HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-13, Page 4.- �.,.>�a«•- �:w rte, �._.,._ .:.-..w.a , -.. t�,.,. w., , --,...... �..,.��.-� .,._ . �r,,.. �_,
1 1101111111011111in behalf of the warwarwork of
YUi)C JXit els t�y tl5t the Salvatdun Army. Judge Dickson,
win) iA County ehairum for the •
inovemtnl, addressed Council speak -
1' t7I >n.SY. FE`3RUARY 13. 1919 illg of the splendid work dobe by Sal-
__ ._.. saloon Al my at font and the yawed
assist acre it is gi Viut1- at. the present
time when the soldiers are being
brought bade to rivfliau life.
Huron County Council
Adjt. Ritchie of the Salvation Ar my
Reeve Campbell, of East Wawanosh, supplemented His Honor's remarks,
Chosen Warden. He.ratted :hat one motive for the
present nervewtent wee to reeitlp the
i..'.:r i;: ;;n ••I..cl ,In'rn v Hunt t..[ the iWlueOse lu..sts it had
day 41 h - t ruling 11) big drive of lila
Ltherat 1 . h l'c u , ""u tura in 101'+, 1,b...,, htuldrede
Council h,t'li loll . , (n,,r r, 1.' ens ut , i i n' n. end' of lilt `'; t 1.1'I b of sup•
wan the,iews that Reeve J, of Otitnp. ;.(;'eK anti t owl th.. III l tl dfllint1 iritil(l-altintooyeil
bell, of E'r'a \Vawa"`'", h_td brei !rands u1' the Germans.
chosen aa SVardm fur 1910. 1Vhen A motion to giant 820,00» to the
the ()outwit had been cane,' to order
by clerk Halw rn, Reeve Armstrong, i''ttlyaiiott Amy was re1'la•t•etl to the
'Hallett,in unwed, eennded by Reevel:xt•rutiye Commfitter,
Oricll, P , l:er-utith. that Mr. ('amp• (:. L sluure, 1 '''5e11ting 11 e C,nde-
bell he 15 aadset, This was the only rich li,ut(d o11''HI(, asked the Conn-
nnmirnitf.n, and 11) ""'I'''''11teas "ii to ...tap -at he movement fa,t a
Pi'',, ,':a1 highway passing 1ln ugh
accatdiot:Iv declared elected,
ex-'\'ardeer Ell int t escorted the
Warden -elem. to theeltair and he was
sworn in, by ,Judge Dickson, His
Horror then briefly addressed the
Warden, congratulating him upon
his eleeti a to rite highest position
in the 1;ht. of his follow•Councillors
and ptedieting a splendid year under
his guidance us Warden.
The Warden t honked his colleagues
of the Connell on the honor they had
conferred on hits :td he wnuld spare
no effort in trying to merit their confi-
dence. 10 years ago he when he enter-
ed municipal life, be said, he had no
idea of eeeeiving the \Vardeisbip of
this important County. The \Vtu'den
then -p"kr ttr'ie$y regal ding the
work dolt was 10 Colne before the
Council a:this ses'inn. This would
include some important !natters such
as the appointment of a Manager,
Matron and assistant Matron for the
House of Refuge, important Good
roads legislation, turd other matters,
requiring ra reful attention, and he re-
lied upon the members of the Council
to bring their best judgment to the
consideration of all three matte's.
He hoped there would be harmony
and gond feeling among all the mem-
bers and their deliberations would
have a successful issue.
All the members answered to the
roll call
Communications presented included
the following :—
Frcru W. Bt•ydone, barrister, Clin-
ton, with reference to accident last
year which resulted in death of Reeve
Taylor, of Blyth, and asking Council
to take into consideration a fair settle-
ment of Mrs. Taylor's claim.
From Gaoler Griffin, and asking for
an increase of salary.
From B. Delong, Caretaker' of the
Court house and Registry office, ask-
ing for an increase of salary.
From the Good Roads committee of
Peel County, containing a recom-
mendation in favor of legislation to
charge a frontage tax in connection
with the Good Roads system.
