HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-20, Page 2The incomparable Tea -Pot results always obtainable from an infusion, has given it a prestige possessed by n other tea on sale. out -draws awl out -gasses all other teas. "This is no idle claim"... >e, First Aid For The Lunclt-flat, Meet poop e abuse them t,ht1 S, and In nearly ever home nt some time "•o„ get less service than they E41011111.or other, lunch boxes are a neeoseity Ass a woman's appearance is judged and the vexing problem hes worried in n measure by the condition of her mall a house -wife. When tiro titan shoes and gloves, she cannot afford of the house needs to curly his lunch to wear eh8hhy avt...•les if she can the problem is not leu. -t di±ferent ilc1P It• • from the one T,t•eeented by the chit bl For ade shoes a fettle of polish, Deo dren's lunch, el:lzaugh the chief fat a bottla of vaseline, a Pal(' of alMe tors to be cwtaidered is the kind of , trees, and a bit Of ohl cloth nro a work the man is doing and to furnish necessary equipment, As soon as the him with the neves:»ry food that writ. slW0s are taken off ehey should be put s1:redy the e=:;entialc he needs, nn tho shoe feces so that er rias and In sales in); uit,ible boxes ht ith::h erinkIce are etralghtened out while to carry the len h, ceztadcratioli mute, the '1100 i stilt tvarnt. Before they l•'; made fcr the things you intend to are worn again or as often as neees- een:l in the launches. The. ' man's sir,} a little of the vas -•le eh,=tn4 he lunch box should be substantial and rt:t )"''1 into the s"r foot f f the kid or ample to hold a. gaud steed lun.h the 1•'..'h r to keep them et It and pliable, in the poor -lesion of a sergeant- ,fr9L+l1 t -O children like to change to EIGHT HUN SPIES SHOT AT TOWER MANY ARE UNDERttOING LONG TEIt1IS OF IMPRISONMENT Were Tricked by British Secret t3er- vice by the Use of I'alae News, ¢ toe style an,1 "1 111 c,lges tf 11e (81 heels mn,jor or the British Military loot Arthur Stanwood Pier % y color of their boxes Oce•••:on'tlly ee should be blackened neatly. Os- Police is a particularly made leather • tnnyrnom Frougnton ;crone that good firm emmeened ees._s will cn8'onel:y 111e slue itself may need ,'trap -or rather, a series of straps- ^r*' " answer very nicely polishing, but the frequent treatment for which Madame w .-enters doubt- neci33 arrangement 81t11 Wiles. Atlas It is volt: to Iteep on hand plenty of Mdffnn Coonan by s 01 P13501110 will prevent cracking and ICaa would pay a large sunt of money, plain whir Paper nrtnkuts (omotc d t says s London despatch, I CHAPTER 1YXIX,---(Cont'd,) 'self so 1113.1311 to -am, r la are apt to tales off badly on } 118g1Uen the life of the leather, t uu rouldn'a have a na' kit ,If ihn shoo .'s wet ft should be dried s y „ all ! }tis •Lane as you t eIt is the strap with which German "There's nothhug crazy about me, kept me gnat„ c. of the flings in the box and give 1 -Id- +t. a dictaaca from tlio fire, so as oat spies 8tlia t 131 this Cetintl'y ant con•• 'Maguire xeletted. ee shau81 wen dent ,f you lave:! hint, 1I knew yet; 100,_g appearance to the lunch.. An- to harden or 'rack's the 181111or. donned to death war's fastened in a cli='f3f love hall when )e h. ppe : When it is d: it flhoillci he treated dor if sometintcs you went a little off ,n.ung y, st,.r i'_ty just as you were get-' orbs±' necessary .is pn±'atfin paper. t Y special chair at the Tower of London ' your head" • t ting out c,f tb: m3rhine; I could flit A thermos bottle meets the problefn with .he vaselinc promptly. prior to beim; shat. Like n vise man,' He watched he attentively while 1)y the 'look on your fate- I saw th of keeping coffee, chocolate and even (colored or white shoes are not dif the sergeant -ma tr had the strap she affixed the ornaments to leer cars. 