The Brussels Post, 1919-3-20, Page 1VOL, 47 NO. 38 /1,5o Per A num in A dvanee
01 IL
Ever eek
No matter how little, you owe it
to yourself, your family, and your
business to save something every
week. Regularity pays.
Open a Savings Account with
thisBank. Add to it regularly. It will
quickly grow. It will help you to
something really worth while later on.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Pald.up Capital $ 6,500,000
Reserve' Fund 12,000,000
Resources - - 150,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Notioe-M. Mantle.
Auction Sale -George Davis.
Spring Millinery -N. Inman,
The Cenotaph -A. R. Hersey.
, Spring Millinery -M, E. EORA.
Aucition Sale -Martin 1,1(11181r.
Efenfryn fitore-EL L Stewart.
5 Bargains in Shoes -John MaDonald,
• 1.
Mimict Rei.ns
Regular rno»thly meeting of James-
town Women's Institute will be held
at the home of Mrs. Duncan McDon-
ald on the afternoon of Wednesday,
March 26th, a good attendance is nak-
ed for. The topic will be in the heeds
of Mrs, Jno, Preset..
Harold ,farvis, fatuous tenor of De-
troit, accompanied by Gen. H. arid
Mrs. King, Peterboro, will give a con-
cert lit the Methodist church Wednes-
day evening, March 26th, under the
auspices of the 13rotheihnocl. This
promises to be a rare musical treat.
A Silver Medal Contest in Elocution
and Vocal music will be held in the
Methodist airlock, Fieriest evening,
ifist inet„ under the auspices of the
W. 0. T. U. 8 young folk eue con-
testing in Vocal and 0 in Elocntion.
Out of town judges have been chosen
to give the decisions. This is an an-
nual event of great interest to the
young folk of Blyth.
Mr. Prisby, who has recently sold
his fern) will move his family to Mug-
koka to Mrs, Prisby'e former home.
The Methodist Ladies' Aid posthon-
ed their °omen which was to be held
last Monday. It will be put on about
April 1st.
The Patriotic Society shipped to
Bynum Hall, London, on Mar 141h,
18 pairs of melt's seeke, 11 pale
child' en's stnekings, 88 lbs. yarn and a
parcel of nisi linen for hospital use.
Rev. H, B. Parnaby, formerly
Methodist parson at fleigrave, bas re-
ceived a unanimous invitation to re-
turn for a second year to
circuit. Salary increased to $1350 and
is retroactive.
1 Banking Service
ZOUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager,
0444414111.10144+4144031140-1344044+ to1,40•Htioe.+"1•0••loaol.*÷*+.4.
S a Formal Opening of our New, Choice and
Up-to-date Millinery Stock is not being
made we cordially invite the Ladies of &us-
: sels and locality to call any day in the near future
and see the fine display,
Miss Stewart is back again this season,
Hearty thanks are returned for the generous
patronage of the past and a continuance solicited.
Spring Millinery
M. E. Ross
Jas. and Mts. tlleattey have left 30
take up, their hoine at San Diego,
Califortil% Mrs. Cloak ey'e former
Me. Stothers, government eepre-
Botta' Ve of 11111o1* 00., gave an Wile-
treted lecture on 'It'itruiltig" in the
0. 0. i', hell Beet Tuesday night.
The 011tertainilleilt, to be gi 3'011 111
the (1, 0, le. 11101 011 leviday night by
young people or Kilfut Oomph ie caus-
ing orinsidetable interest ao sides have
been choeen for a Scotch and Irbil)
Atietion sato of Vernl stock, impte
teems, &e., at Junme Nobitee fro 01,
Lot 13, Ociti, 12, Thursday itfteeneon
of LI118 W133313. 11 is a (dealing sale as
he lore sold his latent.
Friday evening nf thle week an A.t
Home will be held by the Oranbrook
Fttrince.s' Club, in the Long Hall, A
musical end literary mem am will he
endered followed by tenth.
WAN'3131) --A :mart, native girl as clerk in
Grocery and Reston' abb. One with some ex-
perienee preferred. W. T. sermon. Rthel.
