HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-3-13, Page 4r...+�Ka±,.rv.•..,mw.u-«r.-.,Yw ...w-., a:x :....,,,,......s-..,µ sin G..,.«.»,eenFa,++.+.+i...u" wM.�b. ,. J.�.i a.-.Wi.. rte'*-rad,,.,,w..u'y."•'d':kws+txs:`^4,90.sair,Wrefia�<a•�;,tit�:�zth:�i3iiti�.,�,..r ;�...,"`�:••�>..it'a.r?^:,. r%e 3ruzsets .est THURSD/.Y, MARCH t3, rete SOLDIER t'aekets le the (;) d l..lud camps is not a gnoel sign 'Pluee may he little grievtuees tevasioundly kit raising a riot is a poor way to try to square it w ff. It only spells trouble. Tells eou,ming Summer promises to see some daring veututee, in aerial d'ghts. One of the promised features is a trip over the Atlantic, Expectation rune high as to the possibilities of air ship capabilities, Corin has been scoring mat y a victory in France dnriug the past year. Woo of Of her daughters tying up with United States soldiers, Those Meek eyes and ruddy cheeks could not be resisted, they say, WITH the a onlathntll of Canada at the ballot box in the Dominion election and the Ontario female voter in the Provincial contest with the ballot in her hand It looks as if the Prohibition cause had good allies -if they represent the best interests of the home -as we take it they do. THE PosT is pleased to see the action of wee Huron Teachers' executive, relative to improving school sections. Read about it ou page 4. Among the barest and most uninviting properties la some municipalities are the school and church properties, A few shade trees, flower beds plus a quarterly tidy- ing up maks a wonderful change, These should be beau'y spots in a com- muulty. IT appears to us the allies should do all they can to help Russia into a better condition than at present. The Great Bear rendered a wonderful service to the Allies, and perhaps held the Gerrnao- Austrian forces long enough to give time for better concentration of armed force against the Hun and thereby help- ed win the day. True Russia made a bad muddle of affairs later and perhaps is to blame a good deal, for their pres- ent plight but unless helped out of their dilemma now it may be bad for more than Russia. IT is certainly amusing to have the distillers end brewers of Canada read lectures to the Temperance people of Canada and tell them how to best deal with the liquor traffic for the time to conte. The aforesaid gentlemen sbould meet in conference and decide whether it should he "straight booze" or the mild ingredient (bat blesses every house. hold it enters," It looks now as if each were attempting to bolster up his own output and will urge legislation towards that end. "Will you walk into my par- lor said the spider to the fly 7 " is an old query that ought to be well understood. Ir Brussels is to forge abead it will not be by external influence or help nearly as much as from earnest and united push by the people within the corporation. We all like to see and en- joy good times but it is quite impossible for a few individuals to get up a boom if go per cent settle back and refuse to help in a forward move. Write on a Flip of paper the efforts you have made to improve Brussels and locality since your residence in town and this practical result, if anv, will .bow you how valuable a citizen you have been. If everybody lifts something has to move. THE latest railway news of interest to Canada is the fact that the Dominion Government has taken over the Grand Track Facile and may now acquire the whole Grand Trunk system, Steam- ships, hotels and Telegraph Company is included. It is time