HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-13, Page 6AVIATOR TEL OF HUN BRUTALITY EICIrr MiitiTlig A PRISONER IN 1101.el 1NDEN Robtheon, n Vieterie Croee mom down 1 ",ILIVED BRIDGE WON Tol,YING WEATrum ,,,, 1%, a email ott'euee. _ .. Baffles a British A innate ;, flight of ,,t / Ground Mist. is Only Thing Which Ile was battle Hume, vas long ill 1 and died on the beet hem as we got I hat) Fameaud. It was et pity, anti one 1J I UIUL1 e • A, of tiw many things which maim hating the Hen a simple wetter. Robinson ---- won his Crowe by bringing down the DETAILS oi,"rur. ENCPLO/TS OF 1014 Zeppelin Mier ItmitiOn, and It i i• EARLESS ( AN: s . ...--e. was one of 11w finest chape imegin- 1 oble. Ile waa eteptured in Freuee der- ....... .tieen 'Seek Lleirtotant. Trained in tog a bombing raiit. wed beeause of • Otte leille Seventeen Germane, Cap- Camada, lie -teethes Cruelty to his Croem was etteeigeted to every , ' lures Eighteen More and Takes Vietorie Crowe Mate iedignity. "Pm mighty glad to get heck ;tee : 'Duet% Machine Guns. 'Mai reuirocd tom ,y1,4.ht iu„,,ti, mighty lucky. too, for I've had every- and a eau in ndememer, „ne el. the thing from influenza co n beard. The The London Gazette contains de - meet imetelly mnded/At oi the Cer- least I can say 'theta Germane getter- l tails of how Captain Coulson Norman matt ertser. eatepe, leceitenant Relph 1 "11.Y is that they de:terve.' more than . Mitchell, Winnipeg, the late Lieut. Bevin entitle oS New leek. and for , they got or can get, and more power Wallatm Lloyd Algie, Alton, Ont., and A le those who are tworidlOg fur what ' the late Serest. Hugh Cairns, North nume then LIMmutate., n member of the Itay:d Air Mew, nemntle de.; 1.11'.' will t'c'Y'''' : Saiketoon, won their Vietnria (Mosses. Force has risen eupemor to wcathee when replacing n tete MI either •sIslit allow the ( a., . o b -.11 - (iii DI militeey Men 7.7411 the Ilecte- ''.':4111:1:1- I).11“S :4AVF: NT.‘'''rilt .•...• ... tan cm It/Rebell, eeco 4th Bale mei elinuotio t.onditions, and Unit Ille ci: the Mil'. see., whelipr the giogi, level &ie. if. believed killed, Ieetn. ektetita Allan., . . seelbea the Muter in ettitude os the ' .; ,,, e ne...,_••. • ... • , .• . I.. '• The eitation follows: cling II:ti-t..Mee Of 'Wer. II ti '' - ' t alloy, Catadittn Engineers. for Most . modern British aneoplane can III 'Fres ;Steeled en me meememl re;;. et; lieu le a ,•,,,,„,n :1„,„1,.. Bile if ni.-,t.,: HAY.; (..aIM•fian theme &warder. temps the untlie el' German roilitery : t ere; 1 nomecious Man Ovcr 5ti elilee 1 "„egli,,,,„ bravery and devotion to ' graceeging ient me,,ee at aey teem e tog beer a t gee erelly the only e at m;(1 meter drew le ei. 1 the re elater 1 I Ne_owe binne is in Torente, cormitty erighMethmee ;Vas; iii it int:Meted - of Snow elad Mlle. , duty on the.night of October Sete 101.S, 1 Thie adapt i' to all conditione the dem; ref ietenfese to see nmem melte ree roe ,f4 siii,o,-p;;$,: in the gat.-- taciVtd ill Vingland 'fo'rro Germany. end tee misenees bad mane-. to emn- ; A mieing men easenamtfeem : et Canal LescaLLT, not the of Casa- i is one of the most. remarkable is • 1.'"I.) I.'