'colt on his trite, tau, and I'tn nu so creast soups p'pdng hot and these 0 uit to keep in order ii the,' are giv- made to• his own Clcsii;7a and *,lid far Fun know how to do nt jn?t by in- awful sure ler loves you. :Maybe when thin. 13 add much to the otherwise cold en regular attention, For most '' stilet, he remarked. I don't sun, volt two a.: a'4ite together you work 6 it with his Owren money. '[t is to him matt'. li'hei8 a thermos bottle is not of these ,it's desirable to have a bot- a great war. pace I could gat one of those things ceeh other rp into thinking you're .. •} 1 de f tie of tem; le fluid es meleOly intend- picture." ntend- Priceless relic of the FRANCE SOUGHT TO PREVENT WAR ORDERED TROOPS TO i't.ETltth ON JULY 130, 1914 Revelations by Former Premier - v^_ Vivian! Prove That R.eptlbliti Luridly an unpleasant subject, but Was Not the Airgreeen'. none the lens interesting. After the secret trial and condemnation to death On July 90, 1914, the French Goe- the spy was taken to the Tower, there ornment ordered its tr•Oopa to retire to avrnit the drontl ramunone in the eight oe ten kilometres (five to six early hours el' the morning...Tnken miles) from the frontier, having from hie cell by It party of military heart! that the German troops were pollee, the spy was strapped to 8 moving toward it, Rene Vivian!, chair in a quadrangle of the Tower, former Premier, declared In the There, facing him, about ten paces C haml'er of Deputies recently in tho distant. was It firing party, tumidly course of di^closn es eonverning the eight men, from the battalion of origin of the war which never before guards en duty at the time. have been made public, says a Paris Bared {'hest the 'Target. ; despatch. M; Vivian' was Premier The preliminaries were soon ar- when the war broke out. ranged. Thu spy was placed in the' "It was on July 30," ho said, "that the government of which I was the clue r'i'led that the b'rerieh troops should retire eight or ten kilometres from the frontier. On the seine day T reu1:e.rLPd Paul Cautbon (French amhnssndnr in London) by wire to inf0rin Sir lsdward Croy of the measure taken, "' `England,' I said. 'will re.aliee that if tiro a is first, it is not alio who is taking measures of ameresclon, Al- though Germany has mowed her troops Open her battle line the government of the French Republic intent's to demonstrate that France ns well me Russia bears no responsibility far the e1air and 1!s body anal limbs were tightly strapped to it. Then his chest was bared to receive the bullets of the •Engli€:hmen whore country bo had wronged. That was his last look at the world. A handkerrhicf was tightly bunt around his eyes by the sergeant - major of the military police. The firing party, leaning on their rifles, Mood up and brought them up to the oho as the sergeant -major stood clear. A-lowinstruction from the officer in command to aim nt the Melte, a sharp order. "Fire!" a beret of flame, and the crack of eioht rifles had ended the n love. 3.t there's ).nth, ng teal t;�.a) cx the hot lr 1 1 �le without destroying. the' Germany's vaunted spy system, like: career of €:noL10r of Germany's tools. attaelc.' looking -glass. �.as•s. Fuu certainly area heavy bottle. may be masse to answer ea to ,.an v,tel o a These reminiscenses of the mom0n- g- that' that, you know. w :Ieyh • you t the overhoonted German name al'l'y Some, of the shies stood their axe - picture " I h k' d f tl 11 r 0 re the p xrpo-e. ca P d water, roue days of the last of July, 1014, Ti t tl 1 1 011 if I was to stand da front el ac m :s a gooc for r fur. A little alae an ova er or a t " tr o pe^st•n is c ui • Levee I• d' 1' 1 f ti f realized expectations fere were, i mittenstoically; e tern again mare a ,She well eon I "If • yea really t}_uaght that., 3.0„:tards and many things which cannot perfectly clean it shout "You will; that's part of it," was -Le sent without a dish, with a tan, brown, gray, or bronze acting on behalf of the Kaiser. Mos Maker. his ..eomewleat enigmatic ere He - cowrht t care an ut r aUottt ata: i For sandwiches k' d f dr a 'nn the ease may be and of them came ordginally from South welted. tit' she had carefully tr ant .at"' lora, quite out a cell e I he veil ag r e and then sat d 1.,w Tent a the fenny thin I I bread anti } . 