somebody took hold of these lines as the stringency of the times bad been making bard tug- ging for them. The G. T. P. has 5964 miles of main road and woo miles of branches. G. T. R, bas a tnileage of 3,556. Government control has not al- ways meant competent management but under proper supervision tbere is no reason why the business should not be made go, Hoc shipping has taken on a livelier interest than usual, on the principle that "Competition is the life of trade," we suppose, It is no easy matter for a weekly paper to give correct market quotations these days. West Huron Teachers Support Prohibition The Execeeive Committee of West Huron Teachers' Association, Which met at Exeter last Saturday decided to hold the Convention in Exeler on Thutaday and Friday immediately preceding Thanksgiving Day. A re- solution was forwarded to the Domi- nion Government urging them to make the prohibitory law permanent. It was also decided to circularize the trutteee and teachers of the inspeetor- ate, offering a reward of $10 to the eeetion that makes the greatest imt provement in levelling and seeding the roadsides, planting shade trees, improving bnildinge, oreharde, fences, -" '""""^"",^""`s I J. A. Oawtantine, Teeawvtter 1 W. J. (4'(221, W. H. Gurney, IVinghant ; Wm. el melee 1',urknote t Reeve S, Pluto, lit usenels; lteet'o Doll ging, s\Vi•uxelet J. Il, 1I1iobt, J. Cnl1, $ Blyth ; lhntxlw lltlnu itipley : May. P rr ' t t !''' e i ales• Auct on S Car of Wanted For Immediate Loading Phone •It3 of 97 W. J. McCracken Grocer and 9ecdsman and in any other way increasing the beauty of the inspectorate, as well as the value of the propeeiy. The fol- lowing members wete present I -It. R. Redmond, President, Belgrave ; W. H. Johnston, Secretary. Kipper ; George \Ittwanu and piss Jean Mur- ray, Itixettr, rod (l, 8, Howard, Dash- wood. J A 11 ES'1'01V N `Vin. and firs, McD.msld visited Hawick friends, 'Alin Marion Forrest, of Brussels, is visiting Mrs, 13. King. Miss Johnston etas resumed her duties at the Jamestown el ore, Andrew T. hiller is taking a course at the 1Vit,gham Bus'nees College. Geo, and Mrs. Ashton, Ford wich, wee visiting friends in the village, Mts. Jno, M. Miller and Miss Alar- garet visited with IVroxetet relatives, Auction Sale at Ben. Hyslop's farm, Oon. 1, Friday afternoon of this week. Chautauqua Festival Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday of Next week at Btussels will draw a number from this locality. We are glad to welcome Pte, John Johnston home ftonl France. It is 24 years since Jack went overseas. Wel- come home, Dungannon ladies will be well serv- ed in millinery this season by the handiwork of Miss Peat' Ptiyn, of Jamestown. She's a competent hand. WILL HYDRO COME ? Ott request from Wingltam a strong delegation of repleaentative men at- tended a meeting called by Mayor Gurney, Wiugham, on Thursday to devise ways and means of obtaining the extension of Hydro lines in the year 1919 iu Bruce and North Huron. Delegates were present flout Wing- ham,ees�gtvater Wroxeter, LuknoN c Brussels, Belgrave aud !Myth. tel y On motion of W. J. Greer, Wing - barn, on i seconded byMr. M a b tarn,, Rev. 0, R. Durrant was Blade (.hasp• man and on motion of S. R. Brill, and Mr. Houston, IViughttm, J. A. Con- stantine was made Secretary. W. H. Gurney and W. J. Greer having iuterviewed the Hydro Com- mission on Monday, Feb 23 d, on (Inc extension of their lines iu 19114 in Bruce and North Huron subleil.ted their reports and a plat. Moved by Mr. Greer, Winghaul, seconded