HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-27, Page 3.4 / )" - 1. I � I - � .1. .­- .. I , , , -11 - . 11. � c , ,�!�- es'l� ,,�,, IF ., � op Qui&I" � i�l " CF� �r Yn 10 " - ; 'i- . �% , 4 , I 1: ",f ,i�� 0'!;,,­;�%,J.41=­U=;,�, . ikkgi, I - , ,,, - ::�44 ,I* "'4 , il'i..,., � i , I,- - - 01 � i. - I I 11�1.11­ - 1� -, * ;z -0m, 0", � I ­ ., �. -, ,1��'-�.:ij� --2," , "'!, � ,�a�.�pi_;:,I�___ . ,. �i��,,�l.,4, -14- ... �' ,-i""i N I!�,.,i� , , 11,1$16 . �;:�l! ­­ 1. '�� ,.�w ,:, l, . � YE`W�3`.`�'i'�,, ` _'l . W. ". -, 1-.i;i-,V?­ .!�,, , 1. . . � ,` ,..,� ,.�, 7 -)3W;tl' , . .,: , , qA!t�,�,,,.�,� _- I i �: � :.� � �;� - - _� ,_ , . . F1 J 'it, ,iiiDv ,:,, ��.­_!­- . ­.;,_ I ....... I " .", , " 1 - I I I 11 I 1 4�vll� -9�.44i�­ 1. , 7,l.4, . " . . ­ ,, .Alt,!� � � �, � " ,�, I,, . Gginducted by Vrorc:,li;ftV Henry cf. Bell �, . '11twill, iR to place fit tile fter- ; ", " ..,. ,", 1,, ',VIIQ 0)ject Of! tills deltill ,&,: � ��.""'!! � rice ttr ()*,,, f4irili rf,atiprif flie 0tiive of nit acknowleelliped 1 I. ..".* 1�1.;A. al. i, , : - " ...-�, 'ill twity "I -111 `iulli(Tt!' Pvvt'sia-114� to selilli and S. I ' g: - . �� -, " ,�� . �: 14 .", , " I , , , , , t."t-freliq all (FW-tiocs to 1'roft-tit,,or Hill (I efe"ll .1 care of . t in "i ,��;�, ..', Toronto I I , �� I , I The Wilson V-iblisbing Company, Uitild: I � i :1 I """ nnl;�l*l . '� 1: - � . - 'r'; lylll nPlIV-17 ill thI8 cOhlron It, the order in � , - . :_ " , , , l� ... I , . , " 2 Y fire recetiOd, 14'11k,a ,lyriti-lig, kindly ,mention ; � , .. ,:�._:�, � "Ill"" 11 " , �. . f, Ir - As kipatit. i.� liallio(I it is U,jvismble Ayherc im. � '� , :.. ! ..". :,�'': � ' . Va. Villt. �� , me'li." I �vply liq tice,mt,.iry that a stamped and addrei-Red %., onvelo 11 11 -ell with the que.1lon, -4bev; tilt. �� . ,.., � , 0 I I,j,,,: .1ellclus .. , . Wi 1 .�",41 oil oirect. , I I I . .1 .­ �-�.�-.-..'�--.--,;�..-�,-�.-.-. ------- ---.-.- --.-- — ___ .......... -,-..�.--�,�".,----.,-,---.-��....--,...---,-.�'.. _.__ :,_:,=_­__._ 1. I ' -_ ­ I deerm, nild ,111 the little dttya� rilnunr -0--iii--o-o- __*­*_o`_*_*_0_'4`* WHY SOME CHILDREN ARE DELICATE I expef,tanWy to tbeir feet, ­­— ) I . ( It was a big purplic clou& . . "Suntr alift, Val'ur to g0 tip to'day! I ks Seen' From the Top. . I By 1100A JohllHm% xeyv% fh , I Stint me to ,N.�Oi toto uf you. Ilerill, -10--O-O-,,O,��0--o�-0-it-�0--a-�4 I . Thoup'll we may lnot realtrie It, pla.litry in the -nilldle. (if the ufterix , . I I.. yott with tlilcbladc '�;.tir!" He pointed What it pont."Rat there, in between much of our in-betath, Ill due to atom. tm that it lo -,lilt readly for food again Father Time's. Nursery, tf) tile IItVO day who war sure hei the bot �,Hmh UP it rocky InountiAin , sell trouble, In faet, prominenl; ,,it Supper time. wag grling tl,i be fitn"O". Side and V110 2est in tile coal wi:nfl physiolans have told me that Ili Is Up Sri the lliltgh nurst:irler, iif Fath I'Volun idorv, Wo`rc late alroadyl" tb'4t a!WaY., blwivs at 41la topl Down There arlil two, linitl things aboubland Mother Time all the 140tt di`i�y The dsty (Irew L,a4:. lelow we alwuy�q Faw the ruts aull unmoual to find either chil4rea o,r t-U,S liotween-latiar w0ing: One to that - , gother. T %Vhitt. me? I uoy,'t 'warit to be il 'the roel,s In thel path, We saw flit) ty�jip, t" llr!y I - grown -tips with good digcmtions� tile, Melt Of food "tPlit in this -way is libildren were pl. � I This aff:le.tion, which may I;.:4 it net 116111-611fill but ('Onsi,ts of S%Vcf't�,, hadn't any name, for jolt until the flig - ralify -',,oy; a bortild olil rainy day!" literils ,,;ad ,lhp buF.lics that held its lifefirrip, often lioginA in 'tile Iiweffrel which are wary rli.arei. ;qurl knoril's tit VIP .duor and Call.,; for Ile ;-,,III io Maj,ht,r T�'aji-, but &be sor- I hatth and tore -our ,-lothos. We .�pjke yevi, of bab%hood. , 14 ' ssing to .lit f4ein (to they roceive them. One ii,f, . y puLting into ernpLY Stomach. The second 14 that � I'hwfllll.� ,-Ill�!­l hilu forward, linill about IlL,wl rougii tilaIigrarlite reeks our (-biVs 1)or)r little l,toarfach foods th:ly ket-1) tile viollla-lh cullsurdly at a time they slip thrifildi the P,'�ittv.,%,�ty, tile di,rl, I ,;�vl. P1 urilAup �lolue mork) IVITP P4 wo Obillwd awl drag-jzed eftelt vh:,.h R Is flat yet Rtronl� enatigh to, i work, who-reas it nawt have a com-1 f4at lca(N drva to, the c,itrth; flien. li!jwit, 1), im., Illte, ;vtfllv!-� �t him, lit itf?i W,her upward, wo renlarlted at'..'Jut, Late (,are of, wo 11;­ct, 'its mat7hinery -te rest betweell it, 110)(yrs if It I,. ojway they a - Lapli 4i,f powl "IfA, �,!,Jl!olt away. pill '. .. Ire hul,+A Ill Lilt till- hot Suit ould tilt! 41,tilluefill of J-110 fQrf,VQI" perhaps, I �'­tr. rduv4, arA yeiif; ,,�Jy,l are .Ill ) "Doll", �­Y," ifl)!;�i,-;�­! �be little r4s- nt, at tile foot of thi� ni,juntain, Wo I .-Yo,renialif Ili izood working;eOndlition, 1, -(.t lq� to whii-ii I -.t. h,_4 3levit Dalklllg� thought hn-tv ,,,lr,f­A .-1 'I'l- Jl- � V-1:,- ,1-7-, ill. -­­ 'ifilli: "hin. ,]­­bf.�*. ,­+ I— J,i 7-, gro*n-ups unit e,an re� ;,-timn ta ter d - ____ r'llflulil he as ("Ireful. Is fliat .o., theireguiarnwais tintii ,lie wrts enoug- ­­­­ 1,11-11, Ill ­,� ", """ ".