HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-27, Page 41 � attssek ` tY
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The Iluraa Ohl Bays
Annual Meeting in Toronto.
t„Itl •h r: •t•inr Jt Sr. \al..nliu..
Day t111 Illt ra (MI Boys' of 1 11,1 ,
held a r 11) I NI in Mt Gt' It s Ildli,
that. 4:L a gratifying sitee'el+s, tn•
number tit tendeitee being enlighten,
ably larger that. at first sot let pared.
The real °Weer of these gatht'rings ie
to bring together forme( 1t•Sideuts of
the county and keep a bond of social
nnioe and friendship whicli is other-
wise hard to main tate in a large city.
On this )rle•iwiun quite a number of.
the older residents,,' ow county were
preset,), but there hits also a good re-
presentation of the younger element -
young women and young men who
are &Iliug positions in the enmmercia]
or pr(fessinnel life of the city, as well
as 4001e who are stUdeute at the sever-
al Universities, and gatherings of this
nature bring them a touch of hone.
The first hour was spent in social
intercourse and masts, were the greet-
ings amongst old time friends, It
was a pleasure to see suoh old stal-
warts from the County as Dr. and
Mrs. 1410011, formerly of Blyth ; Dr.
and Mrs. Graham, formerly of Brus-
sels ; Silas Davis, formerly of 0lintou ;
Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Alex, Saunders,
Goderioh, Ontario. The presence of
auronites was eertaiuly inspiring to
the younger members of the Associa•
At 9 ti cleork progressive euchre was
cotmneneei, eo tables being required
to anrmilulodate the players, while
many of (n rs played 'Flinch" and
other games. Rohl. Holmes, ex 111. P,
supervised the "Flinch" game and
he had some contract to keep J.
S. Timmins from "flinching."
The following were the prize win -
net's :-Gentleumen :-.1st, J. Lawson,
2nd, I. ki. McRardy, Ladies; -I t,
Mrs. Arlington, 2nd, Mrs. Briekenden.
Refreshments were served at 11
o'rheik and the ladies in charge :-
Mesctltmes Beck, Floody, Martin,
Holmes and ..Morrish, deserve credit
for the excellence, variety and spleud•
id se('cire of 1110 menu. They could
certainly hand out some good point-
ers to the city caterers.
Dancing was then indulged in until
12,3() a, 01. the music being supplied
by MI's. Collins formerly of Goderich.
During the evening Mrs. F. Saund-
ers, formerly of Clinton, sang a solo
and Master King, Gnderich, rendered
several musical selections.
Among the older ones resent were
James f30wuhan,
M.PP for North
Huron ; R. Holmes, 14x•:\1 P., of West
Huron ; Major Joseph Beck, Dr. W.
Sloan, Dr. W. Graham, W. T. Pride
ham, E. Flood)', John Robertson, F.
W. Hodgson, Gen, A. Newton, Ii..
Crocker, Silos Davis, L. S. Scott, .i.
S. Timmins, N. 13. Cohhledick and D.
M, Johnston, and in nearly every in•
stance their wives as well,
Brief reference to some of the per-
soIlaKes or went may be of iutereet
to our re:der s :-
Dr, Sloan, though long a resident
of Toronto, is one of the few remain-
ing pioneers of Huron, and is about
the last of his class, Well known as
0 former resident of Blyth, where he
had an P 1411141)'14 medical xt
that dates back ten a very early day,
he was ellen prominent in the political
life of the enmity. Looking at hit)
now no one would for a moment sup-
pose he is in his 80th year, for he is
more active than many who are much
younger, a .'act that is indicated by
his being an enthusiastic member of
the Parkdale Bowling Club., and he is
always ready for a game. Mrs, Sloan
also looks exceedingly well, and "no
matter how old she is she doesn't look
11." '.'heir old friends in Huron will
he delighted to know that they con-
template celebrating their diamond
wedding on 4th of March next,
Dr. W. Graham is also a pioneer.
Bronght to the country when a mere
lad he spent his early days on a farm
a few miles below Clinton, afterwards
taking a course in medicine and for
45 years he practised his profession in
the co0uty, part of the time at Clin-
ton, the balance at Brussels, or Anley-
ville, Though he in not quite as old
as Dr. Sloan, be wears his years well,
as floes also Mrs. Graham. He is now
taking life easy, having ceased to
practise some time ago.
Jas. Bowman, M. P., nolo a resident
of Toronto, expressed surprise in find-
ing en many}lurnniaue in the city, and
enjoyed greeting the children of some
1111 Itis nnlletitnetlta.
Silas Davis, one of Clinton's former
business then, never fails to attend
any 11. 0. B. gathering, if he is in the
city, and he is at present spending
the Winter with his son-in-law, Fred,
Bauloh, Mr. Davis passed his 81st
birthday on the. 1st of January, and
11e laughingly says his "lease of life
does not expire for 19 years yet," and
Ire looks as if he might get a renewal
of the lease.
