HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-3-13, Page 7r ii 4-4 • NOAII'S LANDING PLACE le Now Republic of Antral, is , Province of Armenia. The non'. smpeal matio by the, newly tenet:Hied republic ef Ararele Por recognitioil will be belled: under stood, at leest gcogrephirally, when It is e.xpleieed that th'g0t Iti tion is e geovinee of A11ie:11m It takete mime rrom inoura Lein on wheel the Ark mule a 1Z11 h1 after the Vloode-Aralet Neadde Mot:Maim The Whole werld, vet-or:line le the END story, •Wite 811b11. riming the period or the Deluge and Ararat's tomnoet peek wari the fret dee- land to appear aim. eth4W!,15:4 roe the Amite nelson teat 11 tvai; tb101.f.l.5815 Armenie, :41 1411 events. Al rireeed 1e -dale it. ieleee a 141 .111 or tea dela or the re e :1, in:ism:eh as the pcae it; 10071t 4.1 oi teree miles above sea le' el, 11, ie- emneeillimed, and RR St05.5e8 for fieltel :5.0111 the _op •Ar, co,ered with everlasting' snow toel fi?1,13 of glittering ler. The r'llinh dowil must bean rather eaffinii fer Noah, his family, and all the animels disembarked from the Ark. Al 107' an ascent to the top, it was formerly believed to he Lmnosi- eible. The Armenian monks de- clared that remains of the Nom:hien bark still existed on the marmite and that by reason of their sanctity a se- pernatural_ influence forbade ap- proach. Neverthelees, in September, 1829, a bold climber, Dr. Johann Parrot, succeeded inreathing the top of Ara- rat are cie corning down stated that he had found not even the keel of the Ark up there. Sino then the feat has been repeated by sevetal other adventurous persons. Ararat comes pretty near to being the most beautiful mountain in the wird. It is a long -extinct volcano, standing almost isolated save for a lesser peals, called -Little Ararat, which (really part of it) is a one of exquisite symmetry -on admit vol- cano of a type plainly recognizable as an eel' pile formed about an erup- tive chimney. Below, in the valley or Araxes, was the Garden of Eden, according to Ar- menian tradition. At Marsand, in that neighborhood, was (so the monks say) the burial place of Noah's wife, At .Arguri, a village uear a great chasm that runs into the heart of the mountain, Noah planted the first eineyard. CAPTAIN STICKS To iititle , — British Skipper Remains on Water. logged and Dismastecl Craft. The British schooner Charlevoix, whose skipper, Captain Roberts, re- fused to leave his dbmasted and waterlogged craft when his crew of seven men were taken off in midocoan February 8, by the steamehip J. A. Bostwick, and later landed at Key West, is still afloat with its skipper, who is just as determined as ever not to leave it a derelkt on the high seas as a peize for some fortune-hunting tug or steamship which might come along and pick it up and tow it in to some nearby port. The devotion of Captain Roberts to the interests of his owners is regard- ed as ono of the extraordinary ex amides of heroism in the annals of the sea. According to the master of the Bostweek, no persuasion could in- duce Captain Roberts to leave his ship, which was on 5, voyage from $t. Andrews, Fla., to Mac.oria, with a cargo of lumber. A severe storm dis- mantled the vessel and caused it to leak, the lumber cargo alone keeping it afloat. It was forty-eight hours after the Bostwick had left the Charlevoix, with all its crew except Captain Rob- erts on board, that the wrecked craf was avert met by a steamship. Rang - Mg near the deep laden hulk, the lone mariner on board was asked if assist- ance was needed. The reply came hack that no help was needed-. The steamship le of steel. Tho ship then was 27 degrees 55 minutes north, longitude 79 degrees 5 minutes west. My Creed. My <treed? Yos,,lrIend 111 tell it you. Since you have asked me to define On what I build my hope or heaven. My creed? Yett, I can call ie mine Since it belongs to every num Who roaches upward toward the light, And trusts in God for guidance mire And strongth and will to do the right. You'll find it written down, my friend, In that old Book upon the shelf; "eie "Love the Lord with all thine beart, And love thy neighbor as thyself." NM quite enough? 