-1 --.1 111ii- 11-1 I'll 1-1... .11- -.1 4licefull, fletwoc,11 tire hills ,find iloinong He ,it ,At, ,­ , 'I F .'i I t, .. I, .�","Alt'!I!.I.-];,rL,tltlell,L losse"' "cor <�a;,�­r 11111V be, I'A'Ated am full 8: litil-Arill, or botilo-fed ir.f:llIl,,, rillidren: their'. If you fialitwo ll�,r foOd pro-; But ',lie wwi;�try is al�--�-:tv i DOI, for � 11" dll`�'Jl with V0 r n." if? tl,004. We steppe,l on Viorns and rVOIll T,. ­i, prel,.aration of stiedbed. "Or .; "Idralra, of t b;.4 , . . , not ,�,lt at qto table�ppfly .she wil,li not ft,ol It craving l'i)x-ltllt�,f�--,b�"jlt)tly,.'I �,,Ioiv lato ,;�""-.3as fo�lf: Till. little thly vlq tholog'ht be was for Y"It'lMiq faint epol". I . eat si,11--olliver, aw, ;Jloulii I I I .at dowil %V104 a 'iyry :r,tce to pick - SamethileslKentuliky-bilue gi-a-g, tIlVoi,b,y, 'l-lif!"' 1,0 I& fami,us lionlifl, but lie was i them out. We wowlered why the . the Y"Iel" ,!�, cut doWn !)(,!-,'films ,I coin will, thn re.1, ,if the family N�here 1 sweet.4 ht bt,Lween. Every liouse-1119 Vitt daN.4 g ..... . v Into y(.,,i,(ir&,t,,,,,i.'X - i lviatt; unit m.orPr:u1l;lw!l an4 sweat 'bees . - I For neutral ,....uIl-coral O"ch."'d ther, is vop1al-t temptat-;w� Il,o gj,�c' ke(-Iler should 1:�arn v;h-tt. dishit:4 to � Well, -is I li-we �.aid, all the ,htyi4 v""ril !,"I, lit ;rtffioll wvi dhliIpp--1,4.ar-d to PfM:Q% (,'A ,hidlfiw rf�oi �l vj*op is pro- � grasit, Meadow fe--l!ue, barley, ivlical,l 01,1,111 fiZ-.-u1l..J,:v Tooll, j�,.y �?,,.;,i;�l set lisfr,rc, tho family ,at one t�fae, �;I� playinz to;l',,th,-r iold V,,�-fltlwrinx vil�-I, , WNwI.1'. wer,, q0 math ww%;o vnionx the scrub villed V illi ,it dcf,p I"Alow S�cdbed.; beans, peas, tomut,)C�11, 111"'.(l 0161' 11VCIL ,'AY,p:t` 1111-al,J 'at tlli' , tl,j� -No 1,110 wl:1 I.., gltia to se., nio!"I , ir ', 1 11.1 t. f he bitNtice wil! be eorre,�tt Ith I th"V '-hoUld "" 'alli"' a , .1 Wit"' - 1 olllc�,, than ('Ill( fla the Prairie. Su lip tl',llJf,i, ,, ,,.I, C(Inditioll:4 j..hers it, sul-h; Tiler .slightly 1"OUT $Oil --Plotato.ls., mi n 11.11.1r:'. "�%0:fyilir Letween lin"t'.1its, ilturchr-.4, � lw,61 Ivould Ile lik"?. � 1c, im.-rnit I P.,t `;,? eli't"I siA �!lrr �,.utfe- I U,14 it') JVl! I'leatt, clifir")ing the Iting, i I F,l I a grOot itir spnoo fc,r i'llp tiny roots I root crop,,, soy Wain, red tap gras:s,! If tills j, II!, ", - ,,.I ly (Ilk .-,. nim:intain vllt ii, I I,1i­I9T.MIVV;I. 'i'lijinic im,", 0,,it led to the top, to eov( ( ;, I I ,nr, mf,:,� _, ,,,,,,, ,,i.i airt jnbiil,�:il sa'.f�, (n,h). Th,.,e "I h.,pe I J"!l 'I,(! v imptly ('1y `r'"'t- I Ilev Ci'll PV�t to 11 good I ay,'n' 1".9 brollie, voncord grapes, cran. 1 . . . I I " "i ,ire 1, I Ali-! T ;lilt .,,r)f,,.,r t,� s,�.y -;') 614' Vlit5. "alIn feat- tectlh,lng or 'll.il; ,Ircall, :1 "" :,�rniJ � "' ­ - lnll-�,,Ilt irto ,(,tlr home.- 1 h a".. Bot how ,Iiirlierrt tile utrllaspb�lret 111 o' -t !" ' - -.Lt the crop is! berrios, i.a,.q:-bcrrjt:;, , .1 -,� ,t,,i (,�lm-ILItt':i 11,oNs ittil rd-l.i Iz`I-`I `?_':"ly 1�1,1'h figur.,tively gial liturzilly, when � 1.v �i' nlol.;tur� 6 , . Villa beans, t�vl,­, f,r2j 1T gj,.., ;,";! "l,1 had i -11�,,- lo. a xr- wl , _ I . Uctllo�,',�,, ,ttira,d in lt�.4 ( irly �'ummer " I -,-, hill. that you .%-.,;, I,! 7- �' ""'Pri" T'l�t t" ,� I lny,t arld'sLiawberries, (),its, iii,'Llot, bucl;�vllaat, � hII:lt,,ih1---. 'IT�, 1,el.t l:�,r! iijr a, 4,13.4 day. xvl�,fhtx"--the I!,,!- 4ay 1"ll, Out (if thz- wilei­v ,�,,,d JI'latc..l.. - .. 1; I.I;, At , Ire. lim � - groWIll. On t il,. ',)!hv" litind �!Qry vel.ch, ryc. iieve ln,c wlicil I tell you Ol.'r 11.1 "'t", ,-.0 ra"V till? IaFt turn and eallre out � ;,-1,n(,F­ i,4 cau"I"I by tho v(11,;11". 01, l . � %r%�-iwp . d .! " I . It oil ilia top of the Tifildil It Seemed Alle I loi,�� o under con- � Now, liale intly lie obtained in ill i r 1 1911'-wi r;tflon.t ot *,.,L�01, , If, l;%�r­ --I,.:", it f,-mouj 4h..., ,,,, -,,�, " at flif, v;�ir,!:) v_rl.J had rull,lonly VV0.6.1 orops 1, 'I i 7 '-it- foo,l ha tween n,, 4,1ii iq up to .�Iufl,,,,r T-riie awt I�ul!vl its ii�-,,, "What a hurvi'l 2,,,O)y " ( (' O ri�",the 1,,Ih. 'I'livy are c;lt ,�i. .,,�t kv,:o 1, ".. . I , I � . f U, � . .1 I ­ - I . I Lilt � � ditiorlil 1,hero Lilly Call Send th6r: V four forms, Ground liniii%toll . 1, '1� .1tit I .uM v.ii,rse ticin timt, mil --I AnAv (;i-­r,,,,I 1,efr,lit, ut,;. Down ttt the foot ft)'itil il�il­) and iv!da are provhkil 1y)tb: active in e I . %) \01"li Ivic"...'t 1,11'.:,.�,, are l,.1;, " ; , ., , V . It Iliiir,y ap*,-ttize thre,j t1n, :, ;,;­ �11';o!�'.` I ,_ I its po-.vfir to correct "G.1 � f"'I , f-w�,,,!% 'Jilmi li,ipp-inirl. 4�,A w4jl�n ' ,. -1 ,41.01r�li,- ; � ! , tuld so -��,i. 11:t" � 0l ordn ih-.0 :I'll. "I l!t, " grov,ill!�, boy�l ill 4 i�,%.,�4 %:.-.;A 1,1!:!!­t��r 1'.m-� �ht;ilt ber hi,.A. "I ,,,,, ,,,, ,,� it) I, !I.. Wilw4taill ,,It tbe ons, is the , . - ri)e to I - f, � 1�%J'." r""d, :nl 1, I c 1.,il, 1: li:-Irl.la.i. t-.��)""t !,.�P. Itult "IT zZA p�.. -1 � z,­n;­-e,.s;,f ill" r;�,`ot ('.I `l-, lah,L�. Airc,,-, uvroas the ,,ibilling heir root gr.I\;,*b i,, .