George A. Newton looks younger
than when he lived in Wingham, or
even when he ran a harness shop at
Londesboro for a living, and pitched
quoits for amnaetflP.11t,
The same alight• also be said of
Major Beck and tvif'e, living in the
city seems to rejuvenate there, at any
rate he has no wormy for the future,
holding at position of Poet•rnaster for
bho Parliament buildings.
People jokingly refer to N, B. Cob-
biediok and D, tele Johnston "as the
last men on earth you want to see" ---
both of whom being undertakers, and
while they are popular, personally, we
don't know anyone who is really
anxioue for their• services,
Carr any who know them imagine
"Edi" Floody, "Bob" Holmes, "Joe"
Beck and "Jit)" Bowman together in
t1 gronp and not discussing politics 1'
A new 'face among those present
was that of Sam. Hicks, a former
druggist of Glnderich, now in charge
of a Dundee street 'titre, who may
at an early day hying his wife to the
city and become a permanent resident.
Timmins 19 former well
.1. J. a r 1
known business elan of B1uevale,
where he mad'' considerable money,
and euplflemented ft at Winchester,
His son is one of the active &)aerial
made with
The (`fine" granulation
of LANTIC helps the
color and to ttlre of
Marmalade because it
dissolves at once when
added to the hot fruit.
p., 'e'en'II.ti,2111.1 sin 14... +,51..1.c•a -reEn,ca,n m..1. mmx•11,M a v,
turn in the 011 y, 0)11 his thst wife R. ,1 (01(ton and Peter McNabb, Atidi•
was 0 douglmer of t111'. late 11 re, tors, $11111(1 each : Rirhr1)•d Procter,
Motley, former )y ,t' ('linluu. Collector $131) ; I),', White, M'dtcltl
Mr, Hodgson is ct'ith the Dun Winn- Health ,$leer, shirty $511 0(1 ; \Villiatn
an 0000e4,11 ; me, 1toborason is an ern- .bruin and Robert No0'0nmlbe, Sant-
ployee of the eity, while Mr. Crocker tray Inspectors, $1)10) 01014)1 ; Hem y
has a good ,job prrinting business. Jobt soo was appointed a member of
The Preeitlent H. J. .Morrish, folio- the hoard of Health, Grants :---Birk
erly a (wearer 'f (1e)bot-no, and late Children's hospital, 410.0(1; lis*spjtal
resident of Gederieb, holds It position for 1011)4 11 11 'es 111) 00 1 Children's
with the'Pnroutu !Lavine' Commission Aid Society, $15 00 Accounts paid :-
and is an active member of Piu kink R. Prom er, bad, salary, $50 alt) ; A.
Methodist ehuvcl,, Guttridge, estate s '-, $8 20 ; A. Sise-
liuruniles 0011 hold their own any- 111(0'11, expl„R4. 211r. ; \V. Abram, In -
where and usually give a good aceutth specter, 1918, $15 00 ; Win, Brewer,
of themselves wherever they 0117 be drawing stone, $24 01) ; Thos 0)01k,
)Heated. snow fenoe, $12 (11) ; \Vm. Mexwell,
President Morrish awakes :1)h ideal lutnber tat• snow fence Clerk's bridge,
chub min. His expelje,ce ars pnblie ;+12,00; JatuesAndrews, 2 sheep k
school ttardier stands hint in good ed by dogs, $42 00 ; .Vele Taylor,
stead in the +•hair. ---ti r(((ely E. grave}, $4.30;'J, MrAvier, gravel .50;
Floody had:( smile tts big as the side of Sfek Cltildreus' hospital, $10 (10 ; Cul•
the house. lie believes that "nothing stunptives hospital, $10 00 ; Children's
succeeds like 5Ueeess'-Treasuror Aid, 815.00 ; 1. D. Balton, Sande' son
Pridham was in his glees'. He liked award (11101). $1200 ; A. 5!(.Lwen,
to see 11114 dined, itke1411.e 1hi, 111„H0y. San(1ia)) award, $5 00 ; Torn)Prry
-I)1•. Graham hasn't. lust munch of his Boundary n'., $53 00 ; Hallett tete n(1 -
old time et1„tgy and euthnsin'tn. H0 are ae., $18887 ; Thntsas Ellik, refund
is a good hustler.-00the rh, Clinton, renal wotlt, :44110. Printing eontraet
Exeter, Blyth, \V ingbam and Bt'us- was given to 1V. H. Koro. at $711 00.
4011 were well represented nut Sea. Council meets again Folti01ty 24111,
forth made a poor showing -.1, 13,w• A. 51Ar.Bwe: , Clem k,
man, tit. P. and tris family 1eceived an
enthusiastic welcome. They have
only lte,') residents of the city for it
short time but 4'' hope to see them at
all our functions in the future. --Fled,
W. Ho•lgsen, ()lows how 11) handle a
euchre patty. Nobody had any kick
eomniug,-ll'so. A. Newton, .lo'ne'ly
of R'tngl'tln) is tel adept at making
sandlviches. If y,1) don't believe it
just ask the Ludic = Committee -
Major Beck and he,.he,. Boles ts,n both
made a dead set )1u the 1st, prize ler
neither of lin -ill got it. -- Just think of
411ge1. (1'11('1.'' mud 1.1. 13. ('onhlt•tlick,
both amen Exeter, get the: bcati:n at a
game of reel;'. It's ont•ngh to mak”
the 1)}d tecvn disown 111.111. Rugal
says a game • of cauls is like lhotse (01,14,
you have got to bit) tits ear cls to
}day thein. -Alpert (Iriot,. ex -M. P. P.