'Twas counted so 13y One Who walked by Galilee, Christ's creed of love for Goll and mail is quite enough for yon and me. Give the flatirons a good Washing every new and then with Bodo mid hot water. If you would learn to save, keep in touch with oVery cent you pend. Valuable Necklace for Baby Welfare. The Duchess of Albany, who is keenly intereeted in all echernee for infant welfare, has recently zold row of pearls often Warn by the late queen Vietorlii, tend pretiented hy her to her deugleerein-laW, 10 a Picea. ollilly perchrtor for e2,500, Tice pre - evade Ale Inie genii for the ;benefit oe the leabicei MIMS and Day Nnreer. ice in Deptford, of which there 15 great need in a borough composed _ale Most entirely of tvorking elass -fano. 14 Jfeleel ver There— Over Here IQ TAG Chewing Tobacco LI is appreciated by both of Canada's war units —those who fought in Flande,rs and those who served at: home, TI: is also enjoyed by civilians of all classes throughou t Canada and is recognized 111 being qff WAR'S AF"E"MATH -P:':-TIeiTlfeeisTeakT iPkglelf The Wee k ly rashion , Ctm " Cor." . Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try thiyourself then pass It alonto others. It works! . . S t 0 1 rp 4141dt "V1:4 1. :Vl.'e,'....•,1‘41• 443 1 14011iLf;41,14 Sti. 1. 554:11 044144 1, t,.- . 1 l`4(00.A/rly to Fiar 11 31 w 4 tvtee. t t ro a . .,,,r,.,, i,.,1a,• . . Ca -1A ,ep51 . 1 1.. r 11151055x4 11 01 744 4Itti' ii4i01.1411 010 01, ti(,14,/. +toli4 ' D0eialli1. 4,5t1'l,..,l6..5,0..',4.5gweh; o5,1t.i,i9 , , ...0,"cil eia.0,-... j op•lIi "-r(vf1`'_3-"l..,i-:,1=: `i•-5"'5.-i0.-.,-t-1t:.-,1I-,i..-;1e2,:=.I-5,:r:-,,?n"i,.-' - ?,t. -..,.,. la.i'.in.5' -- .1; r5,-t1a..01tzl-, e'.,-t—a•! .e; 5 -}' .(..z i50i.4e4_.,.1i^,8.., 1"0wW,,.,i,1, , -r1 (erI,i77'•_ e,i034,-ln,111•„s t, Ouch 1 ? 1 ?1 1 This hind of rough gI,CO,71vu)1i:,vti,Er talk will he hoard 14']') bore in town if VipaJai;a11,110a 01,4 1 people troull,d sith c.rin] will follow Ontarla. Insarsaeo ,urai,.l1 . t1,simple adviof thiCIgimlet!04sle114 -21"304 kC (1131144F(14.51". 44117 (114,1,144 1150 it crew dros of dr,icalled f1 714tIiql POed emtife‘1;i14 8/ titdil1011Cm141 Fifi,trS r,,,wn ,,11t244 t. , end stet lit! rn 415'28 ip t3a4 1054155 /141.1. J. 17 ,io Wi015 811 5±5right ,f'1It10,01p7in. P‘tlenhtrd.no5.311,111,: I 0 1E.l,1-"90'17(1 1,111(1! Mee.; imomellety eel never ineame,,,.2.;1 ini5it.. 5.1515 10 ,.00.14i1 .111;.i 3,, i 5' 5 1, ,.5. . 11 14 ..i'-i.i''4 0111'1Ci' o, -r.1 1911 4311n.teI" 1 of ,a me,or 11.,,1,Io 0.11 00444 0;: ',; 1 lr3441 1m11 1,1,;ec; it trmv,,, ,, ha! •' 01 --------- 004 l itl, I lai3O 414,4 will ,,lonil lis1,4 1 41104,1,,,(lij1441,{ of i, 3401 1e.s. .::4:41 ,..‘.,., 41. , ' , , ,, , ' ,1' .o. •', • 4 3 3 4',‘ Sound:, in the their soil as the French this eta° of CANADIAN II/WNEl) /1.9111 1'43F emei S.../nor 1atortatitio f4SVCr 4 J. atra1M8 rens _t be °specially disttassing, he.m mado at a certain but there 18 0.0 emendalut, It is all so Montrealer Attacked Single -Handed soheel in tho 112iael Statee '— ON 1. „1.6 Fgu ticir7lip I -0114 annihilating and overwitelmIng for When 19,000 Feet Up. The iiieniiheeed box -pleated :!kirt is the o-arthin • It everybody that there is little hutted& FAR11IER:3 OF THE SOMME AND THE MARNE. Must 1305141 Life Anew on Shell -Tern Fields Robbed of Trees and Buildings. G. Adearie, a Briliali agricultural ex- pert, wh,.) recently retarned from nal expreseion of feeling, and if any denription could be extracted from them 11 1(0111,1 probably be as detaclied ing to light, it will be interesting to ed. McCall Pettern No. 8720 Girl's, 1,00 feet er„ge the 0 rcurni5. 14 44 as Pliny's letter on the destruction of tell how a Montreal Aviator mount, Dress. In 5 sloe, 31 to 14 years. crortitirei In a, oungh reveal their bele • Pompeii. ed for the last Zeppelie to be brought Price, 20 cents. 'franefer Deign No, ing-placi•I to the eerie -mut 3,1109 feet °The one abiding inieroseloo Obtain- down. The aviator was Lieut. Stuart 811. Peiee, 1.5 emite. up; the rumble ef cart wheels is :live oil by traversing the battleeelds Is L. (Miley, D. SO, :who enlisted in the bis at '.,2;•111 fee;, white the metallic; that. Of snment5an, Teems and villegeth Royel Naval -Serviee nearly two years • sound in chmech bells enaliles them leveled to the ground 0.114, nettle amen. ego. to beet the ferreer by 159 feet. ed up by shell fire. Wherever the bat- Early Sunday morning, August 11, Sixange theuali it may appear, a tle has raged in Its fury tho effect 18. 