��.v. �Iv I'll 'I good "U'"JOY of carbounto . , �' , qfionl',� ;' ,?'III r"(iiII,vd..,, and r.onse- z, IUVIIC;., ill a., much 'I"; tile limeliton'l, f..cf 11 fitlu��-, 'I,,,- Mm.' -,�. I . _v N.1t, I I lil�- V1-:14" .1, Ve',;er, I �Q I ,,, ,,r him .ilvay w . . carr! I l� ( . ­ �'- - I " ('0101ty ll�i \i.111, llr,�h,.rs ai),l ois,+�r-A, for V, �0 ii a el, tsit- country stret,IiEs orr to ,re . )-��11 Vill lit 1p� t- t res it i c;. , , 1. The proper I, r cjp: ir-i Lion � Of calMuln. As a rnw,,or I,., f!l,-f,, it is C, . r �­l - I ,1.;-,.� I", vra� .,.o F"I I �,;-u 1.�;.,I, I lu y ti .(.it Whvre ground lim:ltston,1 " ' , . . ,-.­.,i,ri,-.-.riA I+y .1 f�`, l, f' ill " i it. l 1.6-A;s W110-11 ,'lm w:ll (", ,.AI -2:1, ar, �' i I , . �, , , , � -. i Itha up. ; .1 vto lim4J,in, Iffl1s, Front north for Vlfl,�! se�.Jbvd is of grPat import-: lin used, at ]Last One iwbioh cau�llt.&! tile illnes_,, 1�4-11 1"I l t, I l, ,i) V,'().St, 't.--, 'fnr as th.e eVe, I , Call V20, -third of it shoultl , , � No,', -.if then ,.vlm (,;;,,- iv��,.I* ,,wo­, '.;i ­k to u ,. I * . AL9 � �Ir wi.: ;;�,.t rc!4e? I ance. ("elleral c."'pvriewe sc��Ills to:1)3 finely gronnil antl the remf�lnlnftll� arriecl fr,�ifi!lflti.-R ,-,­I�l !:.o. ill a, ,,,'The I�Ul� e - 11, 1 ­"�Iv"(' -if,� hulvi"r,is arl 11"ri, ... lic � N '1',,�`,�ifvs 41 J'l.l)-.;t,- !�:�-'.Afle Of high "',',I �!,­', I' I, I ­;,.r,� +,,, r,,. *�j �,, � % . ; Ly thq crops lit reference to tmev-third% �lhould he gradvil, 0112-11a.1f, 'ClIlln., 1,�%',�, F,� %11,,t,: "011, `. 1 ,?'l-, It �4 ,,,�,�-,, . . _1v honill M., -;I 1, 1,1 !'� - t - ,1,�l ,A ,�'. 1�1:4. V. - 1.1, .� ;, , . . ,<-rir, � I ", . JL,�'. ;1 ',(w, and lhey%�� all * ' . "l "it le- e. to �r: ,i�_ "."'.. ,:, �, -t , . � .1 .' � , I, + ,� . 9, );�g wo,"Id it Is, their v: _,(Vwds am ro,,Iow!,: Loath." Ali:] !,,t�,!.l,t1(" 01-1, , I,-, n n�, , e, �! , �wd if C! � !, .l, 1" .. " �;,l !�� eQ_;y I . . . 1,'_�7+1.­ -,oll 4ill"t-17 , 1 fairly course an -1 the other hair inter- st,e% a r�.,I�r,,I.,', f, r I , I .i%', � �:�� j,I:lv , .L_ "I., , I , ,r). . .. . i,' stle-01 fill!). For corn, Ill � me[Nate. I , , '. - :1 rt,'; ;-t � e, 1�,tnl- ,;!;,I,... , 1 I tl;,!);x, ffilv_ ­,lait the �_­mo, I sb��'_ Ill, fani,-,., l ilti t �il, r,elhalw v alw wl,� bol -n f!ur. " , I I11Av N1.'�:-;1-,­fA to I otik ,!it and Dmp'_ -� This ground lim�stone Inavin I), I-, ;��,i7­1 e to 'j.'Ili fqj7v,.t ill t!,�' !:I,. ii� all at orwe! It is .440 -big that fall'o, ,7,,ver, piii,atoc�, riwis, I.,trden, lit , lie ra c , , Often ,�Tol.vs V, of4ti told y'l 1';;'�, 11111" , 1 D-` �­l!:ill'A �"Wr, ":", C! I. �,,ao�.t,i nro and li.�t hav . :lit . _ applied at I, t, of on, to tv;­) - �.., I. - 'xi. ,tay v.��! tLilln i"A ,�') �� Lt : , � 111:s out, eye,5 and our nouls for a veirctnfile+m. Iton$ to ilia acre. It is not lit tiny 'idiur-dirles, tbe 1.,,i,,-7(,,us !­,Il�-- JT, -, fit L !,I !:I.z cori.!!� .., I !, ��t- ; 11 rn,�,tl,, ,?.T�t.%l I'll F."��,. I �,:-.A! �­vo It i'a- * " , , , ; , 1,ri �i:, m- n. Tll�,n .y,l.t'A 4o fianAls I . ! c. ,� . I I . 0 , -1 tivory yca�- fr,�-, I I!,- Kill-d,;nl , , : Im"', Urine, w! I TxA i. Avol"I Is .spoken illcolhvltll il"pIll se-017,11cil and fairly I way destrwItive to crops, Imirce rifay I If your 1)zJ,,y i kini7i­ vnl 114.4 ,l'­Vr. , � .,.".I " . V 1 'rit, , ywir IJI�11'�,J !" a N � �:.,o, . - � utlow 7,;I. Ch ­r iiij!" exo.ej . I'll'al-Fnii ',Ihoat, harley, 1, ---I,, . ,l fl -11".1 0" !" w"I Ole Nv__.. I i -,;Il rt�.- .10 , !d ,"vc'aniatiwis ol' wonder and clot-.;, rye,lbo applied at any Vine of tile year.111011, it, I,, beca[Wj lh,re is im.i!..,,.-,i.,.d; " � 1 . " i I V,��l a�r 4:111 ­xk!..-,1­ 1:f"I'd]. I , " 3 . . . _,!,i litj;t� I.-Jilly larliv lia,t v ­.­ r a,.vc. I irra_sseis, I Pol;sIbly the beat pariod for applical- material ill h�.,, !Ioily which k pi­,ine- f 'j;t : ,-,Ir i,U,;, oilr ;l,-_1 h-�­�('-I_- NI­nI'­r in, "i'll"', aftEr .,%,�, ;o -o 'For- tbou", .. S111041".r !wetllo,�I­-For nuMiA I . . � � tivil I "'S ", ., lit, pli-ni iN'1!0'Vl- WO Illi� 11.1-3 P�tt"`!" . 'lit �,f tbut, Eili'l would . ,;ou Ile- 1 R'nat, f,f I'* �,,I,,,,% find I'llf'. r'L,;ts I 11,iPe, - Lion k just 110fun the .soil ia bf-*nig rro- l",g 1`01 -ons ill" , I t; :;,% inlo t : I ev.. it, rny dcars, he s1;cn1q .ill 1A., .;­ �; 'i e I , " ' : .*.,?,d 11vt tluwn, u,, -.i-? When. are thcV flax, bilvItwhoult, ; 1, . �, jr �:!t i;f I,,- o':yg 2'l, -,� "li"'M you tc:l ititt :1:1 nl.o!�� it v-1if-I �`. . " I r,a.rvd fit Spring, Apply tilt- lifneiiLone, teat -t. The fir: --t thing for �olj t-, (in , . Ili 1,.�: ': "'oll � ,It I li, . -1 . wile 11.111thig Ili) the vtoii,)r4i oil ba,.'.�es 11 t" I ' i o a,,i our eyes have been l O A to give TOM a ,1� `0 of va , -k. oll :" ". ,I,; . re. .-!h"t. 1 "71 We .11T, - ,1(,? I P" ' , 'h" Ill- 1); ru during, K, ,­ltuy, vl-,l lie iIt 1,,atf,h- U . .,il* III,;, Itse ilf Linte--The u ­%t point of. n tile plo,wcd sNI awl work ;t 1, by ii - h " n one ble)."d 1 t:,��vt' *. , I I t� ,,, illg, 0) t!ll,.'