From city of Kingston, seeking sup -
pm t of a petition to Dominion Govern-
ment for deporting all alien enemies
as soon as Peace is declared.
From city of Toronto, in favor of
discontinuance of Provincial war tax,
From Canner! of united Counties of
Dundee,Stormont andGlengarry., i
opposition to the "daylight-savng"
From County of Hastings, with re-
ference to regulating width of wagon
From township Council of Colborne,
with reference to a land settlement
plan for returned soldiers, and sug-
gesting a plan similar to that adopted
by the County of Bruce.
From A, Cantelon, renewing his
claim for damages as a result of an
automobile accident on London road.
There were also the usual requests
for grants to various institutions.
Applications for the position of
County Auditor were received from
the fnllowing :—Frank Metcalf, Blyth;
D. F, McGregor, Tuckeremith ; James
Burros, Blyth ; Capt, R. R. Sloan,
Blyth ; W. E. 'anVelsor, Wroxeter ;
Peter Cantelon, Clinton ; John Fing-
land, Hallett,
alessrs. Fingland and Cantelon were
appoiuted Auditors for this year.
Reeve Armstrong, of Hallett, and G.
W. Holman, County Clerk, were ap-
pointed to the board of Criminal Audit
for 1919,
Standing Committees of year were
appointed as follows :—
Executive—R, W. Livingston, John
Laporte, G. Young, A. E. Irwin, Jas.
Special—M. Armstrong, Wm. Els-
ton, P. F. Doig, Jas. A. Ford, Jas.
Finance --W. Isbister, J. Grieve, N.
W. Tt'ewartha, M, Elliott, N. J,
Education—B. W. F. Beavers, A.
Mitchell, W. Bailie, Geo. Petty, S. T.
Road and Bridge—J. Laporte, J.
Hackett, W. F. Clark, J. Douglas, W.
D. Sittlnd-i's.
County Property --T, M. Davis, Jas.
Armstrong, Alex Neeb,
g' 1 H Crich, J.
Hnnse of Refuge—j. 11, Govenlock,
3. Dalton, H. Crich, A. E. Erwin,
Warden's—R, W. Livingston, W,
F. Clark, M. Armstrong, W. Isbister,
G. Young.
There was a brief discussion of mat -
tees in connection with the County
road system, in the course of which
• Reeve Young, Colborne, took occasion
to criticise the action of last year's
Commit in voting a rebate of 90 per
cent, to towns and villages asseseed
[ander improved Highways measure.
He said this was contrary to the Act
and would invalidate any claim upon
the Province for the 4.0 percent refund
on the amount in rebated to the towns
and villages. He claimed also that it
might work hardship to township
municipalities adjoining a town or
vliinge, citing his own township of
Colborne and claiming that the whole
of any expenditure on the Maitland
River bridge between Goderiah town
and Colborne would be charged up
against Colborne.
Report of S. B, Stothers, the -
County Representative of tite Depart-
ment oftAgriculture, was presented.
Mr. Sto els was In attendance at
the meeting of the Council. • •
Wednesday morning's sittitig was
taken up mainly with the dieeussion
of reports of County officers,
Xn the'afternoon e deputation Wag
Kite•heuer mid SLaaltold to Senora.
This was referred to the Good Roads
Messrs, Clark, Livingston and
Young welt. added to the House it'
Refute eonlwlittee to deal with ap-
phtationF' for Manager, Matron and
Assistant Alai ton.
La and Sanders, that 0010-
11111er be appointed whose duty it will
be to investigate to what extent the
Government would assist returned
heroes of Huron County and report at
June session so that Council could
discuss advisability of tendering
fat titer aid and that. Committee be
composed of 0 members fi oat town•
ships utn,ieipalities and 3 from
nehttn ntunit lir ilties,—Ca-ria1,
Douglas and Dalton, the following
In. Committee as proposed in the
former motion : il'Iesets. Laporte,
Sanders, Young, Livingston, Goren -
lock, Moffatt, Beavers, Ford and Pet-
ty.—Cart ied.
