The Brussels Post, 1919-3-6, Page 1VOL. 47 NO, 36 81.5o Per Annum in Advance BRUSSEI-S. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 6, I9I9
110.14 0110101.111s sessasseas
11 001
11111 11111111 11111111 111111
The Farmers
VVe have large resources and
the vast experience of 87 years
to draw upon to serve you; but
we have something even more
important—we have the earnest
desire to do so.
We cash your produce and personal cheques,
collect your drafts—all by mail if required—and
gladly give you impartial advice on any financial
or business matter.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid•up Capital 11 6,500,000
Reserve Fund • 12,000,000
Resources • • 150,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Sugar—B, 0. Bothwell.
Notioe—Parmers' Club.
Seed oats -11, L. Taylor.
Por sale—Prank Woods,
Auction Sale—B. Hyslop.
Balker found—TRH Poem.
Ground hone—Baeker Bros.
Pigs for ante—Cecil Bateman.
Girl wanted—Mrs. El. Stewart.
Spring—Plum Blacksmith Shop,
Auction Sale—D, K. Livingston.
Farms to rent—Alf. Button astute,
95 per pent —Lien tral Business Uollege.
Auction Sale—A, E. a David McLennan,
ristrict Reim
Mrs, Albert Brigham is the guest of
her mother, MIR, Win. Moses.
Mrs, Geo. Ecicmier is visiting friends
in Toronto during the past week.
Mrs, Duncan McDonald is spending
a few days with Mrs, McAllister,
Andrew Simpson celebrated his SIst
birthday, Stant:day of last week,
Martel 1st. He ie halo and hearty yet
and is the type ot manhood one al-
ways wishes so meet on account or
his genial and kindly disposition.
His, many friends offer oongratuta-
Mons and hope he will be spared to en-
joy many years to greet them in his
Scottish tongue.
An Amnion Stile of harm Stan,
implements, &c., will be held by Ben,
Hyslop, on Lot 14, Oen. 1, (imp, on
Friday, 1.1111 bum, at 1 p. ni. This ie
at the farm he bought front J. Ballan-
tyne. See list in another column.
T. R. Bennett will he the Auctioneer.
CARD OF THANKS.—We desire to
thank our friends and neighbors for
Weil: kind help and loving sympathy
during the illness and subsequent, de.
untie of our dear mother one short
year ago and also in the sudden death
of our dear father nu leclu tiers, 2181
1010. Tot!: bicLosstesssf Fesorat.
Win, Sanderson, Toronto, was a
recent visitor at hie home here.
Mrs. el, Muir has been suffering
from pleurisy during the past week,
Mise J. Black, Hervistnn, visited
with het' parents, R. and s. Black,
Met week,
Frank McLaughlin, Vancouver, was
the guest, of his uncle, R. G. AlcLaugh-
lit„..1 last weelc.
Norman and Mrs. Kalbfteisch were
guests of Lhe fosiner's brother, in
Mildmay, nem the week end.
Signaller Ashton blots lean rot tamed
from Toronto on Tuesday, where he
received his military dischai go.
Jno. and Mrs. Rutledge, Brampton,
attended the funeral of the latter's
brother, Wm, R. Montgomery,
0 00110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
88 With the Advance of Spring
and Repainted, We do it in a careful way, with prompt, 800'-
vice, of the beat of materials, guaranteeing you an ep-to-date
job and to your 'salve satisfaction, as in all lines of Genet al
131acksmithing, Horse -shoeing, Wood -work Repairing and
Cacriage Painting and at a moderate mice.
We apply all sizes of Solicl and Cushion Carriage Rubber 'rites
on your channels. Rubber warranted to be fleet quality. We
• do not use the ordinary grade.
• We have in stook over 10,000 unused Repel', pads, exact dupli-
cates of the oeiginal parts of all Deerieg, McCormick, Frost &
a Wood and Cocksbut t Implements. Look you u Machines over
0 and order needed Repairs early. IL will help 118 to give you
• 9
better service.
Yon will be getting in shape for Summer use your. Machinery,
Buggy, etc., some part of whicli may need repairing. Mitch
expense is often saved by having such work attended to helot e
it is really time for using'.
If Your Used Buggy Needs it, have it Repaired
I When in Need or a Plow buy a famous fiery
et cheaper itt the end than any imitation. ,.
