HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-27, Page 1VOL,. 47 35
$1.5o Per Annum in Advance
1.i. 141-
.4[1,11.4 .IIi•4 I .11 •
.1.,41/1 III, HUI .ti 14 i i
,11 •sa
semi barley -111311 1101 t. 0;41
I.*OW Vor 1•141111 Th., A tliusliy.
`l'he step,. 11 11.
Youth wneted 11 ti useeente,
ameten stile nott
A nettou sato-Mr,. Annie
Horses for sato .1!
A Pioenseu Dues —Celorge le. Jitek-
ene, one of the Montle's) 411 Ids ssetion,
died Sunday mot Whig es his residettee
111 higtutintiville, Mae), 1,11 le, of
2 !entails. 511'. Jaelcemi was len it in
Dublin, Deland, in 1824, and (a tee re
Ilayfielt1 when he was 7 years old and
at the ago of 18 insight seheel 111
Pry:a/10n Tenviiship ter a Dine, after
Ivhich he went int() Inteinene in Eg-
montiville, where he 1 P,ided
being l'ostmaster for 57 yearm. lie
WEIN 11140 M/lgiel VW 0 and. l'Oe
111/1.11y vette he 114414 41 1110100 Of 11,11
in IjI lo Se11001 During the Fenian Raid
in '013 he was captain in the local
militia. Ile eentested the riding hi
the interesto of the Censeevative
limey t wive agninet 1 he lode A rehibald
Bielnip. \Viten he W11,1 it yottug man
he won the chattipionehip of unmade
111 eltess, the games beteg played by
telegraph:lig the luevee. All hie life
he was e. 1, i, 1 1'0110%111'i' ;1411t41 Mil'
at 111k le 1,1/1111.13 etteettraged late osse
and 551,1 11.11 0111111 thee.. getnee were
at their height m Seelerth, Ile 11511'-
( '0 a 1-11 et id 1-toi 111,11 wont
extensively it 1 he 11141111 •
feel nit' 10/1.1 her. Ili, rime/nee, was
unitimpaelmble, 11 lonen, peed Peva Siel
111111 27 yeare nee. filo remaining
family art..—(i('.ire A , Neel buildei,
W. J. Mceracken's
Pure Manitoba flour
((MEM EP 1111 AND)
Highly Recommended
Also Bran and Shorts
Reads ler year buying.
W. J. McCracken
Grocer and Soodeman
111(1 14011 glit411$.1. It. fe , with 8, (!.
11% 111110 I .01011/U10, (111.1(411.11. ; L'(ley
11).1. 10 1.1. r,F441• l'or(,011. 7
.4 .14.. .1,1,, (sent, 1, ,1d-
; 1 . tit G. 11 T.
11 , Pratte'. ; 111-e. belsee, anti
Thomde '1'. at hemp.
Last Sunday Rev, Mr, Boyle was
preach' eg at Einem. A Mi. ‘Vollte,r of
Toronto, 0,, 'k 411101 go of the service in
1111 Presbyteriau ehurch, dealing In-
terestingly wi lit the Belgian 141 111011(111,
The members awl friends of the 13e1-
14111,14(1 F01.111elle Club met in the
Pot est et s' Tuesday evening,
Pelt, 1 8t It, when 11 very en
time was epent. Duping the earlier
paid of the evening games awl Hoelal
(diet W1.0 111e program. Later with
the Preeident. as eh/an/an, to short
program MIA given consieting of reel -
talents iiistrinnental and V01411 001014,
11.nd 101dreSSe8 by Itev. Mo. Boyle and
Hw, Mr, Davison. Following the
program 11111011 Was served. The Olub
11)1111111 11.14010 Tuesday March 4111. A
hearty invitation is extended to all
farmers to attend and join in the die.