by Reeve Plum, 131'11aaels, Filet e --That the representatives of Wingham, Wroxeter, Lueknow, Brussels, Teeswater, Bel grave and Blyth in meeting assembled favor the earliest instalmene of Hydro Power in Bruce and North Huron. Second :-That we petition the Hydro Commission to arrange for an early beginning along linos of that survey. Third :-That they appoint a Hum- ber to represent each municipality to bring this matter before their respect- ive Councils and Boards of Trade, re- questing (hem to write to W. W. Pope, See. of Hydro Oorntuissinn urg- ing that action be taken forthwith, Motion Carried. Members appointed :-L, A. Brink, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Anne Dunford, late of the Township of Gray, in the County of Huron, spinster, deceased. Notice is hereby given petrenant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chap 121, that all persons having claims or domande against the estate of the said Annie Danford, who died at London, Oat . on or about the 17th day of Tannery, A, D. 1010, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned Administrator of the estate of said deceased, their Christian end surnames and addresses with full partf- ottlers of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) hold by then( duly verified. Further take notice that after the last mentioned date the Administrator of the said estate will proceed to distribute the we eats of the said deoonaed meanest the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the olaime of which he shall then have notice at, aforaseld, and said Administrator, will not be liable for such assets or any part thereof t0 any pennon or permute of whose claim notice ehall not have been received at the time of ouch distribution. y Dated this OI IVER of March, WAY, Administrator, R, R, No. 8, llrusoele. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the eslele of George McCall. late of the Township of Mortis, in the County of Huron, farmer deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The tle- vteed Statutes of Ontario," thnt all creditors and otherm having clobnm againet the estate of the said George McCall, who died on or shout the Sixth day of January, A. D 1010, nre re- quired on or before the First Clay of April, A. D., 1010, to eand by post prepaid or deliver to Wm. A. McCall, onoof the Executors of the last Wilt and Tastement of amid deaeasod, at Walton, P. 0r, their Christian and Nttt•n,mee addreaeee anal deeoriptlons, the full mullet. tars of their claims, the !Alamo wit of their Ac- (manta moounta and thenatureof t:he securities (if any) held by titan. And further telco notice butt titter swill lamb mentioned date the maid Executors will pro• geed todletribete the neaeta of the doneaned among the parties entitled therel'.n havingR ne- gard only to the alnhns of which they ahnilthen have notice, and the Raid Exenntora will not be liable for the said aseeetor tiny part there- of to tiny porson or persons of whose Mahn notice glial' not (lave been reootved by them rat thetima of etch distribution. Dated at Walton thin 12th day of blotch, A, D.1010. WM. A. MUCALL,11 E noetttora, GEO. F. MnOAT.L, 5 A('CT(ON outLE OFFFARat STOCK IMPI.E- Mtars, 4e. 1" h 1ieolt, Anettnneur has I elltin,11114/10 1Mil'L reOnt elle nation -failed! ailed proprietor to sell by pewit; Atu'tiewat Lot 27 t'en. IL prey lnwurdut(,, Frldny, lttatt'h 14(11, at 1 o'clock , the following vnttlaldr property • 1 heavy h Ise, yours 014 ,1 heavy mare b yenro old l een , nl