.':'''I'I' slel leave the Mit.' or Ale age, it le w'mply mniatere. of contieu- lie took Part in a bouthime raid oti • '. ' brai He lint a mail putty ahead of ore. f m Is Istisel Peotereee deshne e'er I-7ree. for a 'time:: rage or Mmine eeteen. Tu mie e rMiplei• tr;prelidort. i9•dit,..miter 0 bet, wee., to trouble Fog is equitably the re: Mete:, worst enemy. Emelt in the most et etellititle days or the war, when the Royal Al" loris flying rime "etrefed" t he Hun before brealtrest every meruitirs, then Position ot"fire Currier. Radiate!' Sr•ea,14. e°""d el."1'" tat' niece Whether to leettell ---------.4 e mg.! Slone titeere to. vette:3 a raA! di er. • - • Rift T(*(5 f 7)311 ill 1.11I b.t4i11, , IttFT • etesetage emz - formidable opponent than Any Ger, man. When he outwit see where to land, only very during pilot will take the air. The darkness of night dotes not baffle him, for he can eye more of the earth from up shove than ran lie seen by people on the ground, Apart 'from the dense ground mist, it mite- he said Diet the Royal Air eeeeeide,weeeeeeer ADVENTURES OF CANADIAN iiIRMAN .1 tifer ARRIVED IN eiNGLAND C ANY' rim' or a rettainemisseee mem me le !.,,,rixec it ontee, stem is germ Tells of pays Following the Signing rralihial 4.1•01thitithir an Ontario toe r iiin1 a t• TO aa pool er -wettes,. teeter the of the A mitietice, Sheveing 0Wnier 11 heee ear Ws neither. A 10.1:: 0ii'ilAtin• Of Thy vtir cm it rtande in .the Carried is ilantittily ntemi tillfrientit to In trainee, it III iti-e.'1'4' 114 2.1"P'.11 wId4Ir . Stontlitione le ileeitn. steal tires everted en Ii. hemetne rts to eem.:n eftultehe.isi hi the teehn 1..8. Att interesting atement of the eon- teirtier, and it interferes somewhat leis hand, Other rireseni:etge the tleoe dither; nrevailleg Dermeny after with ilut cave and! Mteamir.g of :the heck ,perfeetly dry." • cif the car. Oil 11W .other haute a rgotgod of ge,,,egriereing; the signing 01' the arosistiee IMO been the DIreettie of Magic wag tits cateeer sect of -the way mil whether a radiate. leeks is to till et; eme.'ind Out uf sight nut te 0(11101 '1 convenient la the top of the overflow pipe,toni then! ellfermanoll• follows: After being reported raising tied ,tli' cause of reimete.1 emensee the district of Le 1 at, in i tn., . in t•et.d10•1: and Li:Val:Lc a 1 ee and it , Manitoba, bring, inE,,,,,,t i MI caps_ !the dost wave of infantry in order to !telt:Mire. Wiens bridges on the line the emennin oftleere. ; eeruiree cute of the ilicst maimie ex - i of appeoaelm and if poseible to prevent Liememert Smith online: in ;I My, ; eerieeette of ant- !lumen !mime; in Ude . 3(i7,.;eve trained- in Canada, and in feed of ei eengo and „2,eme ;me, gtee i the demolition. On meta -dug the canal l he found the bridge alvetely Mown 1\tenenieer, 1017, readied Femme. triale. -tip. lender a heavy baerage lie elms - tellers, he was in active emmice until : Two lueiane. hi eue-t a ;:4,---1,eae- c,apt..-0.:•et nem, Beapetent, in, Match ; fill,. agemele ei the se,,,.„Leae wed, I eed to the next bridge, where he cut luring the. grant German die; e. 1 ;mine terse mites Vont the settlement ; a number of lead wire's then, iu total miaware of VIP poeition and 'We., tv'''''''„ et.d.I.'g N''h,,t. is •.cille•1 . eS Le Pee. were etriclmn with Spanish '11"11.-nesst Fo.sem stvetenge," said Lime Smith, ieflueeze. Then beeetne very ill before ell'engtlt of the eneleM he daehed across the math bridge over the cenal . tine were feetete veer tom. dropping realteing the' seelotenese; Of their ; , bridge. This he found to he heavily tee betties ;tin the German treuspert m.o.:mete. Firmite. howeeer- thI'v v -age -to. IN",e had Used all We lied hitched their tori us: huskiee to 'a ;charged for demolition. Whilst Cape. sgleen my (meter:me waruee nes of p. Rtoigh ood sot „et fee emu:ease:eh I Mitchell, tmeistee by his nonmommis- tesearen pleme te frent of Sac and as They had nroceeded only. a Atom Way, 5if•nd C'ftWal.8, were cutteng the wired ' ' the enemy attempted to rush t•he sw cmcwil eve others in back onf tel one ei the Int.latie staggeit are taught to elect' thole machines em the former men :re Theme dower dune in Franco WM lleighlat merely by the use of their metre- And life tam .1;0,1 apx.,11,. em ,e,:epped Lin and rentelt.to Whiric.i toound and banged mettY into a 'sic, in Alnd••• gain Alielter ,1.