Deputy minister of Lauds 0101 Forests
and a \Vaw'auosh old Hoy, was (111.1(
missed. He was uwaay up i1) New
s nip
n a business art (4.
Ontario c 1 }
Hot wood, Secretary of 1)1.• Teel]nic0)
School Board, teok 0 deep ibtetest in
the proceedings, Ile 1' sorry he 18
nnl a Hui on 0111 Boy, 1011 slays he
likes to go where Sloj,+1' Beek times --
Valentine Pat ties tin 11)11)114)11)11 the 011 y
kept some of the you, ger members
away and they missed n whole lot.
Morris Council
The tnetnhrl' 1)1 the• Commit .Vere
present id the meeting lte.id in the
Township Hull on January 271 It.
Afte1 Reeve and Cnunvitlors had sub•
ernibe) to the ohligatinn of eines the
Reeve took the (•hair stud Madness was
transacted. Offlceis (01 the ensuing
year were appointed as lollmv8 :-A.
MacEwen, Clerk, salary $211). ; Thom-
as Miller, Assessor, Halal $001.10:
3, •F d' 4' •F •E 110 110 deet• o'• s� •i •II'•4'F'4'•l,•N i•'i'-N'1' •1"1"11'
Bur letter Box 4,
+++++++++ +++++++++++++44++
The following letter Is front 1 he pen
of our townsman, J. 1'. Wood, who,
with W, J. Fawcett, of'l'orontn, is en-
joying a holiday in ('alilnu,is, nett is
' ofrand Can of
tlesetlptive the o1) G y
El Tovar, Arizona, which they visited
en route :-
I never in the world thought 1
should rote he privileged to gee what
I have 1o.tlay beheld, Fuel never ex -
)1001 to look at Such a p101111 e again in
toy life, We arrived at the enuynn at
a few tnionle8 past Dine, and had
bieat, fast, And 0lovely one it was at
bi1. in0 '.'hell we went out and eland
011 the 1 iln of the canyon, •(til, 1111', Faw-
cett told mue )1n the cony up this a In,
that he had not intended taking in the
ca17)n but the nonnen1 he saw it he
said ' I would not have missed this for
anything.” There is not one paU-)ittis
of use trying to describe it, for it is
beyond human length 10 command
language tn portrayt
aY the perineum's
spread before you ; vast hevend ell
eomprehetudon ; unique for there in
nothing el8e Idle it in all the wet id ;
solitary, the vastnesses, 111 1 may coin
a word, return to you nothing. As 7
said to Dint Bailey 011 a card the only
word that seems at all fitting, and the
only word lhitl expresses the scene in
all its gramdem', and the only tvol.d
'haus expresses to the 11111 the feelings
I hitt swell 1111 in one's hear) 18 "God "
Fon simply 51(1))) awe 5(1 trek, bewild•
111411, dazed, overcome, powerless to
speak; rivet('(') to the sp01) and you
.111111.111111111111. wax.
...s..&..6.s1.,&...oa..R,,..wi.G..-&.a�.d .... D..s,�d1,..�.-,�,�.®.C..A.Aa.
Brussels Horticultural Society
Premium List far 1919
0130101? 1 -4) n' App., Tree of nny of the following varieties ;-Spy,
F'aoms,•, Baldwin, Golder Pippin, McIntosh, Ontario,
1Vealthy, Ast•itcluu,
(.1r ono Pear Tree - 131t•1)e0, ICeiffer, Flemish Beauty,
Duehe•-s D' Anjou,
Or one Plom, or our Cherry, or one Neel] of the following;
P]uu1S •Brnd51)(w, Lombard, Monarch, 11ein0 Claude,
Yellow 111gg,
Cherry--1S:u'ly Richmond, Black Heart, Large 14fontmoren-
ry, Black 'Fat tar inn.
Penches -- 11)74 eritld, 1,lb01)a, Yellow SI, ,1ohn, Early
tit"tvl'utd, Late Crawford.
0501Chi 2 --One Rose selected from the following list :-
Hybrid Perpet)als.--Ult•jclt 13runner, NIln0, Gabriel Luizel,
Hugh Bickerer, George ArenO1, Alfred Cnlnmb, Baron de.
Boost eitin, General Jitekduetninol, Frau Karl Di-usch It 1,
Pell Neytnn. Mrs. ,John Laing,
(ilimbiug-Baltimore hells, Dorothy Perkins, Exeelaa,
'I'nns1ud8chnu, White Dorothy.