purpn,•s hart; 5 years old, I drh•- ing mut. J years old, I illy renew 8 years, 6 (owe suupoata110 be in tall', 1 frrnh volved row 2 Cn rret ear s, 1 bore' bred Polled Angus bull I rising 3 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, I heifer wising 3 y Nara, 3 heifers rising 2 years, 1 grade bull 5 menthe old, 3 naives, 4 ('all pelves, 1 yell' 3 weeks old, 1 young row, 120 young Item•+, I Drerlog uta pure spread - or, 1 Met'orenrtt 0 ft. binder carrier and track, 1 54essey-Barrir side take end tcdder, 1 Pr, al Wand d ft, Mower.] Meering e,,ltit'ntnr nr4 seed box, I set 4 section harrows, 2 snufflers I new, 2 wagons 1 nearly new, 1 Oita er plow, 1 ('uebehntt ploy, 1 ratter. 1 top buggy , l goat robe, 1 rng, 1 wheelbarrow, all sat, Inu•kets, Pan and slain., 1 milk ran Melon to Stem re tor, i Daisy Inhere, 1 tore gray)ty washer, I Happy Thought range, 1 iron bed, springs end mitt - treat' nearly new, 1 sldedieard, 1 Raymond seWhtg ntnuhine. I 0 octave piano case urgent, 1 gasoline lett e. 4 kitchen chairs, 400 bushels mats O. A. C, No. 72, 80 huahele !norgnie wheat fit for se -d, forlw, .novel,, chains, numerous other nrti.l,•s also quantity of anchor and Tepee post.. Sale without reserve rat propriet- or has len-ed his farm, Tercets ; alt runts of 4:5 and under cash, over that amount 0 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes, 4 per rent off for rash on credit A nIooulo. D, K. LIVINGSTON, Proprietor, A2) 'TION SALE 01? EDIT 4E. 12 ACRE LOT, tTOpK, rntttrrptta, &a. F. 5. leaott, Auctioneer, liar ree,4 yed instructions from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Publto Auctinu at W. Pt. Lot 1, Con. 11, (trey, Sater- dav Starch 15th, at 1 o'clock, the !allowing valuable property :-Frame house, stable, and 12 art es of land, 1 aged mare, 1 milk now• with calf at foot, 10 plrmonth melt Mina, hay and straw, plv,s, .rt harness, set be rrowe, nutting box 2 buggies, canter, 1 sot bob alright, wagon. ladder, :will hr iter, cooking stove, side board, aewit g neriine, 8 common chairs, 2 email tables, reeking chair, 0 bedsteads, lounge, bnrenn, set bench toe's. bedding dishes, mow her of other article.; too nupterota to mention. Telma.-Chaireho to be enol( ; Real estate made known day of node or upon appltettion to ED. GARVIN, Proprietor. AUe ITION SALE OF FARM STOi'K IMPLE- 515170. oto. F S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned proprietor to sell by Pablio Auction at Lot 12, Cott. 8, Grey township, on Monday, March 1711,, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property -1 horse 5 years old, 1 mare 5 years old, 1 horse l0 years, 2 cows due to calve April Ord, 1 cow due eulf April 15th, 1 heifer due to oslf March 22nd, 1 heifer due to pelf April lot, 1 heifer due to calve April Well, heifers 2 genre old, ti heifers 1 year old, 1 eteer 1 year old, 1 Durham bull calf, 7 calves, 1 York sow due March 1011,, 1 sow due Merril 20rd, U pigs 4 months old, 7 Wigs 8 months old, 6 pigs 2 Month old, 1 Berk. hog 4 months old, 4 eaves, 00 hens ell under 2 years, 2 cockerels, Massey - Harris binder 7 ft out, oarrter and truck near• ly new, Deering mower 5 ft out, McCormick lay loader, new Peter Hamilton hay rake, Frost & Wood cultiv,ttar, new Fleury sandier, clatter, buggy, light wagon, Ret of bob sleighs, wagon, set eagle Inertness, set double harlots, set platy harness, set iron harrows, drill plow, turnip sower, 2 21 Fleury walking plow, Crown double furrow walking plow, wagon box, wood rack,hay rank, fanning mill, set of 