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The Brussels Post, 1919-3-13, Page 8
�d•.c';�.a-;c..:.aa`rG'A .ear.,i+fir�'!,wa:�..t'�"",-r.k�� -.i,.. ,.:...'°5'"�.-ss '� O044)+44446 404•410+40+e+660+0+6h 044d w t+yr: verwl yv-&'0•it* eOd'< +04'PAINT «g, t r I 'r 444,o+o+6 0444.64•©4 W P ER Decorating 6 Here and the New Pa ers are Ready Bright sunlight has shown up shabLy walls and the ur- gent need for fresh Paper. The new Spring Mock is here and our racks are loaded down with the Newest and Choicest goods to be had. For Living Rooms, Halls and Dining Rooms there is a splendid range of PLAIN FABRIC EFFECTS' OATMEAL INGRAINS NEW TAPESTRY PAPERS SILK FINISH PAPERS With handsome Ready Cut-out Borders to match. In Bedroom Papers there are New Stripes, Floral and Chintz designs. For Kitchens and Bath Rooms nothing better than the Cil Finished Papers or Washable Varnished Tiles. New Small Pattern Ceiling Papers. New White Moire Ceilings. If you have Papering to do, selecting is made easy and satisfactory by seeing our Sample Books. Store 1 TH Druggist and Stationer 0 yr ,4.04e0:6+e+4440.41.•D+440.0+034+6.1.4.+0+e+++0+0+•+4)•t•0+$+•+0 total oral _t__.W l inns THE found money advertised was claimed by READ every advt. MILLINERY displays come next. MARCH will be half gone by Saturday. ScRuoL Board Friday evening of this week, SOME rf the Spring birds are already here. DAYS are growing appreciatively longer. BRUSSELS is to be made a distributing centre for a big coal oil firm, Sr. PATRICK'S day next Monday. Don't forget your Shamrock. AUTOMOBILES have run the whole 1 Winter in some instances around here, i ANDERSON Rams. have been appointed the local agentsforthe Chevrolet car. HAVE you sent in your 4 choices to Bru_,a1: Horticultural Society Yet? The order is supposed to be forwarded by close of March. Get a hustle on. OLD TIME DANCE. -Friday night of this week an 016 Time harp dance will be held in the Town Hall, Brace's, to which everybody is invited, READ the report of the Standard Re - trance Mortgage Corporation on page 4 of this issue. H. L. Jackson is the local agent and can supply fuller toformetto n if desired. • VICTORIA COTTAGE," the cosy home of the late Rev, and Mrs, R, Paul, Prin• cess street, Brussels, was not sold last Saturday. It is a desirable spot and still on the market. THE long list of sick folk during past week has been happily curtailed and THE POST !lopes all may soon be as hearty as ever. Caution is urged, however, as re - lap es are not to be desired, Is YOURS PAID 1-A number of sub scribers to Tax PosT are squaring up arrearages for which the Editor returns thanks. Perhaps a glance at your label would prompt you to do likewise, Save us the trouble of seeding a notice. 3 FESTIVAL Day's -Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of next week -under Chautauqua management. Get a ticket covering the series of 6 entertainments and enjoy the great musical and literary treat, 'Town Hall, Brussels. BRusCELS Red Cross Circle made the closing shipment to Hyman Hall, Lon- don, this week. after a continuance of over 4 years. In shipment was included 3o parrs socks and stockings, dresses, boys trousers and undergarments for Belgians, Red Cross samples were also forwarded. CHAIITAIJQUA Festival, Brussels Town Hall, Tuesday. Wednesday and 'Thurs- day of next week, rseh, 19th and aoth, A r program. Reserved seat plan at FOX'S Drug store. A $2.00 Course ticket covers the six entertainments. Don't miss the opportunity of hearing the best. See advt. Tan Committee of arrangements in connection with the recent Welcome Home Supper for the soldiers wish to thank the ladies for the splendid supper and the excellent service rendered by them. They also thank all who assisted iu ally way to make the event a success. BUSINESS Mens' meeting, Friday even- ing of this week, Library Audience Room, at S sharp. Among business Items to be dealt with will be :--Street watering plan ; weekly half Holiday; Soldiers' and Old Boys' Reunion ; New Postoffice block ; Election of Officers for sere. If you count yourself a live citizen show it by your presence. Everybody cordially invited. Come with a suggrestiou along lines to be dis- cussed, Members of Council, School hoard, pastors, teachers, society repre- sentatives, &c., all asked to be present. 