Honse of Refuge Committee report-
ed as follows : We beg leave to re -
pit the following applications for Lie
House of Refage vacancy : John Arm-
strong, \Vingham ; W. H. Ferguson,
Brussels ; G. 11. Bradford, Goderich ;
Albert Sutton, Seafnr Ili ; Janes Rey-
nolds, G"leuieh • Charles Edgar, t'•
r•istnu ; Mr. Aherhart, Seaforth, We
lee wmeu[t that the positions tttmts of
manager and matron of the Rouse of
Refuge be awarded to James Rey-
nolds and wife,
Moved by Crich and Erwin that ap-
pointment be left over to first tweeting
of the House of Refuge Committee in
March and that it be advertised for 2
more insertions in County papers, and
that committee be given power to en-
gage at that meeting whom they
thought most suitable. Lost.
Moved by Livingston and (doveu-
lor.k that the report be left as it is and
James Reynolds and wife be appoint-
ed Manager and lfatron and take
sable positions at once.—Carried.
Laporte and Tratvartha, that he it
resolved that this County Council re-
turn thanks to the Almighty for the
great victory of the Allies on the bat-
tlefields of Europe, and that we
record our appreciation of the gal-
lant Canadian troops who have won
high honors and distinction in the Al -
lief} armies. We also desire to parti-
culaxly emphasize our appreciation of
the gallant manner in which our men
from Howitt County have acquit Led
themselves in places of danger on the
battlefields. They have crowned
themselves with glory and brought
honor to their house county and al-
thoughwe the death
lament t e t of so
manof theta and extend to the be-
reaved our sincerest sympathy, we re-
joice that the cause of Freedom and
Righteousness which they fo (,
has triumphed. At the suggestion of
the Warden this was adopted by
standing and singing "God Save the
John Fingland withdrew applica-
tion for the position of County Audi-
tor and D. F. McGregor, Tuckerstnith,
was appointed instead. The other
auditor is Peter Cantelon, Clinton.
D. Patterson, County Engineer,
submitted his repot% of the. work done
under his direction since the Decem-
ber session of 1918. The orders issued
amounted to $14,580.31.
Report of the Executive Committee
was read and adopted, 11 contained
the following tecnmmendaHon :
Grant of $1000 to the County Child-
ren's Shelter ; 515.00 to each School
Fair in the county ; $2,000 per month
for 11 months, beginning February
let, 1019, to Salvation Army for its
work among the soldiers • $25.00 be
granted to each Spring Seed and live
stock show at Hensall, Clinton, Sea -
forth and Wiegharn ; $23 to each
Board of Agriculture and $10 to each
Women's Institute in the county ; $25
to each Public Library in the county ;
$1,000 to the Wingharn and Goderich
hospitals, to be divided equally ; usual
grants to Continuation schools ; $25
to each Agricultural Society holding
a Fall Fair ; that the ninety per cent,
rebate Io towtry and villages on the
(food Roads levy be tint 'Said, as it
would be departing from the re uire-
tyrants of the. Ant ; $25 to the Huron
Poultry and Pet Stock Aseoeiation ;
in the matter of the claim of Mee.
Neil Taylor, on the accidental death
of her husband, the matter was re-
ferred to the County Road Commis.
sinner to examine condition of the
highway at the point of accident and
if they consider it advisable they be
given power to settle ; $525 be allow-
ed to emelt of the public school inspec-
tors for expense (in lieu of the former
allowance of $350 each) ; $25 to the
Hick Children's hospital ; $10 for
flowers for the 00tt1'% house grounds ;
Do You Want
As the wood purchased by the
town is now being delivered
persons wishing a load are
asked to at (ince ootnrnn,tieate
with 1", S, 3 U7tMunicipal
Clerk and leave their order,
Don't delay,
Payment must be made ae
good as slip with charges is 9re-
made d211c,ous!
things to eat
S'1NAP13Y, Drown cookies, coffee cake
with fruit and spices put in with a
generous hand, pumpkin pie with the
genuine old -tinge flavor, and many
more. All these good things Grand-
mother made with brown sugar. Her
granddaughters can make them just
as successfully to -day if they use
L Jibe
OldFqfhionect Brown
Pure brown sugar gives to baking and desserts the characteristic molasses taste which is
a great improvement to many dishes. Brown sugar, as well as white, should be kept in
the pantry of every household which appreciates old-time goodies.