••idge 10 order to MOW' up the (bargee, s de,- tee- • cl ot -metal navigation has 'rut even in her anguiehed hour , German. pont/IA.1am lice mei-steins 1 t (time (Melted to the estribliehed in England, whet e pilots worm mri, 1.- t tt 1-• I :tug I et. me 1.m mew anew; o. et ato .roope entimt and thing. s looked • me tic' We the war. Several thinge have corn- Ceirying et, ice, nor are they miltient the rwleitor . Iiined to leing it about. lethehirtee to the gai•t•M lilt:. exhaust, Thee smeatieg ilepeel,,h; en the de.eptesee the rest, nttoeteel by Tice lot and enginee have enormously improvs the aneeeeteree ere algla Neste ill.: sg the ivii• ane the deSemenee between creft, teed eluded them. Ile wee finally . • . 1 4 wed en- rear Lio2 mericel ti -Thi elightiv the ternmerce nee er the alt. end of. the compelled to laIld It Cee1111/11 terlAtery. haVillft 1111.1 01,1t (If petrel. While being tranefeerei welt 01 cheers from Landebet to Pillati, Lieut. eepeelowee wcoet a unique compete ry int the (spy -tare y tem • (Nieves following the signing of the • ' I • • 1 't nut vet eft' frern able a limehiee to cope with e far Prefeermi. lr in put ee nimil it le reed the matee iii the meaner, eeteigt. ter gen stronger wind then could lie rimed io Vara tica theald tlya e PrCdtiCt? ereSly eseers melee meth -tone Width the old dere by a gond et.ver. 'vet' a T.IMAiry viL'.'; rd. of -doors. Some mon tIiretiMellt with nee ; ---- - - • . . . _ . ___ ...... eemi:tions nr d succeed and then tenet Swallows, , DOCILE 31 11 INE 111 I',efe' prising feat. becomes a commonplace ' . Irreeniel 111.' French. Their 'Party it gilarilM1 Othara to master fault. parteeuhtm Mile me_...., „ ., , ; of daily Mintine. 11:11;:ht,°(.1asrmt"ht.II:mlnerittgeotlhe,7.0rf ete:ittrirti:liet•IC:irtr-lo. a i iii ran t Change:A in (oral cut \t1 lit c one meznan Geiser wee allowed 1 , atoll hit' end a eergermit, while Am., ...re Lae aeroltaint": 0 Of MARV, until what to -roe at lit a sure The development of the science mt . The, brin I- ' 1 the , 1. 1 1 0 . 1, - 1 t '" ' 't' a" - - '' It is only P. f"' w"/' '1"'-' II' ... .... ee-or. lett ltd co a inherits: . On deft and daring wine, aetial navigation has also helped g .1e; IIIIIiII•Ieflet, AM. 11.!:I. 'Ten, 1 IMO 0 iinor a i ma et, le ii 4 over la mem much to (Remount had weather. A At Drestlee elet Dem eill.er aul power Mtmenee, and titmede theve le e die- , So near the homes of meg Inlet. change. in the attitude of the lie sergiggg tot Into g rlieeot. oyes, -a iril 1:w II:1104,. But h trick Shot from mem me ening met A tow hautic - , tae of the Germane e.itentieti MY nb- 11,...tr id; eolop,-•,o-ii hid him medepeee i aiststamte of his sentry, Who Intl been semee end weather emelted the petrel A ; wounded. lie killed three of the on- to the el Deem ITiostiog' Ground." Iead of the DelIateleed foil? in which f,,v,• raoitiod 4 liner th•-• tardvine, the emy, captured twenty and maintained me 'i- vs bembing. T !the bridgehead until reinfneeed. Then , -.1'n, w" et"rted• dem tint'- Maisel: into the weiting 1.74, Were luercy calti•ii11 to Make n. eigh, rreni which TliellleM lie rem under a heavy fire he contineed the emcees leneing mei mere not ba Melt It cutting the •Miree, reelioN log dlIe embeved nothing with becomirg eon- shekee ill). We were ho -Flu the (her- eleargee whieli he well knew might at -mime ie the hospital et les Pa's. The ! mast lbws end laneed mmerels• nemeg .0,,0 hesem- d • - -1. ' d . . any moment be fired by the enemy. • , re. es l AS. roil icier a the Prussian Gutted. : gig ,gegigo,„ irigg, lite plunged on : lt tons entirely dee to his valet. and ThZtal.