The Brussels Post, 1919-3-6, Page 5(MANI IY. MWt gmus$a-4.4 Bruen Holten (item Norm 10,01)00111. //a/premi 71)1 a o jj 11:4s in 1)11 p JU ItIc11010111 tt:17 ont PottelPIC ,W ALTON Tu Toronto S's G(48135111 lilzprees .... 7.13 a la Expras..., ...13 113 em if no•nas ,, 1 p 1317 WRO.NErER Going East - 7 di 8,17. and8 81 Going West - 12E10 and SisSp.m. .A.11 trains going East onnneat with 0.P. ft, nt Orangeville Cur Owen sound, tillora and G. 0. stations. 04110. ALLAN, Leant Agent. Xaml alas tern Bev War Saving Stamps, W. S. &eater:1178Y 44% compounded, Per 75 Mite pieces into 'rift ill Stamps. A Special Gray•Dort. leering car tete been bought by W. F. Vaneeone, Wing - ham, IT 10 7151178(1 that an onion eaten just before you say your prayers will cure your cold and make Yoe sleep soundly. Huttorr County jail contains at present 8 prisoners -7 males and 1 female— practically all of wlaom are serving terms tor vagarancy. Duaibto its brief history Canada has produced 3 political leaders of exception- al distinction—Joseph Howe, John A, McDonald and Wilfrid Laurier, WHEN war was declared lobo Joynt, Lueknow, pledged himself to give Si000 a year to the Patriotic Fund as long as the war would last. It cost Mr, Joyut $4000, SID. FREE, who had the photograph gallery here and a'so at Luckuow for the past few years is closing up the business and will move to Meaford about March istli. Mr, Free has rented his house to 74, MacMillan, accountant iu the Mol' 1)01111 Bank, W. H. H. GRERN, son of W. El, Green, of Rainy River turd a former Brusselite, has accepted a position as Science master in the Guelph Collegiate Institute and will enter on his new duties ou April It, He is at present teaching in London. WHIM ne ui(Cs BACK msic—It they's anythiugg the lad wants when 110 gi(s back hurne—from (118 land that we live nu to the honey in the comb ; every single blessin' in the country that they is—let him look he wants 'ern, an' they'll all be hie ! That's the way we're feel - in' ! We're here to make a fuss, with the highest halleluiahs, 'bout the boys that fought ler us ! Osrr -1—The death occurred at St. 17411rys on Monday of last week of Mary A. Maitland, wife of George Maitlaud, fortnetly a well -kooky° citizen of Stratford mid Brussels. The late Mrs. Maitland was a native of Elgin, Scotland, aud a devoted Baptist. She had attaiued the age of 8o years, had been suffering from neuritis slime October and death came as a relief to months of pain, A sister, Mrs. hlary Goodall, Hamilton, died within the past few days at the age of 75. Auuther sister, Mrs, ChristenSmttek, Doudas, aged 77, is at present ill, Alexander Davidson, Glautord is a brother. Sons and daughters are :—Mrs. J. N. Gray, St, Marys ; Mrs, Milton E. %Nees, Kellogg. Idaho ; Mrs. Jas, Pequeguat, Stratford ; Mrs. (Rev 1 William Reithby, of Dun - (recently of St, Marys) ; and Geo, H. Maitlaud, Torouto. The late Mrs, Maitland was one of the earlier Canadian poets, Her verse, secular, and religious, bad at one time a wide circulation iu Canadian and American periodicals, the best remembered beteg "rhe Girl Who Helps Her Mother, ' and "Old Letters." Her book "Autumn Leaves " was published years ago in Toronto. Numerous old friends of Mr. Maitland in and around Brussels extend thelr sympathy in his bereavement. Mr. Maitland had the photo. gallery iu toveu for several years. ATTENTION ! Farmers Fertilizers for aH Spring Crops PaPlael..54 vl1Iiin teaming distance of Factoey, retying dig 071, 111111 0(1)70 emmeiseieri 11)11(1 71,44.1,1. we have It run litte of our various brands on hand, Take denten y whilegthe sleighing is good. Farmers' Fertilizer Company, Ltd. Wingham, Ont. ..e.vey=7,6V047,1'47,=.74.X7P=ZraT4 , ] I'l V VeS .YtA11 DU bs';g11F0'.