191 8, word was brought in by motor dogs bark or the simple 4410010 of a the m sae, and the state een of tho country boats that a Zeppelin had bsight- . riee earry final:de than any of the afore-meet:haled so mils. Now that the meny and varied attached to the •walet, which closes at earth temnie penetrate. A me e.e hemp:me:1 lt.5. 5.5,5.5 "hurh" Mei lent • of the war ar. corn- the side frorit. No placed; is require shout ean be igierd ,:,le dietincile ef tee ; 40040mate, a of oil 11*:, .40115' 15,15.w. •:", t.15 1501-30 1-.01,,ii.r5141 Ztl.i.artre Liniment for 8-5.7e 440001,wael-c. beggarie description. To reel the fitil ed. When he WW1 some 10,000 fect rmen, writes:. "I visited France on force the pretenitmeetp, Culley sighted the Zeppelin a <me - be contrasted i e behalf of the agricultural railer of with the past. A few 1000111H befeiderabldistance away. De deeided ore I ! to attack it. Ile kept straight on Allies ccanmitthe to itecertain in whet the Germans advanced the country clirection Lho most efficient anistance round Amiens WIti-1 400011 with whea.t. I until the Zeppelin was almost I&recta 1y over him, whenehe pulled up the could be 'rendered to the farmers 'rho prospect wagood. il whose holdinge have beendestroyed "Tho farmers had been sedum since - non of the plane and emptied his g by the war, The effect of tour years the retreat or the enemy in 1916. TheY: machine un into the bottom of the of continuous warfare, in some parts were industrious and hopeful that the airship, it being some 200 feet above nn the seine terrain, has boon to an- tido had turned, and that the worst the plane. The plane itself was 19,- nihilate beyoud reeoguition towns. vil. was over. Suddenly, un ?larch 21, 000 feet in the air. twos and lands; and it 171.: a,' at once 1918, the German advance began, Tt In about half a minute or ete spurts apparent that to seatter the small became an onrush, and in a few days of dame appeared in several parts amount at the disposal of the commit- the enemy at the gato of :-ssmhms,- of the Zeppelhl, tee over tho whole area of the front Then followed a goatee qui poet. Old The ships had been watehing the war. useless: it would hardly attain 111011, women and children seized on performance and immediately the as many family goodas they cmild ; Admiral saw the flames he sent this a.nd fled. Surely the eilemy would he sRuel to all the ships round about: stayed; it was only a nunneutary sue- 'Turn to hymn 224, laat verse," eess. They would return in a few which is as follower days. It waft not to be; they could "0 happy teand of pilgrims, never return to their Ulnae as they Look upward to the skies, knew them. Where such a light affliction, of the 801111010 in 1916. and it is, por. "MIMI' farewell was a final parting, Shall win so great a prize." haps. the victim of greater and more for nut one hewn was to remain in the Later Lieut. Gulley was called on coneentreted destruction than any villages they left. A few bricks might by the Minim] to stand on the deck other part or France. The devastated tadicats where the village stood, but of a destroyer while the fleet went by region in the Somme department alone no more'. Shell, bomb and dynamite, with the crews lining the gunwales amounts to 477,000 acres. Of this the sure agents of destruction, world cheering him. about one-half is completely ruined by 600 to that. Those who have known the digging of trenches and by bomb- and loved a home can imagine the IL S. IMMIGRATION TO WEST bardment, and will take years to re- anguish. No home-eoming for the man store; the Telnallid8r is capable of be- at tho wars. It can never bAlberta Has the Largest Proportione the same ing able time to a state of cultivation, created. A wound had been inflicted of People from the States. brought back within a measure- again. Old aesociations cannot bo re- "Thenlistriet extends from Ilinniumo which can never heal. to Month:Mier and from beyond Peron. Trees Could Tell Tales. ne to within a few miIes of Amiens. 