-ned With Instant Death. . IhrfILE.:b the night teea ;:e„gg.i„, ' tleeleive ention thee this important bridge across the venal me- saved "As, emiteletwe We:, milled for my emehing Ie hill ned theen hal, (IVO' , obattcc.I. :t11,1 i I.111A taken before gene. : lakee and rivere, with theiv delirious f'sInn destr"1.1". ,zenteee mile had his adje tent: inform t' 'gr; mei. epperently without a , Saved the Poeition. ''''-' "It i-li•' 1-h.;1-3811 were emItilig faa,-; A..9,-,, Toimed swiftly down the mete , Limn. Wallave Lloyd Alnie, '0 Ii real OeriMIll presence's by putting strree ef Le Pee to enemy for thele , Batt:elite% For most ezempiceous hem aefore MEII1111,e guee end Mew.. termite. ; bravery and self-sacriflee on October !et: them to ehems tthen they were , I 11, 1 9IS, nerth-eaet of Cambrae while 1 fre,th storms entheir re :um sou. s, . inst-derd:. Ife eittele it cleat tital: he i I With aliaeltilig ti•cops which came , Fittinh the Joie heeneh soldee1, IllCIIOLAIt ATKNS Iai.mrict The pc p1 emerge.. io let l'ili11 a -dee. ; • •Ic, me thing he claimed 1 under a beavy ceellade mechine gun l l The pav of the Nadler.. -f the Bud-- '' ' ' the English del, and when I was led -- t flee from the neighbering villages. I WORLD'S LARGEST CAKE I lab • - •nexione to rraterniee with lerereil -1 I ' 1 • 1 .1 • lion the ertee itt Wee l'ittell for ; ..ore teem iere oat an li ea t tat..`" Reeldeg emeneril with nine volunteers, -. army who will ice ret tired IMI'l melds. The instructor, *II° sits in Not these it Them! are vealed dnllet.'t•arli'tlec'fthlr.eePeDltslitoisuslctnnlutlt'slr"etr-tiot-f: „it eel; „ mete; rem the passenger's seat, pulls a bag excl. ; f men the nir-ir Omani', 0, •tariere..%., bulbs are lit, ever each inetellm'It; i Tlteker•dtealiev,teilatItti,1,:tleytinT-tEuelgolV,ryftind end the pilot ha to find bit; way to -t the. pilot's emecMt. Little &metric ; g.r"Id a"" I"e n'Inb'Il''''' 1'"nue''' °I ti„„ne„ .erfleere, neeeeinny Peas...dem. 1,h1o7t.c'thrii!el'er'lieii?e1u.t,',.,,,,i;.t:,g.ril,Ii.'i'i‘:i?h,,riP:I'aeemovive: Elm mesinte,Itel badge,. Co ti7ni:invet',..1e hiillwith Idow; the gemmed or the Ito/einem , 1 The grief of nem -turned sed, 1 wrest felt. so like is centimeter," ,,,t6 ttio niolt 1 fregi diet helmete tr. aeold likeete. i 71I cut', given spot without being able to eee , . No shadow of theiv .winge ehall to ili.e Au1.1 n Fremet oilemr, Some of the bombing reide eve, when I rang the. Fell of the itottee Cordially Beet i t rd. And Shallow grave awl roughehmem where 1 wae Linseed tied my hold.. on revelling Beene. Liete. elite, Maneee which a few years ago would lord onne hemming deem, es...ye to let end the Mee, le..e.V. telleere steeleell Germany were carried out in einem- sthke, have prohibited any thought of flight. 2 Thlu,e-adlitycithttiti:eflinLite 0Sr01(1117:1:.C,Ide eal.e VII in. IT yen had wily emet lee off the train mei wen to the rem Far over mienly territory Brilieh tine" That wes in Mays -m.0 veecet• otation in the (-entre • f It. c Pm, It, er ly. To-Siay P.m inhaldeente ee one m•sertieft atom. mei hie temolutiee • sum:drone mere than once flew terciugh v iolent thunderstorms to RAISE SOLDIERS' P SY et: the erealler movineee :me wetelt. I. tory gutted nailing to time, their iii; • reach their objectives, and had to face - . . -me . - ire v.itettne.