The Brussels Post, 1919-3-6, Page 3SMNING THE CAP TRAFALGAR sl,ApiNG G ERM AN PDC ATE DO1i TO DAVY' JONES Extenoedinary Duel Between a Brit- teh- and a fierniau Cruiser Know n as the frattle of the liaystathe. Of all the navel engagereeate that occurred during the wee none perhaPs was strang.ir thaa the light between the Brilieh snip Gormsnia mei the ess'efi•it&t...7 *WAN, . priati...4.• 1 d /..,7,. 4.kri f.. ._...,. r { 1 rhil 11' (fi''‘:;:61;;T:.•;"(,t.,. '''''. 1..51,,,,t:,a ,..4 r:".• „...,,, ,,,,, ...,..„.;.,, ,,,,,.1,-,-,-:-.,,......., 7 it .-..,,,;,....,,.....,,,, thau all ••• taha of thie elm,' with CLFANSES YOUR HAIR Complete School Set ---24 Pieces VRE,h,', TO BOYS AND MLA, MAKES BFAUTIFUI WAI•e; HAVoC ! Numerene illagt2-4 Arc Pint irtly ..r:: 4 .4,111143.1: 'I PI:ti I, 11., 1 XIJR1::al, a4,1'-',.41 Coup 1 I 110: ,'"; ", , " l'01,.TT 1 1 Japati.•,, 1,1,i 11 l:1 Ow! t,i4: 1111! 1110:-1 11 Ppall,11114 '10,0.. 1 I '0111.11t, i.t, 1 POW Ill . Tnttlit 1 I 111tVtt iii,..11 IS 4.1. ine.p 131 !lel I. siewha I, ,.,..1,33 I,-• ,1 f. I tAll,1.. , . t!ap,ai I. -ad l'i-..••:.. ii 1,r1;,.,/iu, 't.:'.,,1 1:,, ril.,11;iiii:,•::4.i..„,,04.1d..,38 gime, II, i!eatiblr in red tI4, (3313 !,1 of ei 1;teettietc,.44.343,.;..,i. 4,4-4:4,1 1.. 1,4,11.4 ;,e, 4, 4.4.4,,,1 30,,,,:"...., I4.I..Or c., a . O. . IN 2.1.1S, ,i' 'i.n Geti.(131 ;”. 311333 rj(Pirit.rY.• 'I'lli, 1311131 1 i Ishiii` 11 30 il 11 l'iiiii1e 11 ViViell A VP Ti.1,1 1;11. lk 1.: 11.1.1 Vii..41.. 11.1' Sittk, 1.3...1...111, 01111" ! 11, or AI 1.13.1 L. lf ,t,ilte 4444:kii,iN.i4„ z,., r,;,,.., ,t,,,01.1,L.11,a1tn.,31,11.1.,,,:i1e -• m1 W11i S •,1 lest SIl t•da.,,ttles: of ,par la,,a1:. ambosioal %.• Patri..k and ,,:astPr :•,,,t ..J.3,1•I at 1.) .•ears a i•a••',,,g, 34 Ise....1y 3l:1.3 In .•awd, pa...1,age) ad litii N :Alt 1.11.. rt ii il W. ltill1 :44,1.1 roe tee eeree le aett. n • • .. al 1 it iii 0111 N .41 t fnui,1(,t c., for t, lais. Lit.,311 ilitiar.,,i1:iis. to ei,,aill rreauratie t os 1110 33 :143' .T1331 11 i t Ni. V .. `rtt ;It: , .1 i 1 tut rhal, •,dtti, Adol:•o•t r-....wor1' 4 3 . (..litiTtly 41: 1.r.,..1,lion in I:mei. es, Ttreento V.esa Q1'71 i''' '1131 .'r!,, tt 141c 11 'i7t1,i1 tho .iii.O.t•IP.,:it,-11.4iA 1,11.-4.0fei d le., 're ttiligia, teoet. terribly me.ng"il. In Wheel Oet of 1Aleienee; German Atria Cap Trafalgar. Brith Were .Atlanite lincs4 of the floeSing FA li repFl! le 1 riiteirlf11 1 or lees when it 01,101IS f111 01)3111034', in pahtee type cone e rted into aunili ire • 11 kiln 3;1 /lea k ,,” VI ' order to perform Re duty without ('1',3!('1 34 they met hy eleinee when risk, to open a door, cap. In the •;:orie ....-.. .MIA011- I anti V into ae, Ma withetit riekiog, de - 1 strutter' previded it tires tho sup - stacks. Never have tWO iihiO4 With • 1, pleness and strength, maoeuvring IVY , pewee, reeisting power." . suth toweling upper worke storal off "THE PRINCIPLES OF W.AII." end tried to battier each °thee to THE A.LLIED CHIEF . l Marshal Foch doee not, of co:arse, pleeee with gunfire. „ ....... ' 1 suggest that knowledge of a danger 'Inc Lest news WO had of the en- • necessitates running etraight into it. gegement, says the -captain of the ..., Among the considerations which must British cruiser Cornwell, WAII tt wire- °mile ' Extratti F14. -Q° the,. be weighed -sometimes with lightning less that Capt. C1-- • seat out saying Retnaritable 'Book On Tactic the Most rapidity- ..ti one's capacity at the time art he had sunk tho Cap Trafalger, War line Produced the clanger is sensed. 'Phis applies but that as hie bridge was burned, his cm:tally to small and large manoen- no other ships were 3± (1'Y unil en- gaged in Att extraceelinery duet, vh 11 bee -been Called, till(' Battle of the 11 3y - Bypyquil W:ty, the a•ivenee gurerl ean :eh -awe „a„.„1 impa 13. .„ .h„ ,.