'The trees, which are so essential It would bo quite useless to send live- to the beauty of the country, Which to the dimensions or a drop in the ocean. "The dopattment of the Somme 15 peculiarly appropriate for the purposes of the committee's relief, for two rea- sons. dt bas been the scone of the Bri- tish army's operations since the battle stock into any part of this area at the Promo:et time, for there are no means of subeistenee for anlinai life and the. farmers have no houses to live in. It is hoped, however, that by May ar- rangements will have been made to en- able the farmers gradually to rot= to their farms in the more favored dis- tricts, and it is then MD assistance will be welcome. Somme Land Most Damaged. "A visit to tho Marne department in 1910 enabled me to compare the state Of that district with that of the Sam - me in 1918. In the country round Cha- lons the villages had been destroyed, but, owing to the fact that the Ger- mans boat 80 precipitate a refloat and also that trench warfare had hardly commenced, the soil was °imperative- ly uninjured. The devastation in the Somme department is inflnitely great- er became the land is destroyed. "To a people so ntuell attached to now Many of Your Neisfhbors Drink POST You know of some,but »1, do lin drink it R's because lea and coffee disagree with them, Next time a wakeful night, nervousness, heart -flutter or stom- ach disturbance follows tea or coffee drirdcing• Think of %shim Were.i. Atzsior7" give shade to the traveler elle rest the eye, could tell a tale; whole woods ince of Alberta was organized, and Graves in France, have been mown down: others stand up limbless ancl headless like :scaffold- ing poles. A11 are pierced and torn. The landscape is waste %lid treeless. The earth must have looktd like -this when first it cooled and before there immigrants, and Manitoba third, with yonder, was life and all was void. The work only 7S,789. The largest immigration So far away! llainardrar Liniment Cares Barns, M:0. He Was Too Busy. An Ranee having applied for cite zenship in tho United States wo.s be- ing examined in tho naturalization court: "Who is the president 00 (110 United States?" "Mr. Wile." "Who is vice presideat?" oeir. Marsh." "Could you be president?" enee, "Wliy?" "Mister, you 'mese, pleaee. I very busy worka do tiliee." MONEY ORCEP.S. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollitre costs three cents. "I hope yen put a erns against Mr. Snovk's name when you voted, is panel effect, The panels are Mary?" "011, no, r-,4 only put a Tho skirt of this individual design finished back and front with fringe, ernes agaimit than what I didn't. and the foundation is developed in want to see win. I put 'With love to Mr. Snooks' against 'is name -such contrasting material. McCall Pattern It mdsorne young gent!" No. 8485, Ladies' Waist. In 6 sizes, e Skirt. Le 7 sizes, 22 to 34 waist.' rifinarns Liniment Cures nanarne. 34 to 44 bust. No. 5747, Ladies', According to official figures the Irmo, 90 cents eac11. in metier< 3..1' f 14h eeei 14.141 ;gee ilmomeh ezemie 0111 m01)4, ov.n ,1:uio:' 1, WHch 401 44, ,',a11441'1011 I:7 ti5-11 lei 11 ICI ,Tiitii1;01 4 ititirk d;sy'S telti •11.,:,'h 1:1:".- It el ell (onner., e,„'eTV,T.ST,..e..v?12.ti Te -.9 S tl A Dyspepsia Clire gi M. D. advises : ''Peron s who te) suffer from oven iedireestion (,ft 0) and constipation can cure them- (0 selves by taking fifteen to (t, thirty drops of Extract of R714:s c€: 00 after each meal and at becleme. eiThis remedy is known as Mother le'e • Seigel's Curative Syrup is the drug te, C.* 0) trade." Get the genuine. 50c. saod $1.00 Ilottics. re a ava\tteati) m 44 • 08 HONEY REFUNDED.ASIt ANY DRUGGiST or write lyanr,n-Knex Co., Montreal, P.Q. P104 60c. Remember the mime As it tnizlit noi be sere twain Cabins are now being booked on board an airship which is to make its DON'T NEGLECT A total number of Americans thathave These patterns may be obtained fleet bueinees trip from Engem:id tel taken up residence in the Province of from your local McCall dealer, or . Buenos Ayres next August. The ac - Alberta wince 1905, including five from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toe !teal distanee of the jeurney will he months Of the fiscal year 1918-19, onto, Dept W. reaches 275,093. In 1905 the Prove just under 6,000 miles. statistical information has been kept since that date of the immigration , lheir fates shall be a song, a school - into the three provinces of Saskat- boy's wonder, ehowan, Manitoba and Alberta, Sas- For alanY a clay - 0, the red treasure we have buried katchewan ranks sezond with 226,330 of centuries has been erased, and II new creation is required. 