HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-27, Page 5/44•\
Its ASSAM quality gives it
that rich flavor
kis e9
Solid only in seabed packages
gam( .' c��.lsaJtemai through the Southern States
A. 0, U. W. Grand Lodge will meet
in 'Toronto, Wednesday Nine's x•l.1t.
ArroINTxn '1'91 CI.f N 1'118 12.1;i;•i'oH5111 r,
1'. 'le1tie;ney has beam ap-
pointed by licdlup of Unroll to veetur•
ship 111 Cil. ('sups ehnrc,, Clinton.
Mr. i(eKeguey was wan tee Cauaditm
Forces overscaa, heisting nullsteel as
private 10 order to get over. Jolter be
swage/en a cu•tpltnncy Roel during the
hie (lriva lu tele Summer was awertled
Ila military cross for seresee in thee
field. llu is a native ut lrelacd but
canto to this commie sever,ii years ago,
being ordained in 1913. Rev. Canon
Hill, C1uder)c.i, is uouuuuing ie charge
mutt Mr, Mulieguey returns from over,
lIr. I'AU1.'S Ci1Uf&Cll CALI1.tity 11nS 911.
Cox/ vt1A11,-At the annual ine14nsg of
ht, Paul's eiturat, Calgary, presided
over by the pastor Rev. A. G, Wishart,
13. A.., (turm,rly of Brussels) un excellent
year was repotted. Y'ielemret''s state-
ment shoved all liabilities met, with the
exception of poynig 9.fh the lnortgage,
:1i6,400,00 was rinsed leaving a balancuuf
1'501.o0 10 111,1 AI,., li 111'1 t,..0110 8111:1(1
stealing 8)1bsclipuenes, Toted receipts
from the 11f, M. 10, ;,.nee ;(;)5moo. (kle
"10 Memoriam" oerteticale lor Mts.
Lou rte's motnat and lite membership
certtfivateswere piesenled 0 Mrs. Wish-
art, Evils, Porterd,•.a Roel dlrr:, Lourie,
The Suuday school, under Lite huperiu-
tendency of .Mrs. C. J. t-'atlplaill, lieu
004 an excellent ye,w, rent; nu w1A rais-
ed of which iwlo4i, a%. ,.ar. for Mission,
m1,5 /3807 fur the Aru)o11 ,tn loud, The
Dailies' And amid a terra el ye au, having
1111W.1 1181,057,107. 12.1,1 truss artic;es
provided, 0001 .elsd 12.1,121,245 pa.15 of
sox knitted and i, J.;1'u'•_[ 111)y articles
tot "fin" patients, u a :mulcting vote
the cougro atiem huoul y endorsed the
reeunitnr111111 me „f !lie 13,011 al \I;wu-
gers to (acre' .. 1',, t rti •n'.oLu
B. C. Bunn og offee selected Iuaam in ut
mus board, 1V. 51, (Vaugh vas te•elected
PtInsurer ; Messrs b':ieisr, McDonald,
1.4. writs, i', W, Aleuts fie 1 Alex. Martlu
were the nesse tie uil,sas ,.rs,rel 111 the
board. '0.31,11 C,a...d Jut ail put poses was
over $11,4U0. rue 1:0ugn-aomi 11pu to
stake considerable reduction uu the
mortgage, leis year.
Try a Living Mower.
From the Los Angeles 'rimes -"One
of our thrifty financiers bought a
couple of Iambs in the spring and
used them as lawn nwwers on his
pl:Ioe [luring the season. They kept
his sward ribbled to the proper length
and also added to the prcturesque-
1nt.tit Flnl'ron.--i +un not sure where
111,1 1 1T or how murk you would likt
me to report. lo one way 1 au in a very
enviable position. 1 do not tuteleelakc
to tell you what there is but only what
1 ora en do not ore, With what ( hear
throW11 in. Of eour8e the have to
have 8(11(1e sleep. Nurses are the
nyly 01(1 I know who (1111) seemingly
do without sleep. Besides (here
would be no use paying for a sleeper
nisei not taltieg )L. Speaking of the
fat ining or farms along the mule 1
should have made snore exceplioue for
LL few home' run in the State of Ken -
Dick Bordering as it (foes on the
Ohio, We would expect this, The
further we go the less desirable it
010111 appeal', P9nrleesee is;benuliful
even now uand e l wh.(
1 Lhe'e
ti•l R are in
Mar Mud everything growing, tliat
can grow, it 1111181 be very charming
for if you want 11111s and dales and
rugged heights you will find thein
there as x1814 in Ken ttutu,
The city o1' Cincinnati is in Ohio but
5t the exl(erne Northern point of
Rotelnekv, Chllttiuu,ga, at the ex -
1 trine South 1Ves6 corner of Tennesee.