„,„1. that (31443 ('3 are plaees like 'V A battle won i;; a battle in which ono ' th,e, 15:1:1 13 ('11313133 711' ''4,1-`,h11111L In that last remitrIc Frail truly re- wcra toteilly tIcitreyed. Clutrehee • ' " I Dixtat41,..! eel 7.3.4e14 es. a;lit, minor Bete's= pag'ilgee' will not coefese oneself beaten." 133 ."30 ft! W:11' Lhaii 1., 1'01113 himself. 1:133. lead -Pings and lil•rariee 11111 Mt 1113331 31(3 Tho PRINCESS PATRICIA'S MARRIAGE. L'" 11"I''5" 3 341 N;hen H! Gera ,11A eveNzated ler Cornmander The -Hon. Alexander R im- ,lut,ted in the y4. I, Anis. say, R. Seinnge to Anclest • entirely dreii eyed eee nertially dee: • tee second daughter of Knee the out of a preemies total or 2,32e, Telerre I Duke of Connaught, le, ono or the four had 0e2 tuii•Pnge totally eleetroyed E1011S of the 13th Earl of Dalhousie, and and 'X partially des.troyed, and to all fintente and purpost,s it le W131uir steering gear shot away and all hie After the 11.31140 33301'4U war, e•rel. To Imolv one's eapnagy esaetly brother of the present Ilarl. Ile was navigating inetremente destreYed, ha a yehng Frenchman -named Foch re- requires very considerate skill, 410 1110 an aide -do -camp to the Duke of Con- the earth. al wotild lio glad to have some one 00111O turned to a university in a district following illustration shows: naught in Canada, anil a,ftervvardr Isnnaiin shows total (legit-intl.-in oe end telt hire where he was and lead occupied by German troops, to re- 1 Flag Commander to Vice -Admiral de 1,108 houses and if partially destrH he'm to a place where Ile could, so to sumo his interrupted studies, Had Robeek at the Dardenelles. For his el; Laos arP1 Kenul' 528 "Lir* l"-• How the Regiment Dwindles I • speah, lie down and iielt his wounds the German troops foreseen that the "One regiment of - 3,000 rifles, if services.during the Dardanelles opera. troyed, and Maleanes has - 307 entire - fee ft while. It took it, jolly bit of knowledge which the young student Well cared for, represents, after a few tions Commander Ramsay received the . ly destroyed and 185 partially. ecrerching to find a ship that couldn't was arimring would, forty-seven days' campaigning, 2,800 rifles; less D.S.O. He has since been employed I 1 • , e, 3 eir ular later ani• tell Any more about itself than ' that, years later, dieembowel the German well managed, it will no longer in- at the Admiralty. out hy an American touriet egeney En.i .1, . . . .. ' Jude more than 2,000. The variations' -------------4 Dalhousie are one ' foreshadowileg 11 great number of •Init we finally sighted her ragged sil- pi e, it is possiele that a stray . • inotele tlen o had been Scotch Family. Commander the Hon. Alex. Re•neey ' troyed awl only >48 rf-nrJined intact who marrled PrIncees of the oldest families in. the Scots summer vieltors to see thcee ruins, houette and led her to such 0 he. en our rendeiivous afforded. Perm G-- had lost a good deal oaaI ole at leltot .331 113)1p10. • 1 How, then, compare two regiments nobility. In Scottish history they have and asking a gen .e er, .11t bullet might have ended Foch's ca -1 3(10 330443. • been prominent since. thb 13th cen- tions and inclusive price4 for parties!. name they represent two utterly dif- tury. They were Scottish feudatories . mere than ble steering gear, for the , ' with each Whet ? Linder the same "The Principles of War" is in effect Dinant rt replies, meet gay it ORS While the flowers widepered, "O prepare of great 'War such a .building as a hot.el left, fire that had eonenmed his bridge had the story of the German defeat for in ferent quantitio30 illness hardships power as early as the not . ea -gee -re- efe ereie re:weer:A ' ZOser ---a Jeepee gni) ntavote eroe.. rev einem. .1 040 rev.ard. Reid tiothwell. ont. PSIS 0.11.7f4e E. 1.1. EOPIPPED ist„.•evet;d:AP111. , end lob 'ammo' Went la LI co or on cm . ce.*aril. insurance carried $1,000. 