°4 Id •14557t ' ;•.'•.:,.', .4Pfeeiati';47eVaii,i.AMXC1t.:7.,:etIkeittkj.45;Atter,PrigtfrAit,':'1 tend to a es We rue trying to have our .. list paid ip advance A few of the !' "long behind" have ate fettled yet, Clew eectoto, the Premier el Mimeo. is a physician, the sou of it physician. th0 grandson of a physician, the great graudson 07 18 phyaleinn, end HO on back N for 1°° years, Hvery one oct f his dire.e. aneeetors in the male line for 3 reeturies I ietonet 41 1(1 ((18 medieal pete•Atto rof. tielfool. I3X41.51, vete ;me .--11 men P111147 sehout y7,441171,41 exagronatione Le 1919, 117,0 EstrAuce and ((311(15((77exerninatioas will he 1151(1 ((111 last week of June, Teacher!, will send a statement of the number of papers required tor each class to their peblic school inspect- or On or before Tune 1st, (919,Tile applications for Jr. H, 8, entrance and Jr. P. S. graduation are to be sent to the Laspec(or 111) 07 before Jose tst. Nt4Dow an 135p; INTA111.16110.11 -- Thretigh the geuerosity of the late Mr, James MeTfenagban, of Toronto, Iwo 1110e0 ILLICIOWOCI Beds for Constotiptivelt have been established, 0110 et the Mits.kolca FreeHospital for Coueumptivee, the other at the Qeeeti Mary Hospital for Consumptive Cnildren, Mr, McLenti- gime who left a large Estate, also re. membered several other charitable insti- tutions. Since the beginning of the year, the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptlyee has been notified of live other Legacies of various amounts. The Ladies' Aid of Koos church, Mitchell, have the honor ol *tearing the debt of their house of worship. 20 years ago there was a debt of $10,o00 50 the Ladies Aid Society went tet work and year after year succeeded in paying off a part of this debt and to day they hays the honor of knowing that the last dollar has been wiped off. At their 51111511)1meeting a few weeks ago there was a debt of $800 and the ladies 751115 for- ward with $1400, which still left 1$400, Sunday, Febto ry 76th a special cone°. tion.to wipe off this amount was asked, and they got $632,50, 'rlie ladies ss well as the managing board are jubilent 50(1 are making arrangements to ,burn the mortgage about the 1st of June, Piece it not paid for tom kindly ft' Standard Hank of Canada \ Vs call the attentimi or one readers to the Report, and Statement of the Standard Batik of Canada which we publish in another cohmtri and whielt MI5 St1111111i1:0d 10 shaveholdere at the Port.y.finit th Animal meeting held lit `13oronto on Febt nary 20th. The results of the year's bushiest( ending January 81.8t, 1919, show that the earniugs exceeded those of last, year, and enabled the Directors to pay the usual quarterly dividends to 11 ..11. stockholders, :toil after; providing, for liberal ettbeeriptions to Pal loLisi 13'111171s, the Offieere' Pension Few! 1 vovinetal laxee, etc., and the re - auction of Batik Premises by $100,000 to carey fOlaVai (1 the su ial (01(11(17 3. of $227 828 00 to the credit. of Pectin and Loss Account. A diagnosis of the Ralance slice) shows that the cash on haat] an1(578n7 ed to $16,084.080. anti the I otel qttiek Assets to $30,000,337. During