0 From a large Stock of Superior Manilla
• bleCorinick and Deering Twine we give yen) the lowest, quota-
* tions for either immediate or future deliveries, protecting you
• . against any probable advance in price later on, Our me 000 810
e right. Ask ne. Then order your ticeessttry supply mei 0(011 for
• it when needed.
Selected for long service and superior work, they excel all 01 h-
ers. We have them also all original Shares, 'lo., for Moves.,
Wilkinson, Oliver, Pervival, Perrin, Frost, & %Vies), 'Podiums?.
Anderson, Oockshutts No, 2, Nip, Kangitroo, Punch and Judy
Plows. There are mails, substitutes hut ask for the genuine ;
IF you waitt the beet drop itt, NVe are pleased Lo 1,01c over any- •
thing in this line tvith you at any timer
, The Plum Blacksmith Shop 8?
• Phone 41x
Pre, St/inlet arist home front over.
Seas. lIa sags tlit, Ua111',,114.a,
le 10'4M' boys, "and Lelia many
!Molesting, of the war,
Non liamilkm, who went over-
seas with an A minuet) mtvy Hospital
unit, returned to the filaten few
Weeks ago and lanow visiting her
patents, Inn. and Mts. Ilittnillon.
Nus Si' Hamilton had many thrilling
experieneee. A few of Nurse 1101011.
tetee personel frienks Palled on her
itionday evetting at the parentst lunue
and pre.iented her with a bequet of
flowers expressive of welcome.
;lid time vms knout, in °hat, eong and
WM, R. 111011lgo00et y died at his
home here Sunday morning. lis' had
been in failing health fur over a year
01 10 result of heart trouble but Wag
only confined to bed for 31)10010)1, Ile
Ives 01 'eats of ago antl had spout
practically MI his life fat ming in
flowicic Township, only retiring In
I ho. village last Fall. Ile is am vived
by his wife, formerly lliwg (iallahar,
a daughter, Mrs, Roy AleiCersie,
Turnberry Tow nehip, 10111 a 01)(1,Dr.
rt, filotitgoniery, at present. taking
post..getninate course in New York,
also 2 0101 ('58, Mrs, Jim, Rutledge,
Brampton anti 11(8, Herron, Millbank,
.A. funeral eel vice whielt was latgely
attended by man y relativee wee held
in the Methodist church Tuesday
afternoon, in which Ale. Kerr,
Gott ie and the p011 01', Rev. le. St tide,
took part, inter whitdt the 1010)111110
were interred in SVroxeter cemetery.
For..009 11001r 0111Y, from March 10111 to 16111,
InalaSive, we aro giving our customers the
benefit 0( 005 lot priers 0i1 sugar. Redpath
granulated at $10 00 per cwt., strictly rash or
produce. 01. 0. Bothwell, Alonarleff.
Big. hntmeing Ned ling Bargains at
AlcDonalcre store, Ethel, See his
Having leased hie farm, D. K. Liv.
ingston will 1(11111 a Meeting Ante ion
Soh. of Farm Steels, implements, tte.,
on Friday Interline!), 14th insts at 1 p,
01. Air. and Aire, Livingston and
family may 1 move to l'eemvater and
the father and mother may Vitilt, the
West for a trip. See Het of their sale,
Chas. Fla»suld has started baying cream for
Bluevale Creamery and anyone having aroma
to sell le otiluxed of receiving the highest mar.
het price and satisfactory service. Give him
a tadal and be convinced.
Louis and Ales. ‘Vhitflold spent, a
few days nf last week in Toronto.
bliss Alice Barr 18 visiting in Oar -
Juke, the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) j. r.
Wm. Brown has bought. D. Rattan-
tyne's farm. Lot 10, Orb Con., Grey,
and will get possession soon,
On aermun of so much sickness the
entertainment at Brussels in which
Ethel talent wtos to supply the pro.
gram was nailed off i tulefinately.
A. P. and Mrs McKee. went. In Tor-
onto last Thursday for a few holitlaye
and also to nelebiette the 20111 annivet-
rary of t hely wedding -day. Congrat
Pte. Fred, Jamee areived here 'Puee.
daynoon. HP was among those whn
arrived on the Lapland. His wife
met him in Palmerston. We welcome
him back and told him so by weed and
700, McDonald has sold dwelling to
jno. King, The hitter and Mis. Kieg
intend to spend a Summate in the
West and then VPL Urn to Ethel to re-
main permit)] ently.