• 1.110,,i iniglii. lie allciNed ecnce. They wendered ahem it ' ' indium rt•iii heee a Million Ilea to to give two balls end Melte tie, etre.ttet Toe tem Inem. ' • .. - Their reeeptioe -Erste the el-udie.,:-. Wilt co cereittl that the lititiee tel. (etre were perpleeed wing e -0 (Mamie more mimed isnot the rati, mz•ilAinoil that they hoped soon to en, to Aro. erica or himailid. Olio Wcita An With a • pi.epem,ez.sirK ilanglii.;:r MIMI. oniti I- nioniel are, e on behalf of that yeele, lady im One of Abe eirmen. Vigareileii weie given to the "tot,ieLs" tied le • vitatione to dinner ceteedmi, flh - -menu not being di.. elged. Though elm Med ett be se•Idier 4. in, " ' (2 - -` eoldiers much mere then the lerc.neh there was cmiy a few ettme beer, me r Return to Ora Lite. . he elite: the cems of Oct enemy ma- I A. Toe of Yeast Used as a lei log" ---8 I belay will be to t .1 • toil ''" i .,„ g a nectee fouler .. a On is reachI, t .....tong hip, ! ' IP iitiroildliv.etinii eiold be effeMril : e nee 1 ' , e • • nue, and turning it on the en- Agency. I week, and feud and lodginge, aceord- • a y -one 1,11 1 11110 n • . ‘.„...„ . -ii• ‚iii IA ac ho c kt".:-...t., Oh i......1 s . . .4- thew half.v.•;:l. Flow far hete a mattee et Amt. I ' • mg to a ettitement made Is W. A. et to , .1„„ of "hate ill IT, the queetion. mei a Icre. ''V'T' ''''''Tgilt In a dac. there would M. no need to i erny. enabled bis party to reach the . e.ein es nee,. t. maehine lent, lett e• '• .. Me 'si 1 .. e nee Put The largest Christmas calm ever 1 I Amnleton. Sem.e. tery of the General ,. itmnor . es.'n"eh, mere, end. hotels Or..1111 .e em .,..11 1. 1 I, .. 1 ... I , - ' villege. Ile then ruehed :mother ma- - made was the monster concoction - tem...tem: ateon -the roa.I with a guard it Will he ml while bei•nre demobil- I chhie gen, killed the Crete, and cap- i 2 with which Frederick Willie . m I f ! Federstion of Ti I le ' totl ai e .neens, lbs everyone tin A to do ve , • Inlotee: And -..t le .. .-• • . t met, ne rectarev int 1 - . ea.en te tmei • • ° Dail Mail' y. ' ; e 11 vl_ Prussia surprised his satchels upward's, ewe, ewer ee„,teehene, in the ' T1 13 1 C I ' et cam. d ..i le 1 ' o ' ' ' • 1.-- m ni Om eontimeed be an mider ,7,1ileer. I • • 1 1 a he te..ei" the termer and ten of the enenlY, 1 mom re ince that I war. en Ameeli•tot. d• • quite 404.ii•aardiciany thimirS rue hang' i T•io•T' .••• of 1 80 years ago. 1,000,0110 of t he trekill.tmd gent' t•I .`• . the 1" ;:c • „g, a, L... _t. ill sot in ru,--iljou.2, gees flume te„emetees ; ate par e, mot had. fee menforce- The selattws, to the number of 30,-1 rstain forces "to finiesh the job." It Was -- ' amit gi‘o Too a.m.„ or aroutericed to every stteemele-r CCM. coosw • ' • • .. • el.e. 1.-eteh SLUM 111 are lutteng.entablished ee. ..ee a e"me Ilr':I.°4n twee fes their „..•1 I' I 1110a Is. het Wee 'Lined worn leading coo, had Just concluded a substantial nee. m et. the pay of the men would be increesed g. en • "3301‘ iour." If you etop it., ILA mem ineult Wee oteered. in -A one I largely and a new scheme of lettees ne; 1.1'• ,• 1 1. LINI,‘111” faildee IWO:17110M :COL! e:wirthslatea. 1 1- meal when they were astonished to ' tern t omens mette.mee, le the Sault the presonee of rittediii.e mine et eer• of absence introduced. ; Theatre at 5.30 pee. (iceman comp:Av. lam name of the city. '' 1. t - /1 no almost (bills Dirty ie epee:: :Mit ropliOn to the lenere.1 0,..- or 1-tdleire I Jimmy Knew Mules. ; musical CuMeily. On Wagner 1.1allia hospitalite- wee ii Vt'lliiraitio 1:iini in A teacher was instructing a class ' the house is packed. Gemmel Mau. demo vented lot feeling:. in meleteed named Jimmy Brown, I house is; a limes of Mee uuiforme Oil t The gcr.eral impeeselee teemed te . o. tee eepititions of "Emehmelee eelmein." in English. She called on a small boy gin he °Dee there. The vete f I he events to.' " 01,11- , bc (butt the eflieere wen, th, a ih Miro "James," said she, "write on the ' a levee; sprinklime it Cermet. board, 'Richard can ride the mule if I !MIS. I igilard Of the ',idol:ion,. Ileii!oli early. eteteere lotion:ea ahem Mr a bummed . :melee are Lal ergo id need, and i...