the year Ontomereint loans and discouitts 131. (410 Vaal hy $5,593,809, and now amount to $15,518,5513 Depositsi net retri- ed hy $7,888,855 now anemia, to $9e,900,5eS Notes in eirculation in. eretteed by $1,218,470 now total 80,697,858 '1'01 00801110PS the Bank now arawm, .1,8 883,850,805, all 11. - el NOE. Of '1(0,605,715811) the year. The steady and consietent growth 07 1.115 Standard Bank fvoin yen& to year is the best evidence of the (midi - deuce Or the publie in this solid told well managed. institution, and the marked incvease of its bieduess, McCormick Implements tit [oust Prices 6 H. Binder, shelf currier and truck 011s 01) 1 (1, Hinder, 325 0) Corn Hinder .,..., ............ a ......... ...... ... • 2.10 1.0 5.10., 3lower 0411 151,1751' .. 'F.0 11-1t Stool link», 32 teeth 51 00 Hay Tedder . 70 00 Holubined Slide Hake and Tedder 111 00 Lot roast Maim, 0 (11) 100(101 138 00 11 Dee LrerlIlluer Drill (45 00 047. Htee/ Roller...... , .......... ... ........ , 00 5"5not1h Diamond rfirrowe per serfilon 6 5-5 (st,,,nx witRon Gt.., matins, 21 x ;4 111. the - - 80 011 Enranell, Cronin Raparn tore, Plows awl other Iniplemente correepontlingly clump and liberal dleconnt for eash. Onto esrly. BIM M1ff, - Ethel NEM 11 Everything I• 11 1111, t1.11; 11 MOM 11 114(th IIEVEROMMILMEIRMIIIIMMI% hi Ds • 4,4 l*„.Y WE have received a large shipment of Shoes and now have a complete stock of Men's, Boys'. Women's and Girls' Fine and Work Shoes. Good, sturdy, school shoes for the children and nifty ones for better wear. Here are a few prices that talk :— Mon's Niahnotly Calr, Neolin Shin and Rubber Heel. . . ........ gi 5 00 Melee Ilik Work 810a, witlt Solid Leather Sole 5 25 Melt's Genuine Regulatiou Army Leather 4 60 Ladies' Black Vici Kid, newest Nat • • 5 00 Ladies' Brown Viet Kid, newest last ......... ...„ ....... 5 00 \Vuitton's Heavy Kan•g•atmo 130015,s, j• os.LI! 11111!7a.1 ........... Work Iv.•••••••••......••4•• ........ .•...........i:.,„„.„.. .... 3 (30 Come and see them. You will be surprised at the Quality and Moderate Prices, Highest Price Paid for Produce, • R. a RATHWELL, .11111'11 11111' IIP 1/ "IT' 88 L-4 88 88 Moncrieff 121=112111121111EMEISHIMEMINNIMEart Fresh, 'i -ii, full -flavored tea ;;futzle every time Aref A n good t: Sold only in Sealed packages 145 r;;;c7li.3.77":47.1lre7;177 , nmemooriwpos especially during the last two or three years lands unmistakeable eviden08 of I he mat 001a5 gla0V Ill alai 117015781. ty of the Domini/tit. The results or the year undue revieW must be gratifying 1 he ghat rtholdel s and are lildispIdahle eVitiRtlee 5,7 the 131C1111.111 anti Of Lire Bank's nittil 0. THE QUEEN OF CANADIAN LITERATURE AGNES C. LAUT, BORN IN STANLEY TOWNSHIP The following appeared recently in a review of a tvell-known Canadian woman, who is known personally to a great many in this vicinity: If there are any Canadians who do not know that Miss Laut ranks the very highest among our story writ- ers, and if they should be any of the age of 14 years and up who have never read "Lords of the North" or "Heralds of Empire" or "Pathfinders of the West" then there must he something wrong with their particu- lar brand of patriotism. Agnes C. Laut has been called "The Queen of Canadian Literature," and ,to date there has been no one to challenge the title, and certainly very few to come within hailing distance of such a pinnacle. Miss Lauf is a grand -daughter of the late Rev, Principal George, 1). D., of Queen's. She was born in Stanley, Twp., and while still a child removed with her family to Winnipeg, In due time she entered Manitoba University, and later became an editorial writer on 'rhe Winnipeg Free Press, Her work was so brilliant—one dislikes that word, but where is there a synonym?