! ill tile iltioad w,wId at i'll-Porb, rice ul,llov avorage forming, dt,IJug . e , * ,v .. I1.L,;I,y i��o i'l,m vIt­o:y, I want, to W1 vou. q They see.mcnI So im,portant V. I and barruiving. Air -slake I or, 'f 110 Is ill distr,.,.t iiiQ " lc- hn- � "', brt�, '!tlw� o,,,!n,-, i in or,lor to kev:i t: It (I., y v it') ha1 -,041;-a I I i , I .; 's corldlkintri i.4 I.11c. react'lon at thn soil, I burnt linin is purer air(] is bestdo quick i med.',ato relief, -in in J,vctitin of a. t -able- ' "ur T�-"Ue� lic!-Cilly. (%:'. a-'-.--,! 'tlmiowlly. , 11111i he lit det'l-nnitted to be fam.t.; oll�- !,wealt . - Sometimes tile Soil i'll,ilf ba, litts action. When, ap-plied to heavy, spoonful of olive o -.1 , a ,� fo�w -41firt rl,inut�­ ago, but now .4 he'll � in I f(Al,owed by -It ! A v-lodnw �tluiiil,l qiT,-,-ltys b--. ol,(,ii, 1,1 wi-n't have rill,"11 .t -le it, -"S40- yQt, ArH mil.-ylie lie vdil! Bat uh P� . at r:- � iho,,v are fo-;iroflen or swallosved up In WoVkOd for v pl�,riod of years de,cl-! clay still it nOt only corrects tile r1int of warin ,,o:lpswl-,. Stop fectling hL *n a Ile. lenorl­it sbou',I lr�! cillie with itist; v,-lnill `11, oVerY,"lly �Iluut the otliz,r 7,ittl,i fkiy? "le I_i;rrer thit,,g th-at has fille,l our Lont in ord:r to d a.,.-,,-. .;; II -Ill till he 01�1 F'otlycl. -,r. "I . �' (,Ps a ,cowlit:on where crops (if the I sourness of the soil, but gutlle.Ts to- � him for half a d1w.r. Then try a litt'.a; '�I`il `t top Ind ho,, We f:,mous d!.� . T11n­ heilrd ber qa. pyv,i ...altl thtrugbts. Th,yr- is I'll room tit n qonrtor of, -et ill'? breathel-up v:r, N%bieh risrA voguelit,,r, vor krio,v. But roal'be I",I bt�pkl I ,hall I v a half,,),,- day on eari It," !e4utale typo much as Oliver, 11IfaIfa,!getbiIr the tiny partieles of the soil bfirlilY Watel--ale) c e I - , ., I i*, -.r theril--al" at leubt, if they hilve et�e., Wild not 11hrive. This moil Island makes -the crumb of the soil the "mount whic-11, lie in lit till, habit to tilt- top, rnv4o m -L vild the new air tv:I yvu!" tbi- Il,)lI;T­u-1 I:tt!e f6lilw And lie s.ni'llvd it iNimtirtrfu,l saffle.. vl.a * commairlY called ;3�uri When tlie�coarstfr, Therefore, air heavy clay of receiving of millil, if he is air in -:i c(Que in be�!()W, In the mild weather winarlwil as ho wel�t. Bt`,. tha Otllii'. oil a bright mornin;r In Nov­rnI,vr jKlIce they are ,lie sm.dl in civin- stI1 is to.itod with an Indicator Iluch, Foil it i� it 1 - best to elven oil' of dy)ors, if ont-, day :a -n after Iiiiii. I , linrison thnI, lbelyr are not worth men. I ., bellefictial to raiflft� a balf-ton &int, and about tivo ounces if lie is; , st,tit the %on to fArIl her. And u I... . � ais litmul; paper, it frequently pro- I . . During the flii.y, ifeciullieJ roo-ynz ,.Il,,�y ,lio -.,(to kn,�Nr �oii will Ile at,!.ly ll.) you suppose it wi,s? R�.Rk-l� flonlvg. Griats do not fill a h-ig place applioation perr acro of air-,Aaked. over a year old, If he lixerfs this OIL' c"", -Ili ooen win,Bw great li-ayv� 0,ta n7!L(A curiously. Day, Xovem�;,sr 11. "I 1-4!f tho, o' ir"Ift". Tiroun't"In r-Ange3. "Ittec`4 a c0bil-ati011 th,ld indivetes tile burnt little once in 6 or 8 years. Air- his -;tomach, repeat the dose lit a � Should N, aired frorn . 4 ]en ,�,, it is in 'life. Thera .Is a sum- "b"Ve V�"4 ;I kll_ It 1; for e * - ' * ilCk art til'. _%V.;��d -ill down I ,� arms! Pros6live of field within it. Now, I slaked fbornt liffne IS applied lit very couple Of hours. If he is much bett I several tila-s Air vlakli is fall of J"t t�a,, . !a . - �! rn!' at�h of us--mnlf or women -or . I or . Whatever Ile the cause or this L I by thi's time, add it fourth of whole lllz�lgeu li%ati more rap'dly than air, I ___ ­ ­.. ...­ ... .__ ­­ . __ _ , __ _ condi- I large quantit so tends to sterilize the --.-..-. ___ I vaild. Up there we ean see life as flon, th colliect. of tilt) condiltioll! Work lip very, very slowly, to fecin which the oxygen bail been eN- - ­­ , coil. Another form of lime -marl, is MML hausted, .so the temporary chill will I __,�­ <-,,, lm," ilitsy said, I'vew raturn to.FgYPt ? "; , gmat, ,.voi,derful thing that God, lais 1.4 almost universally upparcut' valuable in Lut; far as the marl con- the amount of food he Nvas taking be- I . �/ � - So it 'has been Ili every greal, for-' , 1. � 11, oL . I'll "til --t- , 1 ore-aed I'Dr ils; tilt- landscape Is a par- �. , � 4 I ­ wilrd movertient it, tire 'w&ld's; U%-' Clovers kill out, Certlain other crops T inins a high percentage of carbonate fare his illness. Do n -at be afraid of"'On Pa"'. L._ _�Z - and Nvoitilerful that it Ads ,I what about p , I � . that desire sweet solls do not thrivej Of calcitral. It is 'finely pulverized Ili 4;i`arvj)Ig hill'- If Ile is suffering from An, -lay? Young peo ­ , , I tory. There are many who Ivegin but p'se " bi g There eja frequently an appearance of' I Ple must: Play lo be well, Best Of all - - I have not faith Or courage to persevere the whnl,� vision as far an life can It% .... ­ .1 go. Up there the littile thfings that , I , natural state, hencii ,docs .away very )),,ill indigestion, lie call go safely di-and-tum�de sports Ili - .. . . - . , =-siAu I to the end, They are dau,ited by moss on thia surface of the soil slid with the necessity of gr�lldilig. Lime for twenty-four hours without tiny- are the 'oil), . I _� d:filcultic,g. They ina.gnYy the diffi-:0rice ,seemed so ennilying