8 O'clock is the hoar, Let us make kirnasels boom. the owner last week. Lass Monthly Horse Fair of the seas- on in Brussels will he held Thursday, April 3rd. THE heavy fall of snow last Saturday night and Sunday Morning came as quite a surprise and set the cutters and sleighs up in business again. Tax Lecture announced for last 'l'ues- day evening, by Rev. Mr. Pierce, on Armenian experiences was called off ow- ing to so monn.e lebcin sick. ek. Later de will be anounced. Ewan & Williamson Wish car;owners to bring along their Cars and get them Painted and made to look like new. Reasonable Prices, All Buggy Painting done likewise. COME ONE! COME ALL1 WE WILL PLEASE YOU, EWAN'S GARAGE BRUSSELS G. T. R snow plow was called into requisition last Sunday evening to clear the roadway for Monday, A Fordwich subscriber remitting for Tref POST says :-It is a welcome visi- tor and gives the news." Help us sus- tain this reputation by supplying inter- esting items. MADE A Live MEMBER -Ou the eve of the removal of Miss H. Gordon from Brussels to Orangeville, where khe purposes making her borne, the members of the W. M, S of the Methodist church, upon her at Victoria !s waited Brussels. i a Cottage," on Wednesday evening of last week, and presented her with an appre- ciative address. accompanied by an emblematic gold star pin. Address was read by Mrs L. Skelton, was WS fol. - lows :-To M t„ H. GORDON, BRussELs, DEAR Miss Grimmer -We have learn- ed with much regret of your intended removal from our community and are sorry cit cumstances have arisen neces- sitating it. As a co-worker in the Master's service, we have learned to love and respect you, Especially have we valued your services in the Brussels Branch of the Woman's Missionary Society where you have faithfully filled the office of President for past 6 years. Much is due to your fidelity and efforts for our success in this department of our Lord's work It is a pleasure to us to make you a Life Member of the W. M. S, and we ask you to accept this pin as a small token of our esteem and as a con• scant remembrance of the cause for which you worked and the friends you have in tate Brussels Branch of the W. M. S. We pray that wherever you may in the future snake your home you will continue your labors in God's cause as z talous y as you have iu the past, May the Lord be near and dear to you all through the Journey of life and at last may you hear Him say •'Well done good and faithfsl servant enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Signed in bebalt of the members of the Brussels W. M. S LAVINIA Sitas.'t•ott,-Secretary, CLARA JACKSON, -Cox. -Secretary, A•NGELINE Pws,-Treasurer. Presentation was made by Mrs. H. L Jackson. Miss Gordon made a brief but most fitting reply to the surpriserise and re- ciprocated the good wishes She would always remember Brussels and the i4 years she spent so pleasantly here anti the and Thursday of each month wound always carry her thoughts back to the W M. 5 meetings and the fine Christian people she had the pleasure of being as sociated with so loug. The gold pin and certificate would be valued very highly, representative of the great world work of the Society. She wished Brussels W, M. S the highest success and thn'tk- ed all the members for their kindness and loyal support, After eoulectionely was served Pond a social time enjoyed the party