1' U d D careful -1 n. -1' given t, the heels American 1,.), Q d 1 ( 11 d the old bread will cut to better advantage end the edges of the shoes I The Dietedi Secret Service reeembl- e ent'led »•t h'.m. "Du they toed: roll:,v be R.( love with anybody. I'rn' r, Ira porcelain ears aro nice gasoline used away from te arc, are caused the deputies to arise and cheer on me? How I wish I coaled me not sura that: 1°.1 a'n4." o use for desserts, baked beans, cue- often useful also. When theboa is is true, z great many spies in Eng- las` de=re+tin r f t ht and went to the'' P d t s the former Premier. 11. Vivian' mi - 1 dressed Im1(, both before ,end after the war, death shrieking and cursing their Ie0oold we risk n murderous war ut tunes many ed s o e_s , to HUNstates. HAD FOUND PICTURE do ".1 fillings may a ttse ay -ba e i ;hall we toddle along?" u the loving. an you o '• a t,P"', ;lst a ce b .` µ 4 longer if they are not • s miteMfieent navy, It did its Curious Seery of Phrto"rap11 of Pte. Theywent hewing down the road :at ler::,nrtlug. Ti;.it m 'cos a ,^load team. d m 1 e,t i sanciwiehs than fi.es}t .hoes lasti eel tt the leisurely rate of twenty-five miles `>.ltlafeeto(y to both, Scare day, may- and is Toch better for the dies:Al0(1 worn every day, but one pair ahem-, work an silently incl effectively, -and Lanchetti's Fam'!y, an hour. At :Cast it seemed a leisureti. -:I i ,'' t'a ar tl c slo•.'.l1 "some- the Dread 311001(1 be cut about one• rated with another that the leather' the necessary reticence observed as Nearly four years ago Mrs. Lan- ly rate or travel in that smooth -run- 'tiling may happen that will make you quarter of an inch thick in oblongs, may "rose" Rubbers which have to its doings contribnied osis mater- chette of Toronto, sent a postcard nirrg con f rt bats cushioned car, do seine loving too, Eat I don't hard- German Government owing to the mis- band slid two daughters to her son, i rounds, cliumoiiis and even }:cart begun to break at the heel should be tally to the discomfiture felt by the group photograph of herself, her hue. As the I, "cecded, Alen again 1v e1:"ect it for en f," : shapes to lend a little change to the taken at once to a reeair man. ..e. fel between them. Nora. vvonle,=d: o,a uzopp d 1, r ry1 ala tet me•n' :=looks." Grow ti ops as well as the perfectly good heel can be made if leading information which °`fell" into when the next wayside step worst;' rest on the .53)11,..c :i ohm. I children enjoy finding odd -shape❑ attention is given in time, and that, German hands. (1 u1 and what cIf t tl see w as t •i be letter?" she asked preset.tfter lyu get my, sandeviches with 01jtnow'n fillings and too, at small cost. wo d ,;K "1 thought about it fcr a little while. it takes only a few minutes longerta' Mythical Barrage in Channel. .L h•fuel t'ie b:'1ttp c.•f,ty Pte. Frank Lauchetti, with the loth Batt. in England, then on his way to France. He was wounded on Aug. > Then I went out <trd b wga those, cut then. BREACH n LAW As a matter of fact, the Naval' 4 last year after much hard fighting be lee vv tilt Sed, it ec= d 1..:11, LUCKY IlI.1'CII O:• THE, Intelligence Department, under Rear and now lies in hospital in England be less than a mu a, it ra cr a le vets: 1 ,t ! In parking the lunch, educe thu _ 1 •( - 1, -nn to feel ou dceeled you .'old Irlhe me fain• a to be eaten Mast in the .)os first pea necklace. 