11 on remiehine on.. Ltd. TOT 1111TO. iTr hdeit 14Y leietviiPAIVII,; Petit NALIA rt, hie! clancirliff d iSappett lei r :sew (mtarla going to end ilftir stopS e0111111g l!rsloso Will eel! t2 ,000. vttoth deulas, that timeunt. 3- ek, Wilmot* Out. Co. tmeitea, zezStinZLAzteloVr 31,4,4 3,3 ice 41 "trite:00mi • leee•-••'" if you 3333311 13314434&i4','133313'13314434&i4','133313',33:133:11',33:133:11',33:133:11' 131 . 33.1.30:,•• 1,3 )(air 1:4,133, J14.141 433,3 .1,,3i I•30111 w3111 Ii3311,10,e3nt, and drew tt esief.13 ly 43,1.43113311 3413011' heir, r3e44 13311111(113311111(1at a 33,01': 0431, tee! 33 43te„,4 11133 3111333. 31311 (11" 4111y t4.1.1,ttit1333 1/11 IT/ 14 333'WTili11111.1.S :oat 11313 1,33 41111:3131!. WA v3,, Mitre end i•teillaae! 1233,1 (41311.33 .333 ie tier:lett, mi11.1101;:t. 1.13,3,13';4. 1lT11330.,11.1.,r1,41 ((,,3 flOr, nal Wirt d With - r -(11 raft, by Our 13,11,34 14, Ihrrlta us before top lats. (Ir. 4lh,43 13113331001co.. r,itelted, comer:440d, 4,nt. A (-rt. 41333'a"3''_118. .• 1 sea. Tuit . 1 "Ut 11 'Ir II, ; 1,,1 34' -(4, att 11 1)33 r 3 1 41 instro um? • 133313r14 1117,, 31.1 33, rale op. 1.110;r:ton or i43,'.333333'3.''143,'.333333'3.''1..1 ilkisot'1113,3,',,) every (.113'i lel,. ,1,,i3,13,31,-. 313334, 1.13'313(413331.13'313(41333and 11111331aind.rinc• is to 33443 31331' wad,'1133t 1.-e1e of ('1371 14-13e1 1433:311311,3'1433:311311,3'34:431. 31, (110 l'3,01'., l(,4133333.331',; all"! Its io1ari' 3.13, 311311311,33.13 '3 a 1'31 11.1'6•13r0" (1111'1I.91 eroDertie..4 111(1 hair to grow Imia, 4313341I31111313 leeezitful. ".411 ti; 1"row, hale and /03:7. 4:311, 3333"(413133311(413133311c few esnts for o steal) tie of 1(44,333 It: 1 3,414,1erine at tiny drug 1341133terc 3,:13.'t3,:13.'t,..ouoter and try it as tlitueted. DIRTIIDAY I do net know the grecirete day That drew your ehiniag soul to earl P3143311 se mum fire, so little clay, Staid Goodwil'eNature brought to birth. Bat all the sweet, wild birds ware there,- 'She ie oer Sister and Audi it hiarshal Foch explains the nhilo- 1 • eine gds.) gutte•I his ealein and reduced bivouacking at night, re -act on the of Inulependence, and at one time even al • To see a lovelier blossoming. everything in it to ehulers exeept an contended with the mighty house of for these new invaders. sophies and strategies which have troops in different ways. Certain guided Iiiin during the great troops, after such an ordeal, are soon Douglas. For generations they' have old Noi foil: Jechet. wac of Then I3eauty, who had touched your • • He lays clown a thousand and one min- f , TI ti been most closely associated with For-, se--* -0 lips about three times the ger a e tary laws but behina all is an. etas- farshlre, Where the Earl of Dalhousie 0 W'th th F other British officer in those waters , ing but colunins of hungry, exhausted 0 ticity which perhaps is the real root sick men. Or you may have a division has great estates. As Earls of Pan- i e in gers! :it the time, the wardrobe eve tried to e e still called. 'a dillision,' though it inure they were out in the '45. . get together for 1111n was a grotesque of his [Milos' M is said of cricket that nothing is ae certain as its un- shall have lost part of its batteries i Prineese Patricia was born at Beek. 1, e Says Corns 'Aft Out a combination. He cut a weird figure certainty. So, of war, Foch writes: ete, ' Ingham Palace on March 1.7th, 1836.. 4 on the battered old Camellia, but . . 