She. Jun. McNeill was called to
Hanover nn account of illness of bee
father. The old gentleman has pas-
sed his 861.11 birthday and any change
in health causes 01111111,
'Pint FACTORY S000.—WIn, Heist,
Tvoielcidge, has bought Ethel (Meese
factory from Win. 13)1)000 and a meet-
ing of Directors was held Tuesday to
arrange for season's work.
The Big Bargain Sale at .100, Me-
Donithrit Mote gnes steadily (newer('
and people are finding it pays to pur-
chase, Hale will continue until stock
is cleared out, Did you read Mr. Me.
Donald's advt. this week 1.
'Under Lilo auspices 01' the Larliee'
Aid a 81. Pittriek's 'Pen, and Coneett
will he given in the Methialiet ehutell
limp on the evening rf Monday, 17) 11
lest. Watch frit fuller entioutice-
Sotne people ttre inclined to take
things not belonging to them out of
the ehtleell sheds such as halters, ruga,
whine, umbeelles, Me. Suspieum 15
reeling very heavy on smile persons .I.
and as they have lied miming befin e a
through prese if caught they can't ex- t
pent any leideney, hay Illay be pre- p
ed to take 1110 full extent of the 1 b
law. 1
altonday night a eau of 0,1 met pail
of 10'04080 howe removed luau Ethel
C. 'I'. It, platfot to, by A Certain party.
'Unless 1 110 14-00,11, (it Et VIII 11 neLl at mire
the oftleets of the law will he asked to
°Mehl the articles by it more expen-
sive 1051151.
There have been 40111P ecunplaints
made against, the owners of earn who
are using the shed nn PV»11-
111g8, 80111e Of the 110110'9 1111 Ve beell
badly frightened with the 1 esult that
110141PFIS and equipment, have 11-m
For 0110 wook 0111Y, from March Bah to 15th,
inoltudras we are giving 005 01180110801 the
1;1%11: eo.t mu. tot prices 00 sugar, Redpath
granulated ab VOA per owt., striatly math or
11. 0, Bothwell, Moncrieff.
It will pay you to visit the MeDon-
ald Bergin!) Sale at Ethel. Read
Harvey and Miss Beth 111(0)1*'!', Oth
Con., are spending a week with Nxel.
er friends.
A lino phonograph has been pur-
0110,0011 by Wen. Spleen, 1401„ 0013.,
from nevoid Love, Hillei•
Mn*, Benj. Tuck, 14th line, is spend-
ing a month renewing old acquaint-
ances in Clifford and vicinity,
4oberl. Menary. jr. Ooh Cons under-
went a successful operation and is
making favorable progress, we are
pleatied to state,
Miss Dade Griffin, Toronto, who has
been Emending the past mouth with
her sister, Mrs. Fred, Tuck, returned
to her home last week,
ANNOUNCEMENT —Hartwell and Mt s.
Speiran announce the engagement of
their, desighter, Myrtle Ada, to Frank
71. 13oyd, Wedding to take place this
An Auction Sale is announced of
Farm stock, implements, &51 , by Jas.
Ballantyne, Lot 20, Con, 10 (trey, to
be held ‘Vednestlay, March 20th, at 1
P. F. 8. Seott, will be the Awe
ileum.. Hale will be without reserve.
Friday of this week Ohas. E. Lake
will leave Wingliam by 0. P. It. with
a ear of houses, foe Winnipeg. Mr.
Lake is farming at Glidden, Sask.
Ha has been 12 yeare in the West.
We wish him A 1 suncese.
Mrs. T. Williamson, 14th Cion.,
Grey, underwent a critical operation
at the General hospital, Toronto, on
Feb. 20111. Owing to her condition
Mr. Williamson is still in the city
with her, Many old friends wish a
speedy recovevy.
We are sorry to heat that Wm.
Lamont, who has beau in poor health
for the past, year, has been advised by
physicians to give up farming. He
has leased his farm for a term of
years, subject to sale to Purvis Bros.,
Oth Con, and will hold a Clearing Sale
on March 171h.
Pte. John Johnston, son of George
and Mrs. Johnston, of the lar [Ions
arrived home on Tuesday from over-
seas, looking the soldier's pat t. He
was one of the Hurons and is assured
of a hearty welcome back after all the
turmoil of the war.