1 � ern v Admiral Hall, acting in conjunction slowly recovering from vvotmds in the f'le'e was sam>th+n magical about a:.0 marry. t Sart • and the thing which gl'snh `'roman Phitogr.,piter Got with the maser's department, provide back. Itis father has gone to see him natara:iv would u £50 for Iter Offence. � ed false information to the Germans, Pte, Lanchetti wile born in London, ni bots it do e and o, me el, ,?h0 Nora.I ve been -t pu .., he lot, and, Too malty things in th:/ box is not' The following story is told of hov;r' an instance being the mythical Strait England, ancl's now but 24 years of could eon 1 3' 'i1 now e ' I've fever got SO I .elle to ,ounci of r had o '*cad Better have three things to- a woman photographer ''Otte elle nal:' of Dover suhrmtrine barrage revealedage. over mc:ai. No le>>er tett:' e ti a '' ' ` Nearly ell Germany's spies in this cetved from No, 8)1.'4110, 13. Lurau, a h nr w:t'n a time of d spa , amt in1c,islet its" than to 'tare to repeat to -morrow. U-bo:its: i , •) cannery attempted to forward their Toronto Uoy with the Canadian the c eature; certainly he was u, erb -Bale's an awful t •r1 ee weal. be wanted first on the to) of the box.• overto been loog.•o to cls 1 pewee it," , by Sir Roger Xeres, o + , "But th••t'' re• fly whet vela led dos and a eomr,'eiz change to -morrow and thus helped to hag a notable of g ° I amuld say, malted Maguire, In pre'oral'• the desserts for dm- The ,Admiralty had been baffled tt in her liking: with a ,:ez,an't s '.roto p 1 a, Y tact. But thanlca to sense of his m -: ..e qui.., � t - n • - efforts , i •. t t b i limuo to veru wh tt yoti d 1e ) e •,• " c n s 'Roe the astufenss o fthe ce'nsor's staff it revealed hm1:elf yes formidable e :tad t e des c t u s for the lm:c} is to-' group of =ul,in emu vv 11C v e The other day Mrs. Lanchetti re - 1, H 011 0' s emly (a• I wanted tat ne • to day plan ahead .for the lit theirtolocate the lair of e information by ) „ e eneurh more to Jia n crafing cit 3. a .d'a End and in the was rarely these letters, even al - The "to make. n 1 in +1n other, them and set then) 88118 all (sari fur p•', thovelt written m invisible ink, went If I were to ,halt*,e n1 r mind no,: Y I i,:tot c.hunn-- There zv•is n.) ith vv y 1 packs ne; in the morning ti°rh'I • en2ir'•' t holiday or the nudeterterl. romantic; i'' was ti tewilleel d:.- m - t„ can c „, you'd haye ntor,ov bt•tk eo anal to a fe rly v, ll-eat:st_d b„e- _t i and say I 11 merry you, I thunk you d Ti'.to make the lunch haat a ha . ' t e P r All spies were not arrested lrnmedl- ilr, vera hardly a d :-al.roi;:trme'tt, On tl -,tile me; you'd know I had beets p coast this woman way unwitting in- atcl they were detected. "(3 Il:nedi. :ne was lad whin, a •' n influenced by your rrenents and I . Ily one for the absent or"c:: by addieg laced to cffcnd emai;t.1 Dara (the the -confrere-,"'is g 1 , 11(1. hi _ m a nice •sen to you v I c Attract- secret service, ever momi,ter',te al- mite l orderer;; a town mht they n into t r..e pc y sett and interest in the unexpected l.efenee t the I.eam .� t), of a renal' 11 )1 rhes 0 1111 1 into; any longer." contents of ijre hunch lv, This 1.' ed by a lc tem -ct81 spot on the coast, ]owed them to send and receive letters tile „,ratan is cf lite a' ft'tetl•: lea, "It 1 ou'dn't make the saghteat dif-, easily acer•mltlie.hed by adding one with a bi utifte stretch of sea, bound- and coliert infortnati nt, but it reser- 1Vc:'ll lett11 here," $a ,d :I, aero Iyer;+ata in mo fee' nes; in fact, I've. flew 1).) Ute or dash each dry, sante-,of Sad the privilege of opening the a - h:.,,1;• ar_tiemetee all this, I wasOily., ed un each side by a projection Ynu':1 have a tit...;. to see Iwo; you 1 tlii±:t; .ilfferent and not tcp:::"tiz:g . ,,. rocks s1)e determined to take onmeepoede ee both ways end malting ].1eir:, I eft: id the registry minlit be ci1111 by after day the sane hart'-boiled-et,S-' rugged alterations likely to be of more use IIB left her at the entrynee vo'lt's' etas true we got back teal, afeernoou, e t _ a ehotomme:h at the scene. The neon - cold -meat -and -bread va)t.,y nuc, oit,:n local h t' .to to the allies than to Germany, lrovou, ttputtiptcc:r. When, ,i°,, ''e =, he rejoin:, ti :eel c'le was seated ina !for _ It is diftirpit la estimate to value 1 net tit her vel:} was long en a"ape