101.14, Soteiere FIELD DAY.—Ein-
day, 5110011 Oth, Secretary Jesse Gib.
son, (1f Tommie, will be here in the
in Le,iests of Upper Canada, 1311110 Soci-
ety. Program will be as follows :—
A1 10.30 eervice in Sunshine Meth°.
diet (thumb ; 2.30 in Belgrave Presby-
terien chervil and 7 o'clocic 111 Colvin
Presby P Han church. These eeLingq
0111 be 11111011 111151' character and
will be addressed by Mr. Gibson and
()there. An offering will be taken in
behalf of the Bible Society. Beigrave
(Led community support this worthy
cutlet, generously 111111 1 his will be a
fine opportunity for a big rally. Mr.
Gibeon is 0 good speaker and has a
fried of infonnatitei at his disposal
not often obtainable.
Oran brook
During Lhe past week John Small -
don has been dangerously ill with
pneumonia but We hope he will soon
08 hearty as ever.
A welcome visitor to this locality is
Pie. Waller E. Brown, son of James
Brown, Elmo township, and related to
the lirown, Demerol' and Smalldon
familiee hel 14. He is a fine sturdy
1111111 who eldiStecl in the 5th Battalion
Steen Minnedesa, 'Man., In May 1014
and saw some energetic eet vice in the
16 menthe he spent in Prance and
Belgium, Outside of being geased he
in 1, woloudy eseapetl. An English
bride and In ight little daughter ac-
mem/aided him 1101110 on the Tunisian,
Pre, Brown will likely return to the
1\\(1(1(‚14it.)'. S4\714 wish him and his pros-
PitelettNISSTLONS.--011 Lhe evenieg of
February 14111 the W. M. fe, of Knox
ellitech aseenthled at the hospitable
home of Win. and Mee. Cameron and
VOUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
Walton Branch J. G. Mullenymanager
Rung mounionmeommumm1,14)
- ^
HOMY 31111E5
Felt Shoes
Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers
Babes and Blankets at Reduced Priced
lit ,
1, 1171,141,17 1$41i1111)
enjoyed ti, Sodal hoer and a hearty
hutch, One of the interesting featut es
was the presentation of a Life Mem-
bership Certificate to Mrs. R. Mc -
Dinette who has been a very melee
war horn the inception of the
Society, Mee, T, Cameron read an ap-
preciative achlreett Mts. Win. Peerie,
who always found time to till her °M.
tial duties and is removing to Brus-
sels, was made the recipient 0( 11 fine
CaSSPPOle, kindly address was teed
by 141 es. Jno. Leitch, The ladies briefly
responded to these love tokens.
Jobn Rea has returned home again
to Edmonton.
Our new, Bank of Commerce is do-
ing a fine business.
Walton Women's Institute plan a
Serial foe St. Patrick's nighe.
Many salmi of farms, and veal estate
changes, tell no that Spring is near,
Airs. Joseph Bennett spent a couple
of weeks in London with het, daughter,
Mrs. Joe Davidson.
Walton Red (hetes Union will meet
for work Tuesday of next week.
Lunch will be served. All yarn and
sewing, both for Red Orass and Re-
lief week, is asked to be handed in at
this meeting.
Lase meeting of the Formers' Olub
was well attended and proved a social
and educational treat. Next meeting
will be held on Saturday afternoon,
March 1st at 2 o'clock. A. fine confer-
ence will be held ',On the needs of the
rural community" — Consolidated
schools.—Social recreational centees
—Rural Library—Short courses in
Agriculture—Farm book-keeping—
Rural community chuech. All wel-
highly esteemed resident of Grey tent.,
in the person of John McLennan, pas-
sed away at his home, Lot 24, Oen. 1,
last Friday morning, in 11,18 71814 year.,
Ireland was the land of his nativity,
emigrating to Oanada along with his
parents when 8 years of age, and locat-
ed in Ellice township, Perth Co., com-
ing to Grey over 40 years ago, when
be secured a true helpmate in the per-
son of Miss Rebecca Earls, of Howick
township, She pre -deceased him last
February. Mr. MuLen nan is survived
by 4 sous (Wm., on homestead ; Robb,
on lst Oon, ; and David and Andrew
at home) ; and 5 daughters (Mrs. Mc.