CHOICE; 3 -One Hose -wielded Now the following list :-
Hvhljd'C„a--)Imes Ilavary, (•1.0, Walde, Betty, J. 13,
Clark, Caroline'I'estout, Sunburst, Grass an Tep Itte, Gen-
eral 1}r'r\rlInn , Baiserine Aegn1trt 71Otoria, (leo. D,ick-
sun, More, .isles Grolee, ha France, Lady Hil}ingeoo,
5101111)11 ('11,oh'), Mme. Leon Dain, Lyon, llayond'Or,
Mrs. G. fehawyee. -
(1H07C14 •1-- liydl•angett Patti enl0(0 or Aristnlor.hta,
01301114 li-ihlu:hrnan's Pipe (Arietninrhin,)
01101111: (t .Ampr•lepsjs Veiiehel (Boston Ivy.)
CH(1I0111 7--0110 Peony .-\Vhite, Citric I'inll, Dark Iced oe Pale Rose,
0140101e B--Unuanled Dahlias (four.)
013010111 11- Spit ea Von 1)- 1) Lei (White Flowering 111101111.)
Clio B04 111 \Voigelia Rosa or W eigelia Lan(lida,
(711010111111 Ism zj.t Giemita 01 !Maisie Pride o)' 11004)148110'.
01.10101115 ('ynncljc0 Japmdceto (Japan Quince )
011(101118 1?,.,4711111
0110 W 1-1 Lonieera,'l,t1mites (Japanese Buell Honeysuckle,
CH0101 15 •-Phjl ulelptnte 0ronarius (Syeingia,)
OIIO1(11111)1:'17nyslt -s'n8lr,s llttnernosus (St;nwhet•ry) nr
Sy)yshol)Olu'pos Valgal'is (Snowberry.)
CHOICE 17 - (null oil (eight )
01101(1; 18 --Dee Nor (lav Sin mei.
. ,1 dui t of its Illurlst,.
'Ifi(Yi( 1, 10 (1 i t al 1
011010I120 Clematis named,
Join Now before you Foirget it !
nr-r Nie
}sere and gaze, tot at every glint of the
s11. 1,1'11 1011)1-s }'Ilse 11146)•14 1'1.11 ; e1'e')'-
11)11 )' 51.111)'. 1,11111 11011 11111011 '111.111,1'
110)1 .t is veiled 111 a ('1)1)111 1 u)1w in a
glaring '.1111. 'rhe sneer' '11)1)0;' 4, 1 he
1"d(1rstt1•,,,m611, 111411i111 1•1'-1)d 1111 IT.
I III) 111)' 11 1 111 (0(Vss 1 (viten It ti"t's
011 the euh .1)l the 11(11)11010 imps,
A, yell 1 , ., d)4 D- ietn tate (11(01111
elitists y,1) , )oluot r. nlpu-he)1d the
depth, (.10 1) it 11 toil., ; were 1 1,
u, u) n1) nnl o1 vantage 1
I Sn,nld LI l a h - t 11. Ii, 11111 8)1)11) ler)
la h v, "111 t I ni))) „+.•+ rite, 01111
51) pude 4 u), lir }WSJ : 111,,' to :,1}1,140
e1/11111,(1)10I1 A.1);»)','frail leading;
dote), to 1111• depths (cel0)9, looks like a
winding, lei ring, tie limns thwart,
uhll. the hole.. , I' .1) 1) •1 envy ' of
the (tiny down 4"5•11) only spclk' i) 111'
plug. 1 ar„, The r,n) n i.: ,v,1)' 201)
11tilee long lv Ili miles wide and the
dente ipUn) )4141'l) shove chat Hetetia's
the entire length lied breadth )t' it,
Slimy fell during the Arty which 11)11)'
l.nl 'Uehrulttn'ut to Om sort)', until
it (elute 11)4-11 lou heavily, 0h',), ,f
01)1)10•, the rurinin 1'1.11 1111011 It seen).
never to be forgotten While reason 114
on Iter throne.
Arizona, 304), 30111, 1918.
Dll.l It Erwrolt,•-
Pl'ase fled enclosed sub, to 'lens
Pas'', which is i1 very welcome visitor
'('1m 111 Cnlifnrnin. Long Bead( is a
beautiful city of 58,000 population,
largely in'reosell (luring the war by
ship building and canning industries.
Then, too. it has 111001(78 leen 0 fervor.
ire resort for halt Summer anti \Vin -
tee tourists, Besides the attraction of
a sunny climate there 11)15 never been
any saloons het 1' as in other cities in
California, eons( queuliy many chur'b-
es of all denominations flourish in
Long Beach.
Churches and schools are again
closed byte 11his week nn a'c011111 of
"flu,” The Christian Science church
refuses to close, however, Through
the pmess they quote MIs. Eddy, "'.'hat
fear is the direct cause of disease and
that perfect love casteth out fear',"
thereby denouncing the average phy-
sician's germ theory,
The (11nadinn pic•nin is a big affair
her and always held in Bixby Peek
which is )lade very beautiful by flow-
ers and men)” kinds of trees, Person-
ally I would like to gee a few more old
friends from Huron Oo., as I know
they would enjoy the ),mountain scen-
ery, the lovely 10ses, balmy climate
wad the mes,1 fill bh eeze from the ocean,
'North Daki,ta is always well repre-
sented lore and many are from ')ow-
ner, our former house.