- • ''''.-. t .1 Marc . ..... • • .• • . in See a strange vehicle of immeine elite. .i.ard a i:0 tiltii.inie niii. ' 000 bookii. teem lately been stent to ; Iii.i1 ram! agu. pmetteal initiative a''''' e'' two (.4 tilt' '''iciiIiri'• .....e.I.11- . Ereeee, e.,•:; a T., endon rew•matter. I tie.- taee ot intemic five ege.ei molly t.inncrcl. dietwn by eight horses, approach - It was very heavily laden, and the posiben to be ' int l'ecause ur int. '2:rc'It '44's Ilit•-"I' Mom iii•L• 1,1•Ilated. Pencils fire being 1 helm, end eneldel as' it drew nearer the load was seen by tee Gereeime at that time, yelled need today ati freely as bullets mere 1, held. to ennsist of an enormous cake, miter nee 'Whet abotit Peeeident Wile tem; reneedan, and the (aer tiny lot ed Sixty to Surre.nder; - Seine idea of its dimensions can be see now?' And, ,,e voi.,::, yr I e,c'e Lord Outsell, Deputy Director of Army ; Se-. Hugh Ceirns, D.0.111., late 40th gethered from the fact that, this to meet them iterate I cold tell them , stair memen, eeceieveil a roellbat •t'Or !Battalion, Stmeatelunmen Regiment, itmaeing cake was 54 feet high, 24 "I "'''' ''''''It 1.'-' "'" Tr'"'"' sfte7: a member," he said. "do not esiet." 1 \Mien...knees, Nov. I, 11113, when a in thieknese. In the making of it hst°rs. feet in breadth, awl nearly 3 feet clearly. i e,000,o00 pencils a fc.rtnight. "Such :for meet conspieuoue bravery another, ir.eleding in tern Karlsruhe. 9 I... ;,‘e.Ie -101' over three million Ste- I machloo grin opened fire on his pla- some 311 bonhcIS of flour, one ton of Karim:he I teal interviewed Im Gem : me. taneht. tift-neeven ditlement subjects are be- ; Sgt.. (Selene seised a Lewis gun and :Se; an exemple of the l eigle-handed, in the face of a direct 200 gallons of milk, a ton of yeast bottom', rind ;7,000 eggs had been used p The ingredients were mixed with w -I-'.-1 -8 dente in the Army little nunneut, and teen. Willicen a moment's hesitation, T.r.ndahl-d and Holmeindmi, I 1 I ; In Brunswick. 1l -c'h'ore 1 started for . man intelligence officers at. Lille, and i e-etlitieirt'sm whiell :soldiers show for I fire, melted the position, killingethe being added as a "risine agency. for two days, doling :which time then I thee. studies, one Scotch division in I crew of five. anti capturing. the gun. -n'-`)nlatI°11 the middle of very heavy -fighting last l• Latem when the. line wae held up by a 1 The Heart of a Child in France, were trying to received the only good April suddenly :darted a course of ler- I machine gum fire, he again rushed • Youmaykeep old Fritzie's helmet food offered me by Germans In the three on psychology, Seeteli vet, and entire time I eves in Germany. I had me. little to tell, anyway.. told then-, ion- sidernhly less than thet.•en I my reed simply dwindled. The dewieh Seliiiere. . "en all Of the prisons there ...me, a err. Ldonel de Rothschild, preeidegit , guns, -although wetendem e et a , decided let up in intangille mean- . i.t. the Leag.ue of Britieli Jews, n es ; small Patty to outflank them by kill- No rifle and no lrince; 'levies which prison life can develop , the truth of a ria.