Brown sugar is economical. It costs a little less per For fear Grandmother's recipes might be forgotten,
pound titan other pure sugars and it flavors as well '1
have reprinted a number of the best of theta it
tale booklet illustrated at the top, We will send it
as sweetens. Grocers sell as much as you wish. to you upon receipt of 2c. stamp.
And Invigorates Old People
Any doctor will tell you that the
ingredients of Vinol as plantedbelow
contain the elements needed to im-
prove the health of delicate children
and restore strength to old people.
!Cod Liver a`lid Beer Peptones, Iron
and Manganese Peptonates, Iron and
Ammonlore Citrate, Lime and Soda
G)ycerophssphatea, Cascarin,
Those who have puny, ailing or
run-down, children or aged pasents
may prove this at our expense.
Besides tlae good it does children
and the aged there is• nothing like
yinol to restore strength and vitality
rb weak, nervous women and over-
worked, run-down men.
Try it. If you are not entirely sat-
isfied, we will return your money
without question; that proves our
fairness and your protection. Mil.
lions of pro-ple'have been convinced
this way.
8150 to the Women's Oorrty War
Committee recommended the fol-
lowing the salaries for the next 2
years :
Jail Officials :—Jailer, $800 (ori in-
crease of $50) ; Matron, $225 (an in-
crease of $25) ; Turnkey $700 (an in-
et'ease) of $50) ; Jail Physician, $120,
House of Refuge Officials :—inspector,
$800 ; Physician, $350 ; Chaplain,
$100; Matron, $400; Assistant Mat -
von, 8300 ; Manager, $600. County
Officials, Warden, $100 ; Treasurer,
51500 ; Clerk 81200 ; Caretaker, $1750
(an increase of 550) ; Road Superin-
tendent, $1000, ($1500 for Good roads
work, $200 for ordinary road work,
$200 for expanses) ; Grown Attorney,
$1100 ; Auditors of County accounts,
$40 ; Auditors of Criminal Justice
Accounts, $5 a day and mileage ;
School Inspectors, each 51300 and $535.
expenses ; Councillors, $5, per day and
Tender for County printing went to
the New Era, of Clinton, 0 being the
for Sale
Comfo, table house and ?T Imre of land for
sale, well located on Pri»oess street, Brueselo,
the property of the lute Rev. R, Paul, Caere's
s n Nan to the course of ti few ,monttla. It
will glean
n cams ranee for someepee er icic and is
in good repair. Pr Malta p lyen for rs.Josion
For c, Witighpe timUlal'H apply to ire Joseph
Pugh, winghnm ; M l'R. H. Paul, Rlnevala ; or
20-tf Boa 102 Orangeville.
For Sale
House end lots, containing 6N Bores, in the
Village of C'rnnbronk, the property of the late
MI's, Agnes Rrown, is offered:for sale. Frame
house, barn, fruit trees, &c. Possession could.
be given of once. For further tarttcalare ap-
Executorsestate to MRS. eof the late Mrs A sties Brown,
Auction Sales
Yr,puENTa, &0,-P. S. Scott, Auctioneer,
has received 1net1 actions from the undersign-
ed Proprietor to sell by Pablio Auction at
South Self Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris, Monday,
February 17th, at 1 o'clock, the following valu-
able property: -1 working team, 1 driving
horse, 1 Silly rising 2 years, 2 oolva in calf.
beef nous, 8 heifers rl-ing 2 years, 8 steers ris-
ing 2 yen re, 4 calve% 0 Menlo pigs, 1 walking
Plow, 2 gang plow,:: cultivators, 1 horse rake
Deering me 1 turn) I rse fh1'r
elu t p r, pe a o harness, 'e 1 cutter, 1st a hnr s
1 sideboard 1 o, o ee heavy mea ,
1 early new
1 orlon seeither, , 1 parloral,stove
nearly new wills 1 e ksnaio wood or oh
r 1
wishing machine, 1 extension table, 1 °burn,
Salo without reserve as proprietor is giving
up farming. Terata: All sums of $5 and un-
der MIMI; over that amount 12 months credit
given on furnishingapproved joint notes, 5
per sent off for caslt oncredit amounts.