Will only close by hoping yen have
all fully reenver111 from the "flu," and
able to enjoy the mild Winter which
we hear you are having in the Hest,
Yours t1 nly,
(MRS ) B$LL11 LY11,r13 Utte lit.
ITI -,„,
Now She is Strong and Well
Berkeley, CaL-"I was nervous,
irritable, no appetite, could not sleep,
and was always tired, so my house-
work was a great effort. After many
other medicines had failed Vino!
built me up and made me strong. I
have a good appetite and sleep well.
Every nervous, weak, ailing woman
should try it." -Mrs. N. Edmunds,
arory Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal.
We ask every nervous, weak, run-
down, ailing woman in this town to
try this cod liver and iron tonic on
our guritantee to return their money
4f it fails to help them.
le. 11. S':11I'1'11
AUCT30N SAL14 OF PA 142) sT0('K 1.1471,14
411)1514,,' F b,MOO ). A,'')iomr
.,, hrwr,•
oeived 111,1 111.1 11111,1 f1.f1.11111,.,mh' under. ice .1.
proprietor 11, s, 11 by Pul Lr At e1), n am 1s!:;
}sot 11, Con 7, M"T0114, on Fri n,y. - e 1,, 2,1 h. 01
1 ,bhr),, the fullowin)1 Vu'ua)), prat el ty :
1 draft mare 0 year+ ' Id, 1 4)1)11 1,111•110.0
horse p yen's old, 1 )eels 1 her e, 1 () ivino hers.
4 years old, 1 2 year old rum. ale 11111 ),v' onp
Bearer, 1 row Inc to calve Atill 1 7th. 9 ev n• dn.e
last of April, 1 row fire 1Nt, 131e, 1 fte.h row,
2 yming farroW rmvo, 8 441)04.0 , (')ng 2 years
old ,a heifers rising 2 y oars old, 3 stern valves,
1 heifer calf, 2 young calves. 1 pare bred Aork-
attire sow with litter of 1I nt Cant r encly to
wean et time of sole, 11 pure bred York -hire
Berra enfely in p,g, then'' 00)01 1+11' choice
quality mid breeding, 4 fat boys (10 young
hens, 1 duck and drape, 00 hes fad hurley,
quantity or hay, turnip+. and potatoes, 4 1 us.
timothy seed,;3 Iles. red Mover, 7 l,is. white
burns, l Oft. 5) oUormick hind) r .hent earlier
and trucks. 15 ft. 51,,Cnrm)rh Inowe', I Bisset.
disc harrow with 8 horse otn)dooent. 1 set
harrows, 1 10 heed drili,1 Ewan wog m 111411 17
(1(7)14,1 fleury walking plow, I bene) , 1 cutter,
1 wheelbarrow, 1 tight wagon, 1 set. light h0r•
nese, collar and ]trines for wogun, 1 brass
mounted heck band, teen lun•ne.n nearly new,
1 set breeching harness. 1 mew Standard
arrant eep)11'8(0)' 11)11,ly new, 1 1700141 wire
fence stretoher, 1 gravel box, 1 pair boles blebs,
1 set blinks, scythe, forks end ether articles
too numerous to mention. Salo without re-
serve as the proprietor 1155 sold his farm.
Terms, -All aims or 010.00 and under rash ;
over that amount 8 months credit given o1)
furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent
off for teed( on oredit au0a1t8.
Trios, Mu,Lxll," ALE:x, Reese Lr„
Clark. Proprietor.
PLit)l eP're, FrritNert,1171, &(1-0. P. Vn,h-
dr)ok, Anet(oneer, has received instructions
from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by
Public Auction at Lot 82, Con, 10 Grey two ,
on Monday, Murch, Ord, at 1 o'clock, the fol-
lowing valuable p,•opm•ty :-1 mare 9 years
old, 1 horse rising 6 years, 1 horse rising 6
' years.9 excellelnt,llhllb 001140 supposed to be
How's our sub' i , jou to '1'"s enif, l levert; cow, 6 steura rl.atng 3 y0ars,
y I bs7fera rising 2 year, n revers rising 1 yea',
Poser? If not paid for lgtq kind V a'- brood anws. I (0 litter Alarch 7tth, the other
(0(1(1 to 1180 we ate 1) yioir to have our A10y 160,1 collie dog, 1 demi hens, 1 Mnsseyy-
list aid ill advance A Iew' ,f the Hnrria Illitd'1', 1 5111-Ha•ris mitpvg ) 14117
P new, 1 A7asssy-Harrisy•londer tlsru•y new,
"long behind" have not settled yet, 1 Deering laud roller, 1 lumber wagon, 1 wag.
on -box. 1 gravel -box, 1 milk wagon, 2 seed
drills. 1;11140 harrow, 1 bleary plow, t gang.
low, 1 set hnrrows, 1 set sleighs, 1 Oliuton
r 1 140 ft
}}11 fanning rill b5 fork, putties And y 1
rope, 1 steal scarper. 1 Hop buggy, 1 WateP
trough, of 1 wheelbarrow, 1 tsop , slog , 1 tauter,
1 set or donbla harness, Il , 1 set of 0011,11' harness',
shingles, grain lame, a gnnntity of salt, 1 set
scales 1000 lbs„ n quantity of pine lumber,
about 10 cords of wood a number of cedar
posts 8 ft, long, n number of minor Hosts.