from his the pocket, It is wise to keep a proper halanc, return in a few days, and when site of the infnrr etinn obtained by this elate on to %eta took out the c+nelosttre, :.al headed it. of foods in the lunch, 1'ot e::umtle method. The Dun, tvtlt his profound pulped up and the earrings hmeed in , again called, the chemist had many their full splendor. Ile eMalted at see to here if the sanely:irh fisting is of meat, pea . i:u•uiries to melte from her (li)out the di::i s Cat far British thieve, nrolaU- ing how her eyes spark lead, She allot%e1 ,it, g,ance;i at it, and a t mple fruit desert; of tf the •-e send - "I ]y never will believe that Britain pelt, locality of the photogrr:pli and her "What did you think?" he netted. I ` „ oath is a ewest filled one, use the coir-; 111(33. in taking it. She was told ovule} he guilty of such astuteness. "I Earley knee: nmee t " ,,n- Is it a joke?" She looked over the tarn budding, geiet'ne dements, !tal:etl o'yc ul is certain that suchGermany oeness. acknowledged, `"I want to have an- pn?'" t' at ii m incredulously, I to w et1L tt few clays longer. ned „ •,'oke, no. Its a meeetage ncense"; beans or sorneLting ;mere. Marty Mery In the meantime a communication 1%17 little drat vvar useful from her otherMolebefore;af i go. She glanced at it grain, saw again 'the other dish, spies in England. Prom the outbreak Ile stn'iml; a few minutes litter she his name and hers --"Of all the iiu-I When the lunc•1 is maimed, pa,•lr0(1 1rriv d from the Admiralty, request- of war the Ports were too carefully. caused him to smile again. On the p I and .11 read to clasu ng her presence at Whitehall, and of 'way to the dr.ning-roam they passed request - (knee! Haw did you dare?" Heri y t s , filip into t[te hag her pre enceay pass. hall, and guarded tos�ori set of twireless ltele- the inn parlor, and Nora espied m eit0e}.s were blushing, but her eyes earners a few nit , eh , stellae •t th t L n eh� r}e Sur ed The wild , oval mirror in a girt frame on the tadnkled and a smile plucked et her Felted or a few'floes of tasty i-- „�- her holiday 1' ' and ,z o' P to she w and torieslmo to sea had little off t Wh ' so after my vasa to the ie•v e'er s I term w'te left at chemist s shop p 11 1 1 went round there' Ile drew out. a 1.iot with in the average e lunch box' f development. -he v to asked to a e uhvi a io e lure; wall. She could not resist its 1iC,'• staple sugar to 'Mop oft v; ith,` These hrc.... r ho it ay f or no s4011 c ce m fact: the risks of 1ure; she slipped into the room, 'the ift r buying diamonds and puarlm'+,I make thu Whole complotc>,. 1 London. She ffiirat called on r the detection were too great, Your ladies who were Playing leektee' .hat w^a=.:n t taping any chance at aft, The following little table °f Fleet! r'hentist and w... thea astuzu :1 e i to • stopped their game to look at her •spondee 'gigue with a grin. TI fids for the lunch Max may be eut out, tearer that het pbntorrraphic• plz,tc had Up and down the east aucl south - four the registry clerk intnnatelyboon sent to the Admiralty. Fore- c- west 31011ts of England were, how - she went ftp to the fl'''oe ant' atoll Y mounted on cnrrlbnard and burg up in front of it for ::m0 moments, and 1 swore hint to Tersecrecy. Note; i t the ftmi; bodinga of impeding ir011)1 111 ('.led how- ever, many "hydros, palatial hotels, - ° a HISTORY ratting send pretending t° arrange her uQt .d you rite to }tear the rest of my fur hef8ranc, n 'tannin r y builtertght of the sea , 6 P e o�°ia Of TUE fair The four )'dila v^utatr"1 h^r P1 nv" I lunches upon he, At the Admtr:tliy she eta, domes tw'iniline• brightly for 1 informed ilt troops in Bonn, Germane', the picture she had scut to her :.on, On the back he wrote that he had got -the picture from a "Fritz" and had for- warded it to the fataily address 011 the heck. It 1 :rently had been lost on the battlefield by Pte. I.anchetti, picked alt by the Carman and recovered by Lltnau. Winnipeg vvar • •'-erns vrnnt naturalized enemy ani ata returner! to the lands frenl w1ti:1 they mi3;retcd. STOCKS H. M. Como "& Co. Y Members Montreal Stools Exohattge. 