&o, -Ir. Scott. er, hes received .
for Ifrom the undersigned sr,-
for ofthe estate o? the lateGeorge Chester
Armstrong, to Bell by Pnblio Anetion at Lot 6,
(Ion 10, Gray township, on Taesdny, February
18th, at 1 o'olook, the following valuable
property:—Roar Estate, -A farm or 166 acres,
more or lexe, consisting of Lot 8 and Part of
Lot0, in the 10th Concession, end Pert of Lot
8 ill the 111h (lone,msion of the Township of
(Grey, County of Boron, This is one of the
best forma in the Township; good soil, well
fenced and drained; two acres of apple orah'
and: cultiv and with the or wooer, All
soder f bush. Bu with the air;exceptionk of n,
acres of bush. Buildings are far; Bank barn,
silo, implement Siute eonl story and n half cement
Brune. Situated only 2 miles from the town of
ltrtsaels G.T. ld. Chattel property :-1
matched team of geldings ? and 8 years old, 1
bay gelding driver (Past! 0 years old, I black
driving mare 7 years old. I yearling colt, 1
gelding 4 yearn old, 6 fat steers end 2 fat heir•
era reedy to Ohio, I registered Durham cow 4
y encs ctrl (Mt ).1 (tour 3,v exits olddae Septi, 1010,
1 now supposedin calf, 1 cow 8 years old due
Meech. In, 1 heifer rising 2 years to calve about
April 1st, 1 farrow cow Holstein 0 years old, 2
1 year old oolvei, 4 younger calve.., 1 2 -year old
Durham bull, registered ymnug hoer, 1 aged
Sale or Rent boar, 1 now with 0 =chore, I Berkshire 0av In
One of the best pasture farms in Grey town•
ship, being Lot 22, Con. 6, containing 1110 titres,
Also my farm at Ethel containing 176 acres, en
easy terns. DAVID MILNl9
Ethel, Ont.
Receipts and Disbursements
and Public
For the year 1918.
Public School
Pupils' fees - $ 2 00
Government grant 118 47
Levy on town 0600 00
Superannuation fund 10 20
Metal, old furnra0 20 00
Teachers' salaries $1810 16
Caretaker's salary 180 00
Fae-Tree's, salary l880 8on
Repairs 26 16
Rebuilding furnace 107 AO
Continuation School
.Pupils fees $ 610 20
Dept. taxam. fees 25 00
Government vent ,.•.r....,,...,r610 211
County grant1070 00
Refund ten0h0r0' ady.• 6 07
$tlperannnation fund 21 89
Levy on town 1000 00
'70anher0' salary $2058 56
Caretaker's salary 180 00
Sea -Tree's. salary..... ................. 20 00
Egan, expenses ,.: 80 71
Rebuilding furnace 179 76
FIM 002 00
Repot eaf rs 07 26
Supplies—����--s07 01
Oertl Bed eorrent,
1N 0,71121iGU$ON l;a,dibors,
N, tP, massy, f
weeks chunks
l 1 6 gesso, about
t reedy0 tRoeplr 7 shoats a (1
g k c', pullets And
erne, 1a bender, drill, mower, Ili' spread, 1 P {ley
tero dee coed we,1 1 ) {tai re spreader, 1 hay
loader, 2 putter, 1 set h2 set double 1 seuiller, ,
A ter s i gutter, 1 baggy a setBugharness,
1 sot vas s
ingle earn HAA, extra net or buggy 01(1(7 ,
DeLs, h era and
otherator new, rants, coneys,
forks, hoes d turniher ps. appol les,
ateboityss, Spring
seed, wheat, t '0 00 ins, 11 11' es, Spring
seed wheat, 1 eteel 1•{111I.e for ltlt.l`ll(+11 (new Dant
$80,) 1 Queen heater, 1 Daisy churn, pails and
other artlnles. The implement/4 are nearly ell
new. Terms of Sale. --Real Estate,- 10 per
cent 0R1I1 o11 (Icy of Hale and a+sunptltnl of
encumbrances, h al reMm•,41 awithout
interest. Salo o jel to dbidand the
approval f the official guardian, Possession
d1 completion of 80. Chettles. nand 0die
der cash; over that amount 9 menthe credit
given oil approved Joint noise, Disoount 4
par cent on eyee dntnty, /10 reserve.