200 bus. oats, 200 bus. barley, n quantity of
hay, 1 National 01'ea111 separator, 1 writing
desk 1 buffet nearly new, 1 lounge, 1 w 0Od
heater nearly new, 2 Milk
08115,heater,1 good 5,11 tit (70
g F
pans, milk pasts, a qualm y or )01 potatoes lull ap-
ples, 2 barrels, )hems, forks, and a number of
other artrrles, Sale without,)'1 f aserve ns the
proprietor has sold farm. Terms. -All
sums er 85 and under ensh 1 over that amount
9 months credit given on for
ng approved
joint notes, 6 per cent off for 14(5)1 on credit
amounts. land owners as aumrity.
J. 0t. TROMP:MN, 7. P. 0002nit,
Clerk. Proprietor.
To the Farming
I tam Agent for
Goold, Shapley .Muir Windmills and
Gasoline EEngines,
The Louden Machinery Cnlnpany Hay
Toole, Carriers, Stable Fittings, ate,
Flog Wire hence Company,
The Coekshutt Plow Oo. in Farm Im-
plements, Wagons, 1Itc.
•All Supply A 1 Goods that Steed the Test
Speri,tl attention given to the erect;
Hen of Windmills and 001''jrrs and
Repairs In Pump: and \Vater Pipes.
When you 'need work well done give
muses, &0. P. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has
received i itteic101111 from the undersigned
proprietor to sell by Public) Auction at Lnt 20,
001,. 0 Grey tow»011ip, Wodnesdny, March All,
at 1 o'sloolr, the followhlg valuable property :
1 matched team rising 7 years old, 1 heifer
rising 8 due March 10,1 cow due 1)8reh 16, I
oow due March 17, 1 cow due March10, 1 cow
deo March 24, 1 cow dne April 10 1 cow due
May 4, 1 heifer rising 2 years old, 11 heifers
rising I year old, 1 steer rising 1 year old, 8
chunks of pigs, 1 Yorkshire sow dne April 25,
85 young hens 5110 0 cockerels, 1 McCormick
binder 0 ft. out, carrier and truck 11,a'1y 110W,
1 Peter Hamilton mower, 1 Medm•luiek man•
ere spreader nearly 1,0)14,1 land roller, 1 tur-
nip sooflier, 1 uultivntor, 1 disc harrow, 1 Say
rake, I set burrows, 1 walking plow, 1 Cock.
'11116( twin plow nearly new, 1 ging plow,
2 wagons, 1 wagon boxhl pig rack, 1 hay rack,
bagger, 1 set sleighs], 1 sob scales, t cross alt
1 oow, 1{train cradle, 1 turoill pulpor, 1 cutter,
1 epee buggy, 1 top burgs nearly now, 1 Net
single hal'ness, 1 set double Irnrnes8, 2 Wheel-
, harrows 1 extension ladder 2,1 ft„ 2 gravel
shovels, 1 post hole spoon, 1 galvanized 11'511
pig trough,1 galvanized water trough 1 gab
William It. Brussels van(zod.in111c tonic, 1 gnlvenized bnsliel meas.1 tire, n number of cellar posts, 10 tons hay, 100
Phone 05 1 bn211o10 aged barely, 80 11us1)01s wheat with n
, 111(114 barley mixed, 75 bushels feed 118157,
500 bushels oats, 85 bushels turnips, 8 quantity
or hemmer plank, 00 pounds hinder twine, 1
2 gravel boxes 1 Chat an fanning mill with
thin a Call.
G. a
District Agent,
Auction Sales
1M1'L0H8Nra, 11.1'0,-,)8e. T8ylor, Auction.
ear has received his lrnot(oes to sell by Public
Auction on 804 I,01 18, Can, 8, iderri0 town-
ship on Thursday, March 181)1, nt 1 O'olo01 ,
the follnw(og valuable property :-1 work
tent), 1 heavy mere supposed 111 ft al, 11 cows
Supposed in calf, 2 heifers rising 5 years sone
Posed in calf, 1 fresh eat)', 1 furrow cow, 5
steers rising years, ti bei fere viable 2 years, 4
calves from 13 to 0 menthe, 1 calf 2 months 01d,
1 sow clue to farrow Mnroh. 12, 4 store pies,
8boat80 hens, 1), erb,g binder 7•It. nut with
abed carrier and tonguetr)1c110, Frost S1 Wood
I mower /eft out M0(lorndolt 10•ft, hay rn110, 2-
furrowed New out, plow, No, 21 lrloury
welkin} plow, Prost 11111' Weed wanting plow No,
20, set dinmend harrows, land roller, 10 -hood
Noxell seed drill, disc harrow, Talton pen bar.