1000111. scales, af,nval cream separator, hey fork, oar and pulleys, hay York rope new, about 800 bus. oats about 400bus. barley, y, email quantity ti41qaiY 1s(] g wheat, small quantity tans nhott25 tone good hay, abont 75 bags choice nice P otntoes a quantity mangles and Gnrnils 8c rddry maple wood,about 40 cords maple to pile, cords othr, i cook Move, Torprhai shovels and other articles mention, Sale without r11- arv0 as the proprietor is giving up farming, Terms. -All mums of g0 and under cash ; over that amount 10 =tithe credit given on fnrni+hmg approved joint notes. 4 per cent MT for oaett on credit amounts, WM, A, LAMONT, Proprietor, AU,7TION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- 4LEtIENTo, 50.-5', B. Scott, Auotioaeer, has mewed instructions front the and ereign- end proprietor to sell by Publto Ambient at Lot'l'1, 71on, 12, Dray Townabip, on Thursday,, March 20111, at 1 o'oiock, the following vain. able property: -I team good hernias rising 7 weigh about 2000 Iba., 8 coins in owl:, I Helfer rising 8 in (slf, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 8 smuts rising 2 years. 2 steers rising 1 year, 2 Yaln- shlre sows duo to farrow In May, 1 sow abort 125 lbs., About 50 hens, 1 goose, 1 gander 1 Massa -Herrin binder, 1 Modorndok mower, 1 Cnskalitttt 111 diso drill, 1 dtao harrow, 1 Chat - hem wagon, gravel box, set of 'bob -sleighs, hay rake, Mataey-Harris hay loader, No. 21 Fleury walking plow, lay rack with roller platform, gang plow, set 4 suction diamond harrows, roller, fanning mill, set 1200 ib. settles, 2 sets double hotness, hay fork, ropes pulleys, ons goi>d hay, about bus 'Unproved about Sibert an oats fit for seed, ebout 175 has. mixed cats and barley, quantity potatoes, binder cover 15x15 ft., 0 ladders, 2 nets eingletrees with doubletreea, 2 neck yokes, forks, chntua, shovels end other artieleo too numerooe to mention. Sale 'Unreserved as the proprietor hae.sold his farm. Terms -95 and under cash, over that amount 11 months credit on furnioh- tng approved joint nates. dincouut of 4 per tient per annum allowed off for Oath, .7AS. NOBLE, Proprietor. UOTION SALE OF FA RM STOCK, IMPLE• A MEETS, 50.-11'. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received instructions front the undersigned Proprietor On sell by Puhlio Auction at Lot 20, Con 14, Malillop Township, on Friday, March 21st, at 1 o'cleMc, the following valuable prop- erty 1 aged mare in foal, 1 aged mare, 1 driving mare rising 7, snitabie fora womntt to drive, 1 gelding rising. 2, 11111y rising 2, 2 fresh cows, 1 now due to Wye 1st of May, 1 cow dtto to chive middle of May1 cow Gap >osed to be int odf, 1 cow due to ening) 15th of ,linty, I bur• ham bull, 211eifers 2 yew•a old due to naive 111 sept„ 8 steers rising 2, 1 yearling steer, 1 heifer ding 2, I hailer ruing 21n Calf, 8 young calves, 10 plea 0 monthe aid, 1 brood sow in peg, 4o hens, 2 gnome, 1 Gander, 2 dacha 1 drab„ 1 thoroughbred Scotch collie, 2 sets of double harness, 1 Net double driving harness, 1 set of single harness, 1 buggy and cutter Pole, 1 Chevrolet touring auto 1018 model, 1 Massey -Harris binder nearly new 6 ft. ant, 1 Manortntok mower new 6 ft. out, 1 8 ft, rake, 1 Massey -Harris hay loader, 1 seed drill, 1 Mato H, nt Mentor, mean Diamon 1 lharrowsE4 Isno(lppepn��e,ul1 set harrows 8 Gen"Ions, l Oliver riding tiflRf 1 walking plow, 1 Chattel in finning mill, I wag. on, 2 gravel boxes, I wagon box, 1 antler, 1 pet bob sleight nearly raw, 1 hay rack, 1 wheelbar- row, 2 sugar kettles, 1 set