Beide, Hannon, Ont. ; Mrs, James
Weight, 8th Con. Grey ; Miss Jane, at
Heron Ba)', Ont. ; and Misses Sarah
and Snithie at home.) Mr. McLennan's
health had not been of a very rugged
character for some time past. Deceas-
ed was a well read 11.1(1.11 and was great-
ly interested in church work, being a
woethy Elder in Molesworth Presby-
terian church and had taken an aceive
teres), in Sunday School affairs, The
funeral took place to 11Ioleswoeth cem-
etery last Monday and was conducted
by Rev, Mr, Bell. Pallbearers were
4 sons, and Jas. McCutcheon and Jas.
Wright, Mrs. Wm. McOnteheon, of
London, is a surviving sister of Mr.
MeLennan, The bereaved shale 111 the
sympathy of the community in their
0000, Ale. MeLientan will long be
tterubered for his uptight)n
0. D. Simpson left Monday to take
0 good position at Loring.
13, and Mrs, Whiteinere, Harriston,
014(1114 14111(605' with R. and Mee, Black,
5l)ss Elinor Hamilton, lienilworth,
spent; the week -end with her pavents
111e Agnes Stewart, Toronto, is
visiting her mother, Mee. 13, Stewart,
Mist/ Fluvial) Strome, Feud Melt, was
the guest of Miss lilva Cowden for sev-
eral (lays.
Jatune and Mrs. Moffatt, who have
been visii ing relatives in this vicinity
foi, Home weeks, left for their home in
Sask., on 'Phil esday,
Mrs, RIX dg", Brampton, and Mrs,
Review, Milleesdr, visited last week
w I 11 her brothels IVni, Montgomery,
whose condition is still serious,
As token of respect for the late Sir
Lanrier, the blinds in all the
bueiness places were &awn ite 11
o'cloele Saturday 11)0101014 and the
bell tolled,
Any one having•goods or yarn, be-
longing' to the Wroxeter 1ed Cross
Society will kindly bear in mind, that
everything must bo handed in by
Mar, 1st.
The Wroxeter Red Cross Soceets,
shipped the following Red Cross ancl
Refugee Petioles lase week -7 guiles,
0 towels, 18 suits of pyjamas, 00 child-
ren'a petticoats, 20 baby's bonnets
and 9 flannel shirts,
13 OMT.—Thaniel 5101101415114 succumbed
alley 081101'), illness, of pleurisy at his
home here Wednesday, While it
was known his illnese was serious
his many friends had hopes of an
early recovery and his death came as
a shock to the community. Mr. Mc-
Tavith was in his 581.1.1 yeae, and the
younger son of the late John 34. Mc-
Tavish. He, with his brother Peter,.
whose demise net/tweed last Septem-
ber, had engaged in farming all his
life on the old home stead in Howick.
He watt Most successful, and retired
to the village loot Spring. The de.
Ceased woe regulae attendant of the
Presbyterian ehttrch and, in politics
0(11 (1, stanch Liberal. Fie is survived
by his wife and 2 danghters, Dorothy,
and Margaret, for whorn deep 0y111^
nudity is expressed in the tose of an
ever kind anti indulgent 110,hand and
rather. fidernietit took in the
1Vp0xetee eentetery Saturday 1)41''.
(11(0(1, the Rev, G. 11101(101m officiating.
Mrs, W. If, Ferguson is home from
a visit at Windsor, Detroit and Lon-
W. A, Shaw, nf Vancouver, 13, 0,,
and Jno, G. Hixton, Wisconsin, have
tweet renewing old friendships in this
Nes. Roy and Joe Thuell 01.11, home
on a visit. The former, while it trifle
slow in recovery, is iniproving, Pte.
Fred 18 expected from overseas before
Tuesday of last week W. H. Fergus
son, 5th line, underwent a stmessrul
operation for appendicitis and is mak-
ing favorable progress. His many
friends hope he will soon be as hearty
as ever.
Thursday afternoon of next week is
the date of the Clearing Auction Sale
at James B. Kerney's farm, Si Lot 13,
Oon. 8. He has sold his farm and Is
moving to Brussels. James Taylor
will be the Auctioneer. See list of
Sale on another page. Date is 13th
in the advt. instead of March ettit,
Township Council will meet next
Monday at Ethel,
Wednesday, March 5th, is the date
of John King's big sale at Lot 20, Oon.