'When the cathedral of Chartres was destroyed in the twelfth century it was considered to be such a calami- ty for Christendom that pilgrims flocked from all sides to aid in its 01- int Alberta from the United States came in 1909-10 and numbered 34563; the smallest, in 1918-19, numbered 5,613. The 10101 population of Alberta in 1916 was given officially as 496,525. The British immigration during the building. In the same way this great thirteen years since the province was calamity which France has suffered ! organized was 73,082, and other than for the common cause must not be left British 40,282, making a total of 113, - an her shoulders alone to bear. Ger- 364, as compared with 275,093 Muni - many, whieh hes inflicted this ottrage, grants of American nationality. The and has escaped invasion, must be predominance of the American immi- made to carry the burden, and it grant over all other nationalities is should be a pleasure to us to do what ; nearly seventy per cent. Assuming we can to alleviate the suffering of the ' that the proportion of immigrants from the United States residing in Alberta prior to the organization of the province was about the same as French peasants. What we can du is in the nature of first aid, 'The farmer when he returns will require to begin life again. His stock is now existing, the total American and his implements have gone, and I population in Alleerta to -day is prob. Monsieur Jourdan informed me that ably 325,000 out of the entire popula-, ma would be to give him those kinds Of course, hundreds of Americans the most efficient way to help the far- tiOn of 49,52F, or aboue 65 per cent.' of stock which will bring him the have taken up Government land and have becoine naturalized, and many hundreds of immigrants have left the United States before they had com- pleted their naturalization there. But the predominance of Americans in Ale borta is voxy marked, and this pre- demi/tame has a direct influence upon trade With the United States, Some Comeback. The lawyer was cross-examining a witness to a robbery. "When did the robbery take place?" he asked. "I think----" began the withese. "We don't care what you think, air. We Want to know what you know." "Then if you don't want to know what I think I may tie well leave the stand, 5 can't talk without thinking, Pm no lawyer." quickeet return, such as poultry and pigs, later he would welnome sheep and cattle. In the same way the small- er implements of husbandry and for the dairy would be more useful than heavier maehinery. evhieli will bo sup- plied by the co-operative societiee or by the governments. So far as seed is concerned there ie a groat scarcity of oats and good potato seed, "The sentiment which must attnel1 to the distriot of the Somme which has been defended by British arms, and the fact that the district 1 tbe most devastated region in the whole of France, will be enough to appeal to the generosity of the British fernier and draw! from him that practical eympa.thy which is better them tears, and will make a permanent bend be- tween the agrieulturiets of the two countries." The most elaborate typewriter ever built was made for the lute Czarina of Emzsia by an American company. All parts of the machine ordinarily enaiarlcd bhugt were of a brilliant blur, inlaid with niother-Ofepearl. The loye 10051.e5 of precious African ivory, and 1441 smaller metal parts were of • 44: 1 Faith. We -3nay not know what force com- pels, And guides this earthly sphere, We may not learn its laws sublime, We see but darkly here. We eannot grasp the infinite, Nor reach beyond the bar, But we believe a hand Divine tights yonder gleaming star. 0, the poor panting love that must go 'weeping Through bloody forum To find the soldier .121 his glory sleep- ing, So far from home! Prance, we have loved thee! But beyond all measure Our love shall be, Since in thy bosom we have .hid our treasure 01 agony. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen -My daughter, 13 yrs, old, was thrown from a sleigh and in- jured her elbow so badly it remained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MTNARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, .5. 