0 there wasn't ane of us who wouldn't Without Any Pain . "There is nothing absolute in war. By exhorting neverthelee th Her older sister, Princess Margaret, . hi N The best plan will go wrong, and the ' eh r h i / ,; -'3' e is Crown Princess of Sweden. During have chanemd places with me-- or- ung y, ex ems et men. may le - most complete organization will break . th • f 11 fi I IS t d• the Duke of Connaught's tenure of the se -e -e---0-0-0 folk and all -if we (maid have bad 0 - half hie luck, A Fight to a Finish. Both ships, according to G -----'s ercomd, began firing. as soon as they came in range. In the midst of the fight a German,shell struck the came tain's cabin and started the fire that spread to the bridge, destroying the down if it is not applied -by a man with this connection he quotes an inspir- . , skill and determination to take advan- ,ing exhortation of Bonaparte to the tage of the changes and chances of Army of Italy when passing the Alps: the moment. "'Soldiers, you are naked, ill -fed. "The unknown is the governing con- The Government owe you much; they clition of war. The best commanded can give you nothing. Your patience, armies have marched, have manoeu- the courage you show amid these vred, amidst the unkown. It was un- crags, are admirable; but they secure naedgating instruments and ultimate- avoidable. They liairie, howevet,.tgo no glory for you, no splendour shines ly made it impossible for the corn- the better of thatdangerous •on you. I will lead you into the most 1 out of it 'VI,- fertile plains of the world. Rich mender to remain there. To reduce . the tremendous draft that WAS fann- toriously, by resorting to security, iug the flames, G -headed the Car. which enabled them to live, without mania "clown the wind." hlothing else suffering damage, in an atmosphere would have saved her. Except for full of dangers" - ene thing, that would have enabled The Outstretched Arm the now thoroughly worsted (al- thongh G- cliin't know it) Cap Trafalgar to withdraw from the ac- tion. The German ship herself was on fire anti had to take the same course willy-nilly. From that moment the battle was as irretrievably joined as one of those old Spanish knifo duels in which the opponents were locked together in a room to fight to a finish. After being driven from the bridge, the British eeptain, one of the big- gest men in the navy, and not very "elliety" on his feet, had to 'keep the Jae going by running here, there and everywhere. With the battle going on all the time, he had his men rig up a jury steering gear, and then, a5 he no longer had any pipe communi- cation with the engine room, he had to dash back' and forth between two or three voinnuunling positions. "If wanted to open the Tanga a liit," be saki, "I had to nip foriard, wait till there WAS an interval in both gunfire and shell -burst, and yell deem a hatchway to the engine mom to "Flow port!" Or if I suddenly Sound 13. impoyative to open the distance, I lie 1 to make the SUMO journey and pase word down to 'Stop starboard!' I was racking my brain for some plan of action to follow when our failing supply of shells became exhausted; einitlenly the Cap Trafalgar began to heel sharply and started to sink, It was ota• seoond or third salvo, which had holed her badly at the 'water line, that did the business." Down in the surgical room the sue. germ had just finished amputating and handaging a gunner'i hand when nomoone shouted into the door of the droning station that the German ship WAS going down, The wounded !sailor crowded to port just in time to eee one of the last salvos from the Car - ;mania go crashing into the side of the heeling enemy. "Huroor, boysl" he elhonted. "If I itti 11.