9. Everything goes as farm has been
Mrs. W, Blake and Miss Edith, 14th
Oon., left for Detroit on Monday.
11Ia11y good wishes accompany them
to their new home.
The daughter of Angus and Mrs.
Brown, 15th 0011., is at Tiringham this
week where 8110 underwent an opera-
tion. Her mother and Mrs. T. E.
Whitfield, Brussels, accompanied her.
Don't forget Jno. P. Gaynor's clear-
ing auction sale of farm stock, imple-
ments, &c., next Monday afternoon,
He has sold his farm SO sale will be
without reserve. His 1014 1882, on 10th
John and Mrs. A.skin, of Raymond,
Muskoka, former residents of Grey,
are at present in Toronto where the
latter underwent an operation. Mrs.
John Stein is in the Queen City with
Last week Mrs. James McFadzean,
16th Oon., who has not had good
health for some months, underwent a
critical operation and hopeful signs
indicate a restoration to a better con-
dition. Mr, and Mrs. McFadzean and
Miss Anna are removing to Brussels
having sold their farm last year. The
many old friends hope for complete
con valescence.
Chau Baxisuld 11148 started buying cream for
Bluevale Creamery and anyone having cream
to sell is enured of receiving the litgliest mar-
ket mice and satisfactory service, Give
a trial and be convinced.
Township 0ouneil will meet here
Monday, March 3rd.
Rev. T. E. Kennedy is spending a
few days at Ripley this week,
Mrs, (Dr.) Forester, of Toronto, was
a visitor at Dr. Ferguson's last week,
Miss Macdonald, of Wiarton, visited
her brother, A. IL Macdonald, elneing
the past week.
Will. Brown has decided to go nut
of the cheese business and will hold an
Auction Sale in the near future.
Great crowds of people, some from
as far as 10 miles, are taking advant-
age of the bargains at J. MoDonald's
The Community Concert Company,
of Ethel, have made arrangements bo
put on the play, "Dot, the Miner's
Daughter," in the Town Hall, I3rus-
sels, on the evening of March 4th.
They played recently in Ethel to a full
house in a very pleasing manner,
IN }MR 95TH MeAR.—The death occur-
red at Pakesley, Parry Sound, on
Feb. 10th of one of the early pioneers
of this district, in the person of Mary
Jane Grainger, relict of the late Am-
brose Stephenson, at the ripe age of
95 years, 11 months and 8 days. She
was born in Thirst, England, in the
year 1828. There she married Am-
brose Stepheneon, the young couple
decided to try the new Country to
make a home for themselves so they
sailed to America and resided in Wat-
mloo, New York State for 8 yeare,
afterwards coming to Hullett twp,
and settled nn Lob 8, Con, 7, half a
mile from Constatiee, taking up a
bush farm they hewed a home foe
themselves and they and their family
lived therefor 30 years, Mr. Stephen-
son helped build the first 00n1c11 it)
Constance and 008 (0 110011,10 faithful
Ohristian, He was Class Leader for
nearly 80 years and Supt, in Senclay
School, always in attendance at 14007.
er meeting and during all that time
was only absent once when these
was preaching serviee. His faithful
wife was his helpmate in every good
work and their hotne WAS always open
to the preacher on his rounds. In
1877 they moved to Grey township
and lived for 7(10115 0(1 a farm on Oth
Oen, Lots 12 and 18. Here Mr. Steph,
eneon died 00 years ago, Mee. Steph-
enson went to f.eindeshor0 and resided
with her son, John, and daughter,
Prudence and when this daughter be-
came the wife of Wm. Cole she went
to live with.thent and continued to do
so until Mr. and Mrs. Coln moved to
Parey Sound distriee and for the last;
0 or 7 years she has lived with her son
John and Mrs, Dugald Hutchinson,
her grandangliter. Last Pall she de-
cided to go with Mr, and Mee. Hutch.