Now between these cities we passed
through 25 tunnels, around 2 mote
1.11+11 had coils518e(1 and colder 32 over-
head bridges. 1 s'gleeted to ask the
II +01(1)111 how Horny bridges we pas-
sed over, I wag interested. in k11o1v-
(ug holy )ung 801119 of these tunnels
we80. f r0111110d (;1s Jho ((10(110 tMICH as
far we I could ,judge) 28 for one then
68, 112 111111 about 128 for one, This
wets pi (Maley called )ling memltain
whirl' is t lh'. long,•;[ (111d is 11 of a mil,'
in leegl11, The, fact or two tunnels
eollip,iug would indicate Llie reeks are
"tier Gino Moog the line of the C. 1'.
11, from N,n1 William to (lttrleton
,lil•U•lint1. Resolve lhey notice flu' less
1,i •„ than when riding through those
of 1111, (1, 1', 11.
'Cuts b'ioti(Io 8prcial, 1411 likewise aA
the trains, do little speeding. The
fin 1 her you go, at least as far its
Palm 13 arts which was the 5nrthest 1
Rot, the worsts the load heel is, \VP
would expect this between ,Jacl(5on•
vilte a1(15 Pahn Beach and I suppose
%Vol se ILS tv0 g0 11111 her. 11 .((11181 be
atitar difficult to keep a level road
(fere 1111 (Nally trains 11,188 ((510 and so
11111911 ,,l the hind is swamp or
swampy. 11' you are easily Made sea
sick you want 111 go pi (spared, Along
with Monne ((Gle'5 1 was served with a
cup of eol'Tre in the (liner, The sway-
ing sof the cru' started the el ffee that
w•(1)', Juin it. kept going mail the
1111(1(01 W114 11111 a1111 ft'otn 51190(1 over
this table doth, The perter when
mass of the home. lie bought then •
for $4 a piece and as the season Ivan- �6 ,
el sold the p1111 for ,$35. He had .no E €s" v
trouble or expense for oiling or sharp-
ening them, either "
fertilizers for all Spring Craps
Fanners within teaming (Bewley
of Factory, buying direct, will
save commission and 1'f Sight. \\'e
linen a full line of 0111' v(L810114
011 b1mly. '1'11100 delivery
while the sleighing is good,
farmers" Fertilizer Company, ltd,
'lal��ltl N lii�liii'Il lid " '41111' ; m it
Wingharne, Out.
impl ; n
At E1' est Prices
0 rt, Binder, 81 1( 7 enerler xnd truck 5415 00
7 -et. Binder, ' 228 00
210 OD
70 s0
82 6n
Corn Rln,ler
6 -rt, Newer
a•Ft 515500)'
10.11. 815"01 128118, 82 teeth .111 00
Hay'rudder ........................:,.....,,...
Combined Side lithe anti `.redder ""' 1110 (10
L0r90,t 11nnu' a sprmini• 108 00
11 Dine Morrillaer 1)i(1( 148 00
0.1). R1,ol Roller 00 00
Sentr Il Diamond Rerrowu per section , 0 00
(311nmx Wagon Gears, Murtha, 25 x1,1
in, lire 80 00
lengthen, Cream 8epnrntare, Ple va and oilier
Implements o1rrospandtn, ly clump nada
liberal 010081n,t fur 08011. 001100 early,
WD ENE, - Ethel
11 1' l 111. 111 e Is
t .
fir dike)
fit 51
Illi is;!lal
E have received a large shipment of Shoes and
now have a compiete stock of Men's, Boys',
Women's and Girls' Fine aucl Work Shoes. Good,
sturdy, school shoes for the children and nifty ones for
better wear, here are a few prices that talk
1len's Mahogany (nal', Neoli11 Sole and Rubber TIM , .,...) 5 60
Men's hilt Work Shoes, with Solid Lea(her:lole„r..... 5 25
-Men's (3rnnine Regulation Army Lealhel...,. ,......... 4 50
Ladies' Black Viei 1514, newest. cast......... ...... ........... . .. 5 00
Ladies' Brown Vivi 151(5, Newest east 5 00
Women's Heavy ICangnr110 hoots, just the thing foe outside
worm ....., ... ....... ,. ...... 3 60
Conte and see. them. You will be surprised at the
Quality and Moderate Prices,
Highest Price Paid for Produce.