'rester and handier, stingier, gang plow, Clin-
ton famlug 10111. bag holder, bog tank, wag-
on, Menne rid, top beget, open bngoy, 001(01•,
set of aleighy with boleters end hunks, wagon
box with spring sent, gravel box, lay rack,
nig rook, stonebont, tog boat, (butchering
bench, 2 pig oratee, aider 01111, 28M(0 shafts, set
wagon wheels, ernes -tint saw, sot double Isar•
floes with hroenhbng, set plow harness, set 8300
a lilt 0 ha. fork 0a' and cul•
1410, net 100, set g, hay
peva, net 1080111. og4 a is ders,w),lf1 g 000sd8Uneck.
pump and a ft. logs, 4 sate whhfll5(0 bilge,
8 )14011•
yokes, wheelbarrow, nems(18 grain bilge, enp
pan, Heger kettle, about 100 sap pails and spike
post holo 01105), 0 legging )Atone, hay knife, 2
orowbare, 111)011180 pootm sulI si le for anchors,
Snpsrior 01"8,11 separator bonny new, Daisy
ntul1n, tipple Herne1), 011h)d'a cot, high ehalr, 7
kitchen ohelre, gloss ))171.)8'11, rolbleaf table,
peeler wood heater, goon,ity Beed on0e quote
tiny feed oats, gnaati1y feed ho'l'y, About 00
hats, good 000ci pens, gaan0ity Iirnally Howl,
forks, rakes, shovels, chains nod a host of otlt-
article a b numerous to montlon,
•• 0 s emir 110, sola
. sale , n 111 • 11 11 0 rn n
nl0 wi h nt t
it 1111/111, of 6 and me
fern'• elms:• ,
rirr bash r over (lint amount 0 months amid',
given mllurn)Shln) approved joint notes. 5
alai((L int 6fiq or s 11 111 •fedi( anonnte, Gr831
JAS, B. K15IBN19Y, Prop.
Daisy 511)'11, 1 National wean) sepnrntor, 1
milk can nearly new, a number of milk pails,
8 creamery cane, 1 meat barrel, 1 water barrel,
1 good wood cook stove, 0 kitchen Oudot,
' 5nusae0 grinder and staffer, 1 pair horse
blankets, 1 Seekatohevan robe, set of 111)(1 nen
smiles 10011 lbs., a number of groin hags, forks,
rakes, shovels 51151)8 and other nrtolos too
numerous to mention. Sale will le without
reserve as )proprietor lets cold his home
Terme-All same of 86 and under curls ; over
that amount 11 mouths credit given on fur
711511141g approved joint notes, 4 por Dent off
for mesh on credit )mounts,
7, K0N1, Proprietor,
A°anew SALE010 1rAltli STOOK, IM•
7ThNm1tNTa, Roe -F. S. Acott, Annttonoer,
has r0oelved 1110trnotons from the undersign.
ed Proprietress to Hell by 7tlbli0 Auction at
Trot 5, C1a1, 6, Grey Township, on Thursday,
M nroh 10th, nt 1 o'clock, the following valu-
able property :-Iheavy dolt) mare 10 years
old, 1 heavy drrtft mare 0 years old ouppneed
111 fool, 1 gelding rising 83'ealrs. 1 row 814mre
old, 1 now 8 ye0l•e old supt)50011111 coif, 2 hoif-
ere rising 6 years supposed hl calf, 2 heifers
rising 8 years 1 heifer rising 2 years, 5 steers
rising 0 yen 131 geed order, 2 heifers rifling 1
year, l tatter rising 1 yea•, 0 geese and gander,
2 dunks and drake, 1 Mosseyrlan'Is 4100 (bill
nearly now, 1 5.11. Mae) roller nearly new, 1
Ceol,otnitt riding plow n1.•nrly new, 1 Ma4887.
IOorris 7•ft. hinder, 1 Maseoy-Barris mower, 1
soniilsr, 1 Frost dc Wood cultivate', 7 hol•0,
rake 1 MnaseyIlarrls Immure apr8000r, t sot
e1eigll9 (11)11110, baloters nod piniform 0010•
plate), 1 wnge, 1 wagon box, 1 grnvol box. 2
)ley snake one 'now, 1 storms reel', 1 gong plow,
1 Walking plow, 1 set weigh .roles, 1 circular
Paw, 1 fanning mill, 1 trend power (2 or Ethereal
I gutting box with straw ens im ii1 eel, br000ll-
It1g 118')1408,1 set pinw 1181•)ems, 4 (tellers, 2 0010
doubll'treea, 2 sots Whiillettl•e05, 2 1)11)1yn)t es, 1
hlmnbntm', 1 emery stare, 40 ent, bunk .0 s, frame
bones 18x22 ft., forks, Minima, hoes mrd punter.
(mg nthtr artistes. 801 1111r0.,•, V' d ns farm
a sa I. ' le tied tinder ,140
740 been 1 1 a d Terms. 8 11 n l1.
Oborthat nm0unt8months m•uditnn lu•ni41e
fog l)1111'0'•11 loins some, discount of 4 por.
cern allowed off for wish.