inson to Pairesley to her danghter,
Mrs. Cole and there she passed away
to her loved ones gone before, She
Was always very cheerful and happy
and 50 Industrious and loving that she
was a benediction in ,11,14,
ed by her preeenee. 1 t,),,•,,
born to line union. Sta. 1se,
0 ' Cnice,go ; ude,
(4Iey +sol died 1 J•
Wateon, of San 1.'reeelees ; two,
Ethel i and ale,. NV/11, Cele of Pe
I"11Yi hitt:1)704 ,',11:11iews, lite,?i
She wae a mister to Mr.. It .1e.rt 11
of title townslup who died malty vests
ago in GODS1/11114e. F1111e1,1 1,14
'Monday afternoon no(1) the ,b'>1)''
her son, Jim, Stephenson, the e14sr,..1
being aceompanied by W. If t
from Pakeeley. 11
grandsons, Prod. Joel (4V.
Stepheneon, sons of 111" lo,
St epheneon, Percy and Edw.) d -
of John S1enheliS011 111111 Ellie.:
from Pak esley. T111181, 11 ,4111 a 1(1-').
mine were Edward and l'ete;y 141)111-
14114(01 from Niagara ; \V. 11. C0Ie And
his son, Ernest, and hie wife teem
Pakesley ; Mem, G. Pollard from
814101( 141', Mrs, Stsnlienson was in 1err.,1
in Ethel cemetety, Rev, Mr, Jule,-
ston conducting the servieee, Citeltet
was covered with ilowers and fellow -
ed by a large C000011 ('01' 01 old /Sheets
and neighboes. Theis are 25 grand.
children and 35 great grand child). en.
It can truly be Said of deceased.
L"oBrIeds.s.,deare the dead who die in the
I ib
' • M• pg • %.11". Kerr ftrel . ;11c. WI,
PAPInelle Oln shipped 1251inge from
here on SaturtlaY last.
Wm. and Mrs, Ring, Jamestown,
visited at Bert. 510011118 on Sunday.
Alex. McGee is very poorly at pres.
ent. We hope he may soon be exijey-
ing better health.
James and Mrs. Moffatt were here
from Prince Albert. The former is a
son of the late Robert Moffatt and
Mete Moffatt was Miss Eliza Fowler,
of the Bluevale road, before her
gent for the G. T. R. He Was II e111,
R. Eldon McKinney W11.0 110W 1.1.
Stratfoud last week trying his 1114 1,1
xaminations for operator and 001
youngest student to pass successfully
tne last examination '.141)1,1 reflects
teat credit on Jos, Masters, the local
Howard Stewart has put elptsed the
0store at Hetifryn from Mls, 11.
Fraser and is 011>1411114011>1411114over, there this
week to take charge, We are 8031')'o lose Mr, and Mrs. Stewart 110,), 0111.
illage but wish them success in their
eve fleld. Miss Prase), svill make her
ome with her sister, Mrs. ROIL. 141010,
n the meantime, as she has been very
oorly for the past few 1111m111141111m11114 and
er many Mends will wish her good
0411(41) 0)105 more.
aper supplies the following part 100-
trs, along with a good photo.
',ovum, over the winning of a
ilitary medal by Lieut. J. H. Sena
or bravery on the battlefield. This
eroic soldier toddle 14141(8/1S 1101'11 here
nd is a nephew of 111re, R. dime and
Ire, J. Black, well known resitients,
eing a son of a sister i—Local fellow-
rs of 8111(11' will be ham rated and
leased to learn that Lieut. J. 11.
cods youngest, son of Ali', and Mrs
A. Soott, 2531 Laurel Se, has been
/yarded the Military Cross foe eon-
icnous bravery on ;the lett tlefield.
e is a local boy, being raised and
ucated in this city, In *drool and
allege days be /vas a keen lover (11f
utdoor sports, especially Rugby fien-
d], which he was an expel t, being
member of the all-star B. C. team
conapeting for the Keith trophy and
erbley and Stanford teams. Leav-
g college he served six years on the
by engineering staff, ('001141111114('001141111114 iti
e Autumn of 1915 to enlist 1144 1)0114.riv.
e in the 8th 00. Canadian Engineers
d almost hninediately left for 0 1.
as, entering the battle line in France
few tnonths latet, where he remain-
alinnst continually iti active 8141"
00 in the Dena line, whinhig his
omission on the field, In opei n-
os neat' °enthral last October Lieut.