$ many 'ands as en oktypuse, I'd 'a' giv'n 'em for the joy of puffin' that blinkin' pyrit clown to Davy Attlee," Eighteen members of the British House of Cennueons their lives in the regent war. Twe &ire of flint geed havo hem ehipped halm the Tilbury district; in Ontario, to Belfast, Ireland. Six trawlers aro operating in Can- ada, four on the Atlantic trid two on the Paelfic, At tho beginning 1111,4 Iteiser Willudin Was the tie:hest person in Germany, with foetene of over SDea 000,000; 11ext, canto the Grend Duke of Mocklenburge•Strolitz eeta., 0003000, end then Fran, 'gratin von 1301elen. with $801000,000, provinces, great towns wilt be in your power. You will find there honor, glory, and wealth. Soldiers of the Army of Italy, eau you 110W lack courage or steiulfastness?' Governor-Generalshlp of Canada, Prin.' 1 Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or cess Patrice. greatly endeared herself any kind of a corn 'can shortly be to the people of the Dominion and in lifted right out with the fingers if you the course of the war the title of will apply directly upon the corn a few "Princess Pat" has secured a further drope of freezone, says a Cincinnati "tItiwisritcYla.imed that at small cost eno can get a quarter of an ounce of free - zone at any drug store, which is suffi- cient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, lled 8.11(1 (3008 1)03 lnllame' 033 0131.11 irrT iVitse talln and while stieley, dries the moment It Is saluirnrcoouinned,iiitig tissue,wnli interest many women hero, fur it is said that the present high -heel footwear is put- ting eOrnS on praetically every woman'e feet. hold upon Canadian affections as tho designation of ono of the most gallant of the many gallant regiments of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. ft is worthy of note that this was the fourth Scottish marriage to take place in the British Royal Family, Princess Louise having married the Marquis of Lorne, afterwards the eth Duke of Argyll; the P1'11100SS Royal,' the late Duke of Fife; Prince Arthur of Connaught, Princess Piarlcia's only What is the security of which he "He knew 333011 1110 French weakness ' brother, the young Duchees of Fife; speaks? How, its he himself frames 1 -lack of steadfastness. And then, whiie now Princess Patricia has been the question, Can we inflater that un- from the summits of 1310 Alps to the united to n descendent of William de Apennines, comes one answer, shouted Ramsay, a companion of Robert the avoidable unknown? How shall we contrive to see through 111e thick by the depleted battalions of our Bruce, and one of the signatories of fog which always surrounds the situ- hungry soldiers: 'Forward!! The new the letter forwarded in 1320 to the War is launched. Henceforth it will Pope, aseorting the independence of Miens 4111(1 actions of the enemy? The answer is by utilising the advance be waged with the soldier's heart." Scotland. guard -which, in human forms, ine- The wisdom of Napoleon is fre- I Idles the "blokes" who sacrifice their ctuently quoted throughout Marshal Let the Wind Do the 'Work immediate comfort and often their Poch's book, although the modern The farm windmill will play aal lives hi order that they may hear, genius generally semis: too add some see, feel, or smell something which illuminating thought to the ideas of will convey what the enemy 113 313? to. the genius of a century ago. Von "When one movem at night," says . Moltke and Clausewitz have also been Foch, "Without light, in one's own closely atudied. It, is by pouring over house, what does one do? Does one even' important military axiom, :m- ita (though 13 15 a ground ono knows eepting some, improving some, (3e - well) extend one's arm in front of jetting others, and himeelf adding to one so its •to avoid knocking one's head : the list, that Mineibal Foch has built egainst the wall? The extended arm up the military code to which he is nothing but an advance guard. I MVOS his extraordinary success, He "The arm 'keens its suppleness when has not conunitted the cardinal sin, it advances, and only stiffens more . born of intolerance, of despising his ancestors or belittling his foes. To do such things is to make en iinpene- treble barrier between oneeelf end true gime:Woes. Foch on Discipline s always- -food will play a by) part rn ri eats,, so is