—that she MS famous while still in her twen- ties. She was recognized as a very clever woman ever before she had published her first book, "Cruising on the French Treaty Shore of Newfound- land," but when this was followed by "Lords of the North," she was hailed from one end of the continent to the other and in Great Britain. Her name was established. For some years she was special correspondent on a variety of papers, notably The New York Evening Post, Review 0 f Reviews, Montreal Herald and Outing, Her books are all distinguished for a "grandeur" of title, but, unlike the works of some other writers, the con- tents live up to the title. It has been said of Aiiss Laut that she can make facts and figures 00 fascinating that you must read them in spite of your- self. When you are reading "Free- booters of the Wilderness" and "Vik- ings of the Pacific" and "The Con- quest of the Great Northwest," you are imbibing the purest and truest of Canadian history in the pleasant form of literature, Miss Launt has lived for some years in the State of New York, She con- tributes to all the leading American magazines, and is one of the very few Canadians who have written for the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post, the circulation of which is the largest 1(1 the world. You tnay find her regularly in our own MacLean's where she discusses in her own lucid and compelling way the problems of the war that confront ourselves and our great ally to the south. Miss Laut knows her Canada front end to end, and, 'though (living in another country, keeps at all times closely in touch with her loved native land. 't'he question arises: Do we as Canadians fully appreciate what Agnes C. Lout has done for usl Are we su- fficiently grateful for the rich heritage that is ours in the generous gift to Canadian literature which her works have formed? Why Not Enforce the law ? (3, 35 a matter of doubt, if parents Peallze that there is on the Statute 130,11E0 of Ontario a law which provides foe the ibting 07 parents Who allow their children under 10 years of age to be on the streets after 0 o'elock 11)1 night unless ancompaniect by them- selves or some adult vellum appointed by the Parente, "Chaptee 281, Sec. 11, Ontario Statutee.—No child tinder 10 years of age shall toffee in any ptiblic place after 9 o'elock in the evening ot, be there unless accompanied by his parents oe guardian Or ail adult ap- pointed by the parent or guardian lo aceompany 00611 child. A child round in a public pilule diet; the hour named above (mien so ote. companied may be warned to go home by a Constable DV probation officers or officer of a Childee»'s Aid Society, and if after each warning the child is found loitering in tt public place elicit thild may be taken by constable or of - neer to its home or to Children's Shelter, A parent who permits his ohild to violate this Section shall foe the first offence incur tt penalty of $1 without,. eons and for tt. second Weiler, $2. and for a t1110t1 or any eubseipieut (,Menet $0. Wroxeter Council Regular meeting of \Vriixetet, Cent, was held in Unwell (11115)15 141'l' at 7.30 o'clock on Feb, 21st, klembere preee(1t, Jno. Adams, 1). O. Pope, (4r1). 