011 won the Military Cross for tem -
tenons skill and dating, He is now
excellent health and comfortably
lined in the city of Cologne,
A Chatty letter from
Vladivostok, Siberia
1354.0 5111. KERR :—Just a few linee
this evening to let, you know that al-
t hough many miles eeparate us I often
think of you and yours, 1111114)' many
times intended writing yen 1.1111/ 1)11,
respondence in this line seems a 1451.
cult problem, We 010 148))), quite busy
during the day and in the evenings
there is so much confueion and noise
where there is a bunch of boys 111)1.1 11
is hard to concentrate your mind to
nave jest et/turned to my eleeping
quarters from having suppee 01111111consisted of two elices of bread, a little
lam and a cup of tea. It sure seems
lard at times, but when you ('14111
plain your answer is, "Boy you are in
the .aemy now,"
We left. old Petawawa Camp Oct..
2nd and were encamped 01 New-West-
mineter, B. 0., lill the time of mailing.
11 (41405 on Sunday afteenoon, Novem-
ber 1711), that the anchors were lifted
from a boat known as the 51001 11)15114
and we drifted out to sea. For 10
days we saw nothing but huge WILVOS
and on the 18th day, Doc, 5)11, we
docked at the harbor of Vladivostok,
Votgetting many of the hardships
there on the troop ship I must gay
enjoyed the voyage very much. We
had delightful weather, although se0.
sickness was :very prevalent amongst
the boys, I think I must be a fairly
gond sailor, not being under the
weather during the whole voyage.
I will endeavor to give you au idea
nfa few things in reference to Dile no
ad 11
wrion Mi:11.,)onaid'S Stabil-1S
Yaturriay5 Marl 1
(t) Cows with calves
at ltiot,
5 Springers,
14:) Two-year-oldS,
0 Vt'arling's.
tr.'. 11 ;4,,,,,t1 Durlertn tlattle and in
tiestehess 4140..
TER monther
s' edit with hank
Lott &McDonald,
Jas. T tyke, Atte. Prnprietors,
very g14,0(11 harbor and the city is
Practically up and. around its
The Amin 1 miles long, a mile
wide :end is surrounded by one long
• ..f mountains. 510(111 to my
e it, prise wo hare very little suns. At
the pi eeellt dine we have only abont
en bed) but it sure is cold. We also
e;,•t, sonic ten ilde (mid winds d)re(1t
from Sea.
110)11,1110)11,1yeti would be interested
t1(1 knew something in reference to
their money system here. At the
time the Ruesians entered the war, or
sliiirtiv after, the Govettitnent seized
nil the coin they could get hold of,
They issued in place of this coin paper
n011.11011.11",'1010W11 11,4 comes; and enables,
They Were only supposed to issue this
1,11 per money up to the amount of
gold ey ad 011 hand, but from what,
we eau learn they are many »dinette
oV, 1. their r1115(0140', Ao ynet know
there ie no real Government in this
venni es. now, but when a new respon-
eilee Government 14 formed they are
ems, going- to have a problem taking
up this "X(','501 10804,). At the 141(01401time lo 1l '1'(" eve equal to a gene of
our money, 100 copecs equal one
rouble Russian money or 10 cents of
our wonop or 10 equal a dollar but
they very iteeording to the dexnand
for t hem at the banks. I am enclos-
ing a 111 ((epee piece or one ;cent and
the huger one while/ is a rouble or 10
emits, They will serve to give you an
idea the trouble 11 18 handling such
itioney. Yen go up 11150 with a
pocket full of paper lint whet) you go
to spend. it you have nothing.
I will now visit -rico). to tell you
some) hing about t he eity. There is
pi embed's. jest one main street, it flee-
ing 111>001111>001 4 miles long, off which
n. ve great number of IIILI'l0W
shin -it reel 0, Thetle e.11111.11 8(001' 15 are
teally filthy and look worse than
gine; 01, Elizebeth streets in Toronto,
On either aide me small frame shacks
ocenpied by Ru.elati returnee and they
5111'0 are 0 sight.