he.7 rak A rkints - a food for body and brain ((ont ains the huildind phos- phates of "the drain) 'Thera a Reason 4, Important part the, eear in the greet food -production campaign. The farm •windenill should be no "slacker" this year. It should be ready day and night to absorb the energy of the wind to lift the water for thirsty gardens. Lack of timely rainfall is often the doom of an etherwtm care- fully handled and tended vegetable garden. T1118 year the farm garden will he 1 •hriportant factor in reducing the cost of living. Aceordingly, (wer13. peen:Rion should be taken to pre- vent a failure al garden crepe. In thaw areas where natural rainfall is not dependable, eome simple method of irrigation should ho provided, The farm windmill will servo faith- On the subject of discipline lie has fully and well in titling water for a particularly intereeting passage, irrigation if given an opportunity. showing thatPne disci li is of the This :faithful source of power Will 1101 blind, unimaginative quality1 i li W -Le- SAVO the gaeden unlese tho owner (xi - some people imagine: operates in conserviog the water "To be disciplined does not. mean pumped. The average windmill lifts that -.one does not commit any breach water intermittently and at a rehire of discipline; that one does not dona , rate. Consequently, if the water mit some disorderly action, Such a pumped is allowed to flow directly definition works foe the rank and file, I 01,10 the warm, dry soil, !a small area' but not at all for a commander, placed 1 01117 in any degree at the military hier- , small trickling flow does not spread can be satisfactorily (moored. A' Keep Your Health , who fi„d themo.„,o,, in the highest ; letes deeply into the :4oil ancl leeyond places. "To be disciplined does not mean, il (Ames, ' r ' 1 the roots of the shallow -rooted vege-1 either, that one only carries out an i If the evator lifted, on the other, or poseible. It mane that ono frank- can be secured in n, surprisingly ehort; ly adapts the thoughts and views of . time to irrigate effectively at muchl tho $eperior in command, and that 1 Imre area. A. barrel of water con - ono uses . all humanly practicable 1 tehang 31% gallons 'will cover a 'team in order to give him satisfac-; garden bed six feat wide by eight feet I long, one inch deep, A quantity of 110T11‘e're may be some who will ques- 1 water even as small ite ibis, if pro -I tion his view that the whole respell- . perly supplied, will greatly help the lettere lied or the ehellow-rooted rad- isheii, it is advisable, therefore, to use even an ordinary barrel for etor- ego if nothing larger is available, A. resetvoir suftiviently largo to hold all of the WAier the avevege windmill can pump in three or NM' days is much move desheible. The malinary stock tftlfli Mile of 134,133(3, steel, or toneette WOUld SerVe W1113. A tank five feet deep holds enough water to cover an area fifteen red Wide by forty 1,,..,,t, long Ana t.Wo int it alSO 1.111101413!...i to ft Stipre1130 10- inches deep. To a day of e t;w.4go 330113.4 .„11:,11 110 ,oinniandtr 111110, if Wind the farm windmill eel mote 4,--. HOW nurristi WOMEN VOTED Result et Recent 'Election Shows That Women Atm Thinking for Selves. Those -e.ho were interested in tile way the women of Great Britain mei Irelend would usie their voting privil- eges have made V9111e very interest- ing diseovceles 153 remit of 4141)134;' 33103 the election returns. For one thing wolorn ettedidates fared badly, which shows that, so fur, women are not elan -elide to the extent of voting for liner sex plume. On the other hand they seem to have- voted with their men -folks or to have followed their own prefereneee. In only three acteee ahree there Wei'e Nkoltlert t•andidttlt.:1 did they :w- eek e eiere. then one-third the total vote The. (event Ion4 were. Mee Deererd, Miee Pankheret Athl MISS Macardbur. 