and so im- ilia open. Perhaps you feel flat he- - ,r Iya areas Of ShocilEortiel 0'r Sour grass which ,has -been -vvntcr_slaked is called thing. I Ir ,mltii,,; in tbd y. Better the portant are forgillitten, or at least ottio, seen In the gra'a fields. The, gen- -hydrated lime. It is 1,clatividy ,Is �ou. will �sDe the common some of,couse there I; so -much oxcrels�l I , INTERNATIONAL LESINON, � botillage of Egypt, they Say, than the' seem SO unimportant in ,comparison eval Itendency has been to advise the valuaible as air -slaked burnt ailre. this ii you remember that food can-,hwira viork, excreise in play 1.4 not IMARCII . �­ truggle for freedom. They are con. � that they are not t,,) be, mentioned. tiarilitrieted u -s,3 of lime. Later in- The maintenance of good circoa,_ not nourish the ,body unless the Stem- I necessary, Have you heard the story I (Illered by fear. In splk-ndid eontra-st' V09tigillbions allowed that such ildvice tie,, of air and proper supply of sell and intestines act upon it a3 they I of the littl;,, girl Niiho walked twol __ i and in rebuke rings out tile protest I "tive you caught might of the big - is I'ludIlY in accord -tvith best late � do 'Whell they are in good condition. i miles to school every d4y and t%o Le.4son IX. Thit Roport of Lite Spies. I uj' Caleb, "Let 'us go ill). - for Vr Purpose in life ? Have dollairs r water as well its the right T011,Cti011 � mile 3 home again, still Nyho belt 13: �0 *6819b, arA selil,�h ambition and blel,trifigg estis of the growing crops, because of tile -soil completes the mechanical Therefore, when we put food into a i .,ged -Num, 13- 1 to 14; 38. Golden we .are well able." In. � quatirelings sunk away trew in- alorw is ment�onetl ,ag standing for and wbils certitir. types of crops require condlitions of ,the plant hoint. It, ,of stomach uhich is too sick to take care! fur it school Playground whore She" I I the bolder course, but, hire, in v. 6, I sigq.ficance in the wonderful vision militates a sufficient sup- Of it, not one pnAlcle of nourishment alwoot soil, others do best where, the course, necee i could exere-ke? it i J-,Ishua its with hi . lit di4tress at the that you Itave Seen and the grv�dt puT. 7eaetilon of the soil Is neutral, while ply of humus )vlllvll is really tlIc lqte� is received -by the belly from that The teaelattr eal,l: "Why, surelyj 13. Ilia Two Reports. "Selirl the un IL ' ! Lucy, L mon." The people were noliv encamil-'etindtit Of th,,ir felln-W silifts and at pose tbat, you h4 -;-e taken up for the . third ,claft imettlallY thrive, under centre of the soil. The nemt truticle feel]. On the ,contrary, it ties, till you have exvrelial e4ijug'a ell in the wildernetas of Paran (12 : . the rbetliouti cowardliness of the Poo- world ? ki ig illid ffOln school So fflr!" J(i) at a phtea called "Kadesh" (see'pl�o, they 11 -rent their cloth"s," "Tile Conditions of Slight soil acidity. The, will litaf with the :food of tithic -plant, undigested mass, ill the dIlgeati,etwal 1 to . - crops that belong -to these various I "Olit" oxrl-.,hi.A Lucy, "I wailt the v. "_16 I the extreme southern boun- 1 land " they Faid, I,bt an exeet-illng Polieli the Camp! I (To be conbinued,) Organs, produciing poisons. If lie is I playground i;o as to get rosted fe r the dirry ofo 111ale,,tille Tho -pies ivent � Irot,� land." "If the Lord delight Ili =7 ___ ____ ­­__�. weak and -needs nourialnuent, your� . I Dad, I don't See wli,,li you are so Look is ta get his Stomach ,into a con- I' wa'lk heine." , northward �ro 1 " _� , to Ile I slid contlimPlI, I u,,, then lie wU bring us ,into tIT19 est possible dtivelopinentof the sugar dition to extract nourishment, and Lucy lilt upon a big truth; Wc need aeLcrtling to v. 21, until they had ]slid," "The Lord 14 with us." This I eternal,ly inxisting on order in the The Food B oard Says maple trees of Eastern that can be done onTy by .giving it a 'fail Ili order to get rested for work. ti.r.,Lli.leit the v,liula great tableland is tilt- 11-aliguage, of fuith, faith that is' house," saJ,I4HarOltI Roy. Him father undertaken this Spring. I'D, very dol- complete rest for a few houra and' And as for work; I tb:nk we 0,111 of lveAerrt Pa�estillt:t as far as, the � invint,tible, fa';'.h that overcomes ob- " bud asked him to take Ilia hat off thm I _ tar's worth of Canadian ma.ple sugar getting rid Of al,] that is ,ill it and inalte ithat a great deal lesa- (lull than deep valloy betwttc-li Mounts Hernion, 1 st,lilfii, lialth that is iffit. easily daant-�' hall stand and I,ang IL -in %s proper Largely ,is It result and Lehation, through Niritich -,I roRd'ed. that per.severes, to the end, that place, and Harold wll.3 a little Out of this war and syrup produced, is a dollar saved th, howe3a Pi` "y rail to ilia k1tv of Hamath on th­ Or-�atbloves and that wins victories. f hutnior. "It wouldn't have done . ift usually is for our youn.; pi"i I � Calladlu will have to pay interest oil for Canada," said Mr. Thomson. putting into it the rietv Interest of ,nte, If, Another Theory Exploited. s ,.Ivor. lie entirtil journey andi It was remembered ,of Caleb. in lilt; 0 about $2,000,000,00. Her hope of 14rome who have made a busirtess of . trylog, to perform It lit ."niv ,better return would cavc thri, I h&lred � history of Isrnel,' and to his evar:asi. any Irarra to loave my list -on the hall Formerly it Ivas the belief that way irt, might have been I Ing ronown, that lie "wholly followed tab fiflurnalild salva,tion lies iiiL the devel- maille sugar and maple ,syrup say I . - 4 is tile dull grind of doing, the mIlks and more, lit I@, would it?" he went oil. opment of bev natural resources. In that only 52 per cent, of tile trees - Sea -,-. 