The street ears eun only on 1,1.118one main street. The ear tracks are
aen nart ()wee than in any Canadian
city and the cars muchm
saller. The
sttect oarterti divided intotwo parts
in one 11.111 the fare is 201)1)10 and the
other 4 vents. They may the idea is to
separate the pewee and better. class
but 1 have 10,,ked at a great many
and 1 fail to 800 any difference, '1%0
street lights are turned on at 5 o'clock
the ears then stop till the next Mingl-
ing as they haven't enough power to
run limit. 1011't that awful for eyelet/3
in this the 20th mattes/.
The 81,11,0, 1111? 1110811y 1111 frame
theeks, with the exception of a drug
e111,110, lusidwat 1, store, departmental
stem and a m
teple of good eestaurante
which ern built of cement, The mer-
chants are meetly Russians with also
a tnixtute of Japanese and Oltinese,
seeing mimes te speak their language
15 moble111, la going 1)110 the store
to pm ehase anything the cleric stands
e01,4)1414,14bis hands like 0 Jew, you feel
like an ttielle and unless you 011.11 pick
whet you want off a shelf or out of a
,east, seat invariably come out empty -
bawled, but they don't mind that,
(hay seem to have no ambition and do
not cave whether you buy or not.
Really, Mr. gem I never realized
such a useless, lazy, dirty race was
111 existence. There are also a great
malty small, uncleanly looking cafes
(low); town. It doesn't matter the
hone of day you peels these, they are
11,111.11y8 filled with Russians sitting
smolt i 11g, gambling or sipping away
at some sort of a drink.
The morals of the people are also
very bad and on mote than one oc-
casion the good 01(1 61)0005' School
song h110110's eohack to 11)0, "Have
mimeo i1)15' boy to say No,"
Now on account:of the censoring of
0111 1111.1.1115 it is impossible for me to
say anything with reference to tnilit-
hey affairs, The headquarters of the
Siberian Expeditionary Force is sta.
Cloned here and r am attached to the
headquarters force of the Canadian
Veterinary Closets.
One of 1148worst features of living
away over here is that it takes such a
long time for the transporting 01 )11011,
We received one mail since our arriv-
al, In it received THE POST or
Noyes/Mee 21814, sore appreciate it
like a letter from home.
There are a ;peat many things 11
eould describe with reference to the
degrading state of the affairs in tl
Hussies, city and Ite way. There is fo
0)1)15', however as it is almost time
r "lights tint" I Will leave them for
. ' 111.1 11110.
1 r iv,
%VILE.. 1401111.
11(11. 11.1, 111111,
Huron Spring Assizes
Spring Assizes and tu,n-jury sittings
the"Supreme Com 1 County of
,10-1,?r,akott (11 01p1;111ei1ti rhe,.. ,.:11:ner‘i,sd1
r)eir, with Den, 14111,05
, (le 111 William Berry,
(1 el Jury I014 :14.1 /41)
William Craig, W. J. Campbell, Thos.
Kempton, Louis J. Kraft, Andrew
Kirk, William Moodie, James Nolan,
Frederick Tool, David Webb, C. M.
Walker and C. A, Nairn..
rigatid Jut y to look into charge
agnitist Mr. Cross manslaughter,
WI11,111, 5111, 111,` ,,,11,0111 of His Lord -
W1113 11111de 11 N paragiapim, para-
graphs as to negligetnic reekless
driving being added t 1, ,Er nal charge
of >2111(1 110111411)111. eharge (11.141015 -
out dilti 11 J. H. Colbourne,
Goderieb, as the result of being run
down lay Mr, Cross' automobile.
Dudley Holmes wile Crown Officer.