+1 X 5 0. R 1 yrf �4:t ELL, � i w I.i�u �B
11a8sing along poured back what t
lin. (01lt(191' but ho hadn't gone half
length of the ear before the sit
wan 1'(11 Hgnin, 1 nev9r had thin
0111 11(1011'. \'011 5181 w'il') 11 go
pared 10 be j'akwl „hunt 11
'5'1,1•(11111158111(1 with lL ,jerk. and
lint way, Not Oral, ra1,y sl
111„t'a)Ilellt, when tiding with (1111'
Oatindilul egnipuun t, b'or 0110 1.1
1 111'1 0 1A 1101 11/11g at 1)114 heats
1.0,15 "I' the ear to 11'85001 the Jill
Anletir,nelrlte 11))'y wort. take 1
10 ,dnw up but put on 1-ne In ekes
IltLrdlehh or 1he 3',idelpli'oreH,
>;peaklog of the 1110108 1 wot
bow )n;1),y u!' von Move heard of a
With a Ilia wheel, They say they
caused by applying file (1895 'H
151(11101)' or too hard. The wheels
being able W turn become worn
are 001 round. It 58 a wonder to
they are not all flat. Its wattle a
01100 fltltene(1 it Hoon /100011108 w(
and evervliule it revolves 111ig
surface causes the wheel to become 1
ler and hotter until it hive to pis
and theft whether' the couplings h
and you are dragged (long or g
way mid go H(mlesvhere it is HETI
whichever happens. I think it
mute titan peoballl(1 that nine -ten
of 1hone who travel pay Much alt
tion 149 to Lhe seat they occupy.
mention this beraese the sleepi
berth 1 111,11/1(15 nn choice of m
which was die eetly over the fro
axle and the first at the front e
There are 3 reasons why I select
seat near the centre and 11 I cannot
that, I lake it near the back e
rather Onto the trout. There is 1
j'11 near the centre, If you don't
neve it ride 011 a4 wagon witho
springs and see. Another reason 15
0101'91 1'estful for tate eyes to be n
nearer than 20 feet l'eotti the front
the ear providing your vision is no
mal. 3rd reason is that if then e is
head-on collision or a tear end o
you would stand a better chance
not being hurt, When ordering
berth t n ou might state tareyour prefers
g 11 (ten
but they cannot always accoumo(la
yon and sometimes I suepeet some
not know which smother es the cents
and as far Hs the eltt((ce being near
the rear the rtont end going ie tl
rear wham you recuts so.I guess th
will hardly .5now which it will be.
A little before tnidUight the port
9111118 around and. told 118 we Were a
to get up and take another car as th
one. hada flat wheel. Some did u
like the idea, especially as we did 11
same thing the morning before h
cause the heating apparatus (lid n
wok. It was a new car, They ha
reason to be good natured though an
thankful besides when they learnt
how (langeeons it was. Before g
I0g to sleep .1' could feel Some uneven
mess and a rapping sound butnttribtl
1'(1 it to the general egfipmen
When the cat is going slowly it
very marked and becomes less distinct
the faster you go. Surae official remail
ed I wonder you people slept from Lh
noise or that wheel. I knew on
who did not 11(15 it wa8 not m
Anyway the might have got it bad i
FM accident had occurred. It sigh
be as well to do your part in 8019051(
a seat whe11 you ran.
Before going I pietuted to mysel
the farmer's plowing and sowing i
Ten 1189800, the fields turning green
trees corning out in leaf, the bird
singing end all this but not so, I
ICentneky there 5714(0 fields of corn it
the stook and one w0(1(10red whit
they were going to do with thein
We must eeutember however that it i
winter yet 111 Florida, Not a teas ti
Ie111' Febrmu•y 1st except Mg the eve(
green kind and as we passed throngl
some parts of Tennessee. the fl ees at
bare and looked also as do outs exeep
more (lead leaves are still clinging t
the hrenchP8. Here and there yn)
mid Hee 1110 cattle in the fields look
r something that was not and in
any 141808 n0v0r would be. Apart
oro poverty of the soil mucic of it is
01[y. As we are moving 011 in
might iters and theta yon would see
tie fields that were being harrowed
11 one would wonder how it, ever
id to bother with thein. It is not
eessary to see the sandy soil and the
110w and the red, with such a thin
Ring of some a little dall(er to
ow that it was poor. You Mtn
dge the prosperity of a country by
buildings and fences, Of course
ere tLre big fields too and they grow
tion but their 0t )5519 are not: grow -
g rich if we judge by appearances.