105.106 TRANPP0RT.ATION BUILDING. BONDS (;BEAT J ar with 'pleasure, for they :ave a slim la hes ta;ecl just a ululate "Yes." Bread for sandrruhc:: Wheat,; clasm y questioned, and at many nn sea. And the man- g, t. DUNCAN-CLARE:, , Vlnl graceful figure, appropriately clothed, '•G'o hack to the city just as fast. brown, nut, nuc brown, oatmeal, rye, she had cammitterd a breach of the tae the to t that, for will don't belie weld I Defense of the Realm emealationc. at;c:r was often tt Get^rnun, Canada's . Valorous Achievements a face youthful and ):appy, merry, , raisin, Light German spies were executed twhi1181001 eve 'efts lips parted in net ,dui:18 th=.t, tar 1 don't believe in F'l'ings for sandwiches: MimCd She was, hQtraver, greatly relieved ny1VMAJORW.S.WAl,iiAc r% A=lpx.) P )n tide country, while many more aro , e• smile; and they accepted the pearl being reetcdcs, twee over such a thing hats, beef hash, laulagtta, yell salads, and aalonishmrl when the o0icials rain tun terms of panel ssrvi• LocturerlaModern mateyinToronto Univerally, earrings and the big (Ramona spark' -i as. „this baked beans, mincers egg , apple and thtuikr d her tat' 11. Ong •rendered a undergoing 6" LargeHandsomeVohtma,avcr400tloubluuolunm 31 1;9,' '011 the. w1'131 1)'alttd as the YQ' P,l" DU c'ol't i" jitter,jec LCcl Ne'a. I In , ' Ludo, For obvious reasons the l'a'nes I emu, equal to about 800 ordinary payart. Pictures proper i fl•td to 'hear it." celery sided, flan ratted, olives and "great service' to the State. i ` oncvdhypage, h'ea'ls 308 OaiCial irhotoa,besidcs appurtenances of such a handsene, glad „ teen peppers, brown sugar, peanut. "Da you got these *ate in the t! many never were revealed, dThe gactiv ulQ,lorer a�es. Otaftf pho lin mat high -bred h bred yotmr woman. MaMui•re ' "We'll ''anal up Year m'0ther and g P Pp Imperial Government continued to , effective colors, alumina camouflaged e•aey curt g brother"- Maguire oras rc+ckloss any. butter, jelly, jam, man18)11811, honey, photograph?" she was asked.'"I'et-1battery, worth about half theprlca 0(1(8 book. who had followed Nora into the :room,,cnmmm,ic'ate with them, bliesfully um crit d. blandly fcr lice to finish: Iway of her a a.e•erapt,iol-"go straight nu,iasses, lettuce and salad Bros-ing, helps you doth. know Shat they rue. FIRST come, FIRST seltveu, reedited. humbug!" to the pl'IE`at, and t•ickfr the night train raisins and 11'11 syrup, eAlnt Qin salad, 1Ve}I, we (10,1'3 mint3 te111a11, you they R1l''li•a that thew whit: agents had Gar- I &t0( 1030 WANTED olp6ant colored nlataeDor oxclvsive anndm territory, "Aren't you till little humbug, I lee for Chicago. We'll sea, there a few a bourne from v 1 paid when they -mere once more on minced adeken, I indicate German eulenerines lying att :median olGcial photos Ball this book on slant. ttheer way down the corr;dor to 'the tray^; --lona; enough for you to fit Fruits Oringms apples fi=r• lofts the bottom of the creep, and we have man spy returns, The British secret 1 THIS 6S DIFFERENT to any other ow" .-. " s t 1 was th actual 1' 11 acted as the spy's de. I 1 o to k r tl r elaborate lat..iit ;At linin„ room. But it Was tvortlt .oak- Uananas t also•• bagged Lhe, lot. 'tt tat p t, s ing at wasn't it?" 1158 out at ourself 9Ut with a..l the c e'li and 0ei'1(315 (01 y r,o van a mare , arc oro aompe tan n . 0ear 600. mailingexpenses or eta e w •m• hxuigs you wrath; and then we'll malts Cakes: Cup cake,, spies, cinnsmon Foto of the U-Uoats rmuains to be pn 1y, an 1 fall inalractiins Immediately, '"I lilted it" aha admitted. "Do for California; well talc0 in the Grand rolls, raise( don blares, sugar rookies but it; '.Cite execution of these spies is nu. The J. 1, NICNDIS CO, Limited, TORONTO you think anybody el'sa w,uld?" i Canyon and the Yosemite and any- g , told in the ofileial nai•r•ative 5 /Tie laughed 'indulgently at Snc•13 ob- thing else yin Day; and we'll go from coffee calve, ginger snaps, graham may be stated that the tale was ono i • vious guileless coquetry. I one nits had to another and stop un crackers, cream puffs, ginger bread,. of tine best of the war. She was quite surprised to :9r,1 boyo each place ,a_ long as you like. Thera oatmeal cookies. 