Chas Haltered tae .tarted baying creallt for
Bluovale Creamery and anyone having cream
to sell le assure 1 or receiving the highest in,tr.
ket price and satisfactory service. Give hint
a trial and be convinced.
Next, meeting of Grey Township
°outwit will be held here Thursday,
April 3rd.
Jonas Flood is milting preparation
to tunve to Ohesley, Some of the
family have already gone,
On &copilot or the freshet no the
Maitland elver the road was invites.
able East of town for a few days,
I vie and MIs, Campbell and George
and Gail Dunbar were at Toronto this
week attending the Duilbar-Ortinp•
bell fill pLitite.
Walter and Mrs, Alton, LucktioNv,
spent the week end in town, etiasta oc
0. and Ales. Raymond. Mrs. Alton is
rt, grand daughter,
ft pays to (trivet dee. S0311 of the
goods taken from the church shed
have been pont ned. Send along the
balance and save trouble.
David Sandees has leased his farm,
Lot 23, Com 10, Grey, trucl will hold an
A.ection Sale on Wednesday, Atoll
2nd, of which fuller announcement
will be made next week, Alonzo
Heath is the leasee.
Wednesday of this week was the
bridal clay of Stanley Dunbar and
Miss Margaret Campbell, well known
young people of this community.
The ceremony took place at Toronto.
May their joys be asany.
The St. Pat, ick's Concert and Tea,
held in the Metlindists chni eh Monday
evening was much enjoyed by all who
attended. Tea, furnished in the
school 130010, MIA excellent and pro-
gram was of the very highest quality.
Mission Band nf the Ethel l'resby-
terian church held a Measuring Party
at, the home of the President, Mrs. A.
H. McDonald, on Alareli 841). Lunch
Was served and a social time was
spent. Proceeds amounted to over
Bargains continue to be given at
the John McDonald hig Clearing
Sale. This Week gnotationa are given
in the boot, shoe and ribber line and
is indicative (if the (wpm tunity 1.0
save by toying now, not only. In lout
wear but in every line carried, Take
advantage of the nppertneity,
The Women's Institute will hold a
meeting in the basement of Die Metho-
dist church on March 28th, ab
8 o'clock, when A. H. McDonald will
deal with the subject "Reconstrue-
Mon." There will also be a gond
and !Revery program.
Everybody welcome. A colleetion will
be taken in aid of the Institute fund,
lencouvage the members by coming
Ethel Woman's Institute completed
their Red Cross work and made their
last shipment -last week. The repot
of work done dm ing Hie past 10 mos.
is as follows teed Oross-58 pale
of snake, 0 convalescent robes, 20
pyjs ma suits, 111 pei soluti property
bags, 15 flannel 8 hir lo, 7 sir etcher caps,
555.00 retell sent I o Field comforts, 22
shristmas hoses, valued at $SS 00,
bale ot goods to SUNILIIe National for
help of IP, ellen women and ehildeen.
To the 131 Relicf-11letes sliii ts
and nil shirle, ehildrens dresses and
woolens and childrensuieler gat Imelda,
6 boys f ur ,•151,5, 9151)111'., 18 p.iidele of
yarn, t wo (armee coil tattling boy% 13111 10,
10001.011'11 130*318, 1.1000 and Octet., nape
mei won:lens anti eitiltheine tonlerwear.
Total Val 1113 of 30038 511013 00.
Mrs. joyut, Luek now, deligh ted
the audience with her winging. Rev,
Mr. Monteith ale° proved very en.
teetaining, Ales, (Bev.) Henderson,
Riple_y,. certainly pr0ve0 her 15111111 y lo
read I11811 Selections, and she will be
heartily welcomed back Lo Ethel at
any Line. Rev. 114e. Kennedy showed
his capability to amuse an audience
with Irish etorieu. 115 iso Bernie,. onle
gave (1 11110301'Olig reading that wee
lunch appreciated. A ttentlanee wee
no1 as large (08 IL would have 1133311 had
the weather, been Hue but touter the
eircumstances the ladles a lin had
charge feel satisfied.