Amide Oastenma., mien ssf ems
WEST.—.The body of Angue Campbell,
a well known fennel, resident ol this
township, who passed away et Castor,
Albeeta was brought tel Brus-
sels 'last Monday and the
funeral took Orme from the under-
taking department of Moises. Walker
& Black Tuesday afternoon, efter
which inteement was made in Bens-
sels cemetery alongside his wife and
daughter. Cause of death was said to
have been front asterike of paralysis.
The casket was accompanied by his
only son John. 2 daughters (Mrs.
Peter McNeil and Mrs. Michel, both in
the West) also survive. Mesdames
James McKay and Mrs. Wm. Forbes,
or this township, are sisters, and
Hugh, of North Dakota, and Wm., of
Sask., are surviving brothers. The
late Mrs. Hugh McKay, formerly of
the Oth Con, was also n sister. 11 18 S
or 10 years since Me. Campbell went
West. He lived on the 12th Con., for
years and wits Well 1011018I1 and highly
esteemed. His wife predeceased 111131
by many years. Hee nmiden name
was Johann McIntosh and she is well
remembered by the older eettlers,
The following item will Speak for
itself and referrs to Harold, beloved
son of Albert and Mrs. Fox, who died
a few a weeks ago in Willett, Man,
from the "flu" t—Harold was both in
Grey township, went West with his
parents a few years ago and was well
and favorably known here, being 0
latient little invalid most all his life,
Wati a general favorite with old
tici young and although not unable to
enjoy active pleasute, he never coin -
lamed, was always cheerful and
right and enjoyed seeing others en -
(tying themselves. He showed a
Banking Service
yOUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Walton Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager
wut Mei fel smith 1.4 ,.11180111411.11 11 11
((((100 etel ev( 0,1101. 51(1' 1101,
e 0
nin 1100 46,011 ;glen 100 t tom:
death men, ,1 neat ho v 4..(1(1..
sing "Abide with itle" and "8;i1; of
niy soul," .A. friend front Winnipeg
in writing to his family saki in expres-
sing her sympathy, "I will always be
benefitted hy lulu whig him bp wee a
dear boy mid could have taught 111(103'
of mg a besein by his wondei
patietice awl ,4terfelimes. 1 an
hie 01 eV1o114 Rile lire Whiell 1(44 Pol-
ed Ie. a roil( V) 01 111'001 b Will long be n.-
(11(1101(0.1 ily 411 .who know him mel
linty he plaved 0,4 a high 0(0 '(11 for t1,4
all for ench an hour (18 we think not,
the Son or Man ootnelb." umi
sympathy is explessed for the family,
Miss Etta Met hontiti, of Grey Iown.
shirt, 10111 .1. Apnea from
tenektitehewati, wei e united in ((*101''
51(150 0,1 the manse, Wednesday after.
(101(51 Or last %veldt, by Bev, J. M.
Nieol, They ttentimi
by Migsl Myelic Pawsim and Charles
Davidson, Brussels. Tito bride wore
a suit, of navy blue serge trimmed
with blank minutest braid and satin
hat and black fox fries, They left
Saturday for their home in the West.
PRESENTATIONS.—Monday evening,
February 1701. a gathering of neigh-
bors and old. friends numbering about
50 in all assembled at the commodioue
and comiortable Blake hoineetead,
14th Orn., to enjoy a social few hours
with Aire. Wm. Blake and Miss
Edith, OHM' 10 their removal to DP -
11.011 where 1 hey purpose making
11100 home. It is over 50 yearn since)
1110 101(8 Mr. Blake took up this farm
and Ales. Blake hus been 0. resident
for this long period. .A very in terests
lag feature of the evening was the
reacting of the following achleeseee 10
Mrs. Blake and Mies Edith by Mre,
Jas. Grant, followed by momenta.
Oen of 0 flop Club Bag and Umbrella
to the former met a choice etimerole
10 Mien Blake by Mrs, Thee, Alcoolo
We have learned with deep regret of
your proposed removal from one
midst. Yon have been a resident of
the 14t1i Con. for half a century and,
while 1101 unmindful of your own
domestic duties, you have ever been
ready to give assistance to the ut-
most of your DoWer, to every good
and worthy cause. in the history of
this coturounity yours is an honored
place and your example has been an
incentive to other to pursue generous
unselfish aims. Our best wishes go
with you to yone new home and rest
assured your kind words and noble
deeds will evet remain green in our
memory. We present you with this
Olub Bag and Umbrella as a token of
gratitude due for the many benefits
derived from you as a neighbor, and
also a testimony of regard foe you (1.8
a true woman, a warm friend and
sincere Cheistian, Signed in behalf of
yew neighbors and friends.