0110001ate coolies, , Tt appeared that the par particular spot hell Ile 5001110 to m1131 stand ler .'tier when you feel really for't., well conte Soups; Creftm of pea, e•eam of col- ow much sympathy he had with .la'n0 and start t o 1'.c make a tomo, cry, bean, chicken with rice, cream of What Jerry was accustomed to 1141(8' V at o volt ,.ay • . her ffe1 were 1101 weteenessee, A I c!i e had ri0ke o with h ttrmprcaseed ant thio•tnght entered, her 41111)') and en- g elhauted 11311' with its lsr,llic soy. Per, I how ho hungoverthe table 11•)3. laak� haps that %'euh1 b0: ,eakeeme 132 000 red ra e hu,lir tend r the talinto her eenclition of life 11.,ht be g,i to ,t in another. With rhe fuel' of ,nsip31 • to nrine. { Ct•1114o hat^ she felt thele silo ander. ! She 10011(3.1 for: e 1Y112101ent into 11is, Stood :herself 011mpletalV. I dropped 101' eyes, .1(11.ul them again, Not until they -had frnislhed Iteememe nnheled a long breath, expelled it in a and Maguire had lighted e + garett8! stgh, and 11)011 (3111, 1)13110 plaintivelq, a) you want me, l'at'ish?" n ago t g. r "oh, debt', I wonder~-- Are you sui•o d Ito embark 1)3'5:1 the t' 1118 a, t'3'tms t Flo rD 'hti Mu .and 00,6r 1 h be sent by Mull If request 4s aecom-I con, clear tomato thielamed, I tntry •u1(111 the veonstn photographer, Purldin:ga; Ce1at•ino with fruit' brand aided by ie favorable light ;'snapped" with raisins, ries, tapioca, chocolate, j li11' 1)1 }leu enom'es. 811 was toward - Other deserts Cup edfrutls, jun' cd hi the sum of 1'310, which was kat, halted appiee, tooted fruit. 1 promptly handed over to the Red Drin1 03. Milk, cho,t(1ate, huttm•an'lk,1 Cross, and £20 was sent to the vigl- caiiee. I lent chemist, Extras: 1'ofFed (:ee hall.?, pop cortti y.........., balls, lints, candy, sweet chocolate; "Tars" and the Artist, hats, seedless raisins, celery. ! A portrait of Admiral Jellicoe at Rr,eipos for any °I the i110Ve will i the Sea Power Exhibition in London R' " rtrl�,Jr h: r' 1 pushing back }lila;. •:,f" :'i. „". c•; car naniel}, vr!tF� >.ttRtci-r;tt pnsta;;e fart came' in for mwere critic'set :eros a gate tract folding hie saiuetvhat.har t"Mei 1311 Ten sa't'e" Denied . .. ,group of blue-1ac}tete, 'They .41t Mice atulrtby fereal 0 on true table. "t,.t.a !mei One 11i3rnont ;n,;r° .1"1e he:'ilatr,l Mailing.' 1 Mtn; t pain{; where the 1131131• had 111 1 ldhi r av!'ag food �na9dttav', : w' !este .,;s, e s ace,the u 0 i 11Wcll then,' the acid, "fide yes." t } n ;ism Shoo Strivice, into the u for 1101 put11) of the (},., es t3i� �tlair't• end.• i j ie 1 Prr,o t: ,z t into the uniform of an Admiral the coasat,Iv; 4 jtvery an' e. 01 'Wilmspp8 the ,1e u1A c'al'ms mt tvL, tX Oell't Rato�th'331 seriously, Nona. know you4,an'.t I�,vo 1l1n. You 211�� trek you do, bvb� 1 lirnow dittlforent, 4.1 r J. no t . it, you C lt 7t t 1)6 P Int '0 d 4n2C1 4r u i s'S ,Y Y j I r 0 �y• or hn 1 f. .ti n qucaiM !'en Sae roan 1 ouf1du'1 ha @ t bg.lt 'pen n, a 13113 e , try • l finless met oto an lntrm!!d and have' ]"'lest, file hit,lteat 31413)10 a X11. til 131 f 1y1'oto roti "Note," ho saki, "I'll got the ante- Little use for snoatatntlal foot cover-, t mo}tdle," (To be continued,) 1' 31 • One man an every slaty le partly or 8071)3ng sltywerd, to ;get all the wear Wholly edlor blind. , possible for year c.lr n.lit0re= 0 • s that no ono porn 'et ou 0 hags, yotn• shoe 141 probably a•711ot111te' blunder until these levet•-deck experts• to a good dee!, and you the more than came along, ' anxious, now that 3111005 hrr1e gone Wo 110118 always sailed the sea lilts ggntbym'en,.'