Miss Hazel Vit»Veleor rel timed Lo
Hai teeth') on Monday.
Mise Della Rutile* ford, Terme),
(Tent the week end with her. parents
lieg;s. Hillard, Wingliam, lute opened
a millinery stere in the Rasmussen
Charles, Robert and Prank West-
lake lefb for Tugaske, Sask., on Tues-
Russel }levies, Stratford, recently
returned from Prance, is the guest of
his uncle, Jno. Huniltnn.
Mrs. Ecl. Hough and children were
the guests of Jas. and Mrs, Edgar
Thursday and Friday of last week,
Miss Alice Hamilton returned to
New York on Friday where she will
continuo in her profession of nursing.
Wilfrid Musgrove has taken a posi-
tion as traveller for Gunn Bros.,
commencing his duties on Wednes-
Thos. Hoperoft is in Mildmay this
week, looking after a large shipment
of potatoes purchased by Thos.
Norman and ides, Kalbfleisch left
for Three Hills, Alta„ this week,
where they will make their home,
They were accompanied by the latter's
mother, Mee, Henry Smith,
Pte, Sheller' Gibson arrived ;front
overseas Tuesday. He is the eldest
800 of John Gibson and enlisted with
the 13901. Batt„ teaming at Valcartiee
before going overseas two years ago
last Summer. Sherrie has had some
hard experiences, being wounded
twice and gassed but he apparently
has regained his former health, much
to the satisfaction of his many friends
and relatives, Nyho are delighted to
welcome him home again.
0, Y. P. A. BANQUET, -A most suc-
cessful St. Patrick's Banquet was giv-
en to the returned soldiers of the
district by the Community Young
People's Association in the basement
of the Presbyterian church, which
was prettily decorated for the occas-
ion. The Committees in charge of the
different parts of the function took
great pains in their preparation and
the results Nvere gratifying in propor-
tion to the care teketi. A. little after
7 p. tn. the company found their
places at the table and after grace was
sung, they leisurely followed the
menu course by nottese, a dinner
which suggested Pence and pienty,
unknown in St Patriolt's day, The
toast to the King was then peopnsell
by the amiable toast mistress, Miss
Elizabeth Sanderson, the President of
the 0. Y. P. A., and after singing the
National Anthem, the following toast
list was continued :-The Empire. Miss
Mahon, Rev. Me. Stride ; Our 0oun-
t1'y, Anse Helen McLean, Miss Agnes
MaKercher ; The Army and the Navy,
Mrs. Jno. Huger, Sgt. Abraham ;
Our Allies, Miss 8. Robinson, Rev.
Mr. Powell ; guests, Oliss Beth
OIilleo'; The 0. y. P. A., W. ID, Reim,
Rev, Me. Malcolm. After the toast,
"Om' goeets," Mies K. }Inglewood
sang, "You are welcome back to
Home Sweet Home," It was most
appropriate for just that place in our
program and the company greatly en-
joyed the melody and strongly endors-
ed the sentiment. While there is not
space sufficient to speak of all the ad-
dresses, we will in justice elty this that
each one 11'08 splendid and splendidly
given. But in this day when women
are coming into their pightful place in
Community and National life, we feel
111(01 13 special word of commendation
must be said eonceruing the addresses
E are now ready to cater to the pub-
lic with a choice selected stock of
High•class Headwear.
Hand made Shapes of Plain or Fancy
Straw, combined with Georgette, Satin or
Ribbon, also Pressed Shapes in fine quality
bright finished Braids and the Smart Tailor-
ed Hat.
Some of the leading Shades are French
Blue, Henna, Dust, Victory, Red, Brown
or Black with color.
Flowers are very good, also Fruit,
Fancy Pins, Mounts and Ribbon.
We invite your inspection.