8. Leckie,. Fred. Davey, Reeve, Jim. Douglas, in e111111, Minutes of folmer meetings adopted. Following tugeounte were received :— A. 11. 510ffatt, punning plank months Dec. and Jan, ..... ..$ 77 50 tVm. Edwards, smoke stark delivered .......... ..... 55 01) Len. Brown, work on stteet,.... 1 50 T. G. Hemphill, coal, ..... . 32 18 Expense ve Mrs. Cal ter'e e - move.] - 20 0(1 ()leek, :editor ban year ..... 50 00 D. 11, McTavish, Registlatimi B. D. af. year 1018 . 1 40 Auditorsfeee 1018 (W 11 Van Velsor, \V. 8. AleKer('llet) 12 00 iffnuicipal 1Voeld atipplies 0 112 W. Al. Robinson, Salary 1918 . 30 110 Postage . . 1 :35 R. Black, water power and rate, Jam 41 25 le 817 25 Moved by Jno. Adams, seeonded by Peed. Davey that ati:400 ta•COnlits be paid alai orders (1140.11411 all Treas, for sante. Carried. Auditors' report was accepted on motion of D. 0. Pope and Fred. Davey, ()allied. Deputations from the Wav Auxi 11. /try, Red Cross Cont. and Young Ladies' Reel oiling League waited 101 the Council and the questions of e- eeption and banquet, ttll 11011110 lIsill and a Memorial were discuseed and all three given a thorough dig.cuseion and good results are snre to follow. Meeting adjourned until third IN 1- d15y in 6111)1'745oe the call or the Iteeve, on motion of 0E10. S. Leckie, and f/. 0. Pope, D. 61. AleThvisti, °kik, • East Wawanosh Council (Donnell met, on February 1711), with all the members present. Minutes of last meeting reed aneI passed 011 motion Irwin and Buclianau. P11,3. tees of S. S. No, 7 East; Walter - nosh were present stating they con- templated making) certain improve- ments at their 81)1101)1 102085 this cont. ing season and asked permission to raise by way or deben tut es a sufficient amount; for that pnvpose. Ogg motion or Irwin and Currie thole request WaS 1,051110(1 50(1 the Olerk Wast instructed to have the necessary by laNV 111 con- nection therewith prepared roe next meeting of Ono neil. The Treasurer reported that sites, last meeting he received a eln quo for $302.00 to be divided as rorinerly for Red Cagoss pui poses. As gitt11111 of this nature wete 11077 BlIppornal to be at an end, it MIS deckled that this amount be left in the Tvettsuree'e hands for the present, and thut, the ti ,ltereet Red Cross Societies be re- queeted to 011111813 the County with a etatement of their limo:rya I) fore toy allotment be ;mule ol' this amount. Messrs, 13one and Scot 1 presented llteie report ae Auditorge or mesquite lo,' 1018 the Abstract Stateweul show- ing -a balance on hand al the end of [1(10 year of $707.05. The report wee adopted on tuotion of etude and Straughan, 414 1,401,14, r ni eohlita 41158.110 us -hiding 151..1 11.11/11101.. 00. f,101, .4 Couto 5,141 li, l•Al W,.1 • Nlatt it 1,1(1, 1 llt I North Huron ielphou 3.4014..4 1/. 410.....1 .15.. • •, .,1, 13. 1 50... -.11 r , 1104.0 1, .1, 2lei, .4, 4 .. It 001 ;egeteegeful yet,. 11 to yea, 02 1('w telephories leer,. (1,1 ft a.; nearly $2,11110 was -Ism( 1.1 terisbin t0sisit,e,4 gins ing 11,, 1.4,1, 11. %v.v.. (10651.411,, pay la4 an...101,41 f. 11(114 71,10', 1,144 .tr's 1 11 io,1 41 -1 Dii i,t()1,4 W ,••4•!i•el..,1 1.14 4 51; (1101, 11, '1% ere, 75' mat , 111.4'1 h'g ".1 1/ ••,, I 111,4,1 t1t1 1. 1A., 1,3 1., 1;1, is 'Id 11, '1','i'hoiu11. 1111(017 y."I'te,f titer i1 .1 1(lanit141.0 /tad ,t14"44 gre 111,1161e ttritn. 