Everything must be molt Farther teems
approver•1 by the OSiofal Gun'dien, made
known on day of Sala E. (4POWELL, Ad-
ministrator. GLADMAN <11 STANBUtf4•,
Exoter, Ont„ Solioltore for the Estate. •
riI,IOtIN'rR,1CtL—F. S. Scott, Audnnneer,
has received Instructions 01 om the old ereign.
ed Proprietor to sell by Pub`lo Auction at
Wee) Ball Lot 20 Con. 11, Gt'ey, wedmeedey,
Pebrnary 101h, al 1 o'a10011, the following vais'
11)15 1'107U y:-1 drOtI 100108 yonr0 old stile
poned in foal, 1 male rising 0 years old. 1 drift
gelding rising 8years, 1 driving mere 10 years
old, 1 gelding tdeiug 1 year draft, 1 heavy Col)
rising 1 year old, 6 SOWS Supposed in calf, 1
2 -year olid helf0r asipposed 1n calf, 20 -veer old
heifers 8SWAre riming 2 yenra old, 1 heifers
rising i years 014.8 heifers rising' t year old, 4
steers rising 1 year,1 steer 1 year old, 2 heif-
ers rising T year, 1 eels and Stites 6 weeks old,
1 young now with pig,. 1 collie dee, about 50
]lens, 0 oo0kerels, 8 dunks; 1 drake, 1 Open hag,
gy, 1 harrow 0011,1 Massey-Tbu•rta mower 816.
sot,1lltchen rnnre 1 Daisy churn, quantity
of seed Margnl0 Spring wheat quantity seed
oats cleaned, quantity seed !.array, quantity of
mixed gratia quantity of feed barley, hen ton
bran, about 280 ibs, oil cal(e, about 400 lbs,
salt, 16 tons hay, about 40 Molts!, potatoes
quantity of turnips, rutting hog with 10 feet;
corrins grinder 8 hell plate, 1 Rot 1 horse
sleighs, to It chain crowbar, ick shovel
K .
W 4 t
n v mention
Sale wiotherOn tress too nnnler o to 1 5
Rale Wm. T lmsrvean umsrl1 0 2 a {man-
ila farm. Terms -.All mums 0E 10 00 and nm
dor wish; it n that amount 1d months aredi0
givon on WS for
0011 n a: edit moot notes,, • 6 •
per Cont afP Por Cosh on al odic amounts.
w. J, $13Al1PEl Proprfetar,'I
11'-l01nxxa, &o. -le. S. Scott, Auctioneer,
has received instructions from Choundersign-
edproprietor to sell by Public Auction at Nk,'
Lot 21, Con. 5, Morris, on O'ri0ay, February
1451, the following valuable property 1-4 mare
0 gem a old can be regletere(l, 1 horse 8 yearn
old, I cow supposed to calve 10 May, 2 steers
fat, 2 heifers fat, 7 steers 1 year Old, 2 heifers 1
year old, 5 steer calves, 2 heifer, calves, 1 Dur-
ham bull 2 years old, 1 sow witle 8 pigs, 1 How
due to farrow, 1 Yorkshire boar 2 ,yea's old, 2
set iron harrows, 1 Melons °ream separator
nearly new, 1bnreel, 1 walking plow, 1 grind-
stone. Sale unreserved at 1 p. fn. Terms $20
end under cash. 9. months credit on approved
joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash on Credit
amounts, JNO, EVANS, Proprietor,
IMPLtMsxme, '1'hoe. Brown, Auctioneer,
has been instructed to sell by Public Auction
at Lot 38, Con, 18, McKillop, on Wednesday,
February191h, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the follow-
ing :-1 !eavy draft brood mere bears old
supposed to be in foal, I heavy draft horse 5
years old, l heavy draft 4 years old, 1 draft
gelding rising 8, 1 draft filly rising 2, 2 draft
fillies ruing 1 year old, 1 good driving horse 5
years old quiet and reliable, 1 aged registered
Durham cow clue to calve Dl arch 11th, 1 regis-
tered Durham cow rising 4 yea's old with calf
at foot, 1 registered Di,rltan cote rising 8lvith
calf at side 2 months old. 1 registered Durham
