
WM. A, MoCALL, I Execatot•s.
Abstract of Accounts
t sg t`':y cis S S E LS
Clash on hand ., $ 9805 90
County n000unt levied 1075 89
School n000unt levied 8422 15
Tp. Morris $88 77; Tp, Grey $10.50; Tih
Morris $48 70 Al 08
School ions T Moria 871 97
Tp. Morals $4.227 ; Tp. Grey 51,80 ; Tn.
Morrie $9,76 10 82
Local Improvement Tp, Morris 1104 40.
Sinking Irnnd 11008 98
Current loans 22017 74
Losal Industry, liosliorldge loon 2701 88
South Turnberry St Pavement Deb , 46110 80
North Tarnberry SE. Pavetnent Deb , 8098 00
Brussels, Morris & Grey 'Phone Sys12811 80
Corporation Eleotrie Lighting 2202 44
Brussels• Phono rates ......... 1470 00
Corporation wood account 7 00
Resident taxes 2000 57
Dog taxes 98 00
Licenses 02 00
Fines 1 00
Rents 602 06
Miscellaneous reeelpte 179 00
580708 18
Oonuty Treasurer $ 1701 BD
Consolidated Loon coupon interest 1480 00
Scliool account 5000 00
Soltocl Loan 0137 50
Local Improvement 10138 25
Current Loans 23117 74
Consolidated Loan 22200 00
Brussels Morris & Grey 'Phone Sys10804 02
Corporation Electric lighting. 5110 18
Corporation wood account 100 00
;Yalory nllowenoee 1020 05
Printing 70 00
Interest 469 013
Roads and bridges 41:.60
Fire protection 870 20
Town Hall and Weigh Scales 80 80
Public Library 270 00
Garside & ;Imes By -Law 5000,'09 250 00
Miseellnasons disbursements 1 049 01
Oaslt en hand . 8490 00
580708 18
School account $ 40 80
School Loan 187 60
Sink ill g Fund 221.4 81
Local Improvement 107 27
Lo0a1 'moonlit 1085 80
Brussels, Morris & Grey 'Phones 8080 24
$12724 68
Local account short $ 12 28
Telephone System 2200 00
F3ehl'elgh Street Drain 250 22
Corporation Street Lighting 4060 68
Corporation wood n000unt -00 00
Cash on hand 6400 00
$12724 68
Caste of stand $ 6190 50
Uncollected Taxes 240 10
Seer cent added 12 29
Arrears Taxes 112 80
Brussels, Morris & Grey 'Phones.,,.,.,,18675 06
Local Foundry 1600 00
Dominion Permanent Loan 0000 00
Mortgages real estate 216 00
�M{uninipal Debentures 617 68
(Jorporatinn Street Lighting 4080 58
Town Ball 2000 00
Fire Department 4000 00.
Public; school 0000 u0
Town Boll 860 00
Welsh Scales 400 00
$61048 20
Public School $ 7600 00
Local Improvement ., .,.,, 12101 97
Gerald° &,tames 008 85
Brussels, Morris & Grey 'Phones 21887 20
Balance 10001 20
$61948 28
We, the Auditors of the 'Village of Brussels lorporation, for the year 1018, lmvhig (nominecl
till the vouehrtre end aoeounts of the Treasurer, levees report the mane correct as per fe'egoin e
reparte and And In StandardBatk and Sank of Nova Seale, meth en hand $6900,60.
JOHN FEItGU10N, Attdttors.
Brussels, January 25th,1910, NOBLE 'GEES`ee
laitw'1 Ik6Fl at? `. al +r. lu ` Za?: 001101Z,A
Do You Need Anything in
THROW away that leaky Pail or-Ketitle
and let LIS supply you !With a new one.
We have a nice; stock of Creamery Cans,
Milk Pails in several sizes, Water Pails, Tea
Kettles, Granite Roasters, Kettles, Sauce-
pans, Double Boilers, etc., at very moderate
Ask to see them. We are always pleased
to show our goods,
Give us your order for Sap Buckets,
Highest Price Paid for Produce.
R. O. RAT k ,i WELL., Moncrieff
va. Led and captive -it willing one of
course. G. A. DEADMIAN, 1
(To be 00)111nn0(1)
e vett at once, For ur' ler ap-
serutors estate ofthe ate rs. Agnes town
Oran n!oU .
4a lll9`!
For Sale
Rouse sad lots, containing 0� acme, in Nm
Village of (heuhrook, the property of the late
Mrs. Amen Rrow•n, ie nffo'ed,for ante. Frame
hoose, born, fruit trace, &a. Possession noted
b given further particulars
L y to Mltla. Tins. (151.151105
�mxaoN�r LvmM.CAMBr snot.'
Hog for Service
The undersigned will keep far serylon Lot
29, 001,. I1, U, ey township, n thorn' hrrd york-
ahire hog, Terms 01 OU. 80.0
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for aervtee, 011 S;
L018U, (:on. 2, Morris township, the tho'o'-bred
Short Horn Bull, (iainfnrd of Onleln. NO.
= 15418-. Sired by Gainford Marquis 11501901 ;
Dail Mildred VII by Royal Seiler 118960). Ped-
igree may 1111 50911 011 application. Terme-
moo for thoro'-breds payable at time of sere
vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not
9 Vith the Mance of Spring
You will bo getlirg in shape for Summer use your Machinery,
Buggy, etc„ srnue pal 1. Or which may need repairing. Much
expense i, often saved dy having such work. ad Le1111eel tobefore
it 1-4 really Berle fur 112111g.
If Your Used Buggy Needs it, have it Repaired
and Repainted. 'Ve (1(1 it in a careful way, with prompt ser-
vice, of the l:ese of materials, guaranteeing yon an up-to•date
j th and to your entire satisfaction, as In all three of General
Slackstnitbiug, horse -shoeing, Wood -meek Repairing mut
Car'r'iage Painting and ret a 111od815.18 price.
We apply tell sizes of Solid and Oushinn Carriage Rubber fires
on your channels. Rubber warranted to be first quality, We
do not use the ordinary grade.
We have in stock over 10,000 unused Repair parts, exact duple
ff1 mates of the original parte of all Deering, McCormick, Frost &
a \Vood and Ooekehnit Implements. Look your Machines over
and order needed Repairs curly. IL will help us to give you
baler seevic0,
When in Need of a Plow buya Famous finer
Selected for long service
and superior work, they excel all nth- s'
e# ere. We have thea also all original Shares, etc., for Equal', te
Wilkinson, Oliver, Percival, Perrin, Frost & Wood, Tudhope-
0G Anderson, Oockshutt, No, 2, Nip, Kangaroo, Punch and Judy a,
Plows. There are many substitutes but ask for the genuine ; t)
® cheaper iu the end than any imitation.
® t3
From a large Stock of Superior Manilla
e McCormick and Deering Twine we give you the lowest quota- p
el lions Inc either immediate or future deliveries, protecting you ml
against trey probable advance in price later nn. Our prices are 0)
® ib when needed, right. Ask ns. Then order your 5000essary supply and cell for
a If you want the hest drop in. We are pleased to bait: over any -
e e1e
(9° thing in Ude line with you ab any Lime. e1
i :k!1th^,
3 l
The�8o C las
Shop 6 �i
s6 Phone 4lx - Phone 83 =t
i d
lora2924924,a1q? 99116 00690990 X226,6 029/GGeGOGG itGZ'Oeille66s9Co®999/99 E®06 g
Crea Y,r-$ yr: ,anted
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank,
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels ur s.