81 uev,ie tbi aceonial 5,1 tih• L. 111411' 5141'.' statini eto 1,-. at f p. ilk. 01,41 I iS 111,1 MI 1.1111V 1',i the 1,i12,10. H1511/11.1 t 1 Creamery, ((4114 1.1104e:id 4 ie,g It/ 01' 1I'llek and It I, eeieg ,1 retelling busineee the ei,,,,Itte Setnet '5. Atwood Hobert 13111.k .,7 hie 170 110re fat 111 (ix 'rimy. 11)215 Several 1•11.1.-i hero11141.1 View 1.8.1-'1 11(.1•P 41711.1 Shipped to the Agnew fame' y itt useele. Alex, Alm; ison 'old for .15,1111 1'. Aitcheson, of Eltua. 1,, le,s 111.111 II It hour, 2413 aoril, of 8111mno1 7;(.4,41 $2.15 per rend. Tile tee 71)1' Meet ritetovy saf. lo stored and inane ecord houls W,,,' hauled, oni 111,1,1 having 511 blot:Ice it el another (311, They Were 411',4 MI ea, oti!ts wagons. Plight Limit, IVallaee 171' 1515111 r, back to his home from Toronto wins lie went some 5,,',',' 1'. egit I,ie 5111(111)1) 81 the Dental flolltee.. hut . ; aregount of 1101 05)515 trouble Iva., to d 1-4.1 11.1 Lake a 14r.81. Grey ScuooLItkrotre.—The follewing i the 1 eport of S. S. No, 5 Grey for the month of February. The names afar ; arranged in melee of merit. .1r. IV -- , Earl Mills, Isobel Bremner, Gertrude Eveleigh, Howard Bitivnee. Sr, 111 • Joe Armstrong, Nellie Campbell, Elite. sie Bremner, Rett Mills, Mizell"; 01 Lucas. J. I11—Alex Alexander, 715'rlle Ward, Edmt Nveletgit, Mar- garet, Atinstrong. So. 11—Claretwo Clarke, Melvyn Hamilton, Jessie Campbell, Willie Lucite, Ethel Ward/ NOrtnan 13011.1109, Priiner—Stantgly Alexander, Hughes Armstrong., Tiall. my LileEt$, Lena Ward, AI, A. ilmeasees, Teachev. Mo ergs AN 07,01 WAIN :11011111HITH ('11)2" —The C.118/1,1 P1/1.1 1.4.0mtlettl th, 'Winnipeg PLee Pvese, of F011111807 13(11, makes the following; 11)5.5'!»'81(5reference to the late Jetties foe, who was a vesident of the nth fiee of this township for yeare :mil is 411141,1h. et. tnJ,so, Brottelfitot, or this loettlity : —Yesterday death el:timed J:171” BL.01.141007, the lis ad of (1(114 ,11' the .1 known of MaPituint's pioneer fandliege Deceased passed away at the age of 82 yeats at the original homestead, which he located here on the edge ,,t• the town in 1872. Jamee litoadfoot was ball) 111 Tliekeramil,11 tow:Islay, County litwon, Ont., on Oct. 5, 18430 Early in life he started in to hew out a home for himself ill the eolid hush ut one time covering Illy entire I on ship of 'Morels, in Ilu ten, sisted by his loyal partner predeceased over w" 'Yea" 551^`'. they succeeded in 0111 voundieg selves with quite the average 5,f rum. fort prevalent in the rural life 5,1' Ontario forty-six years ago. 1 laving successfully 1s3'547141111(54 the hardsillee incident to pioneer life in Ont:trio, bravely essayed the further pioneer hardships or the til -`11.' and g.p.ont Wes1. coining to itlanitelet in 1872. He took epee a homestead 1011111 114 today par 1 or the town of a latisLone, and eturii- hig to Ontatio in the same year he disposed of his holdings thole, and tiegt year, accompanied by his wile and family, he established his new 1101ue 011 the banks of the Mud river, INIMEMIlilINNSIIIIIMIIIIINEURIMON11111111011111111111MIIIMIBINEIN Clearing ,-e-rns.no ,1.2,y 'ANTIC “fir -se" sug,,,, hi the ot:izioal packages tor you! Marmalade and be sure of a perfect result. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd., MONTREAL. 18 "th, 1445,51 or • i„,.." 1i salaa sirol ts11.,. 4. 1..4 00,1 ea/11,4 151100 8 Imig 11.11(1 ,14. 