24, Deut. 1: 36 ,,Why, not to Vitellouse, Hal'Al. I'm children must have contap,ous ddll- same thing o% -Lr arl� ove.. -%vittlitit compicted fit fortv days (v. 25), Wille Lovil." hout tha order calling attention to these flactis ill the average sugar blish under op- eases-toatialdes, murrips, whooping any Change villich wears it oull .11, . S .it 1.4 ll�o,ssible, of eo�vs:u, that they may , Josh. 14! 64. Read the wbO,e l;tovy; -rat thinking so much a I forth- ntakes us, feel I'del l It Tl ­t. 1: 2'1-45, and tile story told of the hor,�,c as ab-fillit, -,y,ou. It would 'Chairstian IT. B. Thomson of tile can oration are tapped and that without cough, chicken pox, and so .I,cato." I Lave divided into Vveral parties, anil I it, V ,cal or.' ha -V ada Food Board urges that the greatiw additional equipment silve extra pails Parents actually e.vpos,d their boys - �,alost every task in the III'me is, . j so May have made n more extew lye of Call.!, ,lull Jorhua fort, -., 's let, , done no baim, r%copt, to you, to I exlflor�tio — ___.e. leave -,,Our lint there -when you knew — Ili would be -possible be Oncreas- and giris to these maladiod in order * e, publ, of tieing executed riore elstly J.i, h n, -_ ___.______. ____ ___ c tile a loned I thtit. it 'bafringtNI mortiewbere else. A LO "got through 'Alth them." We bay(,, '. I - ua hns alruady been incill.1 - — OUR FAMOUS Pi'Othletie"a greatly if those already 'I ad it) ,I more (ITQ0tive iftshlein than in F\od. 17 a� voinniattler or Ionitwl,sl Couldn't Do Both, UccUsItorde(l to Lapping some of their learned, illofivever, that n. great many ivo Intro been doing it sugg,.'at to fighting rne��, in 214; 13 as h1a.,es'l The )ouilg tbium Nyartt�d lilt,, tilt, I Slovenly ebara,"er prollu"s slovenly ' s babits. And I have ,I theory that, trees wouild tap ano,re, In addition more dcaitilis result than -,V�l Sull-Posell, -tile delleatis dat-ghter that she illyclit mirdstve. or ervllat� alld ill 33: Ill pbotogralshor'ri, and was taken up to y;l,V vvna. sloviioly babitg react on to Ilhis Possibility for expans,ioli is and, moreover, that inany, niany "I It I - , n1ore Convenient alinnioni-nit fix also --,,,, th-Kill, in.eandlopparently stildlo. -. 'fill, the Opportunity presentell ,by mally dron who recover tire left flelicul,e. ii r ,,o � .lye birviv- the rtt­e of th Tvi t or Tabe�.' the ch�tl aot ,i . wholo thing I- a ques- 1 fli, hitchim furniture, lit r.r, 1,1 waut lily photo talion," Fire shap- tiou ,)� d`1QllII1IIe� farins whidi Itave Sugar map,le B ye vveakne4s, deafne;-.4, con,unip-'thne and strength in the prepa,.a�ioll naele­vb�ch afterwitrils I)Eictmie tile ored, ,,y'ou'i1 .uai,w latil Ilrett). won't 9 - amio groves which are not, tripped at all, Lion, and neryouis e,ulditions, such ao'of illeals. Suggm,t Ill your , illf'.1 e,iial4,,,L!,O the Lovite". "Lot me illustri,tte", t1le father con- . .ioll or if a ftw trees are tappled, ftbe,porall St. Vitus, flautist frequently follow, lie could ,,ai o b!ll,f all Ilour eye,, 4 ; "The soatb" (v. 17), -is in Hebrew � vil'.­ tintied. "When the boys in t1int vamp ill y "ay, called tile '-Neg,.b," autl ell oil some TlIv 1.1,ologeapllor grullt,l,d. . . I Champion" Evaporator quantity Of Sugar and YTUP Produced these dliaeamos, of childhood. No pre- by Ilrouting" 1,.,s -work Illoro L:iIVO. "Yoli'll soe. t1lat It's it goOd Ilholloss, lytl " li4itcd we�v readly to, entrain for suffice -a only :for the us u7 Out- toll;I)4 It ia the barren rElgi France the 1,ast orilcr flint ,wast given. r.. 1. loll -1. se of ,tile ,fam- Caution ,should be Tegarded a., tou fully. Sudi 'riv"llt""ll" giN'L file "vorl- ",I the ex lit, ,.outli of we'ste n Pat. won't. You 9" urged the rij fl -ILL -1 thiy were all piwlekl and about Only users of Lilt- "Cheuvillon" are ell- UY On tile farm. much trouble to take, orid If thoro or an ilitoro."t in Nvirat he hwi to ,to, v,thla, balNevofn T1,317.111 and K-Idesh. "Well, nurdain," said Vw inan, "it's , tilled to aliter out, fifl,ollo,60 13rize Corn- it) march to file station waLt, '11alie'a 'It, tirod I'vel- T h t, 'he (.imp!' Tile ofilcers detiilt,d, cor- A Montreal iteriler, recolitly st� " )!otl I.e­s �1-,VJ3 1111. ­Nvfldvl-T,,l-� it;, Zill" (v. 21) lq, tor *you to dec,lflil whivil, it italiall be." petition for Synti) and Salem. nIt are riclighbor% vvbo voiei;&�.i you till- i -1 , Built for service, It gives itimsilawai ro- out it quest"Olinaire to EL large number fli�endfly because You do lict allow vis-, 11),!"." �tZlel,)rdill,l� (if 20: 1, r-_,ir Kadvi,11, or is' - ,, . . t : i 1 1 " U�a tain or the men to pick lip all Avaste turns which rattlans no wasts. 