separated, A more public presen- tetlon was figured on but owing to so much sickness the plan outlined was fol- lowed. Miss Gordon left for Orange ville on Monday followed by the good wishes of a wide circle of friends, She not only took a deep luterest iu the W. M, S. As referred to, but in many an tau • ostentatious way lent a helping hand to the Red Cross Circle, Willing Work' ers and other labors of love and goodwill, The late Mrs. (Rev,) Paul was Miss Gordon's sister, GEESE for Pale. Phone ARMSTAONO Bees. Phone 424. Savo OAT.9: i?. A. 1'. No 72 Reed oats far sale. JAS. PERMIT., Lot 11, Con, 12, Gt- a 2510. York pigs 6 weeks old for sole, W. otEse , Lot 16, Con.6. rev. Phone 4117.Cesvanr.r'r' touring car for sale, in lab ohms condition. Has all modern attachments. For further particulars apply to Mite H. B. CITIEIonnLL, Mill street, Brussels. AlASs0Y•HAmils byticle for sale, cushion frame, coaster brake, tee. Good as new. Ap- ply to REV, H. J. BENTLEY, Walton, SILVER cap for buggy hub found, Enquire at TRE POST. ALAN'S heavy snit lost on gravel road South last week, Finder will much oblige loser if it is left at TRK Post. En. POLLARD, Mail Courier. SEED PEAR, Marquis Spring wheat and O. A. C. No. 21. Barley, for sale, Also Grade9 months' old hull calf, HARVEY DOEeON, Phone 8515. SEND 0atsfor sale, 0. A. C. No. 72, Good clean seed. Lot 17, Con. 16, Corey, Phone 2816. GROUND BONE. -Reap the hens hying by feeding grated hone. Any quantity 011 hand at BARKER Bets„ Brussels, FOR SALE. -4 Fresh Cows with calves at foot and 1 Cow due in 8 weeks. FRANK Wo000, Phone 2816 Con. 12, Grey, WANTED. -A good girl for general house- work, Good waves. No waehing. Apply to 20.9 Atne. HARRY STEWAaw, Seaforth, NEED OATS, .A quantity of 0. A. 0, No, 72 Seed Oats for sale. Guaranteed true to name and free from all noxious weerls and bad seeds. It, 1.. TAYLnn, R R. No, 2, Brussels, Phone 1810 Yot1Tu wanted to take charge of the deify ery of pleat, Ao. Apply to 0. 13, MoDonerD, Brussels, Fon NALE-Cornsr of ,john and Thomas ate., Brussels, two lots. Nos. 164 and 171. For fur. cher pertlr.nlSt apply to F. S. Soo2T, Ir you want anything choice in Shorthorn bulls cell on 0. Turnbull A Son, Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey township, Brussels R. 15, 2. Phone 2814, MAUDE n. BitYAN8 announces she has re- sumed work in her office. Cf$ee open every day. Hours 10 to 12 a. m„ 1 to 6 p. in. also Saturday evenings. DE, PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of enol; week, Ohronio and nervous dinesaee snecessfntly treated. Visits reeldencea. Consultation at Queen's Hotel I ifor Brussels? WHAT ahcut a Ping m 11 B ssets 1 Could the Farmers' Club give the proj- eat a boost? Pnrtr.q in M'ss Kathleen Wilton's de- partment at school had a few holidays last week as teacher was ill, Work was resumed on Friday. WHAT 0110 advt. did for 6 people, - sold an incubator, a 6 octave organ; 4 head of cattle, TO little pigs, 6o bushels seed oats, end 4 cockerels, SOME TH1.107; To BE EXPEC'TED.- Shanrrocko. Early chicks. Maple syrup. Spring trfrilinety, Every Btuas.elite a Booster, Chautaugno Festival to please, too at lin inose Mens' first meeting Friday. PIAN of reserved seats for Chautaqua Festival opens Prides, of this week, at n R. 111, at Fox's Drug store, Get your ticket and have it marked early. Ssnle seat is held for the 6 entertainments. Town Hall, Brussels, March r8 19 and 20, tt #t People We Talk About # ort # 7i % STANDAR)fey A OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made 8 Esr'o ta61-, a special feature by this Bank. 313 0 17 G. H. SAMIS, CJ Cl PJ Manager. BRUSSELS BRANCH, IlinfEWEICOMBEINSINEfinflanbe CAR OF White Potatoes WANTED Anybody having such for sale kindly call A. Leitch & Son Phone 52 10 Cranbrook Jno, Pugh, Mitchell, was io town this week, MiesElsie Good, of Kitchener, is