= -0.1011 thill11;e41 1 big rearm and forcing About fifty to 0 The only capture that I've made - as the German forces berm to fall ' .:-ett mock to 1.1, oe.eut that, became... I: e.eirrender, capturing all the guns. 1 ! Is the heart of a child in France. beret in a military sense. But the forte meoteere of the eetvieli fettle co After consolidation lie went with a No victor symbol can I show, nlways wee atrocious, turd until the teem'eme ..f other Igailiii, base 1.11121 31 battle pntrol to exploit Marley and No trinket, shield or cap Red Cross food betten in reneh ett rtt fereed sixty of the enemy to surrend- t In memory of days I spent Holzminclen we never bee anething. en notlt t Mee le Dee wet, the hes ' Ilg"' i"tI I'*". tl'"Ir' rell"tiv" "Ithtrit's cm, Whilst disarming this party he i "Over there" ill Dead Man's Gap. forward, killing twelve of the enemy and capturing eighteen men and two For -your Sue or Kate or Ann; gum. Subsequently, when the advance 1 You may hold your German rifle woe held up by machine guns and field 1 Fur your little girl to scan; No gas mask did I capture, and utterly rotten pointnee grennd them teth eetee - et, te e engetntien !ogee,. Ile opened flee and inflicted heavy I No battle souvenirs have I better then coon made of bra' meat 1,, e e et; II t, ;I: foe the Jews. Fur- . wee eevereiy wonndce. Nevertheless • UP. Finally he was rushed by ! Dream mornente to enhance. : that tee se tided chosen by the War I mop . y t of the celerity, and collapsed i The only trophy that is mine Brought Down First Zeppelin. ( ;!. a..' '-`:,, CO hi Ii 1.1.I:i. &ttly Oa- • Is the heart of a child in France, ... , threueb weakness through loss of I • <ham of one of the notoriously bru- iteil.st'eild emtee out thet Ott` qilleld , " • Armed the highest degree of valor.' t But semetee than a helmet And dearer than a lance •i• ni..1;i;,••il eimiliz-nii,e, Mr. , The camp at Holzmineen wee in . Ileeet I - i - - --• • - , , lb oil Throughout the operation he tab Neimeyer brothers, el' the German , oh' Pa"4 l'n.' loon Itcl'I'''' " n''I.1).• ' His leadoTsblIi greatly contributed to : Is the sacred souvenir I bear army, the other one of them being ia , mate eywhol tem the e ev've'' of °I.. the seecess of the attack. Ile died al From the vine -clad hills of France, charge. at Clauthal. At every turn men ieet• 0- . e e • , I me l" •• • .....' t .-'t November 2nd, were subjected to the pettiest of an.. ' se: the Crete. lute been adepled by the 1 '' ' ...... -mem ......., noyances, and then there was brutal- Cernmiseien ne a symbol f :'etristian-; Po el :t let the heel :get in the snow, 't I the throwin ,. of Leefe 'te,• end not of netirretlite. ' ee If'/I.V.' 1 11:M Ite eat snow. For, like a stellar guide that shines O'er life's tough sea of chance, Fore'er within my heart will glow The heart otthat child in France. menTeTTITratarworf!am.r....reoroornse....smumnsasoueernwaant*Moms.........twottemmertmemmemctraurannetimatemagoormsatevemorarrAr.Tormarannoancerzareraleams. C.4 INA" C374- -trj31Es• arfeeteltere NeaL aEtt 1 ten i ••,,N t.',0 ii4 • 1 ul •"-::•e•-•:•••'•-•••••----,,ii•it,d‘Tuliii•5 I rI 'Tnt'firl• 1.0•I-1-1INK ... ese A TOL)41-1 TAIAT cu Li...... . Ic'' ''`Dimg 411\M.' NIi3\e'r' YOUR UNCLE I1 0,11•4< To TA,s 'SOU Our " rote ty TELL •-g yov con c•tAzo‹ eseete•Re 'SOU sieve ittf-TERt.bool4 de CI THIN4.. OF FOR ME, SC'iclE.13';.4M?E' 13 T 4 ..1.1".:-uu ... StAve; im- I'LL bLINO•FOLD tfOtes THEN YOU mum - TRY MO Mtge me. • satisfaction of all concerned. 'Co the Ships. I Everyone tilialithtal rind 11:L• th.4 inaii Jimmy had returned to his place, For es the WaveS alioni. ;Vim leen ! hod lost. the war, met men c•oleedrii That Jimmy proceeded to do to the : sentence?" 