1:1; 117 no means 1113013 311:31 all the votes for eandidates were cast evomen. Out of the 13,- Dil women voters reeiste'red in Man, ehester, Mrs. 11141111433.1,11133 ('4131'(3 re. eeived but, 2,11Se. Of the 1,1,8a I WO-. men votere in Maitsfield, Miss Mark- ham received but 4,00n, It looke very much as if reconetruetion has already commenced in Great Britain and that the women are doing their own think- ing. archy; least of all, therefore, for 111080 laterally over tho surface, but pereo-' order received to such a point as aP- hand, is stored in tanks, barrels, or, pears to be convenient, fair, rational, reserveire, a volume sufficiently large' sibilly of whining on losing a war rests on the shouldeee '43 311(3 eomman- dere, "Great remulte in war," he saye, "aye chic to the eornmander. History 114 theref ore 1133131 10 making genevals responeihle for victories, in which eitee they are glorified, and for defeats, in which ease they are disgeste.ed. With- out it commander, in battle, no victory is poseible. The will to conquer, such 113 vietovy's first condition, and therefore eeery eoldier's fleet duty, Tro•Nnlirr Tux. Marrs Liniment that Cold and Tired Feeling. Get Well, Keep Well, Kill Spanish Flu by rising the OLD RELIABI.F., mismorA 31,1. 3.334 Yarmouth Not All Flat Vet. Dearing an explosion in the im- mediate P11ele13311 3481(11,) 13134 small eephew, who sat in the automo- bile hoehlo him: "Get out, Jimmy. and look al the ttre. and see if it le nut" "11. looks pretty good," said einmr, upon inimeetion: mile eat 071 3133' 110011111 talum.d.* teentieet Caves bisterettm 'ImpatieM pando 111110 1' their )431' - ('414134 and hee up thole immfortre" ." . ---.--- 1 08 le No. NINE.' With flaming 33034141 dipped in dew, Shut Love within your finger tips. 1 (The South Wind was the breath of you.) But ah, there came another day, And suddenly -You were not here! A Gift transcendent slipped away; I know your heavenly birthday, (303133. IMaaret,to Tataltnast Cares Colds% 18. PRISONERS PRISONERS BURIED ALIVE. Fiendish CrueltyofGermans Is Des, erlbed by Returned Canadian. One of the interesting passengers by the Princess Juliana, who arrived at Ottawa recently, was Sergt. F. Web- ster of Ottawa, who enlisted in tho ilret fow clays of the war, and went to Franco with the Ind Battalion. Ile 331131 gassed and taken priiwnee at the second battle of Ypres, and Interned in Giessen Camp. Of this camp It its said that i1 was one of the woret in Germany, and the hardest to get tan of. There were eight barbed -wire electrified entringlent..,:its around it, and the only chance of 33/4'' 33'? was to burrow rabbit -fashion under the 13311.e3. "But on more than one occasion some peer chap busy burrowing W,,( c013er4331 1,7 the guards, and invariable the opening vas closed ainl scaled: ho was buried alive and left to die." IVelister say,: "1 lUIVO 5043n ottt• hnooked (MUM by 1110 (3333'33,,''''1, /111 1133 face smashed in by live rieenete, era.4hing npon 13 almost 111 TT..3; : 1,1a31:...l 331333 Seret. Webeter tempt ea 333rreatio he managed to get about leo 1:110111eirtzl toward the Duteh frontier. alien he WUS taken prisoner mt 'When taken luto the 11e11. 1'4141i 3. 133:13333, and it become known (bet 311 "M1101111(itir" 1333334 111 their power, tee Hunnish vit. legere shainc.4111 17. ill-used hint. MONEY ORDERS. The ,,,le WilY 10 Q01111 ninticy 1,) Mall Dominion Flspress Money Order, LAI 3114131, a INSTANTLY P.c. IEVED WITH e,eeetr4 ORIIONE.Y ROT •111:111.ASII ANY talUdiGIST 17 vaitety.o.initnax Mortrssii. Pram foL. Ow nut: emi it trii,to br.orer. nrair. iME,' rhie Caves of Oregon. ! Amid 31." w i id -3 of • 'Ana se..l.eT,. Ore- gon, ainio-r milotort:d To Ita- weeld at lent..., I.; ;.:044,33-1 a tt•rfee of nnder- grottO.3 litahA •r.. s,1,13 3413 13331'334311) re - 1 ntorliebte fo:I1434a 3'143" tool i'.,:a the 1 ht•aut,' alai nuot,,iti td.ara,:_•tor 3.3 their dossmitlosa. 