51190 Htstme,
DRAB EIDITIL—We Asir you to ac-
cept this small gift, a silver Oasserole,
as a reminder that you hive many
warin friends, old and young, in the
locality of your birth. We are very
sorry tn part with you but feel sure
your never failing good nature, and
many other admirable qualities will
win you golden opinione in whatever
circles your lot *nay be cast. We
trust you will not forget your old
friends in Grey and will- return
to visit the friends and scenes of ynur
youth. Archie Hyslop gave a snitable
reply for Mee. Blake and Miss 14(011 1*.
Night was spent in song, story, music
and dancing and recalling of men and
women who played an active part in
tbepast, many of them long called to
their reward. A delightful 11111011 was
served and the company separated
with the expression of many good
wishes to NPR. and Miss Blake as they
remove to Detroit, where a number of
relatives vesicle, and also the extending
of the glad hand to C4eorge E, Blake
(a son) who with his new bride will
continue to dwell in the old family
home. May all concerned enjoy a
lame share of the good things of this
life. Mr. and Mrs. Blake (latter was
Miss Mary K. McCaughey, of Morris
township,) have the hearty congtatu-
lations of 0 wide circle of old Mends
in their coinmencement of 'married
Miss Theresa Switzer is teaching
et Ki n tore.
Miss Jessie Menzies, of Toronto, was
home for the weeloenci,
That, fine brick house slionld have an
A 1 housekeeper, Whospeaks lot., 1
A. number from !hie tonality took in
the Band Onneert et Bruesels Skating
Rink Thursday evening of last week.
Tell your oeighbors of the genuine
Bargains et 1VIeDonald's Clearing Sale
at Ethel. Don't fail to read his advt.
Fred. lreschke had the misfortune to
have a rib broken by a limb while
chopping in the hush, A broken iib
is 110 joke,
Pte. Brown watt at Toronto this
week concerning his discharge. He
enlisted in December 1014 and was 20
months in France and Belgitnn,
3. ,S, Campbell, Bengough, Sask., is
here on a visit to the parent al hone
and with other relatives and old
friends, It is a year since he was
here, J. 8, asked ns to help131(110 1)01.
a No. 1 wife roe hint hi
olt it s saki Ito
is looking after the job himself.
Mower ten 13nos0r8Ls —The William
Perrie family, who have been for
znany long years residents of this lo-
cality, moved to Brussels last Friday.
We regret the loss beettnee we believe
it is a decided loss to any community
Ln lose citizen% of Lhe Perrie type.
Nowhere will that loss be felt 1110116
than in the congregation of Knox
church where Mr, Perrie has been a
faithful Elder for years. He has also
served as Superintendent of the Sab.
iv. H. 1;11..1,',
10101(1024 AND tiltleY FAU-
N] teltS' C111 1 13 ship hogs 144(5-
111day morning of eneh week,
110 one 180.111115 (0 Co-00MT 1n
.• it 11 (1': Cho, e ill 5('(''11'" the
81 1.. tont 1041 Friss.,
lie, 10fo1 Mel bill Nan -
:411e., ale 11 ith
Phone 4(11
bah Seluiol and taught Retest? of boys.
Bad Met, holm a Trust ee of the 110115118.
II -1 lion (col lied 004i1loov on the 51*,.
(0511(5 0ara and his 11810' 1111 the Saki.
both W1(4 (•mpty may when it wee iut-
poesible for Lo be there. Mrs -
Perri., km lins been a member of the
W. Al. 8. and Ladies' Aid since tittle
nrganizminti and where any social
events hold to be arranged for she
cheerfully did her part to make them
a 11(.0081. Their work was done, not
for Om tmr gain, but because they
took pleasure out of doing that kind
of work. Whilst, they may not he
reeidents of (.1raubrcusk 105100 (1 we will
expeet to see them quite often as visit-
ors and can assure t hem a hearty wel-
come. Oran brook locality is a neit in
extending 10 the Porde family many
good wishes and heartily connnending
them 11 the good people of 13rueeele,
They ale au estimable family,
Pasture farms to lent. Advt. in
this issue,
Jas, McGee has rented his farm 00
the 1st line of MmHg, to Mr. Btlgar,
of fltunil MO,
People ars talking about the Bar -
gable at the Selling off Sale al Ethel.