heifer rising 1 year, 1 registered Durham bull
(Woolalde Victor) 10 months old, 2 cows duo to
calve in March. 1 cow due to calve in April, 2
cows due to calve in 1157, 0 steera rising 2
years weight abort 1,000 lbs., 1heife' rising 2
years old, 6 ealvee rising 1 year old, 1 large
broudsow to litter last of March, 4 pigs weigh-
ing around 110 lbs, hem, !Massey -Harris binder
Wl;n 611801 currier And 110 0, M isany-Harrla
mower at root eat, Massoy-Hsl'rls steel land
roller, Massey -Harris disc 18 inch Plate, Frost
A Wood hay loader, a 10 ft. steel hay rake, 1
Reap manure spreader, Peter Hamll1ou 18
diso [frill, Norton cultivator, John Deere rid-
ing plow, Oliver walling plow, 0 -furrowed
an low, set of iron harrows aosflor, Che-
g gP
sie sanntn moll with good equipment aof
nd sieves, ga bag holder, wagon, a fa 11box and
roll ng bo truck ,1,r,A , 2t hay moll with
rolling bottom, smell rock, 2 gravel boxes, a
Verity g (Mem s),
Brit cutting box lm' •o ize Maxwell root
Peltietop bggy,
tour ng oec 1n good repair, sleighs with cutter.
and bolsters set of good double harness set of
robber mounted sin •1 harness, tri and slim
ropes, set of melee weighing (tenacity 2000 lbs,,
set of °minter scales 240 lbs„ long extension
ladder, 2 galvanized grain boilers, emery
grinder, 1 iron vise and anvil, Galloway robe,
a Saskatchewan robe, horse blankets, a large
post hole augur, spades and shovels, ditching
spoon, wlniiletrees, 8 logging Chains, 8 ensilage
forks, 80 good groin bags, a sap pat, sugar
kettle, 125 stip Pills, an oil]( barrel, 2 galvanized
troughs, 20 -gallon galvanized oil aan, 0 gal, oil
can, Dragnet oream separator, milk can,
Favorite Churn, 2 bed room suites, beds, mat-
tress end springs, Monarch Peninsular steel
range, heater, bath tub, toilet set, hanging
lamp Aladdin lamp, lamps, apple screen, a
quantity of clover hay and some mangolds.
Positively no reserve as the proprietor has
sold his farm, Te1104-91,1on1'hs credit on fur-
nishing approved Iola notes ; discount of 4
cents on the dollar off for wsh. Hay and
tnnngotds cash, 13013T, ARCH/BALD, Prop. ;
Taos: BROWN, Anat{oneer,
Notice to'Creditors
Iu the matter of the estate of Lily Ann'
Paul, late of the Village of Brussels,
ie the County of Huron, widow, de-
Notice is hereby given nusnant to the Revis-
ed statutes of Ontario, Cltap, 101, that all per-
sons having claims or demands against the es-
tate of the said Lily Ann Paul, who (tied on or
about the 20th day of December, 1918, aro re'
Ai117 1k110,1Uo It orthe 16th day of February,
by post prepaid, or deliver
to the undersigned Executrix of the lest W111
andTestament of said dammed, their Christian
and surnstnos and addressee, with full
pnrtloninrs of thole claims, statement
of their
accounts and the nature of the security (if any/
held by them duly verified.
Further take notice that after thelast mon•
tioned date the Executrix of the said estate
will proceed to distribute the emote of the said.
Bemoaned amongst the parties entitled thereto,.
having regardonly to the claims of whioll she
shall then have notice as aforesaid, and said
Exeout('Ix will not be liable for Rich aeaota Or
ally part thereof to any person or persons of
Whose claim notice shall not have been ready -
ed at the time of such distribution.