a visitor with Miss Mae Wood, Albert street. D. Ewan, A. Roe and L. Williamsou were at Gcdole?' This weep doing duty as jurors. Miss Laura Lentherdale 10 home aft, r spending ' e u in several tvtU1 relatives weeks lid and friends in Toronto. Mrs. Jealer, of Kincardiue loealfly, has been a visitor at the .home of Walter A and Mrs Rose, Frederick street. Rev, A. J. and Mrs. Mann and P A McArthur were et Wingharn, ihe,geutle- nten attending Maitland Presbytery. Walter Rose attended a meeting of the Winter Fair Directors et Guelph last week. He is a member of the Board. Wm. and Mrs. Perrie, Turnberry street, are making a holiday visit with relatives and old frleuds in Listowel locality for a week or so, Next Tuesday evening Rev. A J Mann„ B. A , will attend a banquet t1' '1'oxonto for the graduates of his year (1894) this being the esth year. Reeve Plum attended a hydro meeting of local representatives at Wingharn and was appointed on a Committee to aid in its furtherance. Fuller report in aoother column Mrs, A. Morrison, of Port Austin, !dicks , is a guest at the home of her nephew and neice, les. and Mrs Ballan- tyne, Queen street. The visitor baa not been iu Brussels for 7 years. Miss Ida Fulton has arrived borne from an extended visit to the West with relatives and friends. She purposes re maiuing fn town, we understand. Tile stay was a very enjoyable one. Ernest and Mrs. Miller. of S', Thomas, were visitors with Brussels sad Morris relatives last week while enroute to Kincardine for a visit. Tire former has been laid up from a sprained ankle. Miss Clete Danford, daughter of Jas, Dunfor'd, Clinton, formerly of Brussels, leaves for Detroit the end of the month to enter Helper os ital as a probation- er ion- er nurse -in -training. Site is a neice of E C, and Mrs. Mulford, of town, Last week lames Sharpe arrived back to town after an extended trip of So days 8uriug n'Well relatives and old feriends wore visi,ecl at '1'otouto, Belle- ville, Loudon, Detroit, 'Toledo, Oak Harbor, titor+nolale, Ohio, and other places, Mr. She, pe enjoyed the holiday greatly at 6 despite his 83 years found no difficulty in get ling about, He was well pleased with the Canadian and American cities but thinks the State of Ohio a fine spot to tarry in. Nursing Sister Zetta Ferguson, of 'Peeawa'er, arrived hone from overseas on Monday night of last week. She is just recovering from an attack of rn0u- euza and is a little bit under the weather but it is hoped she will soon be herself again. Nurse Fergnson Is a grand. daughter of Mrs. Jag. Fergnson, of Brussels, and well kuowu to many read ers of THE Posy, who bid her a hearty welcome back The following item refers to a cousin of Rev. W E. Stafford. Brussels :- Capt (Rev.) Roy P, Stafford, is Chap lain of the r7th Reserve Canadian Bat- talion at Ripon, Yorkshire, England Capt. Stafford has quite recovered from the wound In the right heel, received in France last August, He anticipates re- turning to Cansda this Summer. "Roy" is Ole son of Rev. Geo. Stafford, of Spencerville, Ont. During the past week James Mc- Fadzean and Wm. Perrie, have moved to town to the comfortable premises they purchased last year on Turnberry street, South, from Fred. McCracken and Miss Kelly, respectively. Fred. and Mrs. McCracken and family have taken up quarters in the house on Geo. Muldoon's farm. Mrs McFadzean has not sufficiently regained her health to come to Brussels but is receiving first- class care at the home of her father, Andrew Hislop, tett) Con„ Grey town- ship, and will 0000 be real hearty We hope. Mrs. Hambly, Wingharn, was a visitor with Mrs, (Dr,) White last week, Mrs. Walter:), Scott has gone to Mil. ton for a holiday visit al the parental home, Mrs. Jas. Bowman, Toronto, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs J 13, Galbraith, Brussels, Joe, Currie was i11 during past week from an attack of pneumonia but is on the up grade now, Mrs, B, Whittard and children and the fornrer's brother, Nelson Agar, were visitiug with a sister, Mrs, Frank Stamper, of Bluevale, over Ole week end Miss Dais Ross is enjcyiog a holiday with Mts. Raynor, of Petrolla. 