4,40.11.10 1p.mp %vas 501411 1.nd ‘Vil1,1% 4.114,011 1II• liar, l,1* ,1// 1 1.1/101 Intssed 'le 1 to, it 0 It 13 '101/11 Mid ,541 •l,',1.1/5,' 11,.. /11/lIfilt•ti (((1', • *II ti,sI ;ray in search ol netv Immo .4- 111 thio lm'' was our - I di, .1 114411_ hire aeeisted (01(1(5- 1 14 pl ogress L,1 only this 5.11,11 let, lint (bp Breadleeit. VNI s.t C. v hv Ills IWO 11:411011,1 'IX '1 he ilatigIneve nu, :4,- 1. 11,11l1'151. eon, and 1(118(4 Bea; ;, `. Mem, ills 8841114 (LI, , 38,-,.. It,d,Wi.t. ••i'dli/ • o3 1 bli,ccills A resiiiitat in (i1,1,1-1,oc 4,1,.l if. - and !tee. 111, eit e „ tg. ; elPven yelp' ,Ir.11 ,), • CILtiadilLn 111 Kong Ahem. 'eget; it (111%fl. m 01,111 rtIlLliiy, .51, 1(5-.,, 3(',,,,l vived by three ei,,, ((11(1.' In011101'S, :1 of Wra.al 117.- 1., 54., 4,410/ and the others in \ 1 " • ,vosoqtit.4.44tottc..C,44.43.41p. e45441fC,4440,4454.004.4.745,3," (..ri per cent of the Highest Paid Simrthand ‘VritTs (%;:. Pulsar, SIMI (band. If yoll ant llte 1311l41 f.;', 14, 1134.5 1, summit AND awl whet, p71.5 1,4151pv g f co:1,1.0041i ogly high grade. eiV11 Sg Vie,. Shorthand Book-keeping 5. 444st-56.4.tatts...4.ttendn4946.4404)00-0,0* 114.0404,.0.6.044 1. 6 .' 0.(.0 The School that pliicrs its graduates in 51,75.1,, v.51 i1,,u1; Stratford, Ont. and Wingharn, Ont0 ream cEzesaillEntzsal2scslailiSONIMintscs ant Ship your Cream Direct to the ussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. PUMA Crean StelIVOK OrgSa Props. 00ACUMS.....233221.1santac•=1010111.1•140.16MiNftWomalmblmea...,•=611.1•M re4 HOCKEY SHIIEB_ LADIES', GENTS' AND AT REDUCED PRICES. Felt Shoes CRILDREN'S aeduoed Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers REDUCED PRICES (lobes and Blankets at Reduced Prices TERMS STRTOTLY 0A811, Richards & eo. 11,18111 11113.11 '111114 IP 88 111.NAlICE DOMINION INCOME VVAR TO WHOM 1. Every person who in 1918 resided or tweeter:1e 11- el 11 toyed in Cmada or awrieti On tufm..,s orn,r,tions and jo(e) stock compenies. - • WHO SHOULD •,;ILE 1R37,111r.R.N1,1. 1 Every unmarried person or Ividow re 1411.'','. 15, S. 0 I, • , chihiten under twenty-one years of oro, 1010 rrrrived 01 ,.11 3,1 .41(1 or Tatar 2 An other individeels who cain-. ealen,i ,Car 1018 ' 32.000 .-/T 75001, '1 3 corporation and joint sloCk ca.r,F.ra .• whose • 83.000, during the fiscal year ended in 1038. FORMS TO BL FILLED IN AND a0 tir!TU P1 A. 14y individuals,.A. 13y 77,11170., and ranehers. other than farmers end rerelse e • FORM Tz. Ety corporations anti joint stock eempettiet. g FORM By tritsteee, effccul or administreto, ei 11C4, .•1) „ 1°0271\1 T.4.• aufko return of the mot -,51 •,1 rigttm: .11' other ,3nploy“:; 15: • t • .•, .t1 or MOVE' honuses, e5'.ti011,4,1,.,14 ,M414.4 ti711 11011144 110, .aleltdar V0117 14..18 13y roriN.)ratior.,, joint stOeit end syndicates to make return of all ,lividcn,1, .11,1 ,• rai•1 to Sharelarlderi and Montan s (l14. 10(1171(178(15 "0l1)1,71'(5in5 parill505111118 tiara ale 10111, o.; GENERAL INFOFZIVIATION All returns must le Idea 281 D1.11.1.10.\.TE. Perms may be obtained filial the lospogtoc. te 1 e,geeti et lnapt,clof et Taxation and from the Postmasters at all 1700ng 005.41141. 2771111 itled immediately. I'm:toga 111(15( 1)5 prepsiid on lettere and otheig drienteeme 5'ereeeele,4 1,:y mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Addresses of Inspectors, mntion for thip flistriel LONDON DISTRICT. Inepeolor of Taxation, Assist:au CarlLinogaBlnosT, ocIk,01th Assistant hue -ere , STRATI401'11, Out. FORTH