1,Vitliin tho 11.11, few seere thee have bees 1,1e310 is national • ineuttilenit. arel are n•ne Limy 11 .334 the :,,,,e/de 3 '44 T334.4 if Oregon. '0113031(14114 znantent Carets Meezet 10 CORI' Show VW not the wreetTer in the Jack's Bride A eailor who hue reek -110y 131at•riet1 gives •tla, 4103,4,1'4A1349 of lfie bride und la i• apparel: - "Aly rife is just 11:1 11/111t1S111110 1.11-11 113 lot't millinery dm; doelt, elipper 1111111, and With It tigUre. he...al not often seen on stiatIl craft, iler length of 1(0411 15 five feet eight inclies, ad displaces tvrenty-seven feet 'ea cable sir, of light &might, evhich adde to her speed in the ballroom, full the waist, spare trini. ! "At the time eve were splieed she 1 erne newly rigged fore and aft with startling rigging's of lace and flowere; mainsail part milk, with fore- ! etayeall of Valeneiennee, IIer frame 1 as of tlio best stool crovered with *ilk, with whalebone. stanchions. ' w a:11.11•10is11 aiit1vigg. is siintot dalfaoar a fairset of storm sails for rough weather, and is rieging out a email set of can - vast for light squalle, which are liable to oecer in this letitude sooner or 10 - ter, "I an told in running clown the etreet before this wind elm answers the helm beitutififily, and can Amen 'round in her length if a hatilsomer Icraft p3441805 her." Slimitra,st Main:oat enrols Ziuntht,,, . hiexi • eBReei F:St HORSES I F' TelfeY HAVIe pahn's Distemper 00iTipound Vie .1 341. 3,. 31113r,..31,1 1, elapItling wmthor tains •••• \ 1•1N14 41.,31r. • 11,43:A if"1.11r,\13'1111.08151'ci;itz.,;11311, 80biolvt(0171,xbes] *net*: 31,3 71 311 Loop 3441.11' 1101se 70011 ('3411131(1013,1.f• , • ‘1 • n :701.11? ttenCiflt. 3131.3 .„ , -'ANY, 1PillAt75, U:Sake Place of exelemie, but in the bets; and 8110113 Ina religion not in the season of hearing, but at the season of prim- Chrysostom. A V.C. site in the British House of Cernmerez for the first time in 21 yearo. Th18 is 1.41011t.-COMMOIlder Percy Thompson Dean, who was in command of a motor boat in the raid on Zeebrugge. The last elected M.P. to wear the Cross was Sir Henry Havelock -Allan, member for S. E. Durham, who was murdered in the Khyber Pass in 1897, Rheumatic Pains 2), Are relieved in a few days by taking 30 &opts of Mother Seigel's (re 51 Syrup aftermeala and on retiring. e) It dissolves the lime and acid .4)accumulation in the muscles and a; ) joints so these deposits can be el • expelled, thus relieving pain and 1? soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also ce 1 known as "Extract of Roots," a) containsnodopenorotherstrong a) drugs to kill or mask the pain of (, cause. 50c. a be (" rheumatism or lumbago, it re- moves the ail at druggists. ottl TT 2 SATISFY:1NC RELIEF FROM UMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges 'fide warmth -giving, eimes:estion- saatteritig circulation-i•timula',ines rem- edy pen, Leta; zcilhout '3i 13:3 right the a‘silints: and bringS odiek relief, eurely, rIc.ally„k wonderful help for 1''1 13.331341 3.43.14. sprains, strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago„ bruises. Gct your legit4 teclay-costs little, Dicans much, 1..k. your dreergist for it 71,3N1 Net -0 it handyor the nisi,. family. 11141333 in Canada, The big boale is econeray. 311c., $1.20. Let CutieuraSave YOU Hair 011333331(11133, comb the hair out strai ght, tb in Averting, geted y rubbing in Cuticura Ointment with [1141 1111(3 of the finger. Anoint additionalpartingsuntil the whole scalp has been treated. The next morning shampoo with Cud. tura Soap and hot water. Sample Eaelt Froe Mail. Addreespose. card; ''Cuticura. 00)14. 11, Bonen, U.3.A." S desIers throughout the world, rimmOTTCORTniteact...Wts20..siTertmato1mtnoteearanlp