See advt. page S.
Miss Carrie. Dirnent, of the Bluevale
road, is visiting with Miss Jeati
Maxwell at Leamington.
Jas, 13, Kerney's Auction Sale
Thursday afternoon of this week, Sit
Lot 18, Con, 8, Morris. No reserve.
Forest Wilson has sold his farm on
the Bluevale road to Albert Foxton,
of Cinross, who will take possession in
a few weeks.
W. H. Fraser, M. P. P. for North
}Neon, is attending the sessions of
the Provincial Parliament at Toronto.
He was introduced to the House by
Messrs, Parliament and Wigle.
The McDonald Bargain Sale con-
tinues to draw custotnees to Ethel and
the "stunts" being put on for the next
week will be better still. Read the
McDonald advt.
The Patrintie Society wishes to in-
form all those having yarn out, wheth-
er finished up or not, kindly leave at
H. Hopper's strive not later than Sat-
torday, March S111,
Last Monday Pte. Jack Ander-
son, son of James and Mrs. Anderson,
11 line, 'Morris, arrived home from
overseas and was very heartily wel-
comed to his old home. ,. He 0011:10 by
the Lapland.
Don't forget the Union Bible Soc-
iety meetings next Sunday at Sunshine
Methodist church at 10 30 a. m. and
Belgrave Presbyterian church at 230,
Secretary Jeese Gibson, Toronto, will
be the chief speaker. Offering for the
Louis Blake is making his home in
Detroit, for a time at least.
A St, Patrick's Social will be held in
the A, 0. U. W. Hall by the Women's
Institute, on the evening of Monday,
17th inst. Everything will be Irish -
program, of music and literary and
contests, lunch and all, Be Irish on
the 17th and be happy.
An old and well known former resi-
dent of this locality is here frons the
West 011 a holiday visit, after long
years of absence, in the person of Jas.
McDonald, Although in his SOth
year. he is as bright as a dollar and
chins with old friends and neighbors
with 0 zest that proves how well he is,
The Anctine Sete at Duncan John-
ston's went with a good swing and the
115W propietor, W. Sholdice, who has
pet vetriened frown the busy war
seenes, will slimily get pnssession of
the ferm. Of conrse he'll require a,
good housekeeper. Mr, and Mrs.
Johnston will move to their home in
A short time ago Thos, Pryee, who
MLR 11. fOrtner Well 11110180 resident of
MeKillop township, but tvho removed
to Seaforth, called at Jno, 13nehanan's
farm to see some cattle. One of the
steers kielted him end unfortunately
the blow fell where a former ailmen1,
existed and later results were of a
fatal character, passing away at his
Mune, Deceased was 61 years of age
and is survived 117 00 adult family,
Robt. and Mrs. Mowbray, Wing -
ham, spent, Sunday at George MOW.
Fora Trata.—Bluevale Institute held
their their final sewing bee in the
basement of the Presbyterian chureh,
Wednesday afternoon, Feb, 20111,
About 130 ladies gathered and four
qttilts wave quilted and bound, which
finishes their Red Cross work for the
present. In the evening those who
had helped at Red Cross work were
invited and a goodly number assent,
bled for stopper, which the ladies
bettntifnlly supplied and a very pleas.
ant evening was spent, ReV. C. Tate
was called to the chair and filled the
office to perfection. Program don.
slated of recitations, 1011510 and
sot :lass Tete, :1, it‘,1
08,0 d t
1,1101 1 01' 1,1n° 11, ti •0.,. • 0 4
00/41 '4 the wee and i`iel:10Wi.1(
1111(1 in any wily .1. us/ Isss
WOOL It 1.1110e088, Sp{ cia I (111'1.1,»Ii 91.04
made of drayman, .11110. Aitelieson,
who earried all Idol proems, to (1. T. 11,
free of charge, also the thatigemen
for the use of their 111111, Ilutlis
for (18e of basettemts f,,r e(11( re,
Mee the 11(811 4Vlai 0,100; ,„,,,,...s
week to week, -1 1)1.,:, ;..1
behalf of 13onts1 s
soda Ile Vol( V» 11 • ti -ling .1.
their people in saying° 111.• %vet e
%velment., to anything tool done
and was sorry they could not du loops
111 nisi of the good woric. We Wel e
5111 07 znore of OM Soldier boys could
not be presotit. I,to.