-M". Ian Meopiorsee, We havo purchased from the IMPERIAL MUNITIONS BOARD A large number of Studebaker Cara, which were used by the he Royal Air Force These Meted° TOUItIN(x CARS, BUSSES, COVEd"sI"7F) DELIVERY CABS, LIGHT TRUCKS Af l a number of largo IJ30DIJ1Id BuyoR CYCL1IIF with SIDE CARS, PRAI1,B13,S: also a large number of Trn s and MOTOR CYCLE PARTS. Ti1088 Call and (Wes have bean 'rept Irl first -elate condition by the i4Mtlitemy Anthoritiee. Wo are offering 'these Vehicles at a price that will eloar them ont in a v01•y short 800100 of time. They may -bo OM at the old Royal Air fierce Garage, 104 -Ot1pont Street, end any communieatlons 1083' be-8(13reeetel to • 71, McINTYlttl 104 !WONT hl', v. _.• TORONTO .• ... "„' «� ^-„�`;"ren_.;..,.,-,w=,;.�vcam«•„oaa+ m =ve�,.,memateMe,„Y:,mw tineed: ' upon the (hence nt,ut1mg of patrols? We desired to p-00e1111n1 high before the world that if France were forced I to fight she would do so for right and justice, rind not false -advant :ge of any equivocation. "The withdrawal was carried out without meeting nay obstacle either technical or military. Had the ort with an observation from General Joffro to the effect that the measure might entlangr'r the fate of tho coun- try we should not have hesitated, but would have kept the watch on the frontier. No objection camp from the general." Deputy. Criticises Retirement. :I. Viviani's speech was in reply to questions by Deputy Fernand Engrr- and, who sharply criticized the aban- donment of the ton -kilometre zone. He claimed that it was a technical mistake, because the mineral valley of Billy was with'n range of the French guns, and had it been bom- barded intensively for three or four days, the German 'eon -are deposits and fac'torics would baro been des- troyed and Gee ume placed in ani interim. pm•itiun regarding rninc±als. This, the Deputy thought, would have brought abn01 an end of the war in elm months. Forster -Premier Vivian replied that the abandonment of the Briey valley in the event of war had been decided upon by the general staff in January, 1914. On August 2, General Joffre, learn- ing' that seventeen violations of the French frontier had been committed, telegraphed to Premier Viviani as follows: "Che interdiction against crossing the line indicated is lifted, but for national reasons of diplomatic and moral -order it is indispensable to leave to the Germans the entire res-', possibility for hostilities. Consequent- ly our troops will merely hold the enemy back and throw him upon the frontier without pursuing him be- yond." M. Viviani, amid tense silence, con- tinued: ‘"Then war was declared, The Presi- dent of the republic wrote a letter to Ring George, which was published in the prosy at that time, but the reply of the Ring is still unpublished. It reads: " 'I admire the limitation which Prance willingly imposed upon her- self and which so vitally concerns her military defense: " The world war was precipitated July 28, 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia end invaded Luxemburg. On Algust R, four days after the French troops withdrew from thole frontier, as an- nounced by 153 Viviani, Germany de- clared war on i"'ranee. ,lellic00'8 Mission. It Is stated that Lord Jellicoe's visit to Australia, "to review the whole Claval position," i$ part of the Britieh Empire Fade:Rhin plan. The future of the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, (ch ategiesally speaking, le of the utmost importance,'Ejuropeans have not denoted much attention to It, but naval met have neon a long way into the fame, and the outcome is rho dispatch of Lord Jollicoo, who is in the front Talilt of naval streto- gists, to gtudy the problem on the spat with the Australasian statesmen. smsr. Great ships and powcrfu'1 VMS 1110110 do .not matte the might of nation' on the sea, but the high cour- age and devotion of that nation's pons, »,I,lovd Goor✓xe. 1 -