11 took the Grand Jury ell afternoon
atal up till 9 30 p. 111. to hear evidenee
eonie to their decision whieli was,
Bill."H1,1r. Lennox whir essed the
jury and laid stress or) the serious
nature of their duties, and 4111Iies of all
logieS, and said that (447 hy diseharg-
ing sueli duties without fear or favor
could the administration of justice be
inaintaineel. He had no right to
question the correetness of the jury,0
finding in this ease. Justive Lennox
then addressed Mr. Glens)and said he
hoped this incident world have a
salutary effect not may on himself
but 00 11114 general public and induce
greater caution in driving of motor
vehicles. Mr. Colbourne in this ease
may not have done the wisest thing,
11(11 1)0 doubt he did the best he could,
and unless greater eaution were used
there were going to be more accidents
and fatalities.
On list of civil eases only that of
Merner vs. McKillop Mutual Fire In-
urance Company, was tried out.
This was a very interesting gage,
i'laintiff gets J. J. Melineg, M. P.,
'ownship of Tuckersmith. He had
olicy in defenda
nt company on bunti-
ngs on Lots 9 and 10, Coneession 8,
'tickets/re/Rh, for $6,450, and en eon-
ents of buildings for $5,000, He also
lad under lease Lot 11, across the
oad d opposite to barns on Lots
and 10, and on lot 11 was a 1410011vhich used for the purpose of
tonin farm produce and farm 110-
temente therein. Defendants corns
any paid plaintiff loss on and darnagt.
0 implements in the barn but refused
pay loss to farm produce stored in
are, which amounted to $1.820.
The point in this action is the in
erpretation to be put upon the policy
lid bylaws of defendant Company By.
w No, 20 reads : “Where any per-
m holds policy in this Company
overing loss upon farm produce, such
olicy holder en
shall be titled to re-
eive from Company (end Company is
uthorized to pay 14(11)1141 the amount
1 loss by fire in respect of any fartu
reduce owned by insured, even
tough said produce be on other
remises of insured, in respect of
14)011 the policy lute been issued.
rovided, however, that Onmpany
tall not be held responsible for loss
any machine, implement or fate»
quince destt nyed or damaged by fire
(11114 destroyed or damaged by fire
bile stored in or upon any premises
101 111115' be ineligible for insurance
000e Company.
It was cm this bylaw that plaintiff
as relying for the (10411111,45 of his suit.
olicy provides that 'elle ordinary
stents of outbuildings shall only in.
11114 all the general produce, live
ock, fa,rming implements, vehicles,
mess, and hay, grain or mum in
acks t30 feet front buildings covered
the policy.
1314f140(100 18 admitted they paid
aintiff the amount of claim for loss
implements, because they Were
tartly eontained the outbuildings
Lot 10)1,1)6 were only temporarily
use on Lot 11, They efueed to pay
8 on produce, claiming that this
i8 not i)18(1}'1')1, They admitted the
he Bylaw N,,, 20 but claimed
at it, 11)11141 1414 read in eonnection
ti)policy {gelled to the p1111111111 and
11 the produce wide!' p101111111 lost
1st have had 801111' conlitict1011 With
ipert y or buildings actually covered
policy in order to be considered
His Lordship directed jilt-iglus/tit to
entered for (114(1411(10018 against.
111111141,dismissing this act)on, with -
t costs in case no further proceed-
s are 1(1)1111) 181 an
vat be taken against abSoll:euljdrelt;-)
nt, that this action be dismissed
11 costa, and Judgment entered 40-
(.141111{1,Y' Best counsel for plaintiff.
n. Proutifoot, IC. 0., counsel for
11115(0111(1, 111, 1101>11145100(1, solicitor
Church (Mimes
At the Annivereary services of 13th.
sole Methodist church bet Sunday Rev.
Mr. Mann gave 1 suitable discourses.
the morning theme being "Nehemieh
rebuilding the wall" 5115at evening
service "l'he gift of the Holy Spirit."
The union 1141011150140 a good anthem at
morning eervice end Mrs, 011ie Walker
sang a fine sees '"rhe ninety and nine,"
A male chorus of 50 voices t•ang two
anthems at evening service, "13reak
forth into singing.," and noto
the Lord 0 ye mighty." Amount of
thank -offering cannot be announced
Just tu,v as additional envelopes are ex"