0: maple so ,r producers asking; itors fit tire sick ri�om or netlairt, volt 11 wo le�,d oui- yc,unn;stc,-A prope'.1t. tt 11MIle Ifir i, le rcg oft 11 IN k , I - , Users of the "Clielinvion" know whilt it questions cis to the amount produced, keep your family away froin Illeir'pr( it��t tb.,i)l ag�aiq.,L illnea;, till ilwlt: (1-11 lies, Its �'%A" I'; atirl' I'll" does and will again move Its Tnerits in i � ; . "'�Zellol),* 6 tills cornpotitinn with its ottish prize win- number ity trees and tirtal receipts Ill. qlak mollibe2.4--why, ..you will ja.." tollg'4 ti:,JI rl-�� -it ,fill, tbeit, 11��"!I,Ls wilb 11OL111,11WIC'.; ,',k'e 111111ilOVI'll " tairif, opportunities. Non - users, lid T a ro , full, ant ill�i . r %voil. u -I I .11 iTit.'rest, - " Y -y h1viltioal N�illi B.111-1'oliob =,owners TrUddlinit along With 003d, mency. '1110 answers varied vorythave to bear it Ili thO 3he cf 1) -. 1�"1�1.111i.` 18:29). Oil the slolictl of lICN . Ill methods lia.d 1 --titter get In line Considerably, but one in ari, with 75 1, teeting our bo-.,,.--'. ,'I'll gi ,-[a, The.-,, are . there w;ll lit, rt -N 110'14�qltl, oll.", alll�u-"`. olful, near the sallr,­s of the r1WT and,ordor a. 1-Chwupitalo and notiossary acres of bush, realized $1,500 ],at, cvcn move important Omit our neigh- 1 thun) 'Jopbui. Tile "enk-rinir in of IT.I.mall" ' . aurn lies now, Your for about three' weeks, NVOrk, I bor's feclinip. —,.-- I AN III: lo-ohnIlly the &'ep talley IlLtwe'l-c-11 0AINM WANMPADWUMNO COMPANY the north of so VVerritte The average healthy maple trool If you -feet that your 'fl-ni'.0iter doo.; JTF,oll ,�e,-e�rt (if �l -�!lr�",jjt,,%,,�d ITermon .111,1 1,el.allon ill . , toil I 01t,, M032t3ilial was supposed to, Produce 60 cents not lleat ollouglitil, koell a 113rd aliw," starolle'l enve, � lope ,iont t . I) Mrs. Xvyei, 1'ia�t­thle, throti, 11 IN -114-11 I ­.__­____. ­ � - ­­_ — l; there vm,-1 a : ' � * . I I, in tile ---.-- Worth Of sail) in the Season tit p I 1 f 11111ing be- in tar� of Wilson Pullli-Ailng Go, 73 ___._ e ces illil out what she is devo ran.�t lvading� it) Ilamaill, it hundred I pertaining before the war, It ,gfiould tween nieaN. Little lane le St. W., T i:ollio, suggestioll's nillet, farlhol north. "110'roll - It will Jo after air itioutflidelit breakheo "te ,I,, , . rilliled Fout1l, lvnq ille iii -A important llale.l- be twice, tlivub much now. � fast �, '!', �,�ill,,nli,, I, e. g; I. ii d I I I,,,, reedin,- I ille (,Ity to ,ybi h .lie - J:tnra in till- r " , 111,i, V ,; 'I "Withoui-, a 0 harm for farmers to experiment tile appotite 'for dinner, Rnld 10aVe i% a,fter life t yotir, will the iirst jau4.1Ie1,,. INVbere Ne I'vallev ol! singleE xcis'pto thh) SJHSO,n and' see holiv many trees stornsch. With an eulPtY feelille, W)l I I spaj.'.1col's Of this eonta-liciolla dlsew'es !�.,Ileoll, wlis is not known. ,4`lth�. ebit- 10RI they 0ould Itap, for ougar and syrup d,rives. the bard -like appobite to of children. -',"",,,I,, in lleb,row phrase, - _______..__ __ ...... � _ ...... _ - ____!�-t. I I ""ll ,., ,,�; ", it tSV`.Elt___1 'It. L. - - peoplo. IN erri a POO- Th(- Fer-Wizers Were I will, Puy. "�T� .. o., ,i,��, - matter, about lho caml) Ili order that thc-,i7 mil-ght leave tilt, conip ail neat , tie and orl,krly ,lit they foua,l it. San - <)tie has to be re3poiiAbl'a -for kil.opim,r things ricked lip if) this vVorld, ailit wbat one, vian zhirk� init,;t fall on others, "It Is, alivvyti I, -l"tf:Il. Of Interest to me to watch the wa�,- a man lakes Caro of the 1�asllbal?ifi (4 it P111"oran tar Ili tv, wornhw. The sli,ven kavea it it) ,j 1110Fs. TJw rei.poitfibla men cleffliv. it lip. '�,�'�v lyl:lll Vito leaves TL 'rlil I, t � � .- 1�asin lilt; allvcil,;Fliw.� his up( briu!"i'lir. unit fells ill illy c'stimatioll. J,ikcNN!,ik, tho ulan who elLans up � . lble ,, taln lIIIU.XtIa`Ii7 tail) lill lialti, III Ur __ . - I Pr,,�&-.iibly Employed- -,04— & � � - as soon ti�-, posBi aft-ov the chickell tl,. 7. .ion . OV WC110 TVIT'll'idecl as .. - ft'tor tiuffili;eV ri,,Os Ill Illy ksilulatiOn- ,/ ", , � 'it ill, th ',soil This Is hatched, no it keeps (Itileter then � V�1�1 lt.,t, .and s� ealled "Nephilim," Tot � I " I It'a aii ln(lc-n ­' cila,linoter. You'll s0a Wit t ch Your S Spring. n 4 V arell ,its toog lire imare suptilo. How- ,i), - 4-- - , �- - , TIR -selys 011alva 'V Z'+ " 11,11", � R � - I W , li compare Cer, (I: 4, The �hort- W -,�,�_ ille piami� �lllbie.- oli the lxo�f course. , I , J � 11 , . NO Other truck Or garden ero al ofv, vvur, we (I .1 -114$ .. - The. ireli,pilv,ibl, mail never reph"fles .Vertilizerg And 1112"urp Lxpol rl. p have 20A6� yCT � Meats wore carried oil tat five 1411:_ I found, to dopend for it's stleceas litore Every once In V, Ni'llito NVO 11ave 'All days 0111, and, now wo eannof tell you grilp;sbappors" lit th"ir sig,lit, .11 " �11 "I I �, it I'll with n -0rol'o, porlinciltal Val , ti,'V _Nli I 1 - . -in Ststiorts, on a oil flrmt class seed thtul olliou,A. Good illicubator, lititch votno off 4n, Which which Nvas the eriplAnd v,hick aniong ­ � , 3 P, 40-4,11, tile ti;. -f I-.* lie (V�,,., I octori,d onO tlmli wil..