sondes cepoa(ty 2,050 ]hs , 1 grindstone, 1 snuffler, 1 De Level croon( arporator nearly new, 1 Vollmer washing mandible, 500 bus, man Imiltlble for seed, 400 hue. barley, a dnnntity or hay foots, alining, etlavele and numerone other arttelee. Sale without renerve no preprletot• has sold him farm. Terms -All some of $10.00 and under cash, over that ntnount8 menthe Oredlt given on furnishing approved joint notes, discount of 4 per cent off for dash on credit amounts. JOB, R. HAMILTON, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK IMPLE- trtnNTn, 50-6. S Scott, Atiotloneer, has received ioatractloae from the undersigned proprietor to Bell by Public Auction at Lot 20, Con. 10, Grey township, Wednoodny, March 26th, at 1 o'clock, following valuable proper- ty :-1 hers" U years old. 1 aged mare, 1. Per. otoron filly 8 years old, 6 Gown eupeosed to bo 1n calf, 2 farrow cows, 6 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 eteerH rlohtg 1 year old, 1 Bow to farrow lamb of April, 1 collie dog, 90 hens, 2 barred rook roosters, 2 pair geese, Massey-Marrig binder. 6 ft, MamsevIlerrie mower'new 5 ft 1 Johneton wire binder, hlaeney-Li-orris drill 11 hoe, nnitivator, Het harrows, 2 walling plows, two -furrow gang plow, truck wagon Bet sleighs, tap buggy nearly now, natter, Get of dotb'e larnesO, net of single harness, 2 horse blankets nearly new, wheelbarrow, tinily churn, goat robe, large mail box, wnter heir, cream separator NEM ttelelortl, milk palls, gravel box, scythe and 'natal new, n gttoatityof reeler poet4„ 2 atloke owlet, 10 ft long, about 0(10 bushels barley, about 100 ins, Onto, about 4 tons hay, forks, shathti, Whiffle - and namereat other artialen, Stile without remove nm the proprietor etas solei hie far,tt, Tet•nta--AII sums of $6.'00 and under emiti over Mutt amount 10 monehe oredlt given on furnishing approved johltnotos, 5 per bout cif for TAMfsBALLANTY1'», Proprietor, Cir of Kineatditte ; Jae, Armatt'ang, ov[R ���rrrGin•lisi t[(o tet , \ta,. Head I, Mavrll ]n 1t,+v, 1\_ A, liladloy, jeI seroutled by el r. I3ent l tt, \Vuigit bit, io till - 11ot1 the IeI)tett(+ntau ves , 1 '.t' It tf fillip ulunu'iPali ty' 11(meet 111 11.. 001101 111. 10 t ppj� etItte11).r•,Ir11'011upon Benet. mut 1I VV J li Bet It 1e I1 1,u Potvtr for 13tut.e nod ;1�, j� `�y N Moron. 1noltgatea to meet In Tot - 1(l0. Otter', lL .gtattpp/aha, ��yy��,g,g rrrggqqr///////i////yyyy��,� rrrrrrtttttt pppggq'''tpt i01... The tltettinii wile eh eilthtlaletslte 1"O' of retold lh, n' 14 un leawtn W doubt Utttl Hyd tn will bra in ftr,'t• lute dw I ng 1 he 1(111111W `hunt/wt . PENSIONS SUGGESTED Substantial Increase Sought by the Veterans • The increased pensions schedule tieing presented by otlicials of the G. W. V, A., now in conference with the Government, has been submit- ted and provides for the following increases: Pro - Present posed Total disability- rate rate Single man , .. •, • • • •.$600 $1,000 Married 111111 696 1,160 With one child . , . , , 840 1,400 With two children 960 4,760 With three children 1,056 1,760 Ninety per cent. disability - Single ratan 540 900 Married man 625 1,044 With one child 758 1,264 With two Children , 866 1,444 With three children , 756 1,594 Eighty per cent disability - Single man 480 800 Married than 556 928 With one child 676 1,128 With two children . , 772 1,288 With three children 859 1,428 Seventy per cent disability - Single matt 420 700 487 812 Married man With one child 595 992 With two children , , 679 1,132 With three children , 757 1,262 Fifty