Dated this 27th day of January, 1019.
T+ateentrtx, Brussels P, 0.
Notice to Creditors
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant tothe
oioimv ognino6 the hestatenof IGeo ge Cheater
Armstrong, Into of tiro To0neht1p of Grey, 10
the ()one fly of Unrollforme', daaeasad, who
died et the Township 01' Grey, on or about the
28t11day 'of December, 1910, avl required on or
before th017th rlay oP. 0ehrnor,y, 1919, bo oetpl
pot-pn14 or deliver to rho undersigned full
pnrtirelllu'n of their Maims drily verified by
Affidavit and the natured the aoatriby, if any,
Reid by tilom.
And further take initial that after the Raid
last mentioned date the assets of the „aid de•
ceased will bo distributed among the pnrtlee
entitled tin. veto having regard only to the
Molina of. which.pot100 5)1011 then have boon
Dated at Exeter thin 27th da f al n
1910. yo J try,
Admiidstraber, Larsen, Ont.
GLAIMAH & $e!ANn11r17, lfxetor, Ont,,
01+8 80101tors for the Administrator,:
)',__F:,1,; , ITm.iUJit t'ALi[41I411nlllAli r. -IA
A Tillie To Be Cautious
11 IN n0 doubt 11 time to he cautious,
lIIll' it 19 possible to be over eIllt1 llS.
'{'here is 110 rr00015 wily d mils should -
leavi• 1t IH ill nIry 00 de11,11,1t whCil he '
tr.a111 • e', i 01 ,.1 itlt ant! 010x13' .
0 l,t,ltil ,. n illlie 1)t 1 it in
ii1fo.t,. i..'cirpor Itiefl rilq%d DLbentttres
,' 1101 p.esenr time, Mortgage corpor-
ation ;it-'„ i)ebenturea feenttt profitable
and safe investment fort idlo money.
toterest a1 5,:'; is payable in rash on rho day ft Is
due. t'rinel pal 1,1 rile date agreed upon, • •
The busy} or hnevperlenrrd Investor has pa worry,
no watching of %,dues and markets. Ills serprity
never shrinks.
Not a dollar lac ever been 1,01 by en Investor in tlleeo
An Interentlne booklet about "i'ROFT'ES FROM
SAYINt.ii," NS. NMI {fives calla very valuable advice,
Will be cent Immo all 1'Cr11n'ol, Write !ix It lo•clay.
Paid up Copan, and S''arp a Funds • - 13.362,378.63
, �'4
1,,,,y cot
p11 • AR-.ANCE-
I A..E • . ... All .N
Branch Offices:
„hl -!t• N ^5J'tMII.R.'f.RNM1.VM1
,f n"m'=t�-'q•(".v-J+k-i`Ii
:,,,' . ,K9`,71 -' UNMAN
�r a^sags! tW e a�,v
nem �-•'F'y
—1919 --
JAMS 4.00
FEB,14 4.01
MAF{.$ 4.02
MAY $! 4.04
JUN1:44.0 -
J U LY S 4.0
� ea f1
e °
the Figures
Notice how the cost --and the
cash value—of the stamp tamp
vances each month until, on the
1st dayof January,1924,the
Dominion of Canada is pledged
to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S.
i,..,iT7213'Qj,tl G S 15 .•/
4}00.00•b 4444 4.00. 4.0 0•0 0• b@• 0.00044440444 04400011.03)'►04441 •
, 10
Went. 1'0 the city to get employment The first one reported "I was
placed in excellent !Cart{ m the next' c} after ar '
pia anposition ay L I rived, in the
city," The other brought back an evil 1epm't, and said "There are no
positions there. If yon want a positiou you have to bay it"
The first was a graduate of the Genteel Business College and the other
was not. • We train Dur pupils so we KNOW we can place them in
good positions when they graduate.
Stratford, Ont. and Wingham9 Ont.
000to14.Rd1010104 A105 5'
ea -
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamer:.
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We ilrrttrnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press (Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay
,ment of your Cream twice each month, pay
.able at par at your Bank,
'Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
;will not want to discontinue,