� dirco or Ifelyrows Tell; t-11,0111-Relve,s "as a , ��,-;��,- , Tile reports brought, Ili- the spies to 5 U I I threc-yetir l'otation Of �i I , , V I The letepon.,'llob, nrlit lli,f.iis. Till feels (i) rotaotc,o, ., oti,d seed is, Of course, tho Toundation of there are several chicks Vith their ill() floek, mo,j�s were not eonAtitviit. They Pat,- I'll., " , he ull,,7,' 111ij,70, '11P eiiV:7­%1Q ;Iq b � found r Ilot'l crov, C it )3y __..-1. ----.I-- lieJ a 07 I-IA"A It, The wone -1y-lliwli,',,o ;!,,,ellcla to NrU fillecOssi with ail setitled -crops, but toes c W111111 , ra.h. , nra1IInnd(3)Jl:,r. "Thoaverarlar I ,rookcilij or LuTtle under, great clusier or epapos aild . 11 - . 4 81 , "I I i 1� I for thatar.itywrl, i,00, I 11 00110". Vill I maid ,2iat the 1,.-ind "flowelli ii-i!:14i milli: i 4", ... ", b -Lit inallure aftli (O','lli"ara lit ovi,r V"I �,",)Ql) 0210 IF gnwlving onions almost catel%ing thein ill time we find it call q His Half, I 5 . I liticring up ,�i.i�ek an,, 3-1-11',! builIttli I poracre and �hoii,:iv," Blit otherti ltaid that It - 41I ., ,daiid(rc,nifett�l�trs&loucNsighuy `txclum'vely for lll� ruency crop', good be very ortolly cured. -1 ingro� 11(l, lViny. it 111tiri talto-"Ills Too- overst porn'l-tt", sood is a vital recluirerolailL We tAlike a place of cardboard, cul ,�fiunjua," 0iontod littlo LeltillO "Is It lani'l that el lip the in-lial-pl- I I . "Thattoo-Lul-tionsfirobased a,% the front the nursery, "Johnnie want" halt tants thoreof", tllnit Is, deos niot pro- ".01 V3 V a a 119, A rii-alrFAilty fit kc.-,pffii,1 or,T'P,v AbOuk � I Wil. 1. In the 1111'st Place, tile onion s�,,ul to iae shape of 4 chicken's toot, with -­ , , I to falithatoblulo , " . . . .. . ,04, vo it . kill 'r It coliditionq Of ilia in tile �bod.11 lum elloligh fl).od to sustalil life. All - .. i7ii a ... him toll, vztlumk�,.' to cl�.�es q r at, If � , la ilia homiltat lecil to go up the le�g. We I, t a igh., Pens i I .TatJilllg� I ­ . , It ust lie grown title Veer before it ,L,q n =1111 pil Well," anliod tilt) mothor, "Isn't lie Agreed, 'llouit'ver. that tbo 1�00plel Were , - 9 I -ml` l0e,llt oiy the �H'ffel,dlioq flatof or �. - - t _ I at r. U 'QuIda., ,.,. used Itis agail"ble to lime LWO-70ar- rU(b tile cJJJoL"lt foot N11ith IMS0111110, find 1, GrLittlik." elititled to halt of it?" strong And ilia cities "i"ono-A and ' �. I is -, irtwvlby t.11061; lio�wot li, a I'aribarloak, t lithostatt"n." flat to.T1,11.1il old seed. Some of lit will grow, but wM ) entoll too 4ndlel (1, "Lot its I of l, lnfoir� 0. d l"artah.43 rittirtm 1�tfihll 11 WO can"t. depend oil -getting 0, fisitts- "I g in eottoni wool, "Yesol, replied Lennie. "but lip 'Vallts vory groilt." But Cill,-1) sai .� � For proat , and ,,I. (1villy,ed man. It' Voll wwst ito I ,gd igokildithaiitzhwo to t thell SONV the to�s SGO-gllt out to the hilf halt In the middle." go till at onee alid 110"t�olf, it; ral, We . " 1 1. � ai�r,; ill (l I " ,, . .10 V,"ltoia 0. . � ll . 4 p4qlia V&00 - ) "I to I "I avl'­t,Z'1 facf;ory mt-and. After two � years �,Jrs cardbon,rd with aorno soft yalin, N110. lire )yell abli,"', , W�Vojililp iregil, itialis os , I , , 'tJ ", , '�xl,ittfaatilllt arats tor,,rt I I l 704 I-Ablt.. :"i� V, 1-i'll-I ,,,I . e -i nult,� � . 1918. I Chances aro SHIA of getting olloog] -*-,i I . , at, I " I . i ­ - I Ing taro ,]lot t0ptOck the tow, Aud 111150 . . 1,11 1 ,98I Voli'll "old V,oar, ­ N)o , �. I . IlInnts Trord #von it dou-bl'a amount, of I t)le leg piece jo�lld tile le , , ,I A 8oft Answ6r. Q_ . .. 11 FERTMIZZOM' IIASTCN RIPENING AP40 1 V Th 19 pe.oIllo NV(lil't", Tht�y werto �Alrflv dbi. R r11_ � , p, I I fold r'd it hmpillur. lelarb to lto* . . . WL I ,,,I, �'o% lcav6 1,1111196, I NCAPASE CROP Y116101. aned to pay for tho oultivat1011 01' NI's a fertwi­64-� 1-Jer, pl,.�� li�oi -"It- I koepa it firm, We Ilet the splint re- Doar old Inilly-Sto you're oil it illillo. appointed, The voices oV Ivar were , 1.1stitl1*4 . b. co -4;AIOIL,_0&1 Vou l, aith, , - inq - . In ialk least . good It'.. 1'­i'A. 1'.1e�'leforreeent.,Ilcl:l(�,t�(,*,Yt,ppp.od,,,.I,",,,, crop. ___0___. . ma, �� Wr forl'y-ei-ght to iabl# Sviloollor, 4TO Yell? And whoro, do you MOM VOtOut thntl tb0,-s,it Of Ill And . ­ , I . , . '""Al And Crop Improvianitzi: Ilinvooku I hours, and when it Is lwkoi� ON Clio sweep lirilftooT s*, �Isappolhtcd alla ,Xfin.,41, the peo. T,-�6iifa . I fliul 1hpul, 11011ce it 0 camil!" , of el'if c4itiAlAn F.Ilitilliz owdletiekl borox dfiltdod �to ,the jvilt,or toes are uqual�V found t* bo quito Cautlono tarl­,011, Just round (Ile ,il riturtnured agahist their Itaders, 1- ,,l" 4. ar AtitfIclation P Vlaining them for that whieli was the � '­ -11 ---O, ----- . I " 'iIi,; vt%og T�.-,.-iirxx BLDO,j TORONTO, - " I --- 11 . 11, - , N�hcll washing yvaltito flatonelis lZils s trulght, tops ot 'em, ladv, whoro tho dixot sets f their owli -Ivatmoso , � I 11 W-.,ttii�" , 2f thitim So.4 iiml, little now I Wo qInd 11, boot to put thho splInt on tie%. ,h,ult 6. %� , and l� .. 11trOX14'a of, hydrogen Will r4xint"', , , _ '" o me V, oh, , �. r. 1 4 .." littilo 1"" ft- ... ".A- ,Owlirdl,co, "Woro it not belAck for l� � I I 1. I i 1 A2 . .1