NILS the speaker foe the evening and
gave an are/tufo of 0(04 lvio-,1
from he left Camp Bet den soil
landed bards in London. 1.100. 5111,1.
was bit by shrapnel in both lor• ,
ing the tight one at the knee and is
one or our bright young men who 10 w
their duty nearly the beginning of the
war. :Meeting was brong,h1 10 1111(80
and everycfne appreciated the kindly
spirit that, existed 1003(11(5 (1115 pe.ple.
Three Days of Lectures and
Musical Events
Brussels Town Hall, Narch 18, 19 & 20
The °haul inmate Festival to be held
at Brussels Town Hall, on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, Morels 18,
19 and 20, will open with the P1101i0,
Girls Orchestra, which emnp..o.,1
a Band of stetting entrrt.ei,r,
give a splendid ,„ (0t'0,'
end as soloist:, both int( mum and
evening. This organieetien 10 one 01
the well-known Sextets which
have been so popular with their diver-
sified entertainments, consisting of
instrumentation and song. There are
drums and other acceesories. There
are piano solos and pianologues.
There are violin and cornet solos and
there are readings and there is a de-
lightful sketch, besides =my other
entertaining features.
There will also be presented on the
opening day an afternoon and evening
talk by Ned Woodman,of Chicago,
the well known Carthonist and Cari-
caturist. Mr. Woodman has been
known to the American public for a
dozen years on the platform and his
artistic work has brought him fame
in connection with the Chicago Record
and Inter.ocean, and some sixty other
American publications including New
York Life and Judge. MI. Woodman
&tee many fine artistic aunts on the
platform, using four easlea in connee-
Lion with his work. Mr. Woodman is
a huntorist, a poet, a philosopher and
hie entertainments are worthy of the
reputation he has earned.
Second day's program will con-
sist of a Lecture by Shorelitud F. Pan-
non,who will speak both afternoon and
eveuing, Mr, Fannon is a community
lecturer who has been in community
welfare work for over ten years, and
has' been able 10 accomplish many
great things for the bettering of the
town and camommity in the way of
schools, churches and business. Ho,
has held the Presidency of a eounner.
cial club and 'in every way is yeas-
oapable from experienee to help youe
town. There is no more entertaining
lecturer on the platform to -day than
Mr. Fannon. He is well versed in all
phases of his subject and will have
much to say that, will interest ail
public spirited people.
Also 00 the second day there will be
given two short Japanese Plays by
Michitaro Ongawa, a high class Japan-
ese comedy entitled "The Mime and
the other cousists of scenes from
modern Japanese life Under the Can -
tion of "On the toad to Tokyo."
These will be enriched by special
Japanese 8Weet80e1183'7,ll eaet
7, "8tli4111mlaniwoedworks
I 44;
Japanese songs and musie.
The third day the Leettire will be
given by Alpert EtIwtud Wiggitm,
who is known in the United States as
a specialist on psychological subjects,
dealing with the vital things of life.
Mr. Wiggain has been a Letent Int 1(11.
nu the large Stuniner Chautauqua for
several years and spends his Winters
leetnring on the Extension Course of
the TJniversity of Wisconsin and toilet:
8Criantlecture on "How Eli Clot There"
is full of wit, 001011100 88110e'011i1080.
phy and fact and will furnish 0 very
entertaining evening. Ile will alai)
speak in Ole afternoon on "Clinehing
the Victory." Mr. Wiggam wee one
of a Commission sent to Feance during
the war to make certain investiga-
tions for the United States and was
also a member of FL United Statet,
Oommismion to Canada, He has much
valuable informetion (110,1 18 given 1*1
a most entertaining way. He has 11
great deal to say about the splendid
part Canada, had in Lhe war.
The musical program on the third
day will be given by the Impede( En-
tertainere, consisting of Alexander M,
Skibinsky, the famous Bunten violins
ist, Hartwell DeMille, the well known
Otinadian baritone and Miss Muriel
Bruce, the Toronto 1415051151 (01(5 19.000111.
They%vill present an 1.1 nusuat.
ly strong musical program with many
attractive features both single and on
Plan of reserved seats will open
promptly at Fox's Drug store, Friday,
141.11 10811., at 0 a,. no., so have your
tickets bought prior to that date and
have them marked early, You hold
same seat for the tS entertainments.
See potters and other announcements
or nett any member of Committee if
further information is desired. Oorn.
reittee commence sale of tickets Satan,*
day of this Week,