farmer from Indiana got on the
in at Geolgia where he had been
iling and he remaelted he wouldn't
s the whole State of Georgia as n,
L. Perhaps he was forgetting the
le treed its Nye are nearing the
etthevn const and Om Georgia pine
at finds quite a market even in
188018, '1'm'peutine Loo they gels
d you will see trees big and little
hnngh 110150 very big 1511t have the
Ir stripped sIl for some three feet
sr, and sometimes one this'd of their
eensferc ice if small, and then a
eel holding about a pint fastened
ow with a little spout to catch the
lid lint no fortune is /uncle at (hal
the little one tooth houses with a
(limey built up on the outside at
911(1 and btoadnntng at the base to
olmnodate a fireplace all go to
w the poverty of hall, Here and
re there was nothing left but the
alley and a little fire -place perhaps
ut a foot access where I suppose
et of the cooking was done if not
More houses are vacant than no-
ted. There isasaying that "When
arty cornea in at 1111e door' love
out at the window," It may be
0 with these who are never happy
1'80 they have plenty but we ]snow
Quid nob have been true or these
pre otherwise time whitlows would
epi busy and no love there at all,
had the good fortune to be in Day -
a over Sunday when a quartette
the best singers from the Fisk
versify in Tennessee [vete here,
y sang those hymns familiar
lost of us fund time leader went on
ay that these songel were evolved
ere the outcome of the three of time
pie in their day, As an illus(ra-
of this 1:1)0y sang "Nobody knows
trouble Ijhave seen, nobody knows
Jesus." While these words apply
oat of us, they kava a significance
their own when we, think rot those
e darkey homes and the lifelong
gle with poverty there nn2st have
Before leaving Georgia I slight
they are having' considerable rain.
rivers are close to the eur'face as
van )n
8114 p
r etil
(41 (1
tot -
en -
n d.
be -
Et -
2L 1)14
be k
to n
lin 8
00 w
Iris rn
The observation balloon is 011 fire. The plan must jump. What
must be his feeling as he fastens the rope of the parachute and
takes "that desperate spring into the vast grey, vapours nothing-
ness"? Will the parachute open? At the critical moment will it
stand the test?
That is the question which purchasers have the right to ask Ado'
everything they buy. CIothes---will they stand the wear? F( silt l
---will it provide the nourishment? A daily newspaper ---will it
give the news quickly, fairly, in easily -comprehended form? l la
it the organization enabling it to do so?
To that question ---asked of The Toronto Daily Star ---we answer:
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Three hundred and fifteen employes, exclusive of outside correspondents, receive their pay enve-
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The aim of this great organization is to see that the worlds news, speedily and accurately ::Ih, re,j
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Great presses with a capacity of 1,200 thirty -two-page papers per minute race against time to give the lntr'sl 11P,,
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You Ca 't Help But be Interes e4_
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it To -day
P19115,' wrirc rinn.ly, one 851 v0001107 Sir., Mrs., \ILSs 9r
we reach the Southern Boast and the
waters are muddy. They must be
away below high water mark though
if we are to judge by the sandy(dirt:y I
color of the bark on the trees tvh"elr
was fully three feet above the water
levo( at present. I ant afraid to tvrito
maga lest ib he crowded out, so will
stop, Yours truly,
G. A. DaA»MAN.
I t
A a meeL•iur, of the citizens it WAN
decided to held an Old Boys' reunion
of August 3, 4, 5 and 6 next. Ar-
rangements were all left in tire hands
of the Board of Trade, which body re)).
pointed :Rev. 0. R. Durrant, germ. -
al Secretary of the movement. A lig
religions demonstration will he held
on SSunday. August 3, and on Monday
it free picnic Logen het' with the unveil-
ing 01- the town's monument, to the
fallen heroes, A speaker of Dominion -
wide reputation will be invited for
that day, together with Premier
Hearst, who is a Renee boy, Tuesday
and Wednesday will be days of sports,
and 'I'eoswatPr'H fam0110 vane track
will it is expnnted, be surrounded by a
big crowd. Visitors are expected
months for which
from California in the West and
Halifax in the Bast. The following
general (Cmrtlittes is appointed t
Messrs, liasenfin , Brill, 13rink,
Bradley, Durrant., Fowler, with sub•
comulittees as follows r Advertising in
charge of f, Farquharson ; invitations
in charge of S. R. Brill. The board of
Trade is asking Ottalva for two cap-
tured cannon.