33. LIVESQUE, St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug., 1900, Not Unusual. Miss Swootgirl was engaged to the -curate, and she took it upon herself to look after hint, as 11 nice women will. He was going oft to eillolate at funeral, and she stood at the garden gate, seeing him off. "Take care of yourself, dear!" said she. "Yes, yes -I will." said the curate. "Do," said the girl, still anxious. "And remember: Don't stand with your baro head on the damp ground" wartard,s X,innuent nolieves Neuralgia, 04.7* An Irishman stood for some time before al hall In which. 41. general fight seemed to bo going on, :Equally he could stand it no longer, and, ap- proaching at man in the doorway, asked: "Excuse me, sor, but wud you mind tellin' mok-.-iz that a private fight thot's via' on in there, or kin anyone join in?" GIRLS! DAVE A MASS OF BEAUTIFUL AIR, SJFT, GLOSSY, WAVY RHEUMATIC PAM Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a Mile. don't rub, let it pene- trate, and -good -tor twinge! Saine foe external aehes, Intim; strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. A small bottle destroys dandruff and doubles beauty of your hair. 'Within ten minutes after an apple cation of Danderiue you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when 7011 see 11010 hair, fine and downy at first -yes- but really new hair --growing all over the scalp A little Danderine immediately doub- les the beauty of your hair. No 0110- 00003100 how dell, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten 31 cloth with Danderino and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a timo. The effect is panne. ing-your hate w411 be light, fluffy and wavy. aud have an appearance of abundance; an Ineomparable lustre, softness and Ittearianee. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's; Danderino from any ding store or toilet counter for a few rents 1111d pro1.0 that your hair is as pretty and soft as any -that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment -that's all -you surely van have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dauderine. „-- 44 Reduces Boreal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore. ness from Bruises or Strains; etopt Sputa Lameness, allays palm Does net blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse, $2.50 A bottle' nt dniggists or delivered. Book 5 R free. ASSORBINE, R,.4 tor insakinti-an antieeptie liniment for bruises, eats, wounde, strains, painful, stollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. 44.25 a battle At drug. gists or poemaid. Will tell you more 46yoo write, Kraelnia, KO, St Slymns Ditig„ Montreal. Can. welargao sad Mesabi& /511'M side is Csstic."S 11,""•••••••°r"'""*"""'"'"`".-^•^•-• NO MATTER WHETHER MARE, COLT, JACK V, Instant rebel without mussiness or soiled clothing. Reliable -the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco- nomical by mane of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at 011 11411041 Nude in Canada. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. filh..1111axweilSuffereel ,Years With Pimpies Healed by Cutierara "1 suffered for years with plmpae5, land blackheads on my face. The lst. ,„. tex one. could hardly get 0 s 4: that I could tear my flesh to ) ,. s" pin point between, and the , 10 /0. former itched and burned so - pieces. I could not sleep at _,,of' night, and my face was just t."... a =SS of eruptions. r -I decided to give Cuticula Soars and Ointment a trial, and after using two cakes of Cutieura Soap and two boxes of Cutieure Ointment I wan completely healed." (Signed) R. B. Maxwell, Upper SeckVille, N. S., August 10, 1917. Yon May think that because Cut1. curs does such wonderful work In soothing and healing severe itching end burning eczemas Otto not adapted to the gentle 11009 of the toilet. On the contrary, that is just where it is most these sedan% eskffelicittirveoubinlesP.rcventing For Free Sample Each by Mali ad.. dress posteeard: '''Cutieera, Dept.. Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. OH NO Sp ohn s uistemper Compound Igneit.91711,441,1YeutitagiVttli]ZgAngVri Z.118'641:1!)5, etietatotlthettedieheeoree in the 6e15 r aon the Mad:enirsayaoitmv0.11 3arate01611 from disease by iaoavns Aim from sour asnssiot, SP0171#44g149440441fArANY• Goshen, Indiana, U.S.A.