per cent. disability - Single plan 300 500 Married man 348 580 With one child 432 720 With two children , , 492 820 With three children.., 552 920 Twenty-five per cent disability - Single man 150 250 Married ratan 174 290 With one child 219 365 With two children, 249 415 With three children. , 279 465 Widows' penslon- Without children .,480 800 With one child 624 1,040 With two children . , , 744 1,240 Witit three children 840 1,300 Now Sht9 is Stx'e:f,118; avid littatty Philadelphia, Pa. -"I was over- worked, run down, nervous, could not eat or sleep. I felt like crying all the time, I treed different remedies with- out benefit. The doctor said it was a wonder I was alive, and when Vinol was given me I began to improve. I have taken eight bottles and ant now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect, and have gained in weight. I can not praise Vinol enough:' -Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, x025 Nevada St„ Philadelphia, Pa, We guarantee Vinol to make over- worked, weak women strong or re- turn your money. Formula on every bottle, This is your protection, le, lt, h\1 1. SHANGHAI BUSINESS PHiLOSOPl1Y. A merchant of Shanghai offered five pounds of tea for e2, and ten pounds Pasture Farms to hent by Tender 100 acres, Lot 20, and l'0 only Lo121, Sea Con, 7, Morris. On 100 Sore farm 10 acres may he cut int bay. which most be feta on lot. 'Fenders will be received uu to Tuesday, Marah 18th. No tender necessarily sooepted DUGALn 61,'DONAI.D, JOHN EVANS, 28.2 Executors Alfred Button Estate. For Sale Rouse andlots, containing Oiiy acres, in the Village of t'rnnbrooh, the property of the late Mee. Agrees Rrowt, le offered for sale. Frame house, (tarn, fruit tress, 5,e Paneession could be given et mine. For farther porticulars ap- ply t0 Mna. Tunas CAMERON qt' W91 (:AdtalinN, Executor,, eatnte of the late Mrs.Agine Brown, Craebt'ook. Bull for Service The undersigned wilt )cell for service, of 143 Lnt 00, (`on, 2, Mortis township, the thoro'-ltrett Short Havu Bull, Gainford of Salem, No. -00418-. Sired by (Gainford Matgnie (1000110) ; Dam Mildred V11 by Royal Sailor 110005. Ned• iggren may be seen on appllration 'lerms- vinewithiiiiviln e to return. Grade cows ser - not allowed. privilege THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor. T t3 144. ,r arhv»v; is Plays tali Records Properly linden I'honngruplt on (thigh you van play any make of Homed without using tory attachments or mak The rputph'lr 131unstvirk method oi'reprodnetinn inc•ludeslbe UilfONA, the tires inyentem that, by by then twee turn of a halal plays perfectly both late etill and verlirctl rut rernrda. 'Pile Brunswick all (vood-throat and sound cham- ber -built like a violin --with the "ULTONA" com- bine to set tip new standards of Loup --giving to each relnrd played, n laud ly, power and faithfulness be- yong all pieviutbl attainment. FU'4D OUT FOR YOURSELF Don't he Loo easily satisfied. Ilene (hem till, then hear the Brunswick pity your fetvmitt' Heroin -any ulake ! You to he the judge. ree.A1,o agcett fol' the Celebrated Sherlock. eV elnening Pinnies. W. J. Walker 84 Son S ISA FOIt'1'H Phone 107 or write at our expense, ALL. n110 n 0 0 Is Att HH SS for 55. When the tourist fold him ' that w'as ridiculous, the Chinaman an- swered that the more a 111511 l'uys the 1 ',robenr doralgnsd wild In•,•p for servtee nn Lot richer he is, and the richer he Is the t" u,, n, (1,1.7 township, n ((roto' bred YoNc• ilire hog. Terms 91 pU. 3 41 more 110 can pay. WILL, MITOHE .1 , Prop. rwtru - - `ar, eneerf .,aye Hog for Service a"n, I e. l� rI„IIIl Ir�" I� , i� I II I illi Iti 11 � i{ t A 11141 I 11 � w Z fill r1i11111 u irlull 'q!III11 1101(ln0411 krII II II I�!!ilI '? p d w1i�l i= 00 2 a 20 ti I I SII i X0 111 Vann lI MINIM I: linflIP,07 00 r'i E I i I'il''lib u,! ,!!L'iIL41.,Wi!1. lett t . • I j AI li�.l i! ll Ili o ll.li �°'I \'w 'nett I1) n In addressing the shareholders at the Annual Meeting, Mr. N. H. Stevens, who presided, reported that after payment of the usual dividend of seven per cent., interest un debentures, and other charges, there remained a balance of $12,990.64 to carry forward. The debentures inclealsecl during the year $161,821.48, while deposits had fallen off $144,396.38 owing to Victory i...oan withdrawals. The total assets increased $87,419.72. Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 1918. ASSETS. Mortgage Loans with Accreted Interest. $7,028,708.08 Real Estate, acquired 'under foreeloanre 233,087.313 Stocks, Betide and Debentures, owned ,. 415,111.10 Loans on Stocks, Bonds and Debentures 44,423,10 Sundry Investments 23,121.88 - $7,717,104.81 Branch Office 2 emtsee, held in fee $ 20,800.00 Former Omee Premises 97,070.00 O78ce Furniture and Other Equipment, llead►Ofuce and Branches 10,(01.60 Agents' Balances and Accounts Tercely- able $ 0,101.76 Accrued Rentals 6,000.23 War Lean and hfuniclpal Bonds, Bank and Railroad Stocks, etc 207,027.$ Cash on Hand and la Banks 152,003.04 307,051.00 161,548:38 $5,0_1,00.1.50 LI.11tlr,r'l'11;N. To line Public - Del entitres with AN -rued Interest 4R072,162.st Depos!ra tt'itlf Ar•rmnt1 in - tercet ,CPC,1�u.1;U Lep,;' Receipts ptl8,thle on ten tont fixed dates Incl epee ninety (byte notice 101,697.70 $5,116 tnr•Ln0 Dlort intbes Assumed 33,3.UU I'ividen,l payebte nunnery 1010 011,1S:1,50 iett is.,n,0 .._-- - $7.I3U,U511.5D Total In the Piddle To the fthnreliolders- Capital Stork Subscribed .. $2,0.1-1,020.00 Less i9tpoid thereon 33,085.110 $^,110,034,56 Surplus Funda- Rivenn• fund $ 650,000.00 Contingent Fund 60,000.00 Lose and O,tltt Delnneo for- ward 12,000.04 722,000,00 Tolyl (o the Shareholders �_...._- .... 9JIl3,025.so $8,523,11°1.50 we have audited the books and.aee0ultta of the Standard 1:,^Hatton 1lurl;tube Cerpefaliun for Lite year ending 31st December, 1018, and have verified the Cash and Dank llnlali,:,ti and Securities, end we hereby certify Hint, In oar opiuion,,the above Balance Sheet exhibits it true and correct elm of thn altah•a of the Corporation as shown by no bootee as of that date. Our requtrementa as Auditors haVo bean complied with. .0.. C. N1:b'Ir, LAWSUN, WPILCTL CAMPBELL, C.A. Charterer) A"coin Mon (11. Directors The following Directors wore elected for the ensuing year, Mr. Grant being elected to lake the place of Ilia late 11 F. 13. Johnston, K.C. W. J, FAWCETT JOIIN ItIRSTI'3EOOlt R. Ii. (=EMI JAMES GUNN DAVID Id1,3MI' E. C. MCNALLY MOIID11N NEIL€3ON DAVID RA't'Z N. If, srrEVENS REV G: I. TAYLOR, ALA. TIER 1t1111t'.P WAD1)I NG'L'ON (i0D71;07 (,GIANT At a subsequent meeting of tho Board lir. N. II, Slovens was re-elected Yromldont ; Mr. John Plrsthrook, Vice -President ; Mr, Herbert Waddington, Managing DIvert.or, for the enettittg year. HEAD OFFICE 10-12 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO I I I I I III II Il iill1011111411IIII CII011111111V 11 1i1111.II 1111111111.11111 1111111111111111-111IA . i 1I 0,I 1 1l t . 1 .1 , !I.:i( i1�111: (1llm lr:4 0lll'i Ir.;1 11111111111111111 111111 111111 �tl'IOUA H. L, JACKSON, Agent, Brussels