HA VI NO purcliitood 1,111. 131.110k
or ails" Fr0313r, 11 1 I 13/1 3
feyn, and 5 veid veil a New
elipply of 0 reem lee, y Gond,
aud Cured. Meats, we ni e now in
a position to elitist's, the wants
of oup customers al, prices 1 hitt
svili suit ult. Special prices on
115 y Goods noel 11Iankets, these
selling at below prevent NVIntle-
sele Prieee,
Flout 131131 13`3031 (33,1331301
Call and ase for yourself.
Highest prices 11(31(1 for But-
ter, Eggs and Cream delivered
at oue store,
H. L. Stewart
given by the ladies. Truly the
'330roxeter O. Y. 1'. A., has within its
membership the kind of women that
we want to take leading Owes in
Community and National 111e. They
have knowledge and vision, they leant
rightly the philosophy of history and
interpret the past itt (831)16 of frame
duty, they poseese that talent of
sympathy required by real states -
030/033/1 1 the gift of ready address and
an easy grace in delivery. We shotild
indeed had a Least to "The Ladies,"
These TVel'e 3 cheers for the boys, fol-
lowed by "Auld Lang Syne" and the
banquet was ended.
Don't forget the Olearing Anetion
Sale of Farm stock, implements, &l5,
at Joseph R. Hamilton's Friday after-
noon of this week, Rio Lot. is 20, 0011.
14, AteKillop, List may be read in
this issue.
Connell meeting will convene Thurs-
day, AIM) 3rd, at Ethel.
The Spriug flood overflowed some
of the highways this week.
Martin MaNctip's Auction Sale will
be held Monday, March 81st. See list
in this issue.
Read the announcement of the
Hetifeyn store. Howard Stewart is
the new proprietor and hi tends push-
ing trade,
Jnn, McDo»ald'e advt, regarding
the Clearing Sale at Fthel should be
read by you this week. 11 11113)' save
Y0Putet.1(.))‘)Vaisli, Oconpbell, who is with
the engineers in England, is expected
home shortly. He is a son of fele and
Mrs. Oatupbell, of this township.
Last week Burnett and Mrs. Smith,
of Stratford, spent a few (lays with
relatives in this locality. Be is ern-
ployed in the MoLagan factory and is
%veil pleased with his job.
Alex. anti Mrs. McNeil and family
have come back to the old homestead.
3rd Oon„ after a sojourn in the. West.
Jno. :Coutes, who has been working
the MeNeil from, has moved to Trow-
bridge locality. We wish both site-
1ed. Qardiff, 8t15 Con., will put in
oeineut, flooring, Louden steel stanch-
ions and other modern appliances in
hie stables. He pumps; the water by a
gasoline engine he bought from Cleo.
McCall, Mr. Oapcliff has a fine faint
and is determined to have everything
The auction sale of Wm, Lamont
went with a good swing in spite of
the unfavorable day, totalling 54,000
Mr. Lamont is to be congratulated on
the splendid stock he had. Mr. and
Mrs. Lamont purpose taking a trip to
the West, having rented their fat•ttl,
owing 10 111 health.
A hearty welcome is accorded Don,
Elliott, who vecetitly returned from
overserte, where he belonged to dying
°ores. He was visiting at the 110100
ef Mrs. D. McDonald, 211c1 Qon,
McDonald enlisted in 'Forma(5) where
he was attending school. Ile is to 5(131
of Wei. Elliott, of Pilot Alounti, Mau.
NUATHRODS SM,Es,-Oliver Turn.
bull & Son, 15t1) Om., have been do-
ing a good business in the sale ot
Sheet Holm bulls, part of the credit
being credited by them to TIM POST
advertising, In their list (if Bales ale
the following s-jacolt Gloor, Alit-
chell ; J1 to Drum tnond, Mitchell
Robt. Campbell, Monkton ; Geo, K,
Warwick, 13luevale • 'Robert War-
wiek, Brussele ; and 'Wtit, Slwtreeci,
Walton, Messrs, Turnbull have a
peotuising bunch of celves ootning
along for the next year.
This week Edward and Airs. Garvi»,
who have resided for the past 80
years on their property 1 miles South
of Sruseels, removed to Stratford
where they purpose making theig
home with 4.. B. and Mrs. Cline. The
lattee is a niece. Both Mr, and Mrs.