MILS, ANN110 SM1T11,
)lel e's it Homograph 110 whirl( you can play any
make of livened Without using any ttltiteltuenls or
woke -shifts,
The cemplel' litunswi'k method 11111pt1dui•liml
jnchltl's 1111' ('L'I'U;))A, 1151111'1.)' j11v1.11111011 (11111, 115:
hy the )Here turn of a hand plays perfectly both hat,
('1111 and Vold irttl'ul'1405'11+,,
The ',maw 'elf all tv0otl•Iht•ut11 told s1 0011 uhaul-
hrr-Inuit like a violin--tvitl the "1711'0NA"'Inn•
him. Inset up new otaodttrds 1)Y tune -giving to teach
recto'! played, a purity, Lime) and fnilhl'ulnosr'. b'-
ye)g all 11'01110)))) al taiun'ul,
Don't be too (gully aetlslled. 11'11(• them all, then
hear Dui I3rlulswir•k play your. favorite Record -any
matte ! You l' 110t111' ,judge.
,V7 Also agent for the Celebrated Sh'rinek &
Mewling Pianos.
W. J. Walker 84 Sort
S E:\ P)111111I
Pl ea,e 1.17 or write tit our expense.
For Sale Farm for Sale
Hens., and lots, r..ut wining h;':( tsre,, in the
V111:'grnl mite ,l k,lllopropelt% or t„,•11)0
Al re, Ague) )truwn, i.r,:tL•rod.fo1• sale. O'oune
House, barn, 1, 1111 trees, 4%0 700.144.101, '00111
he given at 01110. 701' further 1,:11 1.400s ap-
ply to Al on. Tone unstrung or Wm 0.441111,74,
ItIxe„ntors estate or the hale Arra Ague.. 1h•ow u,
Property for Sale
Callao, table hotl'e allyl !§ err' of land for
wale, ),•ell Mentor). on 7,00, s0 street. Itrusl•els,
the property of the lute Rev R. Paul. 7095,-'-
0ie11 advl•n in the volutee, of a fray month, It
Will woke m cony home for some p1•rson and is
it sued rerun. Property 11 open for unpeetien
For further ,,o,•ttonhar, apply 11/ 11 rs Joseph
Pugh, W nehem ; 61 vs. S, fuel, nen, aril” ; . r
W. 1. (41)1(1) 1V,
2)1 tf Box 10" crimp -vine,
1:3011 for Service
7'heundelsignrdwill keep 1011erVbv, ,to t
(on 2,mei Milfo d r Sol -it,: Ir •d
�'hu t1 I. sired
d by aunt (*Milford township,
W.• .1 '01
-0)1111- *1)1011 1114 (4a(nfnld ll,rgwi. ( 10010) 1
h)1)❑ Mildred VII' by Royal 1",) 14)14 1151,)) P'lt
1gl•ee 1n111y be 00011 011 RW01.1101011 .1','1'1110--
))h) OU for thorn-hrecls p8y8b10 01 time of 1',"
v104 with privilege t0 relent, tit ode rows nut
el lower,
7110d, 71)044014,
(',n110111iS g 2181 erre., viz.., MI_i.nt .:;!,, run. 8,
51.r1.1. township. and Let 1, Con. i,. tarry town -
hip W,•n w14) 01). cum for table house, ,x111,
born and Inc )I''' ' )'011 driving hens°, wind
ureha•d. Jo, •i1,. 411,1 North of Brueselo
1m 01)11,•1 had_ Rural mail and rural 'phone.
, n„t„ h, 1,•)1 )1, w',)) sell either or beth
nisets 1' .r re, (her particulars apply to
14.LEX s, 141'5'111')1i',i.l)ry't1)nasul
, Prnprlrtor, Bel --el., or
e`s. 0.4
Do You Want
As I1. (enol.) pnrrhaged lv the
11,1w0 1-1 now being llelivet-'d
n are
n •ti •. t •i.hm • 1. load n t t
,• •1',•014 ,. r'
i!.•ki +. Ir .nl otic t Iilln lit ,J
with 1r. S. 14001"1', Municipal
('hoot, and lea)'' their order.
Don't delay.
I'nymen1 nils) be trade as
S111111 1(0 Slip With 1111111ge« is 1e-
me,333433@4d04F940683.4r460096os Q!4)15. 03.3o>oi'i5419@ 3,47sli,1
\Vent to the oily to get employment. The first 5)114'141151'(')1 "1 was
plaru•d to an excellent position 1110 next tbty after I arrived in 1110'
city," 'Ch0 other brought hack an evil 1011)1'(, amt said "There ere no
positions there. If you want a poeitiou you have to buy it"
The first was a geadthate of the Central Blighty,.) College tend the other
Was 1)01, \Ve train 1111' pupils so we KNO\V the can place theta i1)
good pos113011e When they graduate,
b Stratford, Ont. and Witngharn, Ont. 8
Q• 40**c.46442114'04'844'+49.42(•14,3+d,) 4242424242011)1'1140'129110 ('4G1'4ert,al
rev,.muvea.mal.e,srnmwxmlmavive 1.,,esznv
x,.14. teuessereisausi
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisffac'tory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all. Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for thepaY -
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- -
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factoryone trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels Crimery
Pro .