'Phe bosteeewAS a former saleslady iu D. C. Ross' store here, when she was a Mise Colllson. Mrs. J. H. Galbraith underwent a critical operation and has been seriously since but improvement is evidenced now and we hope speedy convalescence will ensue. This week Mrs D, 0, Ross went to Whitby to attend the funeral of her nephew, Lyall, eldest son oh Alex and Mrs. McAllister, formerly of Grey town- ship. He wasa fine young man of 19 years of age. Ensign J. Gordon Clark, U. S. N. an officer of the U. S. S. "Mercury," a transport running between U S and Prance, has been a welcome visitor with Nesbit and Mrs, Hamilton for a few clays, He is a nephew. azziagragesizaw 0 O 61 e 5 e 17 1$ (0d 9 9 0 0 52 06 K2 10 0 2 06 2 Ori 0 60 66 • 1 30 1 60 W 470 70 40 0 BO 30 61 18 00 18 LQ 00 1650 0 16 66 68 0 A 9 1,333 Suuday morning Rev. J. 11, l)yke, To; onto, rtpresulletive of the h1 uskok•e Sanitarium, occupied the pal pit el the Alethodist elan ch, pct eking trete the subjtet "Overcoming,' Be Otto a former pastor of ;hie locality y' are ago. Rev Air. Manu cached at evening service on the "Atonement," BRUSSELS MARKET Fall wheat Spring Wheat... ........ .... Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hogs Wool Potatoes per bag Hav Wool (unwashed).. ...... . ... BORN SPETIAN.-In Grey township, on February 11514, 1918, to Mr, end Mrs. John A, 11, Speiran, n daughter -Stella Irene, Ohurch chimes Wednesday of last weelc being Ash Wednesday special service was held in St. John's church by Rev. H Smith, rector, to be continued during the season of Lent. The illustrated Lecture by Rev. Mr, Dyke, announced for last Sunday night, had to he cancelled owing to lantern difficulty, (a broken Wire being fount) in the rheostat) carried with the machine, Melville church W, Zvi S will meet Thursday afternoon of this week tit 3 o'clock At the home of Mrs, las, Fox, The Methodist clime); W, M: S, meet the same afIerIsom at the home of Mrs, R•, F. Downing, MARRIED MONrottor SToltiY; At the manse, AtcRillop, on Feb. 10113, 26th, by Rev. D. Carswell, 04r, John McNichol, Blyth, to alis Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Storey, of Mc - Rillo . P DIED MDALT.Thisl -At the restdenee, No, 2, Barrie ave., Toronto, on March 0th. 1015, Iaebelta Fraser, widow of the late John McAllister, Re ed 70 3 ears. MOALLr oR,—At Whitby, m1 MMarchOl Lyall, oldest eon or Alex. and Mrs. MOAT• i lister, aged 10 years. RANDS. -At Wiwi Hill, Sask., on Fob 4th, 1010, Doris Annabel, only daughter of Me, eta Mrs, Milton Rands, aged 7 Months and 8 days, t5 11i 4. B 9 9 9 e fA 114 0 e e e 9 AUCTION SALES ! 5 FRIDAY, MAROR 14T11, -Farm MOCK, I10ple- Flt tnents, Ao., at Lot27, Con. 15, Grey township. i Clearin sale at 1 p, 1n, D.K. Ltviugeton, c®1 Prop.; 7. S. Scott, Auo, FRIDAY, MAR05 14'E0. -Farm Stook, lmple- men ta, Aa., at Lot 14, Con. 1, Grey. Sale at 1 sharp. B. Nieiop, Prop, ; T. R. Bennett, Auc. SATURDAY, MARON 15,-130010,12 noes of land, Farm stook, furniture, &o, W, pt. Lot 1, Con. 11, 0009. Sale Flt 1 p. m. ED, GA1tvIN, 1 Prop. F. S. Scott, Anet 'oneer. • mente,lSso,,Aat t 12. Con 88, GreyStoatownship, Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. W. A. Lamont, Prop.; F. 8, Scott, Ana, TUESDAY, MANOR 18, -Lot 2, Con, 11, Elmo, (Silver Corners,) Form stock, implements, rain, potatoes, Aa. Sale et 1 p, m. Brag grain, Prop t;s,4..7 r'Vw'rw4Ft&..'rStr tswits+.iit,v...etass6S^t{�* intorWtp'Ji# '4t'zth. ° ty40k Fox's rug tore 'l'liE8'= �a. ° STORE f:J3ZXR'.�+.