Garvin are getting up in years mid
neither have had good health for sev-
oral years past hence the neceseity of
a change, Miss Ohaelotist Moore, a
niece, of Acton locality, has been as-
sisting them for the past few weeks.
Mr. Garvin held an Auetion Sale last
Saturday afternoon, The 12 acres of
land was sold to their neighbor Wm.
Rands, Oki friends 10 this locality
wish Ole. and Mrs. Garvin improved
health and a comfortable residence in
TV. Peoiiriekt
lo t , read 1151318 Rathwel1 33
Istore ?
Bessie Smith was quite Ill
s..t . ,111cerning Monet ieff
oilli pnatunonla but is able to be
ahem on18 mere we are pleaded to
41).137;;.n • SrellItAll. - • A pretty wedding
look 111110,4 at the boom of Hartwell
and M rs. Speirnil alapeh 3 211), when
theil milMuleteer, Myrtle A., be -
1‘11(11:„ a
Ll t'Iti:11".N13115:i.1,.1 3
'1 10111133,i3(100tr1-'
1u1,1-1 1055 / Mr% 1133 13(1.15 1 11 1311. place's be-
neirth n (lurid and eve) green molt,
f; beet 15 wedding hell 11338 808-
P311011, 301/11 aletithdelion wedding
inimeli was played by Mho; 1151,11
Speiraii, ceitsin of the bride 111131 Rev,
J. W. .lohnel ni, Ethel, per intaned the
ceremoily. Bride looked cliar(ni ug it)
a gown of ivory satin mid georgette
ereue, sv Ili n 111w. +Mil pearl Ululating,
wealth," a veil Ss 1511 s,d 1,01311 sags
and erio.roidery. She emptied a (131030.
331 tit (met of white bridal roses and
111511)131)1 110 with fermi. After 11011 -
out tiler ions the e(lm)any repaired
to the dining morn, which was snit -
ably decorat ed, the miler scheme be-
ing pink arid white with b(sprets of
sweet p433113 and carnations and all en
joyed a dainty and euniptuous t epaet.
served in Mts. Speiran's usual good
style. Preeente were rlumerous and
valuable a token of the esteem
whielt the bride is held. Grootn's
gift to the bride was a silver tea set,
11. 1,"NIr1 15333"f"eie811 al11 yPretall:1
1.10 very touch missed in the church
awl social circles we hope as MI'S.
Boyd she will still mingle with us
quite 1 egularly as they will reside on
the fi»e farm purchased from Geo.
Fisher tecently. Bpicleai going away
dress wee a midnight tailored blue
set ge suit with 31115330 fox furs and hat
to match. Hearty congratulations
are tendered for a long, happy and
prosperous life to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd,
PEESEWL3ATION.-A gathering of
old Mends and neighbors assembled
at 11)13 1101118 of Airs. Jae. Houston to
spend au evening with Pte. {Vol. J.
°lisle, recently back from the war.
Following address was read and a
gold watch chain, cuff links and tie
pm were presented :-Dstast FRIEND,
-We have gathered here this even-
ing to extend to you our appreciation
as a returned hero. Although
you bad demoted from our midst for
a time to Westet u Canada -that land
of promise where so many of our
brave boys have gone to make their
home -you 8437 your duty to answer
the bugle call in defence of our Xing
and Oonntry and although you have
speut 2 long years in the war zone,
fighting for Freedom and civilization
you have returned almost unscathed,
with but a miner injiwy. It bas al-
ways been a pleasure to have you in
our midst. Your pleasant and jovial
disposition always made you welcome
and always will. As you enlisted
from Western Canada this 18 0111' first
opportunity to honor you in any way
and we felt we could not let it pass as
his is your birthplace and where y
spent your happy school days, As
you defeat t, to your former abode in
the West We very deeply regret
your departme and take this oppor-
tunity to express to you our esteem
and appreciation. We Ask you to ac-
cept 131153 gold watch, (hail), oharm,
gold ring and miff links and tie pin,
tint for their intrinsic value but as a
memento of our good fellowship and
as the former nooks the hours may it
Ming thoughts of nobler deeds. May
soccess crown your work and be blest
with a long, happy and prosperous
life, Signed on behalf of the true
friends and neighbors of the 161115 of
Grey. R. L. TATtoe,
A. suitable reply was made by Pte,
Cush). He was escorted to the next
morning's train for Toronto to get his
discharge after which he will visit
relatives at Guelph and Galt before
leaving for the West.
Will. Alichie, of Grand Valley, is
renewing nld friendships with Morris
NEXT meeting nt Morris Township
Oonticil will be held next itiondey,
24t15 inst., at the Township Hall.
Jno, Kirton, Tovonto, and son
Richard, of Rosetown, Sask., were
visitors with Mrs. Wut, Aliehie, the
termer. 's cousin.
Jim, and Mrs. Smith, of Dand, Man,
are twee on a holiday visit, The for-
mer 10 a son of Mrs. Joseph Smith,
OM line, anti is e. well known former
reeident of Morris. Mrs, Joseph Smith
is 86 yeare of age ittid isgreatly pleas-
ed to see the Weetern visitors,
We are sorry to hear of the death of
James teoreyth, nf Wewi Hill, Sask.,
son of the late Roderick Forsyth, who
went to the IVest 20 years ago. De -
(teased took the influenza and despite
all that could he done passed away.
His wife, who was Miss Annie Jack-
son, sister to Mrs. L. Williconson,
Brnssels, 11(1(1 10 daughter front a form-
er 0)300) 1515515 enrvive. Mt, Forsyth is
nephew to Mrs. Q Anderson, tied line,
friends sytnpathise with the bereaved.
end Alex, rorsyt h, Brusse._18,The 0101
acre farm owned by W. II. Maunders
arid known as the Maundere home.
stead, bought by the late Theo,
Maunders 32 years ago, has been pur-
chased by Jut), McIntosh, Seaforth,
the price being $6,000, Farm is less
than 2i miles South of Brussels on the
gravel road and is South Lot 80,
Onn, 7, Moris, Mt. MoIritosh gets
possession on April let. Thos. and
Mrs. Semen, tenatite of the house, will
move to,the late home of Jno, and
Mrs. King, Grey Twp., who recently
sold their farm to Roy Cunningham,
Mr. Maunders owns another 100 &erect,
on which he residue, about a mile
Sovith of farm he sold to Mr, McIntosh
and where he has everything fitted up
in a most Modern and eoey etyle.
:4( 1.40 beamed 4. gond
prope, 113. well 61CIELL0(i, 311 eon-
dition 1511d 151 a titre community. We
weleotne him to 1110 locality arid with
him a 3 success In hie new purchase.
Last. week George Davis diepesed ot
his 100 acre farm, 01 li line, to Jno.
Rintoul, of New Hamburg, a son of
°has. Rin tout, who bought. the .1003
Mooney farm on the same line 00)08
time ago, Mr. Davis has to give pos.
seesion on April 1st, beeee will bold a
clearing Anctinn Safe of Farm Stock,
ins pl m en te, household urn!! ure, &e,,
on Friday afiet noon of next week,
28th hest. He got $6000 for the farm,
Jas. Davis, deceased, bought 60 acres
of this farm 31 ye(5) s ago and lived
upon it up to hie demise. George pur-
chased the 50 aeree 11000135 the road
later, He purposee going In the West
for a holiday and renePeeting trip
combined and hie motile) will go to
Barrie and make her home with her
daughter. SV*' will 1)1. ',awry to ruse
the Davie' remove from locality
but 031811 them well.
Brussels will Hold Welcome
Returned Soldiers
and Old Boys' Reunion
Dates Saturday, Sunday and Monday,
July 26, 27 and 28.
Last Friday erening the fleet meet -
i lig of Benssels Business Menu' Associa-
tion for 1919 WILLI held in the Audience
room cif the Public Library, ft was
well attended, evidenced a. live inter-
est in local matters and was a real
business session.