0 fear -filled :nights and weary deem. thee "foe it :hurt tirmie meem 5.u' - "Now," continued the teacher, when ' 0 gallant warriors of the eine'. ! would lie lined in the Fet•heelemi. l I see you not its othees ere!. the prompt response of Jimmy: When all along the teenclearate may PIPING Mint 'CBE SIDE "can you find a better form for that Again the vision eeldiA4 to toe immense range in these fateful days," I I I only not ettelt sullen gun--.. "Yes, ma'am, I think I can," was Strained. Leeriest: bows of emel:, A emenees guetont in British Nate. l I do riot see your glittering deck' came aboard Admiral tIeatty's ilatt Sertivieg Thecreelt eitiety Years, • "Richard can ride the mule if the Lurked' hidden form ---the creray: " • , ' 1 That stretell te-day bencettli the sem Mile to sievaege foe imittlitee, tr,•,e. Die When the Ilan Ae m i eel aSi ell me. - mule wants him to." I wrote Dr. Peeltin, in the East 1 And dream of brokeu, floating tit I White, lipilirlied Dives, and SliNt..7-11-l'te.iagri -'ii'•11111Peld Gerle-M1 elithe to be lutereed lie etre neeetoetaie :mitten -am. ,olver,, tee: bit:" .be the . ()meet, "The minds of men have to take an , On Their Knees, and West. "Of none is this more true ; Ofeeededleillog Nv4tta; '''ultt'llit etreCIII- I n'I''' eurl°1''' c''s' ''''' is a s'''''iN1'1 c resentatives at the Peace Conference I A flag gone deem benseten Cm eeepl .91 r 'we' n !!4•)'"`"" e"Ign s"clw te: the old dam. oe melting eltim. tgest -1 1 (I ...a Plop's world's area and population, They ; heart! •1:1‘titie'riZ lltki°1(Z11,1:1141Zrilti."elltrtily.vd'oct:'.. I Mt, NI, It II than of our English people, Om. rep- l bhiaiviteyofiatrthweeilrl-isthigoitiflodnerescituhaertreerspofoltishi; i; I cannot seem. year teen , sr. t ladde.i, tkpi,i,di,rii. grog, do, e „tee]. For one there Wein ChM, bOre my „ ,, ,,,,, , ,.‘21,ii:,ii , 2, I , i,g should be on their knees -all our 1 Yet closed forever nee int 147 ' ."he:',..04,"1,e2)sevislt!tre,•:,:litiv‘, ri.,... 2, tiki 1.0, I great Commonwealth should be on its I I, too, valet heal:. my Imintem pert! I. knees -asking that they may have i! I minuet see portthere etere,et eseht t,sedt. 1 4,,I,hi' I. 'Ii''''' IT ilh. "Iii strength and wisdom to bear rightly ; Beneath your yountry t, pence n , ,,,. , _. „Illge .,,,,,,..2.1i`,1,t .',Iil!,i'd, such a burden." i For evsekri,"o'n aimed soot's breeet. e 'e e 1 Ni7..t•irietalnit: i.oetaiit,ii,i,;10 tt,,IIII lie' . , , . Poe bathing the eyne ellosely fitting; A doomml Alp loone before my- '''llni'Llitl-' r;.''1.'1:1'11'''' -i'''''''''''''''''"1 '''''''''''''t:".""I'.. liorbions flow through thulbes from on I i ably :tented hi his "ellen." oups have been invented into wbSeh eye -au overesend rreeervoir, 4/tar limbos doethe. NyvuhAne,es,ilsOl.0001.111:;.„.;:e57i!Itryt.” eteirritv.9.emeve 111,.1.:Ctt,e:...1)%ivit'lio:.140t?i'll:I; beg cho cups. tic' a viutit, whited.. eignale "hoitg. av,•m, ," len .; anayel ,,p,2,1 Id. pile., '(lie 'Valli. on the Totems:tie 'When the ttenirtle toe 1. -tile' tele plangheliares. st loot, ie intete. r te the Wilts? A geed mile: people meet ARE "(OU REArei'f ? a- oreweruectInktemeteia:reo,Neeelenaknemeeek4 NOT VIET! WHEN 1 COUNT TO Se KUNORED - 'OU NAT bE READY-. ..11e=„vs ter4, eider•Ideed••••• • rtm eogesiMceadieseielliWeeeeelieeiert.issirdede have asked themeteeme thie grotot Oil, and Mr. C, J. Anbei lin in the Deily News suggest ten tone:vote tom with slight modifientiorte, the "Whimmte," at Any rate, :night well be moil its feeders on the tewptiths of Beltebt's reeonetrected State canele, The French Government has made, ceperi- meats already it this very direction, and has found that a light tank eape able of hauling four fully laden barg- es at a speed of two mike an hour, which is about twice that of a hone, Mechanical traction has been employ- ed on some of the German cabala for some considerable time, "The 041*--6--teeguaneete available With en oat *OA do be feat (hi yom over- eteee-Ietitelde. ho-