•LSiL'NT Weekly Store News 11011, 'l'f1it] Mark, ill Winds Penslar Almond and Cucumher Penslar Vanishing face Cream ALSO fiyal's face Cream Excellent peeparatinne for chapped hands and all it illation of the shin. Nothing better, Chocolates IN BULK Have you tried our new Bulk (lime - Mutes? They are always delirious• ly fresh :-Melba, Oocanut, Straw, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Orange, Altrintid, Willard's Fol.kdipt, 603 per pound, 'mite Colors Old and New Straw Hats We have the following colors :- Oardfnnl, Red, Navy Blue, Brown, Sage Green, Cadet Blue, Yellow, Lavander, Cerise, Dull Black, Jet; Black, Basiln irked. al hatisfactory acomia. ;b 6 w al 9 0 fP 65 c Are You Recovering front the Flu ? ty iia ri 3 With Hypophosphites 0 is e 413 9 4. O E► YOU WILL FIND Penslar Cod liver Extract Most valuable. We cannot lee. omtnend ec- ommend thio excellent- prepara- tion too highly, 50e St 831,00 bot, Wall Paper Our new stook is gradually coming to hand. We know yon will be pleased will) this year's samples. Fuller an- nouncement later. Mouth Organa For 601110 time past we have ex- peeieuced g1 rat difficulty in pro- curing the above but now have a splendid assortment ef the very beet at moderate pticea, Bluestone Formaldehyde Chloride of Lime Copperas They Were There All Hight "What ere poo burying in thot hole?" asked Grey of his neighbor. "Juan re -planting some of my needs, that's all." Seeds!" exehtimed Grey angrily .11 looks more like one of my hens. "It is one of your hens" replied the digger. "The seeds are inside." Let us Develop your next spool of e' Pd me, We assure you of prompt and most satisfactory Results. You will like our Work. LI ES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER 6s 4. is 9 s F'o3zanesaseeneeFiereeseeswootteees3esseeseeeseee eeeeeeeee 0 T13URSDAY, MA1100 20TH. Farm Stook, Iln- plements, Oe., at Lot 18, Con. 12, Grey• Sale unreserved nHvnAnel p, m James Noble, Prop, : er, FRIDAY, MAttOH 21. -Lot 20, Con, 14, AleKtl- lop, Farm stook, implements, As. Sale un- reserved at 1 p. In. Joe. R. HAMiLVoN, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano. WEDNESDAY, MANOR, Mi. -Feria stock, implements, &c., at Not 10, Con, 10, prey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Jas. 'Ballmltyne, Proprietor, F, S. Scott, Ano. Af0NDAY, MAtion 81. -Farm stook; imple- ments, As., Lot 17, Con, 16, Grey Sale nnre• served at 1 p.m. MARTIN MONyAAt, Prop, F, 5, Seott, Auo., l;.,; ++•4•oi,.i,i„;,.7;pOoi,.l„ii,q„1pgp,t,.1,qp.i t 1 i},•t ii,.i T FA'i1,{i„i,•I„g++++++++'l-+++++++++++44 4. .1. 4. t 9• •i' 'i- d �1• 'c- a 0 Ste`' 4- •1' 3' '1• k 4' .,4 ,p .p 'h k 4' 4' •1' 4' 4. ''1• 'i' +s 4. a GIGANTIC SALE Dr'a° 'xR4lRe �/ Johnc ei on iti's te r�` tck Ethel The for this Gigantic Sale is have decided to go Out of Business Have gone through the entire stock with Cut Price Knife and Slashe+v and Trimmed all Previous Price Records in order to move out our choice $18,000 Stock. It consists of Wonderful Bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Bots 81 Shoes eadyf r, .de Clothing, Crockery, &ca Cast your Eyes on this Startling rice List Here's a Good One Scotch Fingering Yarn, lb, 2 25 Factory Yarn, lb, . 1 49 Here's Another I yd. wide Flannelette, reg. 40c for 29 1 yd. wide Flannelette, reg, 30c for 23 Can You Beat This ? 4.5c Rock -fast Drills for . 33 Look at This Men's Overalls and Pants from 1 00 up And This Saucers, doz. 1 95 1 60 2for 15 Cloverleaf Cups and Plain White Lantern Glasses Grocery Department Shoe Polish only 2 lbs. Loose Raisins for Salmon per can, from , Brooms each 08 25 13 75 Store Closes each Evening, except Saturday, at 6 o'clock PRODUCE TAKEN AT CASH PRICES DURING SALE. Jno McDonald - Ethel ,h 4' 't• o,. -r •1- -11. 14 4. 9• 4.4.•Wi•'!4,4 4'3•••u4.4.4'++'1'4'.+4'++++,iN+t'{„1'•N4.'Flt+I-14.1.14+3•'1«I'9.4r+d•++d••Fh'h+•1"p••G,•b'fB••N•Y•11••W+ 9 iyk•i'•6'•d'•ib't'•1°0al'•