The President, IV. H. Keir, outfit).
ed the program of work for the even-
ing and then called upon Reeve S. T.
s1°ecrP'ls)easee'rillghydro cot1Metit. Ait.,Plitt ctLeai-
a meeting of representatives of
various interested ninnieipalities, held
at Wingham, and was (if the opinion
the proposed plan world molt out
successfully. Flugetritt Falls, Grey
Oounty is supposed to supply the pow-
Secretary P. H. Gilroy was unable
to be preeent and on motion of M.
Black, seconded by Jas. Ballantyne,
Rev. H. Smith was appointed Secre..
tary pro tem, and filled the bill is.
good style. The question of street
watering was the first subject dealt
with. After some discussion R.
Leatherdale moved and W. P. Steel, -
ton seconded that Committee of 1918,
viz Jas, Fox, A, Strachan and D. C.
Rose, confer with J. Henderson who
did the work last year atol report to
the next meeting of this Association.
The substitution of oil for water was
proposed and several favorable com-
ments were offered. Councillor Wil'
ton quoted price of oil. As it was a
problem outside of the scope of this
Association, on motion of J. Ballet).
tyne and D. 0. Ross Brussels 0ouncit
was asked to ascertain what could be
done in the nee of oil and that the re -
salt be presented to this Association
un the evening of Tuesday, April 8th.
Brussels proposed new Postoffice
building, for which site was purchased
aud an appropriation voted for com;
struction by Dominion Government,
came next on program, There was no
dissenting vote to the following reso-
lution moved by John Hewitt and
seconded by Councillor Richards :-
That the Secretary of this Association
be instructed to write James Bow-
naan, AI. P. for North Huron, urging
the government to proceed at once
with the erection of the new postoffice
building in Brussels.
Will Brussels business people ob-
serve the weekly half holiday, same
as past 2 seasons ? This Nyasa, live sub..
ject and required little argument,
only as to the prolongation. Moved by
D. O. Ross, seconded by G. 0. Alan-
ners that we observe the half holiday
Thursday of each week, from 12
o'clock and that date for comtnetice.
'bent be May 1st, continuing until
September 1st, Carried. This is ad-
ding the month of May to the plan of
last year. 11 01(58 thought the time at
the start could be well employed in
gardening, Spring cleaning up, Stc,, as
probabilities are Daylight &mug will
not be in vogue this season.
M. Black presented the report of a
Committee appointed by the town
Council, consisting of Reeve Plum,
AL Black, J. Ferguton, J. H. Galbraith
and W. H. Kerr, relative to Welcom-
ing home the soldier boys. Sithetance
of veport was the recommendation
that a Soldiers' IVelcome and Old
Boys' Be-unien be held in Brussels
July 26, 27 and 28. That Saturday be
devoted largely to ehildren's sports,
with band and promenade Concert in
evening. Sunday that pulpits be oc-
(espied by old parsons, with union
platform meeting of short addresses
and massed choirs on the Park after
church services. Monday varied pro-
gram of games, sports, tuusic, &c.,
concluding with a big Concert. Reeve
Plum, S. Ferguson, Jas, Pox, N. P,
Gerry, B. 8. Scott, Rev. H. Stnith and
Pr eeident and Secretary were named
as Striking Committee to draft nate.
nue Committees for the Re -union.
Aftee a heat ty ('15131 0000 the idea in
which the plan was warmly ortoonend.
ed, enanimouely so resolution was
adopted, moved by George Thomson,
seconded by B. 8, Scott, that the out-
line plan of Committee be accepted by
this meeting as satisfactory and that
every loyal resident be urged to assist
11* meking the ReunionRe'uo10 50 splendid '
suctless. Conference will be held with
promoters of similar gatherings in
other towns that we may profit
by their experience, The °Mee
bearers for the Association, with a
few necessary